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I was in the hospital for 8 days with Covid pneumonia. On oxygen at 37 years old. One of my nurses flat out said she’d never get the vaccine, as she wore PPE every time she came in my room. AdventHealth is full of hardcore, religious anti-vaxxers.


She is an idiot. Her bio all but says it.


if anyone uses "mama" as part of their handle, i immediately assume they have nothing of value to contribute


That and any association with an MLM business and all the syringe emojis. WTF is she peddling. Also “awake” and fired from a respectable job.


What is she peddling? Ignorance and death. And Ivermectin, probably


And essential oils. These people are snake oil sales folk:).


Especially if it’s “babiesname’smama” or something like that


Or Mama Bear, Boy Mom, etc…🤢


tell me you have achieved nothing outside of plopping out a baby, without telling me you have achieved nothing outside of plopping out a baby


Dude being a nurse doesn't make one smart automatically. I have seen nurses arguing about which medicine to give to a patient having seizures. The medicine prescribed was phenytoin and they somehow had 2 brand names for that drug in their cart and were arguing about which one of the two is phenytoin. I mean if you look just under the brand name, in a smaller font there is the drug name. How do you even argue about that, esp when you have both the brands lying in front of you. Just take a 2 second break and look at what drug you have.


Nurse here. There are so many stupid and ignorant fucking nurses out there. It makes me sick and embarrassed.


As a doctor i would like to confirm that we doctors are no exceptions to this. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


glad to know seven years of education and training was well spent


sadly as a fellow nurse I can confirm this, had many jobs before becoming a nurse and they can be some of the most stupidest ,ignorant mean aholes you'll ever work with in any industry.


Maybe being stupid should prevent you from being a nurse. Just a thought


I think being stupid should stop you from working in healthcare at all. Like in my internship there was a case where we were on rounds and an admitted patient had severe hypoglycemia, i mean so severe that the glucometer wouldn't even show the numbers just the letts "Lo" which means it was below 20mg/dl and the resident asked the nurses to get a 25% dextrose from the pharmacy. It would have taken at least 10-15 minutes even if one ran there all the way. Both the residents didn't even had the thought to put the patient on 5% or 10% dextrose both of which they had. I am intern had to be the one to snatch a bottle from the nurse's cart and change her current fluid to 10% and then bring a 25% from our chamber. Yes somehow we had a bunch of iv fluids and medicines lying in our chamber as they were bought there to show it to students and then we forgot to place them back.


Many years ago, I worked in a student advice department for a college that specialised in teacher and medical training. The job was mostly advising people who wished to complain about their grades or appeal disciplinary actions. The two years I spent in that job completely broke my faith in both professions. Unfortunately our chief advisor was *really* good at her job and there are some people that have no right being remotely near the public are out there as fully qualified teachers or nurses. I often lie awake at night thinking about a couple of cases, and if they are still in their chosen professions.


I like how they tell us how hard it was to get into nursing lol.


I don't know how hard it can be to get into nursing but i can tell you that they do have to work pretty hard after becoming a nurse.


Well that’s a choice isn’t it?


>Well that’s a choice isn’t it? Sure it it. Like no one is grabbing someone by the throat and forcing them to be a nurse. If i make a choice then i should be ready to accept the consequences that come with it {at least the expected consequences}.


Not a nurse, but married to one. Nursing degrees, especially RN and above are no joke. Especially the RN, which is an associates’ with the course load most BA/BS’. We both went back to school at the same time, and her RN was degrees of magnitude more work than my pre-law BS degree.


Used to work in the hospital pharmacy back in the day. Saw a few nurses huddled around asking each other, what's the answer to x. They're taking a math assessment, to see if they know how to figure out how many mls to give, if the order calls out mgs and it comes in a solution. My brother in Christ, that they couldn't figure out how to divide correctly is very scary.


All deserved snark for this loony toon aside...I'm glad YOU are ok. :)


Thank you so much ❤️


The history suggests not taking vax is at least valid argument


Pretty sure when she says fired into freedom is because she was fired for pushing her beliefs


100% this!


At least she got fired


Maybe, wouldn't explain all the others though.


No the rest of the stuff explains why she got fired from the medical field


I was going to try to find out which NICU she works in. I'm circuitously associated with NICU life and was going to report her to her local medical board. This account alone is worthy a review from the nursing board of her hospital.


Okay, I was wondering wtf that meant.


That's what I assumed (and hoped.)


What kind of MLM do we think she's shilling? It's definitely not, "How to Make Friends and Correctly Use Apostrophes: A Beginner's Guide to Punctuation."


I overreacted to that, too


As, did I , both muchly, and, bigly,.


Me too!!!




Well, she was “fired into freedom”, so likely not taking care of anymore babies… legally speaking, at least.


Is she a midwife for home births now, I wonder??


She would definitely find some folks on this same wavelength. And get lots of referrals. Times are wonky these days. I just wanted to defend my midwife (many years ago) who was not like this. All went well, I trusted her and she was “farm strong”. That baby was comin’ out.


I absolutely support midwives. My mother was a midwife in 1950s London. Similar to Call the Midwife (she didn’t like that show because there were a lot of mistakes in it). But she was highly trained and super professional.


Midwifery is a noble profession. Hats off to your mother.


💝💝💝🥹 I was blessed having the mother I did. Thank you 🌸🌸🌸


Until hospitals take a stance on employees views surrounding vaccines she will continue to carry a license. What will compromise her license is telling a patient under her care not to get a vaccine while citing personal beliefs. She’s restricted by the board of nursing as to what medical advice she can give when it comes to treating a patient. Why won’t hospitals lean a certain way you may ask? Because then they’d have to lean a way on abortion, religion and the thousand other ridiculous personal beliefs that get in the way of medical care. Hospitals will let people (I say let, I mean allow) people to die because they need a blood transfusion but won’t get one because of religious views. What’s the solution they came up with?


Of course, I agree with you. But there’s no way I’m letting someone this stupid touch my newborn


Fun fact: You can fire a nurse at anytime. You are never obligated to have your or the care of your loved ones provided to you by someone you don’t trust. Just say you want to speak to the charge nurse or on shift supervisor and raise your concerns. The hospitals want your money and won’t let a silly thing like a nurse get in the way of them nickel and diming you.


You can ask for a change of any medical staff and we are ethically and legally obligated to oblige *within reason*. Meaning… say a hospital has 2 Asian pharmacists and you don’t wanna deal with either… well the next best thing is we tell you where to go to seek advice from the closest appropriate setting. And we facilitate that to the best of our ability. But if you’re bleeding out and you don’t want the African surgeon or nurse or whatever to treat you, tough shit. Consent is considered automatic/ given in these scenarios.


I didn’t know that!!!


“Awake” versus “Woke:” The Stupidest Timeline


It is not surprising at all that this nutjob is also an MLM-hun.


She had to sell leggings since her termination lol


And she is in Melaleuca, which is an MLM despite huns desperately claiming it‘s not.


Another "I'd rather have a dead child than an autistic one" person.


The rage, it burns!!!


You mean ex-nurse? Looks like she was “ fired to freedom” 😂


This is just advertising "I barely made it through nursing school and I want to convince you to just let your babies spread disease and die" ![gif](giphy|l4pTnilEXlQNnGgWQ|downsized)


My daughter had a strawberry patch when she was born. My ex-wife's step mom was a nurse who told us this, very common, thing was 100% for sure cancer and had us rushing my daughter to the hospital only for the doctor to be all "yeah that's common" and have a "how the hell is she a nurse" look on his face.


Nurses aren’t trained to prescribe or identify illness. They are trained to treat patients—manage IVs and meds; care & clean for patients; etc.  I would always trust a nurse to be the best position in the hospital to place an IV, but I am not trusting them to decide what’s in the IV bag ever. 


Seasoned floor nurses will often make « suggestions » to the doctors (but make it seems like it was the doctor’s idea) I am a CNA. The only « suggestions » I usually make is what type of cream a patient needs to help with dry skin or bed sores. When patients ask me medical questions (often), I tell them that I am not equipped to answer them. Even when I know the answer. It is illegal for me to give medical advices.


Thank you for your approach to nursing!  I have no doubt that seasoned nurses have a wealth of knowledge that is absolutely crucial to doctors, and that good nurses provide crucial data that can become a diagnosis.    But they aren’t trained in diagnosing (as you know), so the ability to diagnose comes from years of practice observations that apply well with inductive reasoning. 


I used to work in nephrology, and we once had a rotating nurse (the ones that go everywhere in the hospital to replace the sick leaves. I am not English so I am not sure of the term) try to sell us detox shake. In nephrology. Where we litteraly detox our patients with expensive and highly precise machines and, you know, actual science!


That’s amazing.  I have a family member that is an internist at a major hospital. This family member has quite a few similar stories—one that I remember off hand is the nurse that would regularly second-guess doctors behind their backs to the patients. That nurse did not last long apparently.  Detoxing cures always give me a chuckle though—yes this lemon juice mixture is going to magically solve all your problems… 


"Fired into freedom"...lol...ok ya fucking ghoul.


I’m picturing a a circus cannon, lol






During the height of COVID, I had some nurse friends come out as huge anti-vaxxers. It surprised me.


The pandemic was a weird time to work in healthcare. I learned a lot about my cowowrkers that i wish i didn't know.


I think since Trump and social media we have all learned alot that should have stayed hidden.


Same. A few of the doctors and the nurses I worked with came out spouting anti-vax and anti-covid precaution stuff. The shit that scares me is one is an Oncologist and the other is an Anaesthetist. The Anaesthetist bought a bunch of "studies" in and dumped them in the tea room when our facility had a mask mandate. I was very close to dumping them but he was a prick so I didn't want to catch his wrath.


Y'know I had a friend in 1989 who was a nursing student. One day soon after we met we were hanging out and she said " you know you chose those parents for a reason". I was bitching about *my* crazy mum. I was like OK a bit nutty. Then she went on a rant about how "they" were keeping all the secrets of ayuvedic medicine from the general.public as a conspiracy to keep people sick. And my area is stacked with R Steiner belivers as well, many of whom are nurses or midwives. So it has been there a while.


I'm more worried about the number of followers she has


Right!! So many account I had to unfollow for following this tart


fired into freedom? wtf is that? was she fired for giving out false information and religiously slanted "facts"?


She was fired so she can only practice on her fellow anti-vaxxers now iirc


Her description hints that she got fired.


More red flags than China


She's Q'd.


In Flint during the pandemic, there was a technician whose job was to process those early slow Covid tests. She also publicly maintained that Covid didn't exist and these people all just had the flu. I've always wondered how many Covid patients were misdiagnosed as a result of her handling their tests.


“Mamas’” Doesn’t even know basic grammar.


Former nurse


Ok, I'm social media stalking every healthcare provider from now on.


Not in the same clinic as MY kid.


Not in the same clinic as my kids. Hell no.


She is not a nurse anymore, she was « fired into freedom », and her bio implies she is now I to MLM shit.


Fired into freedom...*from a cannon?* One can only dream.


>i mentor driven mamas' to make income oh i see. What did they build in ancient Egypt again? Marketing Mama. this picture gives both Ruby Franke and Lucy Letby.


Could use ASL instead of talking.


A despicable and dishonourable person.


I'd sue a hospital for malpractice just for having this thing on staff.


Why not be a nun then? Why bother with medical sciences if you are a preachy zealot?


Griftfluencers are the worst


"fired into freedom"... freedom from employment, apparently.


And she still has a job, why?


It sounds like she was fired and is trying to be an influencer for anti vaccine idiots like her. And I’m sure there’s some MLM stuff too


Dried up ghoul. She’s disgusting


No. No or isn’t.




It’s not who I want taking care of (anyone’s) babies.


She's "awake?" Isn't being "woke"... evil?


B-but woke and awake aren’t the same 🤓☝🏼


she should be bared from any nursing job


Speaking as a nurse, you dont actually learn a lot about pathology in basic nursing school. You learn how to execute treatments and taking care of people- something which doctors tbh can very much suck at. For example, some of them have studied for 10 years but have placed a catheter in a patient only once in their lives. Also, you would much rather have a nurse take your blood than a doctor. Anyway point is, nursing is a hard profession but nurses are not doctors for a reason. There are also several educational layers, not every nurse is created equal.


She calls Covid tests “nasal abuse to my brain” 🤦‍♀️




I got into an unwelcome convo with my bf's baby mama about how awesome TFG is and how crap Biden is. Also some crap about how her Dr friend got cancer fr the covid vaccine. She's a nurse and we are Canadian.


>I mentor driven Mama's to make income I smell a MLM.


They fired her, into freedom. Lmao. Sadly there are clowns like this in medical profession, all of them should get their licence revoked.


You had me at "antivax nurse." That should not even be a thing.


https://x.com/wideawake_media/status/1800815579638505486?s=46 for your education guys. I’ll be sleeping better this evening against the keyboard warriors.


I don’t understand your point?


I'm a nurse and sure if you don't believe in mandated best practice treatments RESIGN your FUCKING dangerous. I'm worried what other treatments they might be withholding because their relgion or political beliefs oppose it, scary AF 


As an autistic, crossdressing, vaccinated genius, I probably should not comment here. LOL


LOL. You’re far smarter than she’ll ever be


Awww thanks!


This isn't uncommon and it's no different to doctors that don't believe in mental health issues and the likes.


You can say that about any profession. There will be bad apples in every single one. The problem arises when there larger portion in that profession. Hopefully as you receive more education you learn critically thinking skills and things like this are substantially less likely. I work in the healthcare profession and for some reason people really believe what nurses say even though they are not very educated in the science of anything. The shit that comes out of their mouths is shocking sometimes. I don’t know a single doc that doesn’t believe in mental health. Not saying you are wrong you are 100% correct and there are some wild beliefs out there. I just see it much more frequently with certain professions.


There are plenty of these people in healthcare. You know this.


[https://x.com/anpo\_star/status/1800866943412662668?s=46](https://x.com/anpo_star/status/1800866943412662668?s=46) ![gif](giphy|l4pTrToHATBbIPi4U)


I love how well rounded, open minded, and excepting of differing viewpoints Reddit is! /s




What's wrong with being gay or autistic? Hell, what's wrong with being both?


I mean if you took the Covid jab I have questions for you… 🙃


What's the question


Why were you gullible to taking it when the feds have came out saying it’s bad for you now.


* They absolutely didn't say that * You're completely full of shit * You wanna die, on your own, from a preventable disease, you go ahead and you do that. You're an adult with free will and you can choose to continue or existing, or not. Up to you. * How about you don't drag anyone else down with you, because to do so would make you one selfish piece of shit? Mmkay? Cool.


https://youtu.be/f52S115iNpc?si=srOM0a_M56ldBNwU okaly doakely 👌


Just had that ready to go, did you? Joke's on you, not watching anti vax bullshit. Some guy in the 80s got paid 400,000 british pounds to talk shit about the MMR vaccine, and now I have to deal with losers like you. *Fuck. Off.*


Actually I enjoy telling people they’re wrong while you dwindle on staying mad. Cry some more ya donkey.


Ok weirdo. 👍


Okay lab rat.


At some point I really hope you grow up and see what a bunch of twits anti-vaxxers are. At that point, rational, logical people will want to associate with you again.


Can you provide the source of where it was said to be bad?




Could you maybe find someone who hasn't been censured by basically all reputable medical organizations for his anti vaccine and fringe beliefs? I already know the answer. This guy's a fucking lunatic.


You literally linked a video where the fda states it is safe whom is the government. The one saying it is unsafe is a singular person acting as the Florida surgeon. Sheesh you need some thinking skills asap


Listen to the hidden message on how it was presented. Let me spell it out for you. The good outweighs the bad so we’re gonna still pump it in you so we can get paid. How does that sound for you. Just because I name a handful of good doesn’t mean the bad isn’t “not true”. What a bunch of donuts 🍩


sane person: "source?" you: *youtube vid you literally have no self awareness, do you?


If you want it directly from the news anchor source I can snag if for you but even then… the deniers, you, will continue to deny so… really it’s a waste of my time. Sad country among sad Guinea pigs. 🐖


yes, i agree that antivaxx proseltyzing is a waste of your time. if you want to feel like you're special you can do so in private, like all nonces should.


notice instead of providing said news anchor source, he immediately goes into the “but you won’t accept it anyway” tirade


Welcome to the internet. I know what tea you sipped 💉


oh please, nonce.


also, let me spell it out for you: you linked a news report on a guy's opinion. a guy that LIED about treating covid patients and promoted hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. that's the level you're at.


notice instead of providing said news anchor source, he immediately goes into the “but you won’t accept it anyway” tirade


Notice how either way, you can’t accept and won’t accept it. 😎


again, still no “news anchor source”


The Florida general surgeon is not “the feds saying it’s bad for you”. It’s a lone nitwit with zero scientifically vetted backup to his claims. Try reality, it’s much more rewarding than living in fear of nonsensical conspiracy theories.


I bet you have lots of other very basic questions you wouldn’t understand the answers to


Just tell us you’re brain damaged. It’s not hard to see, but at least let people know you aren’t playing with a full deck before you spew bullshit lol. Clown ass MF. 😂


That’s original.




You should learn more about science and how vaccines are all subjected to rigorous clinical trials to make sure they're safe.


Be a lab rat


It was already tested in labs *and* in clinical trials before it hit the general public. You're just demonstrating how ignorant you are.


You may have missed the articles where the lad rats died from the trials. How uneducated are you when you say that. You also forget that the mass media is ran by the elites and


Source? From the ones doing the peer-reviewed experiment, not a claim from an internet random.


https://x.com/wideawake_media/status/1800815579638505486?s=46 have a great day!


From an actual study, not an internet random.


Former VP genius. Get wrecked.


That has nothing to do with your claim, though, and the vp usually has nothing to do with the actual testing or components of a medicine. This was just media by a random guy who is making an unsupported claim.


And a Dr at that. Goof ball jfc your jabb has you delusion oh shit!


Someone can be a doctor and be wrong. He also hadn't worked for the company he made that claim about in a decade, long before COVID was even discovered, and did not publish any of his "findings."


Yes, that's why they're called ***trials*****,** genius.


You are the trial and still are being assessed as a trial. 🫣 don’t shoot the messenger.


>You are the trial and still are being assessed as a trial. Incorrect. Trials were concluded before the vaccine was given to the general public. All you're doing is spreading misinformation spoon fed to you by people who don't believe in science.


https://x.com/spartajustice/status/1800999464057934252?s=46 have a good day lab rat 😀


Law professor, huh? So... explicitly NOT a doctor? Or an epidemiologist? Yawn. Maybe more tweets from Wide Awake Media will convince me. Keep 'em coming.


https://x.com/wideawake_media/status/1800815579638505486?s=46 you’ll sleep better this evening. Have a good day!


I'll sleep better after watching a tweet of a scientist-turned-anti-vaxxer making baseless claims about a vaccine he took no part in developing? Sure, he was VP of Pfizer, but he left the company in 2011 and didn't work on the Covid vax ***at all***. Dr. Yeadon also [provided no evidence to support his claim ](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/health-coronavirus-vaccines-skeptic/)that the vaccine was harmful in any way or reduced human fertility. To my knowledge, he still hasn't provided any evidence, and the WHO still refutes his claim because, again, no evidence. Did you really think sharing a tweet from a *very biased* source like Wide Awake Media was going to sway me?


Cuz they’re all getting paid 🤫 just keep looking.


lmao k