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I read somewhere online that they try to stay standing up so they don’t just fall asleep, since when they are sleeping they are “wasting” the high. So they end up kind of nodding off and in those wacked out positions where they aren’t asleep but aren’t quite awake either. Very sad to see.


Sometimes it's not intentional, either. I would stand in front of my toilet for an hour or two just fucking nodded out. Snap back to reality, try to pee again, nod off, repeat. I once put my foot into the toilet coming out of a nod.


I was using heroin intranasally combined with Clonazepam. I would often fall asleep standing or sit and fall asleep bent. Standing up during an opiate high (at high doses, not to avoid withdrawal) is dangerous. I fell asleep standing in a friend's kitchen, she went out for a bit and I ended up falling over and cracking my skull on the corner of a chair. I also fell asleep in front of a washing machine and (don't ask me how) I fell to my knees and then slowly fell over causing a massive friction burn on my shoulder. They're in uncomfortable or stupid looking positions because they don't feel it. Opiates are supposed "pain killers". Thing is, they don't kill pain, they just make you not care that pain is present. They'll pay for that uncomfortable position when they start withdrawing (every pain in your body, even if you didn't know you were in pain, comes back 100 fold). Everyone should stay away from opiates, whether they be prescribed or illicit. They'll end up ruining you.


Damn man hope its calmed down a lil bit❤ enjoy the summer


I stopped completely 🙂 Fuck opiates. Destroyer of nations and creator of junkies.


Many congratulations, that's fantastic to read, very very impressive and admirable. Stay strong and have a great life.


Thank you and I hope that others will read this and take something from it. I can't stress enough how bad things will get if anyone goes down this path. I nearly lost everything. I never took fentanyl but I hear it has a super short halflife. A short half life with a opiate high 100x as powerful as morphine sulphate (statex) mg for mg... The withdrawal would make someone want to off themselves. Heroin withdrawal was THE WORST withdrawal of any opiate I've taken (I was doing 1g per day intranasally, never injected; terrified of needles- if I wasn't, id probably be dead now) including buprenorphine/naloxone strips/pills (Suboxone). I can't imagine what fentanyl withdrawal is like.


I was given fentanyl by the EMT crew when I was in an accident and broke the shit out of my leg. The instant relief had me cracking jokes. Started to wear off after about 30 minutes, though. If I could have crawled out of that gurney to get more I would have, broken leg be damned. Shit's for real.


I had witnessed a similar occurrence. My friend got into a car accident and when I got there they given her 1mg hydromorphone IV (Dilaudid). It lasted maybe about 45 minutes (she had no tolerance- they call this drugs the crack of opiates). She was begging me to find a nurse and ask for more. There was nothing wrong with her Opiates screw people up because even when you have the best life possible, you just tasted better. People describe IV opiates as "touching God". After what I saw her do, someone who NEVER had taken any opiate or derivative, I absolutely Believe it.


My admiration grows; I've always been very very impressed and respectful of anybody who's overcome an addiction of any sort, and you sound like you absolutely went through the wringer. I'm really pleased that you were terrified of needles, and absolutely delighted that you never tried fentanyl. Keep going, my friend, you are absolutely smashing this life 👍


Me mates just hit 20 year clean, I'm 5 years. Although I wasn't an actual herion addict, I used to hammer crack, and needed something to bring me back down


I'm so glad it's not me! I had a root canal done on a tooth. The weekend before was the worst pain of my life. My dentist gave me 30 tablets of oxy and it cost me 6 dollars. I took two. And I knew the whole time my tooth felt some kind of way. I just didn't care. And then was like God damn they gave me 30 of these bad boys to last 2 days. No wonder people are addicts.


Thank you for honesty. 


Eh the baby ones don't do much to some of us. Like my experience with tramadol has been it just makes me numb and thankfully my life isn't enough traumatic that's an appealing proposition. But yeah hard to preemptively screen for if they'll fuck you.


Watch out with that shit. It's a hardcore SSRI. I took too much and the last thing I remember is smashing the back of my head on the floor. I heard someone say "call an ambulance!" And the adrenalin of that announcement made me get up and run. Serotonin syndrome isn't fun man and it's usually fatal. I have no idea how I immediately got up from 4000mg of tramadol (OTC in Mexico. Used to go on monthly business trips). If you have an opiate problem, even with a synthetic like tramadol, taper with kratom or simply stop cold and deal with it. You seriously don't want to fuck with the next level (oxycodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone). Get out before you lose everything. I went to a doctor last year and got Suboxone. I then tapered myself off subs. What keeps me away from opiates? I'm fucking TERRIFIED of reliving that 5 year spiral to shit land.


I'm taking like 100/150mg once a month or so for a painful procedure (electrolysis), I'm not using it for fun nor are it's affects something I'm interested in recreationally.


^snap ^back ^to ^reality


Ope, there goes gravity


Ope he’s so flabbety


Doe-see-doe crab eating


Brought snacks to the lab again


Should we collab on a nonsensical parody? I can produce it lol


Can we attach Timbaland?


Obviously. Got him on speed dial


That fits perfectly


Ope, he's choking on vomit already




Shit, CD's scratched


Lol I’d always nod sitting on the toilet on my phone. Drop my phone like 10 times Gear not fent


Shit, this brought me back to the drugged out people I'd see while running cashier. This one dude pulled a wad of 20's out of his bag (dime bags hanging out the open pocket) to pay for something close to $1000, every bill he pulled his head would sink closer to the counter. Eventually he was kneeling fast asleep with his head drooling on the counter. I snap 🫰🏾 to ask him if he's good and this motherfucker slowly looks up at me and is like "oh... sorry bro I lost count..." had to repeat this process a couple more times before I could give him his receipt. i was just glad he paid 🗿


As a former opioid user I can tell you that the feeling in-between passing out and staying awake is exhilarating.


I’ve been on percocets a few times after having surgery and I didn’t get much of a euphoric effect normally but that in-between where you’re not quite awake but not quite asleep either made me understand why people do heroin


Is that the same feeling as when you wake up in the morning but you're sleepy and don't have to get up so you get to playfully test the bounds of your lucidity by variably resisting the urge to drift back to sleep...? If so yeah I understand heroin must be one hell of a drug too.


That, but your whole body feels sort of...fuzzy? I get a similar-ish feeling with some THC edibles in higher doses.


No dude, you feel like you're untouchable, happier than you've ever been (thebaine in oxycodone acts like an SSRI) you're free and your inhibitions are gone. You're on a cloud, and you've become God. That's how I'd describe it. Then you run out and you can't even beg for cash because you're too busy shitting yourself, barfing, not because able to walk because your back feels like it's going to break and your legs hurt like a MF. As above, so below.


you can train yourself to get to that state without drugs. it just requires learning alot of mindfulness and being able to calm your body down. It's how I get my not quite naps in without screwing up my sleep schedule.


I feel like you would have to be an ex heroin user to accurately make that statement


No its true you can manifest a heroin high with good thoughts. Hopes and prayers give it legs. 


Junkie Jesus always answers thy prayers 🙏🏼


While the body-high and unique euphoria may be only obtainable through heroin, the sense of deep satisfaction and bliss can be obtained through meditation and related practices/lifestyles


it's called coping with a lot of nerve pain, migraines and severe emotional dysregulation.


With Lucid Dreaming and practice you can experience falling asleep consciously, despite having many Lucid Dreams where I realise i'm conscious during a dream fully asleep, I have only ever done this once, where i retained consciousness as i went to sleep, and the experience was euphoric! Unfortunately so much so that it snapped me out and fully awake fairly quickly.


Spoken like someone who's never taken opiates. You have opiate receptors in your brain. They need to be filled with opiates or analogs not positivity and theta wave synchronization.


Ive taken opiods but nothing on a regular level. I take pregabalin and gabapenten daily and had a long stint with benzos. Ive had to train myself to cope with a lot of physical pain and severe emotional dysregulation over the years and getting into that zone is an alternative to driving myself off a cliff.


I used pregabalin (lyrics, attaches to gaba receptors and does the same thing as gabapentin but at a lower dose) for the RLS pains that came with withdrawal. I don't and didn't drink so anything GABA (GHB, pregabalin, alcohol, gabapentin) EXCEPT for benzos, specifically Clonazepam (Klonopin) and Lorazepam (Ativan). I was taking my parents Ativan for years, every night. They didn't take it and I had trouble sleeping so I thought "what the hell". Then my mother got a script for Clonazepam (Ativan with a 50 hour half life). My father died of covid in April of 2020 and my mom passed away of pancreatic cancer back in 2020 and the scripts stopped coming. I managed to keep getting them anyway (buying people's pills who didn't take them). I got up to 16mg a day of clonazepam (2mgx8 in one go with a nice 1/4g of heroin as a chaser then I'd chug tons of monster energy drinks (specifically the coffee ones). 16mg and I didn't even get tired but it solved my panic issues. It's not addictive but it's fucking habit forming and I didn't know that two of the side effects of stopping cold is: 1) Disassociation (Im European but I was shaving and looking in the mirror and I had to hurry and shave faster or an Emerati would take over my life and I'd get assassinated) 2) Death (Benzodiazepines prevent seizures if you're epileptic BUT epileptic or not, high dose sudden discontinuation will cause a grand mal seizure and high probability of death). Benzos are as bad as opiates but because they're not regulated (yet) like opiates are, doctors still throw around strips. Let's see what happens when they do get regulated and bodies start dropping. Fuck opiates, benzos, barbiturates. If anything makes you feel amazing, it'll make you feel like offing yourself when you run out. I'm glad I'm off all that shit.


Why preg and gab? They do the exact same thing..


Yes, they're both gabas, but pregabalin was added when a specific type of nerve pain reared up the gabapenten wasn't touching. The combo works really well.


You read it here. I read it here. Neither of us know anything.


The fent pose is often referred to as nodding out, and it's very common with opioid users. It's similar to falling asleep standing up. The reason for it is a combination of things, one being that they don't want to fall asleep and waste the high, so they try to stand- however, lots of fent is cut with 'tranq' (xylazine) which combined with the fent can make it very difficult to stay awake. Both xylazine and fentanyl are depressants, which is what causes users to nod out. As for the contorted pose, it's likely that they probably don't notice or find it super uncomfortable, fent is a very heavy painkiller.


a good nod isn’t being asleep, it’s like dreaming while you’re awake. i only did heroin before fent hit, i didn’t see this type of shit with heroin too much


I did plaster work with a guy, we’ll call him Pete (cuz that was his name,) who did heroin every day. One of Pete’s nods was on stilts, his forehead perfectly balanced on the cap/lid of a water bottle on a raised table. Pete did not fall. Pete completed the day.


I fear anyone who can take any drug and stay upright on fuckin stilts. I stagger on them bitches sober.


He was a lifelong user. Guy took methadone with his breakfast (this isn’t a joke,) just to curb his withdrawals until we got to work so he didn’t waste his stash. Pete also used to be a massive, steroid filled drug dealer in his younger years, so to see the frail guy he became is nuts.


All current and former users are like this. It's not so he didn't waste his stash. Methadone has a 50 hour half life and is so much stronger than heroin (or lesser opiates like oxycodone, hydromorphone) that if he wouldn't feel a hit of heroin if he iv'd an entire gram of premium black tar. He probably said this because the truth sucks: if we don't take an opiate when we wake up, within the first hour we start to sweat, next comes diarrhea and vomiting, next comes the back pain and RLS and that's the easy part. I woke up in the morning, are breakfast, took a shower, brushed my teeth, put on my suit, and then railrd 1/4g of heroin. If I left my house at 7am, I'd last till about 5:30pm. If I was asked to do OT, I'd have to call a guy at goddamn work. For those of you who've never had to rely on this stuff, you have no idea how much of a fucking junkie you feel like when stuff like this happens. I wouldn't wish opiate withdrawal on my worst enemy. I'd rather swallow cyanide than ever touch another opiate again. I'm sure all you former users would agree.


It's weird how many Petes there are out there like this


sounds like he’s battle tested lol


Reminds me of a young chap who was a helper for a maintenance guy at my place. This guy was obviously on something because he wouldn’t stop moving. More like a constant dance with arms flailing around and talking rapidly. Like spandau ballet, literally. Quite sad actually seeing this frenetic display.


I've always wondered if opiate users already have amazing balancing skills, or if the opiates somehow enhance it. Because damn... of all the dozens and dozens of users I've seen nod, rarely would they ever hit the ground unless they were actually falling out and ODing. Only way to test this is to get a user on a high wire...


You can thank the inner ear for that magic trick. I added some benzos to the mix and fell down while sleep standing and cracked my skull on the corner of a chair.


>we’ll call him Pete (cuz that was his name,) I feel like there's a crazy backstory here! I want to buy the rights to make this into a movie! For Netflix, obviously


Ok, but Jennifer Lopez has to play Pete.


Or Adam Sandler.


Or Rob Schneider


You want to watch a movie about a junkie construction worker?


You DON'T?


You might be overestimating how charming a junkie construction worker is


"I sold my sledgehammer for a hit of H, and my dog is dead. You're all f*ckin' gonna die" - Pete Candle (as portrayed by Keanu Reeves)


Sneaky Pete!


fucking sucks man. when fent hit, you couldn't even get heroin anymore, and it's not the same at all. it's ten times as strong, lasts 1/10th as long, and you never really get an actual nod on. When you do real heroin, you can lay in your bed and nod in and out of like lucid dreams. literally be fully immersed in a lucid dream state, but then you just open your eyes and you're wide awake. Close them again, and you're right back in it. Fentanyl gives you none of that. It's the worst fucking downgrade in product ever.


I've been saying this for a few years. Heroin in Milwaukee is ruined, but on the bright side I won't end up in prison again.


literally disappeared right out of southern ontario, and you would speak to people in the know: it's not actually gone, it's just that no one will sell it. it's more expensive and junkies who've been using fentanyl don't even get much from it because their tolerance has been skyrocketed by shitty fentanyl. last time I had real honest to god heroin was when I was in London back in 2017. I'm clean now a couple years, but jesus what I wouldn't give for just one more bit of china white.


I'm in Montreal and quit using at the start of 2023. I thought they were selling me garbage. I once railrd an entire gram and it did nothing. A super tolerant oxy user took a tiny key shot and started talking in tongues lol. It took me 8-9 hours (intranasal) before I started sweating. At one point though, it was some kind of gold crystal. I woke up with paddles on my chest and a paramedic telling me I was as blue as a recycling bin. I think we still have the good shit but I wouldn't go near it. When I smell vinegar I start fucking sweating.


Haha, I can feel that for sure. Happened when I was nodding out on the train and the bus over DXM... the music was sending me right through to the other side.


yeah, that's what i meant when i said sleeping standing up. at least for me i never actually fall asleep, just have weird dream like thoughts.


Serious question:  does these mean they get a good abs/core workout?


Not in my experience, no.


I once got high in a Del Taco bathroom that had just been mopped. I proceeded to slip and slide around the bathroom while slipping in and out of consciousness. Bouncing off the walls and what not. Seemed like it went on for an hour or so. Not sure how much time passed but the sun was up when I went in, and was dark when I finally made it out.


I was addicted for heroin for 10 years; granted I was highly functional and avoided getting high to the point of nodding out. For dope you can either enjoy the "light" effects (euphoria, energy, happiness) it gives you which is what I preferred. **Or** You prefer that moment between being lucid and a "dream like" state. These are the people you see that are nodding out. Usually they are in those weird positions because they are fighting the urge to end in only in the dream like state.


I think a lot of the people you see bent over like that are actually on "tranq" Fent users can and do nod off standing, sitting or just about anywhere. The tranq users are usually hinged at the hip, and another giveaway is the bandages on their legs. It causes lesions that don't heal. Sounds like a lot of fun, lol.


Tranq is all over & maybe it makes it worse, but the dope lean is old as dope. Your brain has automatic functions for your heartbeat & even breathing, I wouldn't be surprised if there is something for balance too. Since you are too relaxed to over compensate you end up outperforming sober people, that's my theory for why they never fall at least.


I read an article the other day about how tranq causes people to have to get amputations they don't have the resources to care for properly. Horrifying


I went to Vancouver last year and saw loads of men walking bent at the waist, faces pointed at the floor, with blood or pus-soaked bandages on their legs and swollen feet. It was truly horrifying- unhoused people and drug users congregate in that area of the city because that’s where the needle exchanges and food pantries are, but it seems nobody is helping them with medical care. We saw a fair few men and women in wheelchairs but of course there’s no way to tell whether their injury or illness came before or after the drug addiction and homelessness.


Xylazine can cause necrosis at injection sites.




Ah I'm sorry man. 


Not just at injection sites. Tranq causes vasoconstriction which starves tissues of oxygen leading to necrotic lesions all over the body, especially in vulnerable areas on digits and limbs.


Thank you! I work in an ER and even people who report only snorting it (and have no injection site marks) are getting lesions. The lesions also pop up in places that aren’t typical injection sites.


Is it something like Krokodil, which was a thing in Russia 10 years ago?


Not exactly. Krokodil is just street made desomorphine, but the process uses some pretty harsh ingredients, like phosphorus from match heads, which destroy tissue at the site of injection. Pharmaceutical desomorphine properly injected wouldn't likely produce the same kind of damage. Tranq is any opioid adulterated with xylazine, a non-opioid depressant which has the vasoconstriction properties that lead to local oxygen deprivation and cell death. Add in nitazines and benzodope and its a rough time to be wired to opioids. Safer supply now.


Thanks for your insight!


Not sure how relevant this is to your question but high doses of IV opiates can cause extreme muscle rigidity. Dunno if this is what you are referring to though.


The point of painkillers is that you don't feel the pain. And it makes you unconsious if the dose is high enough.


a lot of these answers seem off to me. as a recovered addict of probably a decade, i would say that 1. when you are basically overdosed on an incredibly potent opiate you do not feel pain. A normal human being wouldn't be resting in an uncomfortable position because it would be painful, someone who doesn't feel pain that pain wouldn't notice. I have never heard of anyone "trying" to reach a dreamlike state, it just happens. I became addicted to heroin and saw it through until pills were basically just fentanyl and actual shards of glass (learned that later). I would be fighting sleep whenever this sort of thing happened because if you don't, you may never wake up. in fact, i would "come to" often to find i destroyed half of a room. I think my body was fighting to keep myself awake/alive, even if i was blacked out


This is why I don't feel bad for people that die from drugs. You decided to swallow, smoke, inject or sniff what you did. One less jackass to ruin someone's life. 


That's a little harsh my friend. Since a lot of these people are chemically and mentally addicted making it extremely hard to quit. A fate I wouldn't want to wish on anyone.


Anesthesiologist here, I give people fentanyl several times a day. OP, I have no idea what you're talking about. Fentanyl doesn't 'make' one do anything with their body or be 'locked in'- which I interpret you mean paralyzed. Now, what people do with their bodies when they get high recreationally, I have no idea. But the fentanyl isn't making them do anything. I give someone fentanyl, they relax. A little more, they fall asleep, a little more, they stop breathing. No big, ventilating people is what I do.


By "fentanyl" they are referring to the street drug called fentanyl, which is a blend of substances (it may or may not actually have fentanyl). It might have other opiates/opioids and also xylazene. The composition would vary by area/dealer.


Oooohhhh. Thank you. Hasn't considered that. Please have this up vote.


After seeing the deathly doses of fentanyl being so tiny, how small of a dose are we talking to make someone merely relax?


Well, my pretty standard cocktail is 50 micrograms of fentanyl mixed in a syringe with 2 milligrams of midazolam (think liquid Xanax) and I can still talk to most people after that. So.. 50-100 micrograms.


You're a very pedantic Anesthesiologist.


The question has a false assumption. Yeah, I suppose so.