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If he had gone to trump university, he would have known to diversify with trump bucks and trump trading cards.


And Trump NFTs.


And Trump Sneakers


trump steaks


Trump bibles


Trump facing Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un commemorative coins


Trump urine tests Edit: Not joking: https://marker.medium.com/donald-trumps-lesser-known-failed-products-trump-urine-test-kits-4de59ecf8597


Trump suppositories


Trump rape victims


Business has been booming in this sector.


Trump coloring books.


Trump rape kits: "Never leave home without it!"




[without paywall ](https://web.archive.org/web/20230922084136/https://marker.medium.com/donald-trumps-lesser-known-failed-products-trump-urine-test-kits-4de59ecf8597) lol "subpar-to-mediocre businessman Donald Trump" im here for it!


We "knew" he was into golden showers, but Jeeezus.


If anyone doubted the guy known for having a piss fetish would try to sell a piss related product with his name on it, well there you go. He probably wanked a few off thinking about people pissing in "his" cups too.


Don't forget the one with him as POTUS saluting a NK general.


trump booze


trump airlines


Trump casino


Tour De Trump is a real bike race that ran in the 90s.


Trumpy Bear


Trump Gloves (kid size only)


Boiled Trump, Trump scampi, Trump salad, Trump creole, barbecue Trump...


Bubba Trump Shrimp Company


We got a buncha charges, 12 felonies.


Nah that company actually made money




Trump Classic, Trump Lite, Trump Zero


Diet Trump, Trump Clear, Fanta Trump, Trump Extra Lite, Trump Dark, Trump Ultra, I Can't Believe It's Not Trump ™


100 Trump bars, Trumprageous, Trump Katts, Trump kisses...not too fond of that one


Trump Marinara, Coconut Trump, Sweet and Sour Trump, Jumbo Trump, Trump on a stick


But I don't like ~~spam~~ Trump!


How about Trump, egg, sausage and Trump? It's only got a little Trump in it.


Trump kabobs


Them J6s are fyyyyrrrreeee


And Trump Surrender Suit Shreds.


Trump promises of sneakers... eventually.


And Trump suntan lotion and Trump megadump diapers


Megadump 😂




Now with 2 absorbent layers and ample diarrhea reservoir perfect for the McRib's return.


Amazing that he couldn’t even come to a good conclusion here… sure don’t put everything in one stock but don’t put anything into an obvious scam 🤷‍♂️


I don't feel sorry for him. He made it through life and had a half million of savings. These dummies will pay out their ass for racism.


Oh I don’t feel bad for him at all. I feel bad about humanity in general though…


Let’s hope that he also bought some GOP bootstraps.


Trump Supreme Court Justices


Tacking onto the top comment just to point out that this is absolutely a troll account on truthsocial. I love shitting on these morons as much as anyone, but I also hate people getting face palmed by a face palm.


I don't appreciate what you're insinuating here, sir. This is as serious as Trump Funerals.


The silver living would be that, as all those also failed, he could at least get himself some Trump steaks from The Sharper Image and drown his sorrow in Trump vodka. Hell, if he has any money left, maybe take off some time and travel on Trump Shuttle. All in the name of diversification and capitalism.


Can you also earn Schrute Bucks and/or Stanley Nickels?


Identity theft is not a joke until the Supreme Court rules that presidents can totally do that.


Don't forget Trump pogs!


Chump Vodka


At least to learn the lesson from investing in Trump casinos. Or did Trump U come after he perfected his real estate Genius with the casinos?


Doesn't matter. He's still going to vote for the Donald.


This is the most befuddling aspect of all this. After losing half a mil to faafo investing with these maniacs, he will continue to support them. Dude, do you not see that this charlatan bilked your dumb ass?


Tbh for someone like this, it’s an easier reality to think that they were wronged by “Trumps enemies” than realize that they were conned. Obviously those accusations are silly. It’s a harder truth to realize you’re a dumbass who ruined the remainder of their life for no good reason


The ultimate sunk-cost fallacy


Sunk life fallacy


It's this exactly, pretty much across the board with people who support DJT without question.


Yup, every single person I know who has continued to support him - even going back four years ago - have that in common: complete inability to admit they are wrong about literally anything. I think at this point, if people are still supporting him, they are a complete lost cause. I have seen a few people turn away, but the vast majority are willfully obtuse, and you just can't fix that.


I saw a vid on YT recently (I think it was a few years old tho) about a guy who is going to war defending the Cyber truck even though his broke down on him DAY 1 and the creator couldn't understand why he was still defending them after not getting the truck back after like two months. This is the exact thought I had, if I'd spent THAT MUCH MONEY on something I would probably try and convince myself I wasn't scammed too.


This seems to be a thing with Tesla. I've seen multiple posts where it's like "since the day I bought it things keep randomly breaking and I've had to take it to a shop only for them to hold it for weeks/months due to Tesla supply issues, only for me to get it back and need to bring it in just 2-3 weeks later. I still love it though!". One post I can somewhat recall even commented on how they've never had a new vehicle with as many issues. Every time I see the posts I think about that meme with the guy crying behind the mask.


"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled". Mark Twain.


I mean he said it in his tweet, he thinks it’s his fault. In his mind the lesson to learn is to diversify your investments, and nothing else


Yes, but this is much, much bigger than him. His pastor told him to vote. These people, at least where I live, think they are doing this for God (I kid you not). That's why they are acting so fn insane and like they have no ability to deduce logic. On this one point, they don't. The church has spent 2 centuries making these people utterly terrified of God and the state of their immortal souls. They are willing to "suffer" now if they believe this is in God's plan for them (and they are being told each Sunday that it is). They are 1000% trapped by this fear. This is bigger than any one of us, so it's going to take ALL of us who are willing. Vote. I'm mad at them, yeah, but I have some compassion bc I understand it (I was raised to be like them). Some of them actually are some great people, and I'm willing to do my part to help them until they can help themselves. You can't fight hate.. with even more hate.


Yup. I’ve already heard the copes from people who, once again, got scammed by Trump. They don’t blame Trump, oh no. He fucks them up the ass, and they blame Biden for not lubing them up first. Expecting Trump voters to wake up, look around, and realize they’re being used, is futile. If they admit they were wrong about Trump, they’ll have to admit their entire world view was wrong.


The world view thing is absolutely correct. People go to the stake rather than let go of their world view. It’s one of the craziest thing about humans that they dig in like that.


Doesn’t matter. Dons getting whooped again.


Man, I hope you're right.


I hope so too man


Don't hope. Vote (and tell your friends)


I hope so too, but I’m a concerned Canadian watching my southern neighbour closely. Please don’t let that man be president again vote!


You got like…a spare bedroom? Just in case? Like, I’m gonna vote but who *the fuck* knows? I’m an excellent cook! I smoke a bunch of weed, I fucking love maple syrup AND I also love the…woods? I need some Canadian friends before November is what I’m saying.


Make sure to vote and tell everyone you know to vote.


Republican for Biden here! Dump Trump- Make the GOP Decent Again!


I respect people like you even more than my fellow liberals. You’re standing your ground in a crowd of people who just blindly accept what Trump says and does, and the amount of bravery you show by putting your foot down is admirable. Thank you for being a reasonable person, and I look forward to the days when we’re simply disagreeing on policy instead of fighting for and against fascism. Godspeed, brother!


But also remind them to not vote for Don.


The whole Free World does.


Let’s not take that for granted and work to make it happen


YES! Remember 2016, and VOTE!


Let's also feel free to say that trump is going to get his ass whipped instead of acting like its "some thing that can't be named" - pretending like 2016 will happen all over again just fuels his jackass cult even more.


You seem overly optimistic. Are you sure you aren’t overestimating the intelligence of the average American?


Perhaps. But I live in rural America and there’s almost no trump signs left. I know it’s only April, but those signs were up, everywhere, from 2016 until 2021ish. Now they’re gone for the most part. There’s still a few, but those houses will have twenty signs and flags.


It's because the RNC can't afford the signs. All their money has been diverted to lawyers. 🤣


That's how it is in my area, too. People watched the Jan 6 commission. They will never admit it, but that's when the signs started quietly disappearing and people started to shut up on local social media.


This brings me a sliver of hope.


[Current national polling shows Trump leading Biden. That’s not good news. People gotta go vote.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/)


Probably not if he’s forced into working a min wage, low income job that puts him at a significantly higher risk of Covid.


He won’t need grocery money since he can live on liberal tears.


All he needs are bootstraps. He's good.


Unfortunately, after losing that much, he's probably going to have to sell his boots.


Or eat them.


He seems ok licking them.


"Licking Them"...... awesome.


Licking? $450k is solid deepthroat territory, *at least*.


He might regret selling his only food source


Me just switch to Folgers and scrambled eggs instead of Starbucks and Avocado Toast. It’s a simple trick that every GOP member knows. I’m sure he’ll be fine.


I was able to retire at 35 by doing this. This guy will be fine.


He can always learn to code.


I was thinking of learning to code. How long is the process?


No straps on the golden shoes


How about on the wooden barrel he has to wear?


Barrels are expensive




Dang… that’s… so much money.


Diamond hands, he had not.




Right haha. He’d of made so much back now if he had just held. He sold at the bottom if the post is real.


You don’t know it’s the bottom until after you sell. Could have kept dropping. The mistake was buying in the first place


Seriously, to lose $450k, even assuming he bought at $98 (near the all time high, back when it was a SPAC), he would have needed to buy something like $600,000 worth of shares. I know there are a lot of retirees out there who have that much in savings, but how in the world do you convince yourself to literally put it all in a single stock? ANYONE you asked would tell you it was stupidly-risky. And finally, WHY NOW? Like, even if it was somehow a 100% lock to double in value in 10 years, rather than stupidly-risky, what's the point in making such an investment at 76 years old? How long do you expect to live?


He thought it could change his lifestyle in retirement. Ultimately he *was* correct.


Position down 450k but owning the libs? Priceless.


Crazy part is it only hit $26 for like a day and shot back up. Just another dumb investor buying high and selling low.


Lock in those losses, baby!


$20 says he saw it went back up, realized he never should have doubted his savior, and dumped what’s left of his savings right back in to repent and show his loyalty.


Bottomed out at $22 and is back up at $41. I understand why he sold, but I'm sure he isn't very happy right now


The only thing worse than having to cut your losses is selling the bottom, lol.


Happy or not he's an idiot who deserves what he got.


Which is extra bizarre because it was after the company announced they were issuing even more shares, diluting the value of existing shareholders.


As a Lib I feel owned as I lay here retired in a hammock by the beach drinking a margherita


>drinking a margherita You're drinking a pizza?


If he has no teeth, it's the only way to eat a pizza.


Their username checks out.


I've been on a liquid diet twice in my life. Just about anything can be made into a drink. Little smokies cannot. Sausage, in general, is tough to blend. 


Just use a blendtec. If it can purée a brick, it can purée a sausage.


When did the coach from dodgeball rep blenders?


Damn you lib! Lol


He should feel even dumber because it has rebounded to $41.65 as of this post. That's what he gets for not truly having faith in his dear leader.


Man, I'm shaking here I'm so owned


The best thing is that he sold on April 15, that was the bottom of the price. It has actually gone up substantially since then. Seems to have finished at $41.50 today. So, not only did he lose his savings but if he just had trusted that owning the libs was the right thing to do, he would now be substantially wealthier.


Congratulations you've been grifted!! Enjoy your losses


grumble grumble … thanks Obama!


![gif](giphy|cOQh8VdW9HKwzS76GB|downsized) You mean.... This guy?


no not the tan suit anything but that.


Next thing you know he'll be ordering Dijon on a hamburger like some sort of elite.


And then he’ll be going golfing on his vacation, the audacity.


It’s not presidential to golf on vacation; that’s supposed to be done in lieu of security briefings


OMG the classy AF tan suit......


Just looking at the stock price--it's back up to $46? Why would the stock price be going up in the absence of any positive news for the company? The fundamentals are still the same with minuscule revenues and big losses and there doesn't seem to be any reason why the company should be trading at 1,000x revenues. It's literally a penny stock with typical valuations, they gave guidance that losses would persist for the foreseeable future, and haven't made any public plans to launch new lines of business. This is crazy, right?


Cultists buying it up, knowing for certain that everything Master touches is pure gold. They're doing Master's bidding, absolutely confident that it will make them rich like him.


nope, Saudis. wonder how much of the jushner wealth fund is invested in it


Someone explained this is a way to support Trump financially without being to obvious. So Russians Chinese and all other enemies of the US will have frontmen buying this stock to give Donald money. It has nothing to do with the company value.


They'd have to spend $3 to $5 to put $1 into Trump's pocket this way, and there's an extensive paper trail. Also, they can't put the money into Trump's pocket for another 4 months--it would be really stupid to pump the stock price higher months before Trump can unload his shares. It's probably not foreign governments putting money into the stock market, since it would be more efficient and less risky just to pass laundered money through a cut out into one of Trump's PACs or buy a condo at inflated prices like they've done in the past. The stock price is most likely being propped up by Trump supporters who are unsophisticated investors simultaneously wanting to show their support for Trump and thinking that Trump's non-existent history of business success will lead to bigger returns on their investments (even though he's not running this company and ran his previous publicly-traded companies into the ground).


They're trying to get Congress to investigate stock price manipulation. That's why it jumped.


A Congressional hearing with Jim Jordan asking experts why a stock price of 1,500x revenues is overvalued and an easy target for short selling won't boost the stock price. It's just going to make people realize that a company named after a majority shareholder facing almost a hundred felony indictments with no future growth plans is a pretty risky gamble, and that the stock price should be closer to $0.23 or $0.25. It's also going to raise questions about whether politicians own #DJT shares and whether opening investigations is ethical or not when legislators stand to profit from the stock. It's also going to raise questions when major Trump allies in Congress don't own any #DJT. This is not a winning topic for the GOP at all.


Dead cat bounce


Good luck getting a job at 76. But u owned me!


He can be one of those grumpy people that check your receipt as you leave Walmart.


I don’t know about the other Walmarts but the one near me don’t have receipt checkers or greeters anymore. Maybe he can be one of those guys who awkwardly stands around the self checkout, pointing to shoppers which machine is free as they’re already walking towards it.


They're getting rid of that as well. At least around they have started to.


Why would a 76 yo yolo 450k? What would the point of being a millionaire in the last years of your life be?


And why would u tell everybody? I bet the post is bs tbh


I bet we could find out!


Surprised it took this long to find a skeptic. I called bs as soon as I read it.


that's his losses, he likely yolo-ed 1 million.


Bro we learned it when we were kids. Don't put all your eggs in one basket


Especially when your basket is a huge house of cards propping up a scam.


and dont forget the guy holding the basket is a fucking con artist where at best, you will lose all your eggs, at worst you will end up in prison


Back in his day, the government provided both the eggs and the basket, so long as you agreed to live in a whites-only neighborhood. Ah, simpler times.


Here I don’t think the number of basket mattered nearly so much as who the basket was


The lesson he learned was to “diversify your portfolio, instead of, “don’t put your trust in a conman”.


Why not both?


Not smart enough to do both


That was my absolute favorite part. It seemed like he was going to lament his foolishness in allowing himself to get played, but hits us with that surprise twist at the end. 10/10. Hope he gets conned again


There’s a forgotten royal heir stamping envelopes right now… *He will remember the friends that helped him reclaim his family’s legacy and crown in a country from Hallmark movies. If you send him €100,000 via bank transfer to a Swiss account now he will return the favor with an incredible gift for loyalty and support.*


A fool and his money are soon Donald Trump’s legal fund.


1000% deserved. Non of this he was taken advantage of bullshit.


I feel so owned.


Dude can't afford to own a car anymore. Hope he ends up with a lease on a Prius to complete his Republican nightmare.


Good luck getting a job at 76 when you've obviously been retired awhile. You don't move as quickly and your skill set is out of date. Enjoy the $7.25 you've championed all these years while encouraging the croneyism that's got gas where it is. Oh, and those shrinkflation profits, they aren't yours anymore. Welcome to being part of the New Poor. You'll be assigned an Old Poor shortly to show you around the place.


This was beautiful. 🤣


Europe here, is this real? Why would you post this?


The guy posted it on the Truth Social platform as, ostensibly, a buyer beware I would imagine.


Fair enough. Still.. I'd keep that shit to myself. Fuckin' hell..


It’s probably BS, only put out for entertainment purposes


Yes, this is real. You see, in America, nearly half of the country, possibly a little less, lives in a delusional dream world where one day they will “hit it big” and make tons of money and become wealthy overnight, they just haven’t quite done it yet. This guy clearly bought into the magical thinking that somehow a stock that kept plummeting in value would somehow turn itself around and he’d be rich.


Meanwhile Trump paid himself a bonus worth $1B in DJT stock. DJT is just yet another scam by the grifter.


But historically. Every single one of his business ventures did so well?!? What do you mean we can look up past stock reports....? ... The bankruptcies were public information too...?


How do you live to 76 and not learn to diversify? This is your retirement on cult


He should have left those stocks to his grandkids. That would show them


And he will still pay more in taxes than tRump.


Unfortunate stupidity. Just another one of the conman’s statistics.


Big dumb fuck.


Don’t put your life savings into a stock of a grifter . If only there was a way of knowing this would happen 🤔


It’s like he didn’t even learn. His lesson wasn’t not to get played by a con artist; it was “don’t put all your money into one stock”…he’s probably still riding with Trump.


I only have one question...how did someone that stupid managed to get 450k.


Yikes "Shares of Trump Media shot up more than 9% on Wednesday, hours after the company revealed it was urging House Republican committee leaders to investigate possible "unlawful manipulation" of its stock. The stock boost also came one day after a deadline passed for former President Donald Trump, the company's majority owner, to become eligible for an additional 36 million "earnout" shares. That stake was worth more than $1.3 billion as of the share price at 3:25 p.m. ET. " source -Cbnc


He sold at $26.55, now it’s back over $42 a week later.


That probably hurts more than the initial loss. Damn.


fucking oooouch


DJT, like a Trump crypto? Pouahahahaha what a dumbass.


Trump Media publicly traded stock. Not crypto.


Not to b that guy but I’m not buying it. Nobody w enough loot to invest would do that, at that age, he had enough to live the rest of his life, Trump is famously the worlds most famous con artist, the cat is out of the bag, WE ALREADY KNEW he’s a fraud…




Someone this stupid was always going to get fleeced, if not by Trump then some other con artist. I just feel bad for his kids who now have nothing to be passed on down to them.




It’s $41 and change now so they lost on both ends!