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Just going to leave this here for all y'all: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=gas+can+spout+replacement&crid=5IUOAJARWL20&sprefix=Gas+can+%2Caps%2C174&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_8


Wait, those corrugated spouts are the ones that everyone's upset over losing? I must've used the cheapest, bottom-of-the-barrel ones of those my entire life because those would almost always tear open between the corrugations and leak substantially more than the post-2009 ones.




My dad and grandpa had one of the solid bent pipe ones apiece - Gramps' was on a 5 gallon can that he used to fill the smaller cans off of; Dad's was on an old metal gas can that he used strictly for 2-stroke fuel (specifically, the blend for his chainsaw...the weed whipper had its own can, with the bendy tube). I mowed a lot of lawns, and every couple summers, we'd be at the hardware store buying new bendy spouts...


Doesn't need ti be these, specifically. Point being, you can find better options out there than the garbage the fed has mandated.


Saving this for later. Thanks.


You are my hero.


This is amazing


Here's the deal:  Manufacturers need to meet regulations. They also need to sell their products at a price that sustains the business. Consumers need to be able to buy products at a price they can afford.  Metal cans with spring loaded spouts are easy to operate and meet regulations. They are not cheap. Plastic cans with spring loaded spouts meet regulations and are cheap, but are not easy to operate.  Just man up and put up an extra $25 to buy the better gas can once and just be done with it. 


I've been using [Eagle cans](https://eagle.justrite.com/safety-cans/type-i-safety-cans); for whatever reason they're approved but don't have those annoying spigots you have to depress to pour. Perhaps because they're metal?


Saw [this dude who made his own spouts and nozzles](https://imgur.com/a/QEOEN9z).


Those look like motocross/racing cans.


Very interesting. I figured he ran landscaping equipment with all that gas. Do those machines run gas from Costco? That where we came from. Edit: It occurs to me that he could be using special cans for regular stuff Edit2: [link to racing gas can](https://a.co/d/hJ72knT) Thank you for explaining what I saw!


The thing about them is many of them warn they are not DOT certified. At least here in Ohio it is illegal to transport fuel in them. They're meant to be used at the track for fast refills, very common to see them at ATV trails and motocross tracks.


These have been around forever. I've got a couple that are older than me that my grandpa bought new.


SureCan gas cans are another great option.


Also JustRite cans. I'm very happy with mine.


After almost two decades in the Oilfield, I’d say that JustRite accounts for 90-95% of all portable fuel cans (and fuel storage cabinets) I’ve seen on site.


That’s what switched to as well.


Yeah the epa banned traditional spouts and cheap gas cans come with spouts that make you spill more gas than you ever did with the old cans.


Not trying to troll, I'm trying to learn I've found this from the CPSC: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2015/03/31/2015-07151/childrens-gasoline-burn-prevention-act-regulation ...and this which got signed into law: https://www.congress.gov/bill/110th-congress/house-bill/814/text But I can't seem to find any direct text from the EPA actually prohibiting the use of the old manually-vented cans (though there sure are a LOT of grouchy blogs blaming the EPA). Do you have any resources from the EPA for further reading?




I read this, and I don't understand why you chose this as proof. This is an article from a person complaining about the EPA. It's not a source from the EPA banning the link? The article doesn't even really explain the link, it complains about the EPA and then talks about buying a plastic spout.


I don't know what to to tell you. It's not like every gas can manufacturer decided all at once to make shitty more complicated spouts. There are plenty of articles besides this pointing to the 2009 law.


There was. Someone stole my old can from my shed and the new one leaks gas all over my hands, mower, grass.


Skill issue.


It shouldn't take skill to pour gasoline in your mower instead of all over everything else. Anyone could do so with the gas cans we had for the past 100 years.


Please. The gas cans we had even 15 years ago, right before the switch to self-venting safety spouts are nothing like the ones we had 100 years ago. I’ve used both, and even ones of my grandfather’s from the 60s. Never had an issue with spills with current ones. It’s just ‘different’ and people can’t be arsed to learn how to use them properly.


You’re out in left field with this opinion. If spout #1 doesn’t leak when a low skill user uses it but spout #2 does, spout #2 sucks. All other things being equal, these vented spouts they forced on us 15 years ago suck. Sure maybe you’ve got a trick that makes it work OK most of the time, but the old ones didn’t need a trick. 


He’s not out in left field, you just only hear from the people complaining about it. The rest of us just, you know, spend 5 seconds to figure it out then never have to worry about it again.


I never hear anyone complaining about the old ones. 


How many people complained about not being able to pour the old one. If people start complaining about something, does that normally mean they've made it easier to use or improved the design?


Thats a false premise isn’t it though. The design was changed so spills are smaller and less fumes escape. The actual question is: “is it really so complicated now we, adults, cant figure it out?”


Let me just go to new style gas can spout school and get a PhD in filling my mower. The spouts on the new cans also break easily.


Comment was removed. So the law went into effect in 2009 which I believe is Children's Gasoline Burn Prevention Act. California mandates that all cans be color codes for gasoline, diesel, and kerosene, so pretty much every manufacturers does this. There is another law called Portable Fuel Container Safety Act of 2020, which mandates that cans must have measures to prevent ignition or explosion near open flames.


>There is another law called Portable Fuel Container Safety Act of 2020, which mandates that cans must have measures to prevent ignition or explosion near open flames. Not gonna lie, I spent too much time playing with gas and matches when I was little. There was a like a 200-300' concrete pipe that ran down a slight incline near where I grew up. Was abandoned. We'd steal 1/2 a can of fuel from someone's dad and pour it down and wait a few minutes in the summer heat before launching a bottle rocket down there. Made for some very satisfying booms!


Yeah. Ours were dumpsters.


What happened to the gas cans with an air vent? That’s what I really want to know (either the button vent opposite the spout, or the spouts with a built-in air straw)


As of 2009? fuel containers needed to be child proof. Basically, an interlock that had to be pressed. Pretty much everyone gets around this by selling regular spouts separately or labeling them as utility jugs or similar.


I have only owned the new cans and have never spilled any gas. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?


Nope, just part of the silent majority.


Just mowed the lawn, which is why this question was rolling around my head. I'll get spillage out of the middle if I rest the full weight of the can onto the edge of the gas tank (of the mower or the snowblower in the winter), but not if I support the can with one hand and pull the spout in with the other.


The safety lock on mine takes a ton of effort to depress, so whenever I have to hold my gas can and the safety and the funnel and the spout itself, I end up spilling tons of gas. The spout also outputs a very inconsistent turbulent flow, which makes it go everywhere when I’m trying to fill my tiny chainsaw gas tank. Maybe I just bought a really terrible gas can, but my dad’s old one with a simple small plastic spout and a rear air breather hole always poured consistently and precisely and without spilling a drop.


This maybe? [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/new-law-requires-portable-gas-containers-add-devices-protect-against-n1252595](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/new-law-requires-portable-gas-containers-add-devices-protect-against-n1252595) Would love to see their faces when told this happened under trump.


That’s not what is responsible for the shittastic spouts. They have been around much longer than 2020 and are due to voc regulations in 2009. That’s federal. California banned them earlier than that. And honestly I’ve dumped more gas trying to get those piece of shit spots to work properly than ever escaped by me forgetting to close the vent on a can.


The use case for the new design is pouring gas on a lit fire... 🤦‍♂️


> Would love to see their faces when told this happened under trump. I wonder if it would elicit a similar reaction to when Trump bumped the age for tobacco consumption to 21...


Whose faces?


The “old farts…(blaming) the damn government (that) outlawed the old, good gas cans.”


Anyways, for the record -- modern gas cans *do* suck


Ahhh, I legitimately missed that. I was thinking you were saying "I wish I could see the faces of NBC news when they learn" -- which confused the hell out of me. Thank you for explaining, for real




It’s not the can or closure valve per se it’s the short spout angled to the can in a way which makes it impossible to pour gas into a car without spilling. There’s a funnel available but that’s just another thing to loose and stinks up the area you’re storing it.