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That's not a facepalm. That's desperate poverty. Can't afford a new tire until you get paid. Gotta get to work to earn that paycheck. So you find yourself stuck losing two days of pay, maybe even getting fired, because you are already too poor to keep the car running right. Been there, done that. Poverty sucks.


^This. I feel bad for this person. Hope they made it.


This is a facepalm, because in the 21st century we are this broke. Its just not a facepalm for that guy, but it is for our fucked up system putting people in this level of desperation despite having more resources than ever before.


I had to drive on threads a few times. Not all boomers could afford decent tires. We used retreads or bought usd.


I mean of course, you actually expect to get paid a living wage from your work? Bud, I've got some bad news for you!


There is enough wealth the problem is the distribution. More should go to the workers and less to the shareholders. Shareholdervalue has ruined companies and their employees. Maybe there should be a maximum percentage of total wages allowed to go to shareholders. I have worked for a company where the profits to the shareholders where almost double the total wages which is insane.


I agree. We need a system that brings hundreds of millions out of gut-wrenching poverty in Asia and Africa. May be a 2% tax on the whole GDP of the developed nations to fund the growth and infrastructure in the third world. What do you think?


Maybe but its not all 1st worlders causing problems. Taxes for billionares used to be in 80% range (usa) but lobbying brought that down in to 30s%. It should go back up, and some of those taxes should go to 3rd world countries. In addition the workers in those countries should be paid more. Im a college student studying botany (plants) so thats where im most qualified to talk In Madagascar vanilla farmers get 10usd/kilo of raw beans My local store charges 10usd per bean, ignoring costs thats apprx a 249,000%profit. ( (1000g/4g per bean)*10usd)-10usd)*100%) Thats insane greed. Ofc there is cost involved in processing (roasting) bean, shipping and packaging, or what McCormick co gets but even if that was half the cost its still over 100000% profit for the company Its fucked up to both farmers and consumers. Lets change that crap first


Why exactly are the citizens of countries that defeated Germany now responsible for paying people whose governments failed to participate in WWII before they were even born? Does that’s mean we can stop sending military and humanitarian aid completely and just pay 2% flat tax? Who are you planning on paying it to? The governments that got them into financial ruin in the first place?


It's criminal. There is a reason most states have minimum requirements. They shouldn't be driving on them because they are potentially putting other people in danger by driving on them (depending on where they are driving). My coworker's cousin was killed by a driver who lost control of their vehicle when their tire burst on the highway. The driver of the tread bare tires was fine, but when he collided with the car next to him and she was pushed under a 16-wheeler. No amount of poverty gives anyone the right to risk other people's lives.




No. You you figure something else out that doesn't put other people in danger. You use friends/family/coworks/whatever resources you have. Regardless, that tire damage is a long, long time coming. Anyone who let their tires get this bad is likely misprioritizing their spending and kept putting it off. Then they had an "oh shit" moment on seeing that spot in the pic. The tires didn't just suddenly go bad right before their next paycheck.


I guess you can, move it to a non directional wheel and if it rains or snow, stop right there or it’s death.


yes, put it on the rear so you do not lose steering or the majority of your braking.


A part worn tyre is $40. We all know where the money is going.


And tires don't get like that in one pay period, they've been Maypops for a while.


That's right where capitalism wants you at. Extreme despair.


But he can afford the car! In my country, you can buy used tires that have a few millimeters of legally useful protector left for like 30 euros/pair, and this is on par with cost of insurance, fuel, annual tax, etc... I can't imagine how a person can own the car, pay all the bills that are mandatory for car owners, and don't have enough money to buy a set of used tires.


Short answer, negative 5 months left


We call those a maypop. It may pop now, or it may pop later.


You are better off using your donut instead.


I don't see how the bavarian cream is going to hold up 2k pounds of metal, but we'll give it a shot.


It needs a doughnut with a hole, dude.


Yeah. Um…


I did that. And even though it’s not recommended, can’t go faster than 35mph, bla bla bla, it was better to use my donut than my worned out tire.


How good is your insurance?


Life insurance


Insurance won’t pay a dime if the adjuster sees a tire like that.


I meant hospital.


if they're driving this waiting on a paycheck their insurance is likely shit if it exists


Yeah. My ‘smart’ comment could feel pretty heartless if tires like this on a long drive was a real option. I regret not answering more supportively. But any look at the tire and driving it would be dangerous to you and other drivers. I wish they had some better options.


There are still used tire places that will do the whole job for $40-50 and you can get a really decent tire. I've basically stopped buying new tires for my vehicles at this point.


I've got a used tire place down the street from me that'll get you a really decent used tire, sometimes practically new, for 35 bucks. I haven't been able to justify new tires for years, especially at the rate I went through them with my old job.


Used to live near a place that would mount a used with at least six months to a year left on it and charge $25 a tire. It was a lifesaver when I was unemployed looking for a job after graduation.


Only most of those shops won't balance them


When that tire fails it's going to blowout. So yes it might last that long but it's an unreasonable risk.


Depends. How long is your driveway? You may make it to the end.


All the way to the scene of the crash! - Ron White


My high school physics teacher was killed by a driver whose bald tires had failed inspection the week before. Just change them for everyone’s sake


It’s expensive to be broke.


There's still some tread and the wires are only slightly sticking out, I've been in more desperate situations than this. Being poor sucks.


Might also be too lazy to swap it for the spare tyre for a couple of days...


Is your life worth $150?




Throw some duct tape on there and it’ll be fine


I hated that question when I was a mechanic. For whatever they were asking about, I'd tell them that's a loaded question that I won't answer. They would always get frustrated and say...well you're the expert. I'd respond that's right and I also know not to get myself in a potential legal situation too.


You could always just be honest and tell them it's an incredibly bad idea and could easily result in them getting seriously injured or losing their life. After all, no one's going to sue you if you tell them they'd have to be fucking insane to try driving 120 miles on those things.


I always tell them, it's not safe and needs to be replaced as soon as possible. But I'll never tell them it'll last however many weeks/months that they are wanting to know


Someone hasn’t been rotating their tires…


Did…. Did you sand it down?


I'm sure there will be better tyres at a scrap yard that would do for a short time and cost practically nothing


Do you have a spare in the trunk? That would be safer.


Last year


It will cost more if blows out


You have negative miles left


As much as I get annoyed by state inspections in PA. I have no idea why other states don't require it. They literally have people driving around with tires like this and unsafe vehicles putting everyone else in danger.


Not sure why you got downvoted. The only stupid part about the Pa inspection is the body rust. Everything else is “can you see out the windshield” are you breaks working, and the tread length they allow is *way* past when you should have replaced the tires, do your lights work. That’s it.


I've gotten dinged for broken springs, tire rods and various leaks. Last year it cost me $2000 for my vehicle to pass inspection. It sucks, but the average driver has no idea how to check those things and they are otherwise content driving an unsafe vehicle.


After seeing the cars that are on the roads in America I am glad we have our annual MOT test! Even if the last once cost me a fortune in repairs but I know my car is safe and that all the other cars should be too!


Surely you jest! 😂


From now until it fails.




Till the end of your life.




Another 30k


Bad news, that thing might even blow up just sitting there. Do not drive on it.


Borrow a tire from another car with the same size and bolt pattern.


Just turn the tire around, you should be fine.


Not sure , but I do know you have the same amount of time left as the tire if you keep driving it. Hope this helps.




Nah, just wash the dirt off. They'll be fine.


Ya a trip to the hospital or morge if blows at high speed


Yes. But maybe no.


4 minutes


Just needs duck tape


5 4 3 2 Pshhhhhhhhhhhh


But a 60 mile tour it's not Pshhhhhhh.. It's gonna be foosh, scree, crunch, fuck, wee woo wee woo


Tour on borrowed time .. a Used tire from salvage yard is better this point untill you get a new pair.


Not just no! But HELL NO!


I thought that was Jupiter.


I thought that was Jupiter.






A real answer.... Once you see those threads you are almost done....


A real bad answer. There are tread wear indicator bars inside the grooves, once they are even with the surface of the tread it's time to get new tires.


Ummm yeah.... They are way past that.


You might make it and be totally fine.


I'll say this, when I was driving on bald tires, I was broke (Dad wasn't paying child support) my boyfriend took me to a swap meet and we bought tires that were almost new for like $10 per tire. Those got me through. I understand desperation but, this is a deadly mistake to make.


You have enough to get to the tire dealer and get another tire otherwise you’re gonna be on the 11 o’clock news flipping with ejection. I let mine go in college my teeth sparked on concrete when I was thrown.


Yokohamas. He probably bought the last week.