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Well, I guess they created a martyr...


It is a good way to hide which poison putin’s underlings used.


They don't even need a reason at this point, other than cruelty and laughs.


Disagree because I think they’re hiding a lot of torture and/or mistreatment. Poor guy probably has bruises all over his body, lots of broken bones, maybe some intentionally inflicted diseases, etc.


I read yesterday that there were bruises on his head and chest, that they couldn't just wave away.


They attempted to actually. That report quoted the prisons mortician as saying those bruises were consistent with those seen by restraining someone having a seizure, and those seen by resuscitation. Which are indeed possible (CPR is very hardcore when done properly), but their refusal to come forward makes that seem far less likely. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/russian-opposition-leader-alexei-navalnys-body-found-bruised-in-arctic-morgue/56K5ZQQSDJBRNEHDDL4FHW4ABU/


I had a nurse practitioner friend mimick CPR with her fingers. I said maybe for a baby. She told me you should never do CPR with more pressure than your fingers (two on each hand). I really had to wonder how she got her degree not knowing how to do CPR and hope she never had to save anyone. You are right, it can be quite hardcore.


When the labor camp goons received Putin’s call to execute order 66, they probably lead him to some random trail where no witnesses could see and used whatever blunt melee tools they had to strike him down as quietly as possible.


I dont see any signals from russia that it would matter if this was revealed.


Could be a "whoops accidentally went a little too far this time"


I've heard it wasn't poison. It was apparently much more violent. Hence why they're not releasing the body. They can't physically hide the evidence.


Right, like all of the times they've hidden things when they extrajudicially assassinate people in other countries? Oh wait, they just poison people w Novichok and then say "nuh uh, that wasnt me. I cant believe you think I did that bc Im the only person on earth who has that nerve agent. How rude"


With Russia's track record, probably just used a conveniently open window


I doubt it was just poison. He was tortured to death


let's be honest, even if an independent 3rd party said it wasnt poison i doubt the internet would believe them


Nah. Putin’s been killing political adversaries for 20 years, at this point, and the Russian people just shrug and move on.


It's why I am a little suprised by the media coverage - Putin has been doing this a long time. He once had a journalist murdered to celebrate his birthday. What make Navalny different?


Navalny has been the most successful opposition leader in Putin's career. His skill at using social media and eloquence in his youtube videos where he investigates corruption at the top of Putin's regime are unmatched. Not to mention he's the subject of an Oscar winning documentary: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navalny_(film)


“Navalny” is available on Max. Highly recommended.


Big protests and a war on. Navalny's politics were a pretty mixed bag actually and I think Western Media is treating him a bit too heroically because he was a Putin-critic; granted, he was outspokenly anti-war. Just don't expect his wikipedia page to be all rainbows.


>Just don't expect his wikipedia page to be all rainbows. He was a Russian leader. The bar is so low he'd have to reopen the Kola Superdeep borehole to find it.




What's the media coverage in Russia like? Prob just playing clips of Tucker getting rebuked by Putin


It’s hard not to shrug and move on when you will disappear if you don’t.


More than that back when he was kgb. He just has underlings do it now. I bet he has done a few himself for funsies though.


Respect to those Russians who place flowers and do other things in public to honor Navalny, but I don't think the Russian opposition needed a martyr to hate Putin. The problem is, the opposition is too small to change something. I hope that changes, but there's no indication for this at the moment, unfortunately.


cos nobody wants to see Putin no more, they want Navalny. I'm chopped liver


You mean cremated? I'll show myself out


How else can you find the poison ? Of course they aren't going to release the body.


[learning their lesson after last time](https://youtu.be/AeQXc182r1A?t=667), not to release the body until poison is cleared.


How does poison clear from a corpse? Shouldn't there be a functioning excretory system?


They get Ivan the Intern to suck it out with a sharp straw


What idiots, they should get Ivan and his graduating class to take turns sucking the poison out to quickly release the body to the nosy public. Did they learn nothing from Chernobyl? 


Obviously you learnt nothing from the KGB for Dummies series, Ivan will keep the secret, his classmates will not keep a secret


Ah but my dear friend Putin place poison over 1000x amount to kill person in Navalny. Each sip is guaranteed silence. 


Ahh you're right Alexei, on Page 86 it says to add 10x the poison based on its LD^50.


Have you heard of chemical decomposition, autolysis, bacterial action, absorption and binding? All these things can make poisons disappear without a live body.


Literally not heard of any of those things. Is this common knowledge?


It is if you poison people on a regular basis.




Excretion isn't the only way for a drug to clear from a system. I'm no expert on novichok but I know other organophosphate compounds only have a half life of about 10 days at room temperature.


People keep saying poison, but what about ol' fashioned torture or exposure? Not releasing the body could simply mean not allowing a chance to confirm an autopsy report.


Not poison. He was just tortured. They need the body to decompose until an autopsy can't prove anything anymore. It's probably in some ditch behind the prison.


>How else can you find the poison ?  It was lead poisoning. High-velocity lead poisoning.


Putler remains fearful of Navalny, even after he murdered him.


Is pulter a typo or something I’m not aware of? Genuine curiosity


It's a mix betwenn Vladimir Putin and Adolf he austrian painter.


Come on, dont fear to say his name! Fear of a name only increases the fear of the thing itself! >austrian painter


He meant Putler.


You mean Vladimir "The Great Coward" Putin? That Putin? The greatest coward in human history Putin? That dude's afraid of everything and everyone. Never before and never again will there be a greater coward than Putin.


More like he is waiting a couple weeks for the poison to disappear from the body before giving it back..


He should be. Putin has created a nightmare martyr.


T minus 3 days till she “accidentally” falls out a window


I don't think she is in Russia atm tbf.


She's in Germany with their kids I believe. Navalny was brave going back to Russia from Germany, but he wasn't going to risk his family.


theory of mine, The Navalny family knew that his days were numbered as a result of the poisoning, that he was destined to die an early death, no matter what. And as a result, he chose to go out on his shield, and make a much larger impact than he otherwise would have been able to.


What impact has he really made, though? I respect the idea, but Putin and Russians don't care as far as I can tell, and the international community will denounce Moscow for this and then do nothing of substance.


The battle against the Russian government has multiple fronts. Obviously we can fund war against them through Ukraine, but winning the people over is just as important. The Russian people will never be liberated from Putin if they cannot collectively rise up against him and that will require things like martyrs to show them what is at stake. It doesn't change things overnight but it does make a difference.


It’s been a matter of days and already it’s pushing citizens to make a choice regarding whether to honor him or accept the state pressure for silence - and citizens are mourning.  I agree, I think his family was pragmatic enough to know that when hr would be killed, there would be a very brief moment to capture that energy.  I think we are watching it in real-time. But it’s way way too soon to know if they can spark a movement or if it will fizzle. 


Russians go out and demonstrate then get jailed and fined in masses. What do you propose for international community to do ?


Or, he knew that Putin would never leave him alone. Even in Germany, I imagine Putin could get to him.


As if not being in Russia had ever stopped them.


Well, particularly now that she just announced she will be continuing her husbands work. I doubt they would go after her in another country if she just stayed his widow, but now that she's picking up his mantle it's a very real possibility.


Given Russia killed Alexander Litvinenko while he was in London, I don’t think them being in Germany matters that much to Putin.


They have windows in Germany


They came back together on the same flight


That hasn't stopped them before haha


She looks more like she will be helping ruzzian leaders out the windows.


Or just dies of “natural causes”.


No autopsy no problem


I would be very afraid of this woman. One, tyrants and supervillains often make their own equal adversary and bring about their own defeat through acts of cruelty. Two, that fire in her eyes means that she won't stop stomping up Putin's mudhole until she's got shit knee-highs.


Sure, untill she's found dead aswell. Obviusly suicide following her husband.


Unfortunately, this is going to be the outcome, one way or the other, it's guaranteed. If I am not mistaken she is already in the U.K. right? Hopefully she can stay alive long enough to finally inspire the Russian people to wake up and stop destroying themselves, and their international neighbors. Edit: reading other comments I guess she's in Germany ATM. I am not a praying man, but my prayers are with her, and her family.


Dont you remember when Alexander Letlinko was poisoned ? The KGB killed him under Putins order for talking bad about him .


Please read my comment to the other poster that mentioned similar, no disrespect.




Hahahahahahaha, yeah, no, they’ve assassinated people in the UK before IIRC. I think it was either a car bomb or poisoning.


During the Cold War, they killed a dissident writer in the UK with a poisoned umbrella. Vlad is former KGB so he can probably make that happen.


Nah, he was an office drone. Just more lies from the small man.


They assassinated people in the UK, killed British citizens in the process, and nothing happened.


They just killed the pilot that defected with the helicopter in Spain


I am aware. If she were in Russia, she would already be dead, probably before her husband, as a warning to him. Edit: that's why I said it's inevitable, given time. Sadly. Edit2: it's happened multiple times, and not even just in the UK, but around the world. Also guaranteed.


She needs to only eat or drink things from bottles or that she’s prepared her self. I wouldn’t eat or drink anywhere if I was her


Tips and Tricks for staying alive when you are the number one enemy of the Russian state 101: Avoid stairs. Always always always, test your own food, even if you managed to completely source your own food, follow it up with immediately testing it for poisonings and radiation EACH BITE (mandatory). Watch out for umbrellas, pens, watches, backpacks, dart guns, (anything that even remotely resembles a dart gun really). Ummm what else?


Move to the mountains, grow your own food, don’t touch an electric device that connected to the internet or gps, sleep with on eye open, have all the antidotes to poisons, keep a radon detector, then keep moving to different random locations and repeat.


Yeah nah tap water only


Glass bottles metal caps. Or from the tap but I bet even that could be tampered with while she wasn’t looking. I think the only way to keep this woman safe would be to put her in witness protection


She definitely already is in some form of diplomatic high end personal protection. But even then, again, unfortunately, even that has its limits. Hopefully she can manage to lead and inspire. Hopefully she does manage to stay alive long enough for her to see her homeland liberated from tyranny for once and for all. Hopefully. But guaranteed, I'm not taking my money to Vegas betting on that hope.


She's going to jump out a window due to "Sorrow" and "Grief" shoving her out. They make an excellent team and have had lots of practice recently.


Yes, clearly widow grief husband. Too much for one woman. Very sad. (In Russian accent)


> One, tyrants and supervillains often make their own equal adversary and bring about their own defeat through acts of cruelty. Most dictators rule for dozens of years and only lose power when they've already enjoyed it for decades or decide to step down. People love to think every dictator ends like Mussolini or Hitler after 8-10 years of being a tyrant and the people rise up and depose them. The reality is that there are far more examples of Pinochets, Gaddafis, Francos, Mao Zedongs, Kim Jong Ils, and more that don't create their own defeat and instead reign for 50+ years without issue. Does it end violently? seemingly only after decades of opulent decadence, and almost never without outside invasion or intervention.


Funny, I got to watch what happened to people who laundered money for Pinochet under his wife's maiden name at a bank here in the US in 2004. It was some seriously bad shit. Like "decades in a federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison."


Gaddafi also wound up on the wrong end of an AK by his own people.


God's coming and man, is she pissed.


I concur, I see the "till it's done" look on her face in the photo. Love to see it


Why would she not be simply killed as quickly and easily as every other single Russian who posed the slightest of threat to Putin?


I guess if they go the Germany to do the deed then yeah I suppose so. Unless she's now under German protection. Her husband went right into the lions den, and now that the world knows, they risk making another martyr with her. Honestly I just like the determined look on her face. Regardless we'll have to wait and see how the show plays out. All might be a double play distraction.


Leave it to Redditers to make up impossible heroic scenarios because a person they don't like did something bad. This motherfucker disappears people and throws people out of high-rise buildings and you're gonna hype her up as some kind of John Wick? Bro, gtfo here


Fancy words but in reality i think she gets swatted on the wall like a fly and prolly no one would give a fuck. More then the obvious ”ahh to bad someone should do something about that”.


Putin will have her killed soon. She’s kill herself, two shots on the back. Tragic, such a tragedy.


One is a movie plot and not real life. Two, fire in her eyes is nothing compared to the fire in the back of her head when she “commits suicide” or falls out of a window


Just found out a friend of my aunt was arrested at a memorial for him. We’re very worried.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope they are released soon and unharmed.


Word is he’s been sentenced to 10 days but it’s Russia so who knows.


Well ya its radioactive, they can't just release it.


"In Russia we have safety precaution."


The bruising is a little difficult to explain.


Maybe, maybe not. Bruising could be attempts to revive some in distress. For example, CPR in a cardiac event performed as a person having a heart attack. E.g. If you said, a person having a heart attack had bruises and broken bones when pronounced dead at the hospital, it would not be surprising at all. That said, it is likely Navalny was tortured for years in various ways. It could be the case he was straight up murdered. It could be the case that he died suddenly, possible exacerbated by years of abuse. In either case, they would not want anyone to get that body. It does have the potential to tell us about his death, but it also could tell us what happened to him since his imprisonment. Both could be very ugly.


Good luck to her


Not really a facepalm, I think we all expected this.


Russia does not have a good history with the bodies of public figures.


Hope she don’t commit suicide by shooting herself 5 times in the back of the head for speaking out.


And people in the US actually talk up Putin after he does this sort of stuff. The most dangerous enemy we have in the US is our own people unfortunately.


People in the US want this in a leader. Trump openly says “I am your vindication” to his supporters. They fantasize about killing their political opponents. They erected a gallows at Jan 6. The guy who held Paul Pelosi hostage planned to break Nancy’s legs in order to extort a confession from her colleagues that their party is corrupt.


Fear and desperation are a stinky cologne, and Putin stinks


All Russian patriots should rise up and overthrow their corrupt government and hang Putin in Red Square.


Hang him? I think blood eagled would be well better




I suggest you Westerners look into why Ukrainians hate Navalnyi, dude supported russian imperialism visited russian nationalist protests, and supported the annexation of Crimea. His ineffectiveness was due to his naivety, he hoped russian government would allow a fair election and would allow him to win. He played the role of controlled opposition by replacing any sort of real violent protest or revolution with some vague hope of him taking power.


I guess she's going to just fall over dead too.


Cause of death. That's why they fear it, cause of death can easily be discovered.


That's one *courageous* woman! She should be a role model to several politicians in America today.


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Little put-put has met his match


Widow looks like someone not to mess with! She will not stop until you are dead!


From what I've read, Putin probably always checked wheather Navalny isn't hiding under his bed before he went to sleep. I hope his dreams are forever haunted by all the people he killed, directly or otherwise.


It's very fascinating to watch westerners still have hopes for Russian protests. Guys, I think nothing will happen. It's Monday already. All big protests happen around the weekend. The moment to gain momentum is over. There's been a few flower bringers.


Can we have her name ? She deserves to be more than Alexey Navalny's widow.




Thank you, but I meant "in general" it's a shit practice from news outlet to only mention someone as "wife/brother/father of" when that person is at the center of the news.


Is she the face of the movement that is going to finally tear the Russian government away from the oligarchs?


I wish, I really do


Should take down the oligarchs first... starve the beast


For all his supposed knowledge of history, Putin missed a bedrock lesson: Don't fuck with Boudica.


Boudica lost tho.......


Depends on what you call defeat. The man who pissed her off fled so as to not get cut into ribbons.


This woman creates gravity distortions by the sheer mass of her balls.


Let’s just appreciate her bravery instead of recycling a shit joke


Yea they do. Now it's just hearsay. The body would be evidence of what really happened not a death threatned russian coroner report.


So sad to hear about her suicide tomorrow


Of course they’re afraid, his supporters gathering at his funeral/grave might lead to…unpleasant events for daddy putin.


They fear a popular public funeral.


They would just use that to collect cannon fodder.


What is the facepalm here?


basically, Putin had him killed for opposing him but in turn he turned him into a martyr what generated more active oposition towards him then when he was alive.


Watch on as the US Republicans find something about her to whine about.


Fucking karma bots


Need time to let the body decompose a bit, to help cover evidence of his murder.


"you see, he beat the shit out of himself and then strangled himself. Here's a diagram of what he did". Russia, probably.


My condolences to her family when she accidentally falls out a window tomorrow.


Stay away from hot tubs and small aircraft.


They are letting the body decompose so you won't be able to see how beaten he was.


I hope this is the first domino in getting rid of Putin


A. Navalny was an ultra-right nationalist xenophobe who wanted Ukraine absorbed back into Russia; supported the annexation of Crimea; and, basically agreed with Putin 75% of the time. Source: WaPo, circa 2021. B. His popularity was dreadfully low, considering A above. C. Whose interest does Navalny's death serve? I think the CIA popped him, to blame it on Russia. Russians have way better ways to kill people, and Navalny's death does nothing for Russia, does everything for the west. The widow was so grief-stricken, she went to the EU to argue for sanctions. This is worse than fiction.


The body is probably in such horrible shape they don't want to world to see it or know about it! BUT WE KNOW! We know that he was tortured to death! WE KNOW!! :'(


Holy shit. Those eyes could burn through solid steel plate.


They can't give it to her until it stops glowing in the dark.


https://eng.obozrevatel.com/section-news/news-diu-confirms-death-of-russian-pilot-who-hijacked-a-military-helicopter-for-the-armed-forces-details-19-02-2024.html Putin list is going shorter.


Is it just me, or does she look like that robot Sophia? ![gif](giphy|1BdJd24oEwvuSvXYb0)


She was a brave woman and will be missed.


I would love to hear what trump has to say on this.


news tomorrow: she tragically fell down 30 towers and died suddenly of a heart attack!


I’m sure they’re getting him embalmed. Don’t want any peaky toxins or poisons showing up in a private autopsy


I'm afraid for her. Most likely next and covered as suicide or some type of accident.


This is actually wonderful until she gets thrown out a window with two gunshots to the back of the head.


If she is still in Russia, she dies next.


Nah, they are just waiting for the poison to dissipate.


She looks like she's been thru hell


Poor dear, she's seen some sh!t.


That right there is courage.


What would it prove? Are people in Russia seriously in denial that their dictator kills anyone he wants?


I hope all her windows are nailed shut.


Surprised they don't just give her an urn full of ashes. Unless they used an isotope that would still be detectable after incineration. Why would they bother when CN does the job without a trace?


What a courageous lady. I sincerely hope she manages to make a difference, but most of all stays safe.


Her husband felt that Jews and Muslims were vermin and cockroaches. I wonder if she feels the same?


maybe he isn’t really dead


Bro. The country is famous for embalming and deifying a guy 100 years ago. They created a Martyr here with their over the top villainy and they're trying to stop another Lenin from happening.


Heaven help her♥️


All this comment about Putin being afraid. Seriously? He knows nothing will happen. He's still in power.


Because any autopsy would reveal the true cause of death.


Be patient. It takes time to replace all of his blood with blood that isn’t full of murder juice.


She be dead in couple days


Guess we know who’s next on Putin’s kill list. It’s going on my bingo card: Navalny’s widow dies of “accident” or ya know poisoning (Putin’s signature)


No body, no proper autopsy.


You go!


Can someone explain the deal.


Better be careful, or she’ll “fall” out of a hotel window.


I hope every single German will play a part in keeping her safe. I see no fear in her eyes. Our prayers are with you Yulia.


Meh....Putin will probably poison her, too. Give it a year or so... when things quiet down.


John McClane is going to find that body at the bottom of Nakatomi Plaza before Hans Gruber does.


I have a feeling he will be cremated, with his ashes scattered on an undisclosed location. Putin won't want people to use his grave as a rallyingpoint. He wants him gone, completely.


It's really incredible the extent cowardice has reached in this world, and it's everywhere.


Now let's hope more Russians stand up and get this next revolution started. It's way past time for Little putin to go. Fan the flames of martyrdom.


Putin murdered him like Trump wants to murder people if elected .


I just assumed that they want the decomposition to hide what they have done