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If Trump told me it was raining outside, I’d reach for the sunscreen.


Then you would trust him to be wrong, honestly i would look myself bc i dont trust him at all


This is the way. If you are just doing the opposite of what they say you're still trusting them to tell you the truth in a different form




Well, he’d probably draw it on with a sharpie


The sunscreen, or the sun?


To be fair, he *is* 6’3” when wearing his 4 inch lifts.


How do we know he wasn't wearing them in this pick? How do we know he's not an Oompa-Loompa with a bad hair dye job?.


That's an insult to Oompa-Loompas.


He's a bad one. Banished to Gizard of Ooze.


You honestly believe a man this vain isn't wearing lifts all the time?


I believe Trump is unstable. In many ways. So maintaining a heel stance for long is unlikely. So being an Oompa-Loompa standing on a fruit crate seems more plausible. 👍


More likely a Grunka Lunka.


The photo with 6'1" Obama suggests Trump is 6'1" in lifts.


This picture contains an unhealthy amount of dickheads per cm


But contains almost no dicks per cm


You can tell that old Mango Unchained is lying when he moves his hands outward and inward again, like he's clapping almost, or trying to decide how big the fish that got away was.


You can tell he’s lying when his lips are moving.


> You can tell he’s lying when his lips are moving. Even simpler than that: he's still breathing.




*nods* "invisible accordion"!


I call it the "Liecordion"


Bingo!!! 👍


Like, sometimes, he makes the 👌 motion along with the liecordion, and you can watch him "stretch the truth" in real time.


The okay 👌 hand sign is also one widely used by white-supremacist-nationalists to test, suss out and acknowledge one another. Basically a gang sign for Nazis. Which is why the preferred alternative emoji these days amongst strangers is 👍 WSNs will regularily flash the okay gesture at police/military to see if they're one of them. And whether or not they'd be arrested for committing racist hate crimes in their presence. Sometimes actally assisting in the crime itself.


I think George Conway referred to it as the accordian of lies, and BS accordian.


Shit, that's the best description I've heard of it. Nice.


I'm 6'4. Donald Trump isn't 1 inch shorter than me. He's at least a foot shorter than every doorway I've ever seen him walk through. My hair brushes the top of doorways as I go through, his would fall off with that much resistance.


Trump isn't wearing his business heals.


[I’ll do ya one better](https://apnews.com/article/business-economy-united-states-government-f81e6d4350c444a08c2dfcb9cd5bd81d) Obama is 6’1” and I’ll bet it’s safe to say he’s not making that up.


Maybe he was a couple inches taller 40 years and a neurological lean ago. Age is a bitch that way.


The guy has definitely a history of overestimating


Maybe he was once 6'3. He's a granny now.


This man is incapable of honesty at this point. No one should take anything this man says seriously.


People do start getting shorter with age. There is a guy I've known for 30 years, he was about 200cm but now, in his 80s, he is closer to 190cm (gave or take). (in American terms I think that's going from about 6'7 to 6'4) Not saying Trump was ever as tall as he said, just that he could have been when he was younger.


10cm is a lot to lose. Must be the added strain from being so tall in the first place. As the old saying goes, ‘the bigger they are, the harder they small’. … I’ll get my coat.


That could be the case, but he had on his drivers license that he was 6‘2”. He was 6’3” after it was pointed that at his weight, if he was 6’2”, he would be obese. At 6’3” he would just be classified as “overweight”.


LMFAO that's actually why?


Yeah, that sounds pretty true to form. Because we can't just look at him and know that he's obese.


Tbf they also don’t measure you when renewing your drivers license they just ask you. He could easily have lied even about being 6’2”


You have your height on your drivers licence?




Height, weight, hair and eye color. As well as blood type if you're an organ donor.


Wrestling is more honest than Donald Trump.


They should swap Tyson out of the fight with Logan Paul and sub in Biden. Love to see him do to Paul what he did to Cornpop.


Maybe he thinks 63" is the same as 6'3"?


“He was wearing high heels”- MAGA


Can we persuade all the MAGA men to take up wearing 4" heels?


You shrink with age, just sayin.


hands clearly much much smaller on trump


How old is he? He might have used to be 6'3". My old man was about 5'10.5 growing up. By the time I'd reached a similar height, he'd shrunk about an inch and a half.


More like 6’0


In Ben Shapiro's attempt to write a book, he unknowingly provides us with an insight into the conservative mind when he describes someone as: "He was 6'2" high without shoes". Go look up the shoes that Ted Cruz or Putin wear and you'll understand immediately - these people are obsessed with "correcting" their height with high heels. Any normal person would just state their biological height when asked, just the conservative "alpha males" would answer with whatever height they augmented themselves to by wearing their high heels. Hence why Trump can say he's 6'3" tall with a straight face.


Donald Trump is 77 years old. He's lost a few inches, as often happens as enter their twilight years. I got a cousin who was 6'5" according to his official measurements in his sporting days. He was still about 6'5" in his 50s - same height as myself. He now stands about 6'3", and is only 70 or so. I've actually no doubt Trump *was* 6'3". He's just not anymore.


Donald Trump, at 77, still claims to be 6'3.


Yep. And he's a liar. But at least with this one I've no doubt where it came from.


Look at those kitty bitty hands, he may be 6 foot


Maybe he left his DeSantis boots at home?


![gif](giphy|5f30q4FEm8Tfy) Trump is 6'3" when he rocks the 1050s pompadour...


Is Logan paul wearing blocker-boots? (google it! if you're not a UK child of the 70s-80s)


He could have been 6'3" when he was younger. My dad was 6' even, but had lost about 4 inches by the time he hit 80.


Same old bullshit. He's six feet, weighs 280.


Waddayaknow..... politicians lie :D


6 foot and 3 tenths of an inch tall.


Trump and DeSantis (in lifts) are about the same height, about 5’10”.


They’re both probably lying but if not then Trump is 6’ or maybe even 5’11


And they both weigh about the same.


Odd move for a WWE performer to be pulling that. I mean, I know Linda was in on the administration, but still.


Plus Trump is almost certainly wearing lifts.


This picture is further reason why I won't buy my kid prime drinks.


Two liars standing together like idiots.


I hope Tyson knocks every last tooth out of that motherfuckers face except the wisdom teeth. Let that bitch pay for removal like the rest of us.


trumps head is bigger but his hands are smaller...


He's almost 80. You shrink as you get older, also the spine compresses if you are over weight sometimes. Appearing 4 to 5 inches shorter at 78 is pretty normal to actually not bad under the circumstances. Disclaimer: I hate the guy, but let's not start reaching like they do.


Trump is a list about everything


The Orange Asshat is 6'3", but only when he's standing on Lindsey Graham's chest. Otherwise, even with those lifts installed in his shoes, he's 5'9" **at best**. The guy's entire life, and everything he says, is a complete lie. A small man inside and out, whose pathetic criminality and endless lies are finally catching up with him as the justice system closes in. By the way, anyone else notice that the Republicans, stupid as they are have figured out he's toast, may not even be sentient by November, and have started to talk up his coke addled kid Junior as being his reincarnation and successor. Going from an Adderall addicted speed freak to a coke addicted idiot is exactly what I expect from the MAGA cult.


the bone spurs add 4 inches ;)


How is this even a facepalm, this sub has basically become only Trump and MAGA posts


The weird part is there have been devices known to measure and verify such claims (both of them) for ages. And even if you Americans keep insisting on using archaic and outdated and borderline erroneous measurements for everything, I’m pretty sure it should be possible to verify.


Wouldn't be a dick measuring competition, if you didn't compare to other body parts.


I think people lose height when they get older but i guess it doesn’t apply to people you hate


Maybe they’ll change the law so they can throw him in jail for it, and for “Democracy!”


Eh, he's an old man, he would have lost some height at least.


Please don't make excuses for Orange Hitler.


Orange Hitler? Lmao.


Well now they're just gonna simp harder out of spite


Uh...ok. we're talking about his height but fine.


I don't think he can tell the difference between truth and lies but this is a pretty trivial thing to call him out about. Plenty of celebs fudge their height by an inch or two and it's true that he's probably a couple of inches shorter than he was when he was thirty. Out of a list of literally hundreds of embarrassing and dangerous lies he's told through the years, this one is possibly the least important. I mean, this is the guy who precipitated an insurrection with his lies about winning the 2020 election and who said that the coronavirus was harmless in 99% of cases when, in fact, at the time over 4% of cases were ending in death.


You people are more obsessed with Trump than the MAGAs


Why do you want to take away the civil rights of women, Blacks, and LGBTQ?


Why do you want to take away the civil rights of Asians, Jews and senior citizens?


> Why do you want to take away the civil rights of Asians, Jews and senior citizens? What are you talking about exactly?


I could ask you the same thing


But you didn’t and you’re unable to answer the question.


I could say the same thing.


So? Why do you want to take away the civil rights of women, Blacks, and LGBTQ?


So? Why do you want to take away the civil rights of Asians, Jews and Senior Citizens?


>Why do you want to take away the civil rights of Asians, Jews and Senior Citizens? What are you talking about?


lol this lun cheung speaking for us.


I mean yes ansolutely.... but soecifically with height how old is trump again? I am not very familiar with it but people do start getting smaller with age as well or something don't they... ? Thanks for the downvotes... btw... how dare I ask a question ._ .


He's 77 and, yes, people can lose height as they age, especially if they are as averse to exercise as he obviously is. Far be it from me to defend this fool, but lying about a couple of inches of height is nothing compared to some of the lies he's told.


He‘s 6.3 when his horsedick hits the ground


Paul is 6'2" according to who? If just relying on WWE, don't. They lie about heights all the time.


>Trump lies about everything all the time.


Yes, and? I'm just saying, if the only source of Logan Paul's height is what he's billed as in WWE, that makes him a terrible measuring tool. (But yes, he is definitely a tool.)