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They aren't brown but possibly look brown from a few feet away. Up close, they are clearly only brown in the middle.


So one could say brown and be correct.


Why? Brown eyes are beautiful.


Oh no I am just now logging in to see a bunch of these response! I feel awful that I was giving the impression I thought less of brown eyes. My eyes technically have brown in them so they aren't even wrong. I love brown eyes and all my sisters and family has deep dark brown eyes. I have always been told I have my mothers eyes and she classifies hers as green.


You didn't give the wrong impression at all.. lol. You've heard people telling that you have brown eyes many times now, that's it. How people see any negativity in that is just insane.


Lol okay. It thought I made my tone clear but who knows? Thanks for saying something.


If you added something like; '(btw no hate against brown eyes or brown eyed people)' at the end of your post, many comments would've looked different. Hahah.


Lolol maybe but these people shouldn't need babying like that. It's eye color lolol


No argument here.


I didn‘t get the wrong impression at all. I saw your eyes, thought „that‘s not very brown“ and understood why you‘d say that


Me too! Yet I’m receiving hate for stating that, haha.


Yes, brown eyes are pretty, but hazel eyes are pretty too. She has hazel eyes so she has every right to be frustrated.


First glance, they do look brown. Beautiful, unique blended color and after zooming out, you can see all the colors. That’s weird that ppl have a need to tell someone what color they think their eyes are. 👀


and that is literally the point of this entire sub reddit is to tell people what we think the color of their eyes are. If you don’t like this sub reddit maybe you shouldn’t participate in it.


Wish I knew why my comment got so many downvotes. Do people not agree that her eyes are hazel? Are you all unable to see the green in her eye? My comment was implying that all eyes are beautiful so why the hate?


I think people were just annoyed with me and thinking I was insulting brown eyes or was starting fights over it? You just got caught up in the collateral damage since you disagreed with their perception. Weird though. I didn't anticipate it lol


They look green to me.


You need to see an optometrist


do people just randomly point out eye colour? also what’s wrong with brown eyes, is it that much of an insult to have them?


Not an insult in the least to have brown eyes! So sorry that was the perception I created! People don't straight forward day my eyes are brown. It's when they are being kind and complimenting my eyes. They will say I have big brown eyes or something similar.


no that’s ok, there are some people who are super weird about eye colour so a lotta people will get defensive naturally I don’t rlly like eyes in general cuz I’m autistic so I should’ve just told the algorithm to recommend less of this sub rather than leaving a comment


Oh wow. I work with autistic adults. I have heard of people not liking eye contact but not eyes in general. Very interesting. Sorry people are being so sensitive. It's really not a big deal. Just curious.


Disliking eyes in general is definitely not a thing that all autistic people experience... It's just a ’them' ('you'??) thing for that person! I'd hazard a guess that it's got absolutely nothing to do with their autism!! 😂 *I'm autistic, and so are a lot of my family members and people I know.


I just assumed since eye contact through photos makes me uncomfortable same with it in person I’m not your family member or someone you know, and I don’t think you have the qualifications necessary to assess someone else’s autism. Could be unrelated but that’s not your place to say


Well, then... If I'm not qualified enough to say that it isn't because of your autism, you're not qualified enough to say that it is!


You seem kinda bitter. Don’t really know your story or nothing so I really ain’t judging, but you should probably talk to someone if you can. Take care of urself and I wish u happiness/ peace


Wow, really??? Perhaps you need to see someone too, because you're projecting so much! It's hilarious that you're saying that you're not really judging me when you quite clearly are! And, who the fuck says "you should probably talk to someone if you can. Take care of urself and I wish u happiness/ peace"?! 🤣


Well maybe it’s just a me thing 🤷‍♀️ Supposedly eye contact through photos can make others uncomfortable too as it does with me, but it’s a shame people are riled up over this cuz it was kinda a throwaway comment To me personally, photos of eyes (looking at the camera) gives me similar discomfort to eye contact in person; but everyone is different, some people might be fine with it


aRe bRoWn eYes tHaT bAd y’all totally missing the point here which is that it’s insulting to have people repeatedly disregard basic physical attributes about yourself


It's often really hard to see eye colors in lots of lightings. If you have a mixed/hazel/ch eyes it's pretty common for people to see them as brown. If people lose their cool because of that they need to chill out or just tell them calmly to look closer. Getting mad at people over this is wild.


This is Reddit sir. If you don’t understand hyperbole that’s on you. Secondly, feeling internally upset that people continuously tell you your eyes are obviously a color they are not is in fact an okay thing to feel upset about. Yeah they can look different in different lighting but y’all are acting like this girl hates brown eyes because she wants people to identify hers correctly. That’s absurd.


Lolol yep. I don't hate brown eyes at all. Luckily it hasn't bothered me since i was a teen. I wont lie though, at first I thought my partners weren't really into me because how could they not know my eye color. But after it happening more than a few times I relieved it was more so just perception and lighting thing. Wish people here understood my thoughts better.


Honestly, do you REALLY care what color others call your eyes?




Well there is brown in them so maybe you should just relax


You can't really think I am genuinely upset? I was joking. Brown eyes are lovely.


Why does it matter lol


Because it matters to OP.


There’s more important things to worry about than what someone thinks your eye colour is LOL


I don’t want to start a riot but in low light conditions, artificial light, indoors etc I can definitely understand why people would think your eyes are brown. Don’t see it as disrespect, see it as pleasantly surprising them when you step outdoors. (I have super light grey-blue eyes and dark hair and I get asked constantly if they’re real. I’m not offended by it, I find it hilarious to be like “my nose isn’t real but my eyes are.”)


This is a very kind response and wanted to thank you for that! I really don't mind it but have always wondered if my perception was off. Clearly it was lol I have always seen green most prominently but thats when they are under direct sunlight. Lolol I am sure you take that as compliment though! They're so astonishing to them!


I just realized that no one has asked me if my eyes are real since I went blonde. Huh, never really thought too much of it, but I guess it’s the contrast, like you mentioned.


I have dark green eyes that some people have thought they’re brown and I honestly take it as a compliment, brown eyes are beautiful


They probably call them brown bc the brown is prominent in there and they probably change color.


Mine are almost the exact same color and I’ve always been told brown! My eyes are constantly dilated though but in the light they’re absolutely green and amber. I guess some would say hazel?


I thought any mix of brown and green was hazel. But that’s just me. And brown warms up the eyes so I personally think brown or hazel are some of the prettiest colors


Definitely not brown! Grey or grey-green with brown central heterochromia. Pretty! Edit: a word


I thought they were green but in this photo they do look more grey for some reason. Thank you so much xo


You're welcome! Yeah they do look pretty grey here. I put grey at first and then edited it to grey-green because there is a slight green hue from a distance. Up close they look pretty grey though+the brown CH.😊


So neat to know about CH now! Never knew how to describe my color colors pattern(?). I might post again soon with more photos that are also hopefully clearer! 💕


Yeah for sure, you should! Yeah, your eyes are not hazel! Hazel is when the brown in the center blends with the green. There is often some gold mixed in as well. The brown in your eyes is clearly distinct and separate from the grey-green which makes it CH.😊 I'm curious to see how your eyes look in different lighting as well since you said they usually look more green. They look more grey than green to me here but I do see a slight green hue. Edit- You have a very prominent dark grey limbal ring as well! Very pretty!


They are hazel, it’s difficult to see from far away but the colours do blend.


There's no such thing as grey hazel so no, respectfully they're not. The colors do not blend either, even up close. CH does not have to be a perfect sharp circular ring. It often looks more like a sunburst in the middle of the eye like this. OPs CH takes up a lot of the iris but it doesn't blend with the grey or (possibly grey-green) so it's not hazel.


And that is your mistake you think they are grey when they actually are green it’s common to mistake the green with grey because they look similar my friend has similar eyes and in with camer flash he has grey but in sunlight it’s green.


Op and I actually spoke in dms and I sent more photos where they agreed they are green Grey. But you're exactly right. They do change.


That is why I say they are hazel because the green can have a lot of different shades the green in my eyes is actually tue same colour as my father green eyes but I have hazel.


I was going off of a single photo here so my judgment was made off of that. Based on this photo they do look grey or *maybe* grey-green like I said. In the other pictures she sent me the green is more evident in certain photos but they are still very much grey-green. Regardless, prominent CH that takes up a lot of the iris does not make hazel. The brown and the grey-green do not blend. CH can be any size. The difference is that the colors don't blend (despite you thinking they do.) That would be *your* mistake.


Wow! You are an expert! This stuff is really interesting to look up so I appreciate you're knowledge! I just looked through some photos and they look like they're changing colors with the light. And I swear when I cry they are especially green. Weird. But thanks sweetheart!


You're welcome! No clue why I'm being downvoted. I've studied irises for over a decade and literally look at eyes every day for work. There's a ton of misinformation about what actual hazel is. Your eyes are not hazel or brown despite other comments.🤦 Edited to add- grey eyes get their color from reflecting light so they often look more blue or green depending on the lighting. I bet your outer color (grey) changes a lot with the light. Makes sense! Please don't listen to all the rude people in the comments or the colorblind ones!🙄


They aren’t green


People just randomly tell you your eyes are brown? Or do you randomly ask them in low light conditions?


Hello, your eyes are brown.


Careful...she might snap!


They're making my episode as we speak for Snapped.


Not really something to snap over. I don’t understand why so many people here are looking to hear their eyes aren’t brown.


I don't understand how people are seemingly having constant comments & multiple conversations a day about their eye colour lol


I’ve been trying to figure that out myself and I can’t come up with a logical answer.


I don't understand either. I love my brown eyes.


Really? There are a lot of things in life that can make one want to snap, but the way one's eye color is perceived is at the low end IMO. I'm dealing with problems like death and illness around me and it's very difficult, along with lazy/non supportive family members. Plus, I'm seeing an opthamologist tomorrow for a detaching retina. Enjoy your lovely eye color!


I don't think they meant that seriously. No idea why people are taking it that way. Pretty sure that was written in jest.


I thought my 😉 implied that!


Lol it did girl, you're fine!!


Damn, I was making a joke. I find your response really dismissive and lacking empathy. I also have a lot of problems going on in my life but it doesn't negate anyone else troubles or feelings. Sorry you're struggling but don't make assumptions. It's actually bad for you too. Your perception of others gets fucked up when you compare your problems with others. I hope you figure out your troubles and learn better ways to express that you're struggling and are frustrated.


It looks as though you have a large brown central heterochromia that takes up about 2/3 of the eye. This makes it the most prominent colour to stand out. I can understand why people would at first mistake your eye colour.


Wear a little bit of sheer lavender eye shadow to contrast with the green part and make it stand out more.


I was thinking this too. OPs eye make up is styled that brings out the brown. Try wearing make up designed for green eyes and I think it’ll show better if that is what you’re wanting noticed.


Love the makeup tips! I was thinking that the pinkish red under the lower lash line would help bring the green out! But I'll try purple next!


Interesting, I’ve never tried that. I thought reds make the whites look brighter. I’ve seen a trick of putting red on the inner corner for the whites. I have a similar eye color. I usually use brown or purple mascara and eye liner to bring out my greens.


Red should bring out green since it is opposite green on the color wheel. It's also why eyes like mine look more green when I cry. My eyes get more bloodshot.


Okay sis! I’ll give it a try in the next couple days and post an update lol


People are taking this post WAY too seriously. I feel like it's pretty obvious that OP was making a lighthearted comment to indicate that their hazel eyes are frequently mistaken for brown. It doesn't automatically mean they think something is wrong with brown eyes, just that it can be frustrating to have people constantly say your eyes are a different color than they are.


Thank you for understanding! I wonder if I am this misperceived in real life now lol I think brown eyes are lovely and I am sorry anyone got the impression I was saying otherwise. I won't be using snapped in the future lol I really thought the emoji helped drive through that I'm kidding. I totally understand anyone calling them brown and it hasn't bothered me since I was in middle school lol I did at first think maybe my boyfriends/girlfriends weren't paying attention to me.


Your eyes are beautiful hazel. Your lucky!


Thank you honey xo


Hazel. Ch brown is large so you can forgive them for thinking brown.


Yeah they’re brown but are y’all blind? They’re green/gray-ish too


Yeah I’m p sure people are just saying they’re plain brown to make her mad due to the title lmao, they clearly are hazel which has to have brown in it obviously but there is definitely blue/gray in there too


Lolol yes I've definitely been trolled. Someone else direct messaged me to say they were shit brown. Such a sweet sub haha


Your eyes are brown, 🤣


Do you not see the grey? They are not fully brown by any means.🤦


Yeah those are defo hazel eyes


brown eyes are beautiful too, hope that helps.




Hazel eyes


I think that’s what “Hazel eyes” are.


Huh? Why are you putting that in quotations? What do you think "hazel" means in regards to eye color?


Suites for that’s what it’s called. Hazel is mixed eye color.




You have very beautiful eyes


They look (sorry) brown in the middle, but go to a dark gray. Very cool!


I have similar hazel eyes, and they definitely can look brown depending on the lighting and distance. It’s just how this color is


I thought those would be hazel?




At first glance they do look brown so in certain lighting might give the same affect they are multicolored with dominant color being brown so that is why people say brown.


Look a bit hazel to me, but they are beautiful eyes


My eyes look like this too


Your eyes are very unique and beautiful. People most likely say they’re brown just because they’re dark and usually people aren’t paying attention to the little details in eyes because they can be hard to see, especially is certain lighting. I have a similar experience, my eyes are brown on the outer rim but have a burst of green in the middle but I’ve always been told my eyes are brown. I’ve only ever had someone point out the green while in direct sunlight. So it has to do with lighting, and people’s attention to detail.


Thank you so much for that sweet compliment. Your eyes sound lovely! I have definitely learned that light changes the perception a lot.


I imagine they probably do look brown in most lighting. They are a very pretty color tho, hazel eyes hide surprises. My one sibling's eyes look brown 99% of the time, but when she steps into the sun they turn into a honey hazel color.


You have dark eyes. It's easy to confuse their color with brown eyes. I can see your eye color is brown with olive.


Is mesmerizing a colour?


Lololol thank you!


You are quite welcome. Had me staring into your eyes for quite a while LOL


They look brown, can’t expect people to immediately think that’s hazel (i have hazel eyes that often get mistaken for brown too, its not that deep)


Maybe it's just me, but do these types of mixed eye colors happen more in women than men? I hardly ever see men with it.


The men already snapped 😭🤣


I actually just saw online that heterochromia affects women more. Not sure about central since I doubt it's studied.


Learned a new word today, thanks:) Btw, I've been inspired to get back into artwork since joining this page, thank you for sharing and inspiring! Eyes were always my best thing to do well at. Definitely would need to break out more colors than brown on your eyes haha!


I love art so so much. I used to be a figure art model in my early 20s. As well as an art summer camp coprdinator for kids! Art history and museums are some of my favorite past times. So you're speaking to my heart! Feel free to share any work with me! I'd love that!


Oh man.. another word I've recently learned on Reddit is Blursed - blessed+cursed! You're inspiring me but also I'm feeling committed to follow up now lol! Thanks for blursing me haha! Actually I want to use your pic for a reference and play on the idea there's "no brown", by not using brown, but instead combine colors that will make the brown coloring where it's more prominent. I've been inactive for yeaaaars, and always just casual. But lately I have this burning desire to try mediums that I've always avoided in the past, like watercolors. And color theories really have my interest recently as well. Anyways, don't hold your breath, I'll see what I can do! You've definitely given me some spark to the fuel though!


Your eyes are super pretty! I get it, my eyes are green-gray and I get told regularly that they’re blue.


Mine are a cool green-grey with a small brown central heterochromia, my mother calls them grey hazel, my husband calls them teal. But call your eyes green and watch everyone jump to find the tiniest shade variation so they can call them blue lmao. It’s funny because grey is also rare but nobody cares if I call them grey.


I have the same eye color as you and I get annoyed when people say they’re brown as well. Brown eyes are beautiful, but mine are hazel. 🤷‍♀️


I see green and brown. Hazel?


I’d definitely call them hazel!


Brown. With a tiny bit of green. But overall, brown.


I think you may have green or grey with brown CH, but why get so offended? A great majority of your eyes are brown.. I could see why people may think your eyes are brown without staring into them for more than 10 seconds. ESPECIALLY in dim lighting


Your eyes are brown. I am color blind.


Partially brown, i don't see why theyd be upset over people calling their eyes brown


They aren’t brown but they are gorgeous all the same,also I LOVE your eye shape,it’s captivating.


And I LOVE you! Lol thank you for being so sweet!




We have the same eyes.


I wanna see!


If I could take a photo of my eyes that close up. I think they are the same anyway.


Are you Princess Belle???


I wish. But now I know who I should pick as my Disney princess going forward lol thank you! XO


They are grey, green and brown.


Why you so mad that they’re brown


Okay but if someone is standing across from you and you aren’t wide eyed staring in perfect lighting, like this photo, they’d just look brown.


Definitely not brown. Brownish


My eye color is similar to yours. Mid green with brown central heterochromia. I usually just say Hazel. I get brown from most people too.


Kinda brown.


Not brown lol


Sorry dear, but your eyes ARE BROWN!


Grey w/ brown hetero- chromia something.


They arent brown, but from far away could be mistaken for…


They are like a faded brown rather than a dark brown


I mean, they are partially brown. So, I guess technically hazel?


Brown-green hazel


You're hazel. Brown with a green ring.


They are not brown. They are also not green. They are both! There is a word for that, hazel. The brown is pretty prominent though and likely in any other lighting than bright lighting, your eyes probably look just brown.


Hazel. I have green-brown hazel also and have this same issue where only 3 eye colors exist to people.


Your eyes are brown (I’m kidding please don’t kill me)


I'll let it slide this time!


Thank you kindly, stranger. I will be sure to pay forward this good favor.


They are like 40% brown.


Your eyes are almost as beautiful as my wifes.... almost 😅


Your eyes are brown.


Your eyes are brown




As someone with a very dull steel grey blue kind of colour, I would love to have brown eyes. They come in so many shades and look even nore amazing when the sun hits them. Not understanding the hate for them in this group, and the person in the comments who claimed they are boring, you are entitled to your opinion, but maybe consider other peoples feelings before casting your lame judgement.




I have a friend with hazel eyes. They change from green to brown depending on her mood.


i don’t get it, why do you care about what they say and why snap if you can correct them? it’s not like they totally got it wrong, you do realize hazel won’t be hazel w/o brown? specially yours, you got a dark brown central heterochromia and an almost black, dark gray limbal ring. no wonder the rest got a negative impression despite the emoji, i hope you phrased your sentence better. this image seems pixelated so i can’t tell if that’s green or gray. imagine any person looking at your eyes, it’s like making a light comment of what’s the dominant color seen specially at a respectable distance, which in this case was most likely the CH. on a casual conversation, people won’t say “oh you’re eye color’s green/gray with a middle brown color around the pupils” while staring intently at your eyes?? so i find the “snapping” a bit excessive.


Because brown eyes are bad? Lol


And crackle and pop? Whatever color that dominantly displays is what I agree to mine being. If I stood next to you and someone asked what color your eyes are - I'd say brown. Cause it's dominantly brown, and I'm not touching noses so my blind self can see special effects. But in exceptional lighting and with you looking at me like an 🦉I may say hazel.


An 🦉? Lol thata a first. Those are just the way my eyes look though. Bug eyed has been an insult I've heard many times though.


Lol I meant purposely opening eyes wide, not like the pic (Any time someone has asked me what color their eyes are, they lean close, open their eyes wide, and tilt their head upwards. 🦉 is the best way to put it 🤣)


Lolol okay I got you now! At first I was like how rude! Lolol


They brown, sis. Bring it.


Ugh god forbid!!!!!!


Looking brown to me soz.




Nice brown eyes


Do these look like circle lenses to anyone else or am I just crazy?


I havebalways been scared of putting anything into my eye. So no, no contacts for me! I didn't realize people didn't have as prominent rings like mine until today!


They are prominent rings for sure! People put themselves through minor eyeball discomfort with lenses for this exact effect. I think you should be proud of them. My vote is central heterochromia, then. I see brown center and green surrounding. The center blends out in a really cool way. That should have tipped me off that they weren’t lenses.


So generous of you to say. Thank you! XO Thank you so much for sharing your perception! Secretly it's my opinion now too. But I understand others thinking differently lol