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How often does he do it? Once a month? A couple times a year? If so, he’s definitely addicted and will need to seek church approved therapy. Give it time and it will turn into something worse like a hard drug addiction.


is this a joke lmao? i just said it wasn’t to an addiction level. just for fun a few times a year, i just thought it was funny damn


That person was joking. It was a commentary on the strict control TSCC church puts on its members to the degree that innocent fun needs to be stamped out.


Indeed a joke. Was making fun of the church’s ideas on addiction.


Slippery Slope my friend... pretty soon he's gonna be trolling back alleys looking for cheap heroin /s All joking aside, It's awesome that your pops can separate the church from a very small and likely very harmless bit of fun. Hopefully he can take that kind of attitude into the bishops office and isn't too hard on the other congregants who "struggle" with their little vices as well.


Haha good ole’ roulette. Is he online gambling or actually going to casinos?


So I was driving from Wendover NV to Salt lake on a Friday night. Eventually heading to Denver. The amount of traffic going to Wendover was like rush hour.


Nothing wrong with that. I used to attend 49er games on Sunday as a bishop. There were a couple games where I jet out after sacrament to make the noon game. I took my sons with me so the wife didn’t care cause it was bonding time. Because of my profession members just thought I was gone cause of work


Hilarious !!! Definitely continue observing him and the things he says and does. Learn from him on how to not live your life a contradiction.