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I think the first concept of God was more than likely created at a time when depression, death and unhappiness were at an all time high. It was likely only ever made to just make people more happy by knowing they’re not alone. Who knew a simple lie to make people feel happy could spiral this far out of control


I think it might be diff , i believe the first versions were created to justify certain acts or to get credibility one such eg. I think would be oracle at Spartan time who guided the rulers in case of major decisions such as war..... though then again there are so many versions and alteration of the superbeings . Some are bound to be for different and weird reasons considering the quantity of them


Well either it was made by a poor man to make himself feel better, or by a rich man to control the poor man easier.


I think its possible for many religions but personally it feels like a reach for all, I think people just one day decided theres something more to life


I think they’re made to gain power, and the reason they work is because it helps people cope with unhappiness and uncertainty. At the end of the day, weak people follow weak ideologies.


This simple lie was only created to wage war for centuries and invasion of foreign land for power and control. They manipulated the people with fear, hope and greed to control them


It may have began that way at a time, but Adam being the first man to receive revelation but not the first man is likely where true religion formed. Adam was referred to as the Khalifa in the Quran. Khalifa meaning leader. So leader of who? There were definitely less civilized people around him for him to be declared a leader


A god was created in our minds to comfort us in our passing that we live on.


Men became greedy and they created gods to spread the business called religion by insighting fear, greed, false hope and a sense of superiority among the people


It is no secret that mankind constantly pondered where they came from. Even creating idols to worship and leaders exploiting their subjects for Money and slave labor. There are plenty of proofs to instate the existence of one God. And there are plenty of historical records to prove the intervention of perfect planning and intervention by God. But not everyone may see it. One must continue to read with an undying thirst for answers and you will surely find them.


We are social animal, which means that we have an empathic instinct: we instinctively manage to read emotions from a face, an expression, a growl. Gods are what happen when you use that ability on inanimate objects. God is what happens when you use that ability on the universe.