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I'm still coming to terms with the fact that 2002 was over 20 years ago.


I’m a college professor, and I mentioned something about 9/11 in my first-year class last week. Then I realized I was the only person in the room who was alive when 9/11 happened.


I'm a college secretary. One of the Faculty I work with walked into my office saying "well, it finally happened." They had this exact same thing.


I hope this doesn’t come across as insensitive but I feel like 9/11 is our generations Great Depression or Vietnam war. “Back in my day…” and “you weren’t alive when this happened but it was crazy…” etc etc. same with the war in the Middle East. we saw a historical event ourselves and watched it become a historical event (almost, still pretty recent in my opinion). But historical events are happening across the world every day. We are just living through it instead of reading about it in a textbook.


Just wait until people dont believe Covid was a thing because it’s so nuts


People already thought Covid wasn’t a thing in 2020. By 2040 people will claim it was good for us or something.


I remember people saying they were trying to get it so they could “strengthen their immune system the natural way”, which is practically claiming it was good for us.


Well for those who were unvaccinated and had it and survived without consequences that is technically true.


That has always been a thing. Check out chicken pox parties.


There will be more pandemics coming up


it was kinda interesting to watch aprox 2 million americans die. a 9/11 every 1-3 days (more americans dead than every war we've fought) and half the nation get violently upset at the thought of doing anything to help their fellow americans


Just checked and it wasn't 2 million, the number of American deaths from covid is 1,175,172. That's of course still a fucking lot though - in fact, it's more than the amount of American soldiers who died in every war since the Civil War **combined**. Yes including WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf war, Afghanistan, Iraq... The number for all those wars is only about 1,164,900 which is insane to think about. And yet 9/11 still means more to national identity than so many deaths from the pandemic. It's mindblowing to think about.


I remember thinking this way about Operation Desert Storm


I thought the seminal event in my life was seeing the wall come down. I mention it today and kids would probably say “what wall?”


Old enough to remember the wall. Served in the Middle East, and am currently in Baghdad. It's weird that I lived through the history that my kids learn about in school.


I am particularly irritated by people demanding sources for my personal experience. I was there, I was one of the people involved. I'm a primary source. And yeah, that doesn't necessarily make me a reliable and trustworthy source. But still. ETA Not 9/11 or the Berlin Wall in my case.


When it happened, I thought it would become the defining event of my generation, something that would go down in history as the most (in)famous event of the beginning of the third millennium. Now, several terrorist attacks later, coupled with an economic crisis, wars and a goddamn pandemic, it feels like just another bad event. It's like you said - for us who were in their early twenties in 2001, Vietnam is as distant to us as 9/11 is to people who are 20 today.


I think Covid will be the next gens “9/11” like our kids won’t be able to understand it


Well there’s a disease subset of history, from the Black Plague, to smallpox, Spanish flu to Polio, and now Covid.


I volunteer for search and rescue and help out the Cadet section of the group- Much the same, none were even BORN when 9/11 happened. They were discussing it one training day and I said "oh yeah I remember watching it live on TV, I was your age then" they couldn't believe it. That said it's hilarious to tell teenagers that "yes I have a gaming PC *and a steam account*". First time I mentioned it- One looked at me stunned and said.... "But you're *old!*" (I'm 36).


My steam account is older than a few of my junior colleagues.


Lol, I remember, years ago, playing Call of Duty and these kids were griefing me for being “an old guy that still plays cal of duty”. “Do you idiots think call of duty and video games are designed by a bunch of 12 year olds?!” They became silent after that lol


>. "But you're > >old! > >" (I'm 36) HAHAHAHA


In my early 20's, I remember sparring with this dude and he told me to slow down as he was 36, I replied something to the effect of 'damn, yr really old. ' I'll be crossing 50 soon :-(


Oh my dear god…are we really considered “old” now?… 34F here I mean, I DO get called “ma’am” at times, but gotdamn…😭 When Halo Infinite came out a few years back, I played and actually bonded quite well with a young group of guys, youngest one being like 15. I called him a squeaker and his older brothers (20’s) loved it and joined in. Then, of course, I had to let them make fun of me for being old enough to be his (squeaker) mom as well as being married…🤣


Just to put in perspective how old we all are: Kids born after 9/11 are now old enough *to drink*. And we’re so old that they don’t remember a time where you could smoke but not be able to drink legally


I’m “old” enough to remember them raising the smoking age, one of my friends was pissed even though neither of us were 18 to begin with lmfao


I was pissed when it happened because I was 20 the year it happened in California, and California did it before everyone else. I know smoking is not healthy but I pretty much already had the habit. Luckily I had some coworkers that were willing to help me out.


I’m old enough that when I was in high school there was a outdoor smoking area for students


This confused the hell out of me. I had no idea they raised the smoking age from 18 to 21.


Me too. I thought the smoking age was still 19 in AL and 18 nearly everywhere else. Had no clue it was raised to 21, here or in any other state. Apparently, if it doesn't affect you, no one much cares


Wait, the USA smoking age is under the drinking age? That's some insane shit.


It used to be 18 for tobacco, now it’s 21.


Wait... they upped the smoking age from 19?


I feel you there. I’m a much older college person. Was in class when I realized what day it was. The teacher wrote the day on the board. No one said a word about it. Weirdest moment. Especially as a veteran


Just wait until someone glances at your ID and says, "you're old enough, I see the 19".


Yeah, that shit hits different.


It's so much fun to mention being born in the late nineteen hundreds, and watch people think for a moment.


Even more alarming when the year is 1919


Right. I was like that can't possibly mean she was born in 2002, that would make her only..... oh, wait....


I feel the same like 2002 was like 5 years ago lol


I *still* remember that the mascots were named Powder, Copper, and Coal.


My "baby" was born in 2001, and invited me to a pub to catch up. They ordered us a few pints of beer.


Right. I am old... ancient..I graduated from college 1995...I am a dinosaur 😂😂😂


19 years ago. I got married in 2003 and my 20th Anniversary is in 2 weeks.


You mean 5th anniversary. Congratulations by the way!


man, i just tried to to the quick math in my head and was like wait, isn’t this illegal?


Exactly, and someone from 1974 maybe has grown up kids.


And here I am trying to figure how tf 4 years went by since 2020.


Bless you for thinking we're in 2022 when we're closer now to 2024


The facepalm is clearly wishing your bf a happy Father’s Day when you point out he abandoned his children to hookup with you


it’s not real though someone took this couple’s photos off the internet and then wrote some snarky caption


Rage bait. The internet is fuelled by it now. It always sort of has been but now more than ever. It's all so tiresome.


clicks = money I wonder if it’s culturally possible to make it lame to have strong opinions about people you don’t know


I feel like every time we have a big revolution in technology, and it starts mixing with the profit motive, shit gets worse. The Industrial age made us all disaffected and swimming in pollution. The Information age has turned everything into bullshit and infotainment.


>Rage bait. There's no more real facepalms. 1/2 these posts are troll farms and meant to be rage bait. I didn't scroll far enough yet, but someone is going to turn this into a sexist argument below - because it's a troll farm. Most of the accounts that troll are no more than a couple months old.


So, a perfectly happy couple going on with their lives suddenly wondering why random people hate them.


I figured, dude does not look 49


I could believe 49, but he’s pretty buff so he’s in great shape for 49.


>he’s pretty buff so he’s in great shape for 49. Which would make the age difference believable... However, the wording is CLEARLY made to make rage bait.


That’s what I was thinking, why is Bob Saget built like fuckin Clark Kent hanging out in Thailand?


And it’s so obvious too. It’s amazing how easy people choose to be mad at random strangers.




Yep. I dated a girl who cheated on her ex with me. And then she cheated on me. Fair. I walked into that one. Learned my lesson the first time, so not in vain.




This. Like. I'm not monogamous myself. I'd be chill if she'd just talked to me about it. (I didn't know I wasn't monogamous back then. But I've never really been monogamous?) People wanna hate on poly, but accepting it into society would save so many relationships and save everybody's time. Like. Just admit you need more than one partner. And get with someone who consents to that.




That also happens when you “rescue” someone from some BS situation they’re in. Eventually someone else will “rescue” them from you.


I think that’s less important than how easy it would be to just leave her, a girlfriend, than it was to leave a wife and three kids. He might cough one day and be gone


he'll cheat on her when shes old enough


I had no idea that was a flex. wow


If he's born in 1974, his kids were probably born in the 90s? Maybe they're grown ups now... I don't think they're infants, but only they know for real


I was born in 74, had my first kid at 27 or 28, around 2002.


I was born in 74 and my kids were born in 09 and 14.


‘74 and my kid is almost four months!


So, more than 20 years old... still young to get their father lost if they used to have a good relationship


I was born in '74 and my kid is 10


She says abandoned which infers they are likely still in school. Let’s say he started late at 30 and went every two years starting in either 2003 or 2004. That would be 18, 16, and 14. It’s likely he’s been checking out his kid’s classmates.


Agree... even if they are early 20s, if they had a good relationship is a shitty situation.


Lol 30 is not ‘late’ to be starting a family


I’m sure she sees him as her daddy lol


I bet his kids are around his Gf’s age


Possibly, I can’t imagine at any point in my life thinking that breaking up a family would be something to be proud of. I had a friend who was married and very promiscuous. She met some guy online that was married with his first child on the way. I asked her if she just enjoyed competing with other women constantly. I pointed out she should walk away from the guy since they didn’t really have a relationship and encourage the guy to work on his relationship or leave it. I wouldn’t want to be any part of that equation. I no longer speak with her. Got tired of the sleazy drama.


I think they get off on the thrill of doing things they’re not supposed to be doing.


I think it's more like, "he's married and has kids, but I'm so sexy and incredible he dumped them to be with me."


That’s part of it, but it’s a bit more malicious I’m afraid.


I would probably have so much stress /anxiety if I was in a situation where I had to hide a relationship from my wife. Idk how people can do it without remorse.


Not to mention the future one when she gets left by him for another woman.


Just because he was born in the 1970’s doesn’t mean he has to wear pants from the 1970’s.


Those are 90s.


Those are hideous.


those are 90s


“Elephants frolicking on the shore with a young piece” is the name of this set of PJ’s.


Nothing says “Bangkok” like a pair of Khao San Road Elephant pants.


That was my overall impression from this post.


Those are a popular staple for Western travelers to SE Asia. My husband and I did our honeymoon there 7 years ago and every white girl was wearing some crazy loose fitting elephant pants.


Those are popular among the Thailand traveler crowd


I bought these EXACT same pants in Bangkok a few months ago. Same colours and everything. I feel a little sick now.


I ![gif](giphy|RmWrAFLqhUtdm)


I’ve seen this couple on tiktok, weird age gap but I don’t recall her saying he left his wife and kids for her? Probably a ragebait post but also maybe I didn’t see that part


It’s definitely to get clicks and views. No way she’d be posting about this if it actually happened


>Probably a ragebait Probably? I mean, it's simply a wrong post and the admins should remove it. They won't because ragebait fuels this sub


Fuck the age gap, wtf is that man?? Jacked af for no reason with a Millhouse face and forearms longer than her…


WTF did I just read?!?! 🤦


My ex dumped me to date her math teacher after we graduated high school (he’s 52). Life’s weird sometimes


LOL dude that sucks... RIP in piece.


I couldn't care less about how different the age is between a couple. But being so 'happy' that he left his wife & three kids should tell you that he will likely leave you, too.


Probably not without knocking her up first then finding an even younger thing. Ew.


She's not smart enough to realize that


To be fair, it's all how you read it. If he had kids before he was 30, then his kids are past 18. So when it says left his wife and kids behind, he may have left his adult kids and wife that was all but ex wife other than name. Or they could be young kids and a very sad wife. Bit hard to judge anything from this post other than the age gap.


Yeah, he's around the same age as my parents and I'm married with kids of my own. It's still creepy but it doesn't necessarily mean he didn't finish raising his kids


Totally not the point and not in any way condoning this dumpster fire but.... the man's lookin good for 49. Just sayin.




His face is, maybe his body hasn't caught up with his age. But he looks like a younger Bill Gates


he is like the Asian gold digger's dream man. white. tall. big nose. not fat. money. all other aspects of character and circumstance don't matter after that.


big nose?


A narrow nose is viewed as high class moreso than a less protruding but wide nose in SEA typically, but it’s a bit more complicated.


Really? He's about my age and he looks much older than me


You won the genes lottery.


Maybe, but especially in that first picture I thought he was pushing 60


hate to say it but it's true. he has the body of a fit 20 year old. face is decent too. he was probably very handsome when he was young.


Probably shitpost tbh


Go to Thailand and you’ll see this everywhere


Usually a bigger gap


Huh? A BIGGER gap?? 😐


Yeah, it's not unusual to see some bald retired dude with a wife in her 20s


Bragging about ruining a marriage. That's classy.


He left his wife and children for her. It is his fault lol. If you lose to temptation it is always your fault. You have a choice and you choose to cheat.


He is the cheater and no one denies that. He is 100% at fault. But she is also at fault for having no problem going with a married man and bragging about it.


You have a choice to do heroin, doesn't make the drug dealer any less of a piece of shit.




Mic drop.


She’s got agency too. She could have chosen to walk away but here she is, bragging about it which meant she made an active choice to be a part of this.


“Elephant pants” is a derogatory term in Thailand directed at the “spiritual” white people who can’t think beyond stereotypes and are wearing elephant patterned pants that are not representative of Thai culture, but is a recent design by a commercial enterprise to sell to tourists. And she knows it


People who abandon their children are the scum of the Earth, every child deserves a loving a caring mother and father


I feel bad for his ex wife and his kids.


“Hi I married a sex tourist that left his family for me!”


He abandoned his wife and bailed on his kids to chase a young piece of ass. Not worthy of respect.


My son was born in 2002. I was born in 78…he’s 4 years older than me…🤮


Yeah, i’m about the same age gap with my son as this couple. Ew.


Sorry, but your Son can’t be 4 years older than you.


Not with that attitude


Happy Father’s Day to the father that abandoned his kids! Yay 🙄🙄🙄


so she wishes a happy fathers day to this guy for... not being a father?


I am his exact age. My youngest child is her age. Eww. How is this okay?


She looks like a child next to him; it's a little creepy.


I've never gotten the logic behind "Oh sb cheated on their partner for me", Like yes this person is capable of cheating on their partner, so there is a high propability they will do the same to you.


Is that Bill gates on TRT?


People overlook the 26 year age gap between Celine Dion and her late husband, Rene Angelil. He was a married man with 3 children who left his family. I guess when you're famous it's different.


pretty sure most people think it’s gross he groomed her


I knew there was a huge age difference with those two, but I didn't know he abandoned a family to be with her. Good grief.


I'm 45, my step monster is 30. My dad had me at 35..... She is a vile human being, just like my father, the both of them.


Is this Bill Gates’ GMO clone?


White guys leaving their wife for young Asian woman from another country should be it’s own category in divorce proceedings at this point.




There was this dude that went to the church I grew up in and he was married 2 kids, boy and a girl. Nice quiet guy, family seemed happy.. they hosted a foreign exchange student from an Asian country, I can’t remember which but the guy ended up falling in love with her and leaving his family as well but continued working at this Baptist facility that hosted summer camps and retreats. He stopped going to our church after he left his family but I ended up working at the facility one summer as a staffer/camp counselor and idk he was cool but it was really strange seeing him with that young girl and knowing a bit of what went down.. This reminds me soo much of that, the guy even looks similar to this dude, tall white nerdy look guy..


This has to be bullshit


Bet she calls him "daddy" too.


If they’ll do it with you, they’ll do it to you - - Dr. Phil.


Once she gets a kid he’s done. Or if his money runs out he’s done. Seen so many idiots fall for this.


oh god 🤢 i was born in 2002 and my dad was born in ‘73. YUCK! that’s a little too close for my liking


Christ, I was born in 92 and I think if I had to deal with a 21 year old I’d shoot myself, F in chat for the weird 1974 cradle rocker


That’s so sweet. I wonder what her expiration date is?


Happy Father’s Day to the man who left being a father for me! 🤦🏼‍♀️


If she's over 18 then it isnt an issue, it just means he's a generic two-timing dickhead.


Idc about age difference, nor leaving your wife, you know, sometimes things just don't work out. But leaving your kids to go fuck your girlfriend? :-/ that's the action of a shit dad.


Happy Father's Day yeah. Totally. Abandoned his own kids to be your sugar daddy. Oh boy he's gonna have a ride awakening in 10 years time.


Mail order brides will do anything for a visa


when I was 20, my uncle, my father's older brother, married a girl younger than me. She was less than half his age.


I barely manage 5 years with my younger wife people don’t understand that difference.




I thought this was swole Bill Gates for a minute until I read lol


I guess Woody Allen is his favorite director?


So she "Happy FATHER's day" to a deadbeat guy who left his kids to be with his mistress? The irony...


That's fucked


Fuckin weird . 🤷🏽‍♀️


Too bad he doesn’t consider himself a father anymore. Better double up on the birth control because he won’t consider himself a father when you get pregnant.


I used to work with a guy whose stepmother was about 15 years younger than he was. His father had been married five or six times, and this wasn’t the first stepmother younger than he was.


So *how* exactly is this guy a father?




That girls family should be alarmed


Are his kids adults? Was she an adult when they started dating? Had his marriage broken down? If yes to all three...who cares!


Fathers Day is for fathers, not your daddy.


This is so disturbing....


"He left his three kids #happyfathersday" How can you be oblivious?!


How is him leaving his wife and kids a flex? How is being vapid a plus point? How.


Happy Father's day to my BF who LEFT HIS WIFE AND FAMILY TO BE WITH ME?? WTF GIRL? Petty University is in session 🙏


Congrats on being his mid life crisis!


What's so lucky about a man who left his 3 kids for you???? Someone willing to leave his kids can never be worthy in my eyes And look at the irony she is wishing him father's day while he left his kids 😂


"we will always work it out" like he clearly couldn't do with his wife and 3 kids


People that abandon their children don't deserve celebrations about parenting


Idgaf about age gaps but leaving his family like that makes him a dickwad.


Are we gonna talk about how cursed that was? Abandoning wife and 3 kids...


I don't judge the age gap, but Bragging about someone who left his family for her is VERY cringe. And there is an urban legend : The way you got him is the way you lose him. So prepare for that.


The upgrade of all upgrades. 🤣


what a beautiful love story! so it's never late for us to find happiness and live near the ocean?