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Which one do you want as POTUS if Clarence Thomas drops dead next year?


At this point I’d vote for a grilled cheese sandwich instead of Trump.


what people are forgetting is that this is more than an election of Biden vs. Trump this is an election of Biden's CABINET vs. Trump's enabling Yes-Men I'm not saying Biden's Cabinet is full of perfect rockstar politicians. that's not possible. But i sure as hell trust his ability to find people who will disagree with him if it's best for the country...vs Trump whose track record has shown without any doubt that he will fire people who don't kiss his ass and suck his mushroom dick every day


This is what is frustrating about politics, especially in the US. People forget that there is an entire governing body, replete with checks and balances. The president has a fair amount of power and control, but not absolute, and certainly not singular. Trump's crooked Project 2025 is backed by the Yes-Men you mentioned, and thus would be very bad for the nation. While no politician is squeaky clean, the people behind Trump, and Trump himself, are disgustingly, disturbingly dirty. They will ruin our country and probably deeply harm the world.


another thing I find disturbing about Trump is how he seems to adore dictators. Do you really think he won't try to make himself president for life if he can? If he can be this blatantly corrupt and still be elected, surely his supporters will think its the greatest idea ever if he becomes president for life. "That'll teach 'em libs!"


He has stated outright that he wants dictatorial power. The people who still stand behind him in spite of all the crap he has said, done, and been convicted of, are either idiots or are troublingly bought-into the narratives and ideologies. Even seemingly rational theists that I know are backing Trump, solely because he is the "Christian candidate". I can't even listen to the clown talk without being dumbfounded that anyone would listen to him.


he and the rest of the MAGA crew are about as christian as my asswipe. "Love your neighbour", "Turn the other cheek", "Blessed are the meek". Doesn't feel very MAGA at all when one reads these values out loud.


Trump is about as Christian as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchins.


It's completely amazing to me that people who I thought were good people and had some level of intellect actually support trump. Not just not liking Biden. I understand that. But I can't understand actually liking and openly supporting trump. He's a terrible human and always has been. Long before being president. I have just lost so much respect for people that I thought were good people.


Just for 1 day. Only one day. What could go wrong /s


>It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy. I love the Republic. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me! --Sheev Palpatine When a cartoonishly evil character shows (feigns?) more humility than fucking Trump.


The ammosexuals should be against him. Sure, the democrats want to restrict guns, but if Trump gets his way, you better believe he will take them all away by force.


See, if he rounds up everyone that doesn’t agree with him and puts them to work in camps then they will quite literally own the libs.


You should check the Supreme Court rulings released today. The conservative judges on the Supreme Court are doing all they can to enable Trump to do whatever he wants, including criminal actions such as ordering SEAL Team 6 to assassinate political rivals. The SCOTUS just today gave the person who is the President of the United States broad immunity from criminal actions. They did this because they know Biden will not act criminally and that Trump will.


That's disturbing.


It's kind of ironic because "freedom", but I feel like a not-insignificant amount of Americans would be happy to be ruled by a king.


Maga trying to undo the whole governing body thing already too. Just look at what SCOTUS did with Chevron. Shit is fucking terrifying and will only get way worse with Trump. Voting blue every ticket is the only way to stop them.


Quite a few of the voters say they are looking forward to Trump being their Dictator.


SCOTUS just pushed that agenda a few steps forward today


Trump had the most vile swamp of criminals in his administration. And he ran in drain the swamp.


Indeed, if you need to register to vote and you're reading this and kind of panicking, it's okay go to https://vote.org and get registered today. If you want to get involved with the Democratic party: https://democrats.org/take-action/


This comment didn't age well in the last hour. No more checks on the executive branch![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)


I've noticed that people have been attributing the "Project 2025" to Trump a lot recently, but I haven't seen him or his campaign actually push for or endorse it. In fact, I've found a few instances online of them actively distancing themselves from it. Don't get me wrong, the Heritage Foundation and MAGA types pushing that "project" are overwhelmingly Trump supporters. But I think a lot of it is batshit insane for any president, and impossible to pull off. If any president would try, it would be Trump. But frankly, I don't even think he would try to take it that far. I know this comes across as Trump-apologist, but I wanna keep it real. Any examples of him or his campaign actively touting Project 2025? They aren't too easy to find on Google, at least.


All these languages and you chose to speak facts. Trump listens to NOBODY. He just does whatever the fuck he wants. Biden will listen to his own cabinet.


Not true. Trump will listen to whoever writes him the biggest checks.


I know how to settle this election: Ask each candidate's original cabinet, on camera, who should be the next president.


Hell, ask their VP.


Trumps already saying he's going to bring back loyalists who were convicted of crimes since his first campaign. The story about him wanting to bring Manafort back to work on this campaign made the most headlines. Still waiting for a Trump supporter to answer the question.. "why do you think so many of Trump's employees and appointees were convicted of crimes.. WHILE HE WAS IN OFFICE?" .. Followed up by "Does it bother you that Trump surrounds himself with criminals? What kind of person surrounds himself with criminals?". If Trump get's back into office, the White House will make the Mos Eisley spaceport look like a convent. "Trump's 2nd-term Whitehouse. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy." --probably Obi-Wan.


They know. They just don't care.


His cabinet is rock solid,


Yeah, normally I’m more than willing to analyze individual waves and candidates but an entire political party has been usurped by an authoritarian populist. I will vote for Joe, or Harris, or Carter (you want old, motherfuckers?), or Sanders or an empty tuna fish can that’s been rotting in a sticky recycling bin for the last six months. Anyone who will stand up against Trump and the end of democracy.


Americans assume that the President makes ALL decisions. They make and direct decision making but my goodness…. If you think that the American President is the only person then you need to wake up. The President is just a another cog in the system. The President has a team, a cabinet that works harder with other teams and there’s no way one sole person could ever keep track of all the events, laws, diplomacy, The question should be, who do you want on your team? An older American with a direction or a (traitorous) rapist, twice impeached, con man? One wants to keep Democracy, the other has clearly shown what they will do; WITH the cronies in tow.


This has been what I am explaining to anyone that will listen. The president is the figure head. He directs policy but the cabinet is the one that gets shit done. That’s where the differences are the most.


It's Biden's folks against Project 2025. It's Biden's folks against a fascist America.


>this is an election of Biden's CABINET vs. Trump's enabling Yes-Men It's far worse than that - off the top of my head, Trump appointed 2 secretaries who were openly hostile to the departments which they were tasked with running (Perry and DeVos), and another who stood to directly profit from the decisions made by their department (Chao).


I don't care about a cabinet. I'm voting Blue because Trump is a lunatic that wants to end democracy. Period.


I agree, and I think this is important to remember, but I'd also like to be able to voice my disappointment that these are our two choices without having 20 people immediately jumping down my throat to make sure I know Trump is worse. Yes, I am aware he is worse, and yes I will be voting for Biden and his cabinet. Does not mean I am happy at the state of my country.


THIS, to the moon and back. People need to get this stuck in their head, both are old and ramble a lot and are incoherent(Biden worse at rambling and not making sense) but this entire thing goes beyond the two old people debating, their cabinet members are extremely important, Trumps cabinet member will be full of right-wing extremist nut jobs which obviously is not good for anyone who doesn't subscribe to their batshit crazy ideology but Biden on the other hand that will not be the case.


Project 2025 will ruin this country.


I'd vote for an elderly, sick dog that I'd be personally responsible for cleaning up after before voting trump.


A towel, a wet soggy towel would be better than Trump.


Just give it to ChatGPT


As long as the VP is tomato soup, now that's a platform I can support


You kidding, i'd rather have no president at all instead of trump.


This is the easy question that not too many people seem to be considering. Biden has shown that even if he's about to drop dead he's put together an effective government with meritocratic nominations and effective policies and policy implementers. Trump brought on criminals and cronies (look at your supreme Court). People forget that the president is only as good as their cabinet and nominations. If I were American I would vote for that world Cup octopus before Trump because it would likely pick better people for key positions.


Of the 44 former sycophants who served in his cabinet, only 4 will endorse him. And several of those 4 want to be his VP pick or get their former job back


You are saying that Betsy DeVos (Amway founder family and campaign contributor) and Linda McMahon (WWF promotor and campaign contributor) didn't get the job based on their qualifications? Hahaha!


Actually, Linda McMahon at the Small Business Administration wasn't a complete shitshow. She knows how to grow a business, which is what the SBA is all about. Shit was calm, she hired more people to help after Hurricane Harvey, and she didn't rock the boat with nutjob bullshit. She was only there for about two years, though. DeVos was a hot fucking mess.


DeVos had to be ordered by a court to do her job. And she still didn't.


Biden can be in a coma if he brings in a Democratic coalition that will make life a little less awful for most people in the US. I always wish they would do more. I also don't fully approve of Biden at all.


Yeah but we can be 100% sure trump will make our lives worse


That's the horrible irony. If you're a rich fundamentalist and or corporation? Trump will be great in the short run. But the vast majority of Americans who are considering voting for him will be worse off.


Apparently the DNC heard us say that we would "vote for a baked potato over trump" and interpreted it literally


I previously said I'd vote for a coma patient before Donald Trump. I just never expected I'd actually have to.


Biden, but if I had my choice of any politician, I would rather vote for Jasmin Crockett!


For me it would be Moskowitz or Jamie Raskin


Jared Moskowitz would be my other choice, but Jamie Raskin would do his absolute best work as the head of the Senate majority, he would do better work as a policy maker and Senate leader working with the president than he would as the president, Not that he wouldn't make a good president, it's just not where his strengths are as a politician and he is more so needed in the Senate!


I'd vote for me, I know I'm built different


Hell, I'd vote for you too! I can see that steely look of determination in your eyes!




Idk, sounds like its probably untrue


That's the whole point! Jasmine will never get in the running if Republicans win. || || ||


Ok good! Then keep voting for Crockett types in your local elections and down the ballot, so that congress is composed of Crockett and AOC types in the future. That way, when it's time to pick a candidate for the president, we won't get stuck with Biden types again.


Like it fuckin' matters... The GOP will just stall until the next presidential election. You know, like they did before.


They can only do that if they hold the Senate.


There's also no way theyd be able to do it for 4 years without forcing a constitutional crisis.


Yeah weird how judge Jackson exists 🙄


Talking about garland on that one


When either one croaks, you are left with the people they surround themselves with so maybe vote for the old guy who puts qualified people in positions of power around them and not the old guy who gives jobs to his family members and folks who end up in prison.


People keep forgetting about this.


It's amazing how nobody has said shit about Saudi Arabia depositing $2 BILLION dollars into Jared Kushners hedge fund. Jared Kushner is not a finance person, he doesn't know a fucking thing about running a hedge fund and started one just after leaving the White House in 2021.


what are you even talking about, corruption in the us government?!? you must be joking!


Honestly feels like voters have a worse case of cognitive decline than either of these candidates.


That's (partly) the point, despite what you can say about better policy, legislation, appointees, Biden does not have popular support. His (and the DNCs) blunders have not been helping, and they can lose Michigan over Palestine. People here can screech "the parties/candidates are not the same" and "Biden is the only hope for democracy" all they want. But it's not going to change minds on the ground who perceive him to be ineffectual and almost off his mortal coil.


My deepest hope is that before November, Trump chokes on a hamberder or ODs on whatever meth/coke/Adderall cocktail he is relying on to power through his rambling rallies AND Biden slips into that quiet goodnight like so many 80 year old peepaws have in the past or gets tangled in his cpap. Whatever I'm rooting for Grim Reaper '24.


If I were a betting man, I would not put money on either of them being around in 4 years. That's a risky bet if ever there were one. I'm not rooting for the reaper but let's be real... they are both old. Also- CPAPs are amazing.


Well, Trump isn't exactly a spring chicken. And I'm pretty sure after all the cocaine he snorted in the 80's his heart is on borrowed time.


That's what I don't get... They are two years apart.  They are BOTH old as fuck.  Trump has signs he has developed dementia...  No one is reporting that.


Four years technically, but still. I say the same thing all the time. If Biden was too old to run last time, like republicans said, then Trump should be too old for this campaign.


The two are so close in age that if Biden would have been a senior in high school, Trump would have been a freshman. That is such a *tiny* gap in age its unbelievable how most people ignore that.


I had a classmate that legitimately thought trump was in his 60s. He also swore trump was the best president we’ve ever had so I guess he’ll just believe anything


Probably also believes Trump is 6’4” 220 pounds of pure Ben-Garrison-drawn muscle.


At best, he's Rob Liefeld-drawn muscle.


3 years technically


I think they’re both too old personally




I would LOVE for the Republicans to simply say "Sorry, a Felon can't be a Republican Candidate." I'd also love for the Democrats to say "I'm sorry, a dude who can't finish a sentence can't be a Democratic Candidate." But, polls are showing that supposedly, Biden is the only one who can beat Trump, and Trump is the only one who can beat Biden. Both are bullshit statements, of course. The parties are so risk-aversive that neither wants to let the other "win," so we all lose. The worst part is all of the people who defend either of these dinosaurs. The fact that they do sends a signal to the DNC/GOP that they'll accept anyone as long as they have a D or an R next to their name.


It might be too late to replace Biden at this point, but it should be mentioned that anyone who suggested that Biden was getting old any time over the last 4 years was basically ridiculed and called a Trump-supporter. There was PLENTY of time to come up with a better candidate, but the DNC chose the tried and tested head-in-the-sand strategy.


We do that in the primaries, not enough people showed up in the primaries to make that statement.


If the popular vote was all that mattered, neither would be running because Hillary would be finishing up her second term.  And if want to go further back, we would not have to worry about reproductive rights because the court would be more liberal because Bush would not have been president and picked who he did.  


Trump was a rambling mess during the debate but he did look more alive and spoke (lies) with more confidence. It's so weird how low the bar is for both of these candidates and the one who won the debate just hid their dementia better


If nothing else the debate has proven that the American people care nothing for substance. They’ll take a confident liar who can barely string a coherent thought together over an old guy who sounds raspy but (mostly) coherent.


You think the majority of the American people wanted either of these clowns on the ballot?


What I find most weird, appalling even, is that many actual adult human beings make their decision about "who would be a better president" on the issue of how well spoken they are, not the substance of what they actually say. That's terrifying.


He keeps bragging about his cognitive test score, even though he didn’t in fact get a top score and actually got less than what’s normal


It's also not an IQ test. Getting a perfect score isn't the brag he thinks it is. It's like claiming to have read over 300 books in a year but those books are 5 page picture books you read to your kids at bedtime.


>They are BOTH old as fuck. People have been talking about that for the past two years, they're both old and they're both assholes, but I doubt anyone expected Biden to look as bad as he looked the other night. One of them looked like he didn't know where he was and the other one was just an asshole; the former was a surprise, the latter met expectations.


This is the craziest part. Trump spouts nonsense every day and is just 3 years younger but Biden is the only one being called senile.


Kinda makes you wonder if right wing media is nothing but pure propaganda


That and like, not exercising. And being overweight for a long time. And having a horrible diet theoretically. The stuffs dangerous but wealthy people seem to get quite old on it nonetheless.


If Biden made animal noises all debate long and claimed to be Thomas Jefferson, he'd still make 1,000,000,000,000% better president than the guy claiming that presidents should be immune from everything.


Yeah, Trump just looks better because he's had 30 years of cosmetic surgery, Botox, lifts in his shoes, and a ton of makeup. He sounds better because he's had a vocal coach since he became a reality star, so at least 25 years (and Biden has always had a meandering speech pattern with a bit of a stutter). The reason the "Biden is old" stuff came out after the debate is because they have literally been media blitzing this for the last two years. They crop photos of him looking at stuff to make him seem distracted, they show him tripping and falling as evidence of him being old (the fact that he gets back up and hasn't suffered any major injuries from a fall should be evidence to the contrary).


I watched it live. Biden genuinely did appear that gone for most of it.


I like my president without a parole officer.


I wonder how strange the job of that parole officer would be if he did get reelected and now has to just hang out with secret service. Or would they just hand that job over to secret service (assuming he doesn't just pardon himself and make the whole point moot).


I’ll take the older guy over the convicted criminal rapist who wants to replace our government with loyalists and who tried to steal the 2020 election.


You forgot to add that he's also in a friendship with putin.


Trump is Putin’s lap dog. God knows what dirt he has on Trump. He’d love to have his lap dog back in power again.


Yes. IMO his wives connections to the Russian Mob is where it lies. I think they helped sort his legal debts all those years ago and have had him in the pocket ever since. Just like the NRA idiot who married the Russian spy lady. It’s their MO.


He may also have a connection to the Russian mob from his business in New York. When Rudy Giuliani was mayor he fought against the Italian mob pretty well in New York, but that allowed the Russian mob to settle there. There’s no telling how connected Trump could be with the Russian mob, and Putin knows this. Blackmail would be so easy against Trump.


Just 3 years older guy


The convicted criminal rapist who is ALSO old as fuck.


But he's like 3 years younger!!! Fresh chicken /s


And the thing is... Trump is old and spouts nonsense all the time. So it's old vs old and a bunch of other stuff.


I’ll take a corpse over the traitor any day.


And this is why people shouldn't think the premise of 40k is farfetched


"Imagine if we elected a corpse to the office. Imagine it. Nobody would mess up with us. Other countries would look at us and be like...don't fucking mess with those guys, they're fucking crazy! Imagine the happy day. Inauguration day... As the Presidential Hearse drives down towards the White House" Comedian Lewis Black on how the USA should vote a corpse into Presidential office.


US democracy is fucked. To the extent that it had to come to this. I mean 330 million people and this is what you come up with?


US Democracy is fucked if we vote in the felon. US democracy holds on by a thread when we vote Biden back into office. US *politics* need a complete overhaul.


Use the european system, it's not perfect, but it's better than just having 2 parties to choose from.


More importantly, it's a representative parliamentary system, not a system where each state gets 2 representatives regardless of how many people live there. And because there are multiple parties, the center leaning people will usually be able to form a consensus while the nutters on the right and left can't do harm.


Erm ackshually the house of reps is based on the number of people per state and the house is half of the congress


if Biden is able to keep the senate and the democrats win the house, they will finally be able to get rid of the filibuster and pass the election reforms they wanted to pass back in 2021. Manchin and Sinema will both be out of the picture.


Copium to the max. Democrats are addicted to two things: donor money and losing.


There will *always* be a Lieberman, its by design. Ignorant to not realize that by now


We're not fucked if Biden wins because we still have a Constitutional line of succession. Assuming the debate wasn't a one-off, and I'm not convinced that Biden is on the verge of collapse, we do, in fact, have policy for dealing with a President's infirmity. This wouldn't be the first time a President's health has started to fail while in office. Roosevelt should probably have never gone for a fourth term, but he did. William Henry Harrison wasn't in particularly good shape at his inauguration. If Biden is in office and Something Happens, the country survives. The country doesn't survive Trump because the Constitution can't defend itself against him. We're just now starting to discover that the last 250 years have been pretty much a gentleman's agreement with no leverage against the guy who says, "Yeah, but what if we just DON'T do that?" We now have a Supreme Court that thinks "precedent" is a brand of potato chip and a lobbyist-written action plan based on the Unitary Executive Theory that would vest almost all decision-making power in the White House while a mentally-unstable felon is in charge of it. I think that's why we're getting a lot of "I'd vote for Biden in a coma over Trump" from Reddit these days. Sleepy Joe is better for the country than Liar Don.


Bought by Putin Don.


If Biden gets elected there's a chance he might die during service, nothing special about that tbh. If trump gets elected - shit will hit the fan every fucking week


>If trump gets elected - shit will hit the fan every fucking week You mean every day. Some people cant seem to remember that Trump would do some insane shit *every single day* while in office. It was exhausting, and part of the reason he lost in 2020, people were just tired of hearing about him daily.


Trump is old too. His chances of passing are nearly the same as Biden. I’ll take my chances with Harris taking over than whatever dogshit VP Trump will end up with.


It's NOT. It's great if we reelect Joe. Don't you realize some of the amazing talent in the pipeline? All younger, all more progressive. Come ON man.


both political parties chose the worst possible candidates. That being said, Biden is still far better because unlike Trump he isn't planning to get rid of democracy in the US.


I mean, with how things went, I'm not surprised this will be our end, our government is run by geriatric power hunger fucks who will vote for anything if your rich enough. Like if Biden wins, it's 4 more years before Republicans can get Trump 2.0 ready, if Trump wins, the Nazis are going to look like saints. I love this country, but at this point I just need to get ready for the civil war.


Trump is a terrorist and a traitor. He deserves to rot in prison


I'm pretty tired of this "we're fucked no matter who" crap. Yeah our choices are an old man WHO ALREADY IS A GOOD PRESIDENT versus a felon, rapist, liar, who's committed treason... Yeah either way we're fucked right?


More accurately: An old man who has been a good president and an old man who was a shitty president.


It's funny that some people defend trump and act like he was a great president. While in reality there were news article about him every week while he was in office, because he did so much bs.


People don't keep the memories of when their abuser was in power. You should know that, you have a firewall dragon propic


Funniest thing about this is that lots of stuff people say Biden does wrong are the aftermath of what Trump did to the US


Oh noooooo one is old OLD We must panic lol


They are both old. They are 3 years apart.


No. There is only one choice. One candidate has had no major resignations and has adults in his cabinet. The other felon is down to fifth choices, conspiracy theorists, and family members. Choose the candidate (Biden) where you can be assured of a functioning government.


Can we stop pretending Trump isn't old and senile and put him in a wheelchair in this picture too? Just because he manages to *sound* like he might be speaking more coherently, doesn't mean he's speaking more coherently. He literally just spews word salad.


That part confuses me--calling Biden a dementia patient/old because he often doesn't speak. If your grandfather had dementia/was very old, but instead of not speaking he just rambled on for minutes at a time about incoherent things that aren't pertinent to what is being said/what he was asked, would you then say, "Nah, that's not dementia/because of age."???


Supreme Court already fucked us.


Most of their judges came in power by Trump 🤷


Fuck Bidens age. The guy is a standup guy with morals and knows whats right and wrong. He's I firm transatlantic advocate and his politics are currently and will in the future make our lives better. Trump's only purpose is to reduce the government, so Peter Thiel and Elon musk can enslave as many people as they want with their intense financial power.


george washington warned yall 200+ years ago and the stupid greedy people didnt listen. here we are.


Biden is not in a wheelchair or on IV fluids, plus he's surrounded himself with sharp, very competent people. No one believe in "with age comes wisdom" any more.


If “with age comes wisdom” was true, then trump would be equally wise.


Love how this subreddit is completely taken over by American politics.


Makes sense. American politics is a facepalm itself lol


God I hate that this is true 🥲


it’s easy mode for facepalm inducing content, what do you expect lmao


Because that's all people have to discuss and fight about. You'd think it encompasses their whole identity and for the most part it does.


I always forget that this sub goes full r/politics the year of an US presidential election until the shift happens.


How is this even an issue ?! You are not fucked. The old man at least is doing his job. Worst case, he cannot finish his term, and/or other people are going to tell him what to say and do. He knows how to be surrounded by people that will counsel him. The other one is a dangerous felons that already showed for 4 years how dangerous he can be. He lied, he bullied people, he begged for money from people who are already poor while he is a billionaire. He surrounded himself with people that will say as he says and can benefit him personnally. He got thousands of kids separated from their parents at the border, some of them still never reunited because the government fucked up big time. Americans are pretty stupid if they re-elect Trump.




Just Google what Joe has done in 4 years then STFU. Who cares about his age. Joe is getting shit done! Period. You want to continue to whine about Joe? Go read Project 2025 or watch WW2 History on the history channel because that's the alternative.


As a non-American, my perspective is he's far less 'chaotic' than the previous guy.


I don’t think enough people are aware of project 2025 and have looked into exactly what it will do to the US, even in the first 180 days of trump being elected. We CANNOT allow him to be elected. And to think some people are calling it propaganda below when it’s literally on the campaign website?? But anyway, that plan is terrifying.


This was made by someone else. I think the original person who made it is credited. But here's some of the stuff he's done for us: Comment: People never give Biden credit for all that he’s accomplished. And if anyone in this thread needs a refresher, in 2022 alone, Biden Administration and Dems did the following: • ⁠passed the Inflation Reduction Act, the biggest investment in fighting climate change in history • ⁠passed the bipartisan infrastructure bill, the largest investment in infrastructure since Eisenhower • ⁠passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, breaking a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence legislation • ⁠signed the CHIPS and Science Act into law • ⁠took out the leader of al Qaeda • ⁠ended America's longest war • ⁠reauthorized and strengthened the Violence Against Women Act • ⁠signed the PACT Act, a bill to address veteran burn pit exposure • ⁠signed the NATO accession protocols for Sweden and Finland • ⁠issued executive order to protect reproductive rights • ⁠canceled $10,000 of student loan debt for borrowers making less than $125,000 and canceled $20,000 in debt for Pell Grant recipients • ⁠canceled billions in student loan debt for borrowers who were defrauded • ⁠nominated now-Supreme Court Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to replace Justice Breyer • ⁠brought COVID under control in the U.S. (e.g., COVID deaths down 90% and over 220 million vaccinated) • ⁠formed Monkeypox response team to reach communities at highest risk of contracting the virus • ⁠unemployment at a 50-year low • ⁠on track to cut deficit by $1.3 trillion, largest one-year reduction in U.S. history • ⁠limited the release of mercury from coal-burning power plants • ⁠$5 billion for electric vehicle chargers- $119 billion budget surplus in January 2022, first in over two years • ⁠united world against Russia’s war in Ukraine • ⁠ended forced arbitration in workplace sexual assault cases • ⁠reinstated California authority to set pollution standards for cars • ⁠ended asylum restrictions for children traveling alone • ⁠signed the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act, the first federal ban on lynching after 200 failed attempts • ⁠Initiated “use it or lose it" policy for drilling on public lands to force oil companies to increase production • ⁠released 1 million barrels of oil a day for 6 months from strategic reserves to ease gas prices • ⁠rescinded Trump-era policy allowing rapid expulsion of migrants • ⁠expunged student loan defaults • ⁠overhauled USPS finances to allow the agency to modernize its service • ⁠required federal dollars spent on infrastructure to use materials made in America • ⁠restored environmental reviews for major infrastructure projects • ⁠Launched $6 billion effort to save distressed nuclear plants • ⁠provided $385 million to help families and individuals with home energy costs through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. (This is in addition to $4.5 billion provided in the American Rescue Plan.) • ⁠national registry of police officers who are fired for misconduct • ⁠tightened restrictions on chokeholds, no-knock warrants, and transfer of military equipment to police departments • ⁠required all federal law enforcement officers to wear body cameras • ⁠$265 million for South Florida reservoir, key component of Everglades restoration • ⁠major wind farm project off West coast to provide electricity for 1.5 million homes • ⁠continued Obama administration's practice of posting log records of visitors to White House • ⁠devoted $2.1 billion to strengthen US food supply chain • ⁠invoked Defense Production Act to rapidly expand domestic production of critical clean energy technologies • ⁠enacted two-year pause of anti-circumvention tariffs on solar • ⁠allocated funds to federal agencies to counter 300-plus anti-LGBTQ laws by state lawmakers in 2022 • ⁠relaunched cancer 'moonshot' initiative to help cut death rate • ⁠expanded access to emergency contraception and long-acting reversible contraception • ⁠prevented states from banning Mifepristone, a medication used to end early pregnancy that has FDA approval • ⁠21 executive actions to reduce gun violence • ⁠Climate Smart Buildings Initiative: Creates public-private partnerships to modernize Federal buildings to meet agencies’ missions, create good-paying jobs, and cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions • ⁠Paying for today’s needed renovations with tomorrow’s energy savings without requiring upfront taxpayer funding • ⁠ended Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” policy • ⁠Operation Fly-Formula, bringing needed baby formula (22 missions to date) • ⁠executive order protecting travel for abortion • ⁠invested more in crime control and prevention than any president in history • ⁠provided death, disability, and education benefits to public safety officers and survivors who are killed or injured in the line of duty • ⁠Reunited 500 migrant families separated under Trump • ⁠$1.66 billion in grants to transit agencies, territories, and states to invest in 150 bus fleets and facilities • ⁠brokered joint US/Mexico infrastructure project; Mexico to pay $1.5 billion for US border security • ⁠blocked 4 hospital mergers that would've driven up prices and is poised to thwart more anti-competition consolidation attempts • ⁠10 million jobs—more than ever created before at this point of a presidency • ⁠record small business creation • ⁠banned paywalls on taxpayer-funded research • ⁠best economic growth record since Clinton • ⁠struck deal between major U.S. railroads and unions representing tens of thousands of workers after about 20 hours of talks, averting rail strike • ⁠eliminated civil statute of limitations for child abuse victims • ⁠announced $156 million for America's first-of-its-kind critical minerals refinery, demonstrating the commercial viability of turning mine waste into clean energy technology. • ⁠started process of reclassifying Marijuana away from being a Schedule 1 substance and pardoning all federal prisoners with possession offenses Note: That list only reflects 2022 accomplishments.


Easy call. Old vs Old and Evil.


Honestly, Id rather have the cabinet carrying around Bidens corpse "Weekend at Bernies" style for the next 4 years than put Trump in the whitehouse.


I'm conservative, and I approve this comment


look at what the supreme court is doing right now and imagine if they were totally unleashed.


I'll take the dying guy over Agent Orange any day


I'd vote for a boot instead of Project 2025. Yonz don't realize how serious this is.


General Secretary of the CCCP is actually the most powerful job.


At least the older guy isn't a fucking felon!


I'll take the one who isn't in great health over the criminal ANY day.


The one who exercises and rides bikes versus the guy who eats McDonald's twice a day and washes it down with coke. The most exercise trump gets is driving his golf cart.


Just stop it. We aren't fucked. Joe has been working his ass off for the last four years, haven't you noticed> If anything happens to him in office we have a cadre of younger democrats ready to take the wheel. I'm sick of this stupidity.


That's the difference. Biden is old, but well-intentioned, and surrounded by smart people. Trump is old, narcissistic, and cruel and is surrounded by sycophants. Either one could kick the bucket any day now. But if Trump gets elected, then that's another conservative Supreme Court justice to hold us back for decades. A vote for Biden is a vote for Kamala Harris.


Fair enough, but I’d vote for Biden’s rotting corpse over Trump


I mean as a non-American I’d still vastly prefer someone a bit doddery and old to a literal criminal.


We’re not fucked at all. If Biden is unfit for office, someone else that’s not crazy takes over. Or he just kinda rides out 4 years not doing too much in office, and the government keeps chugging along


Yeah but I would vote for a literal worm over Donald Trump. If anything, Biden being a husk means his team is governing by committee (preferred vs a single person with that much power).


It's so sad that so many people are this stupid. I'm stupid, and clearly, tens of millions of people are even dumber than me. If you think these candidates are the same, or both suck, or that President Biden hadn't done some great things these last four years, I encourage you to give yourself a lobotomy.


Ey, these are the 2 candidates with the most votes, if your looking for someone to blame you only have to look into a mirror


Biden’s head could be in a jar like in Futurama and I’d still vote for him over Frump.


I mean, we Germans have a long tradition of chancellor candidates with a lack of charisma, but you guys are really in trouble. It's so much about keeping power, that common sense is basically ignored.


more astroturfing that the choice between Biden and Trump is basically the same thing? wonder who could possibly benefit from having everyone think that...


This comic is stupid both-sides-ing. Exaggerating Biden into a wheelchair with an IV and nurse. Yes, he’s old but he’s not enfeebled. No exaggeration on trump since he is literally a convicted felon awaiting sentencing. And then pretending that “old” vs “old and criminal” are equivalent. Dumb.


I wonder if people realize that its not just the president, it is their entire cabinet as well. If Biden goes, he has a reliable team to continue running the country. If Trump wins, how many crooks and criminals will run this country? I mean look at his past administration, how many people got fired and or charged with crimes?


I love how people make it seem like we aren't given options. There are hundreds of options but no one cares about 99.8% of them.


the united states: where a felon cannot vote in an election, but a felon can run for president


Do we vote for the old guy who's a lifetime politician, who has done great things despite determined resistance from Republicans, or do we vote for the lifetime criminal who finally got caught, but not before starting his own personal cult, and wants to be a dictator.


As someone who wants to avoid Project 2025, I dont even care if they "Weekend at Bernie's" Biden. Even if we want to argue that technically Trump hasnt agreed to Project 2025 even though that is with a "wink" considering he has folks on staff who are part of shaping that policy, all of his other promised policies and the majority of what he pushed during his first time are in opposition to things I support so further reason to vote the other way.


Biden has been doing a decent job, honestly.


The key is that Biden surrrounds himself with somewhat competent people, while Trump surrounds himself with criminals who would rob America for their personal benefit.


We are not. Vote Biden


Jesus Christ, Biden's old, we get it - stop trying to equate the two! One of these men is a good-hearted person who probably should have retired a decade ago, but is on the right side of history and has spent a lifetime building relationships and entrusting good people to enact good policy. The other is Donald fucking Trump, who will appoint 2-3 SCOTUS judges and literally send the US into a tailspin with the amount of bad judges and bad policy (project 2025) that he tries to enact. It's *not a hard choice who to vote for here.*


Although I totally agree with the political cartoon…the guy in the wheelchair and his office doesn’t push to drive the country into the ditch.


I take the old guy over a felon.


Vote Biden if you care about our Democracy.


Shouldn't trump be in a prison jumpsuit AND a wheelchair? He's the second oldest to ever run, only behind Biden. What's the argument for him being of sound mind? Because everything he says sounds so lucid and clearheaded? NO. Because he's in such great health? NO. Because of his great complexion and hair, because of his brilliant outside the box ideas like drinking bleach, because of his great pronunciation of all words. NO. Trump is just as much of an old man as Biden is. He's just also a convicted felon.


I'd vote for my fart over Trump.


Still voting for Biden.