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There used to be a group called 'Exodus International' or something like that, a support group for men 'desiring to accept God and change their lives'. They disbanded after two of the founding members formed a relationship and began living together.




It actually took a lot longer than that, but they did finally admit that homosexuality can’t be “cured” or change. Also, look up the story of Dr. George Rekers, a leading expert on “curing” homosexuality. It’s best to search for “George Rekers Luggage Boy”. 😂


Yes, I remember the story lol


Do you know how the other members reacted to this?


Probably all too busy sucking each other off to notice.


"Oh my god, would believe I'm trying to stop? I just can't keep Bob's dick out of my mouth! This is so awful!" "I didn't mean for you to stop, Bob! Put it back in for God's sake!"


>These people did not overcome homosexuality. Don't know about those people, but I overcum on my bf Haysus all the time.


It’s like a great comeback story


If Jesus was a man, and they are now in a relationship with Jesus, doesn't that mean they are still gay?


Me: Mom, Dad, I'm gay. Mom, Dad: Are they sure? Can you get a second opinion?


what we do wrong?


Did anything stupid happen


After I got outed, my mother booked time with their priest where she was sobbing and pleading for God to take my gayness away. Didn't work. Going on 18 years later, still lesbian. So I guess God is subjective who he removes the gay from. 🤷‍♀️🙄


Or proof that you're stronger than god.


Oof. Happy pride!


Reminds me of NA and AA, other abstinence only programs meant to replace the desire to do something through god. Dude has less than a 3% success rate, and that's when participants are there willingly.


I went with an ex of mine to a NA meeting many years ago and all everyone did the entire time was try to one up each other with their “war stories.” Person 1 would talk about how they got on their knees and groveled for crack. Person 2 would talk about how they sucked dick for meth By the time you got to person 20 they were talking about how they gave Thanos the infinity stones while riding his dick so they could get a pint of weed. Then the meeting was over and you wondered what the fuck was achieved in all that


Y- yeah. His will shall be done.


I'm going to start calling my bisexual awakening as 'overcoming heterosexuality '


No white males in the group because we know they're all rock solid for Jesus already.


Rock hard.


Well Jesus was a white male so they already are a shoe in.


They still dress gay though


It’s not gay if you’re the top everyone knows that!


At best they are repressing their feelings ; curious to we how that will manifest itself . God loves his children … all of them .


God hates us all


What else is new?




As if there was one.


I’m not gay no more! I am delivert!!!!




“What if we had homosexual sex in this group just once? Then we’ll all see how bad and sinful it is.”


Shit like this should be illegal


These are like those people you find in the comment section of something really racist who say “I’m black and I 100% support this white supremacy thing, I should go back to Africa where I belong, America belongs to white christians!”, and then their profile picture is a white guy with a confederate flag.


A salt shaker falls to the ground and the salt spreads on the floor, perfectly spelling the words “please don’t drag me into this again”


I know how ya feel . I was a 350 lb fat slob and i got some pills from a magazine . They helped turn me inti a streanlined lean 98 lb lean tight bullet




How brave of them /s


The freedom to be treated like an animal and to hate oneself for the rest of one's life. Land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy.


Sadly, bisexuality erasure is possible, so we could be seeing more things like this in the future.


All that repression will eventually rear its head. It always does.


Homie in the left with the brown shirt has definitely NOT overcome his homosexuality 😂😂😂


What gave it away? The boy George hat? The very shiny shoes sparkling like the fabulous night sky?


"If you pray with enough faith, God will make you straight. Its not a matter of biology. Its a matter of having enough faith" -Lying liars who lie.


I genuinely hate how Christianity was co-opted by homophobes due to a mistranslation in the Bible.


When they close their eyes and think about Jesus do they think about an Arabic Jew who was probably 5'3", dark, hairy and had a big nose? Or that blond hippie they hang up in church?




Are you referring to the original conversion to homosexuality?


Bruh 😒


I like how the guy on the left has his legs closed, and feet neatly close together.


So fucking gay right? /s


Oof. I literally thought the panel was being led by the female lead from the Fallout series. Had to double check the names.


Didn’t Butters get sent to camp for this? I’m a little bi-curious myself:)


I'm always wary of people that go from one extreme to the other.


Meh , i was a skinny 98 pound weakling. I got pills from a magazine that turned me into 350 lbs of brute strength.


Same -- except I'm now two separate gorillas.


My father is from the boonmer of the generation And I have tried to let him see. As a catholic he doesnt like it but he tries not to hate


or they are grifters..


What's with the 90s sci-fi font?


Thought it said Jenna Ortega for a second and thought her career had tanked badly since Scream and Wednesday.


Seems to me that queers, especially the ones with dicks, spend a massive amount of their time each day obsessing over their genitalia. Does society really want to normalize this? I mean, seriously?


God is a dude anyway, so they are still gay right?


They always preach "accept his love" which sounds kinda gay to me


You should support what they identify as.




Lol manipulated


You know what, good for them if it makes them happy. Don’t necessarily believe it. We praise people for coming out, why should this be any different. Edit: I knew I was going to get downvoted for this statement, but I stand by this. As a community we should accept the decisions of others if we ourselves demand acceptance. Here’s a link to their discussion. https://youtu.be/-ddKqjKAZew?si=31wFmDQEBc2KEk3l


Headline: Person gets swept up into cult about self hate" "Oh, good for them. Its their choice, who cares if someone pressured them or if their families threatened them, they chose to do it, this isnt any different to accepting yourself. What do you mean they killed themselves afterwards? What a coincidence! Wonde what might have caused that..."


Those all look like adults who can’t make their own decisions on their own happiness. I’m sure you didn’t live in the time when being out wasn’t openly acceptable, when you were persecuted, and in some cases prosecuted. Where does it say anyone was pressured? You’re just making an emotional response without open minded thinking.


My brother do you really think these people "come out" as heterosexual by joining a church and there is no correlation between that and the party of people who openly hate and want to kill LGBTQ+ prople?


How do you know this? Do you have a source that these particular people hate and want to kill lgbtq+ people?


Oh I do have sources on how the church (because, even tho you dont have the reading comprehension abilities to get that from my comment, it was the church whom I said wanted to murder LGBTQ+ people) wants to kill LGBTQ+ people: from 2022 [https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/texas-pastor-says-gay-people-shot-back-head-shocking-sermon-rcna32748](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/texas-pastor-says-gay-people-shot-back-head-shocking-sermon-rcna32748) this is a good page too [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity\_and\_homosexuality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_and_homosexuality) there is this one more recently [https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-health-and-wellness/millions-lgbtq-americans-religious-trauma-psychiatrists-want-help-rcna135728](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-health-and-wellness/millions-lgbtq-americans-religious-trauma-psychiatrists-want-help-rcna135728) and many others that I 1. dont have the time to look for 2. wont ever find because my native language is not English so results are filtered 3. am not involved enough to find and show here 4. am not willing to waste my time with you. Maybe the "do your own research" public would be right if they actually did research things, you can do right and actually research things for yourself! I know, it's great, the internet is such a vast place! Now, wont you go do something else? I for sure will.


Those are not sources to these particular people. So, no, you do not. Your sources are invalid to your initial statement. And you proved my point about your statement being an emotional response and not open minded thinking.


Holy shit youre so fucking dense. My initial statemnt was that there is a "party of people who openly hate and want to kill LGBTQ+ prople", THE CHURCH YOU DUMBASS. I NEVER said that these people **specifically** hate LGBTQ+, I just implied the obvious, that churches hate LGBTQ+ (tho this is seeing some changes nowadaus it is still a fucking real problem). HOW can you still reply the same thing three times? Go read a book or go back to school (if you even ever went to one), then you can come back to reddit, ok?


You sure are projecting a lot of hate there buddy. And yes you did say just that. “My brother do you really think these people "come out" as heterosexual by joining a church and there is no correlation between that and the party of people who openly hate and want to kill LGBTQ+ prople?”


Your point is? You just said Im projecting (why would you think that if I provided you sorces for my claims?) and copy pasted my past comment. What do you even mean with this?


Also, the fact that you have to resort to unnecessary insults and vulgarity only shows the lack of maturity, intelligence, critical thinking and credibility. Good job on showing the person you really are. Bravo!


Nice! You got the point! Im immature as fuck and resort to using "vulgarity"because its easier to type like that, Im not giving a lecture, presenting a thesis or attending one of my classes, Im just laughing at a dumbass that cant even interpret what Im saying and just resorts to unnecessary bantering and a steaming pile of nothingness comments. You do know none of your past comments said anything relevant after I presented you the sources you asked right? But thats expected, your kind asks for a sources and says "well, yeah? So what? Youre vulgar and immature!" when you realize you were wrong. Go touch some grass dumbass


We praise people for coming out because they are finally able to be themselves. Going back in the closet is literally the opposite of that and is just repressing your urges. They obviously they aren't going to just stop being attracted to the same gender - it doesn't work that way.


If that is their way to happiness, it’s their choice. Who are we to say what is right for one person isn’t right for another. We all have our own journey in life, they are allowed to go in any direction they choose without judgement.


I didn't downvote you because I know you are trying to come at this from the right viewpoint, but the point is, they aren't happy. They still have gay fantasies and may even still be hooking up. It's not healthy to deny who you are when you are likely only doing it for the admiration of others. If they are denying themselves, then this isn't the end of the story. They aren't now just heterosexuals living a happy, carefree hetero lifestyle


How do you know they are not happy? Did you personally talk to them? They also have the choice to walk away. And also, let me add this. How does bisexuality work in a monogamous relationship work in your eyes? Did you watch the segment?


>We praise people for coming out, why should this be any different. It's literally the complete opposite of coming out. We praise people for getting clean when they're on meth. We don't praise people for getting back on meth.


Oh, come on, you know that’s not what I meant. It’s about acceptance.


This is denial, not acceptance.


So, you don’t accept these peoples choice on how they live their lives?


What a weird question. I don't have any control over their lives. They can do whatever they want. Do I think going back into the closet for God is a good thing? No. Hiding who you are for religious reasons is not a good thing. 


Not a weird question at all. Do you or do you not accept their choice on how they live their lives? It has nothing to do with yours or their beliefs.


I have no control over them. There's no acceptance needed on my part. They can do whatever they want. 


Then what’s the problem? If they believe and choose a different way of living, who are you, or anyone to judge and say it’s wrong? Do you not see the hypocrisy? They believe in god, you don’t. There is nothing wrong with that on either side. Just step back and truly think about it.


I have no problem with them believing in God. Why would you think I do?


Agreed. Might as well be clowning on a gay person because therapy helped them realize they’re gay.


Thank you for that. I’m sure none of these people even watched the episode. They all seemed pretty happy to me. That’s all that really matters.


Or it was staged . Pure bullshitium


Christ is king


No, you're thinking of Mufasa.


Scar would like a word


His name is Charles, idiot


Well, mythologically speaking. But organized religion is nothing more than mythology being pushed by people who have a vested interest in keeping their jobs.


Christ is imaginary.


only slaves need a king


Pride is walking down a city street in broad daylight buck naked.


They were first manipulated to become homosexuals.


Imma manipulate this dick in your ass


You are confusing love with putting your genitalia into the dirty intestines of another man. What a strange religion you have!!


nothing religous about you gawk gawk gawking this sack twink


You can always join a pride parade and walk down a city street buck naked in broad daylight.