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Oh, so _that's_ how you cancel your gym membership...


[something like that](https://youtu.be/nOxD8X1Bkek?si=-QkTWuzh29WdV72i)


I was very pleasantly surprised to not be Rick rolled.


Imma start replying with this under real Rick Rolls


Exactly the reason I won't click that link. It's gotta be a Rick roll.


It’s not, trust me ;D


No can do, strange internet person.


Ehhh… Doo Dahhhh


I had to cancel the card and almost had to get the law involved when fitness club of colorado or whatever the fuck those godless creatures are called. They continually refused to cancel my membership, at some point it becomes theft. The cost to take them to court to claw back the 1500 they still owe me wasn't worth it. I think there's laws about it now because of that company, while it was happening I kept reading about other people who had the same issue.


Not sure how much help it'd be now, but if you go in the site and change your gym location to one in California it'll let you cancel online.


Oh shit nice I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever do join a gym again. I work a pretty active job so I manage to stay in good enough shape. If I need to trim down I modify my eating schedule and go for more walks, do bodyweight workouts at home, whatever I make time for. That's genuinely a good tip though thank you.


Many years ago I got the runaround when I tried to cancel a gym membership. I called the gym to cancel and was told it was done. But next month was another automatic withdrawal. Call the gym and I'm told I have to go *in person* to cancel. Whatever, so I go in person to cancel. Next month, another charge. Well now I'm pissed so I contacted the Federal Trade Commission and explained everything. Completely reimbursed, didn't have to lift a finger. Oh, and I was informed that the company was investigated by the state they were headquartered in and given a fine for predatory practices.


Why couldn't you just block any charges to your card from them instead?


They said because I signed a contract I authorized charges. Kept giving me the runaround. Chase bank sucks hard. I closed my account shortly after and went to a credit union.


I literally claimed my card was lost just to get a new one with a new number to get away from gym memberships. It's a pain to re-enter my card info on services I want to keep, but at least the gym doesn't charge me anymore.


Yeah they're so scummy about it it's insane. I think there's laws now preventing it in some states. Someone said if you change your membership location to California you can cancel it online with no hassle. My experience was years and years ago anyway


What about small claims court? I used it several years ago and it didn’t cost much.


I was just so done with it that riding myself of them was worth burning that 1500. At this point it's way outside the SOL so it's just a kindof bitter memory.


Love it! Although I used to have a PF membership and cancelling it was extremely easy that didn't include taking pictures of people in the locker room. Edit: I don't know the story behind this post. I wasn't trying to imply anything else.


I literally just walked in and cancelled it, not even 2 minutes later, I was cancelled. Signed up for Active and Fit which includes all planet fitness locations plus a bunch of mom and pop gyms, crunch, fitness 19s etc etc for the same price as I was paying for planet fitness


Gym corporations HATE this one simple trick...


Well... it is punishable. They just have to find out who made the threats.




Sounds like a job for hired goons.


hired goons?


The telephone is so impersonal. I prefer the hands-on touch you only get with hired goons.


Hired goons?


She should be punished for inciting this. Like Trump for January 6th.


The problem is she is just posting about it. She isn't actually telling anyone to do something like do a bomb threat. Yeah she knows she is going to trigger idiots with her stuff, but because she isn't actually saying anything like "go get them" she very technically isn't actually inciting anyone. I mean, based on her interview she is a moron. But one who apparently has learned how to toe the line without actually breaking the law on anything. Yet.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will\_no\_one\_rid\_me\_of\_this\_turbulent\_priest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_no_one_rid_me_of_this_turbulent_priest%3F) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic\_terrorism


Stochastic terrorists should be held accountable for their terrorism.


That's not how US law works


Thats…not how incitement laws work


Weird how every time LoTT post, the words “bomb threat” are usually closely following behind.


Her profile pic is her proudly holding up a USA Today article about how every target she posts on her account gets death threats and bomb threats from her followers.


Sounds like she's a domestic terrorist.


They are all domestic terrorists as indicated at RPAC.




The hard thing is that she was put on our state school board because of these kinds of antics. She doesn’t live in Oklahoma and never has. But they appointed her to a position over the state school board.


I dont get why she even calls her acount "libs of Tiktok", is it meant to be ironic? She's not on TikTok and she's not a liberal. And she doesn't seem to be pulling an r/facepalm on liberal tiktok channels like i expected from the account name. I dont get it...


I think her whole thing started by making fun of liberals on tiktok, like if it was a channel called "right wingers of YouTube" and it was just clips of right wing people on youtube and someone making fun of them. I do not know this for sure, but it's what I've been told when asking a similar question.


“People of Walmart” is probably the origin of the X of Y name, or at least it was the most well known one.


Humans of New York, surely..


Or maybe Merchant of Venice.


Ark of the Covenant?


Lothar of the Hill People?


Children of the corn?🌽


Hot dog of bun


But is is *of* the bun, or *with* the bun?


I am a dog of the bun.


Unfrozen Caveman warrior


[Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer](https://youtu.be/2AzAFqrxfeY)


The title is the target


You are right, I’m still on Twitter and that’s exactly what she does


The primary difference is that accounts like those reveal people being obviously offensive or dangerous, while she mocks people for just being. Even this example Planet Fitness is just doing what they should.


Liberals don’t call themselves Libs, only right wingers do. *Liberals* is too many syllables for them


Libs of tiktok is a rightwing agent provocateur account.


Agent provocateur isn’t the right term. An agent provocateur is an undercover person inserted into a group by the government to incite them to break the law. It’s how groups go from chaining themselves to trees to eco terrorists. Undercover agents go in and start talking about maybe we should be more proactive. Maybe burn something down. Maybe blow something up. Maybe just provocateur. Or stochastic terrorist.


The proper term is SHIT STARTER… we’ve all got at least one in our families. The crazy auntie, the drunken uncle, the racist grandparent. Just because you defend a person’s right to say or do stupid shit in public, does not imply endorsement of that person or their ideals. I can’t believe people cannot make that distinction any more… must be the dumbing down of Edu-ma-cation.


Shit stirrer. The shit's already been started, but she just stirs the pot. The more scientific term, though, is stochastic terrorist. She knows by pointing something out that, inevitably, one of her followers will rage out about it and do something illegal without an explicit command to do so. It's similar to how the mob works. "Do you want me to do X?" Silence is yes and not illegal while saying yes makes you a co-conspirator.


"won't someone rid me of this meddlesome priest"


She thinks she is the reason the phrase ," stochastic terrorists" was coined and she's proud of it. There is an interview of her saying it.


And yet the disingenuous right wing shit heads absolutely insist all she does is "hold up a mirror to the left." Because they're bad faith idiots and terrible people.


It's no use debating them because their ideology is based on feelings and not logic, morals and a strong conviction. It's about spite.


Libs of Tik Tok? Everyone hates her. Sensible people think that cameras should be banned in gyms


The far right are not known for being sensible people


I hope one day Far Right refers to a geographic location, like the far right of a state or country, as in Florida would be Far Right in that it’s located in the far right of our continent where it’s limited to its own cellar dwelling politics and abysmal economic activity.


I hope she gets the Alex Jones treatment, sued into oblivion by the families of the people she hurt.


All the schools, businesses, and hospitals that have gotten bomb threats because of her.


He even paid anything? Is “Alex Jones treatment” means “be sued for billon, try settle for 100 millions, and pay 0”?


This POS knows what she's doing. She knows damn well she's inciting violence but she always keeps it barely deniable. One of the worst of a foul lot. She'll go too far someday but I'll bet people die first.


Planet Fitness should sue twitter for damages incurred from twitter not moderating its platform.


But I thought the whole thing about twitter now is free speech/anti-moderation


Nah you'll get warned for using the word cis


or for reposting public data about a certain private plane


Musk also straight up tweeted he wasn’t gonna unban Alex Jones cuz he didn’t like his Sandy Hook hoax theories. Musk says he’s for free speech but really he just didn’t like WHAT Twitter was moderating, he’s totally cool with censorship as long as it’s stuff he doesn’t like being censored.


Then he unbanned him lol because Elon musk has no morals or values and just wants to cause controversy to prop up proto-fascists so that he can still have his anti-union unsafe factories


Or for giving an interview for the 1st episode of a new show promoted by Twitter of dear leader and because it used free speech to ask critical questions is immediately dropped from contract and then when it is released is intentionally suppressed by the algorithm of the “free speech absolutist” who obviously told them to suppress it. It’s crazy because the cis thing is about his trans daughter who filed to change their name in California stating they don’t want to be associated with that disgusting person or name ever again for the rest of their life as a reason for the name change… And then suddenly Musk is anti-trans and ALSO starts doing interviews with his youngest child all the time. He is such a petty petty narcissist.


once i got my comment hidden for calling myself cis. the cis are so fragile they won't even let the cis use the word cis.


Elno is a great big cissy


Go on there and call Trump an Orange N*****. They'll crack down on you in under a minute.


They can, as a platform, make that choice. But if they abandon the statutory duty to moderate then that extends their liability. Shareholders generally hate liability, but since Twitter is privately owned by Elon and the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund and a couple banks, if they have provable harm due to lack of moderation then they absolutely should sue them because between the bank and the saudis and elon musk you could potentially win a lot of money.


> But if they abandon the statutory duty to moderate then that extends their liability. If? Phony Stark is way beyond abandonment of moderation on Twitter. He's been fully flaunting his disregard for the law for at least two years.


> Phony Stark I'm stealing that like an AI company.


Except when you damage the fragile ego of Elon Musk.


Free speech IF you suck Elon's dick and follow his political views.


If you ignore all the cases where "Twitter now" censors journalists or other posts musk doesn't like and the cases where "twitter now" moderates post visibility for topics musk likes and all the situations where twitter cooperates with foreign autocratic governments to impose those countries censorship... Sure. Twitter is all about free speech.


X isn't free from consequences of no moderation...






People have already died because of her actions, but disgusting creatures like her never get their comeuppance.


Wait I’m OOTL, who died??


Nex Benedict is someone who died as a result of this warmonger's yapping.




Subtle enough hints about why LGBTQIA+ folks are bad, instilling validation in other peoples' hatred which makes bullies and murderers think they're the ones who are right in killing or making people commit suicide over their actions as well as a secure feeling for the repercussions they might face due to a larger backing if they decide to take it to that step.


Trans student forced to use the bathroom they no longer identified with


They really need to have gender neutral bathrooms in schools


I feel like a number of gender neutral single person restrooms could fix this issue very quickly in theory. The only problem would be converting or remodeling existing restrooms. No one would want to pay for it.


That concept is even more offensive to the bigots. Anything that helps others is offensive to them.


Truly. People choose to have babies? Fearmonger about a white genocide, “DEI” when those kids are gainfully employed. Parents finding employment to take care of their family? DEI. Parents unable to find jobs? Oh no! Welfare Queen. People choose to have children and then have them adopted at birth? Poor thinking. Why have a child. People don’t do that and get an abortion? “You could have just had them adopted”. Trans kids being themselves before realizing they are transgender? “Haha. You aren’t a real boy/girl.” They transition? The same thing in the other direction. People get married and have a divorce if things don’t work out? “No respect for the sanctity of marriage”. People stay in abusive relationships? “What did they expect? They got involved with such a shit person” People don’t get married because they don’t feel ready yet? “Sex before marriage? Ewwww”


To the last one: "That means she's fucking his friends, his dad, his coworkers, and his neighbors, what a whore"


You forgot *”boat crashes into and destroys bridge!?” DEI!!!*


I just like to remind the bigots that both Reagan's and Thatcher's graves, are gender neutral bathrooms.


With a recent addition of Kissinger's. Lots of options to choose from!


At this point I’m starting to think it’s easier to repurpose them in bathrooms for “straight male conservatives” and “everyone else”. Congrats, you now have privileges!


Is this related to the video Joey swoll did?


What did he say? I come across his videos sometimes, but I didn’t notice any that seem relevant to this. (I know he’s quite opposed to videos in gyms, and being against photos in locker rooms seems like a natural extension … besides just being common sense and common decency.)


You are obviously not a member of any gym. And ignorant of locker room rules regarding cameras. Almost all... And including planet fitness... Gyms ban any cameras in the locker room. Want to know why?


The Planet Fitness I went to have signs everywhere about cell phone usage in their gym.


Most gyms ban/heavily frown upon taking any pictures or videos inside regardless of if it's in the locker room or not. At least mine does and I love it. Don't have to worry about some obnoxious wannabe influencer trying to talk shit because I walked in front of hers/his "shot".


>You are obviously not a member of any gym. ???????


Either they replied to the wrong person or it's a bot comment. It's getting a little too common but still in this phase where it awkwardly stands out - if that's what it is. In either case, why did so many people upvote?


She’s a psycho who’s got plausible deniability down to a *science.* But like all arrogant, stupid people, it’s only a matter of time until she fucks up in way that’s too big for her to slither out of. Unfortunately, that moment will almost certainly come with massive property damage and/or loss of life, but it still seems like just a matter of time…


This sounds kind of like that cancel culture thing that they’re always complaining about


Sounds like terrorism


That’s because it is terrorism. But because she’s a white right wing terrorist, she gets a free past.


B-b-but she’s not Muslim! /s


Sorry, Domestic Terrorism. Which the GOP advocates


Every accusation is a confession.


Bro now I can’t go to the gym without an increased chance of some fucking lunatic coming into the gym… she’s endangering people’s lives for some culture war nonsense


Dude, I was literally at a planet fitness last week that was evacuated due to a bomb threat. All the PFs in my county apparently had a threat called in. Cops rushed in and started yelling at everyone to get out, was frightening. Then again a few days ago the cops were back looking around, I only assumed someone called in again.


I have the answer. During the rise of fascism in the Weimar Republic, far right terrorist acts were rarely punished. Despite happening at a rate over 10 times higher than far left terrorist attacks, there were 10 times more convictions for far left terror attacks than far right. Often fascism’s rise to power can be seen accompanied by an insane amount of far right terrorism which goes relatively unpunished. This emboldens the fascist group to push for more power


I see zero correlation. I mean, wouldn’t the FBI warn about something like far right domestic terrorists then? Wait. They did? And their candidate proudly says Nazi propaganda and rhetoric? I dunno. I’m still skeptical. What am I supposed to do, vote for the life long public servant who got infrastructure, onshoring jobs, canceling student loans for long time police, firefighter and healthcare workers, bi-partisan gun legislation, and climate legislation to make even more domestic high paying jobs? I’ll take my chances with Hitler before I give my grandchild an adulthood without crippling debt for a simple education that’s free in other countries.


Historic fact.


And it's already happening here in the US


To be fair if you check the scoreboard, we have hundreds of jan 6 convictions and still counting! Only the big orange kahuna remains, and that's on the way


> jan 6 ~~convictions~~ slaps on the wrists with many of them getting early release already FTFY.


Tell that to [Stewart Rhodes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stewart_Rhodes). Fascists can eat shit.


You're about 11 months away from seeing those people feted at a white house ceremony.


Hitler himself got what amounted to a slap on the wrist for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch attempted coup: a 5 year sentence (of which he only ended up serving 9 months due to good behavior) in a lenient regime (complete with slightly cushier jail and daily extended visitor privileges) usually reserved for people with noble but misguided motives. All because the judges in his trial were openly sympathetic towards him.


We can see it happening in other places, but can't see it happening at home...


This was also the case with the so-called "Years of Lead" in Italy. What started off as a series of far left terror attacks, became a much longer and deadlier series of far right terror attacks. Luckily for Italy, they finally decided that it may not be a good idea to let fascists just run rampant bombing train stations. Highly recommend reading about it. There's a lot of parallels to modern American political discourse, and what happens when you let political terror groups go unchecked.


The failed realtor already plays the martyr card whenever she gets the chance. It’s pretty hilarious to listen to her speak. What gets really crazy is just how obvious that all of her nonsense is nothing more than a cash grab. It’s kind of like watching one of those pastors of a megachurch. The grift is so blatant and self serving, yet people keep falling for it.


Someone explain this too me


A woman in the PlanetFitness locker room snuck in a camera and took photos of an apparent transgender woman who was in there shaving. PlanetFitness rightfully revoked the picture-taker’s membership due to the incident, but loads of people online thought she was in the right, including Libs of Tiktok, who launched campaign against PlanetFitness in retaliation. PlanetFitness now apparently reports they are receiving numerous bomb threats.


Qiestion: is ‘Libs of TikTok’ an alt-right group or something, or did things reverse recently? I would assume anyone calling themselves “libs” would side with the transgender person and not the person taking the photos, unless I’ve read this paragraph incorrectly.


Libs of TikTok is the handle of Chaya Raichik, an LGBTQ hate activist whose accounts are dedicated to *making fun of* the “libs of TikTok”.


Sounds like a great person who totally uses their free time well! /s


And the far right are propping her up…she’s from NY and somehow got on the school board in OK and is now pushing to ban any books remotely referencing anything LGTQB+ in them. The alt right is obsessed with the stochastic terrorist, Chaya.


I think "libs of tiktok" posts pictures and videos that make fun of liberals posts, so yes LoTT is an alt right group. 


Hey did anyone else see her get FUCKING OWNED by those college kids? All they did was laugh and then ask her to define WOKE and she sputtered and stuttered and fell apart. She’s 29 and can’t even keep up with the youth. Fuck I’m 48 and look and talk better than her. Outside of bots and bubbles she has nothing.


Do you have a link? The one Taylor Lorenz interview is probably all I'll ever want to hear of this disgrace to America speaking, but seeing her be humiliated seems pretty great.


https://youtu.be/XirePtZHY9E "Wokeness is...the destruction of normalicy(?)...and..."


I hesitate to call people morons, but she literally is a fucking shit ass low information potential moron. This danger trolling really is all that she literally is.


People making threats need to be held accountable for them, including being billed for public services used in locating them for arrest, and loss of business to the person/ company.


The right is always complaining about people getting canceled (without any violence) for saying awful shit, but when there's something they don't like it's straight to literally threatening people's lives. It's utter insanity. I'm so deeply tired of this world.


The Ben Shapiro-Candace Owen spat alone tells you how the right really feels about freedom of speech. Now, let me be clear on this to avoid any strawman arguments; antisemitism is ALWAYS wrong, and Candace spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories was absolutely wrong, and she did absolutely deserve to be fired...but it's hard for me to feel any sympathy for Bennie when if you simply replace her comments on Jews with any other marginalized community (transwomen, black people, Latinos, Muslims, etc) and "fired from the Daily Wire" with "fired from Disney", Ben would be shouting that it's literal fascism.


Don't take pictures in public restrooms.


Couldn't this be classified as "stochastic terrorism"?


Given how this piece of shit is always doing it and clearly knows the result of every time she does it, this is **definitionally** stochastic terrorism. There's literally no room for any other interpretation, she is practically the poster child for stochastic terrorism, probably incites more of this shit than even Trump.


And yet they call everyone on the left snowflakes but threaten to kill innocent people over a large brand choosing to accept trans people


This week at my planet fitness, 2 cops with a german shepherd dog and the general manager were walking around the club. I wonder if it was tied to this. Having a dog inside the gym was so cute.


ANYBODY taking photos in a locker room of other people need banned. Gender doesn't matter


Yeah I don’t get how they think it’s okay to take a photo of anyone in the gym even if you disagree with their lifestyle it’s such an invasion of privacy and they shouldn’t be allowed in the gym if they can’t respect people enough to not take photos of them


It wasn't even a photo of in the gym. It was in the fucking bathroom. Which is why it was an issue.


It’s an issue in the gym regardless of where it’s taken, but I’m aware it was in the bathroom and this is about the 3rd time it’s happened. Why they expected them to keep their membership is beyond me when it’s the gym policy to remove it when you do dumb shit like this.


Invading people's privacy, making them uncomfortable, and commiting harassment are exactly the sort of things they accuse trans people of doing. It's a whole "becoming what you hate" thing without reflecting on it. Don't get how you could think you're in the right when you're taking pictures of random people in a locker room.


Right and they’ve also kicked out other people for doing the same thing. A few years ago some I flounder fat shamed a woman and lost her membership so it’s not like planet fitness didn’t make this a policy it’s a policy at most gyms to not take photos of anyone in the changing areas or just in general.


Kind of sad a policy needed to be made for something so obvious. Who the fuck takes pictures of people in a public locker room in various states of undress without their knowledge or consent? It has never once occurred to me to do that, or to be worried someone else may be doing it, because it's such a fucking weird thing to do. Fucking perverts. 


>It's a whole "becoming what you hate" thing No, they "become" anything, it's hypocrisy. They're fucking hypocrites, every single one of them. They don't give two shits about invading people's privacy, they just hate the LGBTQI and know that invasion of privacy is a shitty thing to do.


I don't understand how anyone can look at the world these people want and say 'yes, that's the direction I want my country going in'. I mean, any place where you can go into bathrooms and locker rooms and take pictures of people without their consent is definitely not a place where I want to be.


If you think for one second that she isn't the cause of the problem, you are part of the problem, she uses her influence to call out companies and people she dislikes and she knows how dangerous her viewerbase is.


Don’t look at the replies to the tweet itself unless you want to feel your soul start to die. Thanks to Musk, “X” is now a safe space for LGBTQ+ hate, so the replies are filled with mass-liked posts defending this POS.


You can't even look at the replies anymore if you don't have an account. Gee, I wonder why?


Everyone that's still on Twitter supports that crap and you cannot change my mind. There's zero reason to be on Twitter unless you're trying to post right wing shit


The membership rules clearly state that camera use is not allowed in locker rooms. I give you the party of law and order


"took a photo of another customer using the locker room" IDK that sounds like an invasion of privacy to me, seems the termination was warranted.


So... I can instigate bomb threats and its not illegal? Or only if I'm sucking Elon's dick?


If you're sucking Elon's dick, you've suffered enough. Almost.


But at least I got a horse


I don't care what you believe......call in a bomb threat.....go to jail.


This is Chaya Raichik, the domestic terrorist. Apparently domestic terrorists no longer get punished.


Holy shit this comment section requires CBRN equipment


Wow. Is it ever appreciate to take a picture of someone in the restroom? Wouldn't any ethical business have done the same? and to get bomb threats, which is a terrorist action. There's no "both sides" the right-wing has gotten totally out of control.


That asshole should NOT be in charge of what’s in Oklahoma school libraries. She’s a nut.


She doesn't even live there, and she was appointed anyways, which is baffling.


> which is baffling It's not baffling, it's fascism.


She already has blood on her hands. rip Nex


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that a boycott by the types offended wouldn’t have amounted to much, so they went terroristic, screaming at the sky, so to speak.


Nothing says I’m on the right side like, (really? 17!?) bomb threats. In their defense, who could have forseen that the all inclusive, no judgement, fitness center would suddenly go woke. They were likely in shock and made those threats while under duress.


Why does political affiliation matter. If they are making bomb threats, they should be arrested. That's the thing about laws. They can't be applied just to the other guy. If anybody breaks the law, they should face the consequences. From the president and billionaires down to the poorest migrant worker. The law should be applied the same.


Why is it that if you happen across a brand new post about some right wing extremist nut job, it's mostly comments worshipping them, but if it's been several hours it's mostly people calling them out? Do the extremist right wingers just wait for these posts?


Combination of bots and shitty alt right psychos who are terminally online


Possibly bots


Yes but some of them actually do that, and always assume chinese and russian trolls working in trolls farms are in these threads especially when it gets initially posted. They are less concerned with political ideology and more concerned with creating division. Not that they needed to really help that particular area. A large portion of the population actively encourages the division.


Timed brigades


I saw a video about this recently that called it STOCHASTIC TERRORISM From the Wikip opening description: >Stochastic terrorism refers to political or media figures publicly demonizing a person or group in such a way that it inspires supporters of the figures to commit a violent act against the target of the speech. Unlike incitement to terrorism, this is accomplished by using indirect, vague, or coded language that allows the instigator to plausibly disclaim responsibility for the resulting violence.


Chaya raychek has proven time and time again that she actually doesn't understand what she's doing. She's actually an incompetent nincompoop. Might actually be one of the dumbest human beings on the planet. The fact that she doesn't get told to breathe in and out to stay alive is somewhat of a modern miracle.


Because Elon Musk is banking on the giving tree that is stupid American conservatives to prop up his self sabotage in buying Twitter, mixed with a little bit of resentment because his own child, who is transgender and anti capitalist, denies his parental role. That’s it. Twitter is a Nazi Christian Nationalist shithole now because Musk bet wrong and sucks as a father. And he’s a billionaire, so the rest of us get to enjoy the fallout of his failure.


....pretty sure bomb threats are felonies...


Well i mean technically a charge of terrisom could be brought against her but you would have a CRAZY hard battle to prove she has committed stochastic terrorism. Could do it tho!


Oh don't tell me. The "other customer" was a trans woman in the women's restroom.


So, Libs of TikTok campaigned against Planet Fitness for membership cancellation. The reason for the cancellation is because a woman filmed someone in the locker room where people change, ignoring privacy. So bomb threats were made on Planet Fitness because of all this. I'm shocked, confused, and don't know who's in the wrong here, except the woman who filmed in the locker room.


Keep this up ultra conservatives- you are already endangered, you’ll be extinct soon


Remember kids Bomb threats are how you get the FBI involved And the FBI are better than you


Holy shit this is crazy news Planet fitness actually cancelled a membership


So, The gym came down on a member for taking a photo of another member in the locker room... And Libs of Tic Toc is mad about that. Ya, don't be snappin photos in the locker room. Mostly when you are out in public (in the US) you have no expectations of privacy, so you can be photographed or videoed. In a locker room, of a pay gym, where where are postings about o photography... I'm thinking the rules are different


So, Planet Firness took action to protect the privacy of it's members, and a bunch of idiots want to call in bomb threats against it?