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And he has a Liberty safe. A year or so ago Liberty gave the combo to a customer's safe to the FBI without a warrant or subpoena.


I would hazard a guess most of those are not stored in the safe, the safe is for show.


Probably for his meds


How would they know?


They kept records of the combos and serial numbers. If you registered your safe with them, they had everything they needed.


They don’t have the customers set them?


My bad, the customers set their own combos, but the company sets a backup combo they can use if the customer forgets theirs.


See all the milsurp guns? Judging by his age he bought at least half of that stuff when it was for sale at the pawn shop or gun show for $100 and they'll throw in 1,000 rounds of ammo and ten mags just to make room for new inventory, back when you could buy a Chinese Norinco AK at Walmart


I regret not buying more guns back when a decent Mosin was $80 and a decent Mauser was $100. 


$65 Swedish Mausers, $100 Norinco SKS and $175 CZ75's! Those were the days. Still kicking myself for selling off most of my acquisitions due to medical/health issues and bills.


I regret not knowing that those rifles went for that cheap back then, assuming they were still somewhat cheap when I turned 18 in the mid 2000's lol


Dude, my girlfriend’s grand father had a Luger P08 brought it back from the war in 1945, took it off a dead German, it now belongs to her dad and she really wanted one. I was gonna get her one for her birthday, but when I saw the price tag on those I realized I love her but not that much 😂 Fuckers start at $4000, one in good condition goes for $8000 Told her to wait till she inherits it 😂


JESUS CHRIST, I looked it up and you ain't kidding. Y'all make sure dad is taking good care of it!


I know right 🤯 It’s been well kept too looks brand new. I got to shoot it a few times and it’s just amazing. To be honest it shoots better than most modern handguns. They don’t make them like that anymore 🫤 Dad tracked down an original holster as well as 2 mags, it’s a 1940 model.


I know right 😕


$89 Russian SKSs. M38 and M44 Mosins are kinda crazy these days.


He has a couple of M1 Garands, how much is a decent M1 these days ?


I think the surplus stuff has dried up pretty bad, even the CMP is slim pickin's. You're gonna pay out the nose on some auction site probably


I was looking online, seeing the prices made my eyes hurt 😝


Talk about "sticker shock," I had no idea


Source: Photo is from photographer Gabriele Galimberti's The Ameriguns. [https://www.gabrielegalimberti.com/the-ameriguns/](https://www.gabrielegalimberti.com/the-ameriguns/) [https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/fourth-july-musings-americas-gun-culture-viral-photos-rcna36397](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/fourth-july-musings-americas-gun-culture-viral-photos-rcna36397)


Thanks for sharing. It was a very interesting read.


I think this guy is either collecting guns, very much into hunting, or most likely both. A few AR style weapons apart, all the guns are functional weapons for hunting and sport. AND he seems like a responsible gun owner that has a big safe to put them in. Unless more information about the man in the picture comes around, this is a selfown by the OP. There are plenty of gun nutters to pick on and apart, this guy seems more reasonable than most


There's nothing wrong with collecting stuff you think is cool. It's okay to be an enthusiast. He's got a thing for antique firearms.




I have this thread window on the left side of my monitor, and my steam library on the right. I can't judge this dude at all.


I’m not a pro-gun guy but I’ve seen cringier collections of things.


I don’t know. Family photos. Degrees on the wall in what looks like a nice home. Seems like he has a lot in his life.


> Family photos The way he has them spread out evenly does make it look like he hunted them for sport and mounted their heads as trophies. Otherwise this is just a slightly above average American family collection.


Honestly, this isn't that cringey. 14 of those rifles are military collectibles. He has a thing for revolvers, a couple dozen of those. I see what is probably a quality hunting rifle, and a few AR style rifles, none of which are really tricked out Meal Team Six style. The military rifles and revolvers just aren't what people use for mass shootings. There are more than a few people that just like to collect guns, without being the people that we should fear, and he looks like one of them in this pic.


I wouldn't be surprised if he bought a bunch of those decades ago for a few hundred bucks, and they are now worth over $1000. He probably has a nice nest egg for retirement.


I quickly counted all the guns so give or take 5 on this number but I got 78. Let's say 80. If each one is worth 2k that's only 160 grand. That said I have no idea how much those guns are worth, I just doubled the number you mentioned.


The bulk of those are definitely not $2k. Some of the collectible surplus ones in good condition may be.


Is the 2nd rifle back from the fireplace a 303 Enfield ?? I don't want to get out of my lane. I haven't seen one for probably 40 years. I fired one when I was 14 and a military cadet. It nearly blew me into next week!!🇬🇧


Looks to me like a number 4, so yeah I think you're right. I owned one for a time, absolutely loved it, beautiful piece of engineering and history. I also think the 2nd from the left lying on the floor might be a Enfield no.5 jungle carbine, but looks a bit long so not 100%, definitely looks like an Enfield though


Cheers for your reply, I appreciate it. I definitely feel privileged to have held it, let alone fire it a few times. 👍 🇺🇸🇬🇧


Beautiful rifle. My boyfriend owns one and it's one of the best rifles I've fired. Brits knew their rifles lol


Right, I see military firearm collector not wannabe warrior. I worry a lot less about guys like this than the nut job with the tacticool AR


I noticed the historic military ones as well. Kinda nice there was only the Luger that I recognized as a German WWII gun. Tho I couldn't tell on most of the long rifles. Good news everyone! Maybe peepaw here isn't a nazi lover!


People collect things, what a shock.


my thought was like "okay, now show me your steam library"


Why the face palm? It’s his hobby, but yeah some of these guys are nuts and guns are dangerous. That doesn’t mean he is dangerous and nuts.


The majority of the rifles are old military surplus, he collects antiques


And even if they were more modern firearms. He has done literally nothing wrong.


OP should review their post history before commenting on other people not “having anything else in your life”…


Holy shit, that history is sad. The only thing [insert pronoun] hates more than guns is work


He's a collector for sure. Not my thing but id probably rather have these than those little pop figures people collect


Damn, I was going to get him a gun for Christmas too!


You collect Pokémon, this guy collects guns. I see no issue with this.


OP why is this facepalm?


Bro has a dedicated hobby. Where's the facepalm?


He just has a lot of guns. Why are people so mad at him?


Reddit moment. OP thought this was a gun control sub… should’ve thought twice especially since he posts the least threatening grandpa with his fine collection


Oh no, this man has a hobby! OP, please go touch grass. It's good for the body and soul.


I’m in this boat with you. Dude has a passion and hobby. Let him be. No one bats an eye when they’re baseball cards or Lego sets or anything that can be collectible…. Double standard…


the vast majority of these weapons look like period pieces, not someone trying to take down a local government. maybe 3-5 of these guns would fall under those arbitrary "assault weapons" categories, and considering the range of calibers here, this guy is a collector, not a danger. I'm not really sure what the facepalm is here, aside from OPs preferences being different.


He would be a merchant in a Fallout game.


Not American and curious. I know every state has a variety of different approaches to the 2nd amendment, but that being said, is the silencer legal??


I'm not American either. I live in Northern Europe, buying a suppressor requires no additional paperwork for me.


Where are you ?🇬🇧


Sweden. Similar laws in Norway, Finland, Denmark, France, Poland and probably some others. There are countries where it is illegal too, like Italy. Even in the UK it's easier to own a suppressor than in the US.


I have a theory for this. Hunting is a society wide cultural pastime, whereas here, it's a class thing. You should have a look at a map of areas of natural beauty. That's a classification. Then look at who owns the land. Scotland is private, and that's the Highlands and the private estates. You can't just go hunting. It's not possible. You can't even fish these places because it's the best salmon. Have a look at how much one of these shoots costs, especially if you're going for a stag!!


We have more hunting for sure. But you'd be surprised how easy it is to get a shotgun certificate in the UK. It's basically shall issue, and the youngest person in 2023 with one was 9 years old (there's no lower age limit for a shotgun cert). People don't only hunt, there's sport shooting as well.


Legal in most states, why wouldn't it be? We have countries in Europe where you can buy them like milk. And I'm not kidding. They're actually a lot more regulated in the US.


Did not know that 👍🇺🇸🇬🇧


>is the silencer legal?? Yes, silencers are legal. I have one on my [home defense rifle](https://imgur.com/a/BbBhr6f). You just need to pay a $200 "don't shoot my dog" tax to the ATF.


🤣🤣🤣 Holy shit 👍🇬🇧


*Results may vary*


I was in the military for the first GW, on a destroyer, and there's nothing more dangerous than a sailor with a gun. The only thing I've seen since then would be the police, and rarely. I'd be curious to know if it would be legal here. They do some serious stag hunting in Scotland. What is it??


>I was in the military for the first GW, on a destroyer, and there's nothing more dangerous than a sailor with a gun. The same holds true for the [US Navy](https://www.stripes.com/branches/navy/2024-04-11/navy-backwards-scope-photo-13528758.html) lol. >I'd be curious to know if it would be legal here. The gun culture is quite strong in the UK. Once you receive the licensing and whatnot then suppressors are easy to obtain. You need a reason for owning one, but from what I understand "hearing protection" is almost always acceptable. That's what I use my suppressor for. If I need to use it to defend my home, then I don't want to blow my eardrums out shooting it indoors. It is 100% hearing safe with both supersonic and subsonic ammo.


The Navy removed a post on its official Instagram account Wednesday, April 10, 2024, showing a warship commander firing a rifle with a backward scope. That's brilliant yet not surprising. You can imagine the shit-storm that image caused. When they decided to arm the Quarter Master and his mate, the guys on the gangway who are first contact and security, there were suicides, quick draw shootings, and the usual RN excuse, it just went off in my hand chief!! It's obviously different now, but not too much imagination is needed for how it was in the beginning. I don't suppose you served on Tripoli or Princeton by any chance, I know it's a long shot!! You say a few things that I'm going to be thinking about for a while. I don't know how to say this and not sound like a prick, but I genuinely wish you didn't have to think like that, our realities are so different it's fucking insane when you think about it. 🇺🇸🇬🇧👍


Yeah. Suppressors are 100% legal to own. But the manufacture of them at least if you buy them out of state comes with a $200 tax stamp and I think now a month max of certification from the ATF. But in states like texas(at least so far until the Supreme Court decides) as long as you manufacture your suppressor in state or purchase it in state, it is waved of any NFA requirements. But again, we’ll have to wait for the Supreme Court decision to see how that holds up


If he has a tax stamp for it, yes completely legal.


Honestly, what facepalm about it? You hate guns? These kind of dudes are probably the one who respect gun laws the most.


![gif](giphy|Vi4MRwWi9sYpi|downsized) OP seeing an old man happy (guns are a dog whistle obviously.)


I mean, there are people that collect Funko Pops so...


and those that have a LOT of cats...


tbh this is cooler


Oh no, a guy has a hobby, ridicule him quick


When you don’t have anything else in your life you make fun of other people’s hobbies. Sounds about right.


How many hours do you think were spent agonizing over certain ones fitting together thematically, but tetrising better over here. Beverly get in here!


No Mrs. Second Amendment tiptoeing around there?


Looks like a nice house, degrees on the wall, family photos. He probably has the opposite of nothing.


I mean based on the family photos and such on the wall he actually does have more in life.


Those are some sick guns, Love me some antiques as well.


Not a single .22lr plinkster. I'm dissappointed...


This looks like a collection rather than an arsenal. The way the pistols are arranged is pretty cool. I don’t think you’re making the point you think you’re making.


i get that guns are out of control in america, but i dont see anything wrong with collecting them like this as long as he is responsible and not threatening anyone. judging by how many he has it seems he just enjoys his hobby


A lot of cope here


I'm not a gun person, but I can understand the perspective that guns are tools and people have reasons. And I get collecting stuff. I have a lot of hand tools. but this is like collecting screwdrivers. Lots and lots of screwdrivers. I guess it's nice that he can sit down in the evening and watch whatever is on the gun safe that night.


Would you apply that title to anyone else that takes a picture with any other kind of collection? Seems shitty to judge someone over a hobby.


Some bizarre hateful and just downright pathetic people in this comment section


I was just thinking the same thing.


Probably because... They have no life... I'll show myself out.


I think I’ll break in tonight to see what’s in that safe!


Sweet clock


Not going to lie, my first thought was "cool leopard print rug" before realizing it was actually more guns 😅




There's nothing wrong with being a collector I have basically half of what this guy has atm and I'm only 21 and from Canada. This is no different then people who collect shoes or Funko Pops Pretty sure OP just Disney like the idea of people having access to firearms.


Why we hating on a guy and his hobby? I get that this sub swings left but let bro live.


My only problem is there is no rhyme or reason for the layout of those hand guns! They are every which way!


No Uzi, no AK47, no Desert Eagle, no drum mags. Meh!


Far left on the ground, looks like an AK 47 with folding stock




Why you don't have anything else in your life:*


I need this in my life!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


What’s the point


Lovely collection...my grandad lived in the US. Whenever I visited from UK as a kid, I'd help him load bullets into shells he'd have filled with the right amount of gun powder; he even cast his lead bullets. We'd spend hours at the shooting range. I enjoyed sniping 100 to 300 yards using the .308 rifles...and he's spend time shooting his pistols/handguns at 25m. My grandfather was an ex Olympian & represented his country at the Tokyo & Montreal Olympics for the air pistol discipline. I learned to respect all weaponry, check the chamber was empty, how to strip, clean, re-assemble & lube after use, and for storage. Target shooting - Exhale as one taps the trigger. Keep the grouping tight. A total thrill using rifles at long range with top snotch German glass. I thoroughly enjoyed the discipline and time spent with my grandpa. I loved the smell of gunpowder from empty shells. Today I live in the UK, and my grandpa passed away 15 years ago in the US. I miss him dearly. And I miss my gun collection left with my various aunts. Gun collecting for him was fun. I would collect too If I lived over there. Some ppl who have no clue should refrain for making uneducated remarks. Regarding this picture to elicit mocking...but judging from Diplomas, pictures of his children & grand children - I'd vouched this is a bona fide law abiding citizen. This picture IMHO is normal for US culture, and gun fans. Nothing shocking or controversial about it.


I like how he hung his victims/trophies in frames as opposed to actually stuffing them.


Honestly I feel like he'd be a fun guy


Unless you get on his bad side then he whips out his M61 Vulcan


As a gun guy, this guy has something i'd pay for. Stop bashing pasttimes, not all gun owners are psychos


He has degrees on the wall and family photos....so he's accomplished more than the bitter dorks hating on this sub. The old historical rifles (curio and relics) are just icing on the cake.


I don't see the problem in and of itself, I mean it's a little excessive but I'm withholding judgement on the guy.


Man, people sure do be hating on a dude for having a collection. Honestly it’s wild that people immediately jump to “knowing this dude’s whole life” instead of just going “oh that’s cool” or “oh, I’m not a fan”


Look I’m not gonna make any over-optimistic assumptions about the dude’s personality and such, but that is a *lovely* collection with a lot of visible history, variety, and curiosity. Not some douchey cache of tacti-cool crap. And no posturing or come-at-me nonsense. Just a collector with a group photo of the collection. Dont be (needlessly) hatin’ y’all


I mean I just see an older guy showing off his primarily antique gun collection. I see plenty in there I wish I could afford, and he probably picked them up for pennies on the dollar back in the day. Would you be as judgmental if his hobby was classic cars or model airplanes? Also you say he has nothing else but I see portraits of kids and grandkids and I see diplomas on the wall. I’m single and posting on Reddit after midnight, how about you.


I don’t see anything wrong wit this


Hating on a collection and a hobby, nice. Maybe you are the one that doesn’t have anything else to do in your life


amazing, hating on peoples hobbies for no reason, thanks reddit, very cool.


With the direction this world is going….


Honestly, I don't mind. I get why people would have guns, and he looks more like a collector than anything else. People can collect what they want, for instance I collect pokemon plushies, but others may see no point in them and see them as a waste of money. The issue only arises when you're not mentally stable enough or have a good enough record and proof that you won't use a gun improperly and you get a machine gun anyways.


The orientations of all of those pistols is weird... ohh.. oh yeah, that fits.


Perfect headline


I still reckon I could get that off him


Thus hobby seems expensive. I'll stick to flashlights


He’s gunned himself into a corner though. Rookie mistake that


It's even crazier than that [wall of guns](https://everydaynodaysoff.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Tremors-Rec-Room-Gun-Wall-Display.jpg) in the original Tremors.


Me but with decks for card games. Just to give an idea I have about 85 magic decks.


Apocalypse Now Reborn


This looks more like a historical collection, rather than somebody having a hundred fully automatics or some shit like that.


Voted most likely to shoot himself in the foot


On the walls are photos of the family members who have gone no contact with him.


Human as a Ticking time bomb


"Economic Anxiety" they say, while ignoring a guy spending more on guns than some people make in a year.


What is it lately with this sub and non-facepalm stuff? Like the guy has a collection, whatever, people collect stuff.


that man has a very small penis


How can you say he has nothing else. He has a couple nutcrackers. That's not nothing. But ya.. otherwise nothing.


Weight wise he's a well balanced individual with those guns


Maybe, but then why do you need anything else?


That man must have the smallest of small dicks. He probably drives a really, really big pickup truck as well.


99 problems but a gun ain't one......... Okay maybe it's closer to 92


Nice try - looks like a nice house, college degrees, and several children - cry a little harder OP and mind your own pathetic business


Nice try - looks like a nice house, college degrees, and several children - cry a little harder OP and mind your own pathetic business


Nice try - looks like a nice house, college degrees, and several children - cry a little harder OP and mind your own business


The guy clearly has photos of his wife and children. OP is clearly the facepalm here.


It’s all fun and games until he starts buying ammo


you can count the crippling debt from here.. "Thanks Obama"


I'm nominating this guy for "most likely to shoot himself in the foot".


Ngl I think it would be cool to own all of that


And have a small dick


Looks like a fun hobby. I wouldn't want to fund it though... yikes.


Could'a bought a pretty nice boat, but instead he's got a safe full of paper-weights.


naw, most of those are the guns you get for $60.00 with 500 ancient rounds of ammunition at a gun show because they have been unsold for the past 30 years and are taking up space.


A lot of those older calibers still get produced new. Source: I own a Turkish 8mm Mauser, the ammo is more expensive for 500 rounds than the rifle itself.


If it floats, flies or fornicates, always rent it. -Felix Dennis Boats are a waste of money to purchase and only depreciate in value. These guns, if taken care of will only go up in value.


Putting pictures of his victims on the walls is tres gauche.


"After my wife and kids left, I decided to expand my hobby slightly."


Only likes one amendment


I'm sure this is exactly what the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the second amendment. I have no problem if a law abiding, mentally stable citizen wants a handgun for self defense or rifle for hunting. But NOBODY needs a fucking arsenal like this in their house.


I see family pictures, but only one chair. Even his family want nothing to do with this clown.


Probably spent more on the guns than his kids