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Are these the "Black jobs" Donald Trump was referring to in the debate?


Oh you KNOW these were not the "Black jobs" Trump was referring to. You know it.


Can someone explain what Trump said? I am European.


I'll try, but you should know the wisest, most learned men and women on the planet can't explain what Trump says.  Many are still trying to figure out the snake ramble. During the debate, Donald Trump said migrants who enter this country illegally are taking jobs away from Black and Hispanic Americans. Now, first of all we're not sure what "black jobs" or "Hispanic jobs" are.  Secondly, I don't know about Europe, but in the United States, we're not typically hiring undocumented, illegal migrants for the good jobs.  They're usually getting hired for the lowest possible minimum wage crap jobs literally no one wants to do unless are desperate, the most grueling, looked down upon jobs.   So, this has, of course, offended people.


if you're undocumented in germany, there is no way your employer can register you so you can't work legally. You can only do so-called "schwarzarbeit" (which translates to black work, funnily enough, although it has nothing to with race) which is undocumented labor which is not insured, so if you get into an accident, you have to somehow explain what you did on a work site you definitely don't work in and don't really belong. If you're unlucky, your "employer" will even slap you with trespassing to cover his ass. If you get caught, you might get sued for a crime similar to tax evasion which can range from a misdemeanour up until a criminal charge with fines of 50k€ or up to 10 years in prison. German Justice does \*not\* look kindly on any tax related crimes.


You can't work here legally without documentation either. Folks end up having to work "under the table"


that is exactly the same. there's just a bunch auf illegal things getting the affix black/schwarz.. using the bus or train without a valid ticket for example is also called "schwarzfahren"driving black


That reminds me that we have a tongue-in-cheek saying called "DWB: Driving While Black" to refer to the times when cops racially profile black drivers and stop them for no other reason than their race. It's a spoof of "DWI: Driving While Intoxicated". The joke is, that it's obviously not a crime to be black, but the police make you feel like it is.


that one I know thx to family guy


Plenty of legal citizens work “under the table” too, shit probably half the politicians too.


Broebert doesn't "work" under the table - she "works" in-theater.


That’s what pisses me off. People screech about undocumented immigrants but Fox News seems to give the employers a pass. Also, they aren’t eligible for Medicare and Medicaid despite what all the idiots on Twitter say.


We intentionally make it easy for employers to get away with it.


We call it "under the table" in America. Which is a metaphor that refers to passing cash to another person under a table so nobody else can see. Growing up in the '90s, my dad had to do this kind of work after he was injured at the factory he worked in. He was a laborer and not a well educated man, so after his workplace accident, nobody would hire him because he couldn't pass a physical. But he had a couple of contractor buddies that used the under the table practice. He worked side by side with Mexicans all day from like 1992 to 1997. I would go to work with him a few days each summer (usually the demo days/other scrap clean up days, scraping wallpaper) from the age of 9-14. I learned a bunch of lessons over that time: how to do hard work, the value of higher education, the value others give to hard work getting done no matter the language they speak or where they come from, and the sacrifices parents make for their family. My dad passed in 2000. I was 17. Those lessons I learned from what he went through inform a bunch of my compassion. It's disheartening when ignorant people who don't know real hardship talk down about these things.


On paper it's similar in North America. In reality, the businesses always play ignorant "oh we had no idea this guy was working here illegally" and they tend to arrest the workers. (Same with people who hire maids and nannies for cash only.) So Pedro gets locked up in an old department store that was converted into a concentration camp while his former boss hires someone else. Illegal immigration would stop in a week if they started putting business owners in jail for hiring people illegally. That won't really happen.


Your comment reminded me of an incident out of Boston a few years back in which a man fell off the ladder at a construction site and broke his leg. Instead of paying him worker’s comp (like they were obligated to do under US labor law), his boss called the cops to report that he was undocumented. BPD called ICE, and he was arrested in front of his 2 year old son. *edit: Tried to look up the guy’s name and found more recent developments. Story was even worse than I remembered because while he was recovering from surgery on the leg, his boss told him to come to his office to pick up some money (just $500 in an envelope, which is a fucking joke considering medical expenses here), at which point he was surprise arrested while he had his kid with him. The timing suggested cooperation between the employer and ICE, with them offering that laughable “compensation” as bait for a fucking ambush. AND the whole reason the construction company didn’t have workers' compensation insurance was because their policy had been cancelled due to non-payment, so they threw the guy under the bus to cover their own ass after they’d failed to meet their obligation as an employer. The Department of Labor sued on his behalf a couple years later and he got a settlement in 2022 because that kind of workplace retaliation is obviously illegal, but that was like best case scenario in just one instance of it happening that made the news. God knows it’s not the only one.


In the US the undocumented do the jobs Americans claim are being stolen, all while Americans refuse to do them because its very hard for little pay. Things like working in farmers fields… or working at Trumps golf courses and resorts.


And just look at DeSantis when he threatened to kick out all the illegal immigrants in Florida and then a bunch of Republicans were freaking out because their workers were leaving...the ones working in like farm fields. So DeSantis pulled back on that threat, said he didn't mean it, and it was all because Republicans are hypocritical liars that don't believe the things they say.


You know what scares me. After the debate they are saying trump has 5-6 of the 7 battle ground states. Then I watched rfk debate them as they were talking and my god what a cluster fluck.


Never trust polls.  The vast majority of Americans never take them because we automatically hang up for robo-calls, so numbers are not always accurate.


I don't take them because they won't stop asking me to take more. It's like I already told you how I felt, my opinion hasn't freaking changed in the span of 2 weeks, nor will it change over the course of the upcoming months. I now get texts telling me that "if I don't donate to Bidens campaign, I'm a confirmed Trump supporter" it's freaking ridiculous. I'm broke.


No doubt. I actually took one a few weeks ago. I’m in Colorado and the way the poll was worded made it seem that I was going to vote for Trump “a little” or “a lot”. There was no “never Trump” option and was really weird. It was an “on-line” poll that came via text.


They aren’t even minimum wage jobs. Lots of our food is grown and picked by undocumented immigrants working for below minimum wage under the table. So the optics of calling these black jobs are… Confederate-esque


>I'll try, but you should know the wisest, most learned men and women on the planet can't explain what Trump says.  Because he is so far beyond them in wisdom and business deal making. As he, the wise one, said at the debate, all of the smartest people around the world look up to him and even tried to mimic his genius and bold economics plans. Every other country around the world admires trump and while he was on power, America was the most respected country in the world. The world. /S I'm gonna sign off with this because apparently reality is so ludicrous that people can't tell my intentions even when I try to be most extreme with my sarcasm.




He said immigrants are taking "black jobs." He did not say jobs away from Black and Hispanic Americans.


He basically said illegal immigrants were taking “black jobs.”


It is quite simple. Trump and his ilk believe that Blacks are unintelligent but physically strong, so they should be given the same jobs they were brought to do when they were shipped to USA as slaves.


Simple if you just look at a cow pasture on ground your pretty likely to find the stuff came out of his mouth. He told atleast 59 confirmed lies in the debate that lasted 90 minutes where he was talking less than half of it. And that's consistent for him he wouldn't know the truth if it hit him with a freight train


I‘m european too, there is not much to explain. The debate demonstrated pretty well that america is doomed, and even worse, it’s inevitable.


It is interesting to watch the fall of an empire in real time instead of reading about it in history books. I give them 30 years.. max. Only problem is... they'll take the rest of us with them.


You know it.  And we'll do it fucking spectacularly!   


Isn't it? Experience it is even better. I am seriously considering seeking political asylum elsewhere.


time for the rest of the world to work on not being dependent on the US for anything


Yeah.  Should have really started thinking about that after the Soviet Union fell 


I would argue at the end of WWII.


The world needed the United States to take the role then because we were one of the only countries in the world that didn't get the shit bombed out of it during the war.  The US had the military might to stand up against the Soviet Union, while the rest of Europe needed to rebuild.  It was less a choice and more a necessity that put the United States into that position following the end of World War II. But, after the Soviet Union fell, maybe even before, there's not been much need for us to lead the free world.  Changes should have been made, but by then, we had all grown complacent.  Now, we need to seriously rethink our roles in this. 


I agree and disagree at the same time. Yes the USA was needed to assist with rebuilding and support for Europe. Where they made mistakes was meddling in other countries political landscapes, resulting in the toppling of multiple democratic governments and the installation of US backed puppet governments to support and favor the US on the global stage. Had the US not been dragged into the war, the world would be a vastly different and unimaginable place.


I think the rest of the world will be fine without the US. Anything they get from is, they can likely get elsewhere. And probably significantly better quality.


It's a little more complex than international trade.


Well, sorry guys I am sorry for you.


It's ok. We Americans pride ourselves in being fucked


We do it to ourselves! Yay us!


And we know what that’s called… Empowerment.


He said I’m a lying piece of shit. Don’t vote for me. I’m a felon and sexual predator. Sorry edit: that’s what he should say.


Funnily enough he never denied it when he was accused of sexual assault by Biden, only that he slept with Stormy Daniels


He said illegal immigrants take jobs from black people


Some dumb racist shit. Same as usual.


![gif](giphy|l2JehJrdzPfM2cYFy|downsized) I believe Dr. Nick was Mexican and he did cut into Dr. Hubert’s business so maybe 🤔 Simpsons predicting the future again 🤯


No I’m thinking he had more rural jobs in mind.


Ones that most people wouldn’t *cotton* to.


Yeah the types of jobs most people wouldn't pick


No, he clearly meant Black jobs to be the kind of jobs that an illegal immigrant with no education would be ready to take.


Had several people on twitter yesterday explaining to me how grooming kids isn’t actually a problem so long as you don’t touch them until they’re of age and that “it’s not pedophilia if you do it somewhere where the age of consent is lower”. That whole site’s a problem. Edit: Funny enough, my twitter account was banned because the folks complaining at me and insisting about the above things began reporting my account. Guess that tells me that the folks in charge of twitter very much side with pedophiles and groomers.


Get off Twitter. It might as well be an extension of 4chan at this point.


Trust me, I'm only there because it turned out to be a great place to find and hire artists and such. I'm slowly learning that I should never actually say an opinion. At least nothing anime or race related like "pedophilia is wrong", "having almost no black video game protagonists is a bad thing, I wish we had more", or "I like it when female character designs have diverse body types and clothing rather than always being sexualized". Stuff like that riles people up.


That and "people deserve a living wage", "working people shouldn't be homeless and starving", "you shouldn't have to go into lifetime debt just to get an education, especially if your field requires a degree" They *LOVE* to argue against that stuff. And don't even MENTION women's rights! OMG. You will *LITERALLY* get death threats. LITERALLY!


I remember someone first off telling me that me saying "Slavery is legal in America as punishment for a crime" was incorrect, and when I linked them to evidence that I was right, they immediately swapped to "they're criminals, enslaving them is fine."


Of course, because wanting everyone to have basic human rights is now "Woke" and apparently that is a bad thing.


Actually, woke is so old school. A lot of them like to say "DEI" now whenever there's a slur they're trying to avoid saying.


Ugh. Won't the keep their racist jargon consistent so those of us who are not horrible human beings can understand them?


I first became aware of them using DEI like that when that boat hit that bridge in Baltimore a month or so back. They kept calling the mayor the “DEI Mayor”…which is nuts, because he was elected. Those losers saw a black man and knew saying the n-word would get them banned. So they say DEI. The same thing happens any time a non-white, non-straight, non-big titty sex doll character is the protagonist in media as well.


Isn't that called Hebephilia?


It's called "something they shouldn't be doing".




The distinction isn't useful. A predator is a predator is a predator.


No that's the attraction to teenagers What he described is literally just grooming and attempting to side step the law




No, that's just what hair splitting pedos call themselves to differentiate themselves from the OTHER pedos that they clearly can't be as bad as. Honestly just call them a pedophile, we have to stop respecting labels like MAP and hebephile they put on themselves to feel better and just call them what they are. But at least if they act and end up in prison they have to wear a different outfit that means you endangered a child and the other inmates do not take kindly to that.


Things like this is literally why I will never vote republican, the party is full of people like this, both their elected officials and their voter base


So... Not even trying to hide it anymore?


They haven’t been hiding it for years. Have you been offline since early 2016?


*2007. They were publicly stating they would leave the country if a black guy was president.


Oh if only they'd left the country if they didn't like it.


Yeah, all talk no game. It's a 4 year cycle


That's the big problem with these guys. Everything that comes out of their mouths is a lie.


A lot of them are acting like Donnie already won.




America is so racist that when some people protested racism, a bunch of others assumed they were protesting America.


It's the American way.


Have they been? Since 2020, these people have been coming out of the woodwork, expressing their racist bigotry openly, honestly.


Where have you been?


Hmm... if we have more black doctors, more racists will voluntarily die of sickness.


Shit, bring them all to Louisiana so it becomes a purple swing state again


Natraul selection


Let’s see how he feels when he’s writhing on the floor after a heart attack….


They'll still help him. Hippocratic oath. Then they can tell him it was a black doctor who saved him. Can rub it in his face.


These morons are actually going to the reject the treatment. It has happened before


A sense of racial supremacy is so essential to some people’s identity they’d rather die or suffer pain and poverty instead of seeking relief. President LBJ pointed the thinking out in his empty pockets quote.


The Hippocratic oath does not require that a doctor help someone. It only requires that they do no harm. I might walk right by him if he were injured and I’m a white doctor.


Harm by inaction is still harm.


He's probably gonna feel like everyone else who writhes on the floor from a heart attack. I don't think this tweets gonna factor into it.


Imagine he’s dying on the floor and one of these graduates pull up and he’s asking for their help, only for the graduate to pull out their phone and say “this you?”.


Like this would ever happen. Its a lawsuit already signed and approved. Even if they have a giant swastika tattood on their chest or face. It’s considered intentional murder in their profession. That said being a person on the street and not calling it in? 🤷🏻‍♂️ your not on the clock to be a good human any more than they are.


Oh it’ll be like the little bitches who denied the reality of Covid and yet came to the hospital looking for help when they couldn’t breathe. And unfortunately for these future doctors, they won’t be able to deny him care, just like doctors weren’t able to deny antivaxxers care for Covid.


He’s mad jealous of all that talent in one room.


lol my dumb ass was confused because my first thought was “he wants to go to the doctor more because they’re a bunch of hot ladies”, but then i remembered the saying and realized “Oh…racist.”.




I don't get it, Isn't this a spin on "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"? What's bad about this? Edit: my dumbass just realized that this was just racism 💀💀💀


Yep😭 Straight up racism. Wants to keep the black doctors away


There's this idea among some right wingers (Elijah being on of those) that there's this DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) push that is putting a bunch of people into positions they aren't qualified for because they are minorities and are quota hires. They called the Baltimore mayor a "DEI mayor" after that cargo ship crashed into and collapsed the bridge. This might be a hot take but there might be some who believe in this who aren't really racist, but they're so gullible and stupid they eat up the DEI shit


Trump has normalised being racist


Racists has normalised being a Trump.


We're going backwards while the rest of the world is moving forward. I feel like I'm living in a horrible psychological thriller movie!


>We're going backwards while the rest of the world is moving forward That moment when EU is on a huge right-wing shift. AfD from Germany whose politicians discussed deporting Germans with non-German ethnic roots are polling at second place only behind mainstream conservatives (so they'll likely enter a coalition government). In Spain, centrists, regionalists and leftists barely clung onto power. Otherwise, the mainstream conservatives would have come to power by joining up with the far-right. In Netherlands, the far right just straight up won the most vote and managed to form a coalition government (albeit with a unique arrangement where they, as the largest party don't actually hold the PM seat). In France, the far right is polling first (who btw, had similar discussions as those of AfD). Italy has their most right wing government since Mussolini. In Austria, the far right is polling at first (despite being exposed in a major corruption scandal just 5 years ago where they accepted bribes from reporters posing as Russians) (they also walked out of Zelensky's speech in their parliament). The far right is in power in Finland (whose minister called black people the n word, openly expressed her desire to execute black people and called for beating up black children on social media a few years prior). All of these parties are Eurosceptic (aka against the European Union) on various levels. Many of them openly called for exiting the Union, but the miserable result of Brexit shut most of them up and they now mostly call for loosening the Union instead of leaving it.


Rest of the world isn't moving forward either, many wannabe dictators have risen


Conservatives: "People are so much softer in this day and age." Also conservatives when they see a rainbow flag or a black person having a succesful job: ![gif](giphy|37QUZJhmcdhc6yVUKV)


When I go to a doctor, his skill usualy matter to me more than his nationality or color of skin, but maybe that´s just me.


Most of the doctors in my area are from other countries, so I choose based on how well I can understand their accent.


That response is quite racist. I would love to be able to afford to see ANY doctor.


I'm Australian and this Elijah guy must be a real shitcunt.


Is that Australian for "horrible human being"?


Not even hiding the racism.


That dude is so weak minded I'm shocked he can dress himself


I used to hear about people refusing treatment because their doctor was black, it's like okay die then ig


These racist numbskulls cannot imagine that anyone who isn't white could get through med school on their merit and hard work but then have no problem with the white male doctor who only got into med school because his daddy went there.


Imagine seeing a gorgeous, successful, educated woman and saying “nope” because she has more melanin than you.


My mom had a black woman surgeon. She had amazing bedside manner. I couldn't help but think that with the headwinds of racism and sexism, she had to be about 4x better than some white male frat boy surgeon.


Says the guy who's biggest life accomplishment is being a racist twat on Twitter


When you get sick, make sure you go to church, bigoted fuckbrain.


Honestly I found it funny: a room filled with doctors? Let’s start eating apples…. Then I read what the picture said. No longer funny or clever just racist.


Well this might have two advantages. Either racists develop healthy habbits, which reduces costs needed for medical procedures and might change food culture to a healthier version in general, or they avoid doctors and die earlier of preventable deseases. Both are a net positive for society.


conservatives are defective humans


a “podcaster”…….selling products with discount code of “offensive”….😂😂😂😂😂😂😂…he will need a 👩🏽‍⚕️🩺🥼before those folks will need a podcaster/“journalist” that’s for damn sure 😂😂😂


The only way to get a conservative to eat healthy is by having black/female/lgbt doctors apparently


Trumps popular because he enables/empowers latent racism rampant in American society.


They'll post stuff like this and then throw a fit if you call them racists.


It's Twitter - 4chan all grown up. This kind of racist, misogynist commentary is encouraged by their algorithm.


I wonder if he got beyond 8th grade?


I don't think his brain was able to take so much to reach that


And out of the 4.8 million people who saw it, 36k liked it. This is disgusting, it's blatant racism.


Honestly, are you really surprised?


Over half are bots, guaranteed.


I hope he chokes on that apple. Lol


What is going on with X (formerly Twitter) that there is so much unchecked racism in the app?


Perspective: that man is allergic to apples and just wants to be touched by these gorgeous ladies.


Eating an apple would break off his last tooth.


This thread is great for finding and blocking a ton of racists


Every person in the picture is smarter than the dude who made that comment, and he knows it, and it terrifies him.


This isn’t remotely the point, but the rural hospital I went to as a child, had free apples on every table. Us kids ate them, like they were free, because they were.


Cool. One less dumb fuck racist works for me! If you wanna die prematurely because you're angry because of black doctors, then by all means feel free to have that heart attack as soon as you want. I'll make sure to get some popcorn as you're convulsing in pain. Only good racist is a dead racist.


Awesome The world needs more doctors, all amounts of melanin in the skin welcome


_You can’t say nothin any more!!_ Ok, what things do you want to say?


Hope that apple gets stuck in that dude’s windpipes…


I can hear the sound of the picture.


Bruh had to be motivated by racism just to start eating some fruit.


He definitely should eat an apple a day, they're a good source of fiber and it'll help you poop more often, since he's clearly full of shit.


Send them to my state we need good doctor now. 5 hour wait for an emergency isn’t helping us.


I hope the follow the words of their "dear leader" and drink the bleach too. Go on you know you want to! Drink up just make sure you're wearing you depends first! VOTE OUT ALL REPUBLICANS AND VOTE DAMMIT!


As a middle aged white man I can't understand racism, especially on this level. I just can't wrap my head around the ignorance on display.


Racists are so funny with their tiny puny useless brains. I have had plenty of terrible useless white doctors. I have had some amazing black doctors. It's almost like their skin color does not matter, but if they actually care about their fucking patients. Fucking loser racists.


Yeah goof luck with that. Apples have quite a bit sugar and not much nutritional value. Oh and those black doctors have more intelligence in their pinky nail than you’ve attained your entire life.


Medical professionals don't care about his DEI feelings because they have taken an oath to save his sorry arse anyway.




The guy should start watching Dr. House.


Our local hospital is a death trap disguised as a joke. If the reason you refuse treatment is anything besides proven incompetency then that means you believe you have a better chance on your own and that’s a right. A few family members have died there from impossibly unlikely complications and an inlaw went in for a regular heart treatment and the nurses ignored them as it was too late an hour apparently and they left with a brand new dialysis machine from the wrong medicine x4 its own given dose the entire night. We have enough terrifyingly unqualified doctors for most of us to find anything to complain about with race, gender, sexual god damn anything. As long as you aint under influence at work and you dont touch kids we are happy you know what your doing if you do. Hell we might even be fine with the substances as long as you do your job and arent a surgeon.


So this idiot would rather become sicker, or more, infected, or die? Rather than be assisted by someone who went to school etc. for 10 years? What a Completely ignorant fool. Can’t wait till he’s diagnosed with some disease and I hope one of these doctors treats him in emergency, tells him the dire diagnosis, & asks, “ how do you like them apples?”


An apple a day is always a good decision. But why do I feel like he had something different in mind?


Aw. Poor little dumbass is sad that he didn’t have the aptitude to become a doctor.


Ao if he gets sick and he sees a black doctor, he would just refuse treatment huh? Thats his choice.


Actually, according to r/memesopdidnotlike, it's just "harmless sarcasm"


this vexes me


a black doctor, seeing that post: ![gif](giphy|kEK66eKT7FhPrlDsk6|downsized)


make racists afraid again


So what they saying is they won’t seek healthcare and probably end up dying out? IM ALL FOR IT 💯


As long as they do the job correctly that’s all that should matter correct?


Tell y'all what, when I'm 'bout to die from some injury or illness, any of those doctors can save my life. They'll get no complaints from me.


I thought the facepalm was that it says "project diversify," but the picture only shows only black people and no other races like Chinese, Indian, White people, or Native American.


Guys, i start to thing that this whole "DEI hire" is just politicaly correct way to say n-word


Lmfao that IS kind of funny though😂 i dont mijd the color of my doctor, but it would be nice to be able to access what grades they got in med school, regardless of color. Ive had some doctors that FUCKED me up. I think the scariest was when i got a bullet taken out of my arm, ans they xrayed the wrong fucking part of my arm. Like bro... its obvious where the fucking bullet is....


Poor Elijah ent gonna last a day. Sorry, your doctor is black. Elijah: "What": he says, nervously. Hospital: "Yes, you need to grow the f**k up, and just accept whomever treats you. They're not going to kill you. Lol FFS!"


That's fucked up but I think he should get a pass because it's funny


I don’t like going to the doctor regardless of skin tone. That’s why I drink a six pack of hard cider every night.


That guy is a wannabe Charlie Kirk


Twitter / X became the hellscape Elon said it wouldn't become.


Yup, I'm going to start eating an apple a day too cause I'll be damned if I go to these doctors that have great teeth with my crappy teeth. 🥲


The level of racism in this country never ceases to amaze me.


Imagine being so racist that you actively work on improving your own lifestyle.


America becoming the healthiest country in the world because of racism would be peak America.


36,000 racists liked this


Hopefully those apples he is going to eat will cure his racism…


Good thing the health sector doesn't fill roles in the same way as Hollywood


I would love a network of only black doctors and then all the racists die because they refuse to be treated


He's just taking this moment to show he's a racist piece of shit, because most likely he doesn't even believe in science and medicine and doesn't go to doctors anyways


Bro should just eat the seeds for the best result. Eat a handful each day.


Fuck this bigoted asshole!


Immigrants be coming for them jobs.


Tell me you're a racist idiot without telling me you're a racist idiot.


Racist people need to be shut down real quick. That blue check mark he “worked so hard for” should be removed and he should be kicked off.


Black people jobs Congratulations to all of them


🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️Don't tell him about the black organ donors🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


I can’t believe they were just handed a medical degree for going to medical school for years and years and working super hard and being smart!


Blatant racism, classy


I'd love this see this asshole attempt to get through med school.


it used to be nice when racists would identify themselves..... but its happening so often now a days I'm getting worried


For anyone wondering why "black doctors" it's because there's still systemic discrepancies in healthcare like higher maternal mortality rates, underestimation of reported pain, disparities in healthcare access based on geographic factors, inadequate research and underrepresentation in medical trials etc. Once there are more balanced systemic outcomes we can start using neutral language and race won't be an issue, simple.