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Because they have diffrent diets. Bees collect the nectar from flowers to eat and you usually dont have live flowering plants in your house. But flies and wasps eat a lot of things which include things that you your self eat thats also why you see them a lot when eating.


Yep. My grandmother had flowers all over the back porch and we’d get tons of bees in the spring/summer along with wasps and flies.


But the flies accidentally come in when you open the door. Shouldn't bees do the same? It's not like they can tell from the outside what's inside.


They absolutely can tell what’s inside. Flys have insane senses of smell, this one’s on fruit flies, but the same concept applies to p much all of em. https://www.caltech.edu/about/news/how-fruit-flies-sniff-out-their-environments#:\~:text=Fruit%20flies%20are%20a%20particularly,have%20more%20than%20a%20thousand.


Fruit flies are already in your house, the eggs are already on fruit you buy.


This is so true. We used to have fruit flies like crazy for about a week after going to the store. Ever since I started rinsing off our bananas as soon as they come in the house, our fruit fly issue has practically disappeared.


Just water or also soap?


Just water.


Bleach... /don't do this


Why do you think it's accidental? They know there's food in your house from the smell so they go in. The error here is your assumption.


Even I know that flies can smell shit from miles and miles away and I’m straight retarded


Was just at a sno-cone place and it was surrounded with bees... all from the sugar.


This is purely anecdotal (coincidentally I watched a bee fly into and out of one of our rooms only about an hour ago), but I've noticed that bees also seem rather better at finding their ways back out again, rather than getting trapped.


Honeybees and bumblebees are exclusively nectar eaters so they’re only interested in flowers, not the rotting garbage in your kitchen. Flies and yellowjackets are very interested in your garbage, they’ll eat anything.




I’m falling asleep waiting at the dentist rn and this made me laugh. Thanks mate!


What was it? It’s been deleted


It depends on the bee. As others have said, most bees aren't interested in anything in your house. But I have a couple of carpenter bees in my back yard who bang on my windows trying to get in the house.


I love those silly big fat bees


They are so cute. I love them!


Yeah, Carpenter bees can be annoying. I remember being really grossed out once seeing some of their larva coming out of a nest they made in the stairway to my apartment. Thankfully, the manager took my report seriously and passed that information on to pest control.


Bees can and will fly into houses especially in the spring when they could be looking for a new home. But mostly they won’t come in because they fly looking for food and you probably don’t have what they want in your house. Unless you are a forgetful beekeeper and happen to leave the basement door open where all the bee stuff is stored. That was a bad afternoon. But just this week I had two bees buzzing in my kitchen looking for a way out. It wasn’t until I went upstairs to my bedroom that I saw my husband had left the balcony door open. These bees most likely came in looking for a new place to relocate. Did you know bees were democratic? When they swarm they will leave approximately half the bees in the old hive with a baby queen. These bees will land somewhere nearby and start sending out scouts looking for new digs. When a bee finds a place they like they go back to the swarm and tell the other bees about it. Some will go check it out and if they like it too they will tell more bees if they didn’t like it they will fly back and not say anything. Eventually when most of the bees are talking about the same place they will decide that’s where they are moving in to. By talking I mean dancing like they do when they find some nice flowers they think the other bees should check out. TLDR: they do sometimes if they are looking for a new home. Source: I’ve been a beekeeper for 5 years and have 14 hives. Also Honeybee Democracy Thomas Seeley Be very careful asking a beekeeper a question about bees. You will always get more information from an answer than you bargained for.


We had some scout honey bees investigate our house one year. They checked out my daughter’s room and the eaves outside her window. Luckily they decided they didn’t like it and they left. A couple were staggering around on our patio later in the day like they were left behind. :(


Oh yea, I don't know how I could have forgotten this after seeing so many video's of bees being removed from peoples houses, but it's still mainly not inside the house but inside walls and under the floors.


Wasps and Flies are more scavengers, so they will go into dark/enclosed spaces seeking out a source for their food or to lay their eggs. Bees on the other hand have a specific diet of sugars which comes from Flowers. Flowers don't grow in dark places in nature, so they have most likely evolved to not enter houses/doorways/windows to get into people houses.


There's also that study they did during the eclipses that found bees stop flying and landed during an eclipse, and that's leading to the belief they need the sun for navigation or something else. So they probably try and avoid places like houses etc. For that reason


For some reason, I'm irrationally afraid of bees and wasps and stinging insects. No problem with spiders or snakes or other insects. Once when I was in high school, my sister and I saw a bee buzzing around our living room and I started to quickly depart the room and as I did, the big fat bee changed his flight path and flew right into my forehead. I fainted! He didn't bite me or anything, just that a bee flying right into my face made me so frightened that I lost consciousness.




Oh my god what is red?


red wasps, or ladybugs


I've never heard or seen a red wasp but now I have some new nightmare fuel. Ladybugs, no worries. Even the dastardly Asian Lady Beetles!


Yeah, they’re down here in the southern US. Get one of em mfs in the bathroom every summer 💀


I actually just found a dead little bee in my room the other day 😞 I don't know how she got in, but she clearly couldn't get out either.


This is so sad 😢


Bees collect honey to produce food , wasps eat insects , flies eat a variety of things. Try filling your house with flowers and leaving the windows open


Why don't they collect the honey from my cabinet?


They can't unscrew the cap with their little bee hands.


I like big beehands and I cannot lie.


You never seen the video of bees unscrewing a bottle top?


I think bees collect nectar to produce honey, which is their food


Yeah like someone said bees collect nectar. Honey is what bees produce. ELI5: Honey is bee vomit.


Because Honey Bees and Bumble Bees (also why they have gentle names) are kind and respectful and understand personal property. Whereas flies and wasps don't care who you are - they are literally on the earth just to pester and annoy us. Just like mosquitoes - they too don't respect boundaries. Why else would such small creatures make such loud obnoxious noises, but to annoy us and drive us mad.


I believe bees find food via ultraviolet light, flies search out purifying stuff by smell and wasps search for sweet things by smell. Your house just doesn't display the interesting ultraviolet patterns that attract bees. Could be wrong on this though.


I have 2 kinds of wasps around my place. 1st kind flies into the house (regular wasps) The other kind (long legs) sees an imaginary wall put into the open window, wants to fly inside but quickly turns back as soon as it is inside, so funny.


Mud Daubers?


Field wasp i found online


I live between farms, and they use bees to pollinate the plants. During the growing season, I have multiple bees in my house every week. I think the biggest reason we don't see so many bees as flies, is simply there are a lot less in the world. According to this article (2017) for each person on Earth, there are 17 million flies. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/trillions-of-flies-can-t-be-all-that-bad-science-health-a8064881.html 8 billion people * 17 million = 136,000,000,000,000,000 flies. According to this article (2019) https://www.quora.com/How-many-bees-are-left-in-the-world-since-they-are-in-danger-of-extinction there are only 6,000,000,000,000 bees in the world. Assuming those numbers are anywhere near correct, there are 22666 flies for every bee. And flies seem to thrive everywhere, bees are more delicate, so in a metropolitan area, the difference will be even bigger! DISCLAIMER: Those numbers are quite old, between 2017 and 2019. But I couldn't find anything newer. Plus, that's just my personal opinion, hopefully someone that actually understands these things can confirm or deny my idea...


Ive captured so many bumblebees over the years and of course safely released them outside and even had one in the room few days ago so not sure if its really rarely


We get bees fairly often, honey and bumble. The honey bees I assume are making a bee-line for their hives in the paddock, and the house is just in the way. The bumbles just bumble in and have to be shown the exits.


I've got a video I took of a yellow jacket landing next to a piece of pork I was a to season and BBQ but instead of chasing it away, I filmed it. This sucker took a size of pork half the size of him and it could barely fly away haha


They do not want to bee inside. Theyre food is outside, thats where they want to bee. They are smart, they know they would rather bee than not too bee, and act accordianingly.