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"I rather my family DIE IN A FIRE than give into the tyranny of government mandated smoke detectors or tax funded fire departments!"


Seriously though, if requirements for smoke alarms were just being introduced now for the first time, there is zero chance they would get enacted. Rs would absolutely oppose. “Government intrusion” etc.


Seatbelts would face similar pushback. Even in the 80s there was a lot of pushback. With the current political zeitgeist, there's zero chance we could agree on such a policy, regardless of the cost in human life.


They’d be pushing those reports of increased people being admitted to emergency wards after accidents, not realizing that those people would’ve died instead.


That statistic is an excellent example of how you can lie with the truth.


ah yes, the "ventilators killed people" crowd. who ignore the fact that, with out the ventilators those people would have died sooner. the only reason they were on vents was because the disease progress to the point where their only chance of survival was with the ventilator and even then it was slim.


>Seatbelts would face similar pushback. Would? I see you're fortunate enough to not know any "true patriots". Have a distant maga family member and had to ride in the car with them driving one time. They just let that seatbelt alarm beep, and it was driving me crazy. I was like please put that thing on or at least wrap it around because the beeping is driving me nuts. Even minor requests like this have to turn into some fight with them. It's so god damn exhausting. You can even find "seatbelt silencers" online that are just the buckle part to stop the beeping. I just don't get it. They act like children that just learned the concept of "no" for the first time. Like basic safety rules are tyranny designed to oppress them.


I recall a company that was selling Velcro straps to make it look like you were wearing a seatbelt when you were not. If you where going to go through that bother why not just use the seatbelt? Nope, gotta show them libbies that ya ain’t gonna play by some guvment rules.


These are somehow the same people who try to shame me for not striking my children.


Oh yeah, with their own kids it's like "I'm the adult, so I'm the boss and have complete domain over all your decisions".


Mandatory helmets for riding motorcycles too. There was an annual protest last year in NY where a guy died WHILE PROTESTING and the other protesters continued to ignore the fact that a helmet would have saved his life.


I have a good friend who STILL refuses to wear the seatbelt. He always talks about this 1 time back when he was a teenager (over 40 yrs ago) when he was stopped at a red light, he got rear ended by speeding car. He saw the car coming, realized it wasn't going to stop, pushed his seat back down and got between the seats and braced. He basically said, that action alone has saved him and he could NOT have done that if he was wearing a seat belt. I keep trying to get him to change his mind but at his age (I guess also mine), it is difficult to change.


Yeah there’s the one in a million story of someone who was ejected from a rollover or other accident and survived. However, there was a guy who was an adamant opponent of seat belt laws who was in a rollover accident in a jeep, was ejected, and the jeep rolled over on him and he died. The belted in occupants survived.


Repukes don’t want to govern, just oppose the Democrats. Thanks to McConnell and tdump


To be fair, they probably did. The difference being, back then, we wouldn't give them a platform under the guise of being "fair."


I know a lady who’s deep into anti-vax… anti-medicine in fact. She refuses to have any medicine at home, so if her kids or her husband get sick, she’ll give them homeopathic treatments or supplements (you have a headache, take magnesium…). Funny enough, last time I saw her, her face was frozen stiff. She’s happy getting injected with a deadly toxin to make herself look better but god forbid you take a panadol.


You need to start dropping hints that "Big Botox" is a cover for the Soros funded lizard alliance or some other hilarious combination of bulshit. Like really hammer it home how evil it is and that those celebrities that have are actually skin walkers trying to blend in etc. Then sit back and watch her try to cringe on hearing that news 😂


"Then sit back and watch her try to cringe" That is a masterstroke


Tell her, "Botox is adrenochrome."


You should radicalize her into pee drinking




I rather see my family driven over than the fear of traffic!


“And don’t get me started on seat belt and drunk driving laws!! I’d rather my children get killed by a drunk while walking to school than have **one** driver be a slave to communist overreach.”


I’ve heard they put microchips in smoke detectors.


Those who "refuse to live in fear" seem to carry guns a lot.


Which is weird considering how terrified they are of shots.




"Who's afraid?! I'm not afraid! YOU're afraid!" When there's a culture focused on success and virility, there's always insecurity steaming from the area.


The Right now has the battlecry of "I'm a viiiiiictim!"


Its the irony


Big Irony, I think Marty Robbins had a song about it


Not in Vancouver.


That's so they can shoot at the fire, duh.


And then when her family actually dies from covid it is "boo-hoo why the gov did nothing to prevent it ?"


Not that she'll be around to care,  but her family will probably be fine when they follow medical advice. 


It's often the other way around. The elderly are the most vulnerable to covid, and anti-vaxx adults were usually vaxxed as children but refuse to vaccinate their own kids, so their children are vulnerable to other kinds of transmissible diseases.


Yup. We took a lot of COVID precautions that in hindsight many people are saying were "useless," but if we took no precautions and more people died, there would be an uproar of "why didn't the government do anything????"


And they start a GoFundMe for the medical bills.


Nah. Just blame the ventilators and not having access to whatever quack cures their cult thinks work. Fuck these people.


"I would rather kill my family than be slightly inconvenienced."


And possibly harm others, too


"Yes, darling I know we're sad about your little brother dying, but it was worth it to show the government that Mommy won't be bossed around."


Ladies and gentlemen, "The party of "family values"


That's what I got, 'I want my family to die'. What a sick F.


You'd think people like her would be a self correcting problem but they breed like rabbits.


"I'd rather bury my family after a mass-shooting than see gun reform"


Define "enslaved", please.


I had to show up to get a vax, three times. I was slightly inconvenienced by that.


These people make me very fearful of the next pandemic. It’s 100% coming, maybe soon, maybe way worse than Covid.


I had two colleagues who were anti-vaxxers. The amount of idiocy and conspiracy theories was amazing. 25 million people dead and they claimed it was just that the doctors were writing everything up to COVID and it was a conspiracy to get us to take DNA-altering drugs and micro-chipping....etc.


We had a meetup here in Norway where quite a few of the most outspoken covid antivax’ers met in an old barn. Most of them were 60+. If I remember corectly, about half of them died due to covid within a rather short timeframe… Me and my wife has talked about building our food supplies to last for a few weeks. It is not enough to gonthrough another pandemic like covid, but it would be nice to not stress with horders when the next covid strikes…


Hi Bjorn! Great point! The amount of ignorant people, ready to put others in danger because they put belief in front of science, was simply astounding to me, especially since there are so many information sources that really approach every topic scientifically. There is one TV-clip that has stuck with me: there was this idiot who said that he doesn't care if his older relatives die, because he is young and will have his spring-break. Off course, I have to remind myself often, it is our own choice what we choose as a source. Many people will rather jump on the insanity train of conspiracy, denial and "searching for truth" instead of accepting the fact that people are dying, and you have to react responsibly, hold the distance...etc. The approach to have some supplies on hand is great. Here in Germany, it was not such an insane first couple of days as in the US, where people were fighting each other over toilet paper, but it was uneasy to see empty shelves (although the stores pulled everything from the warehouses and filled the shelves right away). The situation was normalized within one week in that regard. Stay well and healthy! All the best!


Let us just say that I lost faith in humanity… we will not unite against that zombie horde (or the next covid). There will be an idiot that states that those zombies are not dangerous and will try to pet them or keep them as pets… So yep… we are fucked over again when the next pandemic hits us…


I'm right there with you. I'm in the U.S. and see that the anti-science mind virus is caused by the media including Facebook. Pre-internet bogus conspiracy theories didn't spread that much because idiots didn't have a worldwide voice, and they actually had a fear of being ostracized. Now they have a sense of virtual community and find strength in those numbers. 'Idiots Unite!'. That and 24 hour 'news' networks are not even news anymore. They exist to influence people (brainwashing) and maximize ratings. I'm not a psychologist, but it's easy to see that creating boogymen for the lower IQ people to band together against is a very effective way to create a dependency with your infotainment product.


One of the main guys in charge of that barn meetup used to work where I work. Long before my time (20+ years) but some of my long-term colleagues remembered him well. According to them he was good at his job but a total weirdo socially speaking, already then.


One of my parents start d canning. She canned over a 1,000 quarts in a year of different types of meat, vegetables, broth, fruit, pickles and jams. It helps that she has a workshop with the shelf space to store it.


Don't forget the morons who were convinced that hospitals were raking in the profits from all the "kickbacks".


A US-centric ‘theory’ that also spectacularly failed to take into account all the national health services / free at the point of use healthcare provided in large parts of the rest of the world.


Yeah, when something like H5N1 kicks off these idiots will deliberately do the precise opposite of anything sensible, and it’ll spread like wildfire.


Death by illness is one of the top three ways I think the human race might go out, and that's largely thanks to how COVID was handheld, both by governments, and self-entitled individuals. All we need is something that spreads as easily as COVID and has a much higher mortality rate, and we're hooped. Sure, it will be mostly morons who die off, but some people who don't deserve to go will as well, just because they happen to know a moron. If we get something that kills off people on a Bubonic Plague scale, that might be it for us.


I think the next plague will be fascists. War is going to take quite a few of us out if they have their way.




True. The Bubonic Plague was clearly able to reproduce and survive long enough to infect more hosts though, or it would not have been half as successful as it was. It is also worth noting that human hosts are not the only potential hosts for such an organism, many species of which might actually be better hosts by virtue of being more resilient to it. Of course, a big part of what made the plague so deadly is a lack of scientific understanding of microbes, as well as medical science not being what it is now. On the other hand, it did take some time to synthesize a vaccine for COVID, so while it would be much more difficult for a bacteria or virus to become nearly as deadly, it's not impossible. The science is less important in this hypothetical scenario than the notion that human stupidity will be our downfall. If there were to be a bacteria or virus that could wipe us out on that scale...my goodness, we're screwed. Heck, with how delicate the balance of society is, not everyone needs to die for things to descend into anarchy. Things like supply chains could be wiped out easily, and the average human is not nearly resourceful enough to survive long without all the things society provides.


So, then, a truly successful virus would be one that became endemic, with a low initial mortality rate but with [long lasting and systemic health effects](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects/index.html), that only became apparent months or years later. Which had [negative impacts on human fertility](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9277727/)...


Yeah. It's bothered me for years that this was a pandemic on easy mode **and we fucked it up!**


On the scale of pandemics, Covid was very mild. If it had been properly handled, it would have been largely nothing. Of course it was wildly mismanaged, and the CDC, which has been trusted for 4 generations. Is now discredited with half the country.  And most of the effective things (self isolation, proper quarantine, and Environmental controls (air filters, self Sanitizing surfaces), we’re never recommended or implemented.  Things we’ve known about for decades.


The half of the country who won't make it through the next pandemic? Natural selection in action.


Just a bummer that some of the half who won't make it will die because someone else chose to be this type of person


She looks like she wakes up and goes straight to the medicine cabinet for a handful of Xanax.


I suspect the Xanax has to take a Xanax first.


They really believe that’s a reasonable trade too 🙄


I was not aware that not being afraid of a virus made you immune to it.


It doesn't, they want to live freely regardless of the consequences. The equivalent of a child saying you can't tell me what to do, my mommy said I can do whatever I want because I'm special.


I’d KiLl My EnTiRe FaMiLy JuSt To OwN ThE LiBs AnD ThEir SciEnCe!


As someone from the region...yeah, this type is around. If any of them were in my family I would certainly be cutting ties though. I sure as heck wouldn't want them infecting me.


“I’d rather my family go through my windshield than be enslaved by their seatbelts” type thinking lol


But instead, you're enslaved by the fear of masks and vaccines, so you're really no better off.


Chickenpox Revival Squad, taking it to the streets!


Is this a recent photo?


Wearing a seatbelt doesn't mean you are enslaved to the fear of car crashes.


Is this even still a thing??? Pretty sure the rest of us have moved on (Although I am still waiting for Bill Gates to control me with the computer chip (for what, I am intrigued))


Ya I would disown her publicly


How is a vaccine and a mask even close to enslavement? Seems like a very small price to pay to possibly save your life.


The crazy thing to me about this lady's sign is that none of the people I know -- let's call them, "normal humans" -- who get vaccinated live in **fear** of covid, or any other disease. They just know that vaccines work, and go get the mother fucking vaccine. That's not "fear". That's "understanding that science works".


My family masked up (we actually still do when we're sick) and my 4 and 6 year old took it in stride and not once whined like a little baby about it. People like her in the picture are weak.


Antivaxxers wanna be victims of some injustice so bad…


“Hey, wear a mask when inside to help control the spread of this virus until this whole thing blows over” “I would literally rather see my kids die”


Let’s have natural selection take this one


Glad Darwin is taking care of business. Although I finally got covid, the vax did it's job and at 65 it was just like a nasty cold for a few days.


I don't think any of us are disputing that they've shown the strengths of their belief in that mantra. Not to mention their equal determination to fatally inflict that belief on society as a whole.


I'd rather DIE than be mildly inconvenienced!


If you look past the stupidity, this is a good example of how public discourse has gone off the rails, and people see the world as binary extremes. You don’t need to choose between “death” and “enslavement.” How about: be aware and make thoughtful choices?


"I would rather my family die than take easy, basic precautions." Ugh. I didn't realize Canada had these morons too. I guess in my head, this was exclusive to idiotic trumpkins in the US.


What a complete fucking idiot.


She hates her family and is waiting around for her inheritance.




Ironically, this was my great aunt (not specifically this woman but my great aunt said something similar)... she and her husband died due to COVID... there is no debate that the world is a better place without them though.


FYI, COVID is making another comeback recently. Make sure we wash hands and just be vigilant to excessively coughing coworkers who don’t cover mouths. Not trying to get people hyped but big city life is paying a small price for this mentality.


Meanwhile “I’m afraid of a minor inconvenience to save lives that happened a few years ago”


Wish granted, Honey.


Probably not the intelligence you want to pass on genetically anyways.


If stupid had a face..


Cool. Stay the fuck away from people while you wait to watch your family die. Maybe read a science book while you wait moron.


The leopards that eat faces are circling and waiting for their moment.


And if these family members get seriously sick, she won’t take them to a doctor or hospital, right?!?


"I would rather my family die than stop listening to/paying the grifters that convinced me to hold up this sign"


I accept this proposal. Let them die


How is it fear to just be a decent human and wear a mask. Regardless of covid, wear a mask if you’re feeling a bit sick so you don’t spread anything. Such babies having meltdowns over a bit of cloth on their face. Even if it’s just 1% effective, you can at least extend the courtesy and do something that only very slightly inconveniences you.


They might get their wish.


That’s a psychopath


Funny... I feel like being vaccinated helps me not fear it.


They’re still going on about COVID vaccines? Feed your outage with something else already.


it makes you wonder if they truly love their family


Ah yes. Bot looking for 2021 images…


Could have had the same message with fewer words,example;I’m an idiot.


What's wrong with it? Take the shovels.


Once again, freedom is used as an excuse for anarchy.


these people need to read history books


And that would be totally fine if they isolated themselves so they don't pass it on, and didn't waste medical resources when they inevitably get sick.


I hope her family sees this.


Bet she changed her mind the moment they actually got sick.


Until one of her family actually dies from it.


I never feared covid. After getting vaccinated i cared even less. Plus its super quick to get the jab. Why risk it when the solution is legit 5 minutes of work?


How do these clowns cross the road? Do they just walk into the traffic blindly without " being enslaved by fear"?


Wearing a mask and being mindful of personal space = enslaved fuck these people i'm sick of them


Why does everything become a whole damn war with these people??? I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s so bizarre. Everything, every single thing comes down to these ridiculous proclamations of warfare and struggle and blah-blah. We all know how childish trump is, and it’s almost like they want to emulate him. SO weird.


I’m sure said family would respectfully disagree.


I’ve been vaccinated six times and I have absolutely no fear of Covid.


Why would you rather watch your family die? That's fucked up, lady.


AKA I'd rather my family be dead than educate myself


The person who made that sign needs therapy.


I remember all the stories from nurses who treated these people, begging to be vaccinated as they drowned in an ICU bed.


she really don't like her husband and kids, do she?


True story, I have a guy who’s father in law got Covid, refused to go to a doctor. Had a son who was a nurse who, I guess, never urged him to go, he was seen at home a few times by a family friend doctor who was also encouraging this nonsense. He died.. literally died because he refused to do anything about it because of whatever bullshit he believed about Covid. Absolutely crazy. The family is still the same way even after he died. He was only like 65 years old and was otherwise healthy as far as I know.


“I’d rather my family die than be mildly inconvenienced”. Smart choice, eh?


Wouldn't getting vaccinated from it remove the fear?


This becomes more understandable when you realize her family probably hates her.


What in the actual fuck? I hope this person doesn’t have kids.


Alright then. Get to digging.


They'll die but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make


Get digging. Fear is useful in the face of possible death.


more food for us!!!!!


Is this an old photo or are people still protesting covid?


Darwin award nominee.


Oooof, I know Canada doesn't do Juneteenth, but still, yikes.


This is .. wow. Yikes


Yeah, just how, exactly, does your family feel about that?


Funny way of saying I want to kill my family..but do you fam


" My ideology is more important than my family. "


Like you don’t have to be afraid of it, just aware of the harm it could have on you and your loved ones. Also this lady would rather have no family than just wear a mask?


4 year too late


it's wild that these sick fucks are actually more insane than the protestors in season 4 of The Boys lmao


No she would not. This is just being dumb.


I'm in shock that she spelled everything correctly.


I'd rather go through the windshield than be limited by seatbelts and airbags.


Notice how they are willing to harm their family or put them in harm's way for personal validation Reeks of peak selfishness.


Most of the world has moved on from the COVID and it's vaccines saga. Unfortunately they are still trapped in the senseless argument when the rest of us no longer care.


It’s been 4 years. Can we just move on?


Survivorship bias. Also, as someone suffering from a post covid condition, death is a much more humane outcome, but it’s not black and white, it’s not just you’re either totally fine or you die, there’s a lot of gray area that society is all too happy to totally ignore


Polio: "Say less"


If the death rate of the next virus is much greater, they will be so scared that they will march to demand the Gov to save them. F*** idiots!




Now that’s how to embrace your stupidity!


"I'd rather die to a preventable disease than to live in fear of dying to a preventable disease" ???


May her wish come true.


Most of us just got on with life, it's these people marching through the streets who are victims of, and instigators of, their own fear.


Oh the irony




How do these people manage at the dentist because anaesthetic is made by the same big pharmaceutical companies who make vaccines so they won't trust that being injected into them. But they'll also have a lot of dental problems because toothpaste is made by the same big pharmaceutical companies who make vaccines so it's not like they're going to scrub that into their gums twice a day.


Either someone lacks emotion, or has never buried a loved one.


One of the most ironic pictures I have ever seen


Ask them what happens if you don't fear God and how it's any different.


Someone that clearly hasn’t experience a true tragedy or consequences. Once you go thru those, you realize you would do/give ANYTHING to prevent it.


We're still doing this?




They are all brave till it comes time for the tears and better angels bullshit. Then they want to blame someone else.


She seems nice, smart too what a keeper.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


it's the same type of person who believes life-saving drugs are a hoax but will run to their nearest doctors office when they cant tolerate the itching and burning of their std


"Stupid" goes beyond borders and races. It can infect anyone anywhere. Fortunately, a byproduct of contracting "stupid" is willingness of infected to display their status.


That would be poetic justice


Interesting to see that the US is not the only country with these antivaxxer/conspiracy idiots.


At the time, that was a win/win proposition!


"I would let my family die to support russian/republican propaganda."


The same people will lose their shit when insurance won’t cover Covid related health issues because they didn’t get the vaccine.


Is she still living in fear of it?? The rest of us got vaccinated and got on with our lives.


It's been confirmed via millions of cases that Covid affects permanently your immune system making you more prone to getting affected even by previously eradicated diseases. That to add to the multiple cases of long covid's respiratory, circulatory, brain or multiple organ damage. And all it would have taken to prevent this permanently would have been proven health and hygiene measures applied simultaneously for a few months: N95s, air filtration, tracking and quarantine of infected folk


So death before science, huh? Some choice.


I'd rather live my life free than be a slave to a religion.


Hope her dreams came true, especially for herself


Get the Vax, then you don't worry about being enslaved to anything or you don't have to bury your family. I'm more worried about this dumb-assiness and hope that ITS not contagious .


This really says all you need to know.


That’s crazy to think about. You can do things to protect yourself from it and not be enslaved to the fear of it. People act like wearing masks is the worst thing in the world.


clearly somebody who hasn't buried a close loved one. she can rot.


Putting on a mask and washing their hands is “Enslavement”? Guess standing in line at grocery store is just as bad?


Some of you may die, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.


Is this still a thing. I thought we we've moved on to another stupid thing


The defeinition of "Cutting off one's nose to spite one's face"