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Doesn’t look like a sacrament meeting, but still odd to see in a Mormon chapel


Then they shouldn't be in the Chapel.


😂 it really doesn't matter. None of it matters.


It's all made up and the points don't matter.




It never was allowed in the chapel when I was a mormon, but that was a couple decades ago. It would have to be elsewhere for there to be clapping, like the gym/cultural hall.


Granted I left in around 1985..but back then, absolutely no clapping or cheering. And no pants on women. I wonder if they’ll let me in when my 92 yo mom passes. Because I’m not buying a dress for her funeral. I have a nice pair of dress slacks and jacket I wear to funerals. I don’t even own a dress. (Lest anyone wonder, CIS white old atheist lady, married 49 years with 4 kids..just hate dresses….)


One of my parents passed away this year and I wore slacks. I did think it rather hilarious that I was allowed at the pulpit, as well as siblings with names removed and transgender grandkids. It was awesome!


Love that! I especially love that your branch of the family loves and accepts everyone, regardless of how they identify. ♥️


CIS old white agnostic guy here, and I'll be wearing a kilt this coming weekend, so maybe that will make up for your lack of dresses :) Full disclosure, I wear them all the time during the summer when I'm at Ren Faires :)


I wore pants to church frequently the last few years I attended (I am a woman, and this was 10-15 years ago).


I wear pants to church regularly. You’ll be fine!


Damn. I was kinda hoping to scandalize the whole ward. Especially my brother. He’s the eldest, only son and my sister (also exmo) and I refer to him as AO. The Anointed One. And of course, the entire ward still refers to him as “Bishop” even though he only did it for a few years and that was long ago. He’s a good Mormon, headed for his celestial kingdom. Whilst me and my sister will be drinking margaritas with all our friends in outer darkness. I’m sending a margarita machine there ahead of my arrival😁😇😂


When I first joined in 2004, there was a Christmas fireside with several non-LDS musicians. After the first couple of songs ending with young people about to cry because of the silence at the end of their performance, the Stake President announced that we could clap.


"cultural hall" baffles me, why do they call the gym that? Im a nevermo


There often is/was a stage there too, so the hall could be for basketball, or for plays and performances back when there used to be culture to experience.


Those days are sooooo far gone.


Yeah when I was a member they said if there’s gonna be clapping and cheering- you set up chairs and do it in the gym


Pretty sure the "no clapping in the chapel" rule was formalized in a manual somewhere?


There are several people at least at this meeting with missionary name tags. Any idea what city this is? The guy who takes the podium at the end has a missionary tag too. Behind them is a video screen with someone in a publicity shot like pose. Makes me think this performer is famous in their region.


I know it's Brazil but that's about all I know.


There’s your answer. Clapping for performances outside of sacrament meeting was very common. In most church buildings in Brazil, the chapel and cultural hall are the same room, not just connected by an accordion wall.


It’s the chapel next to the Lisbon Portugal Temple. Funny enough, I served in that mission and served the three wards that meet in that building for the last 6 months of my mission in 2021. That is Nathan Pacheco performing in the chapel and my former mission president President Barcelos at the stand. damn no wonder I recognized people in the congregation😂


I’m pretty sure that’s Nathan Pacheco (idk how to spell his name). I was in a mormon symphony in high school and we performed with him a lot. I’m guessing it’s some sort of devotional or performance based on the candles




yep! that’s the one!


Fireside meetings rules (and chapel rules in general) are becoming much more lax. Sacrament meeting is still a snooze fest where emotions are not allowed.


>emotions are not allowed Except for crying


The amount of tears shed directly relates to the trueness of the testimony. Sky daddy drinks those tears like little caprisuns. Now give him your money to buy another mall or Zoom or whatever he's in the mood for that day.


Except for emotional manipulation


Look at us. We're totally normal Christians! See we clap and cheer. Totally normal 🤣


Evangelical Christian nationalist churches cheer and clap for right wing political issues.


Yikes 😳


Were those real candles?




There's only one principle in Mormonism and that is obedience. When Boyd Packer was alive there was no cheering in chapels. Not a chance. And he pretended that "reverence" was core doctrine, fundamental to the operation of the Holy Ghost, which in turn was fundamental to the operation of Revelation and the Atonement. You want to clap in the chapel? You might as well drive the nails into Jesus's hands yourself. In reality of course the only doctrine is obedience. Whatever they say is "truth". The doctrine of chastity? It includes f****** your wife and your 14 year old daughter without your knowledge. The doctrine of repentance? Doesn't apply if you've had the second anointing and your wife is washed your feet with her hair--your salvation is assured and you have no more need of repentance. And on and on. They could come in and declare the most well known unique word associated with us, a word that generations of prophets have been proud to hold up as our identifier, and declare that speaking it aloud is a victory for Satan. And the members was eagerly nod their head an alter their vocabulary immediately. There's only one principal and that is obedience.


Sooo irevrrent!


Hey look, 👆 there goes the spirit!


Mormon funeral? Celebrating how lucky the deceased is?


Good lord lol


Jesus Christ! I am so fortunate that is not my life path anymore....


At 8 seconds there is a hymnal page reminder board on the wall, has to be a chapel.


Those can be in Relief Society rooms too.


We had community events in the chapel where non-members would clap


Evangelical churches do that. Maybe to be more like other “Christian” churches?😏


Not very reverent bro


Mormon churches outside of the white American (especially Utah-centric) church is different in my experience. At least Brazilian and and Caribbean branches / churches are. At the Caribbean branch I served in as a missionary, the meetinghouse was truly a social center. Outside of church there were parties and weddings and dances, laughing and even clapping in the chapel, dances for adults even, with DJs and loud music late into the evening, and dancing that would cause Rusty to stroke out and Joe Smith to suddenly want a few more wives. It's really the puritanical Mormon culture that emanates from Utah that is ruinous.


I love it. Yeah, I figured this was a cultural-difference thing.


Cheering, ok , but burning CANDLES!!!! That was never allowed. That shocks me more than the cheering, whistling and clapping (which was NEVER allowed even for fireside’s)


What's with all the candles?  Who do they think they are, Catholics??


Is he singing Turandot? If so, and he nailed it, I don't think they can help but clap. I think even Oaks would feel compelled to applaud.


Sounded to me like the end of O Sole Mio.


Mormons showing emotions!?!


My favorite story about Nathan Pacheco is this. We had just moved to Nashville and I was asked to speak I sacrament meeting. (This was years ago) I’m newly married and pregnant at 22. Sat next to this pleasant young man and 100% thought he was a sweet boy returning from his mission. Had a little chat, “oh did you just get home from your mission”? Nope…felt a bit embarrassed. After sacrament my husband asks do you know who that is? I went home and looked up his name. Watched him sing his heart out. He can sing!!!


I have been to music recitals in the chapel and clapping was appropriate and encouraged.




Mother is rolling over on her grave


I went to a testimony meeting in Cleveland, Ohio and it was more like a Southern Baptist meeting. Lots of converts. Lots of “hallelujah” & “amen”. Random singing. It’s the most awake I’d ever been in a chapel. Haha.


It's rare but not unheard of. In the 80's-90's we attended a religious evening concert, in a mormon chapel in northern Utah County, and clapping was encouraged by leadership.


Bishop roulette with a side of clapping


Also never seen Nessun Dorma performed in a Mormon chapel. Everything about this is weird. Need additional context.


I recall stuff where the church deliberately discouraged the more radical displays, historically, and while growing up.. ![gif](giphy|oNmO06JNhnNtGk08Nr|downsized) I feel old .. Was I really one of the last "sit down and shut up"??


I've been out 10 years, it was still boring white bread then too. There have been a lot of cultural (last few years) changes that boil down to "look at us, we're normal christians just like you!": The cross is no longer shadow-banned (the church replaced the angel moroni with it on google maps), relaxed clothing requirements for members and missionaries, and relaxed behavioral worship standards. Just recently someone posted a video of what can only be described as a christian rock concert at the MTC, including a heavy baseline and people clapping and yelling! Never would have happened in my day (late aughts).


Indeed, one can only pretend quiet reverence is the norm over joyful noises as long as one is in a society of quiet reverence. Restoration gospels seem to have done whatever they want, including the Mormons, till the other denominations started loosing memberships to age... ![gif](giphy|JN0IjHzKJpGfK)


That looks like fun church. Or at least "more fun" church.


Here in Brazil, in my ward, there was a time when a visitor came, and she really liked a speech, she stood up and clapped, the rest of the congregation in that silence, just watching... it was very embarrassing. I never saw this visitor again.


So, the guy is a classically trained tenor and wants to exploit mormons for his own gain. “Buy my album” he says. So what’s unusual? You’re lucky they didn’t bring a horse with a dog in a tutu riding him, or the elephant with diarrhea and a crown on his head. So mormons planning to use mormons is unusual? Ha! Look at what the gnarly 15 leaders do to ALL mormons, all the time. “Pay a full tithing you morons” the creepy15 preach, all the time, over and over.


I used to live in central Florida. There was this man who couldn't shake the spontaneous amens when he heard something he liked. It was great theater to me. There was a lot of eye rolling tho


All the white shirts just freak me out


This is an outrage. In the house of the lard no less..


Imagine, Mormons getting all tambourine bashey at Sacrament Meeting. 😄😄😄




Just attended a piano recital in a local lds meetinghouse chapel 2 weeks ago. We clapped for each participant.


Candles?!?! In the chapel?!?! - she says clutching the handbook


What really it was forbidden for years.


The deadness in their eyes....