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I have actually seen that truck in real life. They drive exactly how one would expect them to.


They're also universally diy lifted badly, with headlights always pointing directly into the eyes of oncoming traffic.


Feature, not a bug.


It just works.


See that mountain over there? You can drive over it.


“Watch this”


For the price of a new suspension


This should honestly be illegal.


It is. It's never enforced though because nobody with authority gives enough of a shit to actually pull out the testing equipment and test it properly. Source: me, former vehicle safety inspector


I would be a terrible cop but if I WAS one, high-beams on whether in incoming or following someone would be an absolute, flip a u-turn, pull that bitch over EVERY time. So would those dipshits with spacers on their tires so they stick out past their fender wells. It's an illegal hazard here in MI, it kicks up rocks and breaks windshields even at reasonable distances since most of our county roads are 55mph. But cops and their budweiser-swiggin buddies are the ones who own those trucks so they're just everywhere, truck-nutz a-swinging.


I'll vote for you for sherrif!


slap a blue lives matter flag and instant get out of ticket.


Is this why my windshield gets half a dozen chips in a matter of weeks even though I'm 5 seconds behind the car in front of me?


Is it really not in the US?


It probably is, but who's going to enforce it? Cops don't give a shit.


I have no doubt the driver is a cop.


Not when its another "good ole boy" breaking a law that said "good ole boy" thinks he shouldn't have to obey. It would be something like ............. "Well that's Jasper and I went to school with his daddy, if I locked him up he'd probably lose his job at the mill. They just had had another youngin and so if I wrote ole Jasper a ticket it might make things kinda tight for them"


It is but no one enforces it


Can you name the truck with four wheel drive, Smells like a steak, and seats thirty five? Canyonero! Canyonero! Well, it goes real slow with the hammer down, It's the country-pride truck endorsed by a clown, Canyonero! Canyonero! Hey, hey! Twelve yards long, two lanes wide, Sixty five tons of American pride! Canyonero! Canyonero! Top of the line in utility sports, Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts! Canyonero! Canyonero! She blinds everybody with her super high beams, She's a squirrel-squashin', deer-smackin' drivin' machine, Canyonero! Canyonero! Canyonero! Whoa, Canyonero! Whoooooaaaa!


Like a perfectly polite person of society I'm sure (/s if I gotta say it)


>(/s if I gotta say it) You kinda do nowadays because what used to be /s is serious business now.


Sad but true. It’s really hard to discern sarcasm nowadays and it’s depressing. What a shit timeline we are stuck in.


Fuck man. Seriously. With all the bans, fucking people by trying to repeal the plan that waives interest on student loan payments. To floating concentration camps at Trump dissenters. It’s too damn much. It’s even worse that you have people that hear all of this and they agree with it. Dude America is fucked man. Thanks to MAGA, they have managed to convince uneducated people that this will somehow benefit society. It’s like they want to go back to a time where “Jesses girl” is playing and people are sitting at diners with manually operated cash registers.


Trump did say he loves the poorly educated. They want to go back to when women couldn’t vote, LGBTQ didn’t “exist”, and POC are second class (if even that) citizens. It’s disgusting to watch it play out.


Nah they think the 50s were a golden age. They want to repeal civil rights, woman's rights and start an American Empire. Only white straight people get rights. Read their rants.


It's called Poe's Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law).


You forgot one of the


You also seem to have lost your


I don'\[ know anything.


Wait /s stands for serious business now??/s


Polite, but more that they have a well developed sense of personal responsibility and no ego. /s of course.


Same. I did a double take when it came in my feed. But yeah they drive like an asshole. Not shocking at all.


Speeding and not using turn signals? I swear every other pickup truck driver is incapable of using turn signals.


I hate how true this is. I drive a big pickup, work outside, and more or less carry myself in such a manner that most folks assume I'm just a standard issue redneck. But goddamnit, I'm a leftist nerd in a blue collar body AND I drive safely (including turn signals).


Major fist bump for consistent turn signal use! Crazy how “leftism” is now where you look to find a sense of personal responsibility.


I think it's more about empathy. Anyone with any has fled the republican party, so what's left has been distilled down to the rudest, and most inconsiderate elements. It's like when you leave the coffee pot on too long, and all the water burns off, leaving a vile residue at the bottom of the carafe, and an odor that lingers for weeks


Some burly bearded truck drivers are liberals, we exist. 


Blue collar, rough around the edges truck driver here. Not a trumper but surrounded by em. Makes me wish I would have went to college haha. Trades, construction and trucking full of em.


They also like to go lickitysplit but when they turn, they turn like a 95 year old woman.


Drunk while listening to David Allan Coe?


More likley Johny Rebel.


How dare you disrespect DAC 😂😂😂


Mental illness personified in a truck wrap


I’m sorry you had to be in Florida. Hugs


You should have called him into the FBI. This is clearly a threat.


I remember the days when presidents were just treated as people and not cult leaders.


is this the first cult leader president? i’m definitely curious


Care to name another? Out of curiosity.




Touché! Obligatory [link.](https://youtu.be/6lIqNjC1RKU?si=Wcx0mGL4Y_vt3_QS)


There you are again! Doing the lord's work, I love that you do this!


Haha I try to make a point of linking it whenever that turd nugget gets brought up. I remember growing up religious and he was not “worshipped” the same way trump is now, but he was revered highly. And then as an adult with my own brain to look into the history and what happened, I remember thinking WHY DID ANYBODY THINK THIS MAN WAS OK??? He did horrible things. Every president has faults I’ll admit, but Reagan? Fuck. That. Guy. Not literally. But I hope he’s rotting in hell if it exists.


Fucking Reagan’s in hell waiting for heaven to trickle down


Reagan was the religious rights first choice candidate.


Lincoln... dudes fought a civil war for that guy! /s. Oh God let it be known


Haha it’s really sad that the /s is necessary in this day and age.


Ahhh we nearly had him!!!


I'm autistic, and tone is hard irl. I always appreciate when people denote /s cause then I get to be in on it too!


I'd make the argument JFK. But at the end of the day that Cult of Personality contributed to the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. This one serves to sell Trump bibles and EFTs so he can try and argue in court that insurrection is not really insurrection.


Back before your mom was on OnlyFans…


They still are. Its just Trump, same as it has been.


I remember when the Republican frontrunner heard a supporter question Obamas birth place and the Republican speaker, McCain, immediately shut that down and said some words in defense of Obama. I miss when some republicans used to be respectable people with different opinions on things.


I remember. It was an old woman who said, “He’s an Arab.” and McCain immediately said no, he’s not.


It's weird, never thought I'd find myself wishing McCain was still around


It's gotten so bad that most would almost be happy to have GWB back 😳




Still a quality dodge. 10/10


He looks like he was having so much fun


I don't think trump would be capable.


He's not spry enough




Bush got that Ultra Instinct


Holy crap. You're on to something. I'd happilu trade tangerine dude for Bush Jr at this point.


Yup. The days when you could respectfully disagree.


Said something along the lines of “He’s not an Arab. He’s a good American family man”, which kinda implied Arabs aren’t.


In context at the time when Anti Arab rhetoric was high this made sense and was not really an attack against Arabs. Was it badly worded sure but it sounds worse now than then. But what he really said was "No ma'am, he's a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that's what this campaign is all about,". I suggest watching the video for full context as his mannerism and the shaking of his head and way he cut her off actually matter to what he was saying. His "no ma'am" seemed more about cutting off the conspiracy theories than saying no he's not an Arab.


Yeah McCain was a real piece of work in many ways but in that moment he did America a service.


100% There are plenty of things to criticize McCain on but that really wasn't one of them.


I'd be more willing to give him a pass if his running mate hasn't been promoting that kind of thinking


He didn't pick her. Your running mate should appeal to the people that you don't appeal to directly. She was there for the crazies, just as Biden was there for the older, less liberal democrats, and just as Pence was there for the religious nuts. They're not supposed to be on exactly the same page.


That's one way to interpret it, but McCain was actually just riled up at the time with the person saying this. It was a racially aggravated lie to discredit him that seemed from a rumour that Obama was related to Osama Bin Laden. McCain was effectively shutting down that entire rumour in the moment, because he had a lot of respect for Obama, and didn't want to win an election based on lies. He had a level of integrity. The issue is, when you have 2 men running on the basis of who has the strongest values, a Republican can't win that race.


Obama = Osama, Hussein = Saddam, perfect logic


To this day, I am shocked that the American public gave a chance to a guy named Barack Hussein Obama.


I'm not, because Obama is very charismatic and is a hell of a speaker. He could honestly be a comedian if he wanted to. Him firing back burns actually makes speech somewhat interesting to listen to.


You are shocked America picked the right choice based on politics?




So it was Obama that did 9/11, not Bush!


Yeah, I don't think he meant it like that, he was just picking up on the woman saying that to imply that Obama was bad.


Meanwhile, his running mate was stoking that shit up.


6 years after 9 -11. Arabs were not considered humans to a lot of Americans. Why do you think Republicans acted like they did towards Obama? They used to speak his middle name every chance they had. My favorite was speaking as if he were a dangerous Arab, then complaining his Christian church was anti white. They just peppered the airwaves with everything. And it's never stopped.


Kinda mad that it was actually Arabs who orchestrated 9/11, and yet Saudi Arabia remains a strong ally today. While the Taliban got put in a 20 year hiatus as some sort of retribution for 9/11. The global war on terror has been an absolute catastrophic failure.


not correct: [https://youtu.be/JIjenjANqAk?si=Khfw6O1s74FDONxz&t=15](https://youtu.be/JIjenjANqAk?si=Khfw6O1s74FDONxz&t=15) ​ "no mam, he's a decent man, a citizen, that I just happen to have fundamental differences with"


They can be good Arab family men though.


Then he picked Palin as his running mate


he meaning the party told him to


I always had the impression that was a suggestion from the team he hired, rather than from the party


IMO it was a poorly thought out Hail Mary. He was losing and people liked the idea of electing a black person to president. He was trying to get the women vote by putting a woman on the ticket and wanted someone youthful, to contrast with himself (old).


And Trump was the one pushing the myth Obama wassnt American born.


Oh shit, you’re totally right. It’s the same guy doing the same shit, and he’s had supporters all along. We just didn’t realize how many of them there were.


One of my favorite Obama quotes is something to the effect of he had fundamental disagreements with Mitt Romney and John McCain, but he wasn’t worried about them being able to do the job.


I've said for years that the Republican party died with John McCain.


if that lady is still alive i can almost guarantee she's a MAGA


and will, to her dying day, insist that Obama is an Arab


The difference is that these people were Americans and loved America regardless of who was on the other side of the aisle. This new breed of Republican hates America and wants it to be a flat out dictatorship


Makes you wonder if the GOP would still be on this path if McCain or Romney were elected back then. Since then they’ve gone off the deep end


Don't forget the Tea Party rumblings were starting under Bush. This is a perfect storm situation and no single politician could have changed it. This is 50 years of propaganda, corporate greed, and weaponized disinformation coming together.


I think there are still millions and millions of respectable, logical, even nice Republicans who aren't part of the MAGA cult and aren't ultra religious (and so one issue voters). The problem and it's an absolutely mind boggling problem... Is those millions will still choose to hold their nose and vote Trump over a Dem. That's the thing about the state of American politics which absolutely confounds me. It isn't the 30% or so of voters who are Qultists. It's the fact that Trump polls near 45%. That's 15% (or depending on whether you consider eligible vs likely voters, 35 or 25 MILLION) Americans who are saying they will vote Trump despite everything. And that's before I even consider that Trump is tied or leading in all 7 battleground states which is all that really matters in this election anyways. I just don't understand America anymore. Have we already slipped into fascism and all that's remaining is the appropriate election result to make it official?


The Secret Service wants a word…


Not American, but isn't it illegal to threaten a sitting President, even as a joke?


A lot of what Trump does nearly on daily basis is illegal, but he has yet to suffer any consequences outside of occasional inconveniences.


Yes, but it's not Trump's truck. And the secret service probably will have a word with this asshole now that Trump shone a spotlight on his terroristmobile and put him on their radar.


I am sure this person has been on the FBI's radar for years. The real issue is a Presidential candidate promoting photos of their rival bound and kidnapped. I mean just the optics of this alone are horrible. Trump knows who his supporters are and he is slowly radicalizing a decent portion of the American populace to accept the idea of taking the law into their own hands.


>idea of taking the law into their own hands. Or just tearing the law up altogether ...


Trump I get, money and insanity seems to have rendered him untouchable, but what about the dickhead driving around with the truck, how has he not been arrested?


Yes. However... were having a crisis over freedoms of speech. The far right has been pushing the envelope for years, and now it's at a boiling point, thanks to TFG challenging everything. He's getting away with FAR more crap than any general citizen ever could. People fear him, and he knows it, pushing harder each time.


Yeah, now it's like, "I can make death threats and you can't stop me!"


It’s only illegal if you are below the 1%.


It is but this would not count. This could be defended as artistic expression or parody and having poor taste isn't a crime.


Which ones? His or Biden's?




It’s one agency which is responsible for both. Doesn’t mean one of them has free reign to threaten the other.


What's gonna happen to Trump? A stern talking to? He's already violated his hush money gag order like 20 times and it's not even the end of Friday


![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized) Quick hide


"So then, you'll never believe this, I sold them bibles for $59 a piece!"


"I had my manservant rip up some fabric and I sold pieces to the rubes for $4699.53 a pop!" https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/13/donald-trump-mugshot-suit-for-sale


I believe that truck was seen on the Long Island espressway, a friend of mine sent me a pic of a similar truck, except that truck was also flying the don’t treat on me flag


License plate should not be blocked out. They should trace the owner and know who he is.


At least he posted it where no one will see it.


Oh no. That can be used in court. So, the lawyers will probably see it. And maybe the judge if it gets used.


No one who matters.


Yet it's valued higher than Reddit. No one seems to bat an eye at the blatant money laundering and foreign dark money he's fishing with it.


Valued at $8 billion on the stock market with only $3 million in revenue!


That's not a very high bar




You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons ...


Need an AI filter that replaces all the pickup truck-mounted flags with Islamic state flags, and then let the late night shows play games like "Is it a Trump supporter, or is it ISIS?" with the resulting pictures.


Yes, please


You can do this with normal photoshop


yeah but that requires effort, which this is absolutely not worth lol


From long island. Iv seen that tool. He drives like a douchebag


I’ve seen the same guy. He drives exactly like you’d expect him to. Sadly, there are a few of those truck out here. Luckily, it points out drivers I need to steer clear of.


Yup, he basically parades himself all over the place.


Best thing I ever did was moving off of Long Island as soon as I could. Worst thing was moving back. 2nd best thing was leaving again.


Now let's do one with Trump and watch all the bigots come out with their terroristic threats.


They lost their minds when Kathy Griffin did the severed head thing and she's just a washed up comedian.


And both sides trashed her


But republicans still bring it up like “the left” did it and it totally offsets their behavior


Plus, you would get banned off of this site for inciting violence. But for some reason, you don’t get banned if it’s the other way around. Fucking bonkers this Internet anymore.


Yep. And Fox News will spend 3 days talking about the “classless” demeanor of the left. 🙄


Those same people would have tied up Mike Pence.


By the neck


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


Guy is guilty as fuck and somehow we’ve not managed to convict him. I fucking hate this. He should have been jailed a hundred times over by now.


Tiny dick truck


That truck doesn’t have enough flags. Obviously Trump lost the election because of it.


Nazis doing nazi things


trump has become akin to a rabid animal. a danger to himself and others. a grave danger.


Is there any other kind? https://youtu.be/2sLcfQKU_co?feature=shared


That truck only ever gets groceries put in the bed


That truck gets *nothing* put in the bed. Can’t open the tailgate with a flag on the hitch.


Biden is going to be flanked with SS the rest of his life because of these people who want so desperately to live in a dictatorship.


Republicans spent an entire news cycle defending the bloodbath comment but then he goes and posts this shit a week later.


Trump is nothing but a pile of shit. End of story




Another example of great Christian/family values. Vile.


Trump is in heat…




He’s lactating.




Okay, let’s say hypothetically you see that, you pull up besides and kill the driver, would “I THOUGHT THAT MAN KIDNAPPED THE PRESIDENT AND I HAD TO SAVE HIM AS A GODDAMN AMERICAN PATRIOT!” Be a viable legal defense?






So presidential


If you are pro Trump you have seen this already and I am willing to bet this does not turn you off in the slightest. If you are pro Biden this has to piss you off, but if we were to be honest Trump was not going to get your vote. Our politicians are corrupt. Our media is so far up its own ass and they have nothing to say. And the little they do say most of us do not believe. When was the last time either party had something to say about a plan to fix anything that is not a fucking war or more aid to a foreign country. We should all be voting these two parties out of office. Regardless of what your political beliefs are, do you really feel like you are represented in Government, by anyone?


I can’t believe millions are going to vote for this dumb dick again


Trump is a clown but so are the people making a big deal of this.


If Trump comes into power he's going to turn the U.S into a dictatorship. The last time he was holding back because he was looking at future re- election, this time all bets are off. He'll sell the whole country down the river to suit his own ends.


Can't wait to see how Fox News scurry to excuse this one. "Who looks over every detail before they post to millions of people?" "This isn't aggressive, it's a "nothing burger", more of the lefts charade against Trump." Or, you know, they ignore it entirely, because as well all know, if Biden tweeted a video of Trump bound and gagged in the back of a truck Fox wouldn't have a single word to say about it. Not a single word whatsoever. Right?


Anyone else posting that would have a FBI paying a visit. Everyone will turn a blind eye to Trump’s dog whistle


Join reddit dude. I saw this last November.


Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest


The US Election is one of the biggest jokes around the world now. We have a guy who should be hanging at the retirement home, and another who should be in prison.


If you weren't outraged when Kathy Griffin had a prop of a decapitated Trump, then you can't be outraged about this. You can't have it both ways without looking like "do as we say, not as we do" hypocrites. This is the BS Trump is able to use to his advantage, you're actively helping his campaign.


I'll take stochastic terrorism for $100, Alex.


Isn’t that, y’know, treason? Like inciting people to kidnap a president?


I think there is one of Trump too.


Bro I've seen that truck with biden before


OH NO! Anyways. Anyone upset about this is softer than baby shit. Grow up already..


Is this legal? Seems like a threat to me.


It amazing how Kathy Griffin did something similar and yet she was canceled by the same people


If you or I do it, we will be arrested and thrown in jail in a femtosecond. Why not Teflon Don?


bUt kAthY GriFfEn (Which I didn’t actually appreciate either - no political violence is my preference)


dTrump💩and company ate grooming MAGA for political violence before during and after Nov elections. Things like this are to desensitize people to the images. And this to the actions.


If Dems want to win the election, they should want Trump to be on all news outlets, 24/7. His ideas and conduct repulse moderates. His polling was so high because he commanded little attention by (savvily) not taking part in the primary. Now that he’s the nominee and will once again draw immense attention, his numbers will drop. MSNBC’s refusal to cover his hate is counterproductive.


Remember when Kathy Griffin took a picture with a severed Trump head? How dare anyone disrespect a president…….




To all the “But, but, but, that comedian with the bloody trump head!” numbskulls - A former democratic president or presidential candidate didn’t retweet that photo on social media as Trump did with this deplorable bullshit. Also, let us know when the maga douche driving the brodozer immediately loses his job, his friends, gets detained and interrogated by the secret service and the DOJ, gets put on the no fly list and the interpol list, etc. That’s what happened to Kathy Griffin, who was largely shamed and paid serious consequences for that fuckup.