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Written by a right wing incel.


"some might argue its irrelevant" because it is no one should care end of story. postive note : taylors single and i just got out of a relationship, maybe?


LOL, I'm rooting for you buddy- go get her.


Is she not dating a Fooballer named Travis?


Taylor if your looking for a guy who has no idea who you are still , im your man, but id like to get to know you , i think you sing songs or something like my nan at church , i dno these people say your quite popular so i was just wondering if you might ever like to go out and have a random adventure lmk , I have a job and im kinda stable so I can take you out for a Mcdonalds happy meal for sure and if the economy lets up i might be able to buy a ketchup packet too haha , either way if you wanna hang out hmu - lets hope and wish boys!


She doesn't need a man to help her with finances, she can buy you a nice happy meal, tho :) Or even a big boy meal (but I don't know if you could finish one of those. They are quite big)


keep cooking mate im watching you try to downplay my attempt at taylor swift but i dont see you having the courage :) little bro :)


Nooooo I'm not little! I'm the average size of my country!


still not big enough to ask your celebrity crush out, come on whos your celebrity crush? whoever it is you gotta plea for them now unless your married or in a relationship but i doubt that since your here with me.


Okay first of all, it is rude to assume that I'm single, you are right but that's besides the point. But in all seriousness, I don't have a celebrity crush. Plus I'm talking to someone on Bumble so that's something šŸ™†ā€ā™‚ļø


lol it was rude im sorry .......for being correct lol , well get a celebrity crush , i still dont know who taylor swift is


Single is not relevant, Grover Cleveland was single. Big deal. She will be 35 by next January 21st. And she can fill much larger stadiums at much higher ticket prices than any presidential candidate. Sure she's "not qualified." But if you have the choice between putting a rage-bait liar at the top of your website or an attractive woman in a hot costume... The free media will go wild.


It doesn't matter. If she had been married with kids by 30 it would be that she's a bad mom. If she was married and no kids she's a bad influence. If she were divorced with kids she'd be a bad mom and a bad influence and a bad wife. If she were divorced with no kids she'd be a bad wife and a bad influence. These people want to hate her and will come up with anything to try and make her look bad. Reasonable people don't care.Ā 


still not relevant though lol your angry about something else not the singleness.


Yousa ganna end up as a songĀ 


ill even collab if she wants....


Yes, sheā€™s not living under our belief system and what a woman should be, bad roll model. Forget sheā€™s intelligent, successful and independent woman, all bad in their eyes.


I literally met one of those in the wild recently... Worst experience I've ever had...


You don't need to go there immediately. I'm a conservative Christian, and while I'm not a real fan of her music (I've always preferred male voices), her age and motherhood status are irrelevant. She's single? So that shows young girls a woman who has reached a pinnacle in career when many are just picking up speed. A woman who is not getting married by a set age because society may expect it. What if she marries someone who already has children? She has plenty of funds to adopt a child. Let her live her life as she wishes. Drop the knee-jerk political reactions. They don't make you look able to think coherently.


Of course they're right wing. No liberal-minded person, or even a moderate, would comment on this. It's only Conservatives obsessed with this kind of shite or Taylor Swift's life choices. P.S. Newsweek is literally a rightwing mag.


Yikes. Proved their point for them.


Nope. I said nothing about her not being a good role model. Frankly, if she stays within the law, it's up to her as to what type of role model she wishes to be.


Should be called Newsweak.


Ha! Got them!




Oh no, young girls might think that they have worth as an individual without being a servant to a man. The horror!


Saying ā€œservantā€ is like saying the woman has no say in the matter. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with being married and having kids if thatā€™s what the woman wants and chooses for herself. But yeah, the writer is an idiot thinking marital status and child raising are required qualities for being a fulfilled woman.


The type of guy who wrote that drivel DOES want a servant. A bang / maid / ATM.


Starting a family to raise kids is not being a servant. Why do you think we are alive? To have fun for all our lives? Just like all other animals we are made to pass on our genes and have kids. Marriage isnā€™t to be a servant but to raise a family. Nature is what it is the longer a woman waits the higher the likelihood of birth defects or low fertility. She can do what she wants but letā€™s get the facts straight.


YES. We're here to have fun all our lives, IF WE WANT TO. And FUCK YOU and your 'embrace your slavery' fucking attitude.


If starting a family is not being a servant, then why does every single woman I have ever met who lives with a man do *all* the housework while the man sits on his butt?


My point is as a man you donā€™t think I would love to be at home with my kids( Theyā€™re only young once) Someone has to provide though so I pass the responsibility (when im working) to my wife who I trust with all my heart to protect them when I cant. When you are an adult(Mentally, there are some 60y/o with 16y/o mentality) you realize someone has to sacrifice. The kids are the most important I only trust my wife/mother of my kids with that task.


In the real world younger women today are on average better-educated and higher earners than their male peers. (Until they have children that is.) This absurd idea that women just "have to stay at home with the kids while men provide" is just backwards, misogynistic crap.


Youā€™re thinking like a child. Which is easier 8-12 hr shifts competing for money? Or doing housework, at your LEISURE( no boss yelling at you) to provide for your family( people you inherently love) Men actually get the short end of the stick. Who actually wants to spend time away from their family all day? Women get to be provided for and all they have to do is take care of their home. Which if you are an adult you do ANYWAY! lol


In what world are you living? Because most women have to work a day job, and then have to do all the housework by themselves on top of that. Also, being a stay at home mom is 24/7 job, and it's not an easy one, I would much rather do my 40 hours a week office job.


If they get married too early or to the wrong person yes. Again women used to live with their parents until they got married, exactly for the reason you stated above. Only recently has everyone wanted to move out to be Strong and Independent. Being a stay at home mom is only 24/7 until kids can goto daycare then school. So wrong there, I know plenty of SAHM who have midday mimosas on the daily. Or the glass of wine.


Also the point is the raising your kids doesnā€™t feel like a job, your mentality tells me you either donā€™t have kids or view them as a chore.


No, I do not have kids but I spent a fair amount of time babysitting my niece and nephews, and I know how much effort it takes to take care of a tiny human. The fact that you think it does not feel like a job tells me that you either don't have kids or leave majority of that work for your wife and only do occasional fun things with your kids.


You just made my point again. It feels like incredible work because theyā€™re NOT your kids. lol I canā€™t discuss this with you mentally you canā€™t understand as you donā€™t have them


Like arguing with someone about how to steer a boat and the person has only had experience with other peoples boats. One day young grasshopper


Lol that is just your opinion, no facts.


So why do men and women go through puberty. lol doesnā€™t take a genius to figure that out. Keep living in a fantasy. You canā€™t take none of the money/ success with you(for men&women). You need to leave it to someone(your kids). Part of life is accepting the truth, women and men have different timelines it is what it is.


Men & women learn to like SEX. Pregnancy just used to be more or less inevitable. NOW it isn't, and women are refusing to put up with men's shit, including bearing / rearing the LOSER men's offspring.


So it is not facts that women enter menopause later in life, why do you think they cannot have babies their whole life? They are supposed to have them when they are young in their 20ā€™s. Where there is the lowest chance for miscarriage and birth defects. That is science go use google, everything I have said is verifiable. Instead of downvoting prove me wrong!


Do you wear clothes? Shoes? Do you take any medicines? How about spectacles for blurry vision? Live inside a building? Use electricity / machinery? 'Natural' is NOT the 'gotcha' YOUR KIND claim it is. Scorpion stings and being eaten by a bear are natural, too.


I meant your comments about humans are alive to have kids and marriage is for raising children. That are no facts. If you are not more than your instincts, you have growing to do, also many people don't have the instinct to procreate. And for many people marriage is abour love, not raising children. Alot of childree couples marry, because they love eachother.


So women donā€™t have ā€œbaby feverā€ that term is a real phenomenon thats their ā€œinstinct to procreateā€ so youā€™re wrong there. None of my facts were directed towards marriage only towards fertility rates. Logically why marry someone other than to have kids? Sure you may get tax benefits, but is it worth tying yourself to one person legally for money? People used to get married to start families now its to post on facebook. lol. I can love my partner without legally marrying them, some of us donā€™t like the government in our business. Youā€™re still a child if you think you need to get married to show your love to someone. Society brainwashed people to get married for the ā€œbig lavish weddingā€ instead of its true purpose ā€œstart a familyā€


You are calling everone a child who disagrees with you but I am an adult woman who NEVER had a urge to have children and never will. If you really want to throw "facts" around "baby fever" is a social construct und got debunked already. Of course there are many wonen who want to have kids but my point is that not every women wants them and that is normal, too. You are just a pathetic neanderthal. And that was my last answer for you.


>You are just a pathetic neanderthal. And that was my last answer for you. That's mean! Don't compare this idiot to the Neanderthals, the Neanderthals were at least capable of showing compassion and genuinely caring for their fellow humans: https://english.elpais.com/science-tech/2024-06-27/the-first-neanderthal-with-down-syndrome-shines-light-on-the-origin-of-human-compassion.html


šŸ˜‚ You are right, I am sorry. I apolagise to the Neanderthals. They are to good for that guy.


It's okay, I'm sure the Neanderthals forgive you, they are nice people after all, many Homo Sapiens could learn from them though! šŸ¤£


Its ok I feel for you society has made many woman think joining the workforce would be fulfilling and fun. All in an effort to double the amount of factory workers during WW2. This led to feminism and ā€œString Independent Womanā€ who work instead of have families. Why do you think women are the main patients for anti-depressants? Most are ignoring their biological urge to have a family in order to work. Most donā€™t realize that men view work as a means to an end, the real work is at home with your family. You are not alone most women think they have never had that urge but in reality just ignore it or substitute it for pets or materialistic tendencies. All in an effort to fill the void. When all they had to do was follow their biological path and raise a family. Peace and love, one day you will find your way.


You're a lazy LOSER swinging dick trying to mansplain womanhood TO A WOMAN. THINK about that, if you can stop fondling your testicles for that long.


Liar. If YOUR KIND ever bothered to to research, you'd see that term was coined by a (male) reporter in the 1970s, right at the time women were finally able to escape financial subservience to men who'd babytrap them. It was propaganda, and damned effective until the Internet let anybody who WANTED to know the reality could look it up by choosing reputable sources.


This is from a journalist from Newsweek? Sounds more like an excerpt from an incoherent on-air rambling on Fox News or Newsmax. Or possibly even a right-wing Twitter take.


Newsweek has started to lean further and further right over the last few years


Being a dick makes you a bad role model. Swift personally isn't my jam but as for role models she'd get my vote of approval


Yeah, we definitely donā€™t want our young girls choosing as a role model someone who is talented, independent, and highly successful in her chosen career.


Taylor also beat the recording companies at their own game when they 'owned' her catalog. She got rich enough to go back into the studio with the same musicians and record it all again while SHE was paying for studio / musicians, and released the new cuts as "Taylor's Version". Record companies now have recordings that nobody wants to buy because they don't have Taylor's approval imprimatur on them.


Of all the things you could choose about her, her reproductive choices are not the thing to go for.


What is the thing to go for then?


What, you want a list? Bleeding her very young fan base dry with overpriced tickets for her shows, when she could easily keep the prices lower. Private jet flights while having the nerve to speak about climate change. Banging on about her exes in her songs, and not even letting the people concerned know beforehand (really shitty thing to do) though she would absolutely have known they were identifiable. Thereā€™s more but I canā€™t be arsed listing further. Overall though, the main reason why Iā€™d say sheā€™s a shit role model is that sheā€™s playing a particular part that isnā€™t her, and that isnā€™t anything young girls either can or should emulate. Sheā€™s an excellent businesswoman, a solid performer, and has a good work ethic. And I donā€™t overall think sheā€™s a bad person, no worse than anyone else. But a role model? Not really. There are aspects to admire, but not the whole.


Sheā€™s doing what she wants with her life. Seems to be working out for her.


In 2024, the writer remains ignorant and dumb, a fact that some might argue is too kind to her status of a journo. But, I suggest, itā€™s crucial to consider what kind of thinking believes that judging a globally successful woman seemingly having the time of her life, based on her being unmarried and childless at 34, is okay, nay, worth an article in Newsweek.


A man's world, run by men for the benefit of men. Who'd a thunk it?


The reason she's not a good role model is because she's a billionaire who uses a private jet like a car. Not because of.... those reasons.


Even as a man I hate societies standards. College, forever job, marriage, kids. I didn't do any of it and I don't regret it.


obviously written by a conservative since they want ten year olds to start popping out babies. they want that so much as the pro-rape party it is something they force into law... the evil monsters want to force themselves on everyone in the country. conservatives deserve nothing from the rest of us. they are disgusting and should be treated as such the moment we find out they are conservatives and support such hideous things.


Or a great role model, she does what works for her and itā€™s worried about fitting into outdated stereotypes to please (mostly) conservative middle aged men


Ah yes, because apparently all role models need to start families becauseā€¦uhā€¦why?


And if she was married and had children at home, they'd call her a terrible mother with bad priorities. There's no winning, so why play?


That they are allowed to live their life as they want?! Wtf is it your business how she lives.


The author of that editorial needs to be thrown in a vat of acid. The editor who approved it for publication needs to be sacked. Calling a woman a bad role model for being unmarried and unburdened by children is innately misogynistic.


This article sets a terrible example for young girls all on its own.


There's a lot of things Taylor Swift has done to show she's not a good role model... Unfortunately that's not 1 of them


Could you give a couple of examples?


O RLY? Explain. Be specific and show your work.


This is America. Who are you to tell me what to do?


Sounds like a conservative ā€œjournalistā€ to me.


She is not a bad role model to young girls because she is unmarried and childless, but she is a bad role model for girls because at mid 30s she still promotes toxicity as romantic, promotes self victimization, promotes gender battles, promotes ā€œbeing broken heartedā€ and destroyed by evil men and yet canā€™t stay 2 weeks single (for real, she dated 2 guys publicly 6 months after ending a 6 years relationship), idk where this clickbait ends up, but her narrative is toxic af for young women and has NOTHING to do with traditional gender roles, but letā€™s not act like she isnā€™t problematic


Tell me you're a Christo-fascist without telling me.


Their opinion sucks. Not my style of music but she seems like a good person.


I don't really care for her music, but just looking at her philanthropic work, seems like she makes a pretty decent "role model" impact. If only conservative incels filled food bank shelves at the same rate, maybe they'd have a leg to stand on.


By supressing other artists, she seems like a wonderful person indeed.


When did she do that? She frequently collaborates with other femaile artists, and the exposure her opening tour acts get is tremendous.


Re releasing a 35th version of her album, because another artist ( Billie Eilish last year and Charli XCX this year by releasing a shitton of UK only versions. She does this when someone else gets close to take her #1 spot, quite regularly [https://new.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/comments/1dfwift/taylor\_blocking\_other\_artists/](https://new.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/comments/1dfwift/taylor_blocking_other_artists/) Here is one reddit post breaking some off it down, specifically what happened in UK. You don't become a billionare by being a sweetheart.


I married at 33 and had my first baby at 35. I was waiting for the love of my life instead of marrying young and eventually divorcing. Highly recommend!


Sheā€™s single? So I still have a chance? Iā€™ve got to tell my wife.


When the news has nothing better to do


She can with a snap of her fingers have enough dicks to die of bukkake


She's a bad role model for proper reasons than being unwed and childless.


A positive one; a positive example.


To quote Taylor herself. "If a man talks shit then I owe him nothing. Don't regret it one bit cause he had it coming."






Newsweek is garbage.


No, it doesnā€™t make you a bad role model, if youā€™re a man. Only a woman gets criticized for this.


Newsweek is far from a serious publication.


We should just vote for a leader who tells women when, with whom, and if they can reproduce and just be done with it. It's in the works, if you haven't been paying attention.


She's 34? Same as my age? I thought she's in her mid 20s at most. I'm still not married though.....like her....


Apparently...checks notes...that also makes you a bad role model. Please refrain from talking to children about your life choices.


Here is a question how many kids does Bono have? Who is he married to? I have no idea the answer to either of those questions because they are totally irrelevant to why people may or may not consider him a role model.


And if she did, they'd say she's a bad role model for encouraging their daughters to get pregnant because I'm sure when/if she does there'll be a small baby boom


I guess that means I'm 50% better of a role model than Taylor Swift. šŸ¤£ No kids but I'm married. Or do those rules not apply to me at all because I'm a guy?


A good role model has proof she takes creme pies.


They were right for all the wrong reasons.


She is not a good role model because she is a billionaire and probably couldnt relate to 99% of the human population.


You mean that their self worth should not be tied to associating to a pier pressure society status role? I'm a guy, I want the simple things, just a loyal, smart and fun lass that isn't working on or discovering herself. F me if such brainwashing doesn't creep me out and could not bring myself to trust another that needs others to prove her worth as then she is never her own self.


Since when is a pop star supposed to be a role model and not exactly what they are, entertainment


One of my aunts is over 80 and childless šŸ§ still beloved by her old school , where she was over 45 years and helped poor kids getting it easier in life šŸ«”


Newsweek still catering to the Boomer, Grind culture stooges.


What kind of example indeed? Perhaps that a woman can be happy and successful without a man? I can see how disseminating this type of information would be a bad thing for the crowd who thinks it was a bad idea to let us vote and own property.


My God. Newsweek has turned into such a shit-covered tag.


Its Newsweek, pretty bottom of the barrel stuff these days.


It's so weird how only successful women have to be good role models.


Newsweek is trash.


Just remember opinions are like assholes, everyone has one


Is it true she was with a 17year old as an adult


I mean itā€™s bad if youā€™re trying to promote the genetic fitness of the next generation. Old woman make bad babies. The science on this is undisputed.


Have you considered that she's unmarried because men nowadays are sexist assholes


I mean, Newsweek isn't a good publication, but I don't feel a need to pay an irrelevant hack to write a whole article about that.


Considering that Role models are a subjective thought process in the first place the writer is not wrong, neither is anyone who doesnt want children or doesnt have children. this post is literally just as bad as the article if we are damming people based on their role model/moral status lol


Swift became mega-rich and mega-famous on her own merits (relatively speaking). Isn't that exactly what cons think is the ideal? Oh wait, I guess that only applies to men.


How could they print this? Are we in Iran?


She's not a good role model because she's a shitass billionaire from a rich family. Nit because she's childless and unmarried


This is not facepalm


All these young girls out here going ā€œwow. Taylor swift is 34, unmarried, and childless. Thatā€™s what I want to be when I grow up.ā€ Happens every day. So sad šŸ¤£ /s


Why does it make YOUR KIND sad? If THEY are happy, why are YOUR KIND trying to mansplain to them that YOUR KIND's sadness is somehow \*their\* 'problem' to remedy. They do NOT owe YOUR KIND \*any\* labor, emotional, pregnancy, or other. And studies show that unmarried women without kids are the happiest, ESPECIALLY as they get older and older.


I was being sarcastic. Sorry I didnā€™t make that more obvious


I'm insanely grumpy about what the authoritarians appear all too close to achieving. I guess it shows.


I know me too. Itā€™s scary


It.. was pretty obvious though šŸ˜‚


In Hollywood they have children in their 50s. This is normal there.


She is, in fact, a terrible role model, as are all celebrities. Any young person looks at a TV star and wants to be that. We need nurses and janitors a hell of a lot more than pop stars but lots of people spend their whole lives depressed they didnā€™t wind up a jet-setting billionaire from some basic poetry and shuffling about.


Judging her solely by her power of inspiration, which, itā€™s worth noting, spans the entire planet and terrifies most political parties, Iā€™d say youā€™re wrong. That said, not all pop stars are as wholesome, generous and as good human beings as she is.


Iā€™m personally glad we have people to make music and movies and get paid for it because I deeply enjoy those things and so do you. But yes, children should be taught early on that fame is far from everything and you can find just as much purpose in more attainable fields. Also, you may be overestimating how broken people become when they donā€™t achieve their dreams of stardom, Iā€™m sure some do but I doubt itā€™s the norm. I wanted to be a pop star as a kid, my partner wanted to be a director. Neither of us got there but weā€™re both perfectly happy people and so are a lot of our friends who similarly wished for success in artistic fields. We all still have a great deal of creativity in our lives even if weā€™re not getting paid millions for it.


Also a mediocre singer.


I think charging your fans between Ā£500 - Ā£700 for a Ticket to your Show should tell the "Swifties" out there exactly what she thinks of them. If it doesn't, more power to them doesn't bother me in the slightest. Taylor Swift is the most Toxic of Toxic women, she only dates men so she can base her next Album around them.


Jealous much


Am I fuck, I might actually like her music if it weren't all just her moaning about her ex boyfriends lol Edit: typo


Her tickets start at $49. Scalpers exist, unfortunately. >Taylor Swift is the most Toxic of Toxic women, she only dates men so she can base her next Album around them. That's asinine. She was in a solid relationship for six-and-a-half years that ended over a year ago, that was largely private.


Again this is not painting her in a good light as I live in the UK and tickets were going for Ā£500 - Ā£700 for any that wanted to attend, so not only is she a Toxic Woman she also overcharges her Foreign Supporters. Naughty naughty Taylor. Edit: FYI I don't care about Taylors relationships or her music, I'm just tired of hearing her moan about dudes she fucked on the radio 24/7.


Wrong. The United States tickets were the most expensive. UK/Europe have been the most affordable. You cannot consider the scalper prices anyway, only the face value ticket prices.


These weren't scalper prices these prices were on Ticketmaster. Try again Swifties.


Like I said, her face value tickets ranged from $49-$499.


for some yes. do you hate it when people have different opinions than you? you get upset because some people in the world think trad wifes are a better role model than the new age wife? there will be many views out there and yes many will not align with your particular way of thinking. you could do some more research and find that women over 30 are finding it more difficult when they decide to want ot settle down and have children at that age finding a mate. usually women like this are predominantly independent or have a high body count. not saying taylor is this, but reality is over 30 and looking for a man is tough. But their independence is a turn off because guys have to deal with enough crap from women, add ot that a dominnant independent view and bam, asking for trouble. so yeah some circles would think over 30 wihtout husband and kids is a bad role model and example for youth.


you seem really upset that op has a different opinion than you.


i am not upset about her opinion. if you had comprehension i am upset over people who hate other peoples opinions. By OP posting this they are basically saying the other persons opinion is wrong and OP opinion is the correct one. When it really is a bs thing. Actually worse is the OP because they are super arrogant. the erson writing the article is just stating her opinion. OP is stating her opinion by declaring the other person opinion or ideals are wrong. Makes OP look like an a$$ except for other a$$hats who also feel their opinions are greater than others on topics that really mean nothing in the grand scheme of things


You seem to really hate OP's opinion.


Ok, sure.


How can a billionaire non submitted to anyone be a good role model to young girls? If my daughter become rich, influential, do not want lifetime responsibilities which no one would care if she did want some and do not bow down to any man just because she's a woman, imma kick her out of my house she would have bought me everytime she visits.