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The youngest recorded mother was five years old...


That's gotta be top ten worst facts of all time.


There used to be a Wikipedia page for [youngest birth mothers](https://web.archive.org/web/20230313071131/https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_youngest_birth_mothers) but it got removed in 2023. It started at 5 and ended at 10 because 11-year-olds giving birth happens to often to be list-worthy.


It also showed that the youngest grandmother was 17


Lauren Boebert: Come on boys, we can beat that!


Fck man, why do I do this to myself. I knew it was gonna be bad but I continue to read comments and now I'm having a shitty day.




jesus christ. curiosity really killed the cat. reading that was awful.


I hate this fucking planet so God damn much.




4 when pregnancy started.


Well that's a depressing fact.


She outlived her brother-son. This is the bad place.


Wait… her father raped her?


Her son was raised by her parents as her brother. It is unknown who the father was, but it’s largely suspected that it was her grandfather.


WHAT! No. Omg. I’m not even going to google that. That poor girl


that's enough internet for today heading over to r/eyebleach


Abuse can make puberty happen early. She’s still alive too.


I hate these words on my screen a lot




This doesn't even take into account the Ohio Secretary of State going on Fox News and saying it was made up. And then when it comes out that it wasn't made up, the Indiana Attorney General tried to charge the doctor. Fucking scum.


These people will pay some day, you watch


When? I'm tired of waiting


Its a long line


They decided to pay with pennies so it's gonna take a while for them to count them all out... especially since a lot of them can't count to 10


I read this as pay with penises and I am now full of disappointment.


Cash card or penis?


Insufficient funds 😞


There's no justice, there's just us.


Unexpected pratchett


The Turtle Moves...


Funny how people just continue to do bad things when *nobody does anything* about it. So many people are very content to just hope that someone else will take care of it.


I think he means like "metaphorically" as in "If you believe in hell, then you can pretend when they die they went there." However they don't believe in the same heaven and hell, in their minds this is "The lords work." Alternatively, probably when they die and I go out of my way to figure out where they're buried...


Some days I think the first amendment needs to be changed from freedom of religion to freedom from religion and just get rid of all of it.


Then people would go fucking insane about "changing the constitution". Because ya know, there has never been a change or AMMENDMENT to the constitution in the 250 years it's been around, nope Americans all just follow the words of a couple of white dudes from 1787


Well they’re also following the words of some middle eastern dudes from 0-100 so it’s not really surprising.


I love that white people have done everything they can do paint Jesus as white, instead of some middle eastern dude


If you’re tired of waiting then we need to do something about it! But of course now I sound like a crazy radical.


One only becomes real at the point of action. Inaction makes you complicit. Act


LOL no, evil never dies. Henry Kissinger lived to 100.


Voters keep voting them in and rewarding them with power…


I know you're joking, because we all know nobody in power (on the left) has the guts to do what needs to be done.


What left? There is no one in power who represents the left in the US.


Cmon now they're left of center, just not very far.


That's because the left can't be bothered to coalesce behind any one group or candidate due to every issue having purity tests that preclude good or even great individuals since they aren't literally perfect on any one policy issue. Does the center and right make it hard for progressive politics to flourish in the US? Absolutely, but self-defeating politics make it impossible.


I'd say that the endless attacks on the left for the last 300 years has helped to keep the left from getting a strong voice in government. The Pinkerton murdering labor organizers, the McCarthy trials and blacklisting, Nixon's war on the left and black people, the satanic panic, the 2000s when antiwar posters were put in "free speech" cages.... The left isn't a strong "party" because every time the leftists get-together and get progress going the people maintaining the regressive status quo use their power to slander and destroy the movement and the media arm of the government amplifies the slander against anything truly progressive.


It's more the dems fucking the left because when they had a good candidate they said too old and went with Hillary. Now we have old candidates, and no one cares.


I think their point is that the US doesn’t have a “left wing”. You have a right wing and further right wing. What the US calls “left wing” the rest of the world calls “centrist”.


thanks for reminding the Americans of what the rest of the world can see so clearly. Eisenhower would be considered a 'leftist' by today's GOP


Your "left" is more right than our "far right"! (from the UK)


Sometimes i wish there were still armed lunatics crazy enough to try to kill powerful people. Not that i wan't them dead, just the thought that they could be JFKed might be enough for them to calm down.


True…. And I don’t have such moral quandaries, I hope them mfs die. That’s about where I’m at


Been hoping for that for awhile myself, they actively want any one who isn't like them dead, so why should we have guilt about feeling the same about people who do nothing but try and make others lives worse? Fuck em all


Correction: These people will pay when people stop voting them and their enablers into office.


I find hard to conceive how difficult they seem to find it to put themselves in the shoes of a 10 year old who has been raped, and is forced to give birth to and bring up a child at that age. They're so blinded by their ideology that they probably think will help people that don't care about actual people at all.


Well, she can't get pregnant*, so that makes it all right then. *She can, but if you don't acknowledge it, it doesn't exist!


I couldn't find anything about the first half. I wouldn't doubt it, though it is fox. .... for more info on the second half of their comment "Attorney General Todd Rokita filed a complaint against the doctor for speaking about the procedure and violating medical privacy laws" -Could have been retaliation maybe? "Bernard said she raised the issue to alert Indiana residents to the realities of pregnancy termination care if the state passed strict abortion bans. During a hearing, Bernard said she used a real-life example because a hypothetical case wouldn't have the same impact on readers." "Indiana's medical licensing board issued Bernard $3,000 in fines and a letter of reprimand but didn't suspend her license." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gerson-fuentes-guilty-sentenced-life-rape-10-year-old-girl-abortion/


Big Lou sounds like he knows this firsthand because he’s been trying.




Maybe he's using the wrong hole???




Really not the sort of thing one normally describes as "too bad" unless they're telling on themselves. Like I get being stupid, but being stupid would be "Fortunately, 10-year-olds can't get pregnant", not "Too bad 10-year-olds can't get pregnant".


This is why schools need sex education classes, and not trust that parents are actually well informed and can impart knowledge to their children.


I heard on the news that they're planning to just phase out sex education here in England. Or, at least, delay it in the curriculum until the kids are older. I think they said it was being planned to phase out talking about gender identity, which is a whole other can of worms. Both decisions are outright stupid, if you ask me.


LOL Britain already had a massive teen pregnancy problem — great fucking job 🫃🫃🫃


Sounds like how you get a lot of underage pregnancies


I keep hearing conservatives in the US say girls don’t need to know about periods until they are 13. Over half of girls have started by then. 🤦‍♀️


At 10, I had already gotten my period, meaning that I was already ovulating, meaning that I could very much get pregnant. Girls are getting their periods as young as 8 these days. It's absolutely sickening to think about, but they could become pregnant if some POS decided to rape them.


Think lower. Youngest mother to have a child was 5 years, 7 months, 21 days and got pregnant before being 5 YO. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina\_Medina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina)


How in the FUCK is anyone having sex at 5 years old?!? Oh wait. Oh. Ohhhh. OMG THAT’S Horrible!!


It's not consensual, I promise you. It's a sick fuck who did it




We didn’t have DNA testing in 1939, I don’t know that we had any way to definitively prove paternity. A blood test could prove someone is not the father, but not conclusively prove that he is. The article said her father was released because of lack of evidence, not the same thing as being cleared.


The father is still the no 1 suspect to this day. They didn't have DNA testing.


Being released for lack of evidence is not the same thing as being cleared by DNA evidence. Particularly in 1939 when DNA evidence didn't exist and evidence in general was hard to come by for a crime like that.


>but that sick fuck had to know who did it. No? Things aren't always that easy


If the parents don't have even a clue what other adults had access to their 5 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER to rape her that's just as fucked up as knowing and not telling


I thought 6, but I remembered wrong. Unthinkably terrible in any case.


Same. I started at 10 and a half too. You actually don't even need to have your *first* period to get pregnant. Your first period is basically your uterine lining shedding for the first time after you've ALREADY ovulated around 2 weeks ago. So technically, you can get pregnant even before experiencing menstruation!


I heard about the age that girls are getting their period is declining on NPR. There’s actually some serious repercussions for girls getting their period at a young age, one of which is that they are at an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Definitely something more women should research and know about. Single dad’s too. 


Same. I've had guys looking at me since I was seven and even had men come to me and ask *do you want to do something illegal with me?* in a flirty way before I really knew what tf he implied. Mini me had enough common sense to run away from those creeps, but it happened nevertheless. I already had cup c boobs when I was 12 and even had men respond with *so?* when I awkwardly told them it's illegal to 'date' me when I was a minor (which they seriously asked.) It's not fun and people who say things like that need to stfu. A ten year old can get pregnant, and she does not deserve to be treated like that. My heart goes to the poor kid, especially knowing that it could have been me


I hate this for you. I hate that I had similar experiences at similar ages despite my body not being developed. I hate that those men are still out there because what was I going to do besides run away? Even if I did tell someone, miniscule chance they'd have found the guy and even tinier chance anything would've happened to keep him off the streets/away from kids.


Just can’t grasp how people like that go about their daily lives knowing how much of pieces of shit they are. No ability to self reflect and think they should change because what they think is wrong. Fucking scum.


My daughter is 10 years old. I constantly warn her to watch out for older people who say things to her that she doesn’t quite understand. I’ve told her that if she isn’t sure what someone means, tell them no until either mom or dad can figure it out. I’m sorry that you had to endure the scum who tried to take advantage of you. No one should ever be placed into those kinds of situations.


Your experiences make me want to go around to some guys and offer free vasectomies(willing or not) with a straight razor. Sorry you ran into those scummy examples of male humans. It may be hard for you because of your experiences but not all of us think barely pubescent girls are dateable. Hell it creeps me out and I'm old enough to be your grandfather. :(


And young boys are raped by pederast POS, and young girls are raped by women. It isn't just older guys preying on younger girls. Pedophilia and rape is endemic in this country and EVERY pedophile (and all their euphemistic ilk such as MAPs, pederasts, hebephiles, etc) need to be killed. Publicly. Rapists too. SA needs to be treated with the same lack of tolerance as murder.


Some people truly don't deserve to walk around freely, if at all. I'm sorry you went through that, no one, but especially no child ever should


Also, you know, this was all over the news, so it isn't like you need to take anyones word for it happening.


A substantial number of people have been conditioned to distrust new outlets *and also* to eschew critical thinking, to leave them more susceptible to grifting. The result is a sadly large number of people that live by confirmation bias alone.


My neighbors 8.5 year old got hers when her mother was in another country. So he asked if my wife would help her


He's a good dad for that.


I know it’s Reddit so it will get downvoted but I feel like that is a “Get a woman if possible” situation. And my wife’s a doctor so it was probably a little different for his daughter too His daughter then told my son that she was bleeding a lot and your mom just bandaged it up


She was actually 9 when she was raped by her mother’s boyfriend, 10 at the time the abortion took place.


My fiancee was 9.... Edit: when she hit puberty


Nice catch. With the modern GOP, that could benefit from clarification.


I don’t think “these days” is applicable here. I think women always had their period young. Biologists just said the average age. Human development has always been variable


our averages for starting it are falling. Lots of possible causes too.


Probably food or just more data


My daughter started at 9. The girl used to have hair all of the way down her back, so I would help her shampoo it. That was the last day I helped her with the shower, I knew she would start earlier than the "old days" of 12-14, but that really surprised me.


The youngest mother in history was 8-9 years old. It was posted on Reddit in the past week somewhere.


5 Girls was 5


yep 5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina\_Medina#:\~:text=Lina%20Marcela%20Medina%20de%20Jurado,seven%20months%20and%2021%20days. (I just posted it above)


How is that even physically possible? 🤮


It is condition where the body goes into puberty too young, she was 3 when she started to have period. Now a days it is treated with puberty blockers, yes the thing people want to bann. Reason it treated is because early puberty is a problem for the body and mess with a whole lot of things.


Hold on, did I read that right? They want to ban puberty blockers? But... Why? Doing so would cause a boatload of problems!


Because it used in care for transgender youth and they cant fathom it can be used for anything else.


I swear to God, if you're not a straight married white man in the USA, you're not worth shit there.


Right? I mean...I understand how its possible...but...then I try and think of how big a baby is...and how small most 5 year olds are and im with you. Definitely a c-section I hope.


It has to be, there's no other choice.


The youngest grandmother (at 16) was a mother at 8 and her daughter had a baby at 8 years old. The youngest mother ever was 5.


Both my sisters were eight. Eight. Edited to add: and this was in the late 90’s. This was unusual then but is becoming normal now.


As horrible as it is, precocious puberty can be triggered by SA too. So a child experiencing SA can start menstruating earlier than they would otherwise.


Yes!! I got mine at 9!


In 2018, Pastor Dave Barnhart of the Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama posted this message to Facebook: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


One of the good ones




The youngest person ever to have a child, Lina Medina de Jurado, was 5 years, seven months old. This means she was likely pregnant at 4 years old. 


Wish I hadn’t read that. Never even found out what pervert raped her


Not ever confirmed, but the buzz was that it was her father.


Of course it was. A 5 yo isn't running wild, unsupervised, far away from home like that to even be in that situation without anyone knowing. It has to be either her father, or someone who had the blessing of her father.


This was a different time- kids still went out probably and played by themselves. Of course other male relatives, friends etc. the father is the most likely suspect always but that’s far from conclusive. He was arrested and released it said


I think someone needs to investigate Big Lou and his browser history..


I’m concerned that the reply in the OP wasn’t the Least Bit Upset or Horrified that a TEN YEAR OLD was Raped!!! Like DUUUDE, maybe someone should take a look at Your computer history. js


I had a student tell me in the hallway at school that she got her period yesterday. She was in third grade. I was her health teacher, and she was so proud to tell me. I told her, "That is wonderful, and she was becoming a young lady." I then asked if her mother had talked to her about feminine pads and that she would get her period every month. I'm sure there are many more people who are unaware of sexuality and reproduction. Too many people would like to keep it like that.


as the father of a 8 year old girl this infuriates me beyond belief. our daughter has classmates that are *already getting their period* - now granted, we're talking closer to 9 year old girls, (our daughter was born right before the cutoff so she's basically as young as possible for her grade), but i mean...dude... this shit happens. it's not even that uncommon....


There is no God.


never was. If there is a god they're also fucked in the head for allowing this shit to happen. If I was a god I would've smited this godforsaken planet already and started anew.


I wish there was, so when these Christian Nationalist meet their maker they get the chance for him to show them why they deserve HELL!!!


I was 9 when I got mine. These ppl are jokers


I was 10. My daughter got it at 11. It almost seems like these idiots don't know how women's bodies work.


Tell that to my friends mom who the day my friend turned 18 her mom turned 28. Which means she got pregnant at 9.


The youngest mother was 5 years old


Roe Vs Wade was a thing until Trump and the evangelicals got their way


Man hears that a girl gets raped and is pregnant with her rapist's baby. Their response - didn't happen. Choosing that bear all day long.


Just because HIS 10 year old victims haven't gotten pregnant doesn't mean that's true for all of them.


Aside from being wrong, What do you mean “too bad”


It’s crazy to me how a 10 year old isn’t old enough to vote or even drive and yet they believe she is old enough to be a mother. Smdh


Big Lou just means 10 year olds can’t get pregnant if it’s “legitimate rape.” If the 10 year old gets pregnant, she wanted it, and the sperm donor is blameless.


And this is why we need comprehensive sexual education. When you are in BFE and don’t know how female reproductive organs work


Love how these clueless virgin neck beards are all somehow female biology experts


wasn't there a girl in Peru that gave birth at 5? but no 10 year olds can't... no way... obviously not yep here she is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina\_Medina#:\~:text=Lina%20Marcela%20Medina%20de%20Jurado,seven%20months%20and%2021%20days.


Big Lou says that because he never got any 10 years old pregnant.


Whats really scary is realizing that a lot of people believe this shit because they have a similar IQ to Big Lou. Its hard to reason with an idiot.


That guy probably thinks that rape can't cause pregnancy, either.


Pretty sure girls can “shut that whole thing down” in a “legitimate rape.” /s


Guys, we really need to become honest on certain things like that. As foreigner, I will not pretend to know your everyday life nor act if this was anything else than an exceptional tragic phenomenon or that there is no darkness in many other places and every country on earth. But every culture and civilization is measured by the way it treats their most vulnerable members - children, old and prisoners. And this is an intolerable disgrace. I don't want to offend anyone. It is not your fault, the world is, what it is. But it is your fault if it remains the way it is. But exactly the people who might feel addressed in a negative way by this are exactly the ones, who can change this.


These are the people who are voting on women’s rights this year. People who don’t know basic fucking biology. What is this bullshit timeline?


This whole thing was disgusting, and republicans should never be allowed to live that shame down.


This, among other things, is why we need to properly fund education in our country.


Thousand dollars says "Big Lou" is big b/c he's fat.


I call him Tiny Willy.


Big Lou is an idiot.


Bet Big Lou tried and tested it a few times


And you know this, how?


You know, while I appreciate the lived perspectives of a lot of women in this thread, I think we all need to recognize that Big Lou is an expert in these things. Show a little deference to Big Lou, folks! /s


in Ohio, it is possible for the court that ruled this to be held accountable in the event that said 10/11 year old dies as a result of the child-birth. The reason/grounds would be "gross negligence" given the statistics available for complications and mortality. Not going to comment on the ruling; not even going to go there. English doesn't have sufficient curse words for it to be worth my time.


I wonder how long it's going to take a father to John Q a doctors office in order to get his child out of delivering a rapists child.


The American Adult is lost.


This is why sex education is important


5 year old had a baby.


I got my first period the second week of 5th grade.




Lina Marcela Medina de Jurado might be an interesting read for some.


This has to be the first time anyone has said "too bad 10 years olds can't get pregnant " outside of the Church of Latter Day Saints.




This is why uninformed men have no business making laws about women’s bodies.


I like straight up don’t even have words for this 😭 Like… how can you just be so horribly factually incorrect? Like you’re literally just wrong. Just straight up wrong. It’s crazy to me man


Even if it were true, and this case was an extreme outlier, I can hardly think of a less appropriate phrase than "too bad that 10 year olds can't get pregnant".


I got my period when I was 10. Just saying


10 year olds can’t get pregnant, but virgin births are real?


If you're defending the state or courts actions because "boo hoo abortion is murder" just know you're feeding into these sick fucks fantasies. They WANT to get these children pregnant, they WANT you to be forced to carry their rape baby. If you are against abortions for rape victims and more importantly **rape victims who are also children** then you are just as bad as the pedophillic scum that walk this earth. Unapologetically, you're a nasty sorry excuse of a human to defend the courts here.


So she can have a baby but is not allowed to vote or drive a car. Make it make sense.




Sorry to say but a 5yo has given birth (😭). That must be leftist propaganda though. Classic long con.


I think we should listen to that guy. It sounds like he's given it a lot of effort


"too bad" !?!?! WTF


Trumplican fault as he appointed religious hypocrites to the Supreme Court.




What a moron


Outside of the fact that he's wrong and stupid, what the fuck does he mean by "too bad"


Opportunity for what? Childbirth can be traumatic for fully grown women, wtf are they thinking saying that to a child that was raped? It's wrong.


America is a 3rd world shit hole pretending it’s competent.


Forgive him, he's speaking from personal experience!


First time I ever found out what a period is was in 5th grade. Homegirls stomach hurt, she went to school nurse, came back next day and excitedly said “I got my period!” So I asked what it was but she never said. So yeah, it can happen yo


Big Lou might be freaking out one he realises they can




The youngest mother in history was 5…


Mad about the abortion, not the actual rape of a 10 year old. Let's abort the rapist.


betcha this dumbass pulled that comment pretty fast...id probably lose that bet...


Big Lou more like Big Without a Clue


Republicans are coming after birth control next. Register to vote, vote for no Republicans. We need to cause them to implode and reform as something not crazy.


This civil war is going to be absolutely ridiculous.....


Oh, Big Lou bowhunter... they took your guns away didn't they?


I was 9 and in catholic grade school when I started menstruating. You can imagine how awesome my childhood was.


5 year old in Peru got pregnant, your argument is invalid.


I started my period at 9. So yeah, 10 year olds can get pregnant. Idiot


No prize for guessing who he votes for