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We're just talking about *applications* here. Literally anyone can "apply" for anything. Part of the application process is to validate whether the applicant can in fact get the thing they're applying for.


Furthermore, welfare requires you to be a US citizen or legal alien. This is just pure racist fear mongering propaganda. So dumb it hurts my brain.


Every dude that brings this up to me I say “leave your id at home and go get these benefits then.” They really hate that cause they immediately see how fucking stupid they sound


Wake up babe new response just dropped


This is exactly what I say to these idiots. They'll be screaming and crying about illegals being able to vote. I just say to them, "You do realize if you go and try to vote without your ID the'll tell you to fuck off." Then they move on to their next paint huffing conspiracy theory.


A White South African fear-mongering over melanated people voting? Sounds crazy .../s


Talk to an old S. Afrikaneer (white) recently and she related a story about how her family hid in the basement in fear when Mandela was elected. Felt like a self-own. What the hell did you do to your neighbors that you hid in the basement in fear?


Fear was legit ... fear of retribution


Most probably stole their land.


Can we send him back?


Trump wants to expel 14 million immigrants so it's looking promising. Oh wait, Musk is White ...


A lot of undocumented people have kids who are citizens. So while they don't get benefits issues on their behalf, they can receive benefits on behalf of their kids who qualify. So they do have a presence in offices and services and likely have been handed the usual stack of paperwork which has stuff for voting.


Receiving "stuff for voting" (i.e. an application which is freely downloadable for anyone) is not the same as receiving a ballot and being able to vote, though. When an application is filled out, the applicant is checked for citizenship and, in AZ must show a picture i.d. proving they are that person cleared for receiving a ballot when voting. And, yes, they are also checked to verify they have not received and voted a mail in ballot.


You're making it real difficult to confirm my biases, can you stop like providing details and just let me be angry and racist?????


Fine, *dad*.


How dare you, I am white and I am angry!!!!!


Ah, you're here for **The Simpleton's** explanations.


> Receiving "stuff for voting" (i.e. an application which is freely downloadable for anyone) is not the same as receiving a ballot and being able to vote, though. Yeah and it seems to be the whole claim. "A person obtained a form to apply for something". Yes and...?


Every person I have met who is sure voter fraud is occurring regularly curiously has never ever volunteered to work at a polling station during an election and see what does and does not happen and how the system works. They'd rather sit home with Fox News on and experience the bitter rush of manufactured and manipulated outrage. A very few who are less passive will show up to "observe." In AZ, this means showing up with prominent gun display and glaring at everyone. I have always encouraged my kids and their friends who are in high school to volunteer to work a polling station - it looks good on job and college applications, only takes one day, gets them out of school, gets them paid, is a great experience, and they can usually talk their US History/Gov't teacher into some extra credit for it. No longer, though. It feels too risky. So sad.


I've been a poll worker since 2018. I've had to tell a voter they needed to re-register (my state has voting day registration) because the card sent to their registered address was returned to the county election office. They had move to a different address in the same precinct and needed to be registered under their current address. Their registration was flagged because of this. The system works.


I hear you on the "risky" part. I'd be worried that someone who's "observing" would shoot someone who they didn't think was legal to vote (i.e., Indian, Native American, Latinx, etc.). And if there's someone in the crossfire, or an innocent bystander, like your kids or their friends?


I'm on a greencard and can you believe they sent me a jury duty questionnaire in NYC??? They are allowing foreigners to be on a Jury???? No. One of the first questions are if you are a citizen and I had to send proof I wasn't. But see how if I word it correctly I could make morons angry?


Now you've done it, some nut is going to use your response without the explanation, and create another conspiracy :)


How do you... send proof... that you AREN'T a citizen? I'm so used to ID being needed to prove you are that my brain is struggling to understand what you need to prove the opposite


You still provide ID, in this case, likely had to show their permanent resident card (green card).


And the funny part is that you wouldn't serve on a jury anyway. I've been summoned to jury duty 6 times, once every couple years. And every single time when I do the check-in before the summon date, the jury pool group has been dismissed. This is because they summon potential jurors in anticipation of possible need, and cases get settled or charges dropped. The chance that you'll actually serve on a jury after the initial summons notice is extremely minimal anyway.


You'd have thought dozens of lawsuits and millions of dollars spent by conservatives to find voter fraud would have found something....but at the end of the day lying about it seems to work on the weak minded.


> You'd have thought dozens of lawsuits and millions of dollars spent by conservatives to fund voter fraud would have found something... They *did* found fraud tho. By people voting in favor of Republicans.


Most legal aliens can't get any welfare either. for me to apply to get a green card, I have to prove that I am unlikely to become a charge of the state. Which is extra hard given that I cannot work until they approve me for work authorization, and my wife is just keeping us afloat.


Most legal residents and citizens can’t get welfare and SS. I applied for disability benefits when I had 54 seizures in a week and got denied. Lol I wish any of these conservatives would just TRY for benefits some time.


Which is so stupid. I’d rather we give benefits to everyone that needs them even if that means some undeserving twats are taking advantage of the system than prevent any undeserving twat from getting benefits and also hurting some people who do need them. I hope you’re in an easier place now. That sounds unbelievably rough.


Proof of citizenship is required to vote in my state, and I'd say most people registered when they were getting their driver's license or photo ID. The loonies still say, nope, Democrats are still in control, you need to have the pollsters check photo ID. It's not about voter fraud, it's about making voting more difficult.


I get three credit card applications in the mail every day but I don’t have a hundred credit cards.


Thats gonna come back to bite you when you want to buy 100 houses


Mao noises intensifies


Reminder than Republicans have spent tens of millions of dollars looking for voter fraud and can't find it in any meaningful numbers and that the majority of cases found have been Republicans committing it. They claim millions of fraudulent votes in favor of democrats but can't find a dozen nationwide.


It’s because those sneaky democrats are so good at it, so good in fact they didn’t even bother to arrange a 2/3rds majority in the senate while they were at it.


Most voter fraud has been committed by the Right-Wing. The other has been mostly by people trusting the advice of people who don't know their own state's rules.


“We’re talking about applications man. Applications. Not the vote. Note the vote that I go out there and die for, and cast every time like it’s my last. We’re talking about applications. Applications!”


Some rando on Reddit is giving free Georgia voter applications to anyone who clicks this link; outrageous: https://registertovote.sos.ga.gov/GAOLVR/welcome.do#no-back-button


Stop confusing me with facts and let me make a crooked billionaire richer


Very true I have even applied for jobs that I was qualified for and got denied.


For real. The purposeful attempt to make this look like something it’s not is unreal. Just praying in the stupid.


True, and falsifying the application is punishable by law.


>Welfare offices in 49 states are handing out voter registration applications to illegal aliens. No proof of citizenship required. > Also no proof of whatever the fuck you're claiming required either, apparently. And an illegal alien with a piece of paper is just an illegal alien with a piece of paper. They can't register to vote.




Elmo is citing the Murdoch-owned NY ShitPost as a legitimate news source when it’s nothing more than a propaganda rag.


It’s getting normalized as the new f’ed up reality.


Well the right wing god-emperor already suggested that the “second amendment people” could “do something”. [Citation](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/10/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton.html)


The word of the day kids is: stochastic terrorism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_terrorism It's nothing new but it's been getting louder over the last decade.


Getting kinda sick of all the “Boomer” bullshit. Plenty of FUCKED UP, DUMB ASS GEN-X & Millennials on the FASCIST Fukwit patrol. I know PLENTY of so called Boomers, including myself who would LOVE to see Mango Mussolini and his fascist MAGAt moron minions convicted & Un-Alived for their treason! Boomer does NOT automatically equal racist, homophobic asshole!


Boomer, gen-x, maga, woke.... all labels designed to divide the majority. Meanwhile the minority of super rich destroy anything resembling a functioning society to distract us and prevent us from forming any kind of resistance to them plundering more wealth. The real villains are the ones on Wall Street, because they're the ones funding the politicians that they put in power to divide us.


This right here is truth. The powers that be love to see us commoners at each others’ throats so they can do whatever it is they’re doing. And whatever that is it’s likely to the detriment of the American public. It’s all political kabuki theatre designed to distract the American public. And watch, I guarantee you I’m about to be downvoted to oblivion.


Send him back to Africa where he came from!!


Don't most states require proof of citizenship to receive aid? I know I had to bring my kids' birth certificates when I applied for medicaid. There was a list of accepted proofs that included green card and naturalization certificate. I'm calling BS on the whole thing.




Republicans objecting to SNAP for undocumented immigrants is the one that baffles me. I mean, I know they bitch about benefits anyway, but if you’ve got issues with feeding starving children without worrying about their citizenship you might want to reconsider just how much you’re really following the gospel you claim to live by.




Florida spent $118,000 drug testing TANF recipients in 2012, and denied claims from people who tested positive totaling $73,000, meaning they lost $45,000 doing the drug testing. [https://www.aclu.org/news/smart-justice/just-we-suspected-florida-saved-nothing-drug-testing-welfare](https://www.aclu.org/news/smart-justice/just-we-suspected-florida-saved-nothing-drug-testing-welfare)


It’s almost as if it’s not about the money but rather about humiliating poor people


Yep. The first election I remember well is 1980, Reagan/Carter, when Reagan was repeating the myth of the “welfare queen”. There’s estimated to be < .5% fraud in Social Security, and I’d be shocked if other programs are much higher. I’m guessing we’d save much more money if we forced the Pentagon to actually perform an audit of defense spending, which they’ve been refusing to do for years.


Medicare might be higher, but that is fraud committed by the wealthy and connected. See Sen. Rick Scott for the CEO of the largest Medicare fraud.


Not to mention that SNAP is designed to ensure a price floor for American produce, to benefit farmers. Would voters rather we paid farmers to throw their crops in a ditch?


I mean, they like getting rid of free lunches for hungry kids who are citizens too. If they don't have enough food they'll grow up dumber I guess.


They bitch about paying for benefits for children who are American citizens and whine about single mothers incessantly.


You don't remember in Reagan 3:29 when Jesus demanded proof of citizenship before helping feed people in need?


“Get yer own loaves and fishes, MFer!”


I had to prove my kids with birth certificates, my wife with either tax records or marriage certificate, my residency via my lease, my lack of employment via a letter from my old employer saying I had separated and the wage I separated at, and documentation from my doctor on why I coykd no longer work. I did not just walk into the NV Division of Welfare and get a check on the spot and I don't remember talking about voter registration at all. That's only come up at the DMV. I think they're full of shit. I'll be honest as to my ignorance about different news agencies, but from what I understand the NY Post isn't even worth wiping your ass with? I could be thinking of a different one though.


You’re right. NY Post is just another cog in the Murdoch propaganda machine.


If only everyone had your critical thinking skills


Literally anyone can get the paperwork. Processing that paperwork is what stops people lol. Being a moron is integral to thinking Elon is smart.


Dude, it's nypost. It's as legitimate as http://www.imnotacrocodiledotcomcomeseetheriver.nom


I clicked on this link because I had to know for myself. 😹😹😹


They forget you need your social security number to register… **which undocumented immigrants don’t have**


The source he is using is the New York Post, a tabloid owned by Rupert Murdoch, the same guy who owns Fox "News". 'Nuff said.


They're angry those people are assuming that the "illegal aliens" aren't illegal immigrants, while themselves assuming that they are. Double standards are their motto.


Yeah that's the stupidest part of this claim. Like, voter registration forms are just sitting around freely, at campaign offices, government buildings, on the Internet, etc. it's just a form to fill out.


Why would you need proof of citizenship to access *the application*? They’re freely available online anyway. 


Because they are idiots (right wing trolls) who don't understand that 


They do understand that. They also know the army of morons parroting their talking points don’t understand any of it nor care.


Elon is dumb but i don't think he is that dumb. It must be to further one of he's agendas.


All of them are either stupid or willfully ignorant. He probably falls into the latter


Weaponized Incompetence. They use the term at my wife’s work and it applies to what these people do.


Huh? This is not weaponized incompetence. Weaponized incompetence is performing a task incorrectly or poorly with the intention of getting someone else to do it for you. Like pretending you don't know how to fold laundry, not asking your spouse for help (the first time or two, not every time) or looking it up, and just shoving them in the closet until your spouse no longer asks you and just does it themselves. This has nothing to do with that.


Elon is just openly a right wing hack these days.


does it concern you that one of the richest men in the world is a right wing hack? It does me.


Yes, more so because of the amount of influence he’s bought than just the fact that he’s rich. Twitter/X has been caught with Russian bots paying for verification and API usage. Essentially Elon is making money directly from foreign governments pushing propaganda onto users. That is incredibly concerning and should be investigated ASAP.


The way I see it is that in order to get that filthy rich, you have to be a shitty excuse for a human to begin with. They don't call him Apartheid Clyde for nothing. I just don't trust anyone that wealthy, they've got bodies to hide.


Can his own posts get fact checked on twitter, or did they remove that functionality?


It's another right wing talking point to throw out there for every boomer and redneck to repeat.


That’s it in a nutshell. With Republicans, truth lost the war to perception a long time ago. Their whole dogma is “populist contrarianism”. If that sounds like a contradiction; That’s because it is. Everything about conservative politics is a contradiction, meant to distract, while they pick everyone’s pockets. For example: Republican’s want to make abortion a felony murder charge. Yet, when it comes to taking care of living babies, don’t ask them for any help. They are against maternity leave, food programs, etc. Their reasoning for the above: Government should only be about military and police. That’s convenient. That way, rich Republicans don’t have to pay anything above the local sales tax for protection of their stuff. I don’t why I’m talking about Republican reasoning. They just make this stuff up as they go along. It’s like their whining about the 1st Amendment. When you tell them the 1st Amendment has limitations….(no yelling fire in theater, threats of violence, child porn, etc.) they say…..”well that stuff doesn’t count”. As if anyone can write effective laws around…”but that doesn’t count”.


Exactly. They think this is the same as the ballot.


Because morons don't realise and think that any schmuck can just get to vote in America


To be fair, some morons might be just smart enough to realize they themselves can vote despite being schmucks. There is at least a kernel of truth there for them to dive off of.


I can download passport application to pretty much every country out there, does not mean I am citizen of that country nor am I going to get the passport just because I am able to fill them out.


It's like thinking that you can arrest people because you went to the police station and got a job application.


Exactly, if you read one of the hyperlinked articles, it specifies that it's been a law that those forms have to be handed out when someone applies for benefits, and the receiver has to indicate if they are a citizen it not, which then leads to them becoming registered to vote. It's still a crime to state you're a citizen when you're not, and there is no proof that these migrants are falsely claiming to be a citizen. TL;DR, the form is likely included so the recipient can let the welfare offices know their demographic which helps the programs better tailor the benefits to their demographic. No one is being registered to vote by these offices.


They think picking up an application is an automatic approval.


NY post? The sister media outlet to fox news? That is also owned by Murdoch? Shocked! I'm shocked!...


It's the Murdoch equivalent of the Weekly World News.


There is no equivalent to the volume of excrement Murdoch spreads.


Wouldn't matter if they did give out those applications. Filling out an application doesn't equate to being given the actual right to vote. Fucking mind numbingly stupid, and in an earlier time this could have garnered a ban from the platform for misinformation.


I'm gonna print 3,000 of those applications off from my home printer and then go around handing them to random people. Maybe Musk will then tweet about me. Statistically in that group, I'll meet enough people from my city that he can write a tweet like "Houston woman hands out voter registration application to illegal immigrants, convicted felons, minors, drug dealers, and sex offenders! Another "conspiracy theory" that turns out to be true."


Imma print out a bunch of job applications and home loan applications and hand them out. Homeless and jobless problems solved!!


We ain't seen nothing yet. We aren't prepared for how aggressively Elmo is going to interfere in this election.


He controls so much disinformation and manipulation on Twitter with no accountability. He knew how powerful Facebook was at manipulating elections and that’s why probably bought Twitter because he knew the power of it as an investment.


Can't wait for the debate next week


I wish! We all know Trump is going to pull out and try to find a reason to blame it on Biden, which Fox News, his supporters, et Al, will completely agree wi the.


They could give a registration form to a fish, doesn’t mean the fish will be able to vote


My god what a fucking moron


Richest man in the world only has access to obvious disinformation to shape his worldview.


He used to be the “richest man in the world”, but then he bought Twitter…


I work in a “welfare office” and we have ALWAYS given out voter registration cards to anyone who asks. It’s not our job to confirm voter eligibility.


The racist South African (Musk) hates America and Americans so much he is constantly attacking us with his vile lies


My conspiracy theory is Elon is attempting to undermine the democratic process,,,,


I'm dreading the amount of stupid that's will be going around come Autumn.


Maybe if we give them the corollary of "you can apply to college but we all know you won't actually get in. Same thing with voter registrations for people who can't vote"


Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take your life savings, and buy up Trump Media stock to support our President Trump. Then use each month's earnings to fund more truly Patriotic MAGA candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Paul Gosar, Tommy Tuberville, and Lauren Boebert who have accomplished so much with their landmark legislation to improve the daily lives of all American Patriots. President Trump must maintain his billionaire lifestyle to have status when meeting our close world leaders allies like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Viktor Orban. This includes paying for a private jet and a lavish Mar-A-Lago residence which is very expensive. He pays for this out of his own pocket. He is making this sacrifice for you, MAGA Patriots. President Trump wants all true MAGA Patriots to do their fair share by opening up their wallets to pay his legal bills. Please contribute generously by writing a large check each month to do your part to defeat Crooked Joe Biden. Your contributions will help restore President Trump to power so he can end Obamacare health coverage, end the war in Ukraine, end income taxes, free January 6th hostages, pardon Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, remove 16 million illegal immigrant criminals and remove additional women's healthcare rights to Make America Great Again!


16 billion. I’m sure you meant to say “16 billion illegal immigrants” ))


As someone currently in the job market...lemme tell you...applications can be very different and distant from whatever action is actually caused by the application.


Good evaluation. Best of luck on your perfect job hunt.


Hey Elon, the reason the state of Arizona requires ID for voting in state races, but not Federal elections is because the state has control of state elections, but not Federal. You follow me ?


Actually the state does control federal elections. They are on the same f*cking ballot. There’s no way to vote in the United States (notice the name) except through a state election process.


The last thing illegal immigrants want to do is draw attention to themselves. There’s zero chance they’d ever try to register to vote


You cannot collect welfare if your an illegal immigrant


They will never grasp this


Yeah, you are right. I've had this conversation so many times over the years.


Don’t forget everyone, this is all about getting someone in the White House who will lower taxes for the wealthiest Americans, and anyone earning money in America. Much of this propaganda may not make sense, but when you look at who is saying it, think to yourself “is this a wealthy person looking to lower their tax rate?“ Then 95% of it makes sense. Even the Winklevoss twins endorsed Trump For very likely that same reason. Elon just has engaged in propaganda so long to help build up support for lowering his own taxes by buying a media company. It’s the most effective way to influence voters. He’s taking the same route that many Republicans do, which is to activate xenophobic and racist tendencies to vote for the guy who will lower his taxes.


You have to be a legal citizen AND physically register to vote to even receive a ballot. Why do these dumbasses keep pretending that illegal immigrants are voting here? There is no way. There isn't even automatic voter registration for legal citizens.


All those illegal immigrants rushing to fill out forms to get an electronic card that'll track their movements.


The November is going to get weird.


Illegals can’t vote in federal elections.


Can’t wait for him to post proof the Earth is flat. Flat earthers use exactly the same type of reasoning.


Imagine thinking the NY Post is a legitimate source of information. I knew Elmo was a sociopathic dumb fuck, but hell…


Can we give this piece of shit the boot and send him back to wherever he came from? I’m so sick of this shit.


it's called gaslighting, the statement itself is not untrue. 95% of being a conservative is making up something in your mind then getting mad about it.


EVERYONE!!!!!! It is far worse than you imagine!!! I'm not a US citizen, and I live in Europe, but I can access [https://www.eac.gov/sites/default/files/eac\_assets/1/6/Federal\_Voter\_Registration\_ENG.pdf](https://www.eac.gov/sites/default/files/eac_assets/1/6/Federal_Voter_Registration_ENG.pdf) and apply to vote in US elections! What a travesty!! What a rigged election!! Anyone in the world can apply!! What a ... oh wait. I need to prove I'm a citizen on the form ...


Well the fact that Elon is saying it's true pretty much proves that it's false.


I can fill put a UK voting registration, does not mean I have thelegal right to vote in the UK as an american.


Oh the New York post! This is all totally happening then!


Everyone who is applying for services and support will be given a registration form, it is part of the paperwork and a requirement of the agency to distribute. This is just weaponized ignorance being used to give the pearl clutchers something to cry about.


You can apply to work at X/Tesla/SpaceX online with no proof of citizenship required - why is Elon hiring illegal aliens?! Solid logic ya got there. /s


I hope election security is improved. In Texas it seems Republicans have a real problem... Keeping Republicans from voting multiple times.


I’d pay money to see Elon confronted by an interview and pressured to explain every one of his stupid, easily fact checked tweets. I have no idea how this idiot with his bad plastic surgery jawline gets so many women to bang him and get pregnant.


Twitter is now conservative talk radio where anyone can call in and be on the air to say any baseless claim with zero evidence.


Strange that an apartheid-supporting South African has a platform in 2024...


The New York Post is a tabloid whose owner has admitted to selling stories to Trump in exchange for not covering them. I cannot stress this enough, Elon: Shut up. EDIT: OK, correction: I’ve been informed that the publication that Trump paid to not report on him is the National Enquirer. Still, the Post isn’t much better, and I stand by what I said to Elon.


Illegal immigrants will absolutely risk deportation, being as desperate as they are to cast a single vote for a Democrat candidate.


Elon Musk purposely spreading alt right misinformation, just another day on Twitter for one of the richest people on the planet who spends all day on the app he bought to be a champion for right wing freaks who used to just post their insane shit on 4chan


Translation: government office hands out voter registration applications to everyone who comes in, which makes sense, since it’s a government office


The Afrikaner has reading comprehension problems, just like one of my brothers


>“It is undeniable that the current structure makes it possible for illegal immigrants and non-citizens to vote — and the American people have no way of knowing how widespread the problem may be,” Ryan Walker, executive vice president at the conservative Heritage Foundation’s sister group, Heritage Action, told The Post. lol. That works both ways. If there is no way of knowing how widespread "the problem may be," then that it is even happening is purely hypothetical.


Well if Elon and the Post said it’s true it must be true


If they’re not checking for citizenship while handing them out then how do they know non-citizens are being handed them?


I mean you can hand out voter registration forms to anyone. It doesn't mean if you fill one out you can vote. A lot of states have voter ID laws so the idea that you can show up in 49 of them as an illegal alien. Or even a legal migrant from a different state, it difficult to believe.


Oh no! People are getting *applications* to *apply* to maybe be able to vote! What is the world coming to??


Holy shit he's right, I just accessed this pdf and no one checked my citizenship! /s https://azsos.gov/sites/default/files/docs/az_voter_registration_form_standard_20240613.pdf SEND THE FBI AND DHS, I'M ILLEGALLY ACCESING PUBLICLY AVAILABLE FORMS. /S


I work in health and social service, literally every application packet we send out has a voter registration card in it. It's not a license to vote assholes, it's literally an application. It's not hard to understand, but you either don't care or know it and are playing it bc people will eat it up. Fuck Elon


You do need proof of citizenship and residency to FILE the registration


Lies aside, do they know there's a difference between a non-citizen and an illegal alien? Too much nuance?


Did he say that something published in the NYP is true? He’s crazier than I thought.


Can we deport Elon?


"Somethings that NOT happening in this Country, for $1000, Alex?"


It’s called bulk mail and they send it to everyone in their database. Receiving an application doesn’t mean you can actually register but of course Musk et al don’t care about facts


There are no federal elections. Just 50+ different state elections for federal office.


Question 1- are you a US citizen? Answer: No. Instructions: If you answer "no" to question 1 you are ineligible to vote. Please recycle application. Cult 45: I RAGE


Wouldn't an illegal do everything to avoid detection? Why the fuck would they vote?


It's cute how many Republicans think that American elections were free and fair up until 2020. You really think they were never rigged before either? Come on.


Heads are going to explode when they find out anyone can download the registration form from the internet.


Cool. People treating the NY Post like it’s an actual newspaper and not a bullshit rag. That is no more news than the National Inquirer.


Affluenza, stage 4.


Does Elon understand what an application is? I understand that nepo babies miss a lot of those key experiences that most of us grow up with, like applying for jobs and waiting in line and shit, but he’s still a disingenuous moron.


Calling immigrants aliens is such an abomination. First steps at deshumanizing a group of people. Then you kill the aliens. Awful rhetoric that should be shamed hard.


What a pile of bullshit shit. I am an Az voter and American citizen and I have to show my ID every single time in order to vote. I have also been asked to show proof of residence and birth certificate in 2008.


The sources in the NY Post article don’t even support what the article original article claims. -One leads to a NY Post story about NYC considering allowing green card holders to vote in municipal elections- which got struck down in court . -The other “source”, is a NY Post article about Kathy Hocul, the Governor of NY, using a legal loophole to make welfare payments of 800 dollars a month to green card holders who are legally disabled and can’t work after they’ve been in the country for a certain period of time. There are less than 1,000 people enrolled. The only real thing the article refers to is that states typically offer people voter registration forms when people apply to get a drivers license or apply for welfare. They give the forms to everyone who applies; it doesn’t mean they sign you up or that you’re even eligible. And it’s the NY Post, why would you pay attention to anything written in it as serious journalism? Might as well read Vogue or Salon for stock tips.


You can literally print off an application from a website, from anywhere in the world, because its just an application.


hes a racist pig white supremecist from a racist pig white supremecist family. what do you expect? Welfare requires you to be a citizen or hold a green card. 100% Bullllshit


Illegal immigrants tend to AVOID anywhere there might be officials, police, etc. They're not going to vote, people. This is crazytown.


I worked in welfare. White people would scream racist things. Stuff like "DO YOU SERVE AMERICANS HERE!?" or about the staff being colored. I got treated way more nicely just for being a white guy I think. Would not recommend working there.


Yea and I can hand out an application to give me a million dollars to everyone I see, but the chances of that happening are 0%


This is framed like illegal immigrants are being targeted with registration applications. This would be fine because, like others have said, it’s just an application. It would be a waste of time, but not nefarious. Of course, that’s not happening. It’s literally just that they are giving out applications to everyone, including migrants, which is obvious because migrants can vote if they are citizens.


Reminds me of some sleazy auto ads: No down payment, 0% interest, all applications will be accepted! Yeah, "accepted" doesn't mean "approved".


Is the sentiment in all of these posts that the American political system is fair and democratic?


Also didn't need an ID to claim your were Eli Lilly on Twitter, get a blue check and drive down stock price 5% in a single tweet. Dude needs to clean up his own house before pointing the finger.


You know he's probably reposting Russian Bot posts and thinks it's actual news source. Anything to fill that ego gauge.


Sounds like Elon should run for president to fix that. It will be interesting fight between Musk and Trump.


Well, if the New York Post says it's true....


Ok. Show me. Show me proof of this happening. Fucking asshole.


It’s almost like everyone is offered an application, because you can’t tell if someone is a citizen or not just by looking!


Yeah… they’re APPLICATIONS. As in they still need to APPLY for it and can be REJECTED.


He’ll get more corporate favor if Trump wins. He’s attempting to get brownie points with the right, whilst throwing his more left leaning consumer tesla base, under the Tesla Semi…


I get two or three credit card applications every day. Why can’t I buy an aircraft carrier yet?


For a self-proclaimed "genius," he's pretty fucking stupid.


Applications are meaningless I can apply to every state to vote but I will get turned down by all but 1


Fun fact just getting an application doesn't mean you get the thing you applied for. If that was the case getting a job would have taken far less studying lol


So they should pre-screen voters before they can even apply to vote? Isn't that the point of the application? And isn't it illegal for them to vote anyway? There is all this posturing over a crime and phenomenon that just doesn't happen.


The space Karen


Like others have said there is zero proof this is true. More importantly, even if it were a non-citizen can fill out all the applications they want because their application will not be approved.


Elon Musk should maybe get off twitter and stop spreading antisemitism and right wing conspiracies and get back to building rockets and cars. Which he isn’t good at tbh but better than whatever the f he does on twitter.