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> “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” New York magazine interview, 2002: https://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/


it’s crazy we have to sit here and bend over backwards to find some ground breaking proof to convince these idiots of shit he has fully confessed to.


When I say to my family there is literal video proof of him saying these things I now get, “what, you haven’t heard of AI?”


The plan all along


Nothing will convince them. There could be videos and they’d just go “I don’t care as long as he makes Murica white again”.


Even if you do, they might have the same tastes


Yeah, I bet they’re going: “well at least he was diddling little girls and not little BOYS, that would make him gay…”


Half of them are probably married to their daughters


I dunno. If video ever surfaces of him fucking an 8 year old boy it might turn a good number. Enough would leave the gop for life to cripple conervst8ves for a generation. The court case is there.


Yeah but that’s just if it’s a boy. I sadly think fewer conservatives would leave his cult if I they found out he raped a little girl. Being a pedo seems to be fine for them (remember the discussion about ending child marriage just in the past month?), as long as it isn’t gay


did you know that hitler was put into prison for attempting a coup and seizing power in 1923 and got out like a year later because he convinced the court that he did it out of his love for the country propaganda will always replace logic if you've gone far enough


That one statement is why no one especially women should vote for Trump.


Shortly after this (2005ish) trump statement, Epstein was international recognised as a peadophile


It’s utterly insane how actively he has incriminated himself in uncountable quotes, and conservatives can just turn their brains off to it. It’s insane how this has been allowed to pass in our society without anything coming of it.


Is there a sub Reddit that has all these quotes? Need a repository to just post, no explanation needed


Closest thing I can think of is r/TrumpCriticizesTrump but it's pretty dead because posting is no longer public for some reason.


Yeah I saw that. Just need his direct quotes with linked source. Speaks for itself.


And for anyone coming to post "but both sides!, we want EVERYONE who visited the island and took part in wrongdoing to be punished. See how that works?


I think conservatives truly don’t understand how little Democrats care for loyalty to a politician. During Trump’s court case many of them were furious and claiming this would NEVER happen to a Democrat politician because the system is so corrupt. What they don’t realize is **multiple** Democrat politicians have been in court over the last 1-2 years for various charges. The reason nobody hears about them is because Democrats don’t make a big deal about it.


Look what happened to Al Franken- got booted out of the senate for less impropriety than many  Republican politicians.


Less impropriety than an average day for Trump


It's so blatantly hypocritical how the Republicans hold the democrats to a completely different set of rules. How about not letting Obama select a Supreme Court justice because it was his last year but when it's trumps turn all if a sudden the rules change. That was such a huge turning point in your country's direction.


It would be nice if he released book 2 of "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them."


They can't understand it because they don't actually care about justice or rule of law. They want the rules enforced against those they hate and not enforced against themselves and those they like. They are authoritarian.


Democrats are defined by what they believe. Republicans are rapidly becoming defined solely by what they hate.


Democrats believe that government can be a tool to make peoples lives better. Republicans only have responsibility to make the people at the very top lives better. The Wright will manipulate voters and devoting against their own self interest over and over.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


The president's son was just found guilty of trumped-up clerical charges (oh, the irony!), and they are barely able to acknowledge it. The truth is, they don't care about prosecuting Democrats either. How long did it take for Trump to abandon his efforts to "Lock Her Up" with Hillary? Even if he's reelected, goldfish remember more than he does. He'll do what his donors tell him to do and then hit the links.


Nah, Hunter was guilty and we shouldn’t shy away from that. The severity of his crimes though are definitely minimal. The reason conservatives ORIGINALLY went after him was conspiracy theories that he colluded with Ukraine to help sabotage Trump last election so he would lose. The Republicans performed a very thorough investigation into the matter and surprise surprise… came up with nothing of the sort. Instead, they’re desperately trying to put *something* out there so it doesn’t look like they came up with nothing (again, like when they investigated Hilary and quietly announced she was innocent). The Republican Party is banking on their supporters thinking this case is tied to the Hunter conspiracy, which if you mosey on over to the conservative subreddit you’ll see that’s exactly what’s been happening (to a degree). It also helps them say to their supporters “see? It’s not bad when trump does this stuff because EVERYONE at his level does this stuff!”


I've heard multiple legal experts comment that while he did commit this and it is a crime, it is exceedingly rare for a DA to bring it to trial as a stand-alone charge. Violating gun laws like this are usually added to drug or assault charges to bolster a prosecution's case. Most of the time, DAs have too much on their plate for petty ante cases like this. I'm actually kind of proud of Hunter, but this reeks of political expediency.


>DAs have too much on their plate for petty ante cases like this. "penny ante" - as in a really cheap-ass poker game, where the ante (the amount you pay for being part of the current round) is only a penny. Not trying to be a pedant, I just think it's a neat phrase.


What's hilariously ironic about this is that the GOP is advocating for stronger gun control because of Hunter Biden


But what about all the people that have window clings of Biden riding in their backseat, and big Biden flags that say ***k Trump. And gold Biden sneakers and Biden nft trading cards. Also when you drive through lefty towns the big Biden stores that sell all the Biden merchandise you can think of.


Shhhh I TOLD you to stop following me when I’m running errands!!! 🤫


>What they don’t realize is **multiple** Democrat politicians have been in court over the last 1-2 years for various charges.  Yep. Congressman Henry Cuellar, Senator Robert Menedez, Hunter Biden. Democrats aren't perfect, and there are there are some shitty human beings in the party, like there are in every group. But we don't defend those caught in criminal acts just because they're "on our team", and we sure as fuck don't make them the leader of the fucking party.


Being related to a politician, even if he's the president, does not make you a politician yourself.


Hunter Biden is not a Democrat politician.


He's not any kind of politician and not any kind of elected official. The gop is leaning on the "crime family" mantra. It's just a whataboutism. Their guy is a convicted felon who has been found guilty of multiple things and the best they've got is the president's son does meth and bought a gun.


Menendez? That bastard crippled my man Woods! Why is he a Democrat now?


I'm pretty sure Rod Blagojevich paid Trump and Giuliani for his pardon. Myself and every Democrat I know was pissed that he was pardoned.


Right now there really aren't any Democrats or Leftist with a strong cult of personality, I know they attempted it with Barrak Obama but it died midway through his fist term. AOC or Bernie Sanders might qualify but I'd be stretching things hard.


I think even then, folks don’t follow AOC or Bernie the person but their ideals. If we found out tomorrow that Bernie has been committing tax fraud similar to Trump for the last 20 years I think we’d all be disappointed in him but we’d still expect him to go down for his illegal activities. Though what both DO have going for them is that they’re good people doing what they believe it right! So it’s unlikely something like that would happen.


I remember the Obama thing in reverse. Obama was hated and blamed for the economy from 2008-2014. It wasn't till then that the economy recovered and people stopped blaming him for it. They still never gave him credit for recovering the economy. Somehow that went to trump 2 years later.


It’s crazy, people really believe politicians truly care about us!


But those Dems are all guilty and should be prosecuted. Trump is just am innocent God fearing, husband and politician who never did any of those things that evil Biden and the rest of his Dem Cabal have warped and used the justice system to unfairly persecute him for simply because of his greatness /s


look, I didn't know him, I never met him, all I can tell you is that Jeffrey was a great person, great guy, and they're trying now to Navalny me, they're doing a Political Hitjob against your Favorite President, they say, "someone called Doe 174," I said 174, what the hell is that, "Sir, we don't know," I said so they can't even tell you who it is, they can't say any names, they just say a number and say, "oh that's Donald J. Trump," I don't think so ok, I don't think so, not happening, and you have probably some Bad People in there but you also maybe have some, a few perhaps Really Good People, who did nothing wrong and were there very innocently by the way, and I said you can't release all of it because you could maybe hurt Good People, and we only wanna hurt the Bad Ones, that's what we're doing, 2025, we lock up the Bad Ones, we throw them all in Jail ok, Make America Great Again, thank you very much, enjoy yourselves


Absolutely can’t tell if that’s real or not. It’s a little too coherent I think.


The fact that it's coherent, though, is the *only* reason I don't think it's a real quote. The rest of the verbal crapfest he spouts seems right on. Now, if you said this quote was from about 6 years ago, I'd buy it. But--as my sister likes to say--the cheese slid off the pizza at some point. (And it was a foot fungus and dingleberry pizza to begin with.)


Omg this sounds too real. Even read it in his voice.


"Best I can do is 'no one'."


Biden's not on that list.


Odd how that doesn't seem to matter. "His visits were secret!", the MAGAs will shout.


Yea, Clinton is just as much of a sexual predator as Trump. Both should be thrown in prison.


If either of them are on Epstein's client list and it can be proven they did it, LOCK THEM UP!


Maggats hate admitting they're wrong. Trump could diddle a kid on live TV and those ignorant fucks would still idolize him.


It's sad how 1000% true this is.


Yup. If we can prove Hillary knew? Throw her in too. I don't give a single fuck. Bill Gates? Don't give a fuck (and doesn't mean his vaccine funding is suspect, either).


It's worth noting that there's no "client list". It's his personal contact list. It contains everyone he communicated with. He was a pretty big mover in the finance and political worlds, so that list contains an awful lot of pretty important and wealthy people. It also contains most of his victims, which is why you'll never see an unredacted version of the list. Being on the list doesn't necessarily out someone as being a 'client' of his. Both of them are 100% on that list. Trump was one of his closest friends for decades, and flight logs for Epstein's private jet show that Clinton had flown to his private island with him on multiple occasions.


Flight logs show Clinton was on the plane. They do NOT show him going to that island. My understanding is he used Epstein's plane in Africa.


Yeah, [11 of Clinton’s 26 flights](https://www.factcheck.org/2019/08/the-epstein-connections-fueling-conspiracy-theories/) were legs on a humanitarian mission to several African countries to promote AIDS awareness. The rest were other trips, none of which were to Epstein’s island. Epstein moved around in many circles, including many noted philanthropists. While I think every contact with him deserves to be looked into, not everyone who flew on his plane was automatically involved in some nefarious dealings.


He's really not though? Trump bragged about raping people and abusing contestants. Clinton has never done this.


I hope they’ll all get exposed - no matter their political affiliation, faith, nationality, wealth, influence. They can all go and fuck themselves.


I bet if I scroll down, I will see the words "Bill Clinton" at least a dozen times... And I'm definitely NOT voting for Bill Clinton in 2024!


Remember it went from conservatives acknowledging that he knew Epstein but nothing happened, to yes he was on the plane but he was actually undercover and trying to expose people to “he never actually met him”. They will never acknowledge this because they can’t pretend to care about child groomers and predators while also openly supporting a pedophile


I have zero proof of any of this, but IMO the ONLY thing that makes sense is: Epstein worked for the CIA. I know how that sounds, and its sounds crazy AF....but hear me out: 1. Epstein made his money through extortion. This is known. His entire island and villa were wired. Extortion was his business, girls were the leverage. 2. Who would he sell too? In order to extort you have to have someone to sell secrets too. He couldnt go to the press, because he would be telling on himself. What would he admit too: "Hey I sold a 14 year old to Mr. Doe 123!!" He can't go full public. 3. Why is everyone in the media so willing to let this go? Where is Fox? Where is CNN? FFS even Breitbart and Newsmaxx and Al-Jazera barely mention this list of clients. Because its mutually assured destruction. Its the nuclear option. If (say) Fox news reports this hard, goes after Clinton ( a known associate) then CNN would go after Trump. Eveyrone knows the list. Epstein played BOTH SIDES. He played EVERY SIDE. Everyone wants it to go away because everyone is at least adjacent. 4. Who would be willing to buy leverage on EVERYONE? Both parties and foreign agents? Who would have the power to make something like this go away? Who would be able to make murder look like suicide in prison? Who has the power to get the GOP and DNC to STFU about something so valuable in a high stakes presidential election? That's a pretty short list. Epstein working for the CIA just makes sense. Answers a lot of questions. I am fully aware that sounds like a shitty Hollywood script. But there are so many things about Epstein that just do not make sense. These dots cannot be connected any other way.


I have heard a similar theory, but with Mossad. Look at the Maxwells.


I mean, Mossad, CIA, and MI6 are all close enough collaborators that it is effectively the same thing 


I would believe that, too. They would and could pull that off. Would explain why our government seems to give Israel an endless leash and as many weapons as it wants....


I think that’s sufficiently explained by the amount of lobbying dollars they throw at our Congress critters. Used to be the largest single spender on lobbying, not sure if they still are


I believe Epstein did it to feed his own sex addiction (he was a pervert) while extorting the wealthy (laundering the money through his fund). Then sold the info to Mossad (Maxwell connection), then was found out by the FBI who, instead of shutting him down wanted in on the blackmail treasure trove (the absolutely bizarre treatment of him with the part-time jail sentence).


This. There’s a very real connection to Mossad.


It would explain why Israel has such a nut grip over so many media members and politicians.


This makes the most sense. It also could how Israel is able to get away with really blatant genocide right now.


If he worked for the CIA, then why didn't a ton of people get arrested in relation to Epstein? He blackmailed rich and powerful people and threatened turning stuff over to the CIA/FBI/InterPol. That's how he made his money. Extortion and then people "investing" with him. It's why when he was arrested under Trump's administration he mysteriously died. Trump and Barr used the US government to kill him.


You literally answered your own question.


There isn’t any ‘both sides’ to the ultra wealthy. It’s them vs us. The culture wars are just to keep the citizens occupied while the wealthy bleed us dry.


I don’t think all of this sounds crazy. But your 4th point is a leading question that has a lot of other answers than the one you lead it to. Who would want to collect dirt on the most powerful people in the world regardless of political party? Anyone. It’s a very valuable resource. Especially someone running a criminal organization who needs the leverage to help prevent getting caught. I don’t think he necessarily worked for the CIA. Do I believe he had dirt on people who did? Or on people the CIA has an interest in protecting. Sure. That’s what makes dirt such a valuable resource. Is it also possible a foreign gvt. like Russia Either paid for info or extorted the extorter to get it? Sure. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he worked for them. Or especially that he was their plant all along. I suspect he gained power and connections to/leverage over pol people in power through his operation as opposed to being handed the operation by those in power.


Or FSB for leverage.


I believe he worked for Israeli Mossad. Giving Mossad all the dirt they need on US politicians, which is one of the reasons why they are defying all common sense in this current genocide


This also would answer the same questions. And others. Like why our government continues to fund and support whats happening in Gaza unequivocally.


Even the CIA has a rule that if you're caught on US soil, they can't help you. It makes sense if he actually was working for the CIA.


For me, it answers a lot of questions. Like, the whole reason we even knew about Epstein was because when his sentence was so light, such an obvious miscarriage of justice that it couldn't be hidden. 18 months for sex tracking minors???!? C'mon man.... And like others have mentioned, it could be Russia or China or Israel. They have the spy network to pull it off. But would the US government be willing to look the other way if he got caught? I can see those others trying something like this, but I cant see them being able to bribe a judge and DA and the dozen other people needed to make it all work. The CIA being behind it is the easier option. And honestly, its something the CIA would totally do. They already admitted to selling cocaine to Americans and illegal arms trades to Islamist rebels fighting the soviet union. This is in their wheelhouse.


You should read "CIA as Organized Crime" by Douglas Valentine. They got up to so much more than just selling cocaine and arms deals. They are truly the ones pulling the strings behind the curtain.


It didn't look like a suicide, who are you kidding


It was called a suicide, whether or not it looked like one is irrelevant. Either way, the people who have the power to do either is a short list.


It is more likely that he worked for Russia than mossad or cia. Probably how Putin got the pee tapes.


Also entirely likely. My only problem with this is how easily Epstein was able to get a plane and island while already being a convicted sex offender. He had already been busted once. And he was on probation and the registry. If you're working for the CIA its easier to get US agencies to look the other way and let a known pedophile travel the world on a private jet. Its not impossible to be the russians, though.


Trump is a convicted felon, rapist, pedophile, and insurrectionist but is still running for president and supported by Russia and Russian paid for congressmen and senators. The CIA has no part in that .The most obvious answer is usually the correct one.


You are assuming the CIA doesn't have a preference in who sits in the white house. I would argue the entire purpose for Epstein was to have leverage over the person in the white house. CIA has the same reasons to want to control that person as the Russians or Mossad. A lot of people want Trump to be President, for lots of reasons, all of them selfish. Mostly because Trump has made it well known he is for sale, and so will the presidency. There's a long list of people, countries and organizations that would take advantage of that offer. Russians would be one of many. When you think about it, its probably likely Trump is being supported by lots and lots of shitty people, not just the Russians.


Well considering trump had gotten a lot of cia agents killed, I doubt the cia went back in their Time Machine to get trump and Epstein together. Most likely they were just bought off by the Russians. It is their MO as is it to have trolls on the internet try to blame the CIA and mossad.


CIA or the KGB... i suspect KGB personally. It would be a very effective way to get Kompromat on powerful men in the US, a country that still has largely male dominated power structures. Maybe the whole "Russian collusion" mess is actually directly tied to Epstein.


Kgb doesn't exist anymore


That’s just what they want you to believe 😂😂😂


Not just undercover but undercover as a private citizen with no training, no authority, and no backup.


Trump is a maniac. Adding a Pedophile who is into incest is not shocking anymore. Tbh I expect this from Trump by now!


dude literally made sexual comments about his own daughter multiple times. i'd be shocked if he ISN'T a pedo.


His former chief of staff said he'd interrupt briefings to talk, at length, about how good Ivanka's tits looked that day.


Wow, I never heard that. I did hear about how they had to keep a young staffer away from him that he creeped on and he kept inappropriately talking about her ass if I’m not mistaken. I think something weird happened on AF1 with him requesting something inappropriate in relation to her too. Guy is a fucking predator.




Such a POS.


The man is a buffoon.  Another staff member said he’d never pay attention in meetings.  Was always distracted and going off topic.  


He allegedly fired Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster as National Security Advisor because McMaster sternly told him to stop playing on his phone and pay attention to a critical intelligence briefing.


would make for a pretty funny movie. Unfortunately for us, it's real life.


Seriously. It sounds like some forgotten 90s Pauly Shore movie where he accidentally becomes president through some obscure technicality and spends the entire time goofing off, saying dumb shit, giving his idiot friends cushy jobs, getting laid, and trying to get rich. Except there's no third act redemption arc where the love interest rejects him for not taking the job seriously. *The Weasel-in-Chief*


I recommend watching idiocracy :)


Love that movie. No need to watch. We're currently living it.


Trump boasted about walking into the changing rooms at his pageants and watching the teens when they were undressed. And he said that he could do it because of who he was.


I mean, why else would he have ANY interest in beauty pageants? for the sport of it? Certified creep and pedo.


I can't post the photo, but just check out this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/17mj4mp/15\_year\_old\_ivanka\_trump\_sitting\_on\_her\_fathers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/17mj4mp/15_year_old_ivanka_trump_sitting_on_her_fathers/) you can tell just from her arms that that is not "sitting on her fathers lap" she is moving to the music (it was a beach boys concert). she's literally dancing in his lap. If only we had some sort of term for this strange phenomena of a woman dancing in the lap of a man...


And the worst part is that even knowing this some Republicans will continue to call Joe Biden a pedophile while denying everything Trump has actually done and comparing him to Jesus. God bless America


*derrr he sniffs kids!*


My husband is a die hard Trump fan because ya know, he’s going to save the economy. Last night we went round and round again and I have just wanted him to relent to one fact for me, that he’s a sexist pig. Trump’s remarks about his daughter (we have a 21 year old ourselves), and his sick behaviors…well, you all know so I just will save myself here. Anyway I literally ended up in tears because I just wanted him to see it from this woman’s perspective how sick I felt about this man and could he at least say he has done some shady ass shit that as a father of a daughter he wouldn’t be dead doing? Or as my husband he’d never say? It took him over an hour (and again, this was a conversation we’ve had numerous times) to finally say, “yes, IF he did say those things and did those things, then that’s sick.” Then he started to come with the “but.” I stopped him right there. I said that’s all it needed to be. You can believe what you want about him being your “all savior” for our economy and even the world, but damn, why the hell can you not admit the man does some sick shit?


Good luck, as a non-American my opinion may not be the right one but it seems that the choice before you is either a sick convicted felon (who seems evil and stupid) or a man too old to think straight (who seems to talk the talk but do nothing). I understand why people don't want to vote for Biden, but voting for a felon who's been convicted of 34 felonies? I have no idea.


I don’t even get where the Biden pedophile stuff comes from, is it just projection or is it part of the whole pizzagate q-anon nonsense?


It started because of several pictures where Biden would be behind a child, his arms on both shoulders, putting his head down to talk to the children. From the perspective of the photo it would look like he was “sniffing” the child. The children and parents of the children whom have interacted with Joe Biden have always praised him for being great with kids and many have said Joe is great at talking to kids! But groups like Fox and Conservatives have spun it to say Joe was whispering things to the kids and/or sniffing them. Joe Biden in turn apologized publicly for his actions coming off as inappropriate and has since then has stopped putting his hands on children’s shoulders + when he speaks to children he will instead get on a knee and lower himself or lean over with his ear to the child now. He wasn’t even doing anything particularly bad but it got HEAVILY spun as suspected pedophilia. So it’s a huge stretch from reality, completely based on a fantasy… Yet the same people criticizing Biden completely and utterly deny Trump has done anything like this despite Trump actually admitting to actions far worse (walking in on underage girls in the changing room of his own pageants and kissing them for example).


Thanks for the back story. And yup, sounds like the MAGA media playbook.


Thanks for this. My entire family is Trump fanatics so all day Sunday I heard about Biden shitting his pants. I couldn’t say anything without being dismissed. Five against one. Fun times. Nice to now know the true origin of this.


*Hurr durr showwred with daughter!!!*


He was meant to be in court for the rape of a 13 year old he was "sharing" with Epstein right before he became President, she had to pull out due to threats. You can find the actual court notes for it online. Comments on it was in the range of "Epstein was mad because Trump took her virginity before he could so he suggested he could just take her anal virginity instead".


What the .. I wish I hadn't read that...


That's the most disgusting thing I've read in a long time. Fucking vile.


It’s amazing to me how all the evangelicals who are blatantly against pedophilia will vote for a pedophile.


Note this was from January It's June No one cared That's how messed up this world is btw


A load of stuff will probably come out about Trump after he dies, and people will still be saying ‘he hid in plain sight’ and the like.


Honestly I'm astounded we didn't see a torrent of revelations about Rush Limbaugh after he died. His ex-wives were all under NDA and you know he was into some perverse stuff - what kind of person travels alone to the Dominican Republic with a Ziploc baggie full of Viagra?


Of course there will. He makes everyone around him sign nda's.


But those NDA are only worth something if the man who made you sign them has more money than the people who want the truth. I fully believe Trump is closer to broke than millionaire. Holding first-hand knowledge with proof about Trump and Epstein is literally a winning 9 figure lottery ticket.


You may collect the 9 figures but then his fanatical base would be hunting for you. Where would you go to escape them and the Russians who pay Trump? If he loses the election a ton of things will come out by the end of November but if he is elected it would be a death sentence.


Not a drag queen hmmmm


He sure wears a lot of makeup for a CIS man though... I guess that means he's a clown.


hopefully that chick he raped when she was 13 comes forward.


she tried. threats silenced her.


This election is just now firing up


Did the article go into detail about how we know he is Doe 174? Cause I'm genuinely interested


This goes into it https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-doe-jeffrey-epstein-documents-unsealed-2024-1?op=1


Never met him. Nobody's ever not met him like me. I'm the best at not meeting the guy. I hold the record for most days in a row of not meeting him. Look it up. I wouldn't lie. I also definitely would never meet that guy. Ever.




"Just a little rapey."


Remember when maga/republicans all came out saying how being on that list is proof you’re a scumbag pedo no matter what? But yet they are either silent or excusing away trump on the same list, speaks volumes that they could care less about kids being abused and trafficked and only care about Twitter politics catch phrase of the day. Damn shame they have such low low morals.


You mean the dude who would routinely walk into underaged beauty pageant contestants dressing rooms backstage so he could 'inspect' them while they were getting dressed is a pedophile? I'm shocked. Well, not that shocked.


1. Epstein? Trump never met him! 2. OK, they met, but it was just for one photo op! 3. OK, they met more than once, but they weren't friends! 4. Ok they were friends, but he wasn't his client! 5. Ok, he was his client, but all the girls were of legal age and consenting! Anyone want to guess what #6 and #7 are? People have to start finally admitting that Trump was into some dark shit with Epstein. Stop fooling yourselves people.


They'll start saying the girls wanted him and blaming them for being apart of it


And completely not understanding the human trafficking side of it that. This is exactly why Maxwell will be rotting in a prison cell for most the rest of her life.


I’m starting to think this Trump character isn’t a very nice guy.


The cult is far gone. If the documents are released and Trump is all over it, they will claim that all the Trump stuff was added to frame Trump while all the other stuff incriminating people they don't like are all legit. There is no end to their shamelessness. Genuinely, there are no words in my vocabulary that can accurately describe these people, lol.


Imagine him coming at you with that toadstool of a dick. My lord!


“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald Trump, 2002 he is one of the most disgusting humans i can think of, aside from those that knowingly vote for him despite just how awful he is.


You know this will only endear his cult mem... er, *fans* to him even more..


Missing the "P" doPe 174


P-doe 174


Trump flew to Epstein's island because he wanted to find a girl who was the same age Ivanka was at the time


Well that explains why Trump wants to keep those records sealed - and why Fox edited out that answer from their interview. [https://www.yahoo.com/news/fox-news-edited-trump-saying-205750634.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/fox-news-edited-trump-saying-205750634.html)


"Phony stuff, there happened some very phony stuff at that time" 🙄


I’m not even a little surprised


Was there ever any doubt the sick orange pig was heavily involved.


I mean, the dude has talked about dating his own daughter.


Last interview says he won't release Epstein files because the lies might hurt someone.


"Yea, but he kicked a dude out of Mar a Lago who was making advancements to a young girl." Well, duh, that's his establishment and he had an image to keep from the public.


Or he doesnt like people touch his property...


Ah yes, rapist and convicted felon Donald J Trump has very close ties to known pedophiles. “I’ll vote for anyone but Biden.” “But Hunter Biden was found guilty!” And so on and so forth.


If Orange fool would be sick enough to do his own daughter, no doubt he took advantage of sick fuk Epsteins girl harem.


This came out in January and doesn’t actually implicate him of anything, god damn I wish it did but this is a big nothing burger for now


ok so what does one do with this information? We all have a pretty solid idea that convicted felon ex president is a pedophile and a 'very strong liar we've watched very strongly'. He's 78 right, and has gotten away with all kinds of shit for over 3/4 of a century. I'll believe it when he's in jail.


I’d be more surprised if it came out that Donald Trump wasn’t involved in the trafficking. He’s exactly the kind of guy who would be into that whole thing.


He had an open court case with Epstein. Every time I say this it gets ignored.


Why is he a candidate for presidency. I will never understand. Dudes a joke. We should be embarrassed he was ever in charge of this country


Donnie should know what happens to pedos in prison


They even look alike




Here’s the issue. Information of this type only makes people who already hate him, hate him more. His followers will ignore this, lie about it, claim conspiracy, and continue to worship him


The Pooping Pedo


Not sure what all the cult talk is here… this is just good ole confederate propaganda!!! White male privilege, false beliefs and lame excuses to justify bad behavior (disorder/violence) to remain in power!!! There’s no possibility whatsoever that the GQP and Trump for sure whose lies and lunacy are continuously put forward on par with all facts to the easily proven contrary! Trump has been absolute garbage throughout his entire life so of course the fact that he surrounded himself with criminals of all stripes isn’t remotely disputable. America is done!!!! The monied oligarchy aka the donor class has purchased the media and the government to use as their personal weapon against the rest of us!!! I don’t hate conservatives or anyone for that matter but I’m not here to have any persons abused or oppressed in the name of historic criminals and ridiculous psychos with messaging and influence that makes life a struggle for the rest of us!!! Let’s all stand or die together against this horrible madness because we are the heroes we’re waiting for!! Please start by voting in EVERY election and for issues that help us all!!!


I still find a hilarious that there are a million pictures of Trump and Epstein hanging out together but only 1-2 pics exist of him with his own son.


They all need to go down for this sick shit.


I reckon there was a lot of people that went to that island and may have partaken in various more palatable vices. But someone who travels anonymously with a code name …..


Remember when Trump was just some vague rich douchebag you occasionally saw in some movie cameo or wrestling weigh-in or some shit? I miss those days.


*gasp* no way the monumental freakshow racist bigoted sex-addict fuck who cheated on his wife with a pornstar and bribed her with campaign funds days after his son was born was friends with the other monumental freakshow sex addict child trafficker fuck.


Send him to Guantanamo, he is worse than isis, brics and al kaida together. He tryed hard to get his opponents to jail, i do not get why they don't turn the Arrow around. He is guilty, af.


Yes but Hunter Biden gun charges.


Trump - that's not a picture of me with Epstein, that's a picture of Epstein with *me*


Not looking good for Donvict and of course he lies about it again, again and again, that's what compulsive liars do. I think he could have been filmed on that island and these Trump cultists would still root for him \^\^


What a surprise, and by "surprise" I mean not a surprise at all.




Trump lies all the time. How is this still surprising to people?! 🤦‍♀️


Republicans will tell this is photoshopped 😂


We need to start referring to him as "Mr. Doe 174." Either that, or "The Convict."


The future will show Trump was a Whitey Bulger level rat.


So, that secret paedo ring that the GOP were whining about...


He’s a liar.. Don’t be fooled you can tell when the mushroom is lying.. every time he opens his fucking mouth..


And his base will still support him to the bitter end because they are blind ideologues who cant think for themselves and have been trained to believe that any bad news about Trump is a left-wing conspiracy.


But Trump would never he is endorsed by Jesus he surely wouldn't do this stuff /j


This is getting boring. Epstein knew literally everyone. 🤣


Wait is this real?


I like Trump, but RELEASE ALL OF THE NAMES. Epstein's clients deserve the absolute worst.


remember, that creep Dershowitz; "sure, I got a massage, but I KEPT MY UNDERWEAR ON!!!"


![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized) Obviously.


EVERYONE associated with this dirtbag who has been proven to be there should be punished. Left and right. I find it crazy that it can come out that he literally raped underage girls and is dumbfuck supporters will be like “don’t care. Still voting for him.”


It’s unsettling how much Epstein looks like Anthony Bourdain at first glance. (Sorry Bourdain RIP and ILY)


Is it possible we somehow stumbled upon the single worst possible person alive to run for president and ran him twice? And he won once?