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*Looks on nervously in British*


What did germany do wrong? What bad food did we invent huh?


Blutwurst, weißwurst, schweinshaxe. Fleisch zu kochen sollte grund genug für die Todesstrafe sein. Andererseits haben wir mit dem Döner einiges wieder gut gemacht


Alle möglichen Brotsorten, Brezeln, Bier, Schnitzel, Currywurst, Burger. Also mal ehrlich.


USA is a lot like Apple. They don’t really invent that much, but they take something else and improve it. The original pizza was the margarita pizza and was created in a contest to try and be the national food of Italy. That’s why it has all the colors of the Italian flag. The pizza you get from Pizza Hut/dominos/etc with 10 different toppings is an American creation. Same idea with the hamburger.


You're right about most of it, except this word "improve". If you're saying that sugar cake you get from dominos is better than actual pizza, then you're (in the nicest way possible) delusional.


If you don't get type 2 diabetes after you eat, then the food isn't that good.


GTFO pizza hut is fucking garbage, go to Italy and try an authentic pizza.


The point was that pizza the way people think of it today is American. When someone says pizza, there's a big chance that the average person will think of an American slice and not an Italian slice. You Europeans call us Americans stupid yet you can't take even a second to think about what we might be saying.




You mean that american pizza, the way Americans think of it today, is American. This is why not only Europeans but the majority of the world calls Americans stupid, is that you are incapable of divorcing your view from the rest of the world and try to pass it off as if it's the standard.


America has invented numerous POPULAR styles of pizza, Chicago, Deep Dish, and New York Style being examples. Can you name literally any other place outside of Italy (which, by the way, isn't the birthplace of pizza. That title goes to Greece) that has had as much of an impact on pizza culture?


Outside of America, these are not popular with perhaps the exception of deep dish, which is still american centric and only globally available because of the rampant spread of shitty pizza franchises that come predominantly from America like pizza hut and papa johns and Dominos. That title of origins also does not go to Greece as they got the idea from the Arabs and Turks in the first place and just added local ingredients. I would also point out that Sicilian pizza is very much different from Italian pizza to the point of being another addition that contributes a dish far more integral to pizza culture than the American junk food. You can be proud of the garbage pizza that the USA has concocted, you can like it all you want, but you need to realize that north Americans alone celebrate those as additions to pizza culture, and your culinary forays don't set the standards for the rest of the world.


I hate to agree with an American. But the simple answer is that you’re right in this case. Even an ‘authentic’ Italian pizza is by now quite a bit influenced by the American styles of pizza and numerous other influences. Now, I would t go as far as to say you guys ‘invented’ several popular styles. You invented several styles. And several unpopular ones for every popular.


Real Neopolitan or Roma pizza is not really influenced by American pizza at all. In Italy you have couple of toppings and that’s it - the way they did it


Invented probably is a strong word, and I do agree that we did invent many unpopular styles, but the fact is that the USA has had an extremely large impact on pizza culture, much larger than almost every other country. Of course, I'd never go as to say that America has had a bigger impact than Italy, but our country is certainly up there near the top.


The way AMERICANS think of pizza is American FFS. Wtf is wrong with you navel-gazing insular self-aggrandising twatwaffles?


Yeah, it means other countries and cultures exist outside of yours. Take your ai generated insults elsewhere, we're here to talk about pizza.


??? Yes, and I'm talking about the sweet, doughy cheese-laden shite that Americans seem to think is perfection, probably on account of having taste buds that never evolve past those of a child.


I just don't see why you're being so vitriolic over pizza, my guy, I agree that American pizza is gross but there's no need to resort to insults in order to convey opinions, it actually makes it far harder to take you seriously and kinda debased your argument when you did.


I'm Scottish - it's a genetic predisposition


Lol, oh, it makes sense now! 


Buddy, that's like fast food style pizza. It's trash, but it's comforting sometimes. We have plenty of good pizza that isn't that; like New Haven and the classic New York slice.


Bullshit. Only slobs who eat fast food garbage think that, and only in America. Go anywhere else in the world and see. 


Italy has no authentic pizza. You want authentic pizza, you go to Lambardi’s.


Pizza Hut is garbage. I've lived in Italy/visit there regularly due to family living there. Authentic Italian pizza is boring, bland and unseasoned. New York is where you go for pizza.


Apple invented a lot of stuff. For example Graphical interfaces for PCs , the Smartphone amd apps. At one point steve jobs went on one of apples exibitions, studied their Mac-PC, went home and developed the first windows-version with a GUI


Apple actually improved things.


Maybe at first,  but that hasn't been true for at least a decade. They've literally been sued for and found guilty of implementing planned obsolescence and purposefully bricking older devices with software updates. Hardly an improvement.


That's the thing. Then they were basically just rebranding other peoples stuff and marketing it to idiots who didn't know any better. Now, with their own SoCs they're significantly changed the game and singlehandedly pushed other companies to,if not abandon x86 then at least take ARM seriously enough to develop on, but that's actual innovation, not marketing so now when they're actually doing stuff, when people who understand tech are finally giving them credit, the general public thinks they're stagnating. It's depressing because it shows actual work and effort mean nothing, people are demanding to be conned.


I appreciate that humour often fails to be as obvious in text format


Which country "invented" certain foods is all a matter of perspective. Italy was not the first region to put toppings on flat bread. Germany was not the first region to put ground meat between two slices of bread. There is a reasonable argument to be made that regional variants of common foods could be considered different dishes, despite sharing a name—pizza in the United States differs in some dramatic ways from pizza in Italy, hamburgers in Japan differ from those in Germany, and the curries you get in India and Japan are distinct. Are those all the same dishes, or do their markedly different regional variants make them different dishes altogether? How far back do we go to determine who "invented" something—do the Iranians get to claim the invention of pizza, since the first historical record of flatbread with cheese and toppings came from the reign of Persian king Darius I?


What foods did us invent


The triple bacon, pancake, cheese doughnut with chocolate sauce and lard coating


Umm, pancakes are Greek.


Invent? Difficult to say. But something that is uniquely special? - Creole/French/Acadian of Louisiana. - Southern (fried chicken, biscuits/gravy, etc) - regional types of barbeque (Texas, Carolina, Kansas, etc) - SoCal/Mexican Disclaimer: I'm Canadian, and these are just the ones that stuck out for me on my travels. I guarantee I haven't tried a bunch... yet.


Many times, they were dishes that were created by people who came here from other countries and made the best with what they had available. Food travels and as it deviates from the original dishes, often it is improved with ingenuity.


Carolina mustard-based BBQ sauces were made by German immigrants.


Mustard based bbq sauce is top tier imo


Tex Mex too. Fajitas are an American invention. American-Chinese food is delicious as well. Nashville hot Chicken, Biscuits and Gravy The potato chip, Chicago Beef Green Chili Stew Shrimp and Grits King ranch chicken Tater tot hot dish Just to add a few more


Potato chips: British


Nope, those are crisp. In all serious though while there is some uncertainty about who invented the potato chip, and there is evidence of previous chip-like dishes, it's generally believed to be invented by George Crum (or his wife). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potato_chip


Ah, you’re talking about chips as in fries.


Clearly I'm not


Wtf is loose pizza?


Did USA invent burgers?


Loose instead of lose drives me *insaaaaaane*


german here, whats wrong with our food?


Without Germany there’d be no Hamburgers so American would fall apart then anyway


American stupidity.


Even saying Italy invented pizza is misleading. Italy invented Italian Pizza sure, obviously, but theres even ancient depictions of pizza in historical sites and documents. It's just a bunch of stuff on flatbread.


Yeah. In Italy. Literally. 


In Persia, 600 years before the fresco In Pompei that you just googled about. Baked in their shields. Bro literally just googled my statement and took the first most recent result as the earliest.


The pizza of today was made by italian immigrants in a multiethnic America. Italy was just making cheese bread.


Sure, pizza isn't originally from America, but the type of pizza that's eaten the most all over the world isn't Italian pizza lmao, it's American pizza. As a matter of fact, when people who've never had Italian pizza try it for the first time, they usually don't like it. It's quite different from its counterpart...


Deep pan: America Thin crust: Italian


What has Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc contributed to world cuisine? Interesting that they don’t get nearly the amount of shit that the US does. 


Maybe cause they dont claim to invent pizza


It’s called a pavlova mate, look it up. And Canada has poutine. Don’t speak if you haven’t bothered learning first.


The only true good American food is BBQ


Try BBQ in the Philippines and say that again.


Pizza in general may not be from the USA, but good pizza certainly is.


Spoken like a man who has never left the USA


On the contrary, I've lived abroad in Europe now for 15 years and traveled extensively in that time. Don't believe it, don't care.


you sure do comment on a lot of USA political posts for someone who hasnt lived there for 15 years and lives in Czechia


I comment on how I don't want to hear about it :D


You are hurting "America bad" redditors feelings. As someone who has eaten a lot of pizza in Italy...you are right. New York and surrounding towns have better pizza.