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Amazing that Trump was able to drink it with one hand.


It was afternoon and he wasn't sundowning yet. ;)




A term related to dementia patients where they become more agitated or confused later in the day.


I used to work in a nursing home. It’s a real phenomenon. Later I worked in an emergency room. The full moon antics you’ve heard about are also real.


I can also confirm that the full moon craziness is real. Source: Was an elementary school teacher for 10 years.


Any career hospitality professional will also agree. Restaurant guests display the most bizarre requests and behavior during a full moon.


People don’t believe me when I say the full moon thing is a real phenomenon. I work with people with developmental disabilities and yeah, some of the worst behavior reoccurrences we have are on full moons.


But he is like that 24/7.


Thank you 🙏 Some of us don’t come from homes of scholars haha


State of mental confusion that starts in the ( late ) afternoon, continuing into the evening/night. Common in dementia.


Thank you, I never heard that before




It's entirely possible that we will get to see two geriatrics have a sundown episode between the two on TV. That's both defeating, and interesting at the same time.




I bet he has special water bottles that are 25% smaller so that his tiny hands don't look so tiny.


Uncle Jack style


Don't look, don't look!




I helped him off a horse once. The horse looked very pleased.


“You could be a model. You’ve got the goods!”




That's how we know the picture is photoshopped


This is what I noticed. WOW drinking like a normal human! Nice work Donnie!! But kind of a bad time to show this off don’t you think?


My first thought


Happy cake day


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Progressing past his infant stage and learning some fine motor skills




That’s because Obama has empathy, he is a good and kind person, and he actually and genuinely cares about others. Not a single word of my previous sentence applies to Trump at any point in his life, ever.


As a non American, this is how I see it to, and I’m probably not alone.


As an American, this is how I see it too, and I'm probably not alone.


As an Alien, this is how I see it too, and I'm probably not alone.


The bar is so unbelievably low


I’m more of a centrist than anything, but lord would I love to have Obama back right now.


I'm not American. Could you guys please put that man back in charge. He might not have been the greatest president in US history, but he certainly is a good leader


Idk if this is common knowledge outside of the US, but we literally can’t re-elect Obama. Presidents can only serve two terms of four years.


I had a vague feeling that that was the case when Obama had to give way to either Hillary or the Orange Orangutan. Can't you guys just make an exception this time?


No, we can't. I'd vote for Michelle in a heartbeat, tho.


people got scurred when FDR got elected for 4 terms (even though he passed right after the start of his 4th), constitutional amendments are kinda set in stone :(


Not a Obama supporter, but looking back, we took him for granted compared to what we’ve had since.


Obama is such a class act. 


I miss Obama


im not even American and I miss Obama


Shit Trump actually made me miss W. I fucking hate W.


Dubya was a clueless, harmless meme. His administration was deplorable. He was the funny fall guy.


You are right, and Trump is just an idiot. God help us if someday an _intelligent_ right-wing republican comes to might. That might be the end of the democracy in the US.


intelligent.... right wing? What's that?


It is theoretically possible to be intelligent but to follow the wrong goals. Not very likely, but still a horrifying picture.


I miss him too. I’m gonna watch that show he narrated again to make me feel better 🤣


Thanks Obama!


Obama is a good person. I sometimes wonder if we should even classify Trump as a human. I've seen sharks that have more empathy than he does.


Not an American but in this very post it states hes drinking water while the other person is already receiving medical attention, suggesting not a stark difference but essentially the same thing?


If you actually watch the clip of this moment, that's just about what happen here too.


Trump doing the same [thing?](https://youtu.be/aR9AaKXrzTs?si=mJWdJX0LmmDo36QJ)


Trump also doing the exact [opposite?](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/Hc0nLzyTuO)


Are you using a picture of him drinking from a water bottle at a rally with no other discernable context but some dude's caption that isn't even in reference to something that's actually going on as a reference that he wouldn't stop if someone was having a problem? I mean I'm not saying he would or wouldn't but that's an incredibly weak premise.


The person at the Trump rally was already receiving medical care. What did you want him to do? Push the EMT's back and pour the water over the person?


Surprised he didn't toss a roll of paper towels at the person and tell them to clean the sweat off the floor.


He only tosses rolls of paper towels and toilet paper at Puerto Ricans.


Because they make the Mexican food he loves so much (/s)


He will have to charge them for it


Trust me, the supporter would want the Supreme Leader to have the water and stay hydrated. All water goes to Trump first.


Dehydrated Trump supporter: "Why the fuck are you giving me water????? Give it to Emperor Trump instead!!!"


Our dear leader was actually drinking the water so he could piss it on to the supporter. As the water goes through his holy being it actually becomes holy water so it’s actually more helpful than just regular water. The media doesn’t want to tell you about that though


Trickle-down hydronomics!


This is why I joined Reddit ![gif](giphy|NVUuyo5DYmBZLKMAvI)






Didn't see any flying pigs so couldn't be that


Come on, be reasonable. That is way too unbelievable.


This is actually smart. He took their weakness as a reminder to stay hydrated.


This is actually the most compelling thing he’s ever done.


Trump's quiet genius in action.


Sorry to break up the jerk off session, but the paramedics were already tending to the patient. I'm all for clowning on Donny, but taking a sip of water is weak ammo


I don’t like trump, at all. But what was he supposed to do here? Run out into the crowd and start helping the person himself? He isn’t a doctor. Solemnly bow his head and pray or something? Jfc he took a drink of water. It’s summer. It’s hot. He’s old. Clown on the stupid asshole all you want but it’s so frustrating when people go looking for things to criticize him for; there is PLENTY of horrible shit that he has done and said worth criticizing. We don’t need to make up or exaggerate nonsense like this. It does more harm than good.


This was also my first thought.


Yeah, say what you will about the guy but what the fuck was he supposed to do. Person was already getting medical attention.


THIS, there's nothing he could have done other than have the crowd clear the way for medical. If it was my patient, I wouldn't want some 70 year old orange man trying to give treatment.


I came here to say this. I can't stand Trump and his groupies, but this isn't thaat bad. Sure, classless, when compared to how Obama handle it when it happened to him, but this 'facepalm' kinda weak.


He was supposed to stage dive into crowd and force feed the patient water obviously. Lack of commitment on his part.


Wow how horrible of him to drink water 😂😂 wtf y'all crying about now I'm not even into politics but gawd damn this page I see nothing but bitching and crying over the stupidest shit


I like how people have to create the most out of context bs just to try and compare him to Biden


I mean, I'm not into politics but what is Trump supposed to do? Rush down and shove water down the person's throat? It even said that the person was getting medical attention.


I despise Trump but what would his bottle of water have done for an unconscious person actively getting medical attention? Let’s be medically literate here people


This is so dumb. Omg. The person was already getting medical attention. What’s he supposed to do with his damn water except drink it? I’m as liberal as they come, but if this man breathes incorrectly it makes headlines. 🤦🏾‍♂️


The criticisms have been getting more and more ridiculous lately. I'm all for hating on the guy but let's at least complain about genuine issues. This just brings us to their same level and they're right to not take us seriously for it


I’m not a trumper, but tf is he supposed to do? Shove the EMTs aside and start CPR? Make some stupid speech about healthcare? Whip his dick out and helicopter?


Ok hate the guy, but to be honest, what was he supposed to do? Toss it at them? I went to a Bernie rally once where this happened and all he could really do was repeatedly ask everyone to stay quiet and give them room until a paramedic could get to them. It’s not like an ancient politician crawling down there is going to in any way help


That is super misleading. He saw them pass out, he pointed them out and called EMT’s over to them, then stepped away from the podium and waited until they received medical attention to continue his speech. Watch the speech instead of relying on a headline to tell you what happened.


Excuse me, but can you take your useful context somewhere else please? Didn't you know Orange Man bad?


I'm a little surprised he's drinking water and not diet coke.


In no way a Trump supporter, but were the emts already there? I wouldn't want his help


Pretty hard for someone who’s passed out to drink water. Just sayin


They’re already receiving medical attention lol


Okay, I hate the guy trust me (im Mexican), but as devil advocate the passed out man was already being given medical support, would it serve any purpose that the evil orange man give him water? Really, the passed out man has (very probably) been given water by the medics already


I mean what’s the actual problem? There are medics for situations like this. He doesn’t need to get involved


Man I miss the days when every post in this sub wasn’t political


Someone passed out and IS getting medical attention and him drinking his water is evil or what? I don’t understand what’s the point here


People will find the pettiest and most insignificant things to criticize.


This is such a dumb post haha


Of all the things to criticize Trump for, you’re focusing on this? The person was already getting medical attention, what else was he supposed to do?


Because the paramedics with medicine could have really used the bottle of water to save that person...


He’s showing off that he can finally do it with one hand


You guys are trying WAYYY too hard to vilify this man. 😂


The person was already receiving medial attention. If he offered the water, it would've been a shameless publicity stunt. If he didn't offer the water... see comments above and below.


He’s… a criminal.


Yet the current outrage is.. he drank water. Brilliant.


I'm all for shitting on Trump, but this isn't exactly a facepalm. They were receiving medical attention. Should no one else drink water while that's going on?


Top level comment on this thread is comparing it to when this happened with Obama and he stopped his speech, ordered everyone to make room and gave them his unopened water bottle. The contrast is the facepalm because nobody worshipped Obama in the way these cultists worship the big tangerine twatbasket


Maybe Obama wasnt properly prepared with paramedics who had water on hand. You only hand paramedics water if they don't already have it


What do they expect Trump to do to help that person? lol Was he even close to them… it’s much better to let the medical professionals help. I get shitting on Trump but both sides have such stupid articles. It’s sad how low quality so much of news has become


They were getting medical attention. What is Donald supposed to do while they’re in the process of getting medical attention? I’m sure people would complain if he tried to pass them the bottle too. You can’t win in politics


*Don't want to end up like that guy*, Trump thought while unscrewing the cap on his water bottle. He took a sip. *Sad.*


It explicitly says the guy was getting medical attention, what was Trump supposed to do? It's already being taken care of by professionals, he did exactly what he should have and stayed out of the way.


Right? Like, either whoever wrote that doesn't know that "medical attention" means something, or this is a giant nothing burger. Freaking out over it makes you look as dumb as right wingers


Yeah, but honestly, would you trust a bottle of water from him if he gave you one?  Best case scenario, it's full of backwash.


Because the paramedics don't have liquids?


Watch the whole video that is not at all what happened?


Reddit would never lie about Trump


How dare Trump just stand back and let those EMTs do their jobs! He could have used that bottle of water to splash on the face of the person needing medical attention! So selfish!


Yes, once again this sub proved to be full of idiotic replicants: "Trump bad! He didn't act personally (even if he could only hinder the medical personnel, in doing so)".


He clearly had the only bottle of water there, the picture says so!


That’s 18% too high of a African American voting support.


I thought that was the real facepalm. First that 18% still support him, but also making it seem like 18% is a thing to celebrate on Trumps side.


Oh shit, I better get hydrated: don’t want to drop like that mf


This post is the facepalm.


America First


Ugh I hate defending this scumbag... But seriously? The put down is he takes a drink? We know he doesn't care about anyone, but this reminds me of when they had headlines that Obama asks for mustard. Seriously, so many cruel, stupid and plain evil things this guy dose and "drinks water when someone in the crowed fainted" is what your going with


Wasnt one of his supporters literally engulfed in flames recently? Checks out


are there any calculations on the volume of piss and spit a guy like that has consumed over his life? Safe to assume alot minions battle for access over his mourning cup of coffee, who gets to spit in the assholes cup today. With Trump, being an abomination of humanity, probably lives on saliva, fromundacheese and boogers. Pube consuming demon from some obscure ring of greed hell. Shit demon!!!


Is he supposed to get in the way of the medical workers? I would have done the same as him. It was a reminder to him that he needed to stay hydrated.


President Trump takes a drink of water and all the angry goblins in the far left lose their minds. You guys are running out of content.


Calm down, it's just another example of why he's an asshole. One of so so so so many


That Newsmax banner be like ![gif](giphy|26BoCqbMmdKO7d9S0)


Debates should be interesting Get RFK in there too!!


I especially like when he tossed paper towels to flood ravaged people in Puerto Rico. “ here, I helped you. Now where’s my jet so I can get out of this shithole country?”


Not a signal for emergency personnel to help no call for the crowd to make way?


I mean, that does pretty much sum up their health care agenda.


On brand. Fucking loser


Years ago, I told my grandpa (a trump supporter) he would throw any of his supporters under a bus for $5, but at this point it doesn’t seem like he’d piss on them if they were on fire.


*I hate delays My speeches have the worst delays. Nobody has delays like me. I was talking to some very important politicians, and they said: 'if we had delays like you, we'd leave'*


he wouldn't piss on them, but he'd pay for their daughters to piss on him anytime.


you think he could take the diaper off himself to piss on someone or would he need assistance?


But he got 18% support from black voters… I guess he is fine.


He saw that person faint and was like “hmm that reminds me, better hydrate” Always “Me” before “We” for the cult leader.


He couldn’t piss on a burning supporter. He sits to pee.


Reminds me of this story of also demonstrating his lack of empathy - [https://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/culture/culture-news/a44116/donald-trump-elderly-man-dying-howard-stern/](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/culture/culture-news/a44116/donald-trump-elderly-man-dying-howard-stern/)


Are we not supposed to drink water while someone gets medical attention? Who makes these rules?


I wouldn’t say that. He might piss on them if they looked like Ivanka. He has made it pretty clear that’s a look he’s into.


All the signs keep flashing that this dude is essentially the representation of "the anti-christ" and yet these people are still totally clueless.


Yeah time to leave, this is just a politics page now


If he stopped and helped anyone while getting in his knees to give the person water my mind would shatter into a million pieces in surprise.


Personal responsibility they say Repubs /Trumpers watching the victim faint "If they were real Americans they would have held themselves responsible and stocked themselves a bunch of waters before leaving home"


When are people going to stop wasting their energy and realize this guy doesn't give a crap. He does everything he does because he finds it amusing. 😂 Y'all wasting energy on someone who does not care that you care. Go enjoy life yo (ps before I get attacked, Trump is a bozo and Biden is a bozo)


What is giving someone water who is unconscious going to do exactly?


“People’s president” my ass!


The fuck was he supposed to do throw the water bottle at them? I hate this fucker but this is dumb as hell, and kindaaaaa....suspicious....


Is there a video of it happening?


I honestly think he’s going to win again. I’m fucking terrified. We have to keep this man out.


What do you want him to do?


He’s not a medical professional. He is the greatest president since Teddy Roosevelt, abe Lincoln and george Washington though. Why would he help someone in the crowd. His security detail probably wouldn’t even let him


Well I don't like Trump, the man is a giant douch, that being said, what's the point of this picture ? He won't go himself save the man, no presidential candidate would. There are SO MANY legit things to show / say to trash Trump that would make a better point that this...


Donald Trump also likes to drown babies and puppies in his spare time, also I heard he is blood-related to Hitler and is planning to resurrect the 4th Reich. pathetic....


I mean He literally said “if you vote for me and die later that day it will have been worth it” during bad weather for the primaries None of us have to say it for him or make any jokes. He tells supporters what he thinks of them himself


Boo hoo 😭😂


Remember that one time when a patron almost pass out when Obama was speaking? He showed true concern and help that woman till she got the help she needed. And people that Trump is the next messiah?


“Here you go you unconscious patriot, choke on this while you regain consciousness” 🤣🤣🤣


He is pissing on all of them at the same time, what is this guy talking about?


Hey, those trump-branded bottles of water aren’t cheap. Not just anyone can drink them.


That what medical staff is for? lol? What’s he going to do


having people faint is a subliminal message, obama did it all the time


This is exactly how he saved America!