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The problem isn't that they ruled that the president has some immunity, it's that they refused to actually address the particulars of this case.


They're going to avoid specifying what constitutes "official acts" until they see whether Democrat or Republican holds the WH next year.


100% and it’s fucking disgusting. Donald Trump and this court and this GOP has ushered in the collapse of our country.


Ronald Raegan started it off, the *ORIGINAL* man to say “Make America Great Again.” Trump couldn’t even think of his own slogan… ![gif](giphy|26gss9AbytPhuisxy|downsized)


Technically the original was American friends of Germany party that coined that phrase whilst preaching peace and tolerance of Nazi Germany... Because they were Nazis.




Given that they were campaigning 80 years ago I’d say it’s safe to say that were is the correct tense since most if not all of them are dead by now. It’s hard to continue being a Nazi when you’re no longer alive


>It’s hard to continue being a Nazi when you’re no longer alive Some might say no longer being alive is the best thing a Nazi could do




It is the best thing they can do be cause then we will Nazi them any more…


They were all arrested after the USA joined the war and declared war on the Axis. And this was 80 odd years ago so yeah, they're pretty much dead and buried. But it doesn't bode well that the origin of MAGA's rally cry is basically a Nazi call to approval of Fascism.


Why am I being reminded of the end of the shining?




I’ve seen a video on how that number was totally made up. 


The people who should have known better didn't vote or protest voted. That's what happens when you have the political sense of a two year old and the intellect of a 10 year old




Enjoy immunity while doing so!


A paragraph in the decision stated that the authority of the executive office isn’t restricted by generally applicable laws, so yeah. Quite literally if you’re the president you can murder someone now and its legal.


January 6th seemed pretty official to me. Of course, MAGA like to pretend it never happened because they're big on gaslighting and it's bad for their narrative.


My mom is *proud* that she was there. Her claim is that all the MAGA folks were singing kumbaya, and the people who were storming the Capitol were planted there by democrats. Complete delusion


If they are democrats why does Trump want to pardon them?


Your mom sucks




Your mom should be in prison.


So ask her why SHE was there and what HER plan was while there. Checkmate, mom.


I’m sorry That stinks But your mom is literally swimming in MAGA kool aid


Wait. It was MAGA?! 🙀 I thought it was ANTIFA...or was it the FBI...?🤔


Biden needs to come out by the end of this week or next week with Supreme Court reform as part of his campaign.


What Biden and everyone else needs to do is keep reminding people that when you vote for president, you are voting for the supreme court. Voting for trump is voting for an even more extreme court.


I don't know it it can even get more extreme, it's already like destroy America extreme, but locked being extreme for even more decades.


Trump can apparently, legally, throw the three liberal justices in prison, and then replace them.


I guess more extreme in the sense that even something too insane for Bret Cavanaugh or Amy Coney Barret to sign off on might be thumbsuped by another trump lackey. Seeing their latest judgements I struggle to think of anything too extreme for them though. Everything up to full blown fascism seems to be on the table. If trump gets into office with immunity to do anything under the guise of an "offical act" to say this country is screwed is understatement of the year.


I mean yeah, Trump's been telling everyone exactly what he wants: revenge on his political "enemies", real, perceived or as a result of his own crimes.


and then his 6 scotuses says its an official act, if biden did that they will just say its unofficial.


No such thing. Biden can’t do squat with the GOP acting as doorstops in the house. He had an option to increase the court from 9 to 12 judges and he wouldn’t do it.


Well…. With Biden’s new power of immunity for anything HE considers (an official act)…. He can certainly get stuff done now. Time to play the hand conservatives dealt. Give them what they want.


Exactly! He has immunity, use it!


It sets up a lot of future issues if trump or a neo-trump gets elected. With a fully packed court there will be little chance of any President (of the right party) being held accountable. For anything. We have had four years of a grifter. Imagine four years of a LePen or a Duterte.


Four years only? You could end with a monarchy of the House of Trump!


Considering that SCOTUS also last week ruled that bribery is now legal and that agencies like the SEC, FDA, and OSHA cannot enforce their rules, I think we're more likely to wind up with a corporate oligarchy. Could be fascism if the 'President' is violent enough against the corps, but most likely they'll be the ones in charge holding the leash.


Yeah- it's this combo that has me most terrified. We've long had what is essentially an oligarchy- but it's really quite clear we've all been sold to the highest bidder


I enjoy Cyberpunk, but I never wanted to live it.


Worse You won’t even get the cybernetics enhancement.


Yeah it's just the corpo-ruined environment, 100 hour weeks, 3 yearly days of vacation, and no Healthcare version. No good tech to offset.


Whats that old saying? 'Trekies want to live in start trek, star wars fans want to live in star wars, but 40k fans want nothing to do with living in 40k'. Think the republican voter base is gonna feel the same when the boots stomped on there neck?


Some will, but let's be honest. A significant portion are desperately waiting for the chance to sign up with a MAGA SS.


If Trump wins, I foresee the resurgence of the guillotine.


I foresee A Handmaid’s Tale.


I see both of your statements as true, but in reverse order.


Term Limits and a free elections will die day 1.


Exactly, it sends it back down to the lower courts to hold more hearings on what is an official act and what isn't. Then the ones ruled not official acts will end up back at the SC for them to overrule. They gave Trump the best of both worlds....more delay before he's inevitably let off the hook, either by the SC themselves, or by actually winning in November. It was a best case scenario ruling for Trump. VOTE BLUE


Yeah, it doesn't make sense that they kicked it to a lower court to figure out what is an official act of the office. This is exactly their jurisdiction, and of course they already have thoughts on it.


To be fair they should avoid the particulars of this case. They are ruling for the future as well. They got this wrong because they could have very simply said there is no immunity for any illegal act.


No, they've created a new, horrifying problem so they could ignore the original problem.


They did say communications with the Attorney General cannot be used as evidence solely because a President is allowed to talk to his AG as President. It's fucking wild.


Why does ANYONE have immunity? You do the crime, you do the time.


Republicans are soft on crime. Always have been


Only if the perpetrator is rich and white.


Name one national emergency where the president needed immunity in order to act.


Overthrow of an election is an official capacity of the POTUS. Twisted Logic FTW


It's no longer three co-equal branches. SCOTUS have basically made themselves the unquestioned tyrants of the land.


No, they've made the President the unquestioned tyrant of the land. They've made themselves moot.


And they know the current POTUS will be too principled to take advantage of his newfound power.


Yeah Biden should test the new ruling by throwing the orange boy in jail for treason.


Or using his new powers to throw the Supreme Court in jail. Immunity, right?


Literally the only way democracy can be saved.


Honestly, all he needs to do is sign an executive order immediately expanding the bench by 3 seats, then appointing those three seats to the new expanded bench. He can now fully bypass congress, so no worries in getting that legislation approved, or worrying about appointments being rejected or any of that nonsense. Then simply bring another case before them to demand they relook at the issue (and might as well take on some others while at it). They can ram it all thru before January, so no matter who wind the election, the shit they broke is fixed. In the meantime, tackle a couple other issues with some lower level courts, too. Sign executive orders confirming Fanny and forcing that trial to proceed and another removing Canon from the Florida trial and forcing that one to proceed, as well. Then, get one or both of those cases finished up before January and of Trump actually won, then just have a special election, because he can't be president from jail. Bing, bang, boom. Done. 🙂 Sigh... if only...


Democrats used to be tough. FDR threatened to pack the court and that was itself enough to put them in line. JFK got the Sovs to leave Cuba without firing a shot. LBJ enacted a flurry of progressive legislation and no one dared stop him. Meanwhile, best Democrats can do is promise to enact legislation if enough of Congress gets elected.


Yes. Please, he should absolutely do this. He should have Trump and every justice he appointed thrown in prison. Let those partisan, likely treasonous, psychotic judicial chickens come home to roost. It’s the only way to save things at this point. ETA: If I were as old as Biden and everyone was being an asshole about my candidacy for president I’d say, “Fuck it and fuck fascism” and go all out on my newly-found presidential immunity. Then I’d die in fewer than ten years from now knowing I did absolutely everything I could. What happened to the “hot take” Joe Biden? The one who had trouble filtering his actual thoughts about idiotic people and their idiotic choices? That guy is my president. I wish he’d remember that guy.


What I think is, this is bait for democratic Party. Let's say Biden does something truly controversial, then supreme Court will just step in and call the action unofficial and so subject to justice system. I think GOP played a fkn long haul and it worked for them. Fucking scary this could be done in a country such as the USA. Really interesting to see how this election would turn out.


Well he’d just have to remove the Supreme Court justices that would rule against him with some official acts.


While they are on break so they can't rule against it!


Thats the evil genius behind this ruling. If Biden does something to protect democracy, its “just kidding bro!!stop getting all emotional old maaaaan” and if he doesnt and plays by the rules we all blame him for allowing trump to become the new Putin.


And thats why you shoot first, ask questions later, let the next Supreme Court figure out if the killings of their predecessors was a official act or not.


Likely, yeah. And given the GOP's reverse cargo culting so far, Trump and all his cronies will retaliate to every reminder of his felonies with "well Biden did XYZ (which may or may not be true) and he got away with it because of presidential immunity so"


I'm afraid so, yes.


This. Biden should say he’s thinking on how he can use his powers now


i wish this was true...but you and I both know he isn't...


His advisors are.


Not quite. Every time a court finds the President was not executing an official act, this SCOTUS will be there to make the decision. This is why Trump is really safe and Biden is not.


Not moot, still rich and all powerful for life, sure to get billions of dollars in now legal bribes. They just won't have to work anymore. They made sure they got their life long payment plan and retirement all vested up, and when they hit 99 they will crumple into a pile of dust on the stand instead of retire.


Billions? Ha, it's way cheaper than that to buy a Supreme Court justice!


Yeah, how much was Kavanaugh's debt? The debt that was mysteriously wiped out before he joined the court?


Like 150k right? Anyways, it's way cheaper than you would imagine


Imagine selling out your country for $150k.


They heard about this newfangled idea of a king and thought that is just what America needs


Biden should impose a code of conduct on the Supreme Court through an Executive Order. Yes, likely not legal but do they really want to have a passing match over whether the court can take bribes right before the election. He can say it's within his duties to not have a court taking gifts from people with a stake in their cases.


But couldn't the court convene and say "you don't get to tell us what to do." It sure sounds like we have 9 people, who just like fucking Alien X, can just group together and decide how they would like the law to be run.


It still would shine a bright light on the grift. Have a public debate over it and threaten to impeach any that don't follow the code. Let them argue to the people that they should be allowed to take gifts that would get any other judge impeached. Let them come out of recess to have an emergency hearing that they should be corrupt.


Kind of throws the risk of an overthrow by the POTUS in their last days in office out the window. Next POTUS that wants to stay in office past their term could just order the military to storm the capital. Assuming they had stacked the military to follow the orders of either standing down or facilitation the removal of political opponents. This leans pretty far into authoritarian territory.


That’s kinda the point


That's a feature, not a bug. 




They also could have taken this up much earlier when Smith asked to review this back in 2023. Instead they waited. It’s a terrible look for the court.


It also stated that his communications with his advisors cannot be subpeona'd or examined (and implied that this extended to communications with the public) and that you cannot inquire into the President's motives. As long as he is using his official powers, it is an official act and the President has absolute immunity. That is the crux of the issue. Everything is an official act as long as he is using an official channel and no one has any ability to examine or question it. Think for a minute about what the President's Constitutional powers are as head of the Executive branch - they are extensive. In the dissent, the prospect of assassination via official channels was even called out specifically. Those calling this out are not engaging in hyperbole when the Supreme Court itself has called out the staggering implications of this ruling.


Uh... what do you have to say about this then?? Whenever the President and Vice President discuss their official responsibilities, they engage in official conduct. Presiding over the January 6 certification proceeding at which Members of Congress count the electoral votes is a constitutional and statutory duty of the Vice President. Art. II, §1, cl. 3; Amdt. 12; 3 U. S. C. §15. The indictment’s allegations that Trump attempted to pressure the Vice President to take particular acts in connection with his role at the certification proceeding thus involve official conduct, and Trump is at least presumptively immune from prosecution for such conduct. The question then becomes whether that presumption of immunity is rebutted under the circumstances. It is the Government’s burden to rebut the presumption of immunity. The Court therefore remands to the District Court to assess in the first instance whether a prosecution involving Trump’s alleged attempts to influence the Vice President’s oversight of the certification proceeding would pose any dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch. Pp. 21–24. (3) Presidents cannot be indicted based on conduct for which they are immune from prosecution. On remand, the District Court must carefully analyze the indictment’s remaining allegations to determine whether they too involve conduct for which a President must be immune from prosecution. And the parties and the District Court must ensure that sufficient allegations support the indictment’s charges without such conduct. ***Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial.*** Pp. 30–32 Dangerous rhetoric in there


From [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-immunity-supreme-court-decision-07-01-24/index.html): What you need to know - Today’s major ruling: The Supreme Court ruled Monday that Donald Trump may claim immunity from criminal prosecution for some of the actions he took in the waning days of his presidency in a decision that will likely further delay a trial on the federal election subversion charges pending against him. Read the full opinion here. - What this means: The ruling rejects a decision from a federal appeals court in February that found Trump enjoyed no immunity for alleged crimes he committed during his presidency to reverse the 2020 election results. Today’s decision says presidents have immunity for official acts but not all acts are official, and lower courts must decide which acts qualify for each. Trump called the decision a “big win.” WTF is the opinion line of BS in the first bullet and sounds like more delays as Trump now is going to appeal the lower courts ruling from bullet two…


Round and round we go... When we stop, nobody knows...


The case will outlive Trump. We all know they will delay delay delay, 10, 20, 30 years down the line. 


No way he lives 10 more years. Once you start wearing diapers again the clock has to start - outside a real medical condition


Unfortunately won’t matter either way. Project 2025 makes it clear that if Trump wins only conservatives will be allowed to hold power in the future


Scream if you wanna go faster!


It means: • Trump could still be on the hook for the elector scheme, as that was interference with state elections. • SCOTUS made no mention of what was “official acts”, so it goes back to the lower court to start over and eventually end up back at SCOTUS after the election. Win for Trump. Off the hook for a lot of stuff and the rest get delayed.


I'm guessing they will find a way to make attacking America an "official act".


Imagine telling someone in 2015 how much this country will go down the toilet in the next ten years.


While a Trump win is the final nail, this is pretty darn close. The wording of "official acts" is so vague it will mean anything....Trump is going to use this to be a dictator. No doubt.


Oh yeah. He sees the way Kim Jong Un runs NK and he wants the God-emperor-king treatment too.


One mitigating factor is he is so old, how long could that actually be for? Not trying to make fun or be sarcastic. He can still, and already has, do a lot of damage in a very short amount of time. All the same, is it possible he'll try to set up a dynasty through his children to maintain that power? Or just make enough laws/acts that whatever crony follows him can use the same abuse of power? I'd bet on the latter.


Well, our current oldest living president is nearly one hundred. Bad physical health aside, over twenty years would be completely possible. To put that into perspective, Hitler was Chancellor of Germany for a mere twelve years.


Carter was highly active and probably ate better though.


Trump and his cult absolutely want a dynasty. They have plainly said so on many occasions.


Yeah, "official" is like saying "formal" where even with context it is up to the individual's interpretation what those words mean, they're too relative by the individual. Top secret things are also official, where do we draw the line on what is official?


Wish now there really was a deep state to take care of this problem


"Deep State" to conservatives basically means, "Functioning government and institutional checks and balances."


Wish now there really was a "Deep State" to take care of this problem


yea and I want a "Functioning government and institutional checks and balances." but I don't think we're going to get either.


Kind of blows my mind no one has attempted something like that on Trump.


Also remember two of the radical right wing judges have already said they're willing to step down if trump takes the office and clear the way for younger Supreme Court justices. These are lifetime appointments. Any damage they do will go decades and decades and decades before any hope for any real change is made again if he gets into power.


To have judges appointed for life is just so fucked up. I mean...why?


I honestly believe the intent was to make the appointments less politicized. If you're appointed for life, you don't have to worry about pandering to a constituency to ensure your reelection every few years.


This was it. The whole point of the lifetime appointment idea was that the Justices would therefore be less beholden to the political winds of the day and not so concerned about winning public favor over following the law. The founders, however, didn't presume near the level of financial coercion that is present in the modern system, nor that influence peddling would become so pervasive. And for the record, I don't know that term/age limits solve anything at all. It just reintroduces that original problem that the founders were hoping to quell. Not saying I *DO* know what the answer is, just that I think those who purely want to parrot age/term limits as the answer are misguided despite how well intentioned they may be. Certainly more firm rules need to be in place, such as requiring the court to enforce a Code of Conduct, and removing the ability to delay appointments to the court as was done near the end of Obama's term which helped lead to the current construction of the court in the first place. But simply term limiting the court just creates a court that looks a lot more like the presidency, with decisions shifting every few years to meet a new political wind and no movement to address the actual issues with how the court is operated.


This is the part I don't understand. They are for a lifetime there and they are completely political affiliated, a lot of their votes show that. In my country we have a similiar institution and they have a mandate for 9 years each.


Cool, so Biden can order an assassination on Trump and all of the Republican Supreme Court justices then and justify it as an official act


Pretty sure ordering seal team 6 to assassinate someone, is an official act.


Sotomayor specifically called out "ordering the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival" in her dissent.


It always cracks me up when centrists and MAGA's are always like "you're watching too much sensationalist media, stop doom scrolling", when like, this is actual Supreme Court justices saying this shit Sotomayor makes mention of Seal Team 6 and political rivals. Alito and Thomas made mention of wanting to reevaluate Obgerfell and Loving, by name. This is not sensationalism. There is a lot of sensationalism and doom scrolling on Reddit, and things may not end up being as dire as it can be made out to be, but to act like this is just political theatre when the people involved are calling it out themselves - justices, Project 2025 actually exists, and we are seeing the consequences of recent Supreme Court rulings like Dobbs, Munoz, Chevron, and now this... Like it's not theatre. It's actually happening.


Make no mistake- if Trump wins, Obgerfell is toast. So is Lawrence v Texas. The crazy thing is that if the Democratic candidate wins, there’s a good shot at the first liberal majority in decades.


Perhaps she was giving a subtle recommendation


Exactly this.


I mean, it is right there in the oath Biden swore to, "...preserve, protect and defend the Constitution....".


Why would he need immunity if he didn’t do anything wrong?


They said it's immunity for official acts but didn't define what that means. It's blatantly the courts saying "he didn't do it, but if he did, it was ok"


He didn’t do it. But if he did, it was ok. And if it wasn’t, how could he have known? And if he did, it was the liberal agenda for it to happen this way. I love how they can justify stuff like that


I now officially support the French Revolution and agree whole heartedly with their methods


USS Robespierre


Good luck America, one step closer to a dictatorship


I would be terrified if I lived in a red state. Doubly so if I were a woman, a person of color, or LGBTQ+ Dark days ahead. Get your cardio in, boys. 


Help me, I live in Florida and my wife and I both fit into at least 2 of those, with her spanning all 3


Swing state. VOTE.


Oh, you know it. And I’m spreading the word as much as possible about Project 2025 and the SCOTUS’ recent rulings, among other things. I’ve personally spoken to my local running democratic representative, in person, to inform her she has our vote and we appreciate that she’s standing up for values of equality, inclusion, education, etc.


I’m not American so I dunno if this is insensitive or whatever, but frankly I’m so concerned that I don’t really care anymore: reach out to the Cuban community. The data is suggesting that despite Cubans clearly being in danger from a Republican government, they’re still gonna vote Republican because they fear socialism. I think Cubans will decide Florida.


Conservative Cubans in Florida have been fucking us over for years, you’re correct. Unfortunately I don’t live in southern FL, so I rarely see many here. Plenty of “good ole boys” surrounding me though, and they don’t wanna hear any bit of sense


Really hoping i can swim from Cleveland to Ontario


What the actual fuck is going on in US. People need to start protesting already


Posting on Reddit is *way* easier.


Does this mean Biden can extend his term due to threats to democracy? Sounds so conservative doesn’t it?


Kangaroo court The American experiment is over, and is a failure. Predicated on honest actors, and the founding fathers didn’t foresee the depravity of the current Republican Party.


This just proves it can be broken with a sustained bad faith effort over many years. There's not a reason to think it can't be fixed.


The founding fathers never envisioned a ruler operating directly against the nation. The code simply does not cover it


Probably too absurd to think that one day the people will vote against themselves


Every bar you can think of .. one day we can lower it


King Biden should test this ruling. Disband the electoral college.


SCOTUS just signed off on the end of Democracy. Trump would absolutely have declared the last election rigged and tossed out the results if this ruling was in place at the time and claimed Presidential Immunity for his actions. Anyone defying him could be arrested for treason. Presidential Immunity. If he wins in November, he will only leave office when he dies. Biden can now claim he is defending the constitution and throw all SCOTUS members in jail (PI). Congress is going to impeach him? Jail those congresspeople (PI). Make it all "official", claim you are acting as per your oath to defend the constitution, making anything you do an "official" act. Democracy can not now survive another Trump presidency with this ruling


I'm inclined to agree with you. Republicans know they can't keep winning with fewer votes with their awful "anti-human" platform, so the only way they can keep power is to eliminate democracy and make America a dictatorship, so that's what they are actively working toward. Thanks to the entire surpreme court system being badly devised they seem to be succeeding. Hopefully Biden or someone stops them or this country might legitimately be screwed.


So… let me get this straight. A sitting president can go on social media and TV following a loss of an election. Communicate directly or through his executive staff to organize a protest, using civilian contacts to include CEOs and spouses of SCOTUS justices, against the certification of said election that turns into a riot killing police officers and others in the process. Continue to deny the legitimacy of the election without proof and build his whole reelection campaign on that fallacy. And he doesn’t have to answer for some or possibly any of it?! Sounds like Dark Brandon needs to open up a whole can of whoop ass. Moral high ground time is over. Let’s play in the mud.


This Supreme Court has lost its legitimacy


It lost it awhile ago.


I mean, that's what happens when you appoint a majority of the supreme court. You basically get to block everything that isn't on your agenda.


They kind of made a non-statement there, because they pretty much just said presidents get immunity for official acts, but that was already established. They then handed the case back to a lower court to leave that court to determine what is or isn't an official act, which is probably kind of pointless because it's gonna get fucking appealed right back to the SCOTUS once a decision is made. They're pretty much supporting Trump in delaying the proceedings so that any potential judgement doesn't come until the election and if Trump wins, he'll be able to weasel his way out of any potential consequences.


It’s worse than that, their ruling states that nothing the president says or communicates while in office can ever be used against him. So like when trump,went and decided to not respect the transfer of power, consulted with lawyers and other officials about it etc, none of that can be used to prosecute him ever. so basically the president can do whatever he wants, plan it all out and tell literally anyone he is going to do it and to bad they can’t be held accountable for it. the only way to punish them is via impeachment. Which would mean that the party doing the impeachment would have to hold super majority in both congress and senate and the filibuster elements removed. Which will never happen. So we now have a situation where the president is untouchable for the most part. And if they are president, with a same party majority in either congress or senate what’s stopping them from declaring themselves whatever they want to be. President for life? Why not. If Biden did it now he wouldn’t be impeached, well there are some moral democrats that might do the right thing.


They’re setting the stage for a dictatorship


It seems that people still don't fully comprehend the damage done to the US when Drumpf, with TurtleMcConnell's help, packed the SCOTUS with hard-line, right-wing, christian nationalist judges. The Republic is doomed to suffer, decision after decision, the implementation of religious or anti-democratic doctrine into our government. And if brave souls fight back and go to court, who has the final say? Intelligent, thoughtful judges who look simply at the merits of the case and decide based on established law? Or bible-thumping decisions that trample on the rights of every non-christian in this country? The only logical solution available is for Biden to win, and then increase the SCOTUS to 13 judges. Otherwise this grand experiment is dead.


So, maybe , just maybe this will scare enough people into voting for Biden.


This is like watching a multi-season tv show of how America disintegrates. From 2017 to now.


The US are a joke and they’re gonna bring the whole world in their stupid shit. Leaders of countries will try to mimic them as they always have. God we are fkd.


Not shitting on anybody, but how can Americans (especially Republicans) talk about the greatest Democracy in the world when this whole thing is going on for fucking 8 years now (I have included Trump winning in 2016, losing in 2020 and starting insurrection, selling confidential documents, being convicted of crimes, running for president in 2024...) Does it mean that there are no laws and rules in Democracy and everybody just does what they want, drilling huge holes in the system as they like? Sorry. Just venting, I guess. I wish us all a peaceful future.


I wish I could say what I think needs to happen to these people doing these things at this point. But I'd be banned. So I will simply say the first word in the name of a popular ubisoft game that has over stayed it's welcome with sequels and starts with an A. All of these people need it. They don't play by the rules. So they need to be removed by rule breakers.


Biden needs to address the nation immediately so we know how he will “officially” use his new powers.


The cream of the shit-crop that is the conservative majority are Brett "i LiKe BeEr" Kavanaugh, Sam "I didn't fly the treason flags, my wife did" Alito, and Clarence "Open to ~~bribery~~ gratuities" Thomas


For those that think talk of military coups is just fear-mongering, remember the military is legally bound to follow lawful orders. The key word there is "lawful". Prior to this judgement, if the president issued an unlawful order (e.g to detain an opponent), he could be impeached for doing so, and the military could refuse to obey the order. Now, if an order is considered an official act (and given the judgement stated Trump instructing Pense not to certify the election result was an official act it's hard to see how an order wouldn't be), then any order issued is lawful, and consequently military personnel are legally bound to obey it, or else face a court martial for insubordination.


The more I read about this ruling the more it just sounds like they're being intentionally vague about what is and isn't an "official" act. Seems to me like the SCOTUS has been bought out and is just trying to make up rules to get Trump off the hook.


Is it an official action if Biden rounds up the cultist, Russia worshipping fascists on the right, Knights Templar style and Order 66 them? RIP USA July 4, 1776 - July 1, 2024


We have let a traitor go free.




Amazing what happens when the highest court in the land votes down party lines


Break out the pitchforks and torches.


Of all the horrible shit that has come from Republicans since Biden took office, this has to be the most worrisome.


Can Biden now assassinate trump with no consequences?


Assuming he uses the power of his office to declare him an enemy of the state, apparently yes.


These lazy cruel motherfuckers. They needed to make a DECISION. They both broadened the scope of presidential immunity while leaving it ambiguous as fuck. Meaning that there is less of a decision than before while letting Trump do whatever he wants in the meantime. It’s bad enough they didn’t say that committing treason is illegal if you’re president, they also didn’t make a real decision. They left it to lower courts like cowards. They should at least have the conviction to betray us upfront.


Oh shit, we have a legitimate chance of being in a dictatorship now don’t we? VOTE VOTE VOTE


The reasoning they gave was along the lines of "We'll let the POTUS do mostly whatever they want because otherwise they won't be as bold and forceful as we might want them to be" ... how very American, reducing any kind of safeguards against an inadequate leader for the fear of having an inadequate leader.


I’d like to know what the ‘Deep State GOP’ voters think of this.


Is trying to over throw democracy part of official presidential work?


They’re plants, so yeah.


“Some” I love how they made it intentionally vague


Time for Dark Brandon to handle Don the Con once and for all I guess.


The president should only be using their power as laws allow, they don't need criminal immunity


So basically just okay-ed Watergate?


Summation of the case + **President has immunity in cases connected to his duties**: makes sense, prosecuting president for doing their job is nonsense + **President has immunity every time he uses his power in official capacity**: president is immune every time he uses his powers - so president using army to do illegal shit is ok, complete horseshit + **Every record made in "official capacity" is unusable in court**: F U C K I N G W H A T


No he doesn't. Actions in that case were not official. The difficulty is in proving that he personally had culpability in instigating interference with due process. The Supreme Court was just refusing to step up to the podium.


https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/historical/Declaration_of_Independence.htm We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- #That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. #But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. #🇺🇸


Not surprised. The supreme court is corrupt as hell and the conservatives are hell bent on making the USA a dictatorship.


Why can't every American with half a brain see what's going on here?! It's unbelievable. Is the cult *that* strong? Please revisit Martin Niemoller's words. These are dangerous times, and half the people in this country are treating it like their favorite football team is in the Super Bowl.


I dunno what happens in the usa right now but i really hope for you guys over there that this orange expires and can be put into the composter. People like that really shouldnt hold any power or have any sort of immunity. I dont even get why so many people support that guy anyways


China and Russia must love all the shit going on in the US these days. They are literally nose diving to self-destruct and no one even needs to do anything. Give it a few decades and the US will be no more, or at least not in the way that it is now. Wouldn't be too surprised if there was another civil war or something.


People need to vote in November, especially if you live in a swing state


Did this wake anyone up or are we all still asleep at the wheel pretending its going to be fine? Its all on the line now.


Surprise. Surprise. Surprise. They did their job. The rise of Palpatine to emperor has begun. If this country and constitution survive this these judges will be judged by history as the most corrupt ever. Of course if the constitution successfully falls they will be declared heroes by the orange Palpatine and his minions.