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Both actresses who play the Sisters, Sophie Thatcher and Chloe East are -ex Mormon. I just both learned this and that this film is coming out. ![gif](giphy|UHxqxhDhN8Huw|downsized)


Can’t wait for all the Mormon Karen’s to whine about it, going to be fun!


My cousin's wife had heard complaints about it Tuesday before I had even watched the trailer itself. Amazing how fast the sewing circle/Relief Society enforcers get around.


This will bring the public into the know of how dangerous missions are along with how naive missionaries generally are. Missions are not a safe place. With the reduction in age, it exacerbated the safety issues even more.


I remember one talk: “we were in between gunfire between 2 gangs but survived! Thank you god.”


I've always wondered about this. I'm a never Mormon, and always thought it was a bit dangerous sending really young sheltered kids off to knock on randos' doors.


It will be great! For some reason I’m thinking a good twist would be for it to be the Q12 watching on hidden cameras studying how missionaries respond to different situations to see how they can change conversion tactics. Hugh could be a GA himself.


lol that would be pure gold


I feel like writing a screenplay lol


Even according to the trailer, this weird idea that as long as there’s another person of the same gender in the house, you’ll be safe? Maybe time to investigate that. Although, if this movie premise had happened in my mission, the missionaries would have been blamed and chastised for not following the spirit to avoid the house. However, we also had a hard and fast rule that you “knock every door, every time” when you were tracting a street. So, they did what they had to do. Thus… I will absolutely be seeing this movie.


Their homecoming talks are going to be epic!


Hopefully it helps Mormons wake tff up about offering up their teen daughters to traffickers who make them sell themselves on the streets on behalf of a billionaire boys club


Mission nightmares will intensify. 😂


I'm going to buy blueberry pie-scented candles for all my favorite TBMs for Christmas.


https://fb.watch/s_7ugSI77P/?mibextid=GUCpT2 Here’s the trailer!