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"Ran into?" I'm guessing more like, "he found me."


I think this could get bad. Desperate people do desperate things.


My favorite artist that I followed from the beginning, Christina Grimmie, has a story that shows just how bad things can get. She had so many great things left to do


I still think about this incident sometimes. Insanely fucked up.


RIP Christina it's been years but we still love you


I just googled her. That’s very very sad. It sounds like she was an absolute rising star and would have become much more well known with time.


The way you worded that first made me think that you were stalking her, and that you were kind of admitting something. 😅


I think about her almost every year. She did not deserve that.


This was sad I remember this


I remember that Korean dude who went on stage during a live performance and tried to abduct his favorite idol. Weird times.


Damn. Just read the story.


Was that the poor girl who had a “fan” who killed her


Or he just paid a huge amount to sleep with her..


Or they arranged to meet for 60k...


some guys get angry for a dinner .. this is annual salary level


More like "I invited him to go shopping with me so he will feel special, buy me stuff and spend more $$ on me." Hell, some of them actually sell dates. It's like prostitution without the sex. Which is wild, because $63k is a lot of sex.




if the guy is s tupid enough to spend that kind of money for pictures, i bet they didnt.


You're getting A LOT more than just pictures dropping that kind of cash on OF. Lots of custom videos and likely on demand sexting, with a good chance that it's probably not even her he's sexting with.


Not with each other.


63K…in a month? WTAF


Holy shit I assumed that was over a super long time. Didn't see the 1 month part. WTF.


just buy a hooker at that point bruh


Lots of them for that kind of Money.


what thefuck, cut the middle man and open a brothel in some European country. Guy looks like he would be that guy in a movie. Like that dude who got his fingies cut off in Man on Fire lol




Haha, like a cross between Brian Posehn and Vsauce


Let your habits pay for it self


That's why I grow crack!


I've had a genuinely shit day and this made me laugh so fucking hard thanks I needed that


Some dudes have a financial humiliation fetish. There’s a subsection of BDSM called Findom that’s all about guys letting women financial dominate then.


I wonder if any of them are interested in morbidly obese middle aged men? I need a side job where someone sends me tens of thousands of dollars to refuse the sleep with them. I could say no to dozens of people!!


You joke, but statistically there has to be at least one person out there looking for this. Probably not as rich as you want though haha


Could have bought the startup on a damn brothel at that point.


A hooker? You could buy a live in GF for 60 racks a month. Her and her friend


I’ll be his girlfriend for 60K a month.


The list of things I would NOT do for $60k/month is a much easier list to write down.


Considering that’s 720k a year… Fuckin hell man maybe


All I'm saying is there's some sketchy shit I'd absolutely do for a few years to never have to work again.


You could become a crypto whale


Crypto sperm whale


*maybe*??? Man, I’m male but I got student loans to pay off. I’d do it without a second thought.


Most of us would be gay for that amount of money, its a pain in the ass but for 3/4 mill per year it is worth it


I would give birth to his child & raise it for 60k/ month.


Haaaaaave ya met Elon?


Seriously. Get a full over night girlfriend’ experience and smash all holes for a fraction of that amount. Dude must have money to burn, because wtf.


Overnight? I’m thinking he can get the GF experience from a premium hooker for a full week on 63k


For 63k a week he could get Julia Roberts


>Overnight? I’m thinking he can get the GF experience from a premium hooker for a full week on 63k Fuck yeah, that's like Pretty Women experience money. This must be some kind of psychosis fetish thing for someone to simp this hard.


63k a month I'm guessing rich guy with a findom fetish. Heck that might be why they aren't touching in the picture. He might get off more knowing he isn't worthy to touch her than he'd be able to get off on being actually touched by her.


And the trailer trash hillbilly experience? We're talking years potentially!


But hillbilly girl's meth bill is gonna be pricey.


Pay off the trailer you're probably talking generational Grandma, mom and daughter


Week? He could get like 3 at the same time for the whole month.


First person to get close to reality. Gorgeous sex workers will do an overnight for about $1200-2000. A sugar baby (ongoing sex work, basically) would be like double to triple that per month. For $63k in a month, this man could literally have a HAREM of like 10+ girls for a month.


10k he could have slept with a former Miss Connecticut


In morroco girls charge 2-300£ for the whole day. A friend told me this of course i have no idea about these kind of activities...


can confirm. We all have that knowledgeable friend


63k he can have my wife for the month, I guarantee you she feels the same way.


I'd think for that kind of money you could be looking at importing your very own Slovenian model....


Honestly there are plenty of people that would permanently date somebody that gave them 10k a month, let alone 60k.


It kinda looks like that’s what he just did


A lot of these are sexual encounters. I know a guy who basically pays for sex through only fans… Not sure about this case, but I suspect if you’re forking out 60k…


Yeah I don't get why internet people don't understand the "innocent" picture really means "hey if you spend this much you can have sex with me too"


Probably. She didnt just "run into" dude unless hes full on stalking. This was a pay for play hook up and shes smart enough to not advertise it for the coppers.


Shit, buy 63 fantastic hookers. Or 180 mediocre hookers.


I was just gonna say the same thing. You could convince a lot of non hooker females to put out for way less.


Y’all are really acting like the guy spending $63,000 on OnlyFans doesn’t know about prostitution? He spent SIXTY THREE THOUSAND dollars, I’m pretty sure he’s getting what he wants out of it.


Dude is loaded


Dudes a fucking moron...


The only right answer.. He stepped over and around hungry people to stand close to this tramp smh


63 racks for *her?* Homegirl looks like Sticky Minaj.


Bahaha that's the best


I reckon it’s a fetish and he knows exactly what he’s doing. He even calls himself a whale in his bio, dude has no delusions.


“crypto whale” means he got loads of money from crypto though


Exactly it's a fetish or some sort of derangement or maybe she's a really nice person and he thinks he's helping her out.


Bottom line is that none of us know for sure and it doesn’t affect our lives in any meaningful way, even if it is fun to speculate.


With that money i can easily go outside and find an actual woman, and i save 63k in the process


But he will have to talk and build relationship. It takes time.


The guy went all out got everything he wanted and left.


"If I die delete my browser history" I guarantee no one would be surprised by this guy's browser history


His OF bio says > crypto whale 🐳 explains more than you think


Money doesn't buy class and this guy is proof of it. A lot of the crypto whales are cretins who don't know a proper day's work and just got wealthy through luck. Usually manchildren.


lol yeah, that’s kinda why crypto took off because everyone saw the stories and wanted to get rich quick too, thus further inflating its value for those who got in early enough.


I own a small business and one of the girls that’s works for me has onlyfans. About a year ago this guy came in my store because he lost his wallet on the street where my store is and he saw “Lisa”. He went crazy and started hugging her and just acting nuts. I had to threaten the police for him to leave and he came back several times looking for her. It was actually pretty scary


Yeah I’m questioning the validity of any of these weird dudes just “happening to run into” the girl they’re obsessed with.


For dude you responded to, yeah I agree but for op post it looks like like a ho-micon. Idk..that’s the best I could do


I came to say a similar thing. Its definitely generally not on accident and this wouldn't be on accident either but it looks like some kind of convention, so on the scale of places to try and meet your idol or the like, going to a con they are at is probably the lowest creep score option.


A ho-vention! Nah…that’s not any better. I’m open for suggestions from anybody


A Simp-hoe-sium (symposium) yo.




“Lost his wallet”? Sureeeeeee


You sound like a good boss, protecting her and not giving her shit for having onlyfans


Threatening the police is such an odd way to get rid of him, unless he was a cop… hmmmmm (Is joke)


Well he was touching and hugging her and wouldn’t leave. I really didn’t want that going on in my store


Threatening the police VS threatening to call the police is what they were poking fun at.


"If you don't leave the cop gets it!"


Does this not prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that being rich doesn't equal being smart?


No it doesn't. What do you assume that they are rich? More likely obsessed to the point of mental illness and up to their eyeballs in debt.


Probably - look up Grant Amato. He was jobless, but he stole his parents' and brother's credit cards to spend 200k on a Bulgarian camgirl, then killed them all when they cut him off


We’ve all been there.


It’s a tale as old as time.


Sorry family… I know I can’t bring you back but if it’s any consolation… she wouldn’t even hug me when I got there and she told me to leave right after the photo was taken. So whose the actual victim here if you think about it.


...the Beauty and the Beast 🎶


I think I rented the wrong version


happens to the best of us.


Here I go killin again.


It’s just a phase


His interrogation is hilarious. The detective tries to use religion to get him to confess. A guy who just killed his parents to jack off to a camgirl.


Well, they cut him off. What was he supposed to do?


I know fuck all about the case, but just to play devil’s advocate, fucked up sexualities and religious guilt often go hand in hand.


Holly shit. He looks like Steven Miller, but even creepier.


Man, that story is so sad. I recommend watching Mr Ballen’s video on it for anyone who is interested. He’s a great story teller.


I would say the crypto whale part. That would suggest to me that he got loads of money to spend. Could be a lie ofc..


He did spend tens of thousands of dollars. That’s not poor man behaviour.


His onlyfans title says cryptowhale. He may be lying but there definitely are tons of dunbasses who got was to rich by being lucky and early into crypto


$62k+ in a month is a lot of spending power. You don't get that, even using a crap ton on credit cards, without having the perceived ability (by the issuing banks) to pay for at least the minimum payments. He could very easily have used money from shorting stocks, & be screwing himself over when it comes time to repurchase, but again, most brokerages won't let you do that unless you at least have some significant capital first.




Well they have ”crypto whale” in their bio. Means you hold a large amount of crypto.


And, as we know, nobody would ever lie on the internet


He had 62k to spend.


He’s a “crypto whale” he’s an idiot


Do you find that you run into him everywhere you go?


Exactly what I was gonna say! You didn't "run into him" It's called stalking... She better watch herself. He knows how much money he's spent on her. And from what I can see here.... He will NEVER forget There's a sense of entitlement there undoubtedly 60+ racks a month???!!??? Watch him......


He really thinks people don’t know he’s stalking? Lmao, all that money and still pathetic as ever.


The first thing I thought. Baby, that’s probably not a coincidence.


The wrong people have money.


That’s why she’s here. Lady Robbin’ Wood.


That gets a slow clap from me fam


My wife wants me to get an only fans account, I have really big hand, she said people would pay money to see me using them/doing stuff. Shes weird, awesome, but definitely weird.


Start an OF and every new episode starts with "what will I use my dick hand for today?!"


She looks like something out of a early 2000’s disney channel movie


Honestly I thought it was Niki Minaj before I read the title.


You should examine Nicki's tiddys more thoroughly.


User name checks out


I went to high school with her. She’s changed….


Yea I know a few people like that, I baby sat this one girl in hs. I saw her out with her mom recently and she told me infront of her very stressed out and tired mother that she is a porn actress.


Would you want to touch someone who has spent $62000 on an only fans model? Nothing against doing only fans, but the people willing to spend this much on it aren't usually... normal....


Yeah. They’re Jerk offs


All to get called “my #1 spender”😭😭


I don’t get it . Porn is free and more assessable than before so how the hell are these foos paying for it ?


Not only that but most of those OF videos leak and are found floating around Twitter/Telegram anyway


From my understanding (no really!) people aren’t on OF for the videos. Or at least not the videos alone. It’s the fact that you can interact with them, get to know them, fool yourself into thinking they give a shit about you, that kind of thing. *then* come the expensive videos.


Paying 63k a month just to talk to an underpaid Filipino virtual assistant.


lol exactly. If she’s “popular” enough that’s def prlly the case


For 63k a month just pay a sugar baby and get the same experience. Except you’d actually get into their pants. Fuck you could probably do that for 10k a month.


The best part is it’s not even them talking to you 90% of the time.


As a pirate. I'm surprised there's not an only fans section on every pirate site. There might be but honestly who the fuck doesn't just go to pornhub to look at porn.


Do not speak of the sacred texts.




Shh bro. Some places should protected and treasured. Like a dragon protecting a princess but is low key. We don't want too many knight's coming in cause they might fuck it up for the dragon.


It's the personal interaction with the porn. Granted for $62k you could probably just produce your own porn film with your self as the star. Or just hire several dozen of your cities most high-class escorts. So I don't really understand why this guy would spend like this. But spending on OF in general makes as much sense as anything.


You could make a full length feature where you bang each of the top 10 porn stars in America for that money Seriously, I was somewhat surprised at how *little* these people get paid per scene....but if you actually think about what they're doing I guess it all comes out in the wash, it really isn't a terribly difficult job


That and they might make multiple scenes a week or even in a day.


I'm guessing they don't go in with the plan to spend 62k, but when an you have to do is to keep clicking a button it's just to easy for them.


Yeah, this isn't like the guy whos wife found out he dropped $200 on onlyfans and freaked out making a big post about it and half the redditors were skewering the guy, except for the people who caught it was $200 over the course of around 3 years. Sure porn is free, but I definitely understand spending a bit on it, like they are putting out content you like, its not crazy to throw a little money at them. Clearly the guy in this post is on another planet as far as this goes though.


I’m sure he can get a similar looking hooker for like 1/60th of that.


Relaxation Therapist.


In addition to the reasons others named, it's also a fetish. Some people are into wasting money on people they know they don't stand a chance with. The spending is part of the enjoyment for them.


Just like video game streaming, having that niche "celebrity" say "aww thank you for the 5 twitch buckaroos poonhound6969 your so sweet" is apparently worth the money to some people


Weak, lonely men. They pay for the interaction (which hilariously enough at her kind of income is probably a hired dude) because they are so desperate for some kind of attention from the opposite sex.


It’s sad bro. If homie here stopped with the totally desperate coomer attitude, and just wore a different shirt and pants, he would look like a bald dude with a beard. This guy’s not even ugly. There’s zero shortage of women who would fuck that. There’s zero shortage of women who would *marry* that. At least going just off of looks. Clearly the internal shit he’s got going on makes him a hard pass, though.


OnlyFans makes its bucks off parasocial relationships, these fools are paying money not just for nudes, but for a pretty chick to call them nicknames and chat with them online, feigning affection. Its really sad


Sometimes you just gotta see a very specific person naked.


People get confused what the Only Fans transaction is about. Some people think it becomes a personal relationship when in reality it's a business transaction. Similar to how some people can get obsessed with a prostitute. Online porn doesn't give that personal touch.


From the information given, 64k also doesn't get you a personal touch.


Because it's OF. It's not *supposed* to give you a literal personal touch. I'm a writer. In my free time, when I had fewer clients and I needed extra money, I would write erotica on commission. I could be paid as much as $65 for work that took at most a few hours. Could they have found free erotica online, often in very similar niches? Yes. Could they have found something professionally written that completely matches their fantasies for free? Probably not. And that's where I come in. Being paid for a better version of a free item doesn't make you bad, even if it's sexual in nature.


Might as well paint yourself yellow, cause you’re a simp, son


Bruh I’m stealing that! 😆


I’ve never even looked at OF. Why do people pay for something they can get for free by typing a different URL?


There’s a greater sense of interaction on onlyfans since they can directly communicate with fans. Basically a trap for rich lonely men.


But it is known these girls have other people chatting for them so why do they still do it??


It is. I stopped when one want $55 to see her fully nude. Like I know I'll die a virgin but pornhub is free kings.


Just do some hygiene and stop being weird, you can get some action


I wish there was a demand for dadbod receding hairline radio announcer voiced men.


And the funny part is, most of the popular OF models hire other people to talk to the simps on there and pretend to be them


my guess is that these girls / guys who are on OF are not a part of the mainstream porn industry, and as such you get a wider variety of people / body types that are more in-line with someone's fantasy. It's a lot easier to find someone on OF who looks like a co-worker, or a crush, or whathaveyou, and as such people will pay for that specific type of person rather than trying to find it on something like PH and coming up with nothing.


I subbed to one onlyfans for a couple months. Saw her while browsing r/all back before it kept NSFW off of it. She looked exactly like a girl I had a crush on in Highschool and I was recently divorced after my wife cheated on me because I was not giving her enough attention after my dad died. I was lonely, but in no shape mentally to date. It was crutch to get through a dark time in my life with minimal emotional damage. Money that could have probably been spent better and nowhere near the amount this guy did, but it filled a hole until I was ready to see a therapist and try get better. So, in summation, lonely losers.


Is it just me, or does she look like Nicki Minaj? Also, I wonder where the hell he got 62k to donate to her OF




Yeah, I reckon you're probably right


Crypto, his bio states crypto whale.


Not even impressed nowdays... 63k looks almost free when I think about that George Santos guy spending half million dollars on a single of girl.


George Santos isn't gay?!


That photo looks like he just photoshopped her into it. 😂


You can get a mail order spouse for less.


even fester got that Addams family money


Someone on Twitter pointed out that he was on my strange addiction and it was porn he was addicted to.


“Ran into”


Huh. “Rack” is slang for $1,000 now.


The irony of his shirt. Bro, it’s too late. We already know what your browser history is.


WHAT do these mooks fucking do that they can chuck $62k away for a girl to say "hi" extra nice on a WEBCAM


Stalked by my #1 spender on onlyfans*


Parasocial relationships FTW. At least for the content creators.


The simp of the century goes tooooo 🥁🥁


High class escorts will run you $1000 for the night, and they'll dress up like a corgie and hump your leg if you asked them to. $62k on dollar store Nikki Minaj and you didn't even get a handy!?


Look at how uncomfortable she is holding her hands. She’s not wanting to get her head cut off is what that is


I'm always loathe to use the title "simp"... But...