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Where is the facepalm?


They think the kid is not reading the books and just lying. Would not be hard to figure out if true or not..


That would be a book every 3 days on average for the year. And if "we're talking 160 page chapter books" it's a bit hard to believe. Still though, if the kid is just learning how to skim the pages and extract the most important information in case he gets quizzed, I'd say that's an extremely valuable skill.


I don’t know, I read all the percy Jackson books in a week averaging one a day. They might be chapter books, but if he’s a good reader he might be tearing through books in his age bracket. But I could be wrong.


My daughter is doing that now. She cranks out a book every day or so. It’s pretty cool.


My cousin while he was in jail, he read all harry potter books in a week.


I'm not much of a reader so I think I understood the tweet wrong. Is a "160 page chapter book" not a book with chapters that are 160 pages? I guess a "chapter book" like you said is something I didn't know about before.


Ya. I believe they mean a 160 page book, that’s divided into chapters. The tweet is weirdly worded.


No a "160 page chapter book" is a book with chapters and that total 160 pages


What's the point of saying the book has chapters? I think most people would assume the book has chapters if it's 160 pages.


To differentiate from little kid books. You graduate to reading chapter books.


From [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapter_book): >A **chapter book** is a story book intended for intermediate readers, generally age 7–10.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapter_book#cite_note-1)[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapter_book#cite_note-loer-2) Unlike [picture books](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picture_book) for beginning readers, a chapter book tells the story primarily through prose rather than pictures. Unlike books for advanced readers, chapter books contain plentiful illustrations. The name refers to the fact that the stories are usually divided into short chapters, which provide readers with opportunities to stop and resume reading if their [attention spans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention_span) are not long enough to finish the book in one sitting. Chapter books are usually works of fiction of moderate length and complexity. Also just shocked you've never heard of this term it's used pretty universally across schools (for example it's one of the categories on Scholastic)


Thanks. Yeah that’s strange. I’m older and don’t recall hearing any books referred to as chapter books when I was in school.


Graphic novels can be 160 pages. You wouldn't call them chapter books. It's a useful descriptor.


I mean, it doesn't say how old the kid is. By middle school, an avid reader could easily read 3 books like that in a day. I read each of the Harry Potter books in 1 day and the last one came out when I was in 8th grade (I think I started reading them in 5th grade).


I read all 3 hunger games books in 2 days at 15, and that was my normal pace. My parents even limited how much I was allowed to read I blew through books so fast.


I’m an avid reader and can read through books quickly. A lot of times when a start a new book with a few hundred pages it will take me a few hours. Some of the longer ones take a bit longer and if I start reading it at night I pretty much finish by morning. This is also why I don’t start a new book in the evenings. Because I know if it’s good I won’t put it down until it’s done.


Yea when I was a kid I read the first hunger games book in one sitting.


It is not that hard for a child to read ~160 page books in a day, that is what is often expected that you can read one in 3ish days at most


“Tell me about the book”


Wait until they learn about the [overjustification effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overjustification_effect)…


Reminds me of being an English major in college. I grew up loving to read, always had my head stuck in a book. Then when I had to read extensively for college, a bunch of stuff I didn’t enjoy at all, plus analyze it to death, I stopped reading for pleasure at all. But my interest came back a few years after college was behind me, and now it’s my favorite hobby again.


You still benefitted from having an increased vocabulary, faster reading speed, improved reading comprehension, etc. The benefits of reading are always positive in my opinion! You can definitely feel burnout when forced to read something you don’t enjoy though. Glad to hear you were able to renew your passion!


That's why the "make money out of your hobby" mentality is so detrimental. I paint and I love every moment of it, been told I could sell some of them and I absolutely refuse to go down that route, because painting is joy for me. That's the best payment there is. Not everything needs to make money.


Doesn’t always happen that way.


I think in general if it’s a small financial reward for something that you like anyway it will just be seen as a bonus rather than a motivation replacement.


I mean when you have no interest in reading to begin with, it becomes worth doing for that financial incentive.


Have you ever read 120 160-page chapter books in a year? It's a lot!


As a child, absolutely. That's more like 50 average length books and I easily read that much. As an adult not so much, maybe a few k pages a year


No it’s not? 160 pages is nothing. It’s basically a short story at best.


Novella. A short story is 10 to 25 pages. A novella is 70 to 160 pages.


Isn't it by word count tho?


You can assume about 250 words per page, it's about the industry standard. So a novella being between 17,500 to 40,000 words roughly translates to 70 to 160 pages.


It's rare that you come across a statement as objectively wrong as this one. Like, 160 pages is just a book, calling a 160 book a "short story" like, I'm sorry that this child isn't exclusively reading Tolkien. 160 is just a book, like I don't even know what else to say to that. Half of the great works that we read in school aren't even that long. I don't think great gatsby was even that long and I know of mice and men was shorter than that, just some off the top of my head. Like dude you are gatekeeping a child's reading level, come on.


Most books are approximately 300-450 pages. Go pull any random book off the shelf and you will see this is true. Some are much longer. Some shorter. But most fall in that range


What the hell are you talking about? I never once said short stories couldn’t be good? Gatekeeping? Where? Every single book out there has the potential to be great even if they aren’t to others. Stop shoving words down my throat and finding false meaning where there isn’t. My entire argument was that 160 pages is very doable and most kids are more than capable of doing that twice a week if they were to just read occasionally.


You didn't say 160 was very doable, though. You said it was nothing, and practically a short story


For an adult book, 160 pages is short. For a kids book its probably average. Coraline is, I think 210 pages and is considered a novella.


Yes, but the last time I checked, a 160 page book is 160 pages long, no? Am I wrong in that? Okay, so then objectively, 160 pages is not "nothing". That's what I was getting at. There's really no need to undermine a child reading two books a week, for crying out loud.


What? You can go through like one a day, what are you talking about?


And children books normally have bigger font. So it’s less reading then a teen/adult book


I would blast through an 160 page book in an afternoon. Loved animorphs.


It's really not if you're a reasonably fast reader and you dedicate ~2hrs a night to your favorite hobby. My gf is like this, I bought her a Kindle unlimited subscription cuz I couldn't afford all the books she wanted to read.


When I was younger, like teens I could do 160 pages easy in 2 days, more if I was really into it.


I have never. But my wife did from a young age


I did that in a month


When I was a kid I would, yes. Not enough time now.


I read just under 200 books last year, all over 300 pages 🤷‍♀️


I could easily finish a 250 page chapter book in a day if I felt like it. It’s def not impossible to accomplish. Also, son doesn’t have to tell the truth, he could just look up a summary online, read that, and then claim he has read the book. What do you think 80% of high schoolers do for book reports?


Me as a kid would beg to differ.


I read about 70-80 books a year but the shortest book I would read is probably around 400 pages. Most are in the 600-700 page range. So when I was younger I got a taste of those sweet sweet phonics and then BAM - I was hooked! Hooked on phonics!


No it's not. Former librarian. I paid my kids to read each summer. 100$ each for vacation spending if they met my reading goals each summer. It was hard but realistic. My kids are adults and I think successful. Reading is the key to everything. Any skill you want to learn can be found in a book. It's literally the key. Reading is that important. It's why so many programs are trying to put books in the hands of young children. Reading unlocks everything.


160 pages is like what a 2 hour read? Maybe 3 if you’re taking your time. Comfortably done over 2-3 days.


Probably. I loved goosebumps as a kid.


Yeah I read 110 books last year, adults books which averaged more pages than 160, with smaller font and less spacing than kid books + often more complex themes that actually take more effort to read. And I'm juggling that with a job, university, volunteering and a ridiculously time consuming phone addiction. So yeah for a kid reading childrens books I would say easy


2 year old account with almost no activity? It’s a bot


Do you think he’s reading the books or realizing what a sucker his dad is?


What if that kid loves to read? He is next level scamming then


Not a facepalm. The kid is developing excellent educational skills and the dad is encouraging him in a healthy way. Edit: dad. Sorry, too early in the morning to brain.


I swear, half of these posts here aren’t facepalms, they are either political virtue signaling or funny tweets.


Yeah, I have the feeling too.


Anything the right says is a face palm is so annoying, I’m liberally minded but the posters are mad on here if they think the far left doesn’t say as much crazy shit as the far right.


I think the facepalm is the kid He thinks he's scamming someone but actually dad knows exactly what he's doing


From the kids perspective it’s not a scam, it’s a financial agreement.


That’s just normal kids behavior, not facepalm


I mean it depends entirely on how old the child in question is.


Kids can struggle with reading at any age. Some people are natural readers, others have trouble. If this keeps the kid practicing, I don't see a problem.


What does that have to do with being a facepalm?




120 books, if they're shorter books, is really not all that much. I was regularly reading through hundreds of pages a day.


I averaged an adult sized novel a day, even back in high school. YA novels I could do in a day back as far as at least middle school or late elementary. I see this as completely valid for a strong reader.


Either that, or the kid is learning how to confidently pretend he’s read and understood something, and answer questions on it. Which, frankly, is a skill that will get you a lot further in the world of work than anything in those books


It depends on how old the tweet is. If it’s from this year then yeah I have a hard time a kid has read 120 books in less than 120 days.


And how is this a facepalm?


The OP reads very slowly and can’t imagine someone reading that many books in a year.


You can finish a 160 page book in about 6 hours if you tryhard. So 120 $ is very much believable


160 pages isnt even a real book. I noticed a few weeks ago that a series I read as a kid had 2 more books. I downloaded them and noticed that they were only 200 pages each. I finished them the same day and was a little disapointed about that.


This right here. People seem to be intimidated by reading or something. If you like what you are reading pages fly by. I was really into the warcraft lore when I was younger and would crush a book in a day easily.


OP is a cynical douchebag, that's how.


Kid could probably have negotiated for more.




OP has never been seized by a compelling book, speed reading through the interesting pages, using all the possible available time, at school, on the bus, in between homework, on the toilet, on the bed, under the blanket.


Some people think YouTube shorts is valuable entertainment. Wouldn’t be surprised if OP falls into this category.


I downloaded vanced to hack my YouTube app and remove shorts from it entirely. Very happy with that decision. That stuff hijacks my brain.


OP is the facepalm




My wife still reads multiple books a week and i can’t even finish one any more. Read 5 books last year, didn’t finish a single one!


Honest question. How much of that information is retained? Do the books ever “bleed” together for her?


Can’t speak for his wife but they don’t for me atleast. I can usually remember a lot of what I’ve read. What I usually don’t remember are the boring books or parts but I still got through them


It’s like a muscle. Gets easier the more you use it.


When I discovered Goosebumps books I was going through a book a day all summer. Same went for my other favorites like Encyclopedia Brown and Runaway Ralph. 120 is a lot of books to read but far from impossible.


same ! goosebumps book every night before bed. they werent 160 pages, but I ripped through the series pretty quickly. Them and the hardy boys books.


When i was in jail a book a day was standard


No kidding. My nephew, just to get the ribbons, blasted past every reading challenge in elementary school. He got the million word challenge award one year.


Sure, I definitely think it’s possible, I’d be more interested in how you actually prove it. Kids are smart. Wikipedia is a thing. AI will give them every detail about a book. Kids lie and cheat on this kind of thing all the time.


Why is this a facepalm? Man is investing in his son’s education, might be a soft spot for OP I guess lol


Not a facepalm, this dad is winning the reading battle. 120 bucks to get a kid to read that much is a steal. I love to read, my kid does not, i wish i had thought of this (because my kid loves earning money and saving, this totally would have turned his gears and probably created a lifelong reader instead of someone who's obsessed with sports).


This sub has become kinda ass


This sub has always been ass so many braindead people post and hangout here.


Wheres the facepalm? Kid gets education and bonus pocket money, dad gets inteligent and happy son.


The facepalm is OP being a bad parent


I wish I still had to focus to read like I did when I was a kid lol


160 isn’t even that much


Well obviously I wouldn’t still be reading kids books lol


That's more than 50 pages per day everyday. So between 1h to 2h of reading every day.


This kid reads way faster than me.


Average time to read a page is 2 min. So 100min if he is average. Yeah some people read much faster, especially if trained young.


Is the facepalm that the son is learning? I don't get it


I only read books for personal pan pizzas, thank you.


I read 64 books one summer in middle school and got an award for it. 120 is definitely doable. Not a facepalm.


I don't see a facepalm.


He thinks he is ripping him off cause he not actually reading the books lol just collecting money


160 pages books x 120 = 19,200 pages a year or 52+ pages per day. If I read instead of watching TV I could pull that off.


The real facepalm is that this thing has been reposted soooooo many goddamn times that i've lost count


So like, are there any mods on this sub? I wanna say no.


That is 1 book every 3 days


That's doable with short, easy to read books. As a kid, I'd read at pretty much every opportunity. I also didn't get carsick at all, so I'd get lots of reading done in my dad's car, on the bus, etc.


No kid is reading 120 books in a year.. you are telling me this kid read a book every 3 days for the entire year? I call bullshit.


The only facepalm here is OP’s decision to post this.


It’s facepalm cause the kid thinks he scamming the dad.


OP don’t read too good🤦‍♂️


Definitely not reading the books 😂😂


The facepalm is that he is out $120 in the year meaning 120 books. Roughly a book every 3 days, 53 pages a day equal to a 300 level college English class. Meaning either his kid is lying about reading the books or his son has no concept of value of time or he is lying and inflating the numbers to look smart


I would have loved this. I had to buy my own books as a kid....


His oldest is 37… that’s the only way this is a facepalm


Awe!!! Love!


I did the same and would buy the movie of any book read with written essay


my older one (7.5 yo) started reading the BeastQuest books (130-180 pages per book), he reads one in 1.5-2 days .. insane


I’m doing the same for my future kid


Don’t let him read a finance book.


This isn't really a facepalm, but nice to see anyway.


How did he know if a kid did read? Did father quizzed him? Kids creative: he could just read plot or review online.


It’s 160 page CHAPTER books. Not 160 page books. Granted it’s probably a typo because the average chapter is about 32 pages at most. I think the facepalm he didnt account for inflation. Last i checked the booking market It should be $10.36 a book. Poor kid is getting ripped off


My parents did this with me when I was in kindergarten, and it was honestly amazing because I got a Nintendo DS out of it. Little me was happy to read those books, and honestly I think it's paid off in my reading comprehension throughout my life.


Great idea!


When I was a kid, we moved in with my mom’s boyfriend at the time and he had a complete set of encyclopedias. I would read for hours. I loved going to faraway lands. I recommend them to parents.


I mean good for the kid if it's real. I almost never read that fast but that's becuase I'm dislexic and easily distractable


But porn magazines don’t count as no txt 🤣


This is a strange one because this could be a facepalm in a couple ways.... with some assumptions that OP didn't provide. 1) The kid could be scamming the parents by pretending to read. 2) OP could be assuming the parents are being scammed via encouraging reading by paying their kid. 3) OP could be assuming the kid is being scammed since it's only $1 per book. 4) The kid could enjoy reading, so getting paid to do it might be considered scamming the parents. Lots of other variations, none of which are made clear by OP.


if his kid reads or retells a story anything like the guy in the profile pic he probably does so elaborately as a run-on sentence to Paul Rudd


What's a "chapter book?"


I wonder how does he knows that his kid is actually reading those books.


We let our 9 year old watch each Harry Potter movie after he finishes the book. He is on book 6 after a couple of months. Final cherry on top is getting Howarts Legacy on PS5 after reading all the books but we bought it for him after book 5


Awww that's so sweet


Rookie numbers, we gotta get those numbers up!


A teacher told my dad I read too much in 4th grade. He was not amused


That’s about 53 pages a day. Not bad.


Maybe educate ur kid rather than ripping them off 4 clout


Which 160 page books does not have chapters?


yeah right...teach ur kids early: it's all about the 💸💰


The facepalm is us having to read this


We did a sticker chart for my kid. A stick a chapter with a treat at the end. He read a 180 page book in about 30mins. Pretty impressive, right? Right?


Why is this facepalm? 160 pages can be done in a day, and 2 days easily.


I’m doing the same thing to ask my daughter to write a short story per week - $5. Seems too much.


OP is a slow reader (which is ok), but an IGNORANT idiot for trying to shame others who consume books.


I think the op wanted to post to r/therewasanattempt because of the caption. Or the op is a bot who reposted it here from the other subreddit


You think they don’t ask him for a summary of the book or some proof? Cmon man.


If I paid my daughter a dollar per book. I'd be broke in a year. Total facepalm.


That's like your standard goosebumps book depending on the kids age I can see geting 120 done in a year just fine


None of the posts here make me palm my face anymore...


I read a ~330 page book on one 3 hour flight this past weekend. If you like what you’re reading, it goes by fast - that’s why good reads are called “page-turners”. 120 books is definitely more than the average kid, but for a kid who enjoys reading, it’s totally doable.


My parents used to do this with my sister since she hated reading They would give her money but they would also ask her to give them the basics of the plot It was a two way thing because they also read to make sure she wasn’t lying She now reads two books a week


If the kid is actually reading that much, he's developing his critical thinking skills.


My dad paid me 50ct per typo I could find. His plan was to get me to read newspapers as they are full of typos. He never told me newspapers were full of typos though, and how else would I know that? But it helped me read the books I wanted to read anyway much closer. So not quite what he wanted but still a good idea.


Yes, get scammed. Love it


The face palm is the kids hourly rate and apparently math skills lol


Read a book! Do a report! Get a buck! Never thought i would see a good old Rabdargab initiative brought back


Maybe pay more for books on a recommended reading list.


Looks like dad is fucked if his son realy start reading. 160 pages book is something you can read in one day,if boy get his reading skills on day,the dad get 365 dollars less per year but best scam ever (less money = son knowing more things )


Depends on the books!! 🤔


I do this my son doesn’t really enjoy reading over other forms of entertainment. So I pony up 5$ a book at his grade level or higher and 20$ a book that he reads to me. It’s definitely more of a time commitment to read out loud but we stop a lot and he asks questions about words or I find he misunderstood the context and we go back and read the last paragraph. So quality control costs me more.


I transferred into a new English class in Grade 11 (IIRC) and the teacher required his students to list what they'd read in the current school year on recipe cards. I was about 3 months into the year and wrote down over 50 books (kept asking for another card). He called me a liar to my face in front of the class. I told him to call my mom at work and she would verify every book. He did, she verified. He was seriously abashed but didn't apologize. I used to keep 4 or 5 books on the go all the time, picking up one of the unfinished novels when I got a bit bored with the one at hand. I'm the kid that was given an adult branch library card at age 10 because the librarians were tired of going up from the children's branch to get me more books every week. Those were the days of 35¢ science fiction paperbacks too. Guess where my allowance went!


This is great. But I’m guessing that kid was going to read anyway. I read to both my kids every single night for many years. My daughter reads non stop. My son hates reading. He wouldn’t care how much I pay


Who upvotes this shit