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Nobody should be satisfied with the available options. I refer to the episode of South Park called "Douche and Turd" and that about sums up American elections over the past few decades


South Park did it:)


No, you’re a turd sandwich.


Bill Maher [covered it best in 2019](https://youtu.be/ob7EWtaUL_o?si=mC0JoymoV_rZZc4l&t=155) about Biden


That was gold, thank you XD


I think Biden is going to be fine.


Dude's a muppet, but he's the lesser evil


He doesn't seem to be evil at all though. And I don't think he's a lesser evil either. Biden reelection means that we will continue trying to combat inflation, reduce the cost of health care, relieve some college debt.. There's nothing wrong with those things.


I'm just tired of all the geriatrics in politics at this point. They're hardly relevant anymore and seem to all be out of touch with the generations that are supposed to take over. No, that's not evil but he's still a relic.


Best thing next debate: Biden just rolls the shit his administration has been doing the last four years and sit back drinking water with one (non shaking) hand. Stop trying to engage verbally with trump. His one strategy is to throw such a word salad your way you cant make sense of it. Have him roll his accomplishments, it will take all of 2 seconds: tax cuts for the rich.


And Donny Dipshit is the epitome of evil.


Oh absolutely. No disagreement there


That skeevy, orange man has given me the ick since the first time I ever saw him on tv. I've never liked him & now, I literally have a physical reaction every time I hear him. I recoil in disgust every time. It was awful walking into the VA & seeing his smug orange face every time.


These both sides arguments are as ridiculous as that children's cartoon. Results matter. The Democrats are delivering for the American people. Republicans are robber barons.


Another sad thing about it is that it's going to be perpetuated through people's children through some sort of forced beliefs or learning from their parents or communities. The most wrong of the wrong ideas will be around, probably forever, long past we as a species should have moved past that way of thinking. So it feels like this polarization will just go on for multiple generations and lifetimes


Prejudice has been around for millennia. America has never been more multicultural and nothing can reverse that despite the vocal minority backlash.


Mr Garrison as Trump was hilarious lol.


And yet, Biden is still the better choice. Still voting against Trump


Still 100x more coherent than most of what Trump says


I dunno. I feel like Trump is more coherent, it’s just coherent nonsense.  Like, he was perfectly coherent when he lied about Stormy, y’know? He was also perfectly coherent when he said there would be no NATO if it wasn’t for him… Wait, I’m seeing a trend here. They’re all lies. 


Sadly that's how a lot of people perceive it.


To be frank, Trump left winning this debate. For Trump's base, it 300% reloaded their ammunitions against Biden. And it didn't help that Biden turned to Trump every 5 minutes looking flabbergasted. For anti-Trump's base, they could navigate between the mumbling of Biden and see behind the bullshit of Trump. But you do have to focus to get what Biden is saying, and kinda need to have the knowledge to get what he is refering to. So it leaves the swinding votes and that's where it gets scary, turn it however you want, Trump's performance got better, Biden's got worse. Surprisingly, Trump contained himself, and that too is scary. There is obviously a lot of work going on behind the scene. Trump is positionning himself like the saviour, it is a fucking bad move from the dems to make it a Biden VS Trump instead of a Biden with and for America. I could see the application of a reverse Trump book, and I think it will be a costly strategic mistake.


Yes. Fine with it. I trust him and his administration. Trump makes much bigger misfires like this at his own rallies! And he wasn’t born with a stutter to work through while talking. My brother stutters occasionally and talks about how much that can throw things off for a moment when it happens. In day to day work, there’s not a one or two minute limit to reconcile that train of thought when it gets distracted. With Trump, it really is just his full mind malfunctioning. You could at least tell Biden knew it was going off rail as he got flustered and checked the ticking clock. With Trump, you can tell his mind has no idea. With all the time in the world at his own rallies, he just keeps going and makes no attempt to reconcile the misfires because he actually has no idea they are happening. This is far, far worse.


It's not great, but I choose to see it as I am voting for the Biden administration. And I trust in that administration a million times more than I trust in Trump and whatever he decides to do. I'm all set with authoritarianism


The issue is that Trump is going to easily win if this is the candidate we are stuck with. He needed to prove he could handle 4 more years and he just didn’t no matter how you spin it.


Fuck Trump. If the polls worsen for Biden, I'll be out there campaigning for him. Suggest you do the same. 


It doesn’t make me happy, but it is what it is at this point. It’s highly unlikely they swap out Biden at this point. There is still another debate, but of course Biden comes out today and hits it out of the park at his rally in Raleigh. All I can do is vote and hope for the best.


Interestingly I was watching the CNN after coverage and it was totally surreal. Tons of ardent fans of Biden saying it’s time to really look at moving forward with someone else. To these people it was taboo to even acknowledge this as a potential course of action just months ago. So while the chances still aren’t the best at least it’s being floated in the mainstream now.


I don't know about anyone else but my primary ballot had Biden, Trump and Williamson and I wasn't voting for Trump or the anti-vax loon.


He has a stutter get the fuck over it MAGA.


I’m not MAGA I’m the opposite, I want Trump to lose. And guess what it’s not going to happen if this is the candidate we nominate. If you choose to willingly ignore it that’s like accelerating towards a cliff


Funny watching you tell people not to ignore reality while you loudly ignore the reality that Biden is and will remain the only alternative to Trump.


This for certain was one of Bidens top three senior moments. Despite that, Trump was incapable of answering a question directly and had to he hand held the whole way into answering a single fucking question. Compound Trumps speaking level is regarded at around an 11 year old child, and nearly 0% of his former cabinet will endorse him, how can anyone think Trump is better fit than Biden?


Right, now put that up against ANYTHING Trump has said. However bad you think Biden's thing sounds, it's at least about one thing, is logically consistent, and has a beginning, middle, and end. He manages to say all that without bringing up either sharks or Hannibal Lecter.


There's also the inescapable fact that everyone voting this time around has seen what both administrations are like. We know how both people will govern, the type of people they'll have as advisors, running federal agencies and will nominate to the federal courts. There's this weird vibe I keep picking up that tRump is still an unknown quantity.


The problem is that the media is telling everyone that Biden's administration has been a disaster, as opposed to the hugely successful one that it has actually been. And they're also treating Trump like a legitimate candidate, and not the guy who literally attempted a coup and is only running to keep himself out of prison, and also has all but said he will completely dismantle the government if he wins.


The woman being murdered by an immigrant had nothing to do with roe v wade being overturned. This was not in any way a statement with a beginning, middle, and end, this was a clear example of losing train of thought and getting visibly confused. The primary job of a presidential candidate is to communicate and we have a very poor communicator. I for one want this to be fixed while there is still time. We can still have a different nominee picked in a few weeks. If Biden is the one picked then we cement a Trump victory but that risk can still be mitigated. I’m with the people trying to save our country from the Trump threat.


"Women are dying from lack of reproductive rights, which also sucks." Woah what a hard inference to make!


Idc how you slice it or debate it I’m still voting for the old turd who’s not out to destroy America so cut all that other bullshit


Hell, I definitely didn’t pick him.


No, I’m not, but even if Biden personally has issues, at least he will put together a functional administration. Trump is the figurehead fascists are using to usher in their fascism.


Well, as bad as we got it, I'll still vote old man over fascist 100 times out of 100.


You can make any number of those with trump quotes. We’re picking the best horse at the glue factory.


Still better than the trumpster fire.


Yeah but if we run him we are getting Trump again is that what you want


Hell no


Doesn't matter. It's a binary choice. You've got two choices. Pick one.


They are both old doddering people. The choice is simply “who will do the least damage”. Only one of the two is campaigning on doing damage, That’s the one I will vote against.


Make that a compelling option though so more people pick that option and that option wins


Well we definitely agree on that. I wish Biden would drop Harris and bring on Whitmer. He could then retire after he is sworn in and we could have a dynamic young president for 4 years with the record of an incumbent to run on.


Biden isn't going to do any damage. There is nothing wrong with voting for Biden, he is surrounded by competent people. The worst case is his VP takes over and there's nothing wrong with her either.


At the moment Biden took office, they should have prep for Kamala Harris to take over and be presented for running this election. And I'm sorry to say, but I do believe that they did not even consider that the woman of colour, that looks so good to have as VP, could be presidential and decided to put all their chips on the white old guy that has some Clint Eastwood flavour.


We are in agree, I will vote for Biden. I really thought that was clear in my post.


I’m not saying for my choice. I’m saying for the American people. The impression left by last nights debate is what matters. We should be wanting a leader that doesn’t leave the impression he can’t even form a full point in a debate. I choose only my own vote, and democratic leadership chooses everyone else’s based on if he steps aside or not.


>The impression left by last nights debate is what matters. The impression left by their performance in office is what should matter.


I’m not saying how it should be I’m saying how it is. The American public sees a senile old man who is a shell of his former self. We can give them someone who is an excellent communicator while there is still time! Otherwise Trump wins. The campaign to ignore the debate is basically just campaigning for Trump part 2.


>I’m not saying how it should be I’m saying how it is. Yeah- That's why I said 'should'. >We can give them someone who is an excellent communicator while there is still time! lol- what happened to saying how it is, not how it should be?


How it currently is: Biden is set to lose to Trump. How it should be: Biden should step down while there is still time to be replaced by a viable nominee.


While you are living in an idealistic world, the rest of us are living in the real world. These are the choices, it’s not going to change. Voting for a walking corpse is better than voting for a criminal dementia patient that doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but himself. The people that are surrounding the president are always more important than the president himself. Look at the over 200 people that went to jail from Trumps admin. You might not like the choices, but this is who we have. Vote blue, or we will be screwed.


Sure- but as long as we're doing fantasy scenarios I'll stick with the one where American's recognize performance in office matters more than debates.


I hope you’re right but not holding my breath after last night. Love your optimism.


Evidently you missed the phrase 'fantasy scenario' in my comment.


So we agree it’s going to shit


Do you have anyone in mind? It would have to be someone already well known and popular because I don't think there's time to PR biltz anyone to national prominence.


Likely they would go with newsom I don’t think my pick would be very popular. Kamala is well known but divisive.


Who is "they?"


If Biden had Alzheimer's and was also a vegetable in the hospital I would vote for him over Trump. Biden uses advisors. He has Kamala. Trump is a fellon, rapist pedophile who made over 15,000 public lies in his first term. I would vote for almost anyone over that human garbage.


My pick is Claudia De La Cruz



