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https://nypost.com/2024/05/25/us-news/ohio-mom-headed-to-prison-for-tots-deadly-mountain-dew-diet/amp/ Father was in on it too & they had a son who had issues at 4 as well.


*Banks, 41, often gave the girl bottles of baby formula mixed with the neon-green sugary soda, according to prosecutors, long after she should have been weaned off bottles.* Yeah she should have been using a cup. /s


I think the point is simply that even the baby formula was a horribly neglectful choice, as kids should be off formula and eating real food by one year old.


You can still breast feed/use formula at 2 or even 3 years old, but should also be eating solid food.


But most important, the formula should be mixed with water, not Mountain Dew, no matter the age of the person drinking it.


Honestly no one should drink Mountain Dew, pretty sure that is about as bad for you as it gets.


Have you tried meth by chance


Mountain dew gives you small energy, with the sugar crash, but still is fairly consistent from day to day. Meth on the other hand, gives you big energy that lasts. But consistency is shot to hell because after a few days of doing crystal, it is no good, cannot be kept up. Believe me I've tried.


So you're saying do meth for more energy. I like your style.


Make sure to mix it with baby formula first!


Have you tried Mountain Meth?




Meth is a solid. No good for mixing with formula. At least not without some Dew too.


It’s What Plants Crave Though! You want thems to use Toilet Water for Baby Formula? (This Idiocracy reference, Brought to you by Carl’s Jr., “I Love You.”)


Yeah my son nursed the first two years. But he was okayed by his pediatrician for solids at six months!! So was my daughter and they have a few years between them. When my son was sick around a year and older he’d want to solely nurse and it was borderline impossible for him to eat enough. It’s so difficult when they are sick. I can’t imagine how ravenous this girl was constantly, I feel sick reading this. I don’t get why it’s in facepalm it’s sinister and horrifying


Soft solids at 6 months, full solids by 12-18 months (depends on the baby). I’m looking forward to when my baby can finally start eating solids. L


It's actually way, way more annoying, because even though they can eat solids, most babies don't want to, as its more tiring and they dislike new things. So expect to be preparing variety of food for them to taste just for them to refuse to eat any of it so you need to try something else. Weaning my daughter off the bottle was probably the most frustrating period of her life (so far, she's 4)


I didn’t have this experience with either of my boys, they started solids around 5 months & ate everything happily


All mine wanted was carrots and sweet potatoes and turkey. He wouldn't eat anything else. Now he's 21 and still picky as hell


Oh my god. Dude this hits home, I got a 1.5 year old daughter and I’ve got type 3c diabetes. I couldn’t imagine dealing with DKAs delivered from my parents. I would have such a messed up concept of “food.”


"I thought I was taking care of her" Bitch no the fuck you didn't. While any parent can make a mistake, this level of negligence shows a lack of caring for the child's wellbeing. Literally she could have just googled "what to feed a toddler" and known this is a bad idea. This isn't not having the resources to know what to do, this is just apathy towards the girl's health and it's what killed her.


“Bitch, no the fuck you didn’t” was also my exact response to that. This woman is a monster.


She didn’t even have to google. She has that ‘I spent every free minute on Facebook’ look. She could have asked there and even those morons would have set her ass straight.


That's where she learned not to let the government tell her how to feed a toddler.


Ah - good point. 😣


As the mother of a diabetic child, she should have been required to take a nutrition class to learn what foods her kid could eat and in what portions. My mother is a piece of shit too but she at least did the bare minimum long enough for me to figure it out myself. The negligence by the woman and the dad is disgusting.


Only nine years? This is basically murder


They didn’t. It was her kid from someone else. He said he didn’t even know about the first incident or that another child of hers had diabetes. He seems slightly more aware than her


How does someone not notice this stuff living in the same house? 🙄


The other kid didn’t live with them. He says he never met his little sister so it’s possible the dude had never met him either. Sounds like he was removed from the home more than a decade ago As for how the dad didn’t know it was wrong? I think there is a low level of intelligence and education with both of them.


You don't need brains to stick it in the hole.


I'm guessing drugs.


She’s the type that thinks water only comes out of the toilet.




You are an unfit parent, your children are now being taken away and placed in custody of Carls Jr… Would you like to try our new **EXTRA BIG ASS TACO?!?!?**


“ Carls Jr, fuck you, I’m eating”


Go away, batin


Ow my balls!


Unfit in both ways


Welcome to Costco …. I love you!


Love you too.


It has what plants crave




It's what babies crave.


It’s got electrolytes




It's got what plants crave.


My first job at a pizza place, we had a co-worker that ran the counter, she looked similar to this woman, and just drank mountain dew all day. Anytime me or another co-worker would go fill our water cups, she would just scream, "oh my God I hate water, how can you drink that nasty shit!"


I had same reaction to water in the past, because a sugar addiction which was forced on me as a child. My parents were young and didn't know they shouldn't feed me with a tons of sugar, I mostly drink sugary fruit juices after which made all my teeth rot around age 5-6. Beside that my grandma was force feed me as a kid with huge amount a food and candy which lead to developing an eating disorder which I'm fighting to this day. Beside that they spoil me and stopped me from developing any self-sufficiency or just a will to do things. So getting over this kind of things as an adult was pretty hard. Sugar addiction toke me years to beat, but now I can go on without sugar without a problem, the eating disorder is still hard to manage and I have to keep it under control, but I was able to lose a massive body weight, but It's still a struggle everyday. People like your co-worker are usually a victim of bad parenting and it require a huge will power to break free from habits they developed as a child.


For those of you who don't know, your gut contains billions and billions of microbes. Which microbes are there can affect a lot of different things throughout your body. If someone consumes a lot of sugar then your gut microbes will change and can become dependant of high sugar intake. This can lead to sugar addiction because your gut microbes can affect signals to your brain causing sugar cravings. This is still a newish science and I'm not an expert so I will not be taking questions.


Tell her it only tastes bad to her because water and fat don't mix


Hahaha ZING!


It gets worse.  Formula isn’t designed for 4 year olds.  They’re supposed to be eating actual food.


What? Like stuff that comes out of the ground? That's gross.


Ugh! Animals poop on the ground!




Somehow in the face of the rest of this stupidity I missed the fact that she was four…


Something something electrolytes.


It’s what plants crave


It got electrolytes. it's what kids crave, I suppose.


From the toilet? That's gay! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a full service appointment at H&R Block.


I’m going to get a Latte.


I think it's more the type of person that thinks water and soda are the same thing because "both be liquid"..


It’s what plants crave!


It’s got electrolytes, what babies crave


Ohio…Just Florida w/ snow


Ohio resident here... Yup, those that can't handle the snow anymore are shipped south!


Florida has been plenty of snow. You just need to go to Miami


South Carolina resident here... We know, please stop it.


Detroiter here... Geographically, this is about right, as we have a lot of similarities to Atlanta.


I live in Atlanta and a lot of my clients are in Detroit, so I go there fairly often. Culturally I kinda agree with you. But Detroit is flat and ATL is hilly as fuck, and we don’t have the abandoned house problem.


Can't argue with geography, but when's the last time you went into the neighborhoods? The vast majority of our abandoned houses are either redeveloped or demolished. This was a big part of the lawsuit against the census bureau...10,000 abandoned houses rehabbed and occupied in the last 5 years... But the census bureau counts that for exactly 0, using their antiquated population estimate formulas.


I've heard Michigan described as Florida crazy with Canada weather. Or does Ohio take that crown?


Oh god, if we're Florida, what the hell would that make Ohio?


Flatter West Virginia?


I think I trust the Gen Alphas on this one, Ohio is just as worthy of criticism as Florida


Always has been.


I hate when parents give their children soda, especially children under 5. They absolutely don’t need to be consuming that much sugar and people forget that caffeine is a drug.


Sugar has drug-like effects on the brain too and is very addictive. Kids should only have sugar in moderation.


Exactly, then they grow up addicted to sugar and soda.


Customers for life


The American way!


Well, that’s your take after “haven” to take those pre-panatel classes the judge told you to take. Grammy mom dint take them when I sprung out my mothereens youngins. And me and buster ain’t got time to take classes because we ain’t gots no car: our car gets 1/3 the way and breaks down. Again… I just want to sit through a session so I can get the card signed and aren’t screwed over by the judge. Well, what have you learned from those classes? Don’t be late and get your paper signed. No, no, about your children. What did you learn from your kids. The kids better not make me late and make me forget the signature page. This is the gauntlet those parents are going through. Crazy to us, normal to them.


🥲 I so wish this weren't so true. Where did it all go wrong?


Really fucking sad when you’re about to put a kid under anesthesia for them to get every tooth either capped or pulled and they’re in the preop area with Meemaw who has no teeth and two teenage parents who are working on losing what’s left of theirs. 4 yr old kid. They have no idea how fucked they are just by being born into a family like that. Not fair. Meemaws telling a 4yr old that they have to brush their teeth or they’ll end up like her. Stop giving your kid soda and juice. Stop letting them snack all day on crackers. For the love of Christ brush your kids teeth, like actually, and get them used to it early. So depressing.


Good thing for including juices. Many have more sugar and calories than Coke.


Bro there are people still sending their kids to bed with a bottle of milk or juice. That shit just sits on their teeth all night and melts them.


Yep. My kids (1, 2, and 4) get one cup of juice per day and it always diluted 1 part juice and 1 part water. It’s ridiculous how much sugar is in a simple “no sugar added” apple juice. We started brushing all of their teeth as soon as they each got their first one, too, so it’s a normal part of the routine for us.


My mom watered down our juice til we were like 8/9 and even then she still watered down, just not as much. That was and still should be standard practice.


Lack of proper education, these things should be taught in school from an early age.


I have a 4 year old… caffeine and sugar are the last things he needs!!! I need the caffeine though. He’ll be up way too early.


Right? He’d be bouncing off the walls. Nothing wrong with caffeine, it’s just not for young kids


I’m a server and the only time I’m secretly judging people is when they let their young children drink as much soda as they want


Neither of my kids get soda except on rare occasions. It’s just fucking horrible for you. It allows you to intake a ton of sugar extremely quickly, and it doesn’t even fill you up so you can drink a ton of it throughout the day without realizing how much sugar you’re actually consuming. Like it’s wild when you actually pile the amount of sugar contained in a beverage next to the container.


That’s why obesity is an epidemic in the US, much worse than other countries. Soda most likely the leading cause.


Soda, slurpees and iced coffee. They are just cups of sugar water being sold by the 32oz, oftentimes 2-3 times a day. I’m bad about it. I fucking love soda. Straight up addicted to it.


I was addicted to pop but I moved that to sugar free drinks like Bubly or Coke Zero or Dr Pepper Zero. Can go with the cherry or other flavors as well. I can drink several cans and not feel like shit other than the pain in the wallet when you look at how much you spend vs just drinking iced cold water.


Yeah, for sure, and definitely a driver of Type 2 diabetes. I used to be a home health nurse, and it’s crazy how little some people with the disease understand about limiting sugar. Like one patient I had kept having no really high blood sugars and his wife is like “I stopped letting him eat candy” but I found out he was drinking a HUGE amount of country time lemonade. I had to basically tell he was getting like a quarter cup of sugar per glass she was giving him. Now I’m a hospice nurse so I can tell patients they can eat whatever they want as long as it doesn’t make them feel like shit, which is a lot less stressful.


Being a hospice nurse must be hard too though. Good on you


Yeah, but I love it and feel like I’m in a position to really help people. In home health I felt like I was banging my head against the wall a lot of the time.


My dad used to smoke around me all the time, parents are idiots, especially if they grew up with neglectful/crazy parents.


You see it all the time in my northern UK. Kids strapped into pushchairs (strollers) who are then given bottles of Coke and a 500 calorie pastry. I’ve seen kids who can’t be more than 3ish drinking an entire one of those 500ml bottles.


Definitely going to grow up obese and hooked on sugar and people wonder why. It’s the habits they learned as kids.


Doesn’t help my town has a metric crapload of takeaway pizza, kebab and junk food places. I grew up and still know people for whom not being able to cook or relying on ready dinners/takeaways was actually a source of pride. Back in my old job I was considered an oddity because I rarely ate delivery or takeaway food apart from fish and chips, can cook a fairly large amount of things from memory, own and use recipe books and can plan meals with relative ease including planning and budgeting shopping.


My parents were kinda shit... But they never let us kids have soda or candy unless it was a really special occasion (like Halloween or a birthday party). Out of all my friends, I'm the only one who didn't end up addicted to soda/candy/caffeine/junk food as a teen/adult. I have some friends who are 40+ that drink half a case of soda a day every weekend. Absolutely WILD. Probably one of the only decent things my parents did while raising us. Lol


At least they were good in that regard! It’s crazy how many grown adults are addicted to sugar and sweets. I’d feel gross after only a little bit, maybe an ice cream once in a while but that’s mostly it. Soda is like the fastest way to consume the most amount of sugar. Straight up nasty.


My son wouldn't even drink ginger ale when he was sick. He's three. Only likes milk, juice, and water


There is a disproportionate number of patients on My 600 Lb Life that are from Ohio. That state needs nutritional education STAT.


Not enough people seem to talk about it because they share a border with West Virginia, but Ohio also has a very serious obesity problem. Most of the Midwest does. But especially Ohio.


I've lived around the Midwest and I can confidently say whatever the fuck they're doing for education over there clearly isn't working. The amount of confidently stupid people is just depressing. Living there made me want to die sometimes.


Curious... Does anyone know if Ohio has always been...uneducated and obese? Or was there some catalyst over the last few decades. I actually did notice that "my 600lb life" had a lot of people from Ohio and surrounding states and I'm just curious what happened, and when?


I lived there in my teens and early twenties. Southwestern area. I've come to suspect a lot of the problems come from the water (not a joke). Cancer, birth defects, all kind of things happening in that area that doesn't seem to be jotted down in the stats... or maybe they are and it's just a disproportional amount in the area I lived. Seriously. There are environmental factors at play, combined with a terrible education system and socio-economic problems, causing some serious health and mental issues. At least where I lived. ETA: Can't complain about the cost of living, though. Inexpensive. If only the pay were better. Gotta love that, yeah? Hey, cheap rent! But shit pay.


Wow... Thats depressing to hear... So many towns in the US have such toxic water or chemicals in the air. I've watched a few documentaries about that, and it's shocking. Causes sooo many health issues (mental and physical). I live in the PNW (so i know very little about the south)... But, uh... I don't really have any want to visit a very large potion of the US, usually for reasons like you mentioned. This country makes me depressed :/


As a convenience store employee in WV…it’s bad


Entire states need to be told to not spoonfeed soda with baby formula ? Man sometimes I want to make efforts about america but sometimes I don't get reasons


Keep up the effort. Always remember you may have read about the lunatic mixing soda and formula, but you didn't read about the ones who didn't and would never purely out of common sense.


I believe they've taken the "thoughts & prayers" approach. Nutritional studies are the devil's work, no need for communist indoctrination when Jesus is in your life. God gave them the freedom to be obese. /s obviously


So, what are we talking here? Free will? God given right to freedom? I need to know what to claim on my next uber-stupid choice. I want excuses, too!


We all have the free will to be as stupid as we want which is what makes America so great.


These people are highly immune to learning.


Apparently she’d had another child (4 years old at the time as well) go into a diabetic coma: [https://people.com/mom-sentenced-death-4-year-old-daughter-who-was-fed-mountain-dew-in-bottle-teeth-had-rotted-out-8654046](https://people.com/mom-sentenced-death-4-year-old-daughter-who-was-fed-mountain-dew-in-bottle-teeth-had-rotted-out-8654046)


I’m curious if this is type 1 or 2. Because it’s not said anywhere in the article. Mentioning DKA tells me it’s type 1. Which is much more rare, and to have both kids have it is definitely genetics involved. The parents should at least have an idea on how to take care of it. I can only chalk this up to intentional murder. There’s no way this was an accident.


Another article says it’s 1. If true, I think people are perhaps focusing too heavily on the Mountain Dew sugar bad narrative. Like that’s true, but if she was type 1 and not getting insulin she would have died even if eating completely balanced full course meals 3 times a day. This is more a story about medical neglect than a diet issue.


Having a fuck ton of sugar definitely does not help type one diabetics in the whole surviving column and this definitely would still contribute greatly to her death. You can go much longer on no insulin as long as you aren’t damaging your beta cells too much with sugar intake. Death still approaches but slower.


I realize it could exasperate the issue, but the article talks at length about the sugar contents of Mountain Dew and the recommended amount as if this was a healthy child killed by sugar alone. I realize there are long term health outcomes from having so much caffeine and sugar that young for any child , but we know from the likes of honey boo boo that those kids still make it to adulthood, though perhaps one plagued by obesity. The focus of this article and the others gives this confusing message that a fat woman gave her child the fatness until she died but in reality she was starved, not just because of lack of type 1 but from the lack of food besides formula.


Type 1 diabetics can still have a “fuck ton of sugar” as long as they have insulin to balance it out. The parents only gave the child the sugar but didn’t give them insulin. I say them because the brother is also diabetic. The child died of medical neglect from the parents. Never even taking the child to a dentist. I 100% believe they intentionally killed the child. At minimum chose to ignore the warning signs.


Is there any reason as to why she was giving them Mountain Dew was to kill them or did she think it had some health benefits etc


Yeah, I think the Mountain Dew focus is there for the clickbait. 🙄 If the kid was type 1 and died of DKA, they died from lack of insulin. From the People article, it sounds like the diabetes had been previously undiagnosed. But it definitely sounds like there was a lot of neglect regardless. Such a tragedy.


In either case, death from hyperglycemia would be similar. And as a type 1, I’ll say that shit would be incredibly painful. There’s a hole in the sub-basement of Hell reserved for this woman.


The real tragedy is that the same thing happened to an older child at 4, but he got help in time because family members intervened. Why wasn't she being monitored by CPS? The woman would have doctors to take care of her, and fill her prescriptions, but didn't take care of her kids.


Because the truth is cps is underfunded and abused children always go back to their parents after being basically imprisoned for half a year while their parents "recover"


I didn't even last 3 months into an internship for CPS. It was too much for me to handle. The laws/red tape make it impossible to do your job and you're forced to watch kids suffer and be abused and can't do anything about it. Horrible. Absolutely horrible. I couldn't stomach it.


I’m a mandated reporter and have to submit cps reports about kids in dv or sa situations and there are so many times it gets screened out. Like the cps is like oh doesnt look like anything to me. And I’m like bitch, there IS harm being done to a kid and you need to investigate it more!


That's so horrible! That was unfortunately the situation a lot when we would do wellness checks and such...it was a "prove it" situation a lot of time time. There's a specific list of things we could remove a child for, and an even longer list of things we couldn't remove them for. I didn't last long because it honestly seemed like a joke, like, these parents are obvious heavy alcohol and/or drug users...the kids are obviously not cared for... The house is unsafe and falling apart, but, hey, the parents are in a program and sticking to it...so we'd leave the kids. It hurt my heart and made me feel so sick. We didn't have proper resources or foster parents, which made i impossible to temporarily place kids into a safe environment elsewhere. I couldn't stomach it. I quit CPS, threw my degree away and moved into tech. Lol


Yeah. Doctors are visiting the home where the kid is and not one noticed her?


This was one of the things that makes me feel like it goes beyond “simple” neglect. Maybe if she had pretty infrequent visits, it might coincidentally fly under the radar. But I think she knew if someone saw a toothless 4 year old drinking bright green crap out of a baby bottle, she’d get in some kind of trouble. She knew it wasn’t right.


I mean, let’s get real. You need a license to drive a car. You need a background check to buy a gun. But anyone can have sex and create a baby and they don’t come with instructions. We rely on people knowing better, but have no mechanism to monitor parenting prior to public school age. Some folks are just going to test the limits without even trying. Sad.


Thats the entire point of early intervention services. To identify families at risk and provide the support through education that they need. But so many are against common sense social safety nets. As more states outlaw abortion, this is going to get worse. Especially since the same states that outlaw abortion are also the same states that don't believe in social safety nets like early intervention.


# Just how stupid can some people be? Well, Ohio elected JD Vance and Gym Jordan. That should make it quite clear how stupid some Ohioans are.


My old friend before I called CPS on her would give her son nothing but watered down Dr. Pepper. Her logic was it has a calories and was cheaper than formula so she could spend more money on liquor.


[“Our mom told us if you eat a sugar, drink a diet sodey, cause it’ll cancel out the sugar you ate. We ain’t touched water in 10 years.”](https://youtu.be/iIAFe7zaCRU?si=868U2RhAFLuhNRcB)


Not my part of Ohio. Don't blame us.


Well I've heard that Cleveland rocks.


That belongs on you might be old if you get this. 🤣




Come on down to Cleveland town, everyone!


I've heard that, despite its failings, [at least Cleveland is not Detroit](https://youtu.be/oZzgAjjuqZM?si=8TsIQ7QdzHKyUXm6)


I voted for Kudos!


It’s a lethal combo of ignorance and laziness. We have a son who was diagnosed at 2 with type 1 diabetes. I doubt this dysfunctional fool was even giving her kids insulin. And she had doctors coming to the house for *herself*! Selfish excuse of a human. Those poor kids! It takes quite a long time to slip into a diabetic coma, so the son was neglected first, but then to neglect the daughter as well is inexcusable. And the thing that really pisses me off is that those kids were in agony for months before having such high blood sugar for so long killed the one and put the other into a coma. Plus, they would have been peeing constantly, losing weight, having stomach and headaches - it’s awful. These miserable excuses for parents would have been educated on care when the son was hospitalized- endocrinologists don’t fuck around when educating and explaining exactly how serious type 1 can be. It is literally life and death. JFC, this really really really makes me want to punch this idiot right in her fat face. And the husband too. There’s no excuse, in 2024, in a first-world country, that *ANY* child (or adult) should die from diabetes. None.


Also, formula isn’t enough nutrients for a 4 year old.  So they were basically starving her slowly to death.


Yeah, it sounds like an abominable situation all around. Those poor babies. eta, the “mom” sure didn’t miss any meals though!


Yes, that's the first thing that caught my eye. There's no reason for a 4YO's diet to include either formula or Mountain Dew.


I wanted to add some context, since this post seems like the one most focused on what the kids would have been going through. I’m type 1, and give experienced high blood sugar levels. And that shit is *not fun* to go through, even in a way that wasn’t an immediate medical emergency (obviously, so haven’t experienced a coma or death as a result of high blood sugar; I’m just saying even the earlier symptoms are terrible). All that sugar in your blood actually starts to damage the vessels in your circulatory system, like rubbing salt/sand on metal to remove surface rust. It’s why diabetics experience loss of function in they’re limbs/eyes later in life, over the years the circulatory system gets ruptured or worn down, to the point where parts of your body simply can’t get oxygen-rich blood easily. Now, the kids didn’t have to go through that. But when my blood sugar levels are high enough, I can *feel* it. It hurts to move my body. I’m not sure exactly why, and it hasn’t been totally debilitating (like, if a building caught fire I’d still run to safety, and the pain probably won’t stop me much). But I’d never wish that sensation on anyone, much less children. Add to that, your body knows it shouldn’t have that much sugar in your body, and since it can’t break it down it tries every other method of purging stuff from your body. You crave water, and at the same time you need to owe constantly. After a certain point, the nausea kicks in and you start barfing on top of that. It feels like your body is literally trying to flip itself inside out to wring the extra sugar from it. And to reiterate, that’s what I have *lived* through, and was actively trying to treat the whole time with insulin, water, etc. I have to assume what the kids felt was an order of magnitude worse.




God, as a nurse, as the brother of a type I diabetic, and as a parent that’s fucking heartbreaking. I can’t even imagine having such callous indifference to your own child’s health.


See, she didn’t balance out her sodies with one diet. Everybody knows that if you have a sugar, you gotta drink a diet to cancel it out.


Don’t forget about the Ohio mom who left her toddler alone for 10 days while she went on vacation and the child died.


It has everything a plant needs to grow. Electrolytes.


She almost killed her older son too. He fell into a coma from diabetic ketoacidosis (build up of ketos in your blood stream resulting in severely elevated blood sugar) at the age of four and she continued to neglect him and his diabetes. Ketoacidosis was also the cause of her daughters death.


You need a Learner's Permit to get a license to drive a car. Any idiot can procreate. It's time for schools to teach everyone parenting classes!


Parenting classes are hard to find. Easy to find classes for caring for a newborn but not beyond. I have a 3 year old and I was hoping to take some classes to learn how to be the best parent possible but there’s literally nothing.


Right, because no profit in it


Time for parents to be required to have a permit for children which includes parenting classes. Try to adopt or have alternative procreation like in vitro it costs hella money and you have to jump through so many hoops just bc you’re not born with sterile anatomy, but any other couple who is fertile can have as many as they want no matter if they’re fit or not.


I love how people focus on the drink like the drink was the abuse. Sure the drink sounds fucking awful and gave the kid malnutrition, diabetes and a dental Catastrophe. But you could love your kid and do that to them accidentally because you can’t say no to their favourite drink. You could be dumb enough to not realise quite how awful for them it is. The real abuse was not calling the doctor, not taking them to the dentist and not giving a shit when they got ill. That’s the part that makes them different to people who are just ignorant.


That fat cow never went without did she.


This is why I think parent education groups should be strongly encouraged, if not mandatory, at least in some cases.


This is horrible. Fat shaming or not, she clearly doesn’t seem “fit” to be making good nutritional choices. Completely failing as a parent on the most basic front…


Why do some people have kids if they're that incompetent?


That’s a great question for the Supreme Court


I hate that the daughter was probably showing symptoms of something wrong for a long time, and the mother did nothing. Even without insurance, you just...you go. It's your child. Wtf.


Apparently the mother was taking medications, and even receiving medical house calls.  I'm guessing that they all had Medicaid, and getting the child care would have cost nothing 


She should be sentenced to death, but looking at her that’s just a matter of time, months really.


Nobody talking about giving a 4 year old baby formula…


That's what's extra wild. Worth noting, baby formula is expensive. From an article i read, they were on government assistance and had the money to purchase real food for their kids. It's clear the "mother" has been eating plenty. Why feed your kid soda & formula, which legitimately costs more than actual food kids her age wound need to eat.


Brawnado! It’s got what kids crave!


Ok... ive never got any child, but isnt baby formula something like really expensive that you should stop giving your childrens at age like 2? Just genually questioning, why would someone spend more to give ther baby i unhealthy diet


Because it is less work then being bothered to go shopping for canned or microwave food and having to heat it up. Not that the above  is all kids should eat, but this is an amazing level of laziness. Personally I regret with narrow limitations of the death penalty on modern Society.


Like, my thing about this is that its not even to save money on food, they just bought baby food because YES ... and if its not because of money, they could let the kid in childcare or something if they were just lazy and they would give at least a decent check out in the kid, but not even that they did, so if not for laziness or money, were they looking for a kid like it was a animal or something?


In the article they state the poor kid's teeth had rotted away, as in *she had no teeth* to chew solid food.


One of the articles about her mentioned baby bottle caries, and I had a flashback to preschool, when I noticed how many of the other kids had rotten teeth. I suppose the parents figured the baby teeth would fall out anyway.


Babies transition to getting most of their nutrition from actual food between 6-8 months, and transition from formula to cows milk at 12 months old, also transitioning off of bottles to regular sippie with straws. If this person was relying on (very expensive) baby formula to give the child their daily nutrition, that child was likely malnourished even disregarding the Mountain Dew mixer


These are the moments I think parenting should be preceded by qualifying exam. But, we can't do that because bigots and racists would ruin it. And what do you do when people get pregnant anyway? It doesn't work. Best solution is better education on the whole and make it reach every corner of the nation


We could hand out condoms for free in drug stores and schools.   We could subsidize the cost of every form of birth control: depo, IUD, vasectomy, tubal ligation, etc. We could pressure doctors harder to provide sterilization to adults who want it, regardless of age or number of children.   We can't stop people from procreating, but we could make it so fucking easy to avoid unwanted pregnancy. In the 80s, when people worried about AIDS, the college near me had a van you could call that would deliver condoms to your door for free.  We have the infrastructure to do that again, if we chose to fund it 


> “It’s hard to be a good parent, but you expect at least mediocre parents,” Haddad said at Friday’s hearing. “Not knowing what to do is not an excuse.” >“I thought I was taking care of her,” Banks, who was photographed in court in a wheelchair, said on Friday. It makes me very sad when people go to prison for being stupid. Not saying that sending them to prison is the wrong thing to do, but it’s incredibly tragic.


That's not stupidity. It's murder.


Just when I was thinking there may be a slither of hope for humanity, someone comes along and knocks it back down 3 or 4 notches.


I wish humanity would stop focusing and praising stupidity and start focusing on propper education and common sense .


Dew the crime dew the time.


White trash stupid level.


Don’t make fun of this situation please! There are people who can’t take proper care of themselves let alone a child. The community has to intervene if necessary!!


Parenting education should be mandatory for anyone trying to conceive, adopting, or pregnant. I know some people will scream about government overreach but if it saves kids from ignorant parents it’s worth it.


"I thought I was taking care of her." Bitch....🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Is it bad to say this is one of the things driving me to be a doctor. To adopt kids in shitty situations like this because my four year old is sleeping right now and that 4 year old little girl should have been put to bed last night with a full tummy, bathed and loved. Instead she was laid to rest.


“We can’t pay for education; we’re too busy trying to figure out why people keep doing dumb shit.” That’s us. That’s what we sound like right now.


I mean, look at that woman. Her family tree looks like a Festivus pole.


Someone tapped that?


Anyone ever think these parents might not be killing their kids if they had been given a choice to not be parents? Convincing people they are Satan for using birth control or getting an abortion OR telling people they aren’t living until they have kids; both sides of that lead to mistreated children. This isn’t exclusive obviously, but it certainly doesn’t help.


Never underestimate the power of human stupidity


Isn't that lizzo