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> Probably better to just use Quit Mormon? I would. Contacting an unknown bishop in an unknown ward is nothing but falling in their traps to try and keep you in (and collecting your money, of course). With QuitMormon you fly above all that and get free without all the unnecessary drama.


Thanks! I printed out the letters. I still own a home in that neighborhood and know that Bishop. Funny enough, this is the first time they ever reached out to me in years. Odd that I was only a couple houses away and never bothered to check why I wasn't attending. (Not that it would've changed my mind)


I heard that Wells Fargo provides free notarization services for their clients.


Why would they still collect their money, they’re obviously not paying tithing as they haven’t been going at all. And show no interest in going and giving their 10% 🙄


Church guilt is strong with this one.




I used Quitmormon and so much easier.


I'm so sorry. The missionaries came yesterday, asking for me by name. I stopped attending 9 years ago. I'm still heartbroken. The SEC filling hit me so hard. Even after all this time. You know what I miss? Posting for my children who are really struggling, and knowing that a loving heavenly father will answer my prayers about them. I'm sorry it was hard. It was the right thing. You did the right thing, even though it's breaking your heart.


Thank you. I haven't been for over 4 years but it was still incredibly difficult writing the words out. Shed a few tears as I gave one last "Mormon prayer" to see if it was true. But now that I now have printed resignation letters I am filled with peace.


I want so much for you to have peace. It is peaceful to leave. Now we can be who we've always wanted to be.


I moved during Covid, and then found out church history and the problems with truth claims of the church. This is why I used QuitMormon. I didn't want to deal with moving my records and going through a strange bishop to get my records off the church. it was a minor pain to get the paperwork notarized, but worth it. Interestingly, when getting the paperwork notarized, I ended up having a conversation with the notary. She had notarized the QuitMormon papers before, and eventually said, "If the Mormon church doesn't want to appear like a cult, they shouldn't make people go through this." She was really nice, and it was kind of cathartic to hear an outsider's opinion on the process.


Don’t give them your new address.


"No, thanks. There is no reason to put you guys through the hassle of transferring records. I'm fine with handling through my old ward."


From what I've read elsewhere on r/exmormon, unless you engage an attorney such as via [QuitMormon.com](http://QuitMormon.com), "The Church" will require you to deal with local authorities who will give you the run-around in an attempt to stall your request.


Way to kick the can down the road. Lol.


Indoctrination is so invisible that it's hard to fully grasp how many variations of experience it covers. Primary taught you to go and do, to obey parents, to respect your bishop, and to follow the prophet. Sending a text to the bishop with the ultimate contravention of that taboo is going to make you feel like you're the wicked Laban inside the city gates. Experiences that repeat frequently desensitize more quickly. Staying home from church each Sunday is a great example. By the time COVID restrictions lifted, most Mormons had the opportunity to evaluate whether life ended without sitting on a hard bench each week to listen to men drone and toddlers cry. It's not surprising that was a catalyst for so many journeys out of Mormonism; if this central part is worthless, what else could I leave behind? This text is one more piece of evidence that you aren't going to be struck down for going against Mormonism, but it will take so many more before something as simple as this text doesn't trigger the feeling that your eternal soul is in danger. You can help that day along by recognizing the reaction as a reaction and choosing to respond with the direction you want your life to go instead of taking the reaction at face value. In other words, it's a sadly normal experience for people healing from Mormonism.


I changed my records as a trick and resigned on the very first sunday. Bishop had no idea who I was. It was actually great, no gossip or drama and no trying to convince me to stay, because he didn't know me! In your case I would just use quitmormon. Because transferring records can get a biiiit dicey.


I used Quitmormon.org. It gets better, friend. Congratulations on this brave decision. As my old Mormon self would say, “this decision will bless you and your family”. Seriously, congrats!


It's not even a matter of convincing you to stay in. If they get your new address you will NEVER hear the end of it.


Why is it hard? Well. leaving a religious organization is a significant and often challenging decision. Whether you choose to use QuitMormon or handle the process yourself, I suggest to be clear and firm in your communication. Best of luck !


no. is no, but from the sounds of it, quit mormon is tool to do it properly, so they have no legal reason to not


Remove them!!! They are gonna try to convince you!!!


Text back and say, Yes we actually do live at the address you have. remove our records and never talk to me again.


Instead of exing people Just remove them w permission