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Ain't worth $10, either.


It’s barely worth a cent


Its only worth is in holding it as a joke, because of its apparent value. Otherwise its literally worth nothing. 0.


I am looking at it right now for free. It's in my personal photo album along with pictures of my dogs and my meals.


Not a perfect comparison. The dog photos have actual value.


You know what, if he wants I'll take it off his hands for $10. It's probably not worth that, but might be a fun story to tell people and I can afford it.


Not even worth the pixels it was drawn on.


That’s because NFTs were the biggest joke on the planet set up for fools with too much money.


I don’t understand how so many people couldn’t see this. It’s a game of hot potato with a grenade where you just don’t want to be the idiot holding it at the end when it explodes. A couple common sense questions should have been enough to expose the stupidity of it.


The nature of all bubbles is that people who get in before the pop see that the price keeps going up and think that they are geniuses who saw something nobody else did. 


And NFTs were so wild because even as the bubble started to pop, people were dumping in all their cash just because they saw rich folks doing it. “Well, these *billionaires* are buying into this unregulated and unbanked currency scheme, clearly that means it’ll work for ME, too!!”


Yea, and what’s stopping me from just screenshotting it


Well, that would be theft and piracy, and you wouldn't have the blockchain code that proves ownership, and...and...and...


I made my own blockchain, with blackjack and hookers, and it proves that I own this.


how would it be theft? It’s just a fuckin image. That’s how memes get spread around, it’s theft to screenshot an image with just a lil bit of code behind it?


Sorry. Let me add something. /s


I also might just not understand nfts, also what does /s mean? I’m still fairly new to Reddit


To denote sarcasm. My entire reply was sarcastic. NFTs were one of the most obvious scams in a long time.


So survivorship bias and gambler's fallacy?


Yeah, but jokes on us because BitCoin is still going strong. Stupidly. Recklessly. Not having a real valuation. And yet; it exists. As long as nobody looses faith in it, I suppose, that bubble will keep going strong.


That's because Bitcoin mostly exists for black markets, criminal exchanges, and shady billionaires to launder money. That's what holds it up. If it ever gets regulated and tracked by a government entity, all that goes away and it disappears overnight.


Its value come from the fact people are not only using it to speculate. It gives it a baseline value, speculatives cryptos have value as long as its price can go up, once you reached a critical point where the balance of demand/offer shift, it rapidly drop in value and the selling rush only makes it worse.


Because, there was a lot of hype about people selling NFTs for a lot of money. You see, NFTs do have a use; money laundering and auction scams. The problem is, if someone isn't trying to give you LOTS OF MONEY for other reasons, they aren't going to pretend your NFT of some picture of a cartoon character has value. But hey, it's got "block chain encryption" and that's pretty cool, right?


Too many people have way more money than sense, just a shame the idiots who bought into this have enough money losing 2/3 of a million doesn’t affect them.


You spelled money laundering wrong


I feel a bit of happiness knowing I'm not the only one who saw that was the whole point of it. Why they haven't been busted already,... oh yeah. Because we are ruled by the rich and it's more convenient than shipping musty old pieces of artwork like they give a crap about it as ways to move money tax free. SO I guess NFTs are here to stay, and we all have to pretend anyone making a PROFIT selling one wasn't getting paid for something else.


Yes I think you are right


I’m so relieved honestly. I kept thinking I was missing something, and that I truly didn’t understand finance because NFTs always seemed stupid to me. I just couldn’t figure out where the value proposition was coming from. I’m legitimately glad things worked out as I suspected.


I mean, you did miss out. You could have fleeced dozens of rubes. But yeah, you did correctly identify them as a bad investment. It honestly wasn't hard to do so, and it's really hard to believe so many people got so taken in by the scam.


NFT= big bittcoin to move at once maybe, so faster in the block chain?   I’m talking out of my ass, still too much even if it was ever useful as faster moving money brick bands Buttcoin=online drug trade exchange, NOW that silk road is gone n pot is legal. I’m not sure what the worth on it is since way less will/need to go there


10$ is still probably too high


And $10 for a jpeg on a blockchain probably doesn’t even cover the energy consumption costs


\*URL of an image on a blockchain (image itself is hosted somewhere else)


He probably never bought it for 623k in the first place. It was probably just the supposed “influencer” claiming he did to create hype.


Jimmy Fallon was also pushing this garbage. None of them bought them, they were from a firm paying famous people, or whatever Logan Paul is, to convince real people to waste their money on them. Dumbest scam in history.


Part of what happened was that an influencer/con artist named Gary Vee got a bunch of his rich influencer friends (including Logan Paul) on the phone and told them to all invest in NFTs because they were going to be the next big thing. Shockingly, after Gary told all of his rich friends to spend a lot of money on them, the price went up! This was then heralded as proof of his genius and they all bought more. 


Gary Vee is a conman, this checks out.


But he keeps appearing in videos telling me how to be rich! Why would someone doing that lie /s




I have never seen one thing from the man that didn't seem like he was simply trying to sell something.


Gary should have told Logan Paul to "sell to some other idiot" so that a famous influencer wouldn't be the story like this. Or, maybe Gary didn't think the scam would last this long and he got out when the getting was good. Oh wait, there are still NFTs for sale? [**2024 Make America Great Captain America Trump. Just $5.99.**](https://www.ebay.com/itm/225152283449) **Hurry!** ​ /do not hurry. Do not buy. That was a joke.


Dumbest and dumbest... Did they get away with it? Sadly not dumb for those making money.


That's a lie. No way that jpeg is worth a whole 10 dollars.


The image is worthless yea you don’t even own it if you buy it. I’m pretty sure you just pay for the code attached to that image which is even more stupid if you think about it


Yup, that's exactly how it works. You purchase the block chain attached to the image. You're better off actually trying to mine Bitcoin than doing nfts, and even then you're better off just working like a normal person.


There is something poetic about reading stories like this. NFTs was this perfectly constructed scam from which creators of it could legally walk away filthy rich without consequences, leaving suckers looking like a fucking clowns


And the dipshits buying into them were 100% ignoring the facts of the situation because they were blinded by greed. I asked so many folks on Twitter what the “value” came from and they just couldn’t explain it “well it’s NON FUNGIBLE!! It has a unique token!” And how does that make value? “Well NOBODY ELSE has THIS TOKEN!!”


The My Personal Pube theory of value


I hope this happens to everyone, on this exact scale, who takes NFTs seriously




Where is it? I’ll pay $10 then sell it to some fanboy 😂




This is not a serious financial hit for Logan, he doesn't lose sleep over it. But the people he urged to get it on the NFT craze, the ones who should not have even considered it, are suffering. It's sad. And he's a real POS for doing that.


what's holding the glasses on? they aren't resting on the ears?


Don’t forget he also posted a suicide victim on YouTube and is now wrestling for WWE like it never happened hehe


And he’s the United States Champion there.


Yea, god forbid someone makes a mistake, learns from it, and grows… stfu.


Anyone who seriously wastes money on NFTs is a genuine IDIOT


I've never been the hindsight guy, the Monday morning quarterback. I know that people make all sorts of decisions for all sorts of reasons that seem valid to them at the time, even if their reasoning doesn't make sense to anyone else. I have always been the "Unless you were there and experiencing what they were experiencing, you don't really have the perspective necessary to totally judge" with fads and crazes that don't quite pan out long term. Until now. How the hell did anyone even begin to think that this was anything other than the thinnest of bubbles? How were so many fooled? I had access to the same information. I talked to proponents of and evangelists for NFTs, and the critics and skeptics. It was so blatantly obvious that anyone who got in on this in a serious way would lose everything. I've repeatedly asked investors to explain to me why anyone would find value in owning one, and I still don't get it despite their explanations. Am I too stupid to understand why this obviously bad idea might seem like a good one to otherwise intelligent people?


Is it still worth $10? That hasnt changed since the last 346758578N times this has been reposted.


I remember when the whole NFT craze started I looked into the whole thing and thought maybe I was missing something because why the hell would anyone pay money for... a digital receipt of an ape? Then I realized that no, I was in fact not wrong, or at least got the gist of it, and that people are actually that deluded.


Sometimes I’m happy when something bad happens to people who I feel deserve it.


When NFTs first came out, I didn’t believe that people were stupid enough to buy them, but boy was I hilariously wrong. This guy is the perfect customer for an NFT.


Bought or just had his name added to the list of “celebrities” who allegedly jumped in on the scheme. All to dupe the masses into blowing their money.


And it’s still overpriced


That's 10times.more then I expected


Isn't worth shit cuz the split second the crypto currency it's hosted on becomes too hard to mine that shit gonna be abandoned


Repost 284729


Imagine all the absolute shit for brains people that bought Trump (AI created) NFTs (who are laughing their way to the bank). Seriously, I can't help but laugh.


I took a screenshot of that NFT guess what...


Haha oh the good old days. I remember getting made fun of for buying AMD stocks and not these stupid NFTs.


This is the kind of good news I want on TV




There’s a chant in pro wrestling that goes: “YOU DE-SERVE IT!” 👏👏👏👏👏 🤭


He scammed ppl out of 10s of millions


imagine if you went up to the mona lisa and you were like "i'd like to own this" and someone nearby went "give me 65 million dollars and i'll burn down an unspecified amount of the amazon rainforest in order to give you this receipt of purchase" so you paid them and they went "here's your receipt, thank you for your purchase" and went to an unmarked supply closet in the back of the museum and posted a handmade label inside it behind the brooms that said "mona lisa currently owned by jacobgalapagos" so if anyone wants to know who owns it they'd have to find this specific closet in this specific hallway and look behind the correct brooms. and you went "can i take the mona lisa home now" and they went "oh god no are you stupid? you only bought the receipt that says you own it, you didn't actually buy the mona lisa itself, you can't take the real mona lisa you idiot. you CAN take this though." and gave you the replica print in a cardboard tube that's sold in the gift shop. also the person selling you the receipt of purchase has at no point in time ever owned the mona lisa. unfortunately, if this doesnt really make sense or seem like any logical person would be happy about this exchange, then you've understood it perfectly Edit: start using this as a copypasta.


Logan Paul itself is worth 10 buck... And still you are losing money


Is there a tax benefit if the NFT was purchased by a business entity and you're able to write off the value loss?


Am I the only one that just lumps everything both brothers did on both of them. Like I would comment I hope Tyson KO’s this idiot. But I’m pretty sure that’s the other dunce. Idk. There both not worth my time. But I’m watching that fight. Both need their buts kicked. Just terrible people.


No Funds There


What being rich and able to do stupid shit looks like


This is wealth redistribution. It's a good thing.


... Was it supposed to kinda look like him?




Money laundering


Most influencers are a fad. They fade away when their scams are revealed


The fact he has never been held accountable to anything in his life is a shame


Oh no would've seen that coming. Anyway


Each time I see this meme, it’s a different NFT. I’d like to believe he spent fortunes on all of them just for them to be worthless.


So it's still overvalued...


Solid investment


NFTs have no value. Never did. That was the grift.


Someone paid $23.7M for a cryptopunk. Pretty funny


I’m so glade the nft craze died off. I had to talk my friend out of buying them. He was sure it was going to blow up. It never made any sense. If you can copy and paste that picture it really isn’t worth anything.


Ita fucking hilarious that people claimed NFTs were the next big thing only for it to fail as most other people predicted.


Even back in 2021 when NFT had peak hype, i found it extremely stupid to pay for a digital image. They called me boomer. They were laughing then, they are not laughing now are they?


NFTs would have worked if there were only 21million, you need to solve some math to get them and that allowed you add a picture to it once, never to be replaced. But that would just be bitcoin.


I was able to download one of the bored monkey NFTs(one valued at about $300,000) for free. Let me shed no tears for these people.


$10 is generus


That's a 99.998% loss oof.


More like NFL…. Wait…




I can tell this is a repost without looking it up.


What is funny is that it's not even worth $10. It's worthless pixels.


Correction. It's worth 0 dollars. Someone says it's worth $10. Lol.


That’s generally how worth of everything is determined (Except gold in some places)


Crypto and NFTs are simply another form of money laundering or washing money. Not to say there aren’t real uses for it but ultimately it will be misused by the worst people. Crypto is dead and no matter how many booms of Bitcoin follow this comment we are headed all to the same end of crypto.




NFT doesn’t stand for non fungible token. It stands for NOT FUCKING TRUSTWORTHY


He has made that money on videos and interest in the topic, so its not a loss


....... Bahaha hahahahahahahaha


A fool and his money are easily parted


At least with the tulip bulb bubble you could plant them and get a flower😳‼️‼️




Still to much for an nft


It is not worth $10 unless that’s what he sold it for.


People think NFTs were a poor investment but they were never meant to be. Its just elaundering


lol how is it worth that much


Who the fuck would pay him $10 for it?


Isn't it just a way of legally transferring inexplicable sums of money so there is no requirement to prove what transaction actually occurred?


He’ll never financially recover from this


How the fuck are NFTs still around


I just wish he bought more


Well you could say the idiotic fans of his paid for it really with his crypto scam that made him millions.


i think now is the best time to sell


This is one of those, you get what you deserve. Anyone who thought NFTs were going to work are morons. I'm still waiting for crypto to die off too. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea and I think the original plan has noble intentions, but I am a firm believer of "never underestimate the power of human greed". Somehow someway we'll be right back where we started where a small group has everything while the majority is fighting over scraps.


Loll I wouldn’t even pay a penny for it


I love this jpg! ![gif](giphy|l3giLj8coa2HVnzgeF)


BLOWING that Prime money


NFTs were the most stupid Idea i have ever heard. Like a huge April fools joke that some people with too much money took too serious. Still cant believe people fell for that shit


couldn't happen to a nicer imbecile


This is how they died out


I wonder, why do such people have so much money to just waste. Like, that number would save the lives and families of 1000s, if not more.


I have,... um, $3 in my wallet. Will he let me NOT buy it for that? Did someone not explain to Logan that NFTs are for money laundering between two parties who PRETEND that it has value? And that only suckers buy them as an investment. Oh, oh yeah, I guess Logan Paul is one of the suckers. Usually they don't have a lot of wealth and watch Day Time TV and stuff. Sorry dude.


Logan Paul has a net worth of $150 million. When rich people lose a lot of money my reaction is “Oh, how sad for them. Anyway…” I’m sure he’ll be fine.


Something about a fool and his money.


Same as him


As it should. Buying an NFT is playing the grenade game. You buy and sell for more until the price breaks, you win if you're not the last fool.






Still too much


Ima just say this about NFTs- as an art collector, NFTs kinda made sense in that they were a way for fans to support an artist directly by buying something novel. The 'one of one' aspect was cool, but it was ultimately just another collectable that might have accrued value over time. If you could get them at a normal price (if the artist sold originals for, say, $1000 each, then maybe the NFT would also cost about $1000) and they at least held value, then they would still be around. The influencer trend absolutely killed the artist side of things, and the masses rightfully turned against NFTs. I just hate that most everyone will forever shit on NFTs as "a bad idea from the start" when it just wasn't. It was an OK idea that got exploited by pieces of shit and driven into the ground.


No Fucking TChance


I'm just mad I didn't think of this scheme to part fools from their money..


أحسن 😂😂😂😂


The fact that such stupid people have so much money to spend on such stupid things is sad.


Jokes on him, I own a copy for free.


An already wealthy young man buys a token for 600,000 dollar. Now it’s worth 10. Why is this here? We are being overwhelmed with minutiae.


Ten cents, final offer.


It's ok, he made it back by scamming his fans


Gon be fair with u ... it is likely he didn't buy it at nowhere near full price.


would have thought he'd been smart enough to sell it before it was too late. sucks he was stuck with it. fortunately for him he can eat the loss.


If he was smart, he wouldn't have bought it in the first place. Anyone with half a brain could tell they were gonna tank.


I think the FBI should investigate all the influencers who promoted NFTs. Oh wait, no, not the FBI -- some organization that wants to stop conspiracies and scams and undermining Democracy in organizations that aren't already rich and powerful. Maybe the EPA? No, they captured. Crap, this is probably going to require Homeland Security, because some of them are still not clued in it was a "look busy jobs program" that wasn't intended to do much -- so they might still be useful.


I feel genuinely bad for the average Joe that got caught up in this crap.


NFTs are used to Launder Money. Paul is still rich.


What idiot would spend ten dollars on that?? Hahaha


He took financial advice from Snoop.😂


Isn't it something like 95% of NFTs that are now worthless?


Cost more gas transaction fee to sell than keep at this point


I had to look NFT up. My first thought was 'seriously?' Long long ago I bought comic books... to read. A very few I bought as potential 1st edition collectors items as well as for reading. Checked out a couple that came to mind that I have stored away and one obscure issue #1 is \*worth\* $500.... \*IF\* I could actually sell it. A big if. Of course by far most would, at best, these days fetch the original cover price. With inflation, a significant loss. However... as a high school student I would have made a better 'investment' than this guy did.


What’s your biggest tax write off you’ve been able to stretch over years and still make a difference?


This sounds made up.... 5 dollars max


Still seems $9 overpriced. Maybe $8


All I got is a 20$. Got change?


I'm sure he will never financially recover from this, since his net worth is a pathetic..... 150 million.


He'll use it as a loss offset for some income he scammed from the sigmas


hate this guy i remember a time when filming a dead bodies hanging on a tree was illegal and didn't make you a multi millionaire pro wrestler with a shitty sports drink


Good, fuck him.




I just hope this system blows up soon. It's just another scam amongst so many these days. \*sad times\*


I would pay $20 for that so this valuation is off my 100%. I’d do it just to say I bought Logan Paul’s NFT.


Money laundering digitally.


No it's not. It's worth $0


That’s ok, he spent millions on Pokémon cards of which many were worthless as soon as he opened them.


And remember people, he's the smart one


No one is giving him $10 for that


Something about a fool and his money?




Womp womp


Tell me more about investing in *generated* pictures ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


A fool and his money are soon parted. The free market is a wonderful thing!




At least some stupidly rich and stupid people spent some of their money