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A person's true character is measured by how they behave when they think no one is watching.


The huge grins on their faces is what’s really getting me


Seeing the adults running up to the bucket, with huge smiles, laughing and rapidly taking all of the candy like desperate fucks is really something. By now, I'm sure their friends of families told them about the video going viral. Are they going to go back to the homeowner and apologize? Or will they continue to degrade their shithole life and act like victims? 🤔


Also what’s weird is that this is literally like $10 worth of candy lol, and they’re acting like they’re making out like bandits. Their costumes cost farrrr more than all the candy they took, so why take so much? Bro if you want a ton of candy, just go the the damn store haha. The fun of Halloween isn’t just that you get a ton of candy, it’s that you get it on a special night with you and your friends, and get it from all over the place. Idk, just genuinely strange behavior. EDIT: damn, inflation is even hitting internet comments now. Pick your preferred price of this candy lol, but we can all agree it’s easier to just go to the store and buy candy


Exactly this. If I wanted to do trick-or-treat for the purpose of getting as much candy as I could, I would just fucking go to the grocery store, get those bags of chocolates or whatever and have it last for weeks. When I was young and did trick-or-treat, I was just doing it to hangout with my friends. Didn't care at all about the candies. Just wanted fun and memories. Those adults in the video clearly made it a plan before they went out. "When we go out, let's make sure we are quick to grab all the candy from each house before anyone else does!"


Yeah this definitely gave more 'looting and pillaging' vibes than 'trick or treating.' This is just naked selfishness and greed on display.


I’m guessing they probably drove to the local “rich” neighborhood, too.


And judging by how fat they were, it looks like they already got their fair share of candy.


$10 worth of candy? From where?


Yeah those look like king size bars, in a large bowl. That's *minimum* $50




They are grinning because the don’t give a damn.


And in today's world we can expect there is a camera recording every moment we are out in public.


> there is a camera recording every moment we are out in public. I don't even pick my wedgie anymore in public for fear of someone watching me.


I'm the opposite. I push my wedgies in deeper when I'm out in public, in hopes that someone is watching me.


The true power move lol


I look straight into the camera as I pick out my wedgie to assert dominance.


Near the end of the night, we left our bowl out for ~15-20 minutes while we went over to the neighbours' place to help them with something. We had no sign and the candy was set up in pre-portioned baggies in the bowl. Checked the doorbell camera and saw a group of 3 teens (?) came by, took one baggie each, waved to our dogs through the window and left. People like those in the OP just ruin things for everyone.


We put a bowl out for the last ~30 minutes and went to grab a drink. Watched the kids come up on the doorbell camera from the bar. The very last kid took maybe 2-3 pieces and then came back to put one piece back in the bowl. Wasn't sure why they decided to return a piece until we got back home and there was exactly one piece left. They put it back because they didn't want to leave the bowl empty 🥺


My 3-year old puts candy from her bag into empty bowls, a behavior that we didn't prompt or celebrate. I guess she just feels like the bowl shouldn't be empty.


You’re doing this parenting thing right


Aw, that's so sweet. What a good kid.


Last year, I put out a bowl with all one type of candy. When I checked it at the end of the night, there were other types of candy in there too. One of my neighbor's kids apparently thought it was appropriate to "trade" some of hers for mine. So sweet.


I put a bowl on my porch with a note to please take two and it worked. I was in my living room and could hear alot of people on the porch thru the evening but seems like everyone only took 2 because there was some left at the end of the night. I normally hand out candy but I have rheumatoid arthritis and was having trouble walking this time so I put the bowl out with a note instead.


This is why I got pissed in the r/trashy thread showing something similar. Half the comments section was blaming the OP for being “lazy” and not going outside to hand out candy. It fuckin’ snowed where I am. I tried to stay outside and hand out candy but only lasted 30 min before my hands and face were red and my sciatica was killing me! The one person who said “maybe they have a reason for not being able to be outside/answer the door to hand out candy” then followed it up by saying “they should get a family member to do it instead!” As if most people have someone readily available that they can ask that favor of!!! Or- or- maybe people should just not be shitty and dump a whole candy bowl into their bag??? What a ridiculous notion! /s


Heh, my wife and I did the same but had a very different result. Left a bucket of candy out when the endtime came. Full of candy, with "please take a handful, leave some for the rest!" Not 5 minutes later our doorcam picks up a couple teenagers running up past a small child and stealing the entire bucket. Edit: Not just the candy in the bucket....the entire freakin bucket lol


Its wonderful that a single person can ruin it for an entire street of kids. Halloween is the biggest case of 'This is why we can't have nice things' going.


This year I sat on a rocking chair dressed as a scary decoration with the bowl in front of me, if someone took 1 or 2 they went on their way, but if they took more I jumped them


Not all heroes wear capes. Sometimes they wear masks and scare the shit out of kids.


Growing up in the 90s, the elementary school librarian lived in the same neighborhood as me. She would do this every year but instead of scaring just the greedy kids, she would do it to every single one of us. Each year in a different sneaky way! It was terrifying but also amazing!


I had that happen to me when I was a kid. I was grabbing a second piece for my little brother (who was smarter than me and too scared to come to the door), when the 'scarecrow' grabbed my arm and yelled, "I said take ONE!"


That's a hilariously good idea!


I think as a kid my dad pretended to be a lawn decoration & scared the shit outta people when they got close enough


Next year it’s carrot sticks, broccoli and cauliflower florets, for the health of it.


Ferrero-rocher wrapped brussels sprouts.


Made with painstaking care by the broccolitiers at Ferrero-rocher.


**broccolitier stares at you menacingly whilst holding a broccoli whisk with broccoli oozing from it.*


Dawg don't sleep on roasted brussel sprouts


Nah, next year there will be more [Rober solutions](https://youtu.be/Zb01RStdzEs) to combatting these immoral candy thieves.


That would indeed be a favor to them.


My biggest problem with this is the mom encouraging this. Like if it was just some greedy kids that would be one thing. But the mom is letting the children think that this is an acceptable way to behave.


And if you watch closely, the three smallest kids (red jacket, pikachu, and woody) all only take 1-2. The adults are too busy crowding the damn bowl that the kids can barely get to it. The mom does put handfuls into one of theirs. But in the grand scope of this, the 3 little kids seemed to know it wasn't OK until the adults all cleaned the fucker out. Pathetic.


Younger children seem to have a better moral compass that a lot of adults these days.


If you think about it, people who do this shit as adults have been doing it and "getting away with it" for much longer than the children. So they've already either entirely rejected the social contract or internally rationalized to the point that they don't give a shit how their actions affect others. And then they do that in every other aspect of their life, too.


Exactly. They’ve been living selfishly, without an ounce of empathy, for too long


there are a LOT of those assholes around these days. they suck, and not in the fun way.


I had this same thing happen to me last year, so this year, I handed out candy myself. Most of the kids only tried to take one or two pieces until I told them to take a big handful haha. Had very few kids come by the house, so I was trying to make it worth their while. Still ended up with a bunch of candy left over.


Same here, had to keep telling them to take more. Polite, friendly kids. Adults are something else.


I got a couple bags of the halloween pokemon cards also and most kids that had any interest in the cards asked if they could get a pack of them at all and then started to leave before me and my wife told them to get some candy too.


My little one scored 2 Halloween themed packs of Pokemon this year and was SO pumped! Especially since going as Pikachu! Chose the cards over candy both times. Lol


I usually give the last trick or treator everything that's left. This kid was about 4 and he said trick or treat and I dumped the entire pot of candy into his bag. He cried and said I gave him too much and his bag was too heavy.


Suffering from success haha


Mo money mo problems kiddo.


I always hand it out myself because I think some kid might take it all. I didn't imagine parents doing and encouraging it, though. Apparently we had the best candy (chocolate bars and similar, not lollipops, fruit chews, etc.) and the kids were very excited and appreciative.


You see it often. Young kids have an pretty strong sense of right and wrong, long before they are taught the distinction between the two. It takes shitty parents like this to break that sense and skew their moral compass. These kids know they should leave some for others, but they naturally want to mimic their parents as that’s how we learn. Kids minds are so mouldable at this age, that it won’t take watching this more than once or twice to begin behaving like this themselves.


There one of these videos where the little girl, who had the cutest I’m still learning how to talk voice, calling her mom out for doing this. She got upset and yelled “you’re being bad!” Like, this person who has been on this earth a whole 4 years knows the right and wrong of this situation.


Hopefully that sense of right and wrong survives her home life.


Yeah. Who knows. Some kids learn what to do from their parents, some learn what NOT to do.


Usually the parents fault


Shit it looks like Dad stopped back after to make sure they emptied it. Just a full on trashy family. Those kids are going to get bullied like hell.


looks like a different family. dad took some put it in a little girl bag then went back looking to take some for his other kid.


Nah I have an issue with kids doing it too. I yelled at a couple because they need to be shamed into not being jerks.


It’s not good when kids do this, but it’s sort of within the range of behavior you expect to see from kids. They do dumb things. Totally fine to yell at them to stop, but there’s lots of stuff kids have to be told to do (or stop doing) because again, they do dumb things. When adults do it, it’s just fucking despicable.


Kids do this stuff and it's a teachable moment. They don't know yet. The adults doing this? Well let's be real, they have a maturity on the level of the children. They need to be taught as well. But who will teach them? They are shown on tv and social media and their trash family that the only thing that matters is getting theirs. It's easy to blame them but society and failure led them to behave as toddlers. It's just sad really, not even angry. Our society is just so inherently selfish. I'm sure they just saw $$$$$ like they can save on groceries for a few weeks by eating candy


Why didn't they take the bucket and table?


And the front door


OP as well while were at it


So fucking rude. They’re old af too…


With parents like this the kids have no chance.


Was just going to comment along this very thing. What a crappy example to leave your kids.




I couldn’t agree more with you


That guy at the end, just haaadd to make sure 0 was left for anyone else! Man that dude hit even harder than the other adults (but they all suck!). Edit: it's been pointed out, the guy may be innocent! Hope he is, but he got caught in the crossfire. Collateral damage 🤕.


I hope they put that video on their neighborhood video feed, what do they call those ? Next door or something like that? Ugh , those people suck so much…!




"We needed it for our local food bank!"


Yeah, THEIR food bank.


“We took it to the church! And not one of those Prosperity Ministry ones - a real one!”


That’s up to OP but I agree this needs to be viral


Agreed, they should be made to feel shame over this, but it's up for OP to decide.


They probably don’t even live in that neighborhood


Definitely! Local news outlets as well!


They were all savages, but to be fair from the video the one guy seems to arrive just after the first family with 2 small girls in the back, a small pickachu and a girl with a pink hat, he sees that the others are taking absolutely everything and reaches in and grabes a single handful of candy and walks back and shares that with the two girls and puts a single piece in his own bag he is probably holding for another kid. He then walks back to look at the empty bowl. It was all a confusing mess, but lets try not to crucify those that acted somewhat reasonable, I would also have looked back in the bowl to verify just how deranged the other people had been in that situation.


To be fair, he only grabbed one piece and gave it to a child.


I know alot of people who raise their kids like this and we wonder why society is crumbling. Emotional children raising children.


I see the development in my school too. Like really disgusting human behavior on a regular. The rudest people, no manners, no boundaries, no respect an no morals. Sometimes really intimidating. The parents are always worse than the children.


Did you see the look of pure greed on their faces?! Two songs say it best, Pigs by Pink Floyd and Piggies by the Beatles


Me to my kids: *"It's important to share and make sure that there's enough for everyone."* These folks to their kids: *"No, use both hands to grab the candy, you idiot, it's faster."*


And its just so dumb. Like think what they are doing. Its just candy. Why do you need so much of it? You’re gonna go to other houses. If you want candy so bad. Go to Target and buy a bag of it. Grown ass adult. Its not like its hard to come by. And also now your kids are gonna have more of it to eat which isn’t even good for them.


And these are the same people that will complain and bitch to no end at restaurants/other customer service areas about staff being rude and unprofessional


These are the same parents who next week will go on Facebook and complain that kids these days have no respect for other people and other people's property.


The kids literally couldn’t even get their hands in to take the candy. 😅


My thoughts exactly!! I think the kids actually only got 1 each.


Smelly Trash parents make smelly trash kids




The parents are grown ups who are able to decide this behaviour is wrong. Maybe their parents are to blame for bringing them up this way, but these people have a choice. They chose poorly. ![gif](giphy|aEb4C7a63EB56)


This is a good comment, but it is only part of the problem. You touched on it near the end though when you mentioned a failed society. Our work culture takes parents from the homes and instills values that make us believe we have to work long hours and dedicate ourselves to jobs that look at us as nothing more than a resource for their revenue generation. We have a government that does almost nothing to give back to society. All they do is take, and then they misuse what they take from us. This causes people to lose hope. Then you have the news media that sensationalizes EVERYTHING because if people don't watch, they go off the air. In doing all of this though, what happens is people become stressed, wary of each other, and eventually hostile, and in the last 6 to 8 years, we've seen this unfold as political news and Covid have greatly contributed to the media frenzy. Couple that with educational practices that further the agenda of both those on the left and right (because politics have infected everything now), and what we have is a divided, uneducated and angry society that simply doesn't care about the next person. "If I don't know you, you don't matter to me." All of these things have only amplified human nature though. Humans have been lining up to watch atrocities for as long as we've been on this planet, but right now we are catering to the worst qualities of humanity when it should be the other way around. The scariest thing to me about all of this is that a lot of people see it. A lot of people know this is happening. No one that has the power or ability to affect change on the scale we need is doing anything about it - at all. We need educated people, but we need parents that can educate their kids as well. This should not be solely on the shoulders of teachers. The buck stops with mom and dad, teachers should complement what is taught at home, not replace it. Right now though, teachers are handcuffed from doing much of anything, and there is no teaching going on at home because mom and dad are working or living in the streets. We are headed for calamity if something doesn't get better soon.


Chance of incarceration


North of 75% along with high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity.


They're already obese


Yeah, they are giving amazing example to their kids in real time


This is exactly what I was thinking. It takes a lot to undo this when you grow up with a parent like this.


Waiting for someone to inevitably identify them and they lose their job and cry on social media about being cancelled.


I swear I saw a post earlier saying she'd been identified but now I can't find it.


I've seen this same clip posted in a number of subreddits, it's only a matter of time


They don’t even have to lose their job. All they need is for a few people they know to see them to get clowned on for the rest of their days


Age means nothing. Being mature is a choice I'd say


Requires work so many opt out


Also most of them should skip eating candies for awhile


They take it like they intend to sell, not eat, otherwise, no teeth


They look like they plan to eat it.


I actually thought they were the mothers of those kids


Are they not?


yes they are, they are filling their children bugs too. it would be so weird if they were not. its really weird now, but it will be a lot


This is indicative of them as a family. As people. Fuckin trash.


I just love how famous they've gotten. I hope everywhere they go, they get reminded of how shitty they are. Can you imagine being a full-grown adult and doing this? Not to mention the example you set for your kids. Teaching kids that they're allowed to mindlessly and needlessly take what isn't yours is a good way to end them up in jail.


Imagine how embarrassed her children must be when their entire school finds out their mom is the Halloween Sow.


Ah, the Halloween Sow. Rises majestically from the pumpkin patch every October 31st and floats about the neighborhood taking candy from all the good boys and girls.


100% they litter in public, leave the grocery cart beside their car as they drive away, steal flowers from public parks and houses, etc. People like this are universally people like this. Anyone who knows these people and sees this video are probably just nodding that it precisely confirms the sort of human garbage that they are.


These people are literally why we can't have nice things. Their existence ruins it for the rest of us


Had the misfortune of having to live in Miami for 2 years and the place is absolutely infested with people like this everywhere you go. Have lived in multiple places all over the world and that is the only place where I truly despised the attitudes, behaviors, lack of decency and common sense by the majority of the population.


And they're only making more.


a lot more


They didn’t leave anything for the kids :(


I had the same thing happen to me. I had to work on Halloween so I left a bowl of candy out front to be nice with a sign saying to take a few pieces. They took all the candy including the bowl and ripped up the sign and threw it all over my front yard. It's been about 8 years now that there's been no Halloween decorations on my house and the porch light stays off during trick or treat. Nobody came forward to tell me who did it so they can all go bug someone else with their obnoxious little brats on Halloween. I'm done.




Be sure of one thing: if someone walked out of the house and called them out for their behavior they would become aggressive and angry, not apologetic and remorseful.


That's a classic tactic of trash people. Get upset when you get called out for your shit behavior. But when they are the victims of other trash people's behavior, oh yes, they sure do notice and would likely say something. Anyone who acts like this is an automatic hypocrite just as sure as they are shitty.


I find they get upset for having to follow any rules that don't benefit them.


yep, typical bully/abuser behavior is to use violence 1. Assertive 2. Aggressive 3. Assault 4. Murderous The first 2 are not usually punishable. Abusers no the law not justice.


My wife caught some teenagers doing this with my neighbor's candy dish. Told them to stop, and, instead of being angry or aggressive, they said they grabbed only one piece, to which my wife said their hands were full of candy. They dropped it and sulked off. Better than aggressive or angry at least


I saw this a couple posts down in my feed. The homeowners neighbor came by and filled up the bowl. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12699619/Greedy-mom-roasted-social-media-emptying-ENTIRE-bowl-Halloween-candy-outside-musician-Cody-Tates-home.html?ito=native\_share\_article-top](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12699619/Greedy-mom-roasted-social-media-emptying-ENTIRE-bowl-Halloween-candy-outside-musician-Cody-Tates-home.html?ito=native_share_article-top)


Unfortunately per that article “No members of the family have yet been identified and it is not known whether they are also neighbors or door-to-door trick-or-treaters. “


Oh they've been identified, it's social media, police don't need to get involved and the people that know them know they're pieces of shit. The perfect amount of justice.




Considering the mom looked dead into the camera, she does not give a single fuck about being identified or what people think of her. She just got an entire cauldron full of full-size candy bars for free, she’ll be on cloud 9 for the amount of time it takes her greedy ass to eat them all.


Why would police get involved anyway? What they're doing is shitty but it's not criminal.


Not true. I’m in prison for taking two Twix candies even though one was for my son who couldnt come out because he has the flu.




Someone should egg their house


you took all the treats now take all the tricks


Where i live even kids won't do that.


We hand out our candy. The little kids (under 8? IDK) would just take one piece. I'd tell them they could take more and they would take a second. But that is it. Our plan was to hand out fistfuls, so this was sort of cute, but also a little sad.


Had the opposite experience, I give out full bars, the little ones would try to take multiple, the older ones did not and only took one and if I forgot to say take one they would politely ask if it was one each. Also you should see if full bars are actually cheaper to give out if you end up just taking a handful of the fun size for each kid. It's usually 3 fun size bars equal one full size bar.




When I was a kid I was with a group of kids and we ended up doing this.. wasn’t my idea but I did nothing to stop it.. I remember feeling so bad and guilty the rest of the night lol :( sorry to whoever we did that to all those years ago




Toss this on NextDoor as well.


A few people did this on my local next door when a couple of adults stole their entire bowl of candy and several people recognized them. Shameful. But they should be put on blast for this.


Chances are they drive from where they live to nicer neighborhoods and then pull these stunts


Next door covers surrounding areas, so guarantee it'd cover wherever they drove from.


Disgusting humans


These people are ALL OVER the internet now. Hope someone they know sees this and shames the fuck out of them.


These kids look like they sit on the couch and stare at their phones all day so I’m sure they’ll see it.


Well guys once they get identified, it’s game over. Nothing but mass amounts of shame coming their way. Let’s not forget, the internet is forever.


Except people that behave in this way have no shame and will just think it’s funny.


Or they'll think that they didn't do anything wrong, and act as victim.


I dIdN't GiVe My PeRmIsSiOn To Be ReCoRdEd! My RiGhTs WeRe ViOlAtEd!


Doesn’t matter what they think.


It matters as in they won't learn to be better. The only change they make is that next year they may consider throwing on a mask when they do this again.


I hope they get identified and see that this video is everywhere. They should be ashamed of themselves. Greedy bastards.


I saw a news story on it, house belongs to some singer in a band. I am sure they will be identified at some point.


Only 2 of them are in costume too. I know it doesn’t matter, but it sucks a bit more that they didn’t even put in the effort to pretend it’s for the kids.


I’m surprised how far I had to scroll to find mention of this. The complete lack of costume and taking ANY candy is almost as bad, imo, as how greedy they were taking that absurd amount for themselves. Could at least have done the low effort costumes using random clothes/junk from your house… lol. But nah just roll up in a hoody and sweatpants and [almost literally] take candy from babies.


What a way to teach your kids about sharing... Scum


If I saw somebody that I know in one of these videos I would absolutely call them out. It would probably end my friendship because I have no desire to associate with scumbags like that.


Trash parents raising the next generation of trash.


Watch closer, those kids all only took 1-2, the kids are all right. The shittiest parents sometimes (not always obviously) inspire the most well adjusted kids by counter-example.


Holy fuck hard to watch.


These kids are gonna grow up to be absolute headaches to deal with.


Would like to add a hint of humanity; The dude in red saw the karen kandystorm, ran up and grabbed once to give to his little girl that couldn't make it past SheBeast 1/2/3


Now that’s a good fucking parent. Didn’t even make a fuss about it to the shitheads. Just forced his way in, grabbed a couple pieces, gave em to his little girl, and then checked again to confirm that these animals really did take it all




I came to the comments with so much faith in the Reddit Sleuths but alas, they have not figured out who they are yet.


Teaching kids to steal and abuse kindness is the worst part ... This country has went to pre sh*t.


Gross. At my job, we had a candy bowl for clients and their kids who came in. This one kid went for the bowl immediately and looked prepared to stick his whole hand in it. The dad stopped him and politely said, "We can have one each." And the kid sort of complained, asking why and after they took their candy and went over to be more in private I overheard him explaining it's because other kids need to get theirs too. And it just made me smile a bit. I'm sometimes a sucker for spoiling adorable kids and likely would've given him a handful if he wanted more, but I had a great appreciation for the way this dad was clearly raising his son. Sucks that not everyone is like that.


Disgusting behavior! If you know these people, please tell them how nasty this is! Location is Texas


Elsewhere on the planet awesome kids from respectful parents did the exact opposite of these pigs who comically didn't even bother wearing costumes: https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/17m3umu/with\_that\_video\_of\_the\_family\_taking\_all\_the/


This happened to us and they even gave the doorbell camera the finger. I promptly instructed my teenager with his friend to seek and destroy the perpetrators with eggs which they did successfully.


Can.... can we just point out the two little boys waiting, relatively patiently, to take their *singular* candy bar, in the midst of these grown-ass adult women acting like it's the last rolls of toilet paper in 2020?




Imagine working with these people and having to hear how they are the victims on November 1st when they get called out.


I hope we find the mom soon and embarrass tf outta her


I feel bad for the kids...that's not how adults should act


Some low-life level parenting there. Post that on Nextdoor for all the neighbors to see.


Mark Rober released a youtube video of pranking people who do this https://youtu.be/Zb01RStdzEs?si=jqCxXWjZfmn_pxuV Good video


Imagine being that old snatching that much candy from someone who is voluntarily handing out candy to children… shame


Mommy’s fat ass doesn’t need any mo sweets


Parents teaching their kids this shit? So disappointing


I think the most sad thing about it is that they learn the kids that this is okay. Parenting 0/10


Definition of douchebaggery




This is why we can't have nice things people.


I hope these pigs see this video and feel shame. I doubt they would though.


I hope the people around them/family see this and act accordingly


I hate people so much and watching this just justifies my feelings lol fucking assholes.


Jokes on them though. Just wait until they see how much insulin costs.