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My dad use the same kind of arguments about doing "the helicopter", now i have trouble sleeping


“Your great grandpappy used to swing his dick around, it’s your heritage!”


"Oh son I remember when your Pappy would gather all us kids around and helicopter his dong for hours. Those were the days..."


Found LBJ’s son


Does Ho Chi Minh have this?!


He did the boat propeller.


He has a name you know! JUMBO!




That is enough Reddit for today.


Remember when grandma used to join grandpa and do the helicopter?


...with her tits. One going clockwise and the other going counterclockwise.


That's the Chinook


Some people do the helicopter, some do the tail rotor.


I prefer the sprinkler, sadly the neighbours don't like my usage of it on the yard.


Grand Pappy didn't have the length for the tail rotor


What did they call it before there were helicopters?


Fun fact - the helicopter was actually named after that move not the other way around…


The dick-a-whirl


Ahh we must have the same issue, instead of looking like a Helecopter it just looks like flicking a lightswitch really fast?


Ha! Reminds me of that scene in Kids.


Your Dad had sex with your Mom.


how is that anti black, tf


There are people who don't know what racism means and take out the racism card for everything that's criticism. Sad enough, it's thanks to such people, that racism isn't always taken seriously.


Imagine actually being victim of a racial hate crime, just to see someone throwing the word out like candy at a parade. People who do this literally make the word lose its meaning and it’s sad.


Mildred: "I couldn't marry my husband cause I'm black, I actually had to fight hard to get it legalized. It sucks not being able to marry someone who loves me for me." Also; Her: 'Yall saying my babies twerking on each other is nasty, where is BLM!!!! ✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊"


Ironically. Connecting a non racist idea to racism is racist


It's like rain, on your wedding day.


That song is so annoying. She clearly has no idea what irony means.


Yep. She got the concepts of irony and bad luck all mixed up in her poutine hole.


Had a terrible supervisor who was black. She was incredibly lazy. Sat in her office all day watching TV (didn't try to hide this), on her phone all day, couldn't do admin work (like order supplies or do evals), took forever to make a schedule for 4 employees, was rude to employees etc. Got a new manager and she started holding her to an actual standard and was immediately met with the race card. The manager was an absolute shitbird and would say shit like "why can't white people say the n word when black people do" but the supervisor was also a shit supervisor.


The racism card should really be used sparsingly. 99% of the time when you're not getting racial slurs thrown at you, it's not because of your race.


>The racism card should really be used sparsingly The "racism card" should be used *accurately*; frequency should only depend on relevance.


Accurately is indeed a better word


I'm glad you agree. There are generally two groups of people that object to the use of the "racism card" - people that sincerely do not want it to be misused, and people that are on the spectrum of racism but do not like being called out. I am generally skeptical when anyone says we should reduce the use of the term instead of holding people accountable for misuse of the term because it furthers the goals of that second group.


It's funny to see how this one mistaken and misspelled word has caused my comment to have like 120 less upvotes than yours. They're right though. Only now, after you've explained, do I see the implications of the word I used.


I think that's one of the risks of interpreting up/downvotes as meaningful criticisms (aka appeal to popularity). Listening to critical feedback when it's offered and remaining open to cognitive realignment are both worthwhile, imo, but (especially in a context like reddit where a comment can be brigaded *specifically* by bad actors) I don't think downvotes or a lack of upvotes is necessarily worth internalizing. It can, however, be a useful *indication* of a miscue so I like to ask for additional clarification when I encounter pushback, and sometimes that leads to discovery of gaps in my logic.




*gets called a slur* Racism machine: “Sorry, your racism card balance has reached zero. Please try again next week.”


Black mirror episode 3




Trash is trash. No one specified a color of trash. Someone just announced they saw a piece of trash, and this woman took it as a racial insult. When, in fact, it was a personal/direct insult. She couldn't handle that reality and deflected.


While I agree in this specific situation, that kind of mentality is also how people use to justify other types of racism. “I never said I hate black people I just hate (insert laundry list of black stereotypes).”


I can't decide whether I agree or disagree with this statement. In some cases, yes, racists will use this as a way to minimize the hate they get. But at the same time, stereotypes exist because people can't stop doing the same dumb shit their family and friends have been doing for generations. Saying something like "I hate how destructive/violent people get during these BLM protests" is entirely different from saying "I hate all black people because all they do is destroy things during BLM protests." At what point is it just recognizing a pattern shitty people have fallen into, versus a blanket statement that also involves innocent non offending individuals? This is why modern issues are hard to talk about, because no matter how eloquently you form your sentences, someone is gonna twist your words into a hateful remark about an entire race of people as opposed to being about the problematic individuals themselves. Wording is also super important, and HOW you convey the message itself is crucial. Context is important as well. TLDR: tired of people pulling the race card constantly. Had a black women get fired from my last job and she just started screaming at my manager calling her a racist and how she only fired her cause she was black etc (she was watching movies on her phone on the sales floor instead of working for weeks)


Dude who used to live and work in the hood here. I've never seen trash used in a racial way, especially with the words "white trash" being commonly used by many including whites. "Animals", on the other hand, I've heard used in a way like trash as well as a racial way.


Exactly. That shit is not black culture.


Subtle racism is way more common


Like people that have to post negative stuff about black people to rile up the internet yuppies. Even if they may be right, why is your mind so stuck on that subject?


Nah bro, backhanded or even unintentional racism happens a lot, not as bad as slurs, but still racism.




For sure, some people look for racism everywhere. But you can definitely be racist without calling people slurs.




Definitely, but it still doesn't make it right or excuse actual racism. My only problem with your comments (really just why I replied to the original comment) is that it sounds like you're saying we shouldn't complain about racism if it's not slurs because that's just how it is.




Isn’t that a double negative? And you mean sparingly


As a private security contractor, I feel this in my soul. You know how often I get called racist just for being there? Like damn, I wasn't even aware there was a situation yet. Why are you yelling at me?


It’s because they want to take the subject of racism and amplify it as much as possible. Aka, they want to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Basically if someone who is white does anything to someone who isn’t then it’s obviously racist. The funniest was years ago watching a black man being arrested by a cop. The black man called the cop a racist. The cop responds “dude, I’m black!” Apparently the suspect saw that the black cop had become racist against his own kind. Welcome to adult kindergarten in clown world. 🤡🌎


I used to work a check cashing store and on a Saturday had a gentleman come in with about $3K in state unemployment checks. Issue is that we can’t call and verify these checks on the weekend. I explained that and offered to take an info off one and call early Monday to verify them before we open so when they come back I’ll be ready to cash them. He lost it, accused me of being racist, blah, blah. To top it off though as he is leaving he says “Fuck you, you George Zimmerman looking motherfucker”. You are comparing a minor inconvenience to an innocent kid being murdered in the streets? Like WTF is wrong with you!


Sadly not just racism. Sexism, homophobia, transphobia ect. Plenty of examples from just about any ism and phobia. Far too much "you just disagree because I'm a..." Nowadays.


So I haven’t fact checked this but waaaay back when twerking became mainstream, I heard a few people on social media saying this was originally a non-sexual west African dance, like even church ladies did this down the aisle in church. If this is true, I can understand the argument that white people and Americans in general are misinterpreting an African dance. I mean it’s clearly taken on a life of its own, but it’s not necessarily a delusional argument if this history is corrext


So… here’s the thing. When I am making my cultural dance, I don’t make it the one where it looks like I am shoving my dick into something as quickly as possible. My testicles are not bouncing side to side in view of the kids. Etc. etc. If that is what a culture decides to do…. I have no idea. But they aren’t getting my respect for it.


Google Mapouka


If she's correct in that it wasn't a dance move intended to be sexual then it was sexualized by other people co-opting it for said purposes and then now going back to black people and going "Hey stop being sexual" then yes that would be anti-black. Like the time some assholes tried to tell a black rock n' roll band that "rock is white people music"


>If she's correct in that it wasn't a dance move intended to be sexual then it was sexualized by other people co-opting it for said purposes and then now going back to black people and going "Hey stop being sexual" then yes that would be anti-black. That's [exactly what is going on](https://worldcrunch.com/culture-society/african-twerk)


That article doesn’t really confirm anything. Some unqualified non-historians say it originated some place, another says another place, neither provide evidence for location or the idea that there was no sexual connotation originally. Why am I putting stock in what lizzo and some random choreographer say on the matter


Bingo. Thanks for saying it!


It goes like this > long time ago, racists would sexualize and therefore demonize things black culture is known for (lots of African dance elements got passed down, was never sexual) >lots of time passes, and fewer people have racist opinions or associate things like this with race, but still associate it with sexuality > modern day black people knew where that bias came from but most other people don't, or would never intend it that way > someone notes that it's anti black (which it was originally), no context > everyone else is confused. Nobody is wrong here, they're just missing context


Well "twerking" is a specific culture practice, mapouka, a dance from Côte d’Ivoire. Research shows that Mapouka has been used as a way to decide mates for young men and women as well. So justifying doing a mating dance in front of kids and is trying to (terribly) hide it.


1) I hate myself for reading all of that. 2) as a person of colour and with common sense, I can say the only racism seen was in the last sentence of her horrendous paragraph. And that she's crazy for having said all that. Someone please get here some therapy.


Isn't all she said racist in an ignorant way? She's saying that twerking is a part black people's culture.


>Isn't all she said racist in an ignorant way? Oh yes!! However, it's the last two sentences that really pisses me off and that really stands out.


Twerking is cultural … And not just to black (American)culture It’s a brown thing … Indians The Caribbean Africa The americas south,central,and north … Pretty sure there’s plenty more… It’s also sexual… But you can’t have culture … without sex… Soooo…… What’s the debate again?


White people are only allowed to move their bodies from the waist up. Got it!




something being a *part of* a culture never meant everybody does it.


To be fair, I am funny looking


You heard it here first folks, shaking your ass is black culture and you’re all racist


And is not inherently sexual.


Inherently it is not, but the vast majority of people have agreed it is, and that's how society works. The same way the piece of paper in my wallet that says $1 holds value because we all agreed it has.


Fiat twerking


The twerking has value because it’s all that the government will take for taxes.


Polynesian hula dancing has hip shaking too


Hahahahhahaha 🤣🤣🤣


Twerking derived from the Mapouka dance, which is also a modernized version of an older traditional dance I couldn’t find the name of. “Some Ivorians have criticized Mapouka for allegedly "debasing the country's cultural heritage" and promoting depravity. In 1998, following complaints from citizens and women's rights groups,[4] the government of Côte d'Ivoire banned Mapouka from public and television for being "sexually perverted, lewd and obscene".”


today I learned


Life altering information, eh?


So the tweet is correct. And I can't believe I had to scroll so far to see this.


I grew up in a mostly black community n they used to all twerk n dance at whatever parties or get together they were having 🤷 like. Its dancing.


Fr. It’s like anything can be sexualized depending on the context and intention of the performer, or by the bias of the audience. For fucks sake, Marilyn Monroe made the happy birthday song horny


Lols i didn’t know she did that. But seriously tho ye n half the comments ive seen actually r racist n classist 💀 i kid u tf not i saw mfs saying hood rat


Nahhhhhhhhh. I come from a non-twerking family. I am grateful.


A non twerking outside family?


Come in here children mama gonna throw that ass, y’all wanna see?


"And I better hear you clapping louder than these cheeks!"


This is a bot post, stolen from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/0F3innMSkZ)


im upvoting this comment so more people can know about this


Y'all weird sexualizing a dance move purely designed to grind your ass against a guys dick at the club.


Oh but it’s our culture /s For real though this is the end-product of ghetto-ization. The fully ghetto-ized mind.


The original post is just pure garbage, but twerking was not "purely designed to grind your ass against a guys dick at the club". It was appropriated for that purpose. The core of the twerking dance moves originated in West African culture. However, it's been taken over and bastardized by hip-hop and pop culture into being just what you described. This is an interesting read on the topic ✌️: https://historycooperative.org/who-invented-twerking/


I appreciate that even this article just says, "Twerking came from africa" with no region or culture it has been tied to. Historically, the earliest reported instances of twerking as we recognize it came from Côte d'Ivoire in the 1990s with a dance called mapouka, which was subsequently banned from broadcast for being oversexualized Twerking originated out of New Orleans also in the 1990s. This is not a sacred, historically practiced dance. This is hip-hop. This did not come across the water with the slave trade. It came across the airwaves with the rise of 90's hip hop. There are many many dances in the world that use isolation of the hips and fast shaking. These are not the dances people are calling out. People need to stop listening to uneducated people, inventing historical significance to things just because they are of the racial group connected with the thing in question.


So it has more heritage rights than the confederacy


But, they said it came from Africa! What more do you need to know?? Africa clearly has a single, homogeneous culture, so you only need to say Africa! /s


you are right and more people need to read that


If a white person used this same argument to defend black people twerking, I 100% believe they would be called a blatant racist.


And funny looking


As a black man, Hell no


I am black & I have never seen anyone in my family twerk. Her even saying it’s anti black to not twerk around your kids is very telling of how she feels about her own culture.


Yeah there was none of that shit goin on in our house lol


I grew up in Africa and never once saw anyone twerk


Most of us ain't grown with a 45 year old grandmother tho.


Looks like I picked the wrong day to be literate.


Well, she’s not entirely wrong about the cultural thing. Twerking evolved in New Orleans in the 90s, from a West African dance called Mapouka. Although, in Cote D’Ivoire where it originated, it’s a controversial dance with detractors saying it debases West African culture encourages lewd behavior.


>it’s a controversial dance with detractors saying it debases West African culture encourages lewd behavior But didn't America say the same thing about all of Elvis Presley's dances? Doesn't stop people dancing like him when they hear his music.


Yup, they did indeed.


And Micheal Jackson grabbing his crotch all the time. Although, you likely don’t see grandma and your 8 year old niece doing the crotch grab a lot. 😭


Damn this woman is a fucking grandmaster at jumping through mental hoops. Go fucking paint your ass red, go twerk in front of a babboon and then tell me again it's not sexual


Omg 😂😂😂😂


The can can is an inherently sexual dance and the normalization of it in our society and its portrayal in cartoons is part of an effort by groomers to sexualize children and European-Americans must answer for this and cease all p3do apologia. /s


I think this image is over the top, but isn't entirely wrong. As an example, why is telling people speaking black slang to speak correctly racist? I see that a lot, I used to think it myself. But why only African American Vernacular English? Why not ask that to southern slang, or french-creole slang? Why is "Ya'll" just an indication of geography but "axe" an indication of education or intelligence? In that same lane, why is twerking sexual but other forms of dancing aren't? You don't think what Shakira does is sexual? Most dancing is either directly sexual or at least sexual adjacent or derived from something that was sexual...so why focus specifically on twerking? The racism isn't on saying a specific type of dance is sexual, it is in the fact that if you can't answer "Why just twerking though" With something other than "Well, it just is!" then your focus on twerking is absolutely a subconscious bias.


Grandmaaaa!! Put that away I'm having breakfast.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 This thread is full of gold!!!


Yup gotta be racism. Every time.


Anyone else remember the viral video not too long ago about the Toy Story mascots showing up to a little boy’s birthday party and they started to twerk in front of them with the female adults? Poor kid was crying and so angry at his party being ruined.


I wanna bleach my eyes after reading that


Elvis shaking his hips was considered sexual at the time. Now I’m sure no one would bat an eye if a kid was dancing like that. Rock and roll was sex but sure we say that in front of kids. Just how this stuff works.


Ok, not black. But grew up in a mixed Puerto Rican, Black, White neighborhood. Had black friends with moms and grandmas. Never saw them twerk. Probably would have smacked you upside the head if you did that shit in their house. My black friends had some of the most conservative parents I knew.


I remember my gran and gramp daggering at Xmas 73. He even pulled his hip he daggered her so hard. Then my uncles took turns daggering me whilst everyone watched Coronation Street. You're all weird and gay and stuff for thinking anything is wrong with that. It cultural MF. Culturial, cultuiriallal. It wat we do!


You just killed me lol 😂


Swear to god, if I seen’t my gramma twerk, I’da kille d myself.


I'd argue twerking ain't a purely black thing


Okay so imma widen the scope of this comment here cause yall seem to be misunderstanding things. We are unsure of whether we live in the area she does so we cant know her communities context. Twerking is derivative of an african celebratory dance, ergo being passed down to their black children. In the last few decades, its been given a modernized name and has deffo been sexualised. I understand where shes coming from, but its more nuanced than she can articulate in that number of characters. Something that was not innately sexual and was black is now being deemed socially as sexual.


Just trashy


I wish she could. Deliberately using bad grammar doesn't make you cool, it makes you a moron, especially when you struggle so hard to be a pathetic racial stereotype as if it honours your heritage/community.


That’s weird. My mama and grandma were “werking” gurl


I mean I do look funny


As a black person, I don't claim this "person"


Some say she has not been able to stop twerking for over six months. It has affected her daily life to such an extent she cannot go to the toilet without causing a terrible mess due to her inability to cease twerking. A simple visit to collect groceries now takes a number of hours due to her twerk based stance making it almost impossible to reach a higher shelf in the store to gather simple items such as canned foods and Mac n cheese. So far, no cure has been found.


Showing your dick and launching crackers off your boner and catching them in your mouth isn't sexual...it's cultural. My grandpa taught mee


I mean I'd be against a white woman shaking her ass in a kids face too, so the race card thing really doesn't work here.


I’d be against any person shaking it for their kids lmao


I wish I never knew these kind of people exist


My name is Kunta kinte and my ancestros been twerking since the beggining of time


Unpopular opinion maybe but I'm on her side tbh I see her point in this type of dance being part of African culture and that part was probably brought to the USA along with the people who were abducted back then. Well twerking nowadays is a bit different I think but it comes from African culture


Why is the trailer trash waving the race card?


Her daughter name? Twerkisha


She forgot to say twerking at church


Why do these type of post always say “was” instead of “were”


Every day I envy my illiterate grandfather.


Shaking your ass is never a wholesome action


I got nothing, but wanted to be the 700th comment 🤣


TIL shaking your ass is gatekept by the black community


What a bad day to have eyes


Is it racist to not want kids shaking their bums?


And funny looking lol


Ok, honest question. I don't remember twerking even existing 20 years ago. Also, saw people in doing this at a pool in the bahanas and thought they must have no self worth.


Your typo made me look up how old Twitter is and it’s nearly 20 years old. Fuck my life.


Kids see twerking all the time now and they have no sexualizing context for it so when they (most kids) do it, it's just kids being silly. I know there are exceptions as there are also kids that being exposed to inappropriate sexual content or kids who've been abused or even just with bad role models around like teen siblings trying to look hot on IG or whatever but my point is, don't shame everyone. Pay attention to nuance and context. Twerking is funny to kids like farts and poop jokes are funny. It involves butts.


With the way that is written, it's a wonder you don't already think you can't read!!


I’m pretty sure I remember a quote tweet of this from another black lady who said her mom beat her ass for catching her twerking lol


Twerking (/ˈtwɜːrkɪŋ/; possibly from 'to work') is a type of dance that emerged from the bounce music scene of New Orleans in 1990, which has a broader origin among other types of dancing found among the African diaspora that derives from Bantu-speaking Africans of Central Africa. Grandmas from 1990s But maybe she is referring to the dances that twerking is derived from? If she is it isn't the same. Edit: info found from Google search if anyone is wondering.


As a child I remember seeing an indigenous tribe present a dance performance, at the time and age I did not understand fully nor know what to call the dance “moves”. I do however remember during the tribal warrior dance a move that very much fits what we now call “twerking”, the dance did not sexualize the dancer but emphasized the clothing worn during the dance. The full dance was very passionate and performed with the intent to honor the tribes warriors, it is still to this day a very special memory to me and my heritage.


There is an African-American/African cultural history of dancing that includes hip-gyration/butt-shaking movements in general. BUT it’s willfully ignorant to ignore current societal perceptions of twerking. Personally I don’t see it as sexual, but if I’m throwing it back on someone, I wouldn’t be surprised if they think I’m coming on to them.


Holy fucking shit why are the comments here saying either wildly fucking classist shit or actual racist shit?????? I just saw a bunch of ppl saying “hood rats”??? “Slut rappers”???? Tf is wrong w yall. Fucking middle/upper class mfs w zero perspective


The fact that she just associated shaking ass around children with being "black" is about the most mind-numbing thing Ive seen in a long time.


Slut rappers are going to be the downfall of our society


Twerking (/ˈtwɜːrkɪŋ/; possibly from 'to work') is a type of dance that emerged from the bounce music scene of New Orleans in 1990 If her mom and grandma did it and all that, then she's fuckin 5 years old cause it's only been around since the 90s. EDIT: it's based on an African dance that shows off pure muscle control and other types of movements with skill, not just slapping your asscheeks together like you're clapping your hands. So while African, Yes, the twerking they're meaning VS their actual ancestors isn't even the same lol. I'm so tired of this type of stupidity in people. Doesn't matter the skin color this is just someone deciding that they want to be offended over something stupid they have no right to be offended at because they have Main Character delusions.


Bot rage bate


I literally can barely read that. Is it even English? Is this written by a foreigner because they would fail basic English.


At this point, we need God to just chuck a meteor at Earth, start over again


The comments here are absolutely appalling. To the OP, I see you and i’ll tell you what my grandmother told me when I was a child. Love yourself enough to be the Apple of your own eye so that if someone doesn’t see your light in beauty, in the first two seconds, you’re not tempted to debate with hate because you don’t need their approval you don’t need to explain anything to them and it’s not your problem if they’re too lazy and closed minded and bigoted to do their own homework and figure it out. I have seen traditional tribal dances performed in Kenya that look an awful lot like twerking. I’ve also seen traditional dances performed by Tahitian women, Polynesian women, Women from multiple cultures all over Africa and what about belly dancing? Have Y’ALL ever seen that? Belly Dancing has been around a long time! Even early Egyptians performed dances consisting of movements that make American pop-culture Twerking look like child’s play, and they did it with swords balanced on edge on the top of their head. In many cultures around the world women walk around with their breasts out in the open with no top on and when they dance, they dance moves that look like Twerking and belly dancing with no top on. And you know what? It is a ceremonial or celebratory dance, it’s not a sexual dance, and it is traditional, and it is cultural. Things like this only become sexual and sexualized when people think about the person dancing in a sexual way rather than appreciating the performance art and the beauty and emotion within it. YIU stop sexualizing the art and learn to just appreciate the dance for what it is. It’s an art, it’s a performing art it is cultural. There’s history behind it that you just don’t know about. Learn to appreciate the art of different cultures. Get your head out of the sand. There is so much more to this world than what you see on Fox News.


Ist sentence is true, the rest is unmitigated bullshit.


Lmfao.... twerking around her kids gave them black eyes and concussions.


![gif](giphy|52FmnSll3R3RXvWVBB|downsized) I can fix her


Your freedom of speech....hand it over


Happy Mother’s Day


That shit cultural!™


Twerking is a form of presenting yourself to be mated with.


***yall anti-black for being against me shaking my nonexistent ass around my kids***


Having an epileptic seizure isn't twerking.....


I have nothing serious to offer this dumb post. However, if you are serious about your wish, there are options. For example, if you're blind, that will render your ability to read, useless. That's what an genie trickster would do.


So, would you twerk in church? If yes, then I believe you would twerk in front of your kids without thinking it was sexual. If it felt wrong to consider twerking for the Lord, then maybe it’s not as appropriate as you think.


None of that happened. Ever.


Ok……that’s a generational thing. These kids grandmas are like 45. I have brothers that age. My parents are Boomers…….never saw my mom doing the “tootsie roll.” I’m indifferent too it, but trying to make it a sacred cultural thing is ridiculous.


My brain just about twerked outta my head trying to read that pile of nonsense.


That shit cultural. Here's a t-shirt idea.


Anything anyone says that they don’t like can’t be their trashy behavior, it has to be racism. That actually makes them racists.


This is gross. You're literally pretending to hop up and down on a dick. That's what that "dance" is. This bitch is gross.


grandma be 32


I remember Rosa Parks used this technique to clear herself a seat on that bus. Respect the heritage ✊


How the fuck is this anti black??? I just saw a white father twerking towards his family at an NBA game, and just felt pride! #Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho for president again!!!


Sooooooo.... i dont get it. What she's saying is - sexually grooming children, normalizing it, and embedding it as a generational habit is pro black? Has anyone explained to her she was abused and she's abusing her kids?????


It does make sense when there’s only a few years between generations;(




That’s all sorts of wrong. Those kids may need therapy


There are a lot of cultures where what the west would call twerking is not sexualized and is not as extreme as it’s likely being interpreted by most. She’s not wrong.


It's shaking your ass in someone's face, so get the f outa mine with your zero braincells anti-opinion.


Rosa Parks twerked in the back of the bus so Michelle Obama could twerk in the White House.


Hood trash.