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or worse, expelled!


Its called mimOsa not mimosA




"GO ahead harrry, you're the chosen one"


"But Ron, what if I can't get it up? I'm so nervous!"


My cases show WOMEN will ALSO kill you. Often with the help of other MEN.


![gif](giphy|X4oxBMtAlTHB1d648L) Damn.




My goodness, he might feel somewhat sad! Who's volunteering to hold his hand in these dark times? Anybody? Hey, hey where you goin? Guys! There's a sad guy!


I left the stove on


These types of men dreading divorce isn't about them feeling sad but about feeling taken advantages of. They see women as golddiggers who just trick men into marriage so they can 'divorce-rape' them (this is a word they actually fucking use) and get half their money/assets.


That sounds correct. And fucking depressing.


I would but can i wear a glove 💀


Fucking brilliant




You know fair enough, if someone killed me I would divorce them.


It IS "Until *Death* Do We Part", after all


Well, maybe this is just how a man divorces a woman? /s I don't really think like that.


Divorce 2


Just be a misanthropist.. everyones equally shitty


My favourite quote from a Marilyn Manson is from the Beautiful People. “There’s no time to discriminate, hate every motherlover that’s in your way.”


Surely if you listen to Manson, and are willing to quote his lyrics, you should be okay saying "motherfucker?"


I'm just imagining some fan that only listened to the censored versions having their world shattered learning that Manson swears.


Wait, he's not a Christian musician???


But he told me to "reach out and touch faith" 😭


That was David Gahan. Marilyn Manson was the guy who was rumored to have removed a rib so he could sick his own dick.


Wasn't he also rumored to have beaten Evan Rachel Wood?


I think that was more than a rumor. He is the man that you fear, after all.


Yeah I think most of us are pretty sure that happened but some people are heavily in denial 😕


Minor point, but Manson did cover Personal Jesus.




Is this the Kids Bop version of Beautiful People?


Quoting marilyn Manson under a post about misogyny is an interesting choice


Kinda hard to be a Marilyn Manson fan after that Rolling Stone expose about his sexual abuse of his partners came out.


Did you only hear the censored version?


Well they aren't, that is ironically a profoundly optimistic point of view. If everyone is equally as bad and the people you have been exposed to are your run of the mill assholes then you must live in a very nice alternate reality where concentration camps rape gangs child trafficking and Cambodia in the last half of the 70s are just further examples of the mundane asshattery that inspired your personal edgy phase.


“Concentration camps rape gangs child trafficking” Now that’s a statement.


and Cambodia


But misanthropes are the worst kind of people


You're right, I hate 'em. 😉🙂


Schopenhauer approve


I’m not sure I could handle the stress of being straight these days.


I’m straight happily single not desperate for a relationship and won’t just jump into one to not be “lonely” Hopefully I find the one if not the rest of my life will be happily spent like this


Being single is highly underrated.


I’ve learned this a few years ago and I’m so glad I did.


Only once you had been in a bad relationship though. Otherwise, being single is torture. Grass is always greener or something


Agreed. Bad relationships, or people, will certainly make you appreciate loving yourself and your own peace more and more, especially if you've had a great relationship before


I’ve never been in a bad relationship and I’m totally happy being single. I’ve seen plenty of them though.


Grass is always greener where you water it


I've never been in a relationship, good or bad, and am perfectly happy being single. I'd love to find a good partner, sure, but until then I'm also loving the single life.




I'm a gay leaning bisexual. It's just easier to be single


Fasting at the buffet


Same boat 🍻


Same brother. Sometimes it's hard for people to understand the difference in being alone and being lonely


It might not be healthy but I look at loneliness like a condition. Other people aren’t the cure, they only put off the symptoms for a time. The only real cure to loneliness is to find happiness on your own. When you find a way to do that others won’t be a temporary fix to put off the symptoms of suffering. Instead they will add to your life rather than stuff the void and stave off the ill emotions.


I'm straight and I concur. Please save yourselves.


Ha! Being gay finally has an advantage!


Only in developed western countries




Also maybe try to avoid the deep south or the midwest just to be safe.


Glad I’m Canadian.


Avoid rural Canada then


Great Lakes ok


It’s not that bad social media is the loudest of the two parties but everyday regular ppl who don’t live on these apps are fine. I’m not one of them tho lol


It's only quite this annoying online.


I'm bisexual and male, but unfortunately women are really hot. 😔


can we just agree sexism is shit and be nice people?


Apparently, we can not.


Yes, misandry and misogyny are both a form of sexism. Quite literally just gendered words for sexism.


Or rather, they are both forms of gender bigotry.


Yes, my vocabulary can be outdated.


Divorce isn’t a symptom of misandry or even the most severe, that dude is a clown


You can always recover from a divorce. Death? Not so much.


Just walk it off.


Dead? Best I can offer is an ice pack & a saltine


😂😂 just a singular saltine. And NO water! What are we, rich?!


Tsk a flesh wound


Tis but a flesh wound.


Right I said divorce is a horrible example of sexism


He’s absolutely a clown, but what makes one more okay than the other? Thats what confuses me. Disliking anyone for anything other than their personal traits is fucking stupid, and it would be cool if people that believed anything other than that would fuck off into the sunset. Be nice to everyone until the individual gives you a reason not to.


Neither of them are okay. But they absolutely do not cause the same level of harm. And to claim that they're both exactly the same even at their worst forms is ridiculous. Ffs women are being killed for showing their hair in some parts of the world.


I never said one was worse than the other, both are systemic and evil in their own ways


Just treat everyone with respect man shit ain’t that hard


It seems impossible for some people unfortunately.


I heard a comedian once quip that a man’s biggest fear when he asked a woman out is rejection, but a woman’s biggest fear is that he’ll kill her


There's also the Donald Glover skit where he talks about how every man has a crazy woman story, but women don't because if you have a crazy boyfriend, you're gonna die.


To be fair, we do have crazy man stories. We also have physical and emotional scars and lifelong trauma from them.


I was the man who almost got killed by the crazy girl


Same. Chick held a knife to my throat because I wouldn't go buy her drugs. Too stupid to realize that my sudden agreement to go buy drugs had nothing to do with actually wanting to purchase anything and everything to do with escaping. Then again, my first wife left me a month after my first daughter was born. 4 years later she came back to **take** my daughter and there was almost a gun fight between her and police on my front lawn. ...wait, I was making a point...and forgot.


Holy…..shit Glad you are alive. Hope you have your daughter


Don't. Grandparents won because I had to work two jobs and they had to work 0. Therefore, they could give her attention all the time, and I could not. According to her law guardian. Few months later got accused of raping my baby. Came back as unfounded...notably *after* they had already taken my visitation, my jobs and my sanity away. Judge 'didn't want to hear it' when I requested my visitation back. Appealed, rejected. Sued Grandparents for slander, won, got beaten (nearly to death) by a group of my ex-wife's friends. Moved away. Stalk my daughter on Facebook. Nearly 18, now. Happy, healthy, going to Cornell next year. Have 3 other kids with current wife. Still feel broken. Doesn't matter; she's happy.


I can’t imagine what you went through and what you still go through. I am sure you make the most of being a parent every day and never take your kids for granted, but I feel horrible that you didn’t get to see your daughter grow up. I hope one day you two can meet and you can bury the pain you have been dealing with for decades.


Sorry to hear that man, I hope you're doing better :(


Been years. I really appreciate you. It was the worst part of my life and now suddenly, I barely remember her at all


Yes, every man has a crazy woman story, as the joke stated.


Although less likely, women aren't harmless. There was someone who posted on Reddit about how he thought his wife was cheating on him. He confirmed that she was, and proceeded to serve her divorce papers. She ended up murdering their two children before attempting suicide herself, but chickening out halfway through. This was confirmed with news articles. There was also Phil Hartman.


Yeah these people act like women don’t kill. Im tired of this conversation. https://www.police1.com/crime/articles/americas-most-notorious-female-criminals-31lgbUkw3xFw1ohu/


This is a version of the Margaret Atwood quote, “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.”


I believe that is a Louis CK bit. *Dating a man is insane, and ill-advised. 'Yeah, I'll go out with you, alone, at night.' What are you high!? Men are the worst thing that's ever happened to women. Globally and historically speaking we are the worst thing that's ever happened to them. You know what our greatest threat is? Heart disease. It's our own bodies just telling us, "dude, I can't, I tokd you this three heart attacks ago."... You get in the car, "So where are we going honey?" "To your death, statistically." It's like dating a half-bear, half-lion. "Oh I hope 'this' one is nice..."*


We learned recently that women overwhelmingly prefer the bear and the manosphere absolutely could not handle that. They decided the correct response was to get extremely mad at women and post about it online instead of just trying to be the sort of man that women would choose over the bear.


It's funny because even as a guy Id probably perfer the bear to a random person in that situation since there's ways to avoid being attacked by the bear (or at least there's known strategies against them) while a random sketchy person could be something that does all kinds of fucked up stuff or have weapons you have 0 ability to save yourself from I like people in general but in scary situations Id usually trust an animal over a strange person on a remote area I dont know


There are quite a few know strategies to defend against men aswell. If a man decides to attack you you atleast have a fighting chance. If a bear attacks you, good luck


I’m quite sure Margaret Atwood was the first to author a similar quote that other comedians appropriated. She’s not a comedian, she’s an author representing women’s reality and voice.


It's a Margaret Atwood quote: "Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them". I learned about it after hearing it in Nameless Faceless by Courtney Barnett https://youtu.be/HZZSYDhx0FI?si=BK6P-s5WgYMnEtHi


It's a Margaret Atwood quote


How about everyone be nice to everyone else?


I believe it was Deacan from Fallout 4 that said it best. "Trust is the name of the game, the bitch of the problem is knowing the 9 times someone is being straight with you, and the 1 time someone is playing you for a fool"


And to really send the message home, Deacon lies constantly. Not in a manipulative way, of course. They're very playful lies.


I just take that as stacking the deck, hes making sure hes the 1 so we only run into the other 9


Can we just agree that hating people based on their gender is bad? Like, yes, there’s varying degrees of bad things that come from both, but instead of playing suffering olympics, wouldn’t it make more sense to band together against those that do that?


Yeah, imagine trying to say one is worse. Jesus Christ, lol. This needs to stop. Bad things are bad. Don’t be a bigot. It isn’t hard


These comments are embarrassing.


...Liam....buddy, pal....you could have spent just 5 minutes on google pulling up cases of women killing their husbands/boyfriends out of abuse or jealousy to counter the argument here but you went with fucking 'but divorce tho!'? No wonder no one takes abuse against men seriously with guys like this idiot around....


As a guy, the worst is when you are a victim and you're laughed at, shamed, and ignored for the mens side of things. I was molested and I was laughed at and told "You know how we feel!" until they realized I wasn't laughing or kidding or joking and the person who attacked me got a "Mild talking to." To end inequality you need to hold equality otherwise hate continues and equality becomes non-existent. Saying divorce is the worst women do? I watched a video of a guy recording his abusive ex stabbing at his feet with a knife and I saw people saying "Are we sure he is the reason and not her...." The worst is when you see a crime in action and your first thought is "It's the victims fault." Fuck you.


Hey, you can only be killed once, but I've known some guys who got divorced eight or nine times! /s


Unstoppable stupidity VS immovable stupidity


I listen to way too many true crime podcasts, because I’m very aware that women will also kill you


The comments here are just as worrying.


That's what I'm saying.


Divorce isn't a crime unlike murder! 🙄


Not yet, anyway. Give the Project 2025 people some time.


"Well, it SHOULD be!" - Same men


"Can't you see it's KILLING US?!"


Oh yeah, let's totally equate those two things. Get up on the cross a little more.


One day women will learn how to murder


i don’t know the part to which you take objection, but both tweets are very stupid


People are acting like only the guys tweet is stupid when in reality they are both morons


i was worried of that. i sincerely hate that dumb, insincere shit reddit does.


So we are accepting that Men will kill you?


I mean… it’s a fact that some men kill women. Of course, it’s also a fact that some women kill men…. Let’s just call it like it is - humanity sucks.


The number one cause of death among pregnant women is partner homicide. There's not *no* truth to the idea that some men (at significantly higher rates than some women) will absolutely kill you.


The top causes of death among pregnant women are the usual. Accidents, cancer, heart attacks, and suicide. Homicide among pregnant women is higher than non-pregnant women, it's true and it's a problem, but it's still not near the #1 cause. There are a ton of articles posting inflammatory headlines that make it sound worse than it is. Pregnant women are more likely to die from homicide than pregnancy related complications. That doesn't necessarily mean homicide is going up, it probably means medical advances are making pregnancy safer than ever before.


Going by homicide per capita rates around .01% of the population are murderers. So even if it's heavily skewed towards men yeah it wont touch the top stats for cause of death. Most of this discourse is just more media fear propaganda because it gets clicks.


Made the mistake of disagreeing with feminists once, pointing out that violence against women, isn't going to be solved separately to the issue of violence in society, and that rates of violence against males is considerably higher. This isn't disputing that women suffer partner violence at a high rate. The same men doing that, very likely have a problem with violence full stop. They are not being violent towards women in a vacuum, they very likely learned that violence against males was acceptable, and have carried that on into their adult lives and adult relationships.


Bro really speaking that “Yea we kill woman, but that’s cause y’all divorce us” talk🗣 Ridiculous


Hmm beat to a bloody pulp until you die, or you get left to continue your life without that person. Hmm such a touch choice…


Either gender is capable of killing, sadly this member of the male gender is an idiot and thinks divorce=murder. Can’t we get a more intelligent member of our gender responding to idiot statement online so we don’t end up almost always looking like idiots


Either gender is capable of killing, but the reality is the number of women killed by men is far, far higher than the reverse


Yep, while the numbers are honestly all over the place, women are significantly more likely than men to be killed by an intimate partner.


Especially when pregnant.


~~Approximately 2 out of 5 female murder victims are killed by an intimate partner (Cooper & Smith, 2011). In recent years, about 4.9% of male murder victims were killed by an intimate partner (Cooper & Smith, 2011) Men are 80% of murder victims so even according to vawnet.org it might be equal so it might be more equal than previously thought https://vawnet.org/sc/scope-problem-intimate-partner-homicide-statistics#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20available%20research%20shows,Cooper%20%26%20Smith%2C%202011).~~ Edit: I can’t do math, ratio is 2:1 not equitable as I thought, sorry for matching badly


And who's killing that 80% of men? It's largely other men.




Look up the number one cause of death in pregnant women. Go on. Never mind. I'm a woman, so I'll do it for you. [https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/)


Get a better article to make your point, following the links to find the data behind the article shows it’s more about the racial disparity in homicides, and it combines pregnant and post-partum women up to a year after pregnancy. Also the one year I could see cited was in reference to 189 deaths that year, not exactly a large sample size. Yes men are more likely to kill I never said otherwise, still doesn’t mean hatred and bias is good. In fact I said this guy was an idiot and men usually look like idiots online for doing things like equating divorce with murder.


Looks like race plays a heavy role. Are you as quick to condemn black men as you are to condemn men? Or is racism not as acceptable as sexism?


So X users are splitting their brain cell to share amongst themselves these days?


Remember those 3 days when gender war discourse was quieted by the Kendrick /Drake war? Damn that was the best


Shitty people arguing with shitty people about other shitty people.


I genuinely don’t understand why one has to be over the other why can’t people just like not hate eachother it’s really not difficult


oh look someone said some ignorant feces on twitter


Watch the show Snapped! Women will kill too. We're all awful


Bro why are we making a competition out of this? Women abuse and murder their husband's as well Both should be taken seriously and it should be stopped in both directions


While the dude made a silly comment, so did the one he replied to. The numbers for abuse in relationships are 1/3 women and 1/4 men, so not that different. The numbers for men stay the same when you look at homosexual men and abuse, still 1/4. However, when you look at homosexual women, the numbers spike up to closer to 1/2. I know what some will say, "what about the women who don't report it?" To that I reply that men are far less likely to report abuse than women are as it is seen as unmanly to be abused by a woman. Abuse is always an issue, but the rate of abuse is a lot closer to equal than most people think.


Divorce - murder - same same




Straight people I am so sorry


How about we all stop talking shit to the opposite gender and live a happy life?


One being more prominent than the other doesn't make either Okay. Misogyny or Misandry, assholes period!


Divorce isn't misandry tho


These dipshits sure think it is. Misogynists act like no fault divorce is worse than the goddamn holocaust.


True, I was commenting more on her post, the guy that responded to her is clearly just a moron.


Ahhhh! Divorce! So scary


Yeah in this hypothetical and fictitious comparison I am outraged!


Two morons arguing nothing to see here. Side note: these comments are wild. Some of y'all embody horseshoe theory. Pretty sure I saw a comment saying men are biologically more violent and a comment about how black people statistically committing more crimes is caused by external factors, but men committing more murders is not caused by external factors. Like lmfaoooo


Another great insightful post from first name bunch of numbers


I remember when my friend's wife passed away. I brought it up at work, and my boss at the time said, "I wonder if I would rather go through that or a divorce..." I forget how he phrased it, but he decided he would rather have a wife pass away than divorce him. It was really odd that he jumped to posing that question to himself.


I don't even understand this. I've told my wife that's she's free to divorce me any time she wants. I'd be pretty hurt, but it's better than two people settling for mutual misery. So far she hasn't taken me up on it. So, I assume she still digs me. A marriage certificate isn't ownership papers.


I'm honestly surprised any straight woman isn't thinking about Dateline when they date or marry.


Yeah, they’re just not the same


Funny story Men are more likely to physically abuse women Women psychologically abuse men to the point they commit suicide, recent studies show that men commit suicide due to spousal bullying them by about 4 men deaths to 1 female death. But hey let's just keep it gender based rather than the simple "don't abuse your partner"


he...he DOES know women can kill men too, right?


It’s a constant fear of mine, knowing any woman I interact with might be about to divorce me.


Both opinions are stupid.


misandry and misogyny are equal sides of the same shit coin. killing and divorcing are not


Yeah, like, misandry is bad and does have an impact that is important to be aware of - but it is by no means equivalent to misogyny. Misandry simply does not exist on a systemic level in the way that misogyny does.


When I was 7 a woman almost killed both me and my dad in a car, freaked out and tried wrecking us. The gender war is dumb, any gender can and will kill, anyone can have a horrible experience with either gender. The person under is clearly a dumbass, no doubt, but saying that only men will try and kill you is plain false.


Yeah. No woman in history has ever murdered her husband. /s


Women will kill you too.


But… women will also kill you?


They're both stupid


Ngl, competing to see which is worse is fuckin stupid.


Hate everyone or hate no one. Hate that guy, especially.


So, the only real thing I can say with this is that the aftermath of a divorce to a man is very similar in trauma level to the rape of a woman. They aren't the same obviously but similar on level of fear. Men regularly end up nearly homeless(unless they are stupid wealthy) and with nothing following a divorce that the now ex likely filed for regardless of context.


I mean the proper response should be "and women can't?"


AND WOMEN WILL KILL YOU How fucking self centered do you have to be to think everything is one sided to act like men and women dont kill


Believe it or not, women will also kill you.


Excuse me, are you saying women won't kill men? Ah right, they don't have to, they drive the men to self delete instead, of course.... Silly me.


More us vs them being perpetuated. When problems are rooted in wealth inequality. Everyone would be happy if they weren't pissed off at everything. Eat the rich.


Me not being willing to sleep with you is just as bad as you deciding to murder me.


Hunny… the straight people are fighting!!!


Lol both comments are weird, like the dudes example wasn't good but what she said also isn't true lol, people kill people, gender has nothing to do with it


Divorce and murder are not the same, but this totally ignores the fact that women *do* kill their husbands, too.


Shit like this is why we pick the bear


2 idiots arguing nothing really to see here


That dude's a moron, but so's that woman pretending men are killers and women are saints. Misogyny exists and men who engage in it do terrible shit to women, including killing them. How does that prove that misandrists are any different and don't do terrible shit to men, including killing them? And why should anybody pretend men are mysoginistic murderers by default while women are angelic beings incapable of being awful, much less based on the bad faith comparison this asshole is making and the award winning stupidity of what this other asshole replied to her?


I think her point more so was misogyny often has much more dire consequences than misandry. I think you are exaggerating her point a bit, nowhere did she say women are saints and men are all murderers.


I don't think she said all men are killers or women are saints. However violence from men to women is much much higher than the other way around. I guess that should be ignored?