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By her own logic and reasoning, why should any mother be taking advice from her? She's a woman, and should have gotten her husband to post this while she stayed in the kitchen where she belongs. /s


I’m surprised that she doesn’t share her account with her husband. How dare she have her own account? 😤


Spouses who share social media accounts are so creepy


All of my TBM married relatives do that. I think it's their way of tracking each other.


"Keeping each other safe."


my grandparents do it. but only cause they are not tech savvy and don't really want to have social media. They only have it to stay updated on family matters.


Nah, they just never got away from the missionary mindset. Police everything….. or one of them cheated. 😁


I heard someone say,once, when told a couple had a joint FB, "So which one of you had the affair?"


But of course by mormon standard the “affair” was probably just having a few Facebook friends who were of the opposite sex and single


I shared an email with my ex wife. It was great because I never missed emails, it was like having a secretary. It was her secret email address that ended up being problematic....


Rules for thee but not for me


Why, I'd be surprised if she didn't post it from her very own phone! The nerve!


I bet she also has input in conversations her husband is having. the heathen


Funny, the bible also tell husband's to submit to their wives. Why don't people just read the entire passage?


They follow the parts they want. In her case, I would assume that she just wanted a reason to disown her daughter so she wouldn’t have to deal with her “rebellious behavior” anymore. But that’s just my opinion 🤷‍♀️


Didn't we outlaw slavery in 1865?  This is a screwed-up, cultish mindset.


Sadly, this sentiment is also widely believed in evangelical christian circles as well; it's not just a mormon thing.


It’s disgusting


UHG So, when I first tried to tell my parents I wanted to leave my husband (without giving gory details of the abuse), both of them said that I “needed to stay by his side”. It took a complete break down and me crying and completely losing it to my parents about wanting to kill my self before they decided maybe staying with him wasn’t a good idea… Thankfully mom got it. My dad is just a jerk. Though he had no problem actually throwing me away and out of his life not long after I remarried.


That’s horrible, I’m so sorry. 😔


Haha, no I’m sorry. This hit a nerve. This mindset is crazy and unfortunately so true in some cases.


I can’t believe that anyone would think that it’s okay to shun/disown their own children for wanting to leave an abusive spouse. It sickens me.


It’s absolutely disgusting. I don’t know if those people truly think it’s okay or are just trying to keep face and make themselves look better…


My older brother and sil thought I was a man hater when I divorced my first husband because of abuse. What a totally stupid thing to assume. My brother finally shut up when I told him the specifics about my ex's anger and hitting walls next to my head. When he finally listened, he got really quiet. Never said a word after that. It still pisses me off that he didn't really listen to me at first and it shouldn't have taken him so long to get a clue. But that's why I've disowned him. He's an asshole. You should never be afraid of your spouse. I left shortly after that fight. I knew it would get worse because that's all I ever heard. It never gets better. At least my mom and older sister had a clue and were proud of me, telling me that I was smart with making that decision. Even though I have disowned my brother, he still has to eat his words. I have a wonderful husband now and a son. My brother is pretty disgusting when he said he liked my ex because it made him look better. Like wtf is that type of thinking? That I don't understand, but I also don't need to. I'm not married to him. It just shows how much of an asshole he can be at times.


Good for you to be able to remove that toxicity of your brother from your life. That behavior and mindset is just not okay. It’s also wonderful that you had support from your mom and sister. Very happy for you to have a great husband and son and to be in a loving family now. ♥️


I am very thankful for them.


I think they think that it makes them look like a good little follower and that they follow everything that the Bible says and obey God’s rules. It’s gross.


Sadly, this happened to me just a couple years ago, with my very own mother. Even marital rape wasn’t enough for her to support me leaving my ex. I am completely no contact with her, now.


That’s so terrible, I’m sorry. 😔


Thank you 💜 It’s been a crazy few years, but I have a great therapist who specializes in religious trauma/deconstruction, and “chosen family” who have supported me through it all.


That’s awesome, I’m glad that you are doing a bit better and found people who support you. ❤️


You are a brave woman. I hope you have daughters as they have learned how important it is to look after yourself. You are an amazing role model and you did it with no support.


I used to read her Twitter feed pretty regularly. Reading between the lines, it is clear that her husband is an abusive monster and she's turned her victim hood into a whole lifestyle. Her misery clearly wants company.


Is that The Reformed Wife? Kinda looks like her profile picture. She's a right wing nut job


Transformed Wife


She is probably the worst person on the Internet. (She's quite well-known over at /r/fundiesnarkuncensored.) Every hot take of hers is utterly misanthropic, misogynistic, and homophobic.


Fuck this asshole.


"Turn her away firmly and tell her to *hearken* *unto* her husband." There, fixed it for the mormon parents.


Who's censoring The Transformed Wife's name? It's a very well-known account.


I asked my dad for a father’s blessing as soon as I knew completely that I had no choice but to leave my abusive marriage. His blessing: “I hope you know what you’re doing, because none of us support you.”


1.2 k likes???


I think the 1.2k likes are on the quote tweet, not the original


Yeah, it's a screenshot.


I know, right? Crazy.


🤔What kind of Sister Cindy and Transformed Wife gaslighting shit is this? 🤯


WTactualF did I just read?!?


Why are some people so absolutely stupid??




This is why I’m thankful for the parents I have, they may not have gotten everything right, but they did get most of the big things right. In my case they were literally waiting on ME to tell them I’m done with my ex and to come get me.


Yeah, I’m glad that my parents weren’t super controlling in that way either.


My mom grew up in a very abusive house and wanted so much better for her kids, and in some ways that meant not forcing church on us.


My mom had been previously married to an abusive man, so she would never force me to stay with someone like that. Thankfully, all of us had left the church before I was even 18, so I wouldn’t have to experience this. My mom is one of the most supportive people I know and always has been thankfully. Especially when it comes to relationships.


OMG, I hate when people favor their own notions over cries for help from a loved one. People don't like to admit their perception of someone is wrong. This protects abusers so many times. PSA: Many people are different behind closed doors. Believe victims.


Even though my parents are TBM, they had my back when I was divorcing. My dad's response, "He had a goofy last name anyway." 🤣 I love you, dad. I'm grateful they aren't hateful people like that lady.


My dad did this, and I would have killed myself if my mom hadn’t intervened and saved me


My dad actually did this within the last year. His actual words were, “unless he gets someone else pregnant, or beats you regularly. You have no right to leave.” Which is weird in this day and age. But note the wording. Cheating was fine, just not fathering other children. Hitting could’ve been fine as long as it wasn’t a regular thing. Strange world out there


Probably because polygamy is only wrong if you live in a place where it's illegal. Otherwise, it's still very much a part of their doctrine. That's why men can be sealed infinite times in the temple and women can only be sealed once.


This woman never met my ex-husband. She really needs to good hit with a reality stick.


Never in a million years would I do that


This is pervasive in the Christian Fundamentalist community. If you haven't watched Shiny Happy People on Prime (many possible triggers for exmormons, so take it slow) you need to. The Christian Nationalists have been working hard to take over the country. Go Vote!


Not agreeing with post ... HOWEVER, tbm in laws are quick to overinvolve themselves when church questions come up. I literally lost a marriage because my tbm ex was "saved" from my church doubts. 🙄🙄 I would have loved for them to say "it doesn't sound life threatening" go back home, figure it out.


I’m so sorry that happened to you.


If you were submitting to YOUR husband, I doubt you would be so vocal on social media Hard /s


Less than a year into a marriage and my daughter was experiencing emotional and verbal abuse. She did not tell us what was going on until she decided to leave him. My response? Get the hell out. Now.


Going to be pretty lonely in the old folks home.


I don’t know any faithful member of the church who would say something like that. This women is mentally ill.