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Even if it was there, it wouldn't be impressive since the constitution was already in existence when JS wrote it. Now if the BoM had foreseen the internet or something, then I might be a bit more impressed.


I remember something about a vision where everyone was carrying around "glass stones" and my mom was like those are cell phones but I honestly don't know if I'm making that up 


If it is true, JS was probably referring to seer stones. And predicting communication devices was a common thing.


Jules Verne was writing about rocket ships to the moon and they don’t consider him a prophet.


Exactly. Very good example.


I thought that was supposed to be for the Millennium when the earth is transformed into a gigantic seer stone and all the redirected righteous people will have their own seer stone too.


that makes sense ty


The Simpsons was more prophetic than the BoM


It hints at certain events that were “foretold” such as Christopher Columbus, the US separating from its mother country, etc. However, all the prophesying suddenly stop before world events of the 1820s. I wonder why… Now, if only the BoM prophets could have foreseen the Civil War, WWI and WWII, that would’ve been impressive.


My TBM mother a couple of weeks ago: don’t you know that Joseph Smith prophesied the Civil War.  No he didn’t.  He just said what all the newspapers were saying during the South Carolina nullification crisis.   


Exactly. South Carolina had been griping since the Panic of 1819. Smith grew up in an era where that state had been agitating for years. Doesn't take a 'prophet' to figure that stuff out.


Of course it was... A book written after the constitution was written predicted it. Amazeballs...


It's like writing a book that "predicts" 9/11 today and claiming it was ancient.


The book I wrote in 2002 predicted 9/11…….AND Y2K. 😉


Ask her for chapter and verse. I'll bet she has zero clue. Why? Because it's not there.


It is a very pro American, pro protestant evangelical; anti catholic, anti Britain. It talks about the constitution and Columbus and America because that's the time it was written. If it was written in 1844 it would have been very anti american.


How convenient for a book that wasn't provided for people to read until 1830 to foretell things that would happen 42 years previous...


Nope. Nothing. Though I heard plenty of people take verses and say “this is what this *actually* means” in lots of Sunday school classes. 🙄 mormon Folklore.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Law_of_Peace > Some historians, including Donald Grinde, have claimed that the democratic ideals of the Kaianere’kó:wa provided a significant inspiration to Benjamin Franklin, James Madison and other framers of the U.S. Constitution. They contend that the federal structure of the U.S. constitution was influenced by the living example of the Iroquois confederation, as were notions of individual liberty and the separation of powers.


That work of fiction works like a Magic 8 ball to the impressionable.


Give a Mormon an inch; they'll create some wackier lore to already wacky lore.


Read 1 Nephi chapter 13. It ”prophesies” of Christopher Columbus, the catholic church, the Bible, the Revolutionary War, etc. Of course these all occurred well before Joseph Smith’s time, so it wasn’t that hard to “prophesy“ of those past events.


The book "predicts" Joseph Smith, so I don't much care about what it "predicts."


I’m asking where in the book she could’ve gotten that from. obviously it’s fake.


It’s ambiguously determined by how the BoM says the land (Americas and presumably North America) would be a blessed and prepared land of liberty for whoever god brings here. Later in D&C 101 god says outright that he “established it” (the constitution).


I too can predict things that happened in the path, with incredible accuracy 😂


My brain interpreted “path” as you having a lisp vs an incorrect spelling of “past.”


I do have a little bit of a lisp 🤣 I guess it manifest itself