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Greed-flation. It’s real.


It really is cause any publicly traded company refuses to show its share holders a loss, and we are the ones who make up the difference in costs.


Privatize profits, socialize losses


Jon Stewart should be president, but no sane with integrity and oils want that job 😔


Forget that. This greed far exceeds costs increases, plus they never reduce prices if their costs decrease. In related news, why isn't the reported inflation showing this? Seems to me that inflation should be higher than reported.


The latest inflation report showed a 1.2 percent inflation rate on groceries between January 2024 and March 2024


Prices do decrease, look at construction materials during Covid and now


Do you eat rebar?


No, but you should use it as a dildo next time. Might be cheaper too…


Don't threaten me with a good time. =p


Damn and here I was paying 5$ a board for 2×4's during 2022. Never been a time to build a cheaper house.


Yes ok it happens. I'm talking on average over the basket of products. Life is getting more expensive but most things are cheaper to produce.


Because they spread it around. Eggs get lumped with other items that didn’t have price increases. The use macros averages to hide behind their costs increases. You’ll notice its on the higher velocity items to maximize the result.


I think we need to relax what shareholders can and cannot sue for, as well as the actual limits a shareholder might have. As soon as a company goes public it goes to shit. Best companies seem to stay private


It's because any capitalistic competition has been buried by means of mega mergers, leaving the consumers with no choice.


The inevitable disease of capitalism, it will only get worse


When inflation and corporate profits are at multi decade highs at the same time it points to price gouging on a massive scale. Main stream media is happy to blame either the government or labor when it is actually just corporate greed.


It’s because they are all corporately owned


rock drab divide sand deserve nail capable unwritten encouraging crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just got back from Spain a modelo is 1 euro in the bar here in the States its 8 usd, in Spain the beer has to go across an ocean here we just get the beer though trucks that we have a special nafta treaty all special. This is pure greed, in the states it is run away Price gouging.


Been saying this for years. Why are things, that we export to EU and Asia, cheaper than in the US, where it is produced.


rain exultant murky sable offbeat amusing fear spark cows aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No shit that is how pricing works. But to say a supply of let's say, corn, which is mostly grown in the US, is cheaper in EU, where it has to pay import fees, taxes to their countries govt. compared to the US where we don't have to pay import fees as we grow it here and also taxes but that basically cancels out since EU has higher taxes compared to us. So please explain why shit we produce in the US and have no need to import is more expensive compared to other countries that have to import. If anything ours should be cheaper because of the profits these companies make due to export fees they charge.


capable fact beneficial bells paltry follow vegetable upbeat entertain frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're laughing at us on shareholder calls for paying these prices.


The ultimate reason inflation is even a thing is because Congress surrendered their sole constitutional authority to coin currency to a collection of their banking donors, abandoned the gold standard and subsequently turned the dollar into yet another fractional reserve fiat ponzi. Don’t hate the players, hate the game. Strange how the founding fathers had separation of powers in mind yet didn’t see an issue with Congress collectively voting on their own term limits, audits, salaries, lobbying regulations, stock trading regulations, etc.. but I digress because reddit in general in a lefty hive mind so i’ll just leave it as “orange man bad”.


I'm honestly curious. What do you think Republicans or Trump would do to fix any of the problems you outlined?


These corporations bitch and moan about rising costs, all while hitting record profits.


It’s not just corporations but it’s your rich uncle, your wealthy neighbor down the street, your mom & pop landlords. It easier to just blame corporations when many more “small” businesses also are part of greed-flation


Inflation also weakens the dollar. A 1 million profit now has the same value as a 760k profit a few years ago.


Womp womp


That’s great! Now let’s fire 20% of the workforce, make stuff less quality, and in smaller portions, but also increase the prices! Record profits baby!!!! *corporate summit retreat let’s do cocaine off of Marge from accountings tits!!! Woohoo*


Poor babies


You do understand your dollar has been devalued by 24 cents as well, right?


Maybe corporations still turning a profit shouldn't hurt their employees, jack up profits, raise rent, and just in general hurt everyone else just to avoid a slightly lower payout for people who are already rich.


Of course inflation disproportionately affects the bottom 99% whatever company has  what appears to be high profits in high inflationary environment doesn't necessarily mean that are necessarily in a better position .  this isn't boot kissing companies it's just economics 


It’s easy to hit record profits when money is devalued. But rising costs? It takes more water to grow an orange? Does it take more grass before you can milk a cow? No? Maybe it’s the wages? Nope, also stagnant. Where do these costs come from?


Yachts, my boy. Yachts.


[FTC calls out profits as a driver of grocery prices](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/retailers-profiting-inflation-gains-urgency-100716181.html?guccounter=1https://sg.news.yahoo.com/retailers-profiting-inflation-gains-urgency-100716181.html?guccounter=1)


Imagine being presented with well researched and compiled information as such and only being able to surmise "No, it's cuz Biden" That's what I couldn't help but imagine as I read this Anyways, good read, thumbs up


Biden has a big magical lever which controls prices, didn't you know?


Price gouging at its finest.




This is what happens when you value money above everything else. It's only because we all don't want to die in nuclear fire that capitalism even continues to exist. We just haven't found a thing that a majority collectively values more than currency. On a side note, Star Trek is more genius than people realize. The concept of a quasi-utopian society whose values of humanitarianism, goodwill towards life and sentience, dedication to exploration and understanding, compassion and cooperation, whereby the currency is living in a society where needs are met and doing one's duty is paid by the benefits of living in such a society. The logistics are tough to comprehend, but it's feasible that by reducing corruption and utilizing the strengths of the individual we would be able to reach towards a society like that. I hope it happens someday!


Live long and prosper


Temba, his arms wide


Remember the Panama leak? How all the world's rich and powerful all keep their fortunes in shady off shore accounts? Everyone from Prime Ministers to sports stars like Lionel Messi? That's how the world really works, thats the real system. In 08 the banks committed fraud on a global scale and crashed the economy. No one went to jail or had to pay back their ill gotten gains. It was normal people who had to pay and rebuild so that the ruling class wouldn't have to. This is our function. Pandemics, Global warming, recession? Doesn't matter what it is, the rich will dodge the responsibility and profit because as always, we're the ones paying. We're the safety buffer. So eat your bugs and drink from your paper strawers and pay up because we're all just batteries in the matrix.


Remember how both left and right leaning normal folk were all united with the occupy movement? What happened since then is not difficult to see - identity politics injected into everything to keep us. the proles, fighting each other, distracting from the big issue - and ultimately the super rich just get keep getting richer. It’s a big club, and none of us are in it.


Your not wrong


McDonald’s is inflated 100% from 2014 Inflation is inflated 33% from 2014 It isn’t inflation it’s thievery


Plus insurance has doulbled in that time. A place like a McDonald’s(singular) has a lot . Property insurance, liability insurance, workers comp insurance (likely 20% of salary) . Salaries have gone up in that time significantly. Tying the price simply to inflation is juvenile .


it is not inflation, nor have wages increased where avoidable. it is greed.


Because they can. As long as the price increase more than covers the losses represented by "fewer units sold" Capitalism will keep raising prices. Not many people are willing to give up coffee, milk, butter and eggs, so it's a win/win.


**CEOs who say** ‘no one wants to work anymore' should be required to disclose how much they make a year alongside the average salary of their employees


I think it's required in the E.U. In fact, Executive compensation is capped at a multiple of the company's lowest paid worker.


I really think we need to implement a system where the income of the lowest level employee in a company being linked to the income of the CEO. You shouldn't be limited on how much you make, but no one should be making $20mil per year on the backs of workers struggling to break $30k.


As long as 1/3 of the people blame the federal government for price increases like this, they will continue. Why wouldn’t corporations continue to gouge us? They’re getting a free pass to do it


I always wonder in these situations when people blame the president for like the price of eggs, what do they expect the president to do? The entire point of a free market, which these people claim to love so much, is that the "market," aka companies, set their own prices. There are systems where the government controls prices on goods and services, but that is literally socialism and you all said it was the worst and you don't want it. Make up your mind which one you want.


Who eas the last President of the US who dropped grocery prices to help out families? I don't know any.


The answer, I believe, is FDR [https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2022/02/08/1078035048/price-controls-black-markets-and-skimpflation-the-wwii-battle-against-inflation](https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2022/02/08/1078035048/price-controls-black-markets-and-skimpflation-the-wwii-battle-against-inflation)


there's gov regulators whose job is to supervise the market participants for cartel behaviour and profiteering. They are literally set up to check private businesses from sucking up the blood of people. The president should remind them to do their jobs, that's what they expect a president to do.


No, they don't. They want those regulators fired and ideally tried and imprisoned.


It's greed by all levels from supplier to store. The pandemic is just an excuse to do this.


It's all over the world, although capitalism isn't perfect you really wouldn't like the alternative


The data I've seen shows that over 2023, the US had one of the lowest inflation rates in the world, and one of the lowest inflation rates among industrialized nations. (This by itself doesn't disprove that greed is a factor - greed can happen all over the world - but it may suggest global happenings as a cause, and may suggest that the US is doing something better, at least in this one respect, than most other countries. Also, the official inflation rate used in the US doesn't include food and energy prices - which strikes me as absurd - but the numbers may still be useful for comparison, and the rankings may possibly not shift much even if food and energy prices are taken into account; but I don't know.)


For the most part, yes it is. However: Bird flu caused the culling of poultry stock. Climate change is affecting chocolate and coffee. Drought affected price of beef. I'm not white knighting CEOs for this, but we need to start realizing that climate change and mass migration of animals is going to keep causing issues too.


The bird flu was bullshit. The largest egg producer had profits increase 718%. Here’s the link. The culling was barely 1% of the population. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2023/03/29/countrys-largest-egg-producer-saw-profits-surge-718-amid-shortage/?sh=10e57b0a5e9c


Where are you getting that 1%? And I will be the 1st to admit that CEOs will use any excuse to screw the US Consumer to help pay for the 3rd home and Gold Standard trophy wife. But it's going to get worse: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/bird-flu-spreading-farm-animals-milk-eggs-safe-109200984


maybe we shouldn't have allowed every company to be merged into just like a half dozen of them


Prices raised income the same. I think in the future I would need to work 10 jobs at once just to keep myself fed


8.00 for cheerios here lmaoooo it’s cheaper to starve


price gauging




All that covid money floating around…somebody had to grab it


When inflation is single digit percentages…. But price raising is 10’s to 100 percent…. That is price raping. Using inflation as a reason to boost profits. This is what uncontrolled capitalism looks like.


A combo of price fixing and outright gouging


Could it be climate change? Agribusiness as a whole is directly connected to the environment. I know that farmers like predictable weather. Weather, these days is not predictable. I know for a fact the beef industry is extremely expensive because of extensive droughts in cattle ranching areas. Unpredictability, is being "costed in" to our food supply. Food for thought. No pun intended.


The inflation cost hits the entire chain. Sure there’s probably some gouging, but I believe it’s a true sign of the strain on the economy. This is just one of 100 scapegoat. Again, if you print 25% of the world’s currency in 2 years you are asking for trouble. These were not stimulus checks as they blame. It was bank bailouts, again, like 2008. It’s still going and going to get worse. Don’t believe their bullshit. Look for yourself. They belong behind bars. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RESPPLLOPNWW https://tokenist.com/fed-finally-identifies-banks-received-4-5t-q4-2019-repo-program/ https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL https://www.newsweek.com/tracking-19-trillion-bailout-funds-215852 https://youtu.be/HaYgWkNdsGc?si=hBXyzmy0ibPSY5tI


corporate greed


Corporate greed.


Probably a bit of both


**Nope.**. These people are crowing everyday in the media about what record busting profits they are making. While they are laughing all the way to the offshore bank; some poor and working class people are busy fence sitting.


Alright, was talking in general, not aware of a specific context. I mean in general, not all price raises are greed. But when all your providers raise their prices you got to raise yours to, if you want to keep the same margins. And everyone do not have virtiginous margin, far from it.


When people say "nobody wants to work anymore" it's because wages have stayed stagnant while the price of everything else has increased. I'm a dentist and when people complain about how expensive it is I remind them that we have external pressures from vendors (who are basically a monopoly) that arbitrarily decided to raise prices after COVID citing supply chain issues, materials shortages, etc. when of course, that wasn't the real reason at all.


This isn't true, actually. Wages have increased on the low end faster than inflation.


Definitely agreed flatiron. Just looked at A Tyson food prospectus. Same revenue lower sales volume higher profit


BuT iNfLaTiOn Is OnLy 3.48%


I'd like to see the prices for each of the four years.


Don’t worry about it, the budget will balance itself.


Do it again but also add the profit margin.


Just a facepalm though


The assumption that the price increases are profit is insane. Unless the government is involved


That's the good ol' fashioned greed monster


I just paid $3 for my last soda.


Only you can fight inflation


Only way is for people to actually stop (or heavily reduce) buying from supermarkets. Start sacrificing some time (or adjust your daytime routine) and go to a grocer store or other local shops which supply same/similar items at fraction of a cost. Money speaks, so spend it somewhere else; that’s how you show the corps the middle finger. Remember: you don’t need to buy that item per se, but they need to sell it.


If big corporations have even 0,1% more expenses, they will increase the price of their products by 1%


Is it a facepalm because of the economical illiteracy? Or...?


The money supply increased 400 percent since 2020.


Eggs were never $1.29 even for factory farm store eggs…thankfully I have chickens lol…yes the prices on a lot of stuff increased but this isn’t accurate.


“Well so and so is selling their product for more, so we should do the same…” But forget the worker that actually makes us money.


Yep and my wages have gone from 107k a year to now 35k a year. Economy is great though.


Proving that inflation is compounding, not transitory, and businesses & corporations are getting greedier and greedier. Proof WD40... 2020 4.00 8OZ can, 2024 $6.28 8OZ can. 63.7% Increase.


Corporate vampirism at its finest!


Corporate greed at its finest. Raising minimum wage doesn’t even help because the cost of living goes up with it.


A 28(?) oz bottle of Gatorade Zero was often 75¢ before Covid. I saw some for $2.79 the other day. It’s water, salt, sweetener, flaming and some stuff to make it thicker, less watery. Holy crap.


when we do not have a periodic financial recession, this is the result..


Sooooooooo...... What's the answer ? Asking for the billions of us starving to death.


Not as long as people keep buying it. Corporate America knows they have us by the throat. We keep running to buy their junk though and worshipping billionaires.


Bananas cost .49 per pound where I shop. Two pounds for less than a dollar. I have seen a few other items drop in price. Bread is a little cheaper lately. I can also get three pounds of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee for $19.99. Everything else is out of sight.


Corporate greed Needs to be made illegal


And it will cause Biden to lose


we need to start growing our own stuff before they take that away to


Bidenomics working great


Yup I mean, what do u think “corporate contributions” are for? fr


Sure. Thivery designed and implemented by the peeps.in the goverment.


I agree, but how is this a facepalm?


Not you too bologna!!?!? You're not even real food you're plastic!! The betrayal 😱


Ah yes, people's inability to realize what economics are Stuff is worth more when theres less, and money is worth less when theres more of it, I hear this from old people all the damn time at work


If I’m not mistaken, in 2019 congress agreed to a $9-10 trillion cash infusion into the economy, the goal of which was to stave off an economic downturn, or recession, as covid was on the decline in major cities. The checks were released in 3-4 rounds and businesses that made it through or broke in the duration were subsidized with federal funds for their losses. Trump even fought to have his name on the 2020 round of checks as it was an election year and he believed his base, and the populace in general, would believe the checks came from him. Whether or not a recession was dodged is for anyone to decide, as one can never prove a ‘negative’, but, 10 years worth of debt injected into the economy over 2 years would result in 10 years of inflation over a +\-2 year period. Obviously, there is a element of corporate greed piled on to capitalize on the knuckleheads who’s mantra is “buT tHe PreziDunT”, but without a major curb in spending resulting in a miracle budget surplus, we won’t see this rally of inflation come to a halt until we get back to our more “regular” debt ratio


Several companies mention on earnings calls that they increase prices beyond inflation for various reasons including: the market can bare the load, and to supplement less than expected INCREASES to profit.


Not inflation. Thievery. That first period is important.


This is a really thing, but this chart is shit. Doesn't show brands, if it was the same store or even if it was the same state.


“Not inflation thievery”? Can anyone speak anymore?


Not inflation thievery?


As someone who was a cook/chef for 20 years the idea that people are starving makes me sick. Do you have any idea how much food gets thrown away before anyone had a chance to eat it. And not just junk either. You think every steak or head of lettuce you see gets sold, hell no. And then there is food deemed not "pretty" enough to be sold that gets left to rot on the ground. Hunger is a problem that shouldn't exist.


Whys this a facepalm??? Fucken truth son


It isn't "thievery" either. Just because they raise the prices doesn't mean they're fucking stealing from you. Wtf is with people and just blatantly lying?


Basic Economics has entered the chat.


Get the grandpa out of office


I call it capitalism.


You forgot the main ingredient , The tips.


Not inflation, thievery.


It’s a broad compilation of factors, but at the end of the day, it’s the people in charge not satisfied with their multi-million dollar salaries.


You could join in the action and start a poultry farm yourself. Eggs increased 100% in price over the past 4 years


So it isn't inflation thievery, according to that punctuation.


Neither nor, when cantral banks print too much cash, it is called devaluation, and that is exactly what keeps happening in the US and EU - with too much money in circulation, each unit loses value, while cost&value of products remain more or less stable, or become higher. Outside of a war-context, such inflation is quite rare though, which is interesting. The idea to lower the value of fiat currencies is certainly voluntary, as the central banks keep printing like there's no tomorrow, while so many have been warning about the ill effects of this action on economies the world over. It looks to me like everyone's trying to avoid economies collapsing to a system abused for too long (they never stopped fucking around after 2008), the side-effect of which is making billions a lot poorer than they were two decades ago. I mean once that 'inflation' lie is out there, any paranoid thougt is suddenly half-way valid, so yeh, intentional inflation may be one instrument, but to reach what exact goal, with which objective? I wouldn't knwo for sure really.


It’s a fucking joke! But let’s keep sending money around the world and printing trillions


How facepalm? I not under-get it


I just wanna know where to get those prices?? Much lower than what I pay!!


Isn't this just the standard free market capitalism supply demand that americans love?


Hey if you didn't hate CEO's enough, heres proof most of them working together to get a human rights disaster of a presidential into office to save them some money on taxes.


It’s called “price gouging”. I despise the word “greedflation”


The dollar gets weakened every time they print more money. The government is printing it like teenagers at a rave high on Molly. Couple that with the rise kn wages, the rise in cost for the supplies and ingredients they need, and you have inflation. A company has a profit benchmark. They adjust pricing to keep it. That is how a for-profit company works. No profit, no company. To just willy nilly blame greed is ludicrous.


The president will get the blame which is ridiculous-the corporations love that he gets the blame while they grin all the way to the bank - Trump gets elected they'll just make more with tax cuts from him - they love this