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https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific_Errors_in_the_Quran - boom.


And https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific_Miracles_in_the_Quran


Fluent in yapanease


> Things come in pair "Glory be to the One Who created all ˹things in˺ pairs—˹be it˺ what the earth produces, their genders, or what they do not know!" 36:36 The Arabic specifically says "dual" or "marriage" • Z and W bozons, photon, gluon and higgs bozon are all fundamental particle who's completly unique Neutron and Protons are made from 3 quarks and 3 gluons, electrons and every fundamental particle comes in pairs of 3 and have 3 iterations • many animals reproduce asexually (planarians, many annelid worms including polychaetes and some oligochaetes, turbellarians and sea stars) like the marbled crayfish, water flees and walnut scorpions • reproduction in pairs is like a strictly animal thing, fungi, plants, bacterias and algae have like a dozen to a million different differences to reproduce with eachother • most stars in the galaxy are a binary system ([85%](https://www.atnf.csiro.au/outreach/education/senior/astrophysics/binary_intro.html%23:~:text%3DA%2520binary%2520system%2520is%2520simply,or%2520even%2520higher%252Dmultiple%2520systems.&ved=2ahUKEwiH4quprJuCAxU0RqQEHQ5-DqoQFnoECAgQBQ&usg=AOvVaw1vJMJ_hOQWWk1VmHHE6jsk)), the fact that we have one star is very weird • Saturn and Jupiter, the pimps of the solar system have hundreds of moons orbiting them I have no idea what to add more this, it's such a weird statement, all things come in 2? What? Not every human is a twin either > bees and spiders • Every thing bee and spider related is not a scientific miracle, just common sense from observing the world. • [Beekeeping has existed for 9,000 years](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beekeeping#:~:text=Beekeeping%20in%20pottery%20vessels%20began,from%20around%204%2C500%20years%20ago.) Ofc someone will notice that the bees move in the same direction, how do they think we currently know that? • my arachnophobia has gone through too much, [the male and female sex organs of the spider is visble](https://www.nhm.ac.uk/take-part/identify-nature/spiders-in-your-home/house-spider.html%23:~:text%3DWebs%2520and%2520life%2520cycle%26text%3DYoung%2520spiders%2520resembling%2520small%2520versions,a%2520pair%2520of%2520boxing%2520gloves.&ved=2ahUKEwixg7b4spuCAxUlUKQEHXXOCb8QFnoECAgQBQ&usg=AOvVaw1x49q0JlW-bMmtgYeonO9c) > the moon reflects light Go outside? > Moutains hold the earth • [mountains are caused by Earthquakes](https://www.amnh.org/explore/ology/earth/power-of-plate-tectonics/mountains%23:~:text%3DMountains%2520form%2520where%2520two%2520continental,to%2520form%2520a%2520mountain%2520range.&ved=2ahUKEwiF-e2yr5uCAxW4VKQEHTAACOQQFnoECAwQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2t5mDGS_U5Qy0xlk2W3YeR), they do the exact opposite of this > the iron is not from Earth? • As in? Everything on Earth came from somewhere else, even the carbon, silica, oxygen and nitrogen all around > Two oceons do not mix • [Halolicine](https://www.britannica.com/science/halocline%23:~:text%3Dhalocline%252C%2520vertical%2520zone%2520in%2520the,uniformly%2520saline%2520surface%2520water%2520layer.&ved=2ahUKEwiUiqPRsJuCAxXTQ6QEHdkDAjYQFnoECAwQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0o0PVyR1_nlZ_uHdqPwS9P), two bodies of water with different salinity levels do not mix, you don't need to be a genius to see the boundaries between a river and an oceon > pulsar stars? "By the heaven and the nightly star! And what will make you realize what the nightly star is? ˹It is˺ the star of piercing brightness." 86:1-3 It doesn't even remotely describe a pulsar star > the moon follows the sun "By the sun and its brightness, and the moon as it follows it," 91:1-2 • The moon orbits the Earth, the moon doesn't follow anything other than aimlessly getting thrown around


We have flies that attack trees that are actually all female so everything comes in pair doesn't make sense. Also there is some lizards in Mexico that are also all female (parthenogenetic reproduction)


Oh dear the earth is flat that why every thing he says is true.


Momo took all those info from ancient books to write his unholy book so he can be rich marry 9 women and own 21 sex slaves. And make people pray for him whenever they hear his name for centuries


learn about the religion first you clown


that’s the reality of islam though? look up any scientific “miracles” in the quran and you will see how that belief was popular around that time despite it being wrong, muhammad didn’t bring anything new alot of islam is based on arabian paganism and superstitions


He is in a porn sub don’t waste your time. If he truly care about Islam he should start with himself


yea i saw that lol, it’s funny how many muslim lurkers here are active on porn subs, not hypocritical at all.


I don’t respect people that don’t respect or follow what they preaches.


You're on some low grade crack... Arrogance is not the same as intelligence or confidence... Doesn't matter how much bull you put together, you will never be able to disprove the perfect book, or erase history which has been well documented. You cannot defame the greatest most documented man in all of history. Good luck facing God if this was your life's work lol.... Good luck... 1.9 billion of us today, and growing. Soon to become the largest religion of the world.... meanwhile no new prophets or scriptures have come forth. Religion is sealed with Muhommad, Peace and blessings of God Be Upon him. We are already at the end, the major signs mentioned in the Bible, & Quran & Hadiths have already occurred or been revealed. And the Messiah has already come and gone. What is now left is World War 3 and only God knows what comes after that. Because there are so many interpretations that we cannot really pin point exactly when the hour is and what will take place. Just calamities... so pray & Do good deeds and pray some more. May God have mercy on all of us except the arrogant which defile God's prophets, scriptures and attempt to deceive the world like the Zionists


Shut the fuck up with all of that pedo and god stuff


Lol calm down there communist... take one too many vaccines these past 2 years and deprive yourself of a little too much oxygen with those face diapers did we?


No he has been drinking alot of camel piss like your prophet .


Okay there Pork breath. You were never a Muslim. You're probably paid per post to play pretend... I would love to join the discussion, but I intend to stay out of hellfire when I die 🤣... from the looks of the world, that's around the corner.... As the saying goes: misery loves company so enjoy


You guys are so delusional that you can't see the millions leaving this crazy religion. And belive it's a conspiracy on the greatest thing on earth . You guys are a joke. Dude I would like you to search where you prophet stole the word jehanam from 🤣🤣. Even the pork is stolen from the jews. And what does pork breath mean really ? is thier mutton or beef breath ? Please tell me how did the prophets breath smell like after drinking camel pee. Or eating without washing his hands after wiping with stones. Or better still after dipping a fly in his drink ? Shall we go on or imagine the smell of his tent where he used to keep his pee under his bed ?


>meanwhile no new prophets or scriptures have come forth. That's just not true. Plenty of new prophets showed up.




Bahaism, Mormonism, Rastafarianism, Babism, Murshidism, Druzism, Scientology, Sikhism just to name a few. Each of these religions has their own prophet and scriptures.


So nany have ended up in a phsyc ward. And the last one was bahaa Allah 200 years ago. Never heard about the bahia and merza ahead the Ahmedia and so on.


Disabrove a perfect book of bs ? Dude the phone book makes more sense than that book. Are you serious? Ediot with numbers now then Christianity is the true religion and before that was thousands others.


Also if everything is in pairs, then why can muslim man marry 4 wives? :o


Comment of the day .🙂




Because they killed a bunch of other men in their wars of conquest.


The moon follows the sun? Really? :o


just look up at the sky at night, and you know how Mohammed got that idea.


Exactly right? It was something people would believe in the past. But now if someone believes in it, then they've to be way too dumb.


Yeah it does, go search it up


? The moon is the only celestial body that actually rotates around the earth, it doesn't follow the sun


no it doesn’t lol, the moon has it’s own independent orbit around the earth.


Ok can I take one??


Pulsars is dead star remains from star that went supernova. All planets, moon and ect orbit around the sun. Suns gravity extends to Oort Cloud that is at least 50k au. Iron is actually abundant element in our universe. Mountains are form by earthquakes lol. Plate tectonics are moving the mountain during two plates collision. Pharaohs mummies is not miracle. Mummification process is mastered by pharaohs. Not a single surahs or verses ever mention Big Bang theory. The last 1400 plus years no muslims or religious textures elsewhere in the world talk about Big Bang theory. Big Bang theory is recent science from 20th century and father Georges L propose that. Both male and female spiders build webs. Female bees building bee hives not miracle its just evolution.


Okay, go for it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/VbqZez7gNa 7th miracle


Just search all of these in this subreddit you will find the answers


There is no new scripture after the Quran. Guru baba Nanak is likely a Muslim. There are many indicators of that. And after his death, the leaders of the time would've taken his name in vain to create a new religion to gain power and donation money. It is very likely that he was a prophet or a Reviver of faith. In the Quran, Allah says he will raise one every century The Hindus too would have received prophets, but it is my theory that the names of their so-called God's are the attributes of the one God. Who knows.


Sound travels in space thats is awsome and that verse was stolen from a prestes chant al zabraa. I love when muslims grasp to straws and in the verse it means twinkling star where the hell they come up with knocking.


Embryo development first of all your nuts are in your back cause according to quran sperm comes from the back. Second the woman produces eggs from her breasts. After that the amount of bs and then bones covered by flesh 🤣🤣. So in a stage there is a skeleton just bones inside the womb. And all this bs was nomad common knowledge back then he just described what the culture at that time knew. One more thing in hadith he said the sex of the child is determined if the man's water is higher than the woman's water it's male and vise versa. He thought women ejaculation was what makes a baby. Again all that was common midwife knowledge at that time.


Most what's listed was common knowlege back then by opservation. He spoke of what they thought back then.abd when he tried to make some thing up he messed up so bad. Do Muslims know that God in the quran dosent know how to do math. There about 8 mistakes in calculating inheritance as I recall. ⅔+½=1 according to the quran. And Omar had to come up with a way to correct hods errors.