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Man,if I’ve ever seen someone that seriously needs to be mentally evaluated,she is the one.


100% the issue, she needs significant help.


Your mental health issues are not your fault. Nobody wants to have these problems. It is however your responsibility to deal with them. Whether it be through medication, a psychiatrist, meditation, or less conventional means. The world should not have to adapt to your personal dissorder.


Her behavior got her what she wanted. She may not be as helpless as you think.


Yes,she did, but it doesn’t change the fact that she is mentally ill and needs psychiatric care


I think there’s a difference between mental illness and just a POS human being. She’s a dysfunctional human being but that doesn’t necessarily imply mental illness, she could just be a spoiled brat.


Nah she’s throwing a tantrum because she got called out for cutting in line. She’s resorting to toddler like behavior because she was caught and this is the closest she’s come to accountability I’ve worked with actual 302’s When he said “she cut in front of me” she’s was mentally there enough to say “I didn’t see you”


THIS was why the outburst happened???


Three hundred and two years olds?! Wtf do you do? Work with emotionally unstable vampires?


Is there an example of an emotionally stable vampire? Those guys have *issues*. “Oh I miss the sun, brood brood brood, please vampire wives please stop crawling around on the ceiling you are marking the paint. We just had it repainted.”


Google tells me that a 302 is an 'involuntary admission' to a psych hospital for evaluation.


And with that kindergarten backpack.. Yes.


She reminds me heavily of my sister whom lived with me for a year until December. When she starts freaking out it is EXHAUSTING. Some people are the only people that matter to themselves.


Some people are mentally ill


I'm glad these people have never had a panic attack but like do they really not understand them?


Other people aren't responsible for the fallout of our mental illnesses. Is it our fault that we have to deal with these things? No. A lot of people are just born with some kind of imbalance. Is it our responsibility to make sure other people don't suffer because of it? Absolutely.


Yep, this is probably it. And some posts, like this one!, are reposts of (probably) mentally ill people. I’m over it


Don’t forget that Victoria’s Secret tantrum lady from a couple years ago too. They need a package deal


That’s a Reddit mod no doubt


When you realize you can't ban someone IRL


China begs to differ




For sure. Both the backpack and demeanor confirm. Edit: sorry for the triplicate comment. Reddit is fucking with me this morning.


I just saw a x7 in a other thread


That was last mouth ... Reddit recycle.


Careful. Those kinds of mistakes piss off the mods and then you’re real screwed


Hey go fuc.... True.


Damn, a mod who can take a joke! Thunderous applause to you, man!


Plot twist: he’s just getting everyone to lower their guard, identify everyone making fun of him, and ban us all at once. I see through your deception.


I once banned a man for putting ketchup on eggs, still brings a smile to my face.


You did whatever you believe in’s work. Ketchup on eggs is a monstrosity only children can be forgiven for, since we all know children are sociopaths.


pees in ur ass I am a Redditor, and this action was performed manually. Please contact your mother if you have any questions or concerns.


I’m surprised your comment wasn’t “Deleted” lmaoo


Mods really are little bitches (for the most part)




How tf do you have an 11 y/o account yet your posting copy and paste replies.




Take my faux gold ✨️




The person filming seemed so calm and nice and yet she probably got what she wanted because she was screaming and crying


I loved his question, “Is this a prank?”


Made me laugh.


Dude did the right thing, leave the situation. No retail worker is paid to put up with this... so best idea would be to just call the cops on the "crazy lady that's having a meltdown."


See dude sounded like a confused grandpa ngl he genuinely just wanted to get his stuff sounded super nice and def did the right thing. Feel bad for him. Our species is embarrassing.


I don’t think our species is embarrassing. There are just some people with what looks to be severe mental illness.


I’m the one who would be calling the cops and asking for a mental health specialist because her behavior is making me fear for my safety and the safety of others. Send someone immediately because she’s the one screaming, she’s unbalanced and I’m looking for a safe place because idk when she’s going to go off the richter and try to do something to harm others.


They’d send officers Goofy and Doofy and make situation worse.


😂😂😂 As long as they drop her off at the sanitarium


Odds are more likely they drop her off at the morgue...


that's ok too


Last time I saw this video, I made the comment that calling an ambulance is completely justifiable in this situation. Hopefully, they would bring cops. On another note, she is screaming so loud she could blow my eardrums.


Exactly. She’s endangering the health and safety of others. I had to turn my volume down.


I would imagine a child that never encountered a situation anything resembling this would now have a core memory of that one time at Wallyworld….and could be traumatic to a victim who was triggered by her outburst! Cops 100% should instantly be called if nothing else to protect those workers because she’s unhinged and capable of god knows what!??


She clearly suffers from significant mental illness


Literally. If you can't handle being out in public, and can't have basic interactions with people, you should probably be on some kind of medication. Her screaming and shouting makes her a potential danger to other members of the public, because her actions are wild and uncontrollable. I'm hoping she wasn't just a 'Karen' of some kind, because the guy she was screaming at honestly sounded like he was worried for her. He'd probably never had someone act that way towards him before.


Ironically, the real threats are usually quiet.


No, he didn't. By leaving he is telling this adult woman that that behavior is acceptable. Stand your ground shouldn't just be a law involving gun rights, but a stand against people like this continuing to behave like this.


Trauma doesn't give anyone an excuse for abusive behavior towards others. Their feelings may be valid, but they aren't justified to blast them at whomever is unfortunate enough to cross their path. This woman is clearly mentally ill, and needs serious counseling.


So have her removed from the store, in a dignified way, and provide said counseling. By doing the easy thing (complying with her "demands", aka bullshit), everyone else is reaffirming the idea that this conduct is acceptable. It's not. Mental health aside. Get her out and provide the help she needs.


I’ve worked jobs like these Wal mart employees. It’s not their responsibility to deal with her. The employees and the guy filming seem to be doing the reasonable thing of just trying to calmly de-escalate the situation so that they can get her out of the store


This guy is filming, and smartly so, to cover his ass.


Yeah, imagine knowingly giving the "W" to evil and manipulative people because "It's just easier that way". People like this lady should be checked hard at every encounter.


I hate entitled pricks like everyone else, don't get me wrong. She though seemed to have a genuine mental episode here. Not sure OP hit the nail on the head with the title.


Trauma can be a hell of a thing. That being said she seems a more coherent, and able to articulate than I would expect. To play devils advocate to my own comment, trauma also manifests in all different ways. Sooo in short don’t arm chair diagnose off of a short Reddit clip kids.


I would say that, if someone has this level of meltdown from trauma, they should probably not be walking around in public. Or have a caretaker. This is how someone gets arrested, hurt, or killed. Like, some people just should not be walking around without a guardian. I’d be terrified if I was walking by myself and encountered this person, because you don’t know of someone will come attack you thinking they’re defending the insane person.




I help facilitate the care for adults with mental health issues and developmental disabilities, and I cringe when I see videos like this because they are usually of people who have mental health diagnoses and history of trauma. Their lives are hard enough with these sort of outbursts and inability to live a normal life.


100% a manic episode. Once a person goes past the thinking threshold like this it is extremely difficult to calm them down. It's best to disengage and allow them to physically try to relax themselves with some self-soothing activities.


My ex-wife would cry publicly and make up lies to get what she wanted....not quite like that but it definitely wasn't ok. From avoiding speeding tickets to getting airplane seats, she was always a victim that needed help and there was always a bullshit story. I felt stuck between wanting to support my wife, wanting to tell her to stop being a bad person, and wanting to leave. Eventually option #3 won but it took years.


It’s an interesting situation when you have to support someone you don’t agree with. I have been in a similar position and didn’t know how to handle it. I still don’t..


Damn bro, I’m sorry. I feel for you and wish you the best of luck.


No ma'am. *He's* not the problem. *You're* the problem. The exit door is to your right.


She’s still gotta pay for her dog food and alcohol tho


Yum dinner for two


I would refuse to sell to her and tell her to get the fuck out.


And that right there is the root the problems we got today, these people think acting up and screaming till they get what they want is how you should act because it keeps working.


>at they want is how you should act because it keeps working. What's that Mike Tyson quote? Yeah. Everyone's way too comfortable being crazies these days.


I prefer “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”


Yeah, asking the guy to walk away was a mistake, it just further coddles this child of an adult. I'd have stood there and watched her scream for another minute or two, at least make her go hoarse over it.


I’d be throwing out one liners at her…. See if we can break the sound barrier with those screams


These are Walmart employees. Path of least resistance. They aren't paid enough to deal with this. This happened in my town, Prattville AL. It blew up on some local groups. This isn't her first time.


The result of parents who always just gave in to get them to STFU instead of disciplining their children


100%. This is a person who learned tantrums get them what they want. Now they’re like 30 and still pulling this shit.




Don't do that. We don't need more of this in the gene pool, thank you.


No not that kind of take out bro


I think i lost brain cells watching this woman acting like that


I'm wondering if she has an intellectual disability. Seems way over the top.


To be honest, it’s obvious that she does. Of course the boomer Reddit commenters are glossing over mental disorders like they always do. I’m sure the guy recording is feeding into it making it worse by causing a sensory overload which results in her overreacting unwillingly.


What in the fuck is going on with multiplied comments today, it's fucking with me harder than this bitch getting a gentle tap on the shoulder


Looks like a wifi bug. Been happening to me, works if I disconnect my wifi.


Best comment here! Thanks for the genuine laugh this morning! 😀


“I can’t stand another man touching me!” The audacity to lie about something like that (particularly in today’s climate), when all this poor guy did was get his camera out is genuinely sickening.


"You cut in line" "I have a boyfriend"




He might have just tapped her on the shoulder, touching does not necessarily imply SA, the video is way too short to make assumptions


I'm always complaining about people pulling out their cell phones. But as a man this is pretty scary. She immediately starts with "he touched me" and then starts screaming a bit later. This person knows exactly what she is doing because she responds to the Walmart cashier about not seeing him when she cut line. I would think most people having an episode would be oblivious to the talking from the Walmart person and be in their own "world". But that's me. Can you imagine the police coming a few minutes later? Then imagine this is not Walmart and there are no witnesses. When did society fall into the sewer like this and think this is accepted behavior?


It's been the sewer we just catch it on camera now


Nothing about this is acceptable. That's why it's on Reddit


This comment hit me, it’s a whole vibe lol.


It’s not acceptable. Don’t be so naive


Imagine if he was a male POC. Who do you think the cops will believe?


I’ve seen so many videos of psycho Karen’s crying wolf when they see a black guy where they think he “shouldn’t be”. They’re batshit angry for 90% of the time and when they call the cops, the automatically start the water works and make it sound like they’re in grave danger and are being abused. It’s terrifying. White women have caused a lot of lynchings back in the day


See "To kill a mocking bird" and the real life story Emmitt Till.


The bitch is still alive today and is free as a bird


No charges even though she admitted it was a lie.


And this bird you cannot change


Some birds need to be turned into chicken nuggets


Sickening, isn't it....


I'm a white guy who was charged with a felony years ago based on a female lying on me - so there's your answer. Even when found innocent in a court of law, that shit still has a huge impact on your life.


This happened to me with an ex. She was an addict and when I wouldn't give her money or call "my guy" she'd go bat shit and wreck my house. Then when I'd kick her out she'd call the cops and say I hit her. In Illinois, if a woman accuses her SO of domestic violence the man automatically goes to jail and you gotta let the court sort it out. It's literally guilty until proven innocent. And she knew this. I am in no way exaggerating when I say she did this so often that the police and states attorney knew it was bull shit. On the ride to jail the cops would APOLOGIZE TO Me saying they didn't have a say in the matter, it's just procedure, and they'd tell me "man you gotta get away from this". Then when I got to the jail, they'd process me in, then immediately start out processing me, because states attorney wasn't going to persue charges. I'd be cut loose within 2 hours. But did anything ever happen to her for filing false reports or anything? Absolutely not.


Don't mess with crazy people, men & women alike


How the fuck did this even happen twice!?


The guy recording sounds so sorry for this even though it’s not his fault.


That’s an adult? Wtf😂


It depends on how you define adult.


Girl is rude and nuts, but I would’ve just gone to another register and called it a day. I ain’t got time for that.


Totally. When I was younger I would have hade some words for that woman throwing a tantrum. Now that I'm older I just avoid dealing with crazy people, i got so much stuff to do and not enough energy to do it. I knew


What happened to people? When did so many of us lose the ability to be a part of a functioning society?


People like this always existed. But they were locked up by family or the state, sent to group facilities and the such. Their presence is also being amplified by social media because they are more interesting to watch than a functional person that just buys their shit and leaves.


Exactly. honestly, the people who think this specific video is a sign of the downfall of our society, are prob more linked to the downfall of our society because they just watch a video and make snap judgements that make them more divisive and hateful and use it confirm their terrible biases


Amen. These days people post a video of someone doing some outrageous, unusual behavior, then people watch it and conclude “This is how everyone in *xyz group I don’t like* acts.” No… that’s one terrible, awful person. Just because they’re a member of a given group doesn’t make their behavior or opinions representative of the group. Assess the individual. Don’t treat the individual as a lens that projects all of mankind.


Doesn't help that basically every city in North America is having a mental illness/drug addict/homeless crisis where we see this exact shit play out but 10x worse on a daily basis irl.


Me when I realize this is my competition in the job market 😁 Me when I realize this type of person is going to make up most of society 🤬


You when you realize this person works in HR and will be part of the interview process 😭


Covid gave opportunity for people to use the internet as a substitute for human interaction, which ended up radicalizing people into chronically online behavior. Be it right wing or left wing bull. Now people think that socially unnacceptable behavior is acceptable because they've had a two year long echo chamber coddling them. People don't know how to act anymore, and it's ridiculous


People were doing that long before COVID- the pandemic just pushed it along further and showed others who never did it before that it's an option lol. Not a good option, but definitely an option.


She really shouldn't be out in public. She's clearly not able for it and other people shouldn't have to be inflicted by her bullshit


People like this shouldn’t be in society.


“I’m not getting what I want” *Banshee noises*


It's not up to the world to accommodate your triggers. Your triggers are your responsibility, and how you react to them is 💯% on you.


Man,if I’ve ever seen someone that seriously needs to be mentally evaluated,she is the one.


I think her first step to being taken seriously about anything is to purchase an adult backpack.


jesus christ. how do people like this survive daily life.


I know that mental illness might play a part in this, but if this is how you act, then you should really stay inside. Use the services that covid made so easy for everyone to stay inside. Keep going to treatment.


I was just about to say this. Walmart definitely isn't the best place for somebody recovering from trauma....


If she's disabled, her food money comes in the form of SNAP, and a lot of grocery stores (especially locations outside of expensive urban areas, even when the chains run commercials about free delivery or free grocery pickup but only certain faraway locations) never bothered to extend Covid-era courtesies to SNAP users. They forced the disabled, immune-compromised, sick, mentally ill, and poor to keep coming into the store, where combative anti-maskers lurked because they just wanted to socialize and mingle. It was a complete shitshow that could have been prevented by treating disabled people equally, but they didn't and in most places still haven't.


Poor guy tryna do his groceries


And she threw them!!


SOME of them. She left them bat wings though. Maybe she knows you just dont fuck with the Batman or his shit.


“Is this a prank” this fucking guy 🤣🤣🤣


This is not normal. She has mental issues and I hope she finds the right help.


These people are seriously literally mentally ill.


The idiots who are saying the guy recording is the problem, men have to record interactions like this because of you he is calmly speaking he was not taunting or being condescending she cut the line which she admitted then had a breakdown because he called her on it, she also accepted she threw his stuff. Even if she is having a mental breakdown she is the problem not him. But you blame the man types are why this shot keeps happening how does she function if she can’t have a man standing over 6ft away with two trolleys acting as a physical barrier. Should all men leave a shop so she can be happy. You are the problem she should stay home and keep her crap to herself!


People get away with this shit, because it gets handled exactly the way this was handled. The person who did nothing wrong was asked to leave, and the literal fucking psycho was being placated to.


Dresses like an infant, acts like an infant.


Wow, sad that some people need to learn how to, I dunno, interact normally in society. Guess that’s a lot to ask these days.


This person is clearly mentally unwell. As a parent who's dealt with meltdowns like this, I worry for everyone involved. It's not about being childish, it's about needing treatment.


yeah people laughing about it just makes me feel weird, as if people only take mental health seriously when its presented in a way thats digestible for them. like yeah shes clearly unwell, thats why shes screaming?? not every disorder is going to involve sulking in a bedroom silently to yourself. i hope she gets help.


You see so many comments from reddit users talking about how much we need to take mental health seriously, and then when there's someone who is very clearly very mentally unwell and needs treatment, those same users just start pointing and laughing. Obviously the woman's behavior isn't acceptable, but I can't help but empathize with the fact that her life must be a complete hell. Somebody who's doing well doesn't behave that way. I just hope she gets the help she needs, nobody can or should live like that.


Was thinking the exact same thing. Reddit genuinely sickens me sometimes.


Yeah this is just saddening more than anything.


Regardless of what might be going on with her personally (could be any number of things which are not something to be made fun of), she still responded that she didn’t see him when he said she cut in line. That means she was clear enough to process that and respond. That was her chance to say she didn’t see him and then course correct and go back in line. She just screamed instead. She weaponized her distress to get what she wanted and knows full well what she did.


I can't believe this is happening at Walmart of all places.


When she’s like “JUST GO, JUST LEAVE, YOURE MAKING IT WORSE” and then starts screaming at the top of her lungs for no apparent reason it’s like a childlike way to win an argument. Talking over him so he can’t explain his side of what’s going on so that everyone watching out of context just sees her screaming and upset, and then escorting the guy away and she can make herself look the the victim.


Obviously she's in some kind of state of mental crisis and needs help. I hope she gets the help she needs so she can eventually function in general society without ending up in this kind of breakdown.


That’s a Reddit mod no doubt


This has been posted on reddit a zillion times by now and we're theorizing she was having an autistic meltdown


I have ADHD, and my first thought that she looked like she was overstimulated. This is definitely what it feels like, but most people with ADHD have learned how to handle it in a socially acceptable way. Autism would explain that, though.


Annnnnnd she got her way…. Big surprise there


If I was the guy I wouldn’t have even said anything, just grab my stuff and go to another isle. I don’t have time for that shit.


My ex would act like this while accuse-o-screaming “you’re giving me anxiety right now” while behaving like this.


Oh this again.


Can someone please slap her across the face to get some sense into her


Honestly we as a society can’t keep babying these people. She should have been removed, not the other guy, especially if she cut in line and threw his purchases. I understand she CLEARLY has mental issues, but always bowing down to and doing exactly what they demand is enabling these psychos and spreading more of the victim mentality.


“YOU’RE MAKING IT WOORRRSSEE!!!!!!” “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” yeah tell me about it 🙄


lmaooooo she looks ridiculous for that she could of got her shit delivered!


The backpack omg


The saddest part of all of this is that there are diapers in her cart. Some poor little child that's not even capable of taking a proper dump has to rely on... this... for protection.


Maybe it’s her diapers, gotta keep an open mind


This video makes me furious. They should have called the police and had her arrested. Once she spends time in a padded cell her little act for attention will be fixed real fast. That poor man was a victim and that entitled brat should have been thrown out immediately.


This video has circulated for months and curious if any updates or news popped around this gal and getting help. If memory serves she states she is a survivor of assault/rape and this interaction triggered her into a full blown panic attack.


I’m sad for her…


Why is the only thing in this dude’s trolley a bat?


She threw his stuff


Her executive functioning is clearly offline at the moment. She probably suffers from a disability. Let’s not all presume she’s just some brat.


It’s funny because if a dude started acting like this at Walmart, police would be called and he would likely be tazed


"YOU'RE MAKIN IT WOOOOOORSE!!!!!" This woman is clearly having a meltdown and needs professional medical help.


Why the workers won’t tell her to calm down? She clearly has mental issues and needs help. Not the guy who is filming for who knows what she does next. The video is the only evidence of the crazy behavior.




redditor irl


If a man pulled this shit within ten minutes he'd be handcuffed laying face down in a parking lot.


This is why we need to hold people accountable in our house holds.. someone is a entitled brat.


I hate her.


Mental health issues combined with participation trophies lead to adults like this


The person filming seemed so calm and nice and yet she probably got what she wanted because she was screaming and crying. That’s just sad


I mean we don't really know what is happening here, she probably has some issues, social anxiety, autism...she has really bad emotional regulation. Maybe it's just permissive upbringing and the guy didn't deserve to be screamed at like that but I wouldn't judge so quickly. She looks like she needs help.


Judge her behavior as wrong but understand how it came to be. Nobody should enable this.


He is “assaulting”her with inconvenient truth.She cut in line so she is making it look like he is harassing her by pointing it out. This is probably Atlanta.


I’m going to try that next time. Just cut everyone and start screaming. See you next Tuesday bitch!


She needs to be admitted for sure


I thought she was autistic


Childish? She should be taken to a mental clinic and checked intensively.