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Call the Kirton McConkie law firm. 801-328-3600 and ask for the LDS sexual abuse hot line. Tell the young attorney who answers the phone that you are being harassed by this specific missionary. (Give his name and phone number). That you will be contacting the local newspaper with copies of his text messages to you which are offensive and explicit. That if it doesn't stop in 24 hours you will be filing a lawsuit against the Mormon church for sexual harassment by one of its representatives.


👆🏾 this


OP, please be careful. There are sexual predators working as Mormon missionaries. Example: https://floodlit.org/a/a498/


Block him


i was going to and i will but id like to report him first and get all the chats


Screen shot all of them before he deleted them.


You might say You spent hours in Prayer and a vision/impression came to you that you two knew each other in the Pre-Existence and he wanted you to wait for him on earth so you two could marry - and you told him NO. And now the answer is still NO. If he keeps bothering you file a police report - if really bothered get a restraining order served on him. Do it through the mission home and that will nail his ass to the wall with his superiors.


Call the cops, press charges for harrassment, and pursue a restraining order. We all know that if you take the ecclesiastical route, it'll get swept under a rug somewhere. The best you can hope for is that the MP tells his young elder not to take the sacrament for a week or two. Put the consequences of his actions in his face.


At this point, report him to the police. They can’t do anything for you, but you’ll want to have a record of him starting to stalk and threaten you.  When you locate the MP and the bishop in his area (always CC at least 2 people so they can’t just deny it), you can send them the police report. 


that’s smart i just don’t know how to find the mission president


Start by looking through this list of all missions, and figuring out which one you’re in. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_missions_of_the_Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints


thank you!!


If it helps, here’s a meetinghouse locator tool to find the local bishop: https://maps.churchofjesuschrist.org/


Reporting him to the MP probably won’t do much. I would just block and forget


I've been home from my mission for about 6 years. Unless something's drastically changed in that time, a report to the mission president would definitely be beilnificial. I had 3 mission presidents, and none of them would have hesitated to send someone home for behaviour like that. This [Mission Map](https://missioncall.app/worldmap.html) should help you find what mission you live in. Find that mission in [this mission list](https://www.mymission.com/lds-missions) and you can see the name of the mission president, address of the office, etc. Should be a helpful start.


unfortunately u are probably right. i’ll probably make a police report instead because he did end up threatening me


This person needs to learn this behavior is scary, unacceptable and has consequences and a police report is the first and safest step! best of luck to you!!


Don’t just let him continue, he’ll just find a new victim. Pursue legal consequences.