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That pedo does not look 40


Girl doesn't look 8 either. Wouldn't surprise me if neither picture was of the person involved, though I don't doubt the story unfortunately.


Story is from 2013 and tragically real, but you are correct that the photos are not.


Bummer to be the guy in a stock photo as an Islamic pedophile rapist child murderer.


>Ebrahim Yusuf Kazi was sentenced to two years in prison for abusing young girls when he was an Imam at Broad Street mosque in Swindon, UK. Not too far off.


At least they didn’t use some innocent poor shits photo for this.


They probably just searched "Muslim pedophile". The picture is among the top search results. I mean, this is the work of a very well funded "IT cell" run by the government. (context in my other comment in this same thread) That's the least they could do, lol.


*Stock photo of student working on a laptop.*


Ah yes the usual religious leaders people being pedos


Two years more than Prince Andrew, whose legal woes were paid by the British tax payers.


[Newschecker](https://newschecker.in/fact-check/8-year-old-yemeni-child-bride-misleading/) Incidents are real...but apparently pictures are the work of Indian right-wing anti-Muslim propagandists.


“Uterine rupture”?! What did this guy do to this poor girl? Fucking Christ, my whole day is ruined.


yup, a child's body is not large enough to accommodate a grown man's penis without serious damage. he's a psychopath, and patriarchy is barbarous, and I want to puke. and k*ll him.


I want him to get vigorously rammed with a clydesdale horse size dildo up his ass (no lube as obviously he would not use any himself) until it perforates his colon, and then keep going. At the same time, he should have a 1-2 inch cactus (the ones with both long and short spines) continuously, vigorously shoved in his penis while medicated with viagra. 90% rubbing alcohol and hot sauce (made from the hottest pepper known to man) should be applied liberally and repeatedly to both the cactus and dildo. The activity should continue until he bleeds the f**k out! And it still won’t be enough after what he did to that poor girl.


Yeah clearly this guy is a POS


That says there are 650 million child brides in the world and that number is fucked


Why else would a pedophile marry a child?


That number has to be a little skewed by teenagers, right? How many kids even are there? Jesus Christ.


I don't know the source or the stat, but I assume this is the number of women alive who were married before the age of 18. Some of them are old widows by now.


Yah its clearly not a real number. The amount being more than 0 is a problem, why lie?


Ok so I tried to link sources but my comment got removed twice. But it's actually an accurate number. Just Google "how many child brides in the world"


Even 1 is fucked tbh


Imagine just being some random old geezer and your photo pops up next to a story that doesn’t relate to you.


Nah, the guy in the photo is a pedophile himself, so there no sympathy for him- convicted in the UK.


Damn you recognise him? Regardless of this guy, I’m just saying imagine if your pic randomly popped up next to an article that in no way relates to you. Like did they just get a pic of some girl from google images or something?


Yeah: Ebrahim Yusuf Kazi, he was an Imam. I remember it cos the bastard only got 2 years cos the crimes were committed in thr 70s and 80s and had a lower sentence then even though his trial was in 2011. (I'm a but vague on details now but I remember the outrage!!!) But yeah, I see your point! And wow! That'd be awful- If you watch friends, kinda like Joey's VD commercial!


I'm almost 40 and tired guy could be my grandfather


This makes my stomach turn. How anybody can let this happen is beyond me.


Don’t worry about it… because it can get even worse: https://islamicvirtues.com/2013/12/28/deriving-sexual-pleasure-from-infants/ https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Thighing


Just reading those links I already don't wanna click


Imagine needing a book to tell you that molesting children is wrong. Imagine thinking this is acceptable on the sole basis that it is not specifically condemned in your book. Lunatics.


It doesn’t say it’s wrong. Yikes


If it did, there would be some tricky questions raised regarding Mohammed and Aisha when she was ~6 and the description of him bathing her reads like erotica. The whole reason 9 is the age for intercourse is because that's how long Mohammed waited with Aisha after marrying her at age 4.


What. The heck.


Religion of peace


What the hell


That’s so fucked


Yeah this just confirms Islam is disgusting


If you have a Republican representative you should ask them. They are the ones attempting to make or keep this legal in the US. When you read the story about the child who died working in the US abattoir ask the representative the same thing.


Where are the Republicans who are saying "protect the children"?


Disgusting. I don’t understand how anyone can look at a kid that young and be sexually attracted.


Some cultures truly are a dumpster fire. I hate that this happens to so many children.


I hate that it’s a common occurrence to happen to *girls throughout so many cultures




For real. For some reason people started using culture and religion to accept some stuff we would never otherwise. The western world has values we try and keep up. A "religion" is not an excuse to not have to adhere to them. We have woman rights, age of consent, accept gay couples, etc. Respect that, or expect hostility.


I mean, there are US states in which its complete legal to marry a child.


Child marriage is legal in most of the US. Fucking nasty.


[The Values](https://goppredators.wordpress.com/) we must accept, respect, and try to keep up with.. or else face hostility.


well hang them all


Those are indeed terrible people. I am talking mainly from Europe, for context. Even tho this should be dealt with ofcourse, I don't think a whole religion should be given a pass because some Republicans do it as well.


The western world is banning abortion because of christian values. Also child brides are very much a thing amongst christian fundamentalists too. this is not an islam issue this is a religious fucks grooming kids issue


Western values does not mean Christian values (anymore). I want to step away from religion as much as you seem to do.


Fuck any religion that condones shit like this right into the dirt with a rusty ice pick.


Fuck any religion. Full stop.


I mean Buddhists are pretty chill. Both Buddhists and Sihks feed thousands of people everyday for free


Not the Buddhists that helped do a genocide in Myanmar.


Buddhists have a dark history also. Most westerners just think Buddhism is all zen and dalai lama.


Buddhist are just like any other religion-full of people looking to receive the good at the end of life while doing the minimum during life. It is very objectified in the West. https://info-buddhism.com/Abuse_and_Buddhism-Behind_the_Smiling_Facade-Anna_Sawerthal.html https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/pema-chodron-and-metoo-buddhism-7ab58af12476 https://buddhism-controversy-blog.com/2017/06/21/abuse-in-the-buddhist-community-this-victim-tells-her-story-for-the-first-time/ And I can tell you from personal experiences that there is misuse of money, blind eyes to sexual harassment and abuse, lying and cheating with a smile on just like other religions.


Buddhist protest the coolest way, true.


Agreed. I'd just like the ones that condone shit like this fucked a bit harder.


I have no quarrel with that. ![gif](giphy|NCjISbEPFxm48)


Muhammad: The pedophile prophet. To hell with anyone and everyone who condones and participates in this shit. Children need to be protected, regardless of whatever fucked up religion they are born into.


This isn't isolated to Islam, it's also legal in many states in the US as well. With Republicans protecting it at every turn.


What states in the US is it legal to sleep with a 9yr old


there are 20 US states that do not have a minimum age for marriage as long as there's parental consent.


Yep. I’m from WV and it was last year (I think) that we had a bill that was attempting to raise the age for marriage to 18 and they were like “naw, it’d be really awful having all these 16 year olds not only pregnant, but NOT MARRIED, the shame.” So as it stands now, in WV, if you’re 16 you can get married with permission from your parents but if you’re any younger, don’t worry! You can still get married, but you also have to have a judge sign off on it.


Does the judge get any discretion in signing off on the marriage? Would there not be some kind of child protection legislation that could come into consideration? I’m not familiar with the laws in WV, I’m just curious


To be frank, I’m not 100% sure. I doubt there’s many safe guards in place. I love my home state but we’re really not good at protecting well, anybody. Especially young kids. The quotes I read from representatives who voted against the bill, lead me to believe there isn’t much hope. They genuinely just think it’s normal to get married very young. Which, to be fair, in my family, is a thing. My great grandma was married at age 14/15 to a 27 year old, she started having children within the year. She had 10 children before she was 40. My mamaw started having children around age 15, married at 16, then had 4 children before she was 20. My mamaw and my bio papaw divorced at some point when my dad was very young, and she gave him and my aunt up for adoption, and kept her two oldest sons. This is what they’re advocating for. For families to begin before they need to and in turn, destroy children’s lives. Fuck these people.


It’s stuff like this that makes me glad there’s better child protection over here in the UK. Once people start losing the fundamental right to decide what happens to their bodies and their childhoods, there’s groundwork for the loss of other rights that are even more integral.


California, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma have no minimum age of marriage with parental consent.


Most of them if you marry her first


California, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Child marriage is legal in those states with no minimum. There are legal hurdles, though, and it is unlikely to happen in the US. But Christians in other countries also practice child marriage.


Not exclusive ≠ Not a problem I'm not going to call you out for whataboutism (even though that's what you're doing). Instead, I'm going to point out the obvious. Find me **-in America-** where that happens without the presence of religious motivation and influence. Take religion out of the equation. How many child marriages still occur in the United States?


You're not wrong but it's mostly Christians doing the child marriages in the US


Happens in some sects of Christianity too. Look up child marriage in the US.


I knew a woman who's first marriage was at 12. The states are just as bad when it comes to child brides.


I read a 12-13 year old child marriage survivor’s testimony about finally managing to escape (with small babies in tow) her violent rapist “husband.” It was horrifying . I thought “this must have happened decades ago.” Nope. Happens today, legally. I couldn’t believe it!


The way its described it sounds less like a religion and more like some just basic tradition that any other normal and sane culture and people would have realised is fucking bullshit decades ago in a similar way to how people realised that amputating legs over minor injuries and using leeches wasn't a good idea.


Mohammed married a 9 year old


he married a 7 year old and waited till 9 till he fucked her




The Holy Ghost raped a minor.


It's what this religion is based of.


8 year old child dies from internal bleeding due to being raped by 40 year old predator. There, I fixed the title for what it is. Fucking pig. I can only Hope he got what he deserved since then.


"8 year old child, legally sold to 40 year old pedophile, was literally raped to death. Religious followers say "That's a bit of a downer" and change nothing".


“A bit of a downer” ☠️




The article calling an 8 year old child a “young lady” is not helping at all…


That's not a young lady. ThAT WAS A CHILD.


Do they genuinely not have women of their own age to get married to? Why do they do this?


Because of the extreme poverty in the Yemeni lower classes many people marry their daughters to older men who, in exchange, give the parents a large dowry.


There are places that do this that do not have such poverty. There are places with such poverty that do not do this. That is not the root.


Women of his age are sick of putting up with his shit… and they’re 40 - 50 years to old to be of interest to him anyways.


Because of some bullshit related to their prophet


It's Islam's version of ***"What Would Jesus Do?"*** Muhammad did it, and since Islam considers Muhammad the most admirable person who has ever lived and someone Muslims should emulate....


Pretty much yeah


They need a virgin I guess and due to the pressure of getting married at a young age, they are few and far between. If your husband dies, you're screwed.




Even the theory is horrible. You don't need to put it into practice to know that.


As horrible as this is, the language of the article trivializes it. She was not a YOUNG LADY. SHE WAS A CHILD!


Glad that wording made someone else's skin crawl


I'm chalking it up to non-native speakers of English writing articles in English.


That’s a possibility I hadn’t considered. Should still have had a final edit before publication though.


When a man kiss a man because they just love each other - stones to the death. When a man rapes and kills a little child and their parents are fine - nothing to see here.


Remember the prophet had a child bride so it’s all ok


"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."


I had to look up context. What a great quote.


Very rare British W.


She would have been older than 18 now if not for this monster ([Originating article](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/sep/11/yemen-child-bride-dies-wedding) is more than 10 years old)


Fucking animals 🤬


Not yet. They do that next.


Only if they're baby animals


*female, because doing a male would be GAY


Fucking religions around the world. They want to ban so much shit. They should be banned.


Cheers to that!!!


It's inane that child brides are still a thing. Even here in the US. This simply shouldn't happen. There are too many reasons to think otherwise, and shit like this definitely tops that list.


Im gonna have to unsub from this sub man. This is too depressing :(


Nothing in the history of humanity has harmed more children than religion. It's not even close. Every last adult who arranged and consented to this "marriage" needs to be removed from the gene pool.


And struck from historical records as the world sees it they will never have existed


And there are Christians in political power here that want to make this legal here as well


Don't forget they are the same guys who say LGBT people are groomers


They are excellent at projection.


It’s already legal in a bunch of states.


Religion-kill it with fire


Anyone who thinks this should be allowed in society should be put in a brass bull


This is 11 years old: https://www.cnn.com/2013/09/15/world/meast/yemen-child-bride/index.html?cid=ios_app It's still disgusting.


Disgusting 🤢 should be banned . Poor girl


I need to vomit.


“YoU hAvE tO rEsPeCt OtHeR pEoPLe’S bELieFs” 🥴 No I don’t. Because some people’s beliefs are stupid, wrong, and evil. I don’t respect this or any abuse even if you try to disguise it as a religion. This guy doesn’t deserve to live




Don’t forget Christianity and a slew of other religions.






🥺 poor baby.


What a terrible day to be literate.


“The child was sentenced to a 40-year-old man” fixed it


...I just wanna talk.


What the fuck.


I just want 5 minutes alone in a room with motherfuckers like this


All religion is mental illness, change my mind!


Religion and tradition can go to hell. I want to say some crass words, but I can't think of the english versions of them. It's a different kind of anger when you cus in your native language. This comment may get deleted and I may get banned from the sub, but fuck islam, fuck christianity, fuck hinduism, fuck judaism, fuck buddhism, fuck jainism, fuck sikhism, and fuck whatever kind of religion people follow. When bullshit like this has no place in modern society, it should be discarded. Any religion or tradition that doesn't conform with time needs to be thrown away. I'm disgusted by this. I'm proud that I discarded my religion. I'm proud I don't give a fuck about traditions.


100% agree ! Why is religion needed anyway? To stop people from ___ kids ? Clearly didn’t work here. So what’s left? To stop people from murdering eachother ? Not working either. So why do we need to shove it down each others throat, and other body openings?


>ALL barbaric traditions should be abolished. FTFY, if it's barbaric, it has to go.


What does FTFY mean? I read it as Fuck This, Fuck You but I fear that's not it


Fixed That For You.


He is a monster. Poor child.


I mean they largely are abolished. There’s only an ahem… certain part of the world that still has it at all.


Even those who condone these traditions should end...


Is this not child rape? Involving the parent’s consent.


Fucking animals.


It’s crap like this that makes me cringe when people invoke “traditional values” as an excuse for their questionable behaviours.


Is this a real story? Serious question. The guy looks East Asian. The child has a super high quality pic, which is unlikely to be real given standard of living in Yemen, especially in a village. Also, you would expect to see traditional wedding attire. She’s not wearing Yemeni wedding attire. A google search shows what that would look like. Sorry but there’s too much propaganda on the internet to take anything at face value. Especially a “screenshot” rather than a link to a legitimate news publication. High probability it’s just designed to generate clicks/upvotes and spread anti Arab/Muslim propaganda. If this really happened, obviously it’s terrible.


This story is unfortunately true, these photos however are not them. I *really* wish “journalists” would stop attaching random photos of other people to real headlines. Especially about serious topics like this.


I just googled meedi hajjah and the top hit in a guardian article confirming it. It's a 10 year old story but that doesn't mean it's not gross or completely normalised by millions of people. I'm perfectly fine with people getting angry about shit like this. Putting the spotlight on religious atrocities is important The picture is his police mugshot. Just backwards image searched it.


are we at the point where we can nail people to a big hunk of wood again yet? I’m really down to bring this back.


Jesus Christ this is fucking horrendous. May he rot in hell as he deserves.


Backward fuckers!


I am glad people are getting madder at this. That precious baby didn't deserve to suffer.


They have been mad since 2013 when this happened


Sahih al-Bukhari 5133 Narrated `Aisha: that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death). Grade: Sahih (Authentic) Muhammad married her at 6 when he was 53 years old https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5133


Fucking sick bastard! Not even facepalm. This is horrific. Delete this shit.


I agree on principal. ...but I also don't want this in my search history verifying that this is a real article.


The title alone makes me feel sick


Only savage nasty ignorant disgusting people would approve of this - f em all.


Fucking disgusting. I don’t care if it’s their culture or custom, it’s FUCKING DISGUSTING


I am assuming this isn’t seen as wrong by many (Muslims), or at the very least, not openly condemned, as Muhammad did the same? I mean, his child wife survived the ordeal, but consummated the marriage with the kid nonetheless.


you know…. maybe torture isnt that bad of a punishment


muslims are so fucked


Before any American redditors get too smug: republicans in red states are actually trying to repeal laws banning child marriages.


Nice, 11 year old story about a child being fucked to death that’s using incorrect photos. Fuck you. Fuck Reddit.


he is just following Muhammed's example.


He's a pedophile. It doesnt matter what religion or dogma, he is a child predator. He should be called such in the articles.


Every time America tries to ban it, Republicans come to its defense.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is horrific. Now every American reading this needs to also look up child marriage in the US and write to your lawmakers if your state allows this. Afghanistan has tougher rules on this than a bunch of states, according to Human Rights Watch. There are a number of states with no minimum age limit as long as other things (like parental permission) are present. Many of these marriages would otherwise be considered a sex crime, and some are a “get of jail” card for a rapist.


Unchained at last and UNICEF USA are two groups working on ending child marriage in the US. Children who are married (besides the sexual abuse) are often not able to divorce by law until old enough and there are few domestic violence supports for them.


From the article "Many poor families in Yemen marry off young daughters to save on the costs of bringing up a child and earn extra money from the dowry given to the girl." Scream all you like about how bad socialism is but in a world where wealth is distributed equally these kinds of atrocities would not happen.


And this is the society the Afghan people allowed because they are too much of a coward to fight the Taliban.


Remember come election day that Republicans recently voted against banning child marriage.


Everyone should praise Muhammed, pedophile/ rapist/ prophet .


Mohammed was a pedo too. Never forget. All eyes on Yemen.


That's not culture or tradition, this is pedophilia and rape.


Fucking monster!


Absolutely revolting! That poor girl.




This shouldn’t be a tradition. It’s a crime


Burn him


i think that's wrong


And the offenders cremated alive


And yet people devote so much time and energy to protesting the war...


Now I’m not saying it isn’t an issue, because child marriage still exists and is fucked up and definitely needs to be stopped. But I just wanted to point out this particular news case was from 2013. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE98910N/


That's so fucking sad. Those humans are savages that shouldn't be alive.


8-year-old Child Dies from Internal Bleeding After Being Repeatedly Raped by a Man Old Enough to be Her Great-grandfather *That’s better.*


Seriously what's the point of having auch a young bride?


Poor baby


The British recorded millions of deaths of “child brides” during their time in India.


How? How!!? As a human person, witnessing the pain you are inflicting on a person, not to mention a CHILD not stop and keep going to such an extend that the child dies!?? How do you not stop? How can you keep on going? How is this in any way related to any kind of pleasure??????? Even before considering the fact that you are having sex with a CHILD!!!! Some things are beyond forgiveness and rehabilitation. Ignorance, culture and poor education cannot justify this. It’s about BASIC human emotions and empathy. That poor girl. Horrible! Her parents are as guilty as this man.