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What I see is : Husband discovers being bulimic is a life hack to infinite BJs.




Something’s wrong when she looks happier about the bj than he does


Depends on how often the kids pukes. He might be on his third BJ that day, and it isn't even noon.


So that's why he looks so drained!


Jesus this is all so wrong lmaoooo


Plottwist.... It's hér d!ck


he is forced to suck his own dick…again


![gif](giphy|edZkxJy1n3OguKj4xD) I hate Reddit because this was the only available grapefruit technique GIF.


"Sounds like a jaguar in a garbage disposal" -- some reddit comment referring to that video


I’m actually laughing too hard comparing the sounds. 😂


The sound is halfway between a growling, snarling gargling noise and a hawk tuah, but really LOUD.


That dude in the wheelchair in scary movie 2 🧑🏼‍🦽


I can do it MYSELF!


How about a standing ovation


I'm just gonna walk away. *Walk*. Away.


Here let me give you a hand


"Take my strong hand"


Mandela effect- he doesn’t ever actually say that. He says something about taking my hand… my other one isn’t that strong. (Paraphrasing)


He already has one black eye. Go two for two, and you enter the bonus round.


Suck, throw up, clean. Repeat . No wonder he looks like that. Poor guy


The BJ is for her.


He had to give birth to her children, change their diapers, clean their vomit, and his reward is to blow her. Damn. Dude got a rough deal. I love my partner but I'd be pretty haggard about it too.


Now you know how women feel. Welcome.


The welcome is 😘


Lmao, I love it. So true.




Even better




The joke is that he's been making himself throw up so he can clean it up to get credits


Doesn't seem like that would be very hard to do


Plot twist. He isn’t the one receiving, he just gets to watch


Plot twist or not , why do chores if its disappointment anyway :D




Bingo, even if this is your life why share it?


Loving relationships aren't about earning sexual favors and packs of bud light. All of the rewards and tasks here are ways many people might show love for one another. Small gifts of time and effort that make the other happy or ease their load. Instead, they have reframed their entire relationship on this transactional sticker chart, removing all emotional meaning from their relationship. I wouldn't be very excited to receive a BJ from someone because I got enough stickers either. This entire thing would make me feel so unloved, just being used and manipulated for my value as a provider. If this picture is representative of their actual lives, this is a soulless husk of a marriage.


I took one look at that sticker chart and my immediate thought was “that’s very degrading, why did he agree to this?” I ever had a partner that tried to pull that BS I’d be livid. Like, that’s for kids doing chores. Not adults you know…adulting??


It’s infantilizing


I'd be alright with it if it wasn't all basic shit. I'd want it for dumb stuff that's kinda funny. Like every 12th time neighbor dale steps in his dogs mess (cause he's SUPER loud about it) or whenever sarah comes over if she says "like, you guys" 100 times then it's bj time. Vice versa too. Whatever we want. Just not degrading "congrats dad, you dadded, everyone look how hard he's dadding, he's so lucky to have me for a wife cause now I'll do THIS for him, he's earned it after all"


Thank god for the Reddit armchair psychologists. It's super obvious that this is a joke. The mom probably has a little sticker chart for the young kids rewarding things like brushing teeth and going to the bathroom independently, so she decided to build one up for her husband too. Believe it or not, couples still get silly with one another well into adulthood even after they have kids of their own. But no, this is clearly a sign of a "soulless husk of a marriage" based on a single photo. Everyone is just as miserable as you are.


Yeah I thought "I won't throw away your favorite pit stained shirt" made it pretty obvious this wasn't meant to be taken seriously.


She's so happy about the arrangement. Can't you see the picture?


The spirit is willing, but the body is spongy and bruised.


Something is wrong when sex becomes quid pro quo


Right? All tooth or something


It's not an offer, it's threat. She prolly made clacking noices with her teeth when she wrote it down.


I imagine it’s like [Hellraiser teeth chatter](https://youtu.be/rdCJC_sf4uQ?si=oMBAYmQESpS7Xc1J)




"Even in Hell, your suffering will be legendary." -- Wife, right before the bj


We have such sights to show you.


Yeah. I’d be nervous about a bj from her. Much too toothy.


“Take out the garbage 5 times and I won’t use teeth on that BJ!”


Blowjobs are amazing. Transactional blowjobs (or any sex acts) are awful. Why should you have to work for a healthy sex life in the form of chores? It’s gross, on both sides.


Going hollow in a a marriage is the worst


Dudes gunna be hearing “remember I gave you that damn blowjob” for the next month.


Of course I remember my skins almost finally grown back


Also how is there more puke than chances to put down the toilet seat is he going in the yard?


It’s not about the chances, it’s about the number of times he *successfully* did it


I honestly don’t think he deserves the toothy blowjob now


I have so many questions


teeth go chomp chomp which is undesirable when your cock is in the way of those chompers that are specifically designed for mauling things into little bits. God imagine if she did a massive power move and shat out his cock and gave it back to him


You didn't really need to do what you just did. 


The chomp chomp is one thing, the raking is a whole different pain




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teeth_(2007_film) Enjoy


what in the name of all thats holy reading that plot sounds like one of those horny reddit stories


It's actually decent, worth a watch.


I nearly fucking died laughing after reading that 😂


Or if she throws it up. He could get a head start on his next sticker by cleaning up that puke! Except he wouldn't be able to claim the reward.




Yeah, I’ll take ‘No nagging for a week,’ Mr Trebek.


And all he has to do for that is put the toilet seat down a couple times lmfao


I'm a guy, I just sit to pee, still married 16 years and going strong, and honestly pick your battles. If you can do something minor for you that is major for her, just do it, you'll have a happy wife and more enthusiastic BJ's


Sitting down to piss has other benefits. Like not having to stand.


The older I get the more I enjoy sitting down to pee.


Can surf on my phone if I sit down.


Yep, and I don't care how good your aim is, splash back is a thing. It's really not sanitary.


If you live alone and have to clean your toilet, you will start to sit down... it's way more hygienic


I put the lid down when I flush. I don’t want that bacteria flying all over the place.


Yeah this is honestly the only right answer... stop telling people to "put the seat down" and make it like a guys vs girls thing and guys get weirdly defensive for some reason.... Everyone should close the *lid* when they're done using the toilet for sanitary reasons and that should be the end of it.


That’s what we do too- even the kids know to do it


I can tell you are telling the truth about being married by your statement. Smart man lol


I put the seat and lid down when finished so we doth have to lift the lid/set when we go. 100% equality. Been married 27 years. Plus it’s what she trained me to do. Lol


I mean, it reduces smell, reduces unsanitary micro splash, and oh, also, the cats won't get in there. Lids... exist for good reasons? The fact that the subject has gotten labeled as gendered is insane.


It just makes more sense to put the seat down. Say 2/3 visits to the bowl is a piss. So 1/3 visits a dude will have to sit. A female is sitting everytime, 3/3. Therefore 4/6, or two thirds of the time, a visit to the porcelain throne is a sitting affair. Additionally if your toilet has a lid it should always be closed before flushing to minimize dispersion of doo doo particulates into the air.


Your urologist will agree that sitting down is actually healthier for your pp


I don't really understand the argument in either direction. What's hard about putting the seat down? What's hard about looking at the seat? I close the entire thing to reduce spread every time so it doesn't affect me but I don't think I'll ever get the argument to begin with.


Men who’ve actually cleaned toilets in their life recognize the value of sitting down to pee. No errant streams or splashes, if you’re drunk or groggy from sleep you won’t piss all over the bathroom. Everyone pees sitting down in my house. I tip my cap to you my brother. 😉


"The Toilet seat is not up to Pollos Herman's standard."


Babies puke a lot, to be fair.


ah, but it doesn't specify who's puke it is. Same with the blow out diapers. It does specify rug rats for baths and kids lunches. Maybe Grandpa lives with them.


Or he's bulimic 🤷‍♂️


I think we all know it’s because he’s busy getting black out drunk every night and puking on the couch. I mean look at his life and look at the dude-it fits.


If the kids are at school… who is wearing the blowout diaper? If there’s a baby at home…who is the get out of the house day card for?


And if the kids are in school they can read this chore sheet


I'm going to be pedantic, more than half the other chores are baby related. We can infer it's the kids puke. If you know this and are just trying to be funny, then I apologize in advanced.


Having had 2 kids I'd say my daily washroom visits to baby puke ratio is at least even, I may even be slightly ahead.


She's gonna be having bro slipping ipecac into juice boxes at this rate.


It's called a perverse incentive.


this is tactical. He knows there's no chance she wont nag him for a week so doesnt want to put himself in that position where he has to call her out for nagging him. Also... if she admits she nags him.. thats saying something as it is


If it were me, I'd be speedrunning to that one, and just smirk at her when she inevitably does it. Never met a single person that can go a week without nagging once.


I stopped having to nag when I left. My own place, living ✌️


He doesn't believe he will get "No nagging for a week" so "BJ" is a better reward to focus on


True, 15 minutes of half-hearted head bobbing is a lot more realistic of a goal than the kind of passive aggressive woman who makes a sticker reward chart managing to not nag for a week.


I kept seeing that as "orange blowout diaper" and thought this was getting political.


I still can't read that one


“Change blowout diaper”


Whats a blowout diaper?


Hate to spoil all the fun, but this was a joke. Articles popped up in 2022 about it, but it originated about 2017.


I thought it was obvious that this is a joke, I'm surprised people are taking it seriously


I mean you never know, there's enough crazy out there. But yeah i'm not surprised it's a joke


That reminds me I never see any posts from r/nothingeverhappens anymore


Self fulfilling prophecy


Some people like that it confirms their bias about ridiculously controlling wives and automatically took it as truth. This kind of stuff is happening on such a ridiculously large scale that it’s why our political climate is so insane. There is no shared Reality, just tribes that share biases that are affirmed by online propaganda. As long as there are otters who are believing it then it becomes real.


Those goddamn otters again!


Hey leave us out of it


Wait overcontrolling wife? This seems more like a bash on lazy husband to me. Only putting the toilet seat down twice?


For real. The joke ought to be the wife needing a children's chore chart to get her husband to contribute to basic household domestic duties. That so many are interpreting it as 'lol wives amirite?' is some real boomer level shit.


Yeah there's layers to this. First, everyone is acting like this is real which is hilarious. And then they're all taking the guy's side when he apparently needs rewards to be a basic human being in a functioning household. The bar is so fucking low.


It's very successful bait in that way. Gets a reaction from both sides.


Acutally it's more relieving than spoiling


Thank goodness, though ITT people trying to find fault on either party


But why spoil the fun when poor boys on reddit can call some random woman a bitch?


which is crazy too bc doesn’t this reflect way more poorly on him


Lmao it’s honestly *insane* how this pic has been getting used for “women ☕️amirite fellas” jokes for years and hardly anyone ever doubts it’s authenticity.


Reddit will go to pretty extreme lengths to avoid thinking that women might not be terrible 


Egad! Do you imply that there might be misogynists on the internet??? In 2024 AD??


This gets reposted every few days.


Damn you with your fact checking!


Her eyes say: Aren't I a genius. His eyes say: Kill me now, it would be a mercy.


He looks like he was in a bar fight. I feel like if he had been in a bar fight though, he’d be smiling.


Dude was just forced to drink a 12 pack of his favorite beer. Got him a vomit sticker though.


I would very quickly no longer have a favorite beer, and I'll die before I do Breck Vanilla Porter and Leinenkugel Summer Shandy dirty like that.


> Leinenkugel Summer Shandy I didn't expect to see the beer I'm drinking right now mentioned in this thread.


I feel like most women wouldn’t like this because it means your husband is a fucking child. But if it works for them so be it


hahahahaha I'm sure husbands acting like children isn't super common right? ... right?


That is the face of a defeated and broken man.


It all was a joke and as usual reddit has a meltdown over artificial gender war shit. Poor man!!! [https://cafemom.com/parenting/220565-husbands-rewards-chore-chart-backlash/304748-i\_soon\_started\_scrolling\_through\_some\_of\_the\_outraged\_twitter\_comments\_and\_i\_found\_myself\_nodding\_along\_in\_agreement](https://cafemom.com/parenting/220565-husbands-rewards-chore-chart-backlash/304748-i_soon_started_scrolling_through_some_of_the_outraged_twitter_comments_and_i_found_myself_nodding_along_in_agreement)


God forbid he help clean up his kids and house


I mean, it’s gross and infantilizing, but why isn’t he doing this shit anyway?


He looks like he’s wearing a human skin mask over his face.


What kind of asshole is donating pit stained t-shirts? Yeah I try to help out the less fortunate and my community. I donate apple cores and expired cheeses to the food pantry, I lecture the homeless on what they did wrong(not specifically, but in my general opinion), and more often than not I tip my server.


Thank you! Do not donate damaged clothing, folks. It costs the charities millions every year to dispose of unsellable donations. Use them as rags.


I was with someone that was transactional about sex like that. I got the hell out.


Same. A long time ago, I was married to someone who manipulated me like that. Sex became transactional and it felt like I had to pay to feel loved. Didn't know at the time that I was being emotionally abused and it caused a lot of trauma making trust very difficult after that. I'm now in a happy and healthy relationship and I couldn't be happier or more grateful!


I think any relationship where affection is transactional is innately abusive. You shouldn't treat giving affection for those you purport to love as transactional at all.


Dude should also be doing his share of domestic workload. Not getting “rewarded” for it.


Yeah that's my take on it. It's gross and weird that she's turning sex into a transaction. It's also gross and weird that she feels the need to. People need to just start communicating and acting like partners if they're gonna partner. I'm really sorry for everyone involved in situations like this. There's also something that deeply disturbs me about how many !s There are next to BJ. Like she's commodified the BJ so much in her head and is so confident that it's a grand prize that she needed to shout it, almost like putting the excitement in his mouth. Final note, if she throws up from the BJ and he cleans it does that count as a sticker towards the next one?


I had this same thought thank you for asking it. What if he meta gamed it and purposely didn’t shower to encourage the throw up? Could he end up with a never ending BJ due to repeated throw ups? Could we end with an ever increasing BJ cycle? These are the questions we need asked. Also ya he should just clean up the vomit


I’ve been in a transactional relationship too and it’s the most shining form of abuse. The person views you as their property at that point. 2 people who have feelings for each other share that connection sexually and consensually. This is just…. Ick.


i mean unless she's a stay at home mom and the dude has to work 60+ hours weeks, this is insanity. You need a chart to do basic household tasks?


Even if that’s the case, some of these things are just basic common courtesy of living with another human.


I’ve met more men that don’t do basic household tasks than men that do. That’s “woman’s work” even if they both have a full time job.


Sigh. Most of the men in my life growing up had this attitude. Thank God my mother taught me better.


Pop in over to r/adhd_partners. It’s a goldmine of people who are in relationships with other people who don’t do chores even with charts.


I’m pretty sure that’s a joke. She used to write a funny parenting column/blog called “I love my little assholes”. I don’t know if it’s still around or not.


Yeah it's an old meme from way back. Still stimulates a lot of conversation though.


Back in the day I was with someone like that where the sex would become a birthday, Xmas or Valentine’s Day “treat”. Then one time I was like “not today I’m not in the mood” and she was surprise pikachu faced accusing me of an affair.


Isn't "transactional sex" called prostitution?


The sign doesn’t indicate who gives the bj.


6 pukes cleaned up you get blow the neighbor. Lucky you!


Uhh idk about y'all but it's crazy a grown up man needs a chart with reward system to do the most basic of chores.


If it makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure it's a joke. There were a bunch of these circulating a couple of years ago - always with the man looking like he'd just gotten out of prison and a pleased-as-punch woman beaming like a light bulb. There's always the possibility someone picked up the joke and ran with it; pretty sure this ain't it.


Seriously, half of the comments are complaining about having to work for the blowjob they're 'owed', And seemingly missing that he doesnt do very basic chores for their newborn? Christ.


Yeah, I don't get it, do men like this like to be treated like stupid children?


They want to act like little children but also want to get treated like a king, man of the house. "I need mommy to wipe my butt when I make a dookie and tell me I'm a big boy then touch my pp"


God that felt disgusting to read lmfao


It was probably his idea “if you want me to help just tell me what to do” Then she tells him but he doesn’t do it so he needs a prize like a toddler instead of taking care of it without asking her. 


The chart is actually for her. He now has to give her a bj


This makes me love my relationship even more. We just always have each others back.


Imagine being so unwilling to help your wife that she has to make this


Those are very reasonable prices, as an active dad I’d be getting 3 blowjobs a week, never be nagged again and more beer than I would ever drink.


Those are pretty basic house chores. If he needs this chart to do it (who the fuck needs to be controlled on how many times the baby gets a bath???) he sucks as a partner and deserves to get shit and be treated as another kid Come at me.


god my old band had a drummer whose relationship was like this. Except add an insane high pitched cutesy voice. "you did all your chores so you get a beeeeejaaaaay, yay!". I dont know if she thought the high pitched voice was so we couldn't hear her, because everyone in the room heard her whenever she talked like that. Once when my GF was over for practice she turned to me and just mouthed "WTF". And dude always looked so defeated while leaving. OTOH thats one hot mom.


Man looks confused when he comes in the kitchen and she hands him a PBJ


Imagine how easy this guy’s life is if that’s all he has to do for those ‘rewards’. I do all of that and get none of that.


This guy is useless if it has come to this. A chore chart with stickers is demeaning, but if he’s not meeting those standards without incentive then he’s just another kid. She’d be better off threatening him with 50/50 custody if he doesn’t get off his ass. Don’t date a guy that isn’t cooking and cleaning for himself when he’s single. That should be a dealbreaker. Don’t run in and start playing wifey and cooking and cleaning his house. A girl with a dirty apartment was always a dealbreaker for me.


He looks like one of those dogs from the ASPCA commercials with “arms of an angel” playing. She plays that song during the blowjob as well.


Isn’t it something he supposed to do anyway?


I have zero confidence that Mrs crazy eyes over here could go a week without nagging.


So, is he a grown ass partner or another kid


If you get all of them then the reward is a divorce.


It’s a joke. She’s a blogger and book author. Baby Sideburns. Her husband is actually awesome and a wonderful father. They seem to have a great relationship.


Daddy gets a prize for doing the chores he was supposed to be doing anyways yaaay, that’s amazing! That’s daddy’s idea for sho lol Where is her board?  Romantic dinner once she does the dishes? Massage her if she cleans throw up? 


That’s humiliating unless he’s into that


Jesus Christ, this shit was a billion years old a billion years ago and it was dogshit then too. Can you just fuck off please? With the shit tier content that's old as fuck? Please? Fuck.


lol y’all…holy shit are you STUPID. It is a joke. This lady is a content creator and author and her husband goes in with her on these meme posts on her fb🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If my relationship got to the point where I have to baby my husband with a sticker chore chart to get some help, we're getting a divorce long before that. Also I love the 'Do this chore and I won't throw your shit away' LOL


Did she punch him repeatedly in the face?


More BJs mean fewer kids.


Man. If it's that hard to get your spouse to help out with parenting and housework that you have to treat them like a child, you're married to a child.


The man has 2 black eyes for god sake ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


His face looks all beat up... What am I looking at


Thats the look of a man whos been secretly puking round the house for bj points


Dude looks like he needs a nap, not a bj.


Forget everything else about this, why tf does dude look like he's wearing a mask made of his own skin?


I’d definitely be shooting for putting the toilet seat down .. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


What do people think happens when you have a baby?


Not gonna lie her smile is unsettling lol