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Funny thing is, even in the animal kingdom there are very few animals that are truly, carnivore or herbivore. Its more nuanced than that. Edit: than.


Cats for example are obligate carnivores but will also eat your house plants out of spite from time to time


In other words, cats are assholes. I'm taking care of three. And they are all assholes, in their own endearing ways.


I left my general tso unattended and not only did my cat eat my chicken he also at half my rice so yea hes on my list now


The first thing my dearly departed cat did after I adopted him was eat my buffalo wings when my back was turned. He shat bright orange. I famously came out of anesthesia after surgery complaining about what an asshole that cat was. I miss him


My memorable tale; cat loved to sleep on my chest. One night; lightning thunder just outside the window Startled cat; shnickt!


When I was kid I had a buddy I’m all but certain is serial killer now. When I did sleepovers he’d place a kitten he had on my chest while I was sleeping, any attempt to remove the kitten got me needle claws, and they went deeper the more I sat up. I basically had to “rip off the band-aid” in a very quick motion while at the same time not being rough with the kitten. /He also had a golden retriever that was terrified of the water, only dog I’ve ever seen that couldn’t swim, so he’d throw it on to my back while I was swimming and it would just lose it’s shit and try to me as a wall to climb out of the water. And he only did it while I was in the middle of the pool, so I had deal with it clawing the fuck out of my back long enough to move to a side so the dog could jump up and out of the pool.


Are you sure this guy was a buddy? Sounds more like he bullied you and you just went along with it because he said he was your friend.


That's how people lose nipples


My cat did something similar when he was a kitten. I found him with his legs and tail dangling out of a bag of bugles.


I had to buy a $60 trash can with a step pedal and lid because my cat wouldn't stop getting into my trash. After I bought it I came home to find him halfway in the fancy trash can with his ass dangling out... I bought a cheap baby lock the next day to secure it


Now he's after your keys......😳


Well he went and died on me so not anymore, I win this time I guess


I always foget that its possible untill it happens. I just wish our furry little friends were imortal.


Had frogs and hermit crabs live over 10 and I began to believe they were immortal. Unfortunately they weren't 😔


my brother's cat LOVES cheatos. wont eat most other chips, but cheatos, all day any day will shred open a bag for em. gotta lock em up


Yeah my cat will start running whenever I crack a bag of chips open. I try not to share but he is a crafty bastard sometimes


My Guinevere will occasionally eat a chip off the floor, if I can't grab it fast enough. Doesn't seem to bother her.


My cat once stole an entire pork chop off my plate and ran off with it. I had to chase her through the house to get it back since I wasn’t sure if the seasoning was safe for her to eat.


My cat stole a steak from my plate. We had a tug of war under the table and I left him with the bit he'd held onto.


Just goes to show you that no one can say no to General Tso’s chicken.


My ex-husband's cat is obsessed with potatoes, never seen anything like it


We have a Siamese who, no matter how much wet and dry food he has had recently, will lull you into a false sense of security before diving headfirst into a fast food bag and run off with anything from a chicken nugget to an onion ring. Starting to drive us crazy lmfao


Asshole ate the fucking general. Something’s gotta be done about this cuddly scourge.


My girl snuk out once she killed the neighbors chicken right in front of the little girl who raised it, went missing for days,made a friend and brought a stray kitten back with her one week later.


My cousin had a white cat that went out and brought home a friend - another white cat, practically identical in looks. I was so confused when I asked my cousins cat to get off the table, then turn around and see a second version of the same cat. :D


Why did I think for a second you named your cat general tso? Time for me to go to bed I guess




One of my cats is a sweetheart who loves pets and cuddles, the other is an asshole who demands pets and cuddles.


This morning I slept in a bit and didn’t feed my cat fast enough, so he tore apart his motorized water fountain so the motor would pump out all of the water from the reservoir onto the floor. It’s great to have cats because it’s hard to anticipate in what way they’ll plan to be assholes on a day to day basis.


Ugh, one of mine actually listens to 'no.' The other knows exactly what it means but is suddenly 'deaf' and will do shit she knows she isn't supposed to do anyway. Furry assholes, both of them. But I love them.


Hey dont forget they're still your boss.


One of my cats is just lazy. The other one is stupid.


They’ll also eat grass when they want to induce vomiting. I’ve heard they can get vitamins from it, too. But I’m not sure if that’s true.


My cat tends to throw up a lot whenever he eats grass for the first time in a while, but I just assumed it's because of a sudden change in diet


No it is by design to get rid of hairballs.


They patched in a self healing feature? Sweet.


Happens in nature usually. Your liver is also a self healing future. Hopefully.


My dog has a sensitive stomach and sometimes won't eat if he gets too many treats or I'm not standing close to his bowl. That's when he goes for the grass.


Cats also can have broccoli as a treat if they really like broccoli for whatever reason (My cat was begging for it so I looked it up)


I came home after shopping and I had celery on the table and my cat stole it and ate it. She eats all vegetables apparently.


Mine too, she also eats flowers


my weirdo loves spinach as a treat. whenever i make a salad he *knows* and comes to beg.


I got a new kitty and recently discovered that he loves spinach as well, I was quite puzzled.


My cat won't eat most human food, but the other day he gobbled down a piece of cabbage and today he ate some spicy tofu. I have no idea what he wants anymore.


Offered my cat some sausage. Nah. Cheese and a boiled egg? Yeah!


Mine also go nut over cheese. I swear. If I dare to eat cheese without giving some to them, it's the greater offense to them.


They also named a type of grass “catgrass” because cats love that shit. Same with a plant in the mint family “catnip”, they also love that shit 🤷


Catnip: true Cat grass is any type of grass (usually wheat) marketed for cats. It's not a specific type of grass named because cats like it.


You can’t leave my oldest with a tomato. It’ll be gone in no time. She’s even been recorded climbing into my trellis, to steal them off the plants.


My daughter’s cat appears to like avocados. Bastard is always going after mine


I was about to make this point. Deer will even stomp and eat birds and mice. They've also been observed chewing bones from dead animals, because they can't get calcium enough from plants.


When they reintroduced wolves to Yellowstone all the birds came back. Turns out the deer just munch eggs out of bird's nests when left unmolested by predators. EDIT: Damn spell checker, DEER


I have seen so many nursing does eat eggs/baby birds out of nest on trail cams, I’m convinced they’re the cervid equivalent of vitamin supplements.


There's an anecdote floating around about ornithologists who set up nets to count birds in some forest. They would always find their nets empty. Put up trail cams and they discovered they had accidentally set up a bird buffet for deer.


Yeah when I was young and we lived on the farm still the pony had no problem eating mice and birds 


That's why you can't have chicks around horses


I'm still a bit traumatized by that video. 


Chickens would eat their own eggs


Anybody else seen that video where a horse just chomps up a live chick whole that was wandering around its feet?


And then the mum chicken loses her shit? Yeah, still sort of don't believe it? Like my brain just can't process it 😂




that's fowl bro


I have seen a deer eat a bird.....


I've seen a deer eat a snake, on internet 😅


"I've seen many pigs eat many men"


Horses also can and will eat meat. https://www.helpfulhorsehints.com/can-horses-eat-meat/ The vegan in OP’s image is ignorant. Then again, that’s usually a redundant statement.


I've seen many limbs tossed into many soups


[I've seen a pony eat a bird.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdVjrDWyi7g)


Yeah and they chose a fucking horse to represent vegans, horses are infamous for eating *bones* whenever they get the chance,cows are much the same,hell basically everything with eat bones


(insert image: cow chewing on a venomous Australian snake like it's a fucking noodle)


Yep it sure is. I watched a video by Casual Geographic explained exactly this, most animals are mainly herbivores or carnivores but they do eat things outside of their main diet, cats and wild dogs chew on grasses and plants for nutrients and fiber, horses, donkeys and deer eat birds and small rodents for the calcium in their bones and the protein in their meat and organs. It's nowhere near black and white, these people are just plain ignorant


Carnivores often can only eat meat, usually can't digest plant matter, but many herbivores can eat and digest meat. Things eating each other is more common that people think. . . .


Isn't grass good for carnivores still, as it helps them with digestion? My cat loves eating a few bites of grass whenever he's outside, and that seems to be a common thing, with dogs also.


A lot of carnivores gets small amounts of vegetables from the digestive tract of their prey.


That person need to take a good look at gorillas jaws.


Or a chimp's


Or baboons


On a place called Stewart Island, deer are eating the eggs of some endangered shore bird (I can't remenber the sp sorry).


I can no longer unsee the youtube video I saw where a goat is munching on multiple chicks like grass


And teeth aren't necessarily a sign of diet either. look at the skull of a camel. Maybe just to the untrained eye, those teeth look like a terrifying carnivore. haha.


For those actually curious, our teeth are consistent with an omnivorous evolutionary background.  Since splitting off from our nearest primate ancestors we also started to cook our meat and stopped using teeth as one of our primary weapons. Which is why our canines are less pronounced than chimpanzees and why smiling is a sign of happiness for us and aggression for them. 


It’s worth noting that chimps *do* smile when they’re happy, but they only show their bottom teeth




I also smile when I'm scared, or nervous TIL I'm a Chimpanzee


I often laugh when I’m nervous or in uncomfortable situations. People get mad and say it’s not funny, but it’s a surprisingly common response to anxiety or fear.


It's a way for the nervous system to try to regulate itself. It's the same reason why children laugh or smile when they're in trouble


A scared chimp is a dangerous chimp that will kill people! Definitely run away from chimps showing teeth - especially because a scared creature won’t chase down the threat the same way an aggressive creature will.


Kinda depends on the circumstance and animal on that last one


Rip to those poor fucking chimps who get mauled to death because of an overbite


The teeth in the picture look a little filed down tbh.


Well, and the picture is misleading, they aren’t showing their canines. We all have four of them.


Not to mention house teeth are a lot flatter than ours, we got pretty versatile chompers!


Definitely the flattest I've ever seen. I feel like even my pre-molars are fairly pointy, lt alone the canines.


To add that that, our intestinal system is also consistent with other omnivores.  To the people who think we’re herbivores, herbivores tend to have multiple stomachs (cows) filled with bacteria that produce enzymes that can break down cellulose from plants and may eat their own poop (rabbits) to obtain the nutrients released by said bacteria. Humans have only one stomach, do not produce an enzyme which can break down cellulose (aka insoluble fiber), and do not eat our own poop to take in more nutrients.  


That's kinda consistent with "we don't kill with our teeth anymore, so they evolved back" - we don't cook with our stomachs anymore either.


Apparently fermentation food preparation has recently also been considered a big part of our evolution, so not just using heat to process food but also using bacteria and the like to process our food.


To add on to that, our digestive systems are *longer* than obligate carnivores.  Obligate carnivores have short digestive systems, it’s generally believed that they’re shorter to reduce the risk of bacterial infection from eating a sick animal. 


It can also be seen in the lenght of the intestine, we have a lenght that is in between carnivores (short) and herbivores (long).


Bold of you to assume people don't eat their poop


Exactly, Pacu is a fish with very human-like teeth, and they are omnivores too. Our teeth are very much on par with other omnivores in the animal kingdom.


I have one giant canine and it’s very sharp. I don’t know why. I’ve always liked it tho. It’s funny looking


As per my aunt who is a paleo anthropologist, the moment Homo sapiens learned how to cook the meat has been a turning point for us compared to other hominid, because it allowed the jaw to shrink in size because we did not need so many teeth, nor strong teeth, nor as sharp to chew the cooked meat and food. This also allowed more space in the skull for a bigger brain to develop. Soo we are omnivores but the smart kind


We've literally been shaped by our tools and techniques. Cooking food and using tools predates modern humans.


Why won't lions cook their food and salt it and sprinkle some pepper on it? Better yet, marinade it? But we do, to make it tasty.


They must be stupid or something


They got too many teeth, not enough space for big brain like me


Why doesn't a cow use salad dressing on the grass she eats?


See ya in a million years, I'm off to influence the evolution of cows by adding salad dressing to their food.


This needs to be common knowledge, but idiots wouldn't accept it.


People wouldn't accept it because it's a misinterpretation of already shaky, but possible, postulations.  Firstly, the foods benefiting the most from cooking are plants. In fact, cooking makes many of them possible to be eaten and digested at all by humans. Like our ancestors and ape-like cousins that still do it to this day, it was chewing plant foods that demanded such jaw growth. That's not to say that cooking meat doesn't or didn't convey benefits as well, just that unlocking completely new abundantly available food sources is more important to a species's success, even allowing a transition toward agrarian habits way down the line. So point one is that you're conflating "cooking food" with "cooking meat."  Secondly, the cooking (again, food, not meat) hypothesis was popularized in a pop science book and has several unexplained holes. (See here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catching_Fire:_How_Cooking_Made_Us_Human & also see the reception section) Suffice it to say, it's not common knowledge or accepted fact because evidence of cooking in humans doesn't really fit the evolutionary evidence showing brain and gut development. Shrinking of the gut and increasing skull sizes far predates evidence of cooking, and there is no observable jump in skull size once the evidence of cooking appears.  Honestly, the whole spiel of "cooking meat makes brain big" is kind of a joke anyway. Sure cooking in general contributed along the way, to some extent, but twisting the cooking hypothesis to only consider meat is obviously disingenuous.


It's not common knowledge because the connection is questionable. It's possible that eating meat allowed for better brain development, but there isn't really evidence for causality. https://www.popsci.com/science/eating-meat-human-evolution-study/


PopSci is not particularly credible and that article isnt much better than a News article. That being said, the idea that it was meat ALONE that was such a big deal has been debunked per say. Meat played a role, but so did cooking. Humans have been cooking almost as long as they've been eating meat, geological time scale wise. Both together are hypothesized to play the role together. Cooking was a vital step to improving nutrition in ancient hominins. Meat is incredibly valuable, and cooking it makes it even more accessible to our bodies. But plants were also cooked and processed which has a profoundly positive effect on energy conservation and reduced cost of digestion. Also there is a demonstrable practical evidence shown by experiments that show that unedoubtly that our teeth DID evolve better to handle meat than previous hominins. Something that cooking plants alone would not have done. Our teeth are vastly better adapted to eating meat than Austrailopiths and other known members of the pre-homo genus. PHD Alice Roberts actually demonstrated both of these advantages in cooking and adaption to eating meat in the BBC documentary "Origin of Us." The problem with the "Meat Made Us" hypothesis is not that it's "untrue" or debunked, but that the argument forgets or does not acknowledge that cooking food was as impactful or more important than eating meat.


Often referred to as the expensive tissue hypothesis, the widely-accepted claim that our brain size and complexity are connected to eating animals has been rigorously tested and refuted in a key report published in Nature (1). This comprehensive report evaluates the research into more than 100 mammalian species, including 23 primate species, analyzing brain size and organ mass data. Lead researcher Navarrete concludes that “human encephalization (brain development) was made possible by a combination of stabilization of energy inputs and a redirection of energy from locomotion, growth and reproduction.” Then in 2015 In a study published in The Quarterly Review of Biology, led by Dr. Karen Hardy, compiles archaeological, anthropological, genetic, physiological and anatomical evidence to argue that carbohydrate consumption, particularly in the form of starch, was critical for the accelerated expansion of the human brain over the last million years. (1) https://www.nature.com/articles/nature10629 (2) http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/682587


That study was only animals without the ability to cook, so how is it relevant? Also seems like “stabilization of energy inputs” could definitely include being able to cook and eat meat and get more energy from it


While spending less energy breaking food down to digest, yeah


By their logic, hippos are clearly carnivores. ![gif](giphy|MeCd6OdblEMMiijqF2|downsized)


Well, those are actually opportunistic carnivores, just like a fuckton of herbivores


Ye. I know. But I was referring to their definition of "carnivore" in their unrealistically clean-cut way.


They’re herbivores that enjoy killing things but not eating them


i think those are just called murderers


The cop didn’t understand that I’m just a confused herbivore…


3 years in agriculture and seeing horses, cows, and even goats(which only have lower teeth) eat birds, snakes, rabbits, deer, a fish... Yeah, they aren't 'vegan'. They just use the tactic of 'get in my mouth and I'll eat you' style of hunting. Also, they'll eat eggs, cheese, and honey


Remember, no animal is a true herbivore. Especially considering their "vegan" of choice is known for slurping up baby chickens at any given chance


chicks, slow squirrels, mice. horse are opportunistic meat eaters, it’s pretty fucking shocking the first time you see it.


I had a horse who would absolutely beg for a bite of burger, but straight up stole cans of soda. I tried my best to share responsibly.


I knew a horse who drank a liter of Pepsi a day as a treat


My dude would hold the Dr Pepper bottle himself! Bottoms up! It’s nice to weigh 1600 lbs.


TIL horses like/can drink soda


Didn't have to call your ~~mom~~ dad out like that


I read that as “as a threat” and imagine a horse chugging Pepsi as a power move then pointing at you like “you’re next”


Forensic researchers at the body farm where human corpses are left outside so they can study decomposition captured some pretty alarming photos of deer eating the bodies.


That's a weird one to stumble across when you get lost hiking innit


You leave a human baby alone with a horse and you’ll come back to find no baby and a slightly less hungry horse


mfw i found out one can slurp baby checkens


>"vegan" of choice Who???


Horses.. on occasion have been known to indulge in the odd chicken nugget if one happens to be walking by.


"I'm a little chick just minding business walkin around.. Hey look a hor- OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" "Neigh" (shlorp)


Thats pretty close to what they do. There's videos online you can find of them just hoovering up a chick


I'm giving you an upvote just for using the word shlorp.


I believe the one in the image is a donkey.


You're a donkey


That's just a compliment


Don't Koala's eat purely eucalyptus leaves, and only on the branch or else they won't understand its to be eaten and will literally starve?


Koalas are fucking horrible animals. They have one of the smallest brain to body ratios of any mammal, additionally - their brains are smooth. A brain is folded to increase the surface area for neurons. If you present a koala with leaves plucked from a branch, laid on a flat surface, the koala will not recognise it as food. They are too thick to adapt their feeding behaviour to cope with change. In a room full of potential food, they can literally starve to death. This is not the token of an animal that is winning at life. Speaking of stupidity and food, one of the likely reasons for their primitive brains is the fact that additionally to being poisonous, eucalyptus leaves (the only thing they eat) have almost no nutritional value. They can't afford the extra energy to think, they sleep more than 80% of their fucking lives. When they are awake all they do is eat, shit and occasionally scream like fucking satan. Because eucalyptus leaves hold such little nutritional value, koalas have to ferment the leaves in their guts for days on end. Unlike their brains, they have the largest hind gut to body ratio of any mammal. Many herbivorous mammals have adaptations to cope with harsh plant life taking its toll on their teeth, rodents for instance have teeth that never stop growing, some animals only have teeth on their lower jaw, grinding plant matter on bony plates in the tops of their mouths, others have enlarged molars that distribute the wear and break down plant matter more efficiently... Koalas are no exception, when their teeth erode down to nothing, they resolve the situation by starving to death, because they're fucking terrible animals. Being mammals, koalas raise their joeys on milk (admittedly, one of the lowest milk yields to body ratio... There's a trend here). When the young joey needs to transition from rich, nourishing substances like milk, to eucalyptus (a plant that seems to be making it abundantly clear that it doesn't want to be eaten), it finds it does not have the necessary gut flora to digest the leaves. To remedy this, the young joey begins nuzzling its mother's anus until she leaks a little diarrhoea (actually fecal pap, slightly less digested), which he then proceeds to slurp on. This partially digested plant matter gives him just what he needs to start developing his digestive system. Of course, he may not even have needed to bother nuzzling his mother. She may have been suffering from incontinence. Why? Because koalas are riddled with chlamydia. In some areas the infection rate is 80% or higher. This statistic isn't helped by the fact that one of the few other activities koalas will spend their precious energy on is rape. Despite being seasonal breeders, males seem to either not know or care, and will simply overpower a female regardless of whether she is ovulating. If she fights back, he may drag them both out of the tree, which brings us full circle back to the brain: Koalas have a higher than average quantity of cerebrospinal fluid in their brains. This is to protect their brains from injury... should they fall from a tree. An animal so thick it has its own little built in special ed helmet. I fucking hate them. Tldr; Koalas are stupid, leaky, STI riddled sex offenders. But, hey. They look cute. If you ignore the terrifying snake eyes and terrifying feet.


nah bro is this a copypasta or did you write it yourself, it reminds me of that "Horses are awful" one LOL


Yeah how in the hell do these idiots managed to stay alive for so long? Do they have no natural predators?


Living in a tree that is considered a warcrime against any animal that has better sense of smell than humans tends to have its benefits. They'd have predators if their eucalyptus ridden bodies wouldn't be so toxic to eat. As they need to ferment the food so long (thus increasing their alcohol level in their body), its basically a neurotoxin ridden edible to animals.


So you're telling me, all koalas do is eat, shit and sleep, and the other animals let them because they've evolved to be too toxic to be eaten? Damn that's winning


I did not know this Koalas are fucked


They are very very stupid animals.


Literally smooth brained


Yep and it's toxic to them too, leaving koalas perpetually drunk


Ok so let me get this straight. They're so stupid, they only eat a certain type of tree leaves, and can only be on the branch, and those tree leaves also happen to be toxic, making them always drunk? No wonder they don't understand you can eat the leaves off the branch


And the reason they don't die from it is because their parent shits digested eucalyptus into their mouths as babies to build a tolerance for it


Eucalize Legalyptus


It’s haunting seeing a dog just scoop up a chick and it’s gone. No malice behind it, it just sees a snack.


I’m also pretty sure that’s a stock photo for dental veneers/cosmetic dental work, so not “natural” teeth. Most human teeth have more variation… like the omnivores we are.


Even if the teeth aren't natural, the photo doesn't even back up the original point. Human teeth aren't completely flat like herbivores


Yeah I have naturally pretty sharp and pointy eye-teeth sort of like fangs.


Same here, actually wish they were bigger so I could hiss at people who piss me off.


Even if you examine the picture, what they posted makes no sense. Cat and dog teeth have cutting teeth in front and long teeth to pierce skin on the sides, very few grinding teeth in the back and they do not have that much flat area, still a lot of cutting capability to chew the meat. The "Vegan" teeth are all flat on the top for grinding the vegetables because the biggest problem is dealing with the massive amount of fiber. Then you look at human teeth. cutting teeth in front. very minor piercing teeth, but enough to deal with some tough stuff, and then grinding teeth in the back that can deal with most vegetation just cannot process the tough stuff. That is because we are not carnivores or herbivores. We are THE tippy top of the omnivore food chain. We can eat leaves, plants, fruits, berries, mushrooms, bugs, birds, animals, we can even eat other fucking people. If you are alive, you better behave motherfucker, or bet your ass that we WILL eat you with a goddamn peppercorn sauce and shit you out to fertilize our fucking potatoes, just so we can eat a little bit of you one more time.


horses are NOT "vegan" i wanna see oop call a horse a vegan again when they watch it kill and eat a chicken just for shits and giggles


[Ever seen a vegan horse eat a baby chicken?](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/fg2mJ4veuAY)


this is where the nuance is lost. animals are not vegan. animals are plant-based.


Animals are just fast plants.


Bonobos have the closest mouths to ours, and while they mostly eat plants they also eat small rodents, forest antelopes, fish, and insects. So, just like them, we are meant to be omnivores and our biology is optimized for digesting animal proteins.


Anyone tell me what animal the omnivore is please? I mean the one labelled "omnivore" not the human which is also an omnivore. It looks like a dog... I dunno, never owned one.


Looks exactly like my dogs teeth


Probably a bear.


After thoughaly researching bear teeth I agree.


Tell me again how we are designed to use the internet


The horse teeth are scarier for me for some reason


News flash, we weren't designed for anything.


I've seen Cows, Kangaroos and Horses consume fresh meat and carrion.


White tail deer will eat baby birds out of low nests.


Funny thing to ignore the rest of digestive tract and only spam photos of teeth. It is like spaming feet of mountain goats, wolfs etc and mine to prove that we should never ever go hiking to mountains.


We don't hunt with our teeth!


speak for yourself!


Post a clip!


Horses like hotdogs.


Vegans trying to shit meat-eaters, not realizing that they are shiting themselves.


And that they are, themselves, made of delicious succulent meat.


and that is why I am a humanitarian


I am an animal right activist and I don't use fallacies like the nature fallacy to argue that animals deserve moral consideration. BUT, the number of meat eaters who show me their canine teeth as an argument that they are biologically designed to eat meat is insane. I don't care about our teeth, being biologically built to do something doesn't make it morally acceptable. This is likely a meme to make fun of meat eaters because of how often "teeth" are used as an argument to justify the brutal slaughter of trillions of animals yearly. If you eat animals and find that stupid to base your diet based on how your teeth look, great, you aren't as dumb as some other animal eaters.


Totally agree. Veganism absolutely is not natural, and wouldn't have been viable really at least until the discovery of vitamin B12, but why does it matter? Cooking isn't natural, medicine isn't natural, using reddit isn't natural. A person whose morality based on what's natural isn't someone I ever want to be near haha


We have canines. The person in the photo just has some weak ass canines. Maybe they brush too hard or have weak genetics.


We are not designed.


This moron clearly has never watched a horse or donkey eat a gopher or bird 😂🤦


"tell me again how we're designed to eat meat" *Shows a picture of teeth named after the Family of animals whose mouths are in the other pictures.*


We're not designed to have indoor plumbing or drive cars, yet here we are with both.


1. We don't have multiple stomachs to process grass 2. We evolved as a species by consuming meat protein which is essential for brain development 3. History. Almost everyone ate meat throughout time 4. Our eyes are forward facing. Herbivores have their eyes to the sides, watching for prey. Humans like other carnivores have forward facing eyes.


>Herbivores have their eyes to the sides, watching for prey. Watching for predators.


No no, they need to be keenly aware of any grass trying ti make a run for it.


“Hi, my name is Chris Hansen and I want to welcome you to how to catch a predator.”




you mean watching for predators


Don't forget also that we don't have the necessary gut bacteria to digest plant material, and have the long large intestine to absorb nutrients. Archeological evidence shows carcasses butchered for marrow and brains, hunting large animals to harvest fat & proteins (small game and plants are fat deprived, and end result of eating solely that is starvation), and isotopic analysis shows protein/fat dominant diets. Oh, and we still have canine teeth, they are just smaller


Hawks are gonna have a hard time with this