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Do a burnout on a confederate flag and watch the tears start flowing


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^No-Dark-9414: *Do a burnout on* *A confederate flag and* *Watch the tears start flowing* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There is no war in ba sing se, thanks bot


this sentence goes unbelievably hard


If you roll coal while doing it, do you think their brains would explode?


The don’t tread on me crowd certainly likes to tread on other people.


Yeah, because it makes them feel better. They think they're so big, when, in reality, they're not.


The fuck your feelings crowd sure has a lot of strong emotions.


And "Facts don't care about your feelings" crowd really have really strong feeling about some facts!


"Fuck your feelings, but mine need a tender cuddle."




Careful, you may get banned for this. I got banned for three days for making fun of Texas drivers. As someone from Texas. Because Texans are a "protected" class and should not spread hate against them 


The military has taken me all over the world. I have never met such dumb animals as I have here in Texas.


My son said the same.




Please please PLEASE Seceed Texas! That is goi g to be amazing. I see two outcomes. The US lets them (doubful) and they quickly become a third world shit hole because they suddenly can't suck off the government teat. Or the US says "nope" and steamrolls the fascist Texas state government and replaces them with sane people.


Once it gets below 30 degrees, that power infrastructure has, let's say, issues?


Hasn't it also had issues at higher temperatures as well?


It always has issues. Mainly because it has no ability to draw significant extra power (if any) from outside sources during emergencies. That fits the "Texas is bigger and better than everyone!" mentality, though. Their ego and arrogance doesn't allow for reason.


so true


Yup! ERCOT shits the bed on both ends. And yet, idiot Texans continue to vote R.


I don't think the secession crowd really thought it all the way through. You become a tiny nation surrounded by what you consider to be a hostile nation.


the day that texas secedes itll be owned by the cartels within 24 hours.


Not just 1 hostile nation, but 2!


I swear I'm going crazy but last time secession came up didnt the Mexican government release a video of like a standing armed force essentially saying they would invade as soon as Texas became independant? Like I swear they were essentially trying to nudge Texas to remain with the US with that move.


I hate our government here but Texas does not really suck off the government teat. We pay more in federal tax than we take in. Honestly, I wish we’d take more and not deny a bunch of stuff that would help the people of this state. Alas though, we have crooks and scoundrels in power here. Also, the vast majority of Texans do not support seceding from the US. Republicans like to bring this up close to elections to rile up the idiots in their base, which there are a lot of.


I think they might be talking about the military bases and the jobs and money that brings in.


The drivers in Texas are in a class of their own. It’s pretty wild


Many ppl tell me this! D:


Sad, small, terrified, men. Mostly afraid of their own feelings.


Sad, small, terrified, yes. Men, not necessarily -- I've seen plenty of women that act like this too, even if men are the majority demographic for this attitude.


They're like small, defenceless animals that defend themselves by living in groups and being very loud.


Same tough guys who murder unarmed children


They're a bunch of snowflakes


The “fuck your feelings” crowd sure has a lot of snowflakes in it, doesn’t it 🤭 Every accusation is a confession with these hateful idiots.


"don't force me to accept gaynessssss!!! Keep your deviant sexuality away from me! Bet you're thinking of me naked!!1!" says the guys no LGBTQ person would even dream of being near, they have standards bruv


The funny thing is, they don’t like aces, either.  So, really, they’re anti everyone who isn’t them. 


Because they hate themselves. Everything is projection, every accusation is a confession. I guarantee you the guy in those tweets is attracted to men and hates himself for it. So he takes his own self hatred out on others.


In general, I agree, but in the specific case of "Gunther Eagleman," that username is just ***so*** incredibly on-the-nose that I have a hard time believing it isn't a Russian propaganda account.


That's a good observation... then again, I wonder if the man for his profile pic is really him or some photo that he took from a simple Google image search. Thankfully we have reverse image search


they also get really snippy when facts go against their feelings 


Shockingly unsurprising


Well, yeah. It's "Don't tread on *me*." not "Don't tread on *us*.".


Rules for thee, not for me.


Please don’t give them ideas, I’d hate to see news headline of some sick fuck doing burnouts on some random trans kids face


Gunther is indeed a terrible person. Probably posting from St Petersburg too. And I don’t mean the one in Florida.


I think he's a bait account I mean GUNthur EAGELman


Tbf, he could have changed his name to that. Or just go by that handle and nickname. After all, we know they have no problem with changing pronouns when it suits them.


If you google "who is Gunther eagleman", yeah, it's a pseudonym.  Apparently he's a cop from Texas 


That's so stupid it's genius. I hate it. That's probably exactly what the account operator was going for. It's right up there with "HEY YOU! JOIN THE NAVY!"


Hmm, yes. My next choice was AMERICAN JOE OHIO.


I’d call him a shitstain on the human race but that would be insulting to shitstains


Yeah, there’s no way that’s a real human. ^lmao It’s like a MAGA hat came to life and got a social media account.


This is so obviously some Chinese or Russian bot with a name like goddamn “Gunther Eagleman”


Agreed and the fact anyone interacts with them just further spreads their spew. Don’t feed rhe trolls


Bro... it's Twitter (or X as E Lawn likes to call it). People are definitely going to cancel and feed him like they're feeding the birds.


Gunther Eagleman is just a Russian troll farm account, he's not even a real person.


10/10 name by the trolls


We had cute little multi colored puzzle pieces (not related to Autism Speaks) at the cross walk near a local school. Someone wrote slurs on them. They were not rainbow. Just bright primary and secondary colours.


People suck. I'm so sorry.


Imagine being proud of bigotry?


I stand firm by my belief that people who have this much hate are really having a hard time suppressing their own gay feelings so they take it out on others.


They’re actually just hating. They find things to hate. It’s not like they’re secretly immigrants also


The self hatred comes into play when their score on the kinsey scale spikes to anything past a 2. They spew vitriolic hate just to spew it, but the moment they think a man’s ass looks nice in jeans, they ramp up the intensity of their hate towards LGBTQ even more, because they need to suppress that attraction


Yeah, as a gay man the whole, “he’s just a closet case,” thing has always come across as just another kind of homophobic slur - “only a closet case could be this hateful, he couldn’t possibly be straight.” I don’t really care about the motivations behind homophobia, anyone spouting this kind of bigotry is a heartless asshole who would rather kids be dead than LGBTQIA+.


Yea I see the same thing too. I still remember the era of “stop asian hate”. Wonder how people would’ve reacted if I said they were secretly asian 🤷🏻‍♂️


> Wonder how people would’ve reacted if I said they were secretly asian *"Bullshit, I'm terrible at math..."*


their grandparents probably were immigrants though


it replaces beating his wife and kids.... not even joking.... that's often how this works...


Could be true. Before I came out I just thought all guys wanted to be girls. The moment I realized that is not true was incredibly changing for me.


my experience realizing i am ace was quite similar!!


“*Look, I would not have a problem with gay men if they would just have the decency to stop sucking my dick every single day…*” /s


Please stop blaming marginalized communities for the violence and hate they have to deal with.


Is his name really Gunther? An American named Gunther screams toothbrush mustache culture from birth. It explains a lot.


Name could mean he was born from German immigrants. No need to look for malice where there is none


I'M born from German immigrants and I don't know any Gunthers. No, thats suspect.


“I refuse to partake in this nonsense” -someone who spends all day obsessing over said “nonsense”


Let's be honest that pained flag is stupid and dangerous. For one it doesn't seem scraped so it's gonna be slippery AF and second they pained it over road markings. Dude is an idiot anyway don't get me wrong


Why paint that on the road in the first place? Is it really necessary, and is it not just a kind of provocation at this point, to put big bright symbols of your alternative sexuality all over the place in public? Live your lives as you wish, and let others live in peace, too. An unpopular opinion on Reddit, maybe.


No. This is the correct opinion.


It’s interesting to me that people even give this clown the time of day. Posting him here just gives him more of a platform; I honestly think posts from him (and others… see: MTG) should be banned.


This is childish behavior. But why is that pride flag on the street anyway? What purpose does it have? The paint makes the street more slippery on a potentially braking point. And for what? Why paint the streets anyway? It's made for those douchbags to vandalism. Its like putting hundreds of footballs in a mall and wondering that people kick them around.


Frankly tho, the road isn't exactly the best place to paint a pride flag, for multiple reasons...


and that's why they evolved to be placed on walls.


This is my thought process: if the pride flag is on a wall? Awesome. We should gladly supply the paint. If the pride flag is on the ground…? On a fregging street that cars drive over…? That doesn’t really make a lot of sense to me.


For them, even if it has no affect on their life whatsoever, if they hear about it or see it out of the corner of their eye, that counts as having being forced to participate. So using the, ‘no one is forcing you to have sex with men, why are you so insecure’ argument won’t work. For them it’s ‘cease to be, don’t even cause a single neuron of mind to fire in response to this, or I’ll turn society against you’


"Fuck your feelings, snowflake!" "No, no wait...not MINE, ONLY your feelings! Mine matter always, all the time!" I would say their parents must be proud, but the reality is, they likely are. This level of idiocy is nurture, not nature. Nobody is this stupid naturally. Somebody's pawpaw thinks this is peak comedy.


Small dick in a big truck doing small dick things.


You must have such a comfortable and complacent life when things like rainbow flags make you that angry. Fucking snowflake.


as long as breaking your hate cult symbol is a hate crime so should this be. I hate how far Christianity has fallen in the states.


That person had to make that second image. They had to sit there and edit it until it was just right, but for how long? "Hmm, which flag goes to which word?"


Hey look it's government property damage from the "respect the law" guys


With a name like Gunther, I’m not surprised he has to hate on other people.


No one asked you to, Gunther McSockFucker. Part of that rainbow is no fuckhead bigots. You aren't invited to the party, dance, or parade.


I consider myself an ally and not even I knew that many pride flags existed. Weird to be so obsessed with something that you don't want to have to see.


His name sounds like a weapons contractor company that also makes boner pills


God damn, for people who hate these kinds of things all up in their faces, they sure do post and talk about it a whole hell of a lot.


Whoever decide to put the flag in the road is dumb. It’s literally asking for assholes to do this. I see people doing this, *when there isn’t a brightly colored target on the road*. The assumption people wouldn’t do a burnout on it is naive.


I went to his account to tell him he’s a pos, but I must’ve already done that sometime in the past because I’m blocked. 😂😂😂 Such little babies.


Dude also has an Instagram feel free to have a convo with him on there as well


Learn English if you're going to troll.


Y’all falling for the bait smh


You have to be pretty delusional to plaster a huge flag in the middle of the road and then complain when it gets tire marks on it.


Love how the ace flag falls under "weird shit". What's more depraved than... *checks notes* never fucking?


I want to remember to every christian fighting for the words in the bible that the word "homosexual" was added in 1946 Before the word used was another (too complicated i dont Remember It exactly now) But the original word mean child molester not homosexual The bible initially said "a man should not sleep with a children as he sleeps with women cause Its sin" basically, sin Is not the Word used but you get the point So the bible said that you have to fight child molester not homosexuals So go and find some christian preacher, im pretty sure he molested at least one child


To be fair this is in on the city. There's a reason you don't put flags on ground.


Not comfortable with homosexuality? I have a simple solution. Don’t be gay, dumbass


Why are you as a man concerned and angry about me having sex with men. That isn't hatred, that my friend is jealousy


Stop reposting this knuckle dragger.


Agreed. I doubt he even believes half this shit so much that it brings in those rage clicks and sweet, sweet and revenue.


heres reminding everyone that if i went to a random Christian display and spray painted it, id get 2-5 mandatory.


imagine their outrage if someone did that to an american flag painted on the street


I’m so over this crap. If someone is gay, cool, if someone is trans, do you fam, if someone wants specific pronouns, I’ll do my best to cater and use them. The hate we see on a day to day basis about the LGBTQ+, Israeli and Palestinians is beyond my understanding.


If they make him puke, then he shouldnt deepthroat so hard!


This guy is giving big gay energy


For someone who is anti-gay he knows a lot about the life.


Trump and MAGA have made people's most vile tendencies acceptable.


Where I live, we're getting sent out to repair the marks left behind, so his hatred is giving me more money. But honestly, I don't understand the hate for some coloured stripes on some bit of asphalt.


Normalize doing to confederate flags what they do to pride flags to see what happens.


Can you imagine expending that much effort and energy ‘not caring’ about something?


He's 100 on grinder and had another man's penis in his mouth at some point.


I can't. Every time he posts I have to laugh at his name. He literally went with the first choice at nazinamegenerator.com


Gunther is def a power bottom and dumb as f$ck


That account is definitely feeling a little bi-curious and blames the liberals for it.


something tells me Gunther got his dick sucked at a gloryhole a good couple times and is trying to convince himself that was not a dude on the other side


Can we just make ad/engagement revenue illegal? Call it a day? Can this clown get a REAL job?


Tbf, putting anything important in the street is a bad idea


Ironic that Gunther Eagleman sounds like a top German Gay Porn actors name.


I just wish people who painted the street had to take a motorcycle safety course. Aside from that do what makes you happy


Aromantics mentioned!!! 🥳🆒🍾 (“Gunther Eagleman”—which is totally a real name btw—included our flag lol)


So was the car supposed to fucking fly or what 🤣


There's no chance in hell that someone who makes \*that\* big a show over \*not\* being gay doesn't have a hard drive filled to the brim with downloaded gay porn.


My favorite rap quote "what you eat don't make me shit and who you fuck don't make me cum." -J. Cole Do you and love who you love ❤️


I wish someone could explain to me why these people care so much about something that does not affect their lives at all. Why do you care about how others live their lives? The hate just baffles me and scares me for gay/trans people that I love.


I think its more the fact its shoved into everyones faces and are forced to accept it. People accepted guys and lesbians, hell they even have parades but suddenly the trans+ communities jumped on the band wagon. Even some gay people aren't happy with them jumping aboard, now that MAPs are trying to squeeze themselves under the same blanket, thats where people are starting to break.


I don't have to sleep with other men? Phew my jaw hurts...


Guarantee that this guy has wanted to have sex with men before, and all this bigotry is projection so he can hope the gay will go away.


Gunther absolutely has homosexual tendencies that he doesn’t know how to deal with


Maybe we just need a redneck cracker appreciation month so they wont feel left out.


The funniest thing is seeing the truck is a ford platinum. So, he's (truck driver) just showing he's also gay in his own way.


Damn...instead of coming together so we can save the planet, we got douchbag here burnning more rubbers and gas all because he is offended that the females are ditching him for their own genders or that even guys don't wanna touch him either...


Americans if someone lets their flag touch the ground: HOW DaRE YOU, YOU CANT DISRESpEVT THE FLAG Americans when they see any other flag:


Alright hear me out, the second one actually belongs in r/clevercomebacks 😂


People say kids are getting indoctrinated in schools about LGBT, but to that I say, at least they don't get indoctrinated into racism and homophobia at home!


Gunther is a Russian troll and you cannot convince me otherwise. He spews hate 24/7 on that horrible platform.


Piss on a US flag this 4th of July and watch the baseball cap, sunglasses, in my car video content creators froth at the maw about trampling on freedom.


No one on earth is going to agree with everything. As far as I know, no one else paints their symbols on the streets, why give them the opportunity to do this kind of thing? There's lots of other ways to demonstrate pride. Unfortunately, this will never stop.


This clown probably sucked more dick in his life than a $20 hooker and he hates himself for it. Sad.


These people are so afraid the other half of the population doesn’t want to sleep with them either.


Guarantee you that dude fights with gay fantasies daily.


I'd bet money this dude saw a trans woman and got a boner, then found out she's trans, and is now so insecure in their sexuality that they do shit like this to compensate. As a matter of fact, I'm willing to bet this is true of most Conservative men.


For the record, peeling out on pride colors is a crime. Sooooo, you know. Play stupid games, etc.


Has anyone been prosecuted for it? I can't imagine it's anything more than a vandalism charge.


I think peeing in public is a crime regardless of the ground your piss falls onto


So long as people stay in their lane, I will stay in my lane. None of this affects me, none of it should affect me. The people who are affected by these things are the people who actively involve themselves in those situations and then complain about the fact that “people are forced to participate.” No, sir. You drove off the cliff yourself. You have only yourself to blame for getting into this car wreck.


Who cares about people posting on X. This guy talks shit cause he ain’t shit.


Eventually someone will find Gunther yard and wip some donuts


That ''B'' fellow is my new hero. And I,m not even part of the LGBTQ+ community.


I'd like to know his definition of "going along," most likely it's little more than seeing something that does not affect him at all


maga males actually have the highest suicide rates. absurdly high too. White boomers in red state kill themselves at a rate of around 60 out of 100,000. US and Japan average is about 17-18.




Well they have a lot of guns on that side so what can you do?


My 7 am brain though the dude was happy about the flag being drawn in the floor ( also were I came from we don't really care where that much about our flag ) so I was like " hell yeah spreading awareness draw it everywhere. " and the second one was that he was against the post 🤣


Let me start out with the obvious fact of if you are projecting your anger, rage, fears, insecurities, ect on others only because of them being different or living different than, you have issues, and you are the problem. This post is funny to me because I, as a veteran, have been called names, jeered, and slandered by members of the LGBTQ community. The difference is I just turn their own adjectives and vomitous rhetoric around to ridicule the person doing the act worse than they did me, just as I do to anyone that's foolish enough to berate me for their own gain. You do something stupid, you get called out. Totally equal treatment for everyone. That, and more than a few of the people I have been downrange with are of alternative sexual and gender roles. They're still my brothers & sisters. As long as you're not harming others or infringing on their liberties & rights, you have the right to pursue happiness however you see fit. Just don't make your choices everyone else's problem. It really is too easy. "Treat each other most awesomely." -Ted Theodore Logan PS: For the slow ones in the back, the stupid driver and the dipshit making bigoted statements in the picture are obviously just that, stupid dipshits.


That censored "Brian Krassenstein" is almost perfectly readable


I don’t get it either: the colors are cool and who doesn’t like a good party?


Me thinks ol' Gunther, either has, or wants to participate.


straight cis male here , I don't get why the LGBTQI+ people get so much hate , they have never done anything to warrant it .


Didn't some kid get cocked over big time for defacing public property doing this a year or 2 ago? Assholes never learn


We all know why