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So do they want him to use the same bathroom with their daughters or what?


They’re just trying to up his game. /s lol


![gif](giphy|AxxxG0emVqJPYx57Si) I think they end up self destructing when trying to solve this one.


You're misunderstanding. If he enters the women's bathroom, there's now justification to harm him, because to the outside observer it looks like a cisgender man is in the women's bathroom. This whole "gender assigned at birth bathroom" thing isn't going to involve conservatives hand wringing about how foolish they look. It's going to result in transgender people trying to obey the law and end up physically and sexually assaulted, if not worse, as a result. For example, the non binary teen in Oklahoma that was forced to use the girls bathroom and was beaten to death for it last week. It's a feature, not a bug. This is the desired outcome. They want trans people too fearful to present as their correct gender in public at all. The desired outcome is a world where people simply can't transition because doing so risks being beaten to death in public as a result.


Exactly right. It’s about controlling trans people and essentially saying “you are the gender we say you are”. It’s bloody scary how obsessed these people are with the genitals of people.


seeing transphobic women on twitter proudly claiming to look at all the crotches of every woman they think is trans to see if there is "bulge". The school board member that went on facebook to speculate about a child's genitals. It's wild that they've convinced themselves that's fine because they're on the side of 'righteousness'.


Wow looked up the Oklahoma thing, school playing dumb, police saying "they don't know the cause of death". The cause of death was being beaten dipshits, and if either someone that works at that school, or any students don't go to jail, I can't say I'll be suprised when a shooting happens there.


If he goes into a women's bathroom, they will assault and maybe murder him and claim they thought he was a pedophile. [They've done it before](https://www.fox19.com/2022/07/08/transgender-butler-county-man-says-group-beat-him-up-using-wrong-restroom/) and they will continue to do it. It is what they want to happen.


Sounds like blame shifting to hide the fact that the majority of pedophiles identify as straight men.


Identify as white Christian conservative men usually


Don't forget pillars of their community.


Not to mention the not small percentage of them that are religious leaders.


It would be pretty sweet if the problem just solved itself like that.


A girl can dream though


Yeah, there's only a paradox if their stated goal matched their actual goal It's not that they want trans people to use the bathroom associated with the gender assigned at birth, it's that they don't want trans people using public bathrooms at all or participating in sports, or participating in community events, or being part of communities at all. The actual goal is to make life so unbelievably unbearable for trans people that coming out of the closet and transitioning never happens Chaya Raichik is probably ecstatic that this person won't ever feel 100% comfortable in either bathroom


I mean, Nex Benedict was a transmasc person who was forced into the women’s bathroom where they were jumped, received severe injuries and died less than 48 hours later. It’s clear that conservatives’ whole “bathroom” tantrums is actually just about not wanting trans people to exist in any capacity


I thought Nex Benedict used they/them pronouns Still fully agree with you though, conservatives are garbage


they did. their family said they were nb. no one mentioned trans.


Nonbinary is generally understood to be under the transgender umbrella, as a nonbinary person does not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. So when someone mentions nonbinary, they implicitly mention trans.


Non-binary is generally considered to fall under trans, as it’s identifying with something other than the sex you were assigned as birth. Not all non-binary people see themselves as trans, but as a general rule of thumb, most people considering it to be a “flavor” of transgender, if that makes any sense


There was a trans man in the US, Noah Ruiz, who asked a campground owner which restroom he should use. He was told to use the women's. He did as he was told and was beaten within an inch of his life by a mob as he walked out. So yes, they *do* want that, as an excuse for lynching.


So leftism gives you abs?


Rock hard abs. It's great.


It’s gonna piss off a lot of fat old men with testosterone issues.


I’m a fat old man with testosterone issues and I’m only pissed that people can’t mind their own business and let others live their lives. This dude looks damn happy to me and that is good enough.


Im a fat old guy, too, and I'm just glad one more unhappy person managed to figure out a way to find happiness in their life. Why do they need anyone else's approval to pursue their own version of happiness? And why do some people think that the rest of the world has to live by their preferences? Who made these intolerant people king of everybody else's world?


Yeah me too I'm a fat old man, with testosterone issues but at least I can fondle my own breasts now!


I almost sput out my water. Thanks for the laugh


well, they can start taking some extra T too..


Trans men’s testosterone levels are kept within the typical male range, testosterone doesn’t give you abs, working out and eating well does


"old men with **testosterone issues**", that last bit is why I said so, if it's low enough the guy had not enough energy to work out and their body doesn't builds muscle efficiently enough


True, just wanted to add that in case anyone thinks trans men just get to choose extra high testosterone levels,


I’m a trans dude who has naturally high testosterone that wreaks havoc with my body so I take androgen blockers that are usually used by trans women so my spouse reminds me to take my “anti-boy-otics” 😂 Just helping emphasize for others that testosterone doesn’t magically make a trans man’s body perfect and too high levels can cause harm.


He got dad puns. That's a keeper


I'm gay. I'm not attracted to women. I'm attracted to this man. Maga can hang me for all I care he's sexy af


I'm a straight man but this is a photo of a very attractive man and I'm not afraid to admit that.


Aesthetic attraction or appreciation can exist without sexual or romantic desire and im happy you're not afraid to admit when you get it


Am a gay woman. I often compare attractive men to nice paintings. They are pleasant to look at but I don’t want to fuck them.


Instructions unclear, my legs are now covered in paint chips.


Instructions unclear, I have lead based paint chips in my mouth


If a person cant acknowledge when someone is attractive, regardless of whats between their legs, thats an indictment on themselves. Sure, there will obviously be people that others dont find attractive. But if you cant look at a person and say “I can see that theyre a good looking person” you have a problem


That's my point . Too many men are afraid of being perceived as less masculine or gay for admitting other men are attractive or liking fruity cocktails in stemmed glasses or PS lattes and any other bull crap. So kudos to the dudes in this comment section who my previous statement applies to


I can do that, but my wife usually disagrees with me. Apparently it's a good thing I'm not gay, since I seem to have terrible taste in men.


Why would I lol. That smile and how happy and proud of themselves they seem gives a very attractive look


It’s a spiritual boner.


Affection erection


cishet woman here. I agree.


Cis lesbian here. The guy looks happy and is attractive. Good for him.


Cis aro/ace woman here. I agree 100%.


I'm a cishet man. I'm not attracted to this guy, but I *am* jealous and wish I looked as masculine as he does.


He is. That’s the problem with these Maga people, they are attracted to trans folks and that’s not of Gawd.


Motherfucker has a much better physique than my beer belly self. Every time these idiots try to make me transphobic they're making me envious of trans men, I think bigots need a better long term PR strategy.




Tell them at least you can find the g-spot.




Well I meant the male g-spot. But if you can find both, even better.


Sign me the fuck up!


Wait! You guys are getting abs?!


I wish. I'm super left, and I'm chubby. :(


We’re liberaling wrong together I guess.


I'm liberal with my food intake.


Did we just become best friends?


Testosterone injections will help with that, and I'm not saying that in a snarky way. He's also super-motivated to make sure he presents as male. All the thumbs up to him.


Meanwhile hating others because they’re “different” and are happy gives you a crappy brain with two braincells playing ping-pong with a neuron, and the stability of Windows 11 on a Pentium 4 … Aka, what Libs of TikTok has


…He doesn’t look too sad to me Edit: So people are saying that just because he’s smiling in one photo doesn’t necessarily mean he’s happy, and that’s true. For the same reason, it’s also a little weird to look at one photo and decide that someone’s suicidally depressed


According to these jokers, he should be sad. Because they want him to feel sad. The fact he clearly isn't and is in fact looking quite happy is irrelevant.


Exactly. One of the biggest causes of suicides in the trans community is the constant mocking and bullying from the far-right part. That, plus they might be or feel unsafe in red states in the future, like Texas, or countries where the far-right population is rising. AND YET some people joke about their suicide rates as if it was something normal. As if for some reason they haven’t seen the consequences of their mocking, or as if they just don’t value trans people as humans. It’s just disgusting


I hate when they use LGBT suicides as a way to be like "LGBT bad". No, they didn't commit suicide because they were LGBT, they did it because of bigots like you yelling at them that they're disgusting, they're going to hell and should be ashamed of themselves. EDIT: I just have to add, the fact that there are transphobes in comment trying to find any grounds to support their side of the story is so funny to me. Why can't everyone just be happy that other people are happy. It's like yelling at someone for eating candy because it's not healthy for you, but maybe it makes someone happy and that person shouldn't be judged for their choices.


Don’t forget about them being called groomers, and being likened to child molesters. Imagine what that kind of stigma does to people.


I hate children, but I have to be aware of if there are any children when I go shower after going to the swimming pool, because I have a very visible rainbow tattoo and I do not pass as straight. I also live in a fairly homophobic country (Poland). I usually just give up on showering naked and either shower at home or wait for the cabin if there are children there. I'm just scared of being accused of being a pervert or something.


Gotta look out for number one. No one ever said “Damn! If only I were less careful!” I always took an abundance of caution of never being in my room alone as a teacher with a student and I just didn’t bother going in locker rooms as a water polo coach, if I needed to change I’d do it in the maintenance closet that would lock from the outside or just be itchy and go home. I’d rather be itchy and home than itchy and in a lineup


Knuckle draggers: "Why are you hitting yourself!?" Kid they bullied: "you hit me. you hit me so much i killed myself" Kunckle draggers: "It must be the identity that's causing this"


Yup and that the vast majority of de-transitioners (which is such a tiny fucking pool of people) detransition due to abuse they've endured and they're trying to keep themselves safe by hiding.


Veterans have a higher suicide rate than trans people, yet they're perfectly willing to understand trauma and stress contributes to it with veterans (though they're still not willing to offer mental health care for them) but if a prosecuted and constantly demonized minority has a high rate of depression? "Oh must be because too nice and affirming!"


They're miserable & want everyone else to be miserable.


Reminds of Elliot Page. Dude looks so much happier now and I'm annoyed he got so lean so fast.


He looks very happy! I'm proud of him but also he's hella fine not gonna lie


Truly. My man looks shredded with these abs


Honestly I think they just find trans joy and success to be the tragedy. They have made it clear that they want trans people to suffer.


Statistically, the vast majority of trans people are happier after they transition. Chaya doesn't really care about anyone's happiness though.


It’s funny how trans people being happy makes them so miserable


By their logic, they are posting topless pictures of a woman, which is pornography and is sinful to do. You played yourself with this one!


This reminded me of the story of a trans woman who was refused a gender change on her drivers license so went into the parking lot, took her top off and was promptly arrested. https://www.thepinknews.com/2011/11/16/topless-us-trans-woman-charged-with-indecent-exposure-as-a-man/


>The police report said: “Mr. Jones continued to yell that he had the right to show his breasts in public and wanted to be recognized as a female.” The police report alone is self-contradicting. His stupid "he" and "his" usage should make it so easy to see what the f\*\*\*ing issue is, but you know the cop is willfully clueless.


It's because police officers aren't supposed to protect the people they're supposed to be violent willing soldiers for the wealthy elite


Titties out for trans rights


This reminds me of the recent "embryos are children" ruling in Alabama. Legislators, with no foresight, say life begins at conception; Judge rules that embryos are therefore children; IVF treatment centers shut down in fear of lawsuits/prosecutions; Legislators move the goalpost and are now scrambling to save IVF by saying life does not necessarily begin at conception, but when the conception is inside of a womb.


Another one!




LITERALLY THOUGH? Dude is a beautifully handsome man and looks so happy now! Plus, those fucking abs???? Daamn.


That tracks


Realize they want that dude using the woman's restroom. That alone should tell you who the pervs are


They absolutely forget about trans men when they talk about bathrooms. It's both hysterically funny and deeply sad. It does show you what part transphobes are spending their time thinking about, though, doesn't it?


It’s because, for them trans women are evil predators, but trans men are just little girls who were manipulated into this by evil people. Transphobia and misogyny all in one!


Yeah… sadly according to them women can’t be predators…


Yea, their train of thoughts help absolutely no one


It's because trans men don't pop up when they search transgender p*** which I reckon they do every day damn closeted ass Hating Ass politicians


they want trans men to be forced to use the women’s restroom in hopes that someone will assume they’re a cis male predator and “take care” of them.


I think the reason is deeper. In the far right world view men are not just dominant, they are better in every way, of course trans men would exist, they are "trying to cheat" their way into "the naturally supreme" form of life. They are still "a problem" and "should be punished", but they are nowhere near as bad as trans women to them, who fundamentally reject the most basic assumption of men being better. This is why I think the far right are almost exclusively attacking trans women when "debating" the existence of trans people, while "only" hurting trans men by virtue of banning all gender affirming care, not just for the trans women. Of course the fundamental assumption underlying the whole thing is stupid and dumb and i feel kinda disgusting for even writing out a far right opinion even if it is to criticize it. Also, I don't see the full extent of the discourse, I am not american and don't follow nazis, so I only absorb a small part of the full avalanche of bigotry and lies.


Nah they don't care about transmascs only transfemmes. The right often forgets transmascs even exist. My theory is that this is largely based on conservative men being uncomfortable with the fact they find trans women attractive. The first time they make someone that looks like this dude use the women's restroom, the bathroom shit will hopefully be re-thought. Unrelated, congrats to this person who looks incredibly happy and confident in their identity.


They also have problems with butch (or even just masculine-looking) cis women using women’s restrooms. Their brains are full of worms.


I have been denied a woman's restroom because I had just gotten back from climbing and was in men's clothing so they assumed I was trans for some reason? It was weird


I would be suing the fuck out of people. If only to make the point that having people safeguard restrooms like they are some holy shrine holding society together is absolutely absurd and a waste of time.


Oh no they don't. They want that dude to do his business in a dark alley away from decent, God fearing folks.


Apparently leftism makes you fucking hot. Where do I sign up?


I'm ace but this man is a certified snack.


Yeah, dude’s body looks pretty damn good for one that’s been “destroyed”


I know right isn't he gorgeous


No, left


I know left isn't he gorgeous


Honestly they couldn’t have chosen a worse example to try and hit their nonsense point


Fr, I have ideas of the left, smoke weed like the left, even love animals/people like the left yet I look like fucking dumpster fire lmao.


Why is no one ever allowed to have agency, with these people? According to them, no one else ever makes a clear-headed decision based on careful consideration of their own genuine feelings and all of the facts and repercussions thereof. No, they were always "tricked" or following a fad or talked into it by some nefarious other person with a secret agenda. Tell me, what possible reason would anybody have to want to convince people to change genders? What goal would this accomplish, what purpose would it serve? Like, 1. Everybody swap genders 2. ??? 3. Profit I mean wtf?




A *lot* of the transphobia aimed at trans men and transmasculine people in general is just plain old misogyny. See also "they're just following a trend" or "they're just doing it for attention".


And you see it expressed through accusing cis women of being trans women because no woman is born ‘that manly’. Broad shoulders? Body hair? Strong jaw? No way you could be a ‘real’ woman


All excellent points. This cannot be denied.


Because God doesn't want you making decisions, God wants you obedient.


That's what the Adam and Eve tale teaches us, no? Don't seek knowledge, just obey.


Counterpoint: Jesus died for our sins, therefore we should sin as much as possible to maximize the effectiveness of his sacrifice. Don't make Jesus have suffered for nothing~!


God isn’t telling anyone anything. They are


Across history, "God" has served as a convenient basis by which the ruling class controls the masses. The higher up you are, the closer to God you are. Meaning they can claim to interpret/hear the word of God and claim to be doing his will. Building up an assumption that only through our rulers are we able to come to know and understand the will of God. Whatever God is or isn't, this assumption has nothing to do with it in reality, and has everything to do with powerful people trying to hold on to their power


She is Chaya Raichik, the account owner, probably actively enjoys the harm and deaths she causes on trans folks. Check her TV appearances, you'll see how she can barely hide her laugh while saying the single worst things you can imagine live on conservative propaganda outlets.


Oh, I will take your word and countless others' word for it. Actually watching stuff like that hurts me inside.


Yeah honestly don't, unless you just want to lose faith in people for real.


What shakes my faith in people isn't so much scum like her existing... They always will... It's ordinary people seeing the system not only letting them get away with the crap they do, but rewarding them for it as well, and still acting like everything is just peachy.


Because these people have been tricked and brainwashed so they assume everyone else must be too.


That how "antiglobalists" think in general. They state the global world is bad and then proseed straight to the point that everybody they don't agree wirth are tricked, lied and manipulated, and can't do conscious decisions by themself. Because fuck the consistency, that's why.


It’s important to recognize that these people didn’t adopt these beliefs due to anything resembling rational thought. To them, rationalization is something they attempt to do by any means necessary to justify a belief they already possess. They will latch onto the scantest evidence and hammer on it until it seems believable, and that’s good enough for them to feel validated in having such vile beliefs. To a rational person, these people seem delusional, and that’s because they are.


I also hate it because those same bigoted right wing people are the ones who will preach that "It's their body their choice" with all sorts of other things, but then they think they get the right to tell other people what they can and can't do with their own bodies. It's so hypocritical


So many cosmetic surgeries and other procedures (tattoos, implants, under-skin decals, facial reconstruction, etc) get done by tons of adults every day


They think their worls view is so completely and absolutely right, and its SO obvious that, someone that doesnr agree or behave the opposite they say, can only be affected by some other force. Its the internet or videogames brainwashing the youth with some satanic globalist agenda. They dont think of agency cause they dont rhink someone would ever do such evil things on their own.


They also believe that if they raise their children with "conservative values" that theyll never turn out LGBT but news flash! It doesnt work that way! So when their kids do turn out LGBT they jump on the idea of them being brainwashed by the left. Because lord knows theyd *never* force their child into being something theyre not.


I can't help thinking that that sounds like a seriously impaired capacity for empathy.


Thats the funny part! It is. Why do you think these people always side with the worst? They dont see people different from them as human.


They are so obsessed with deepthroating trumps cock that they can’t possibly comprehend people making their own decisions


And honestly, I can’t imagine there’s much to deep throat. Just a sad shriveled baby carrot.🥕


If you describe a picture of a smiling guy as a "sad girl", you are severely delusional and need treatment.


It’s incredible how their retoric changes based on what sex a transgender person was assigned isn’t it? Trans woman? Pedophile! Man in a dress! Grooming the children! Trans man? Oh no an innocent, pure little girl, so confused, see how they have manipulated her…


Women aren't people. They are vague ephemeral concepts of purity unfortunately made flesh that have to be protected against their will because as spiritual creatures, they can't comprehend the evils of this world. But you should still want to fuck them


Women don't have agency. Men do things. Things happen to women. /s


The root of transphobia is misogyny.


Literally radiating pure joy and they actually tried to call him “sad”? Lmao what


People shattering their femurs and knees to insert the equivalent of braces with titanium screws in their legs, just to grow a few centimeters, and mfs say nothing. But this dude gets gender reafirming surgery to *\*check notes\** avoid suicide and suddendly it's a big no-no




Imagine being someone like Chaya that spends all of her time making hateful posts like this...


Statistically, you are 100 times more likely to regret having a knee operation. Yet we've never heard the right calling that "being sold a leftist lie".


Exactly!! People don’t realize how much happier trans people are when they undergo gender affirming surgery. Risk of suicide goes down by a lot and barely any people regret it. Sadly the world just hates the fact that trans people can be happy being trans lol


Like I’m probably getting a revision for my top surgery because there’s still some excess skin but I’m still 100x happier than when I had boobs.


Meanwhile, back in reality, less than 1% of all transition patients regret their decision ten years later.


And a large portion of that 1% regret medical transitioning due to medical complications, not because of transitioning itself.


Chaya is a fucking menace to society, the deaths of lgbt people run in her hands. Her hateful rhetoric fuels the violence that's happening across different lgbt circles. Libsoftiktok is a cancer.


After what happened to Nex this week Chaya should be arrested on stochastic terrorism charges. That rotten piece of shit deserves to spend the rest of her life in solitary confinement with no access to the internet or a single other human being.


She's playing the victim on Twitter over it too. Like, a queer teen was beaten to death and she's the victim?


Shes going to be a victim after im done with her i tell you h'what


She was literally meeting with the superintendent of the school the day nex got assaulted.


She is the human embodiment of flaming garbage.


>destroyed her body Proceeds to show man with the best body you have ever seen


Bro is literally majestic and is smiling ear to ear wrapped in a trans flag. And they cry "She's so destroyed" they're fucking crazy


Jealous lol


A - You used to be a girl, you are now a man... Are you happy ? B - Yes, very happy ! C - Sure, but Jesus said... A - Oh shut it ! This was flash debate.


Also: Jesus *didn't* say, as if that even matters for state policy.


And from what Jesus did say, he would be aiding trans people that Chaya keeps putting in danger, and shaming her.


Perfection. I’ve seen that clip many times and it’s just perfect.


Love this clip


We literally just want to live our lives in peace, none of us who medically transition do it because we are influenced by “leftism”, we do it simply because it’s who we are.


This person looks like he he found a reason for the light to come back to his life. Why do people gotta diss on happiness?


Nah they just mad they don’t have those abs.


Between the guy in the photo, and the person tweeting about it, there are no innocent girls to be seen here.


So, by their logic, they just posted a topless pic of a “young” “girl”


I would have never guessed that this guy was once a woman. Transitions have really come a long way.


To some extent, like where availability of surgeries and access to hormones are concerned, sure, but it's largely the same process that it's been since about the 70s, you've just never noticed because..well..*gestures to picture*. It's an unfortunate bit of rhetoric, to which many perfectly reasonable people have fallen victim, that trans people are mostly "obviously" trans. It puts anyone who doesn't fit the traditional gender mold at risk of abuse, regardless of their gender identity.


"If you saw this person going into the Ladies' room after your daughter, would you say something or mind your own business?"


According to republicans, this person should be forced into women's restrooms, or else be branded a sex criminal for life. Yet when FtM people comply with these republican laws and use the mandated birth-sex restrooms, they also get republicans pulling guns and calling police. It's a no-win scenario which makes their lives hell, and republicans love it.


This, we keep saying it's a win when it backfires, but it's more than often not ever a win. If there's a forced bathroom mandate then more than likely there's someone going to get on the news in the coming months.


Glad he didn't listen to your sad ass


So in their example of how terrible 'leftism' and 'transgenderism', they show a very attractive trans man who is smiling and looks incredibly happy. They're not very good at this.


That dude is glowing with joy and satisfaction, truly comfortable in his own skin. Special kind of delusional had to write up that tweet.


He looks pretty dammed happy to me. 🏳️‍⚧️


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me - Martin Niemöller This isn't going to stop unless good people do something about it now.


Where are the lefties knocking on my door asking if I like to convert gender, where are these gatherings that the lefties have to talk about transitioning, where are all these summer camps to bond force children to transition. No where because transitioning is not something anyone is being forced to do, but guess what Christianity and religion s being forced down our throats daily and brainwashing kids with church and camps.


Wow, he looks GREAT 👀 I’m sure he sees his transition as the best choice he’s ever made.


He looks quite happy for me


Only a mentally ill lover could look at that hunk and think "yeah that's a woman"


He looks amazing good for him


“Individual rights and freedoms! Unless I’m too stupid to get why you’d wanna do that, in which case I’ll make your existence illegal.”


Not that this should matter at all but like if ur gonna make the argument that transitioning “destroys your body” maybe don’t use a photo of one of the hottest ppl I’ve ever seen.


Conservatives just mad his body is hotter than theirs.


Lol, mofo's just jealous because my dude looks better than any of those bitter old neckbeard incels.


He looks very happy to me. It's almost like he can finally be himself.


Notice how whenever a transphobe talks about trans women, they are perverts and degenerates that mock womanhood and want to infiltrate women's spaces. However, when they talk about trans men, they are poor inocent girls that have been lied to and now are confused. The misogyny is real and consistent. A 'phobe' is never just one kind of 'phobe'.


Conservatives:look at these miserable trans people what terrible things they have done to their body *a bunch of pictures showing trans people being happy*


This person is literally 1000% better-looking and happier than whoever posted this hateful shit, that’s why they’re so triggered.


they act like being trans is the same concept as genital mutilation in circumcisions and FGM. the cognitive dissonance is real.


It’s his body, let him do what he wants with it. It’s so weird that conservatives proclaim to be the party of individual liberty and yet they’re constantly trying to tell other people what they should be doing with their bodies.


They're convinced we'll eventually regret it, despite every single study done on the matter. I transitioned at 21, nearly 7 years ago. The only regret I have is waiting. Getting talked out of it when I was a kid is one thing, but once I figured it out again at 20, I should have just done it. Life got so much easier for me


Girl? Where? No girl in that picture.


Wait is that a transmasc? Yo he looks great. Abs for days.


Bro looks happy as fuck. Good for him