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That was a big deal for me to let mine go. I was expecting a bishopric phone call as soon as it ran out. Crickets. Guess they aren't keeping track?


Me too! Mine went last September, and by that point my eq pres and bishop knew my stance and I've heard nothing. It's been great.


My bishop mentioned it in passing at the beginning of the month, I'm hoping he'll forget but I'm not renewing it if they ask/insist


Oh they won’t forget. You can count on that.  “Hey thanks for the reminder. I am not looking to renew my temple recommend right now. When I need a current temple recommend I know who to contact. Until then I’m good.”  That could elicit a request to meet with the bishop.  “Hi, could you please let me know what the meeting with the bishop is about?” [I don’t know, he just requested I set up the meeting. You’ll find out when you meet with him.] “Ok, I’m very busy and I don’t take meetings unless I know the topic of the meeting. I won’t be able to make a choice on whether I can attend or not because I don’t have any information about why he needs to speak with me. Thanks.” Now you can expect a call from the bishop or he might catch you in the hallway.  “Hey bishop, no actually I do not have time today. Ah, you want to ask me about a temple recommend? I told your executive secretary that I don’t need to renew it but if I need a temple recommend that I know who to contact. Thanks for understanding.” Or just say fuck off I you choose the path of war. 


Stay strong. I've decided I'm not ever doing a bishop interview again or a stake president. I've had it, but they are so persistent the only option is to go inactive. they will run you out to the car for an interview, and I'm thinking are you getting some hedge fund stock? why are you doing this?


I intentionally let mine lapse, quit tithing, and quit attending all at different times. Each was a meaningful milestone for me. Congrats!


That's how I felt when mine expired 3 years ago. I got one email from the ward clerk reminding me that it had expired. I never responded and nothing has been said since then. Ahhhh. Feels good.


You should go to the temple. One last time. I don't remember my last time. I think it would have been beneficial for me to know during my last session that I would never again return to the temple.


I decided that my sister's wedding was my last time attending the temple. My hope was that I could leave it on a somewhat pleasant memory even if I didn't believe it anymore.


Did they already Photoshop Satan's face out?


Last time I went was pre covid. Then my faith crisis hit and I couldn't get myself to go. Now I've removed my name from the records 🖕 But I would definitely be interested in going again now after having my eyes opened. Take back some of the power it had on me. Maybe sneak in something sinful just cuz, like leave empty airplane sized vodka bottles in the dressing room. Ask some workers some serious questions. At the same time NO THANK YOU! Never again 🤮


I’m a nevermo dating an exmo so I admittedly don’t know much but I do love how a temple rec and subsequent ticket is very similar to getting an entry pass at Disney


Oh man! Thanks for the reminder. Mine and my wife's also expire tomorrow! We last attended church in January this year but haven't been to the temple since more than a year ago.


Iv never renewed mine since I got married, no one has ever mentioned anything to me in over 5 years. I highly doubt anyone will say anything.


So tomorrow you will be deemed unworthy to enter polygamy heaven.. 🍻cheers!


I’m not ready to share my beliefs (and lack there of) with anyone other than my husband rn, and my FIL is in the stake presidency and our ward and I’m super nervous about him finding out and how I’m going to deal with that when mine expires this summer.


Have they already told you that you'd have to meet with the stake president now. Its just too fishy for someone to let their recommend expire. I just think little rules like this are hilarious. They think the are such detectors of bullshit they can't even smell their own. ha ha.


Welcome to outer darkness.just kidding, I bet it feels great. It's really fantastic.


Mine expires end of next month. I’ve never purposely let one expire. During times when I wasn’t “worthy” to hold one, I diligently yet patiently “worked” toward getting back to that worthiness. Tbh: my biggest concern was that there’d be some sort of disaster that could be survived if I could be inside the temple, then at least I’d have a recommend to be admitted. 🤷🏼‍♀️ There was nothing ever there for me: no feeling of peace that I couldn’t feel any place else, no feeling like some type of deity was close by, no closeness of or messages from dearly departed family members, not even my son. I’m wondering what action, if any, my bishop will take. I hate confrontation. I like my bishop. I just don’t want to do this anymore.


I’m similar. When mine expired, I got a text from the Secretary to set up a meeting to renew it. I replied No thank you. Then my wife went in to renew hers. The bishop asked her about me. She said: you’ll need to ask him. And the bishop hasn’t spoken to me since.


I burnt mine before it could expire. Then it became my choice for dumping them for failure to meet my standards. Ha, I never even articulated that until now. I don’t think I could have when I did it. Edit:typo


Mine expired two months ago. And my husband is the bishop.




Milestone moment. Congratulations!


It’s a sign from god that he wants you to remove your records from the church


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Glum_Faithlessness79: *It’s a sign from god* *That he wants you to remove* *Your records from the church* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I remember my last visit to the temple, 5 months after I stopt attending church. All I can remember is how angry I was sitting there, watching all those holier than you people, getting mental orgasms just from being in the most boring two hours in their pathetic lives. It was too much for me. To many lies, to many inconsistencies, to many from masonry stolen references. What a load of crap. I never really got exited going to the temple, and always thought I wasn’t spiritually enough. Then I knew it was al just a very lousy freakshow. Never missed it one second.


Nice! Enjoy the freedom! Mine expires in October. I don’t want it renewed, but I’m still PIMO!