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This is Mitch McConnell erasure.


As Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell stonewalled President Obama's pick for SCOTUS, Merrick Garland. And nobody did anything about it.


And his excuse “it’s almost time for an election” then rushed to get a new judge in before 2020 🙄


The most absurd thing I have ever seen in politics. The absolute two faced of it. When Amy was nominated on 9/26/20, several states had already had begun early voting with plenty of mail in ballots cast. Whereas Obama nominated Garland on March 16, 2016. Well before the general election. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/12/fact-check-supreme-court-nomination-during-voting/5880544002/


Yea I don’t know if people have short term memories or what but that was definitely the moment I wanted him to get struck by lightning. Like people can bring a lot of personal issues about these guys but in the end the policies are what we need to pay attention to also it’s a bit ridiculous you can be a felon and not vote but run for president but okay.


You would be very surprised how short our memories are, add in the basic stresses of life, and you find yourself having to remind people of pertinent events over and over again.


Well before the **primaries**!


This is incorrect. Both political parties primaries were underway by March 2016. Although barely. Your point is still well received. "The elections took place within all fifty U.S. states, the District of Columbia, five U.S. territories, and Democrats Abroad and occurred between February 1 and June 14, 2016" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries "Presidential primaries and caucuses of the Republican Party took place within all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories between February 1 and June 7, 2016" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Republican_Party_presidential_primaries


Ok, well before the primaries ended


Fair enough. Like I said, point still well received.


I'm glad to see people actually talking about this cause no one seemed to be when it happened and that drove me crazy.


>The most absurd thing I have ever seen in politics The word isn't absurd, it's "obscene." He, as much as Trump, is responsible for that list of supreme court decisions. I would sign onto an afterlife, if it included Trump and McConnell taking turns sodomizing each other, for eternity.


You want them to be happy?


I even remember thinking how fucked up but completely unsurprising it’d be if republicans got away with pushing Amy through much later than Obama tried with Garland. I even completely expected democrats to not call the bullshit out. Because they must maintain decorum above all else.


If you want to see the plot laid bare, just read some of the so-called “level headed” repubs like Romney around that time who shared the the lamest logic for why this nomination was different than the Garland one. It was like some weird combination of factors that no one cares about, reminded me of an old baseball announcer talking about a guy’s stats inside a dome against lefties born in a Leap Year. So dumb. But I guess not dumb because it worked we couldn’t do jack shit about it apparently.


I don't understand how he got away with that. The sitting president is still the president until their term is over.


Exactly. You don’t get to make up new rules on the spot. We have elections every two years, any appointment will _always_ be close to an election


>You don’t get to make up new rules on the spot. Sure they do. They are. More and more blatantly than ever. Throw out 40-50 year rulings that have been cited in thousands of court cases? Hell yeah. Decide it's not cruel and unusual punishment to throw people without access to shelter in jail for sleeping on public property? Hell yeah. Decide with no legal precedent that president's have fucking IMMUNITY which goes against the very foundation of everything this stupid country stands for? Hellllll yeah. The gloves are off and they're done even pretending to follow rules or the constitution.


This drives me crazy too. Our government is violently sodomizing us while most people just stand by and say, "But, you can't DO that!" Well, they clearly DID! Now what?


Senate majority that’s why the state elections matter. If we want Congress I think liberals have to start moving to conservative dominated areas tbh.


Because they had the majority in the senate, plain and simple.


Lidsney Gram had the entire plot written out >Back in 2016 as Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, Graham said, “I want you to use my words against me. If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination.” then he said the "rules have changed".


That was absurd enough with or without the hypocrisy. The idea that you can’t appoint a judge in an election year was just made up out of whole cloth and both he and conservatism should’ve faced far worse consequences for that BS, hypocrisy or no hypocrisy.


RBG was also 87 when she died during Trump’s presidency. She had 8 years of Obama to retire and chose not to.


I hate seeing his name anytime, anywhere, but this cannot be understated. Moscow Mitch played a major role in the dismantling of American democracy.


I am just glad that he will not live long enough to enjoy it-better yet would be to find a way to reverse it while he is still alive!


All the political donations, bribery, and power was why he did it. He sacrificed his humanity for money and power, and he got it.


I genuinely feel like he's gonna be forgotten in the history books, and he's the worst living person in the US currently.


He doesn't give a fuck. He knows he played a vital part enabling the fascists to take over.


Exactly, Trump was just a means to an end for the GOP to execute their plan. It could have been a dish cloth elected. Whenever the next Republican became president, Roe v Wade was dead.


Trump is their useful idiot and he's such an idiot (albeit a dangerous one), he doesn't know it. They let him do what he wants so they (Federalists, Christian Nationalists, et al) get their way. Anyone who thinks Trump chose justices, signed policy or did anything without someone directing him needs a brain scan. And whatever mistakes were made last time won't be made again. Biden is not the best candidate, but he's all we got. We have to vote with the understanding that the elected one will make the appointments, hire the advisors and place the justices. Vote accordingly., but vote. We don't need a repeat of 2016.


How can we get this message out to more people on Reddit?! I’m so so scared, the closer the election comes the more trump flags I see. And Biden didn’t do well in the debate at all. We need to vote against those who want to take away our rights!


I mean, ya, F that turtle looking prick, but he stole one seat (for consistency, Obama should have gotten garland in but that means the RBG replacement would have still occurred) and these are 6-3 decisions. It’s the full slate of seats Trump got to appoint so this is pretty legit. I can’t believe this long-known conman cretin is the one that’s going to end America as we know it as the traditionalists of his party happily play along.


He also played along to get judges he needed into the federal courts. This was never just about scotus. They also needed the lower courts.


![gif](giphy|IO5Ho0HqFqaQ0) Turtle? That motherfucker looks exactly like this.


It still blows my mind. I remember a time when me and my friends would constantly joke about Trump when he was a reality TV star - “you’re fired” He was a joke to us, constantly, and had no relevance to us, beyond laughing at his expense. We all thought he was a pathetic joke. Well, I still think he’s pathetic. But now the jokes not funny at all. How the fugg did this sleezeball become America’s #1 Clear & Present Danger?? I also remember back before Obama was inaugurated, Trump had some last minute surprise that “could very well change the outcome of the election” - he goes on CNN and claims that Obama may not have been born in America. Nobody seemed to take that seriously at all, and it seemed like he was just being the usual lying sack-of-shit that he is. The guy is a conman to the bone. He’s not just any ‘politician’ with white lies. Rather he’s delusional, unstable, incompetent, and incapable of ever telling the truth. It’s totally fuggin surreal. It seems America might go down in the biggest embarrassment ever, like dying on the shitter. …🎶 but I’m proud to be an Amer— 🎶ooh Canada ooh Canada…


Too many voters seem to think they need a president that is entertaining and a president they like, as in they would invite him to a party or have beers with him or her. I don't think a president being entertaining or even liked like a friend is any worthwhile criteria to decide your vote on. Not to mention Trump holds like 3-4 rallies per month where he just talks and talks, which makes him seem like he has plans and takes action. Biden just does stuff and doesn't hold a rally to tell you all about it constantly. Trump appears to be doing shit cause he talks about it forever and a simpleton goes right along with it.


That was him? I think I remember reading something about that as a teen and bought it.


He’s busy doing Feinstein Act 2 😭why are all these dead people not retiring?


The current Congress is more accurately called “The pre-dead”.


This is because we stopped the Florida recount. Roberts and Alito are W appointees. These guys voted in favor of Citizens United, which allowed dark money take over politics. This enabled Trump to get elected


Also gotta give some credit to the woman who refused to retire because she really wanted to give her seat to a Clinton appointee.


This Her ego was so large and her prediction of Hillary winning so incorrect, that she wanted the first female President to nominate her replacement. Look how that turned out for the country and your legacy Ruth. I used to rep her as the Notorius RBG but she failed us in the end. As most octonagenerians do when they feebly cling to retain their power long past their due.


I think part of the problem is she fell victim to believing her own press clippings with this “Notorious RBG” type crap. She was a human being just like the rest of us, but her fan club hyped her up into some kind of immortal goddess by going crazy every time she something like doing Pilates, wearing a new frilly collar, or saying “I dissent” I can’t help but this few into her ego and influenced her believe she have her cake and eat it too as to when she stepped down.


The one solace I can take is that she knew what she had done and what would become of her legacy and she suffered an agonizing and painfully slow death in her deathbed because of it. Her last words were an admission of the pain she was in.


Give some credit to the guy that figured out rubbing two sticks could make fire, it was all downhill from there.


Really it was the ancient Egyptians creating beer for the first time. Before that you got a large population centre in the one place and it was dysentery and death all round once they start shitting in the water supply en masse. The Egyptians (probably accidentally) invented beer and suddenly you had something fermented you could drink that didn’t make you sick. Pretty much all down hill after that though 😂


I think Douglas Adams said it best: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


Yeah she should have let her seat get Merrick Garlanded instead.


She could have retired before 2015, you know, when the democrats controlled the Senate and after she had cancer for the second time in 10 years.


Not just any cancer, pancreatic cancer! The single deadliest type with the poorest long term prognosis. I still remember her supporters applauding decision while indignantly claiming that “SHE doesn’t owe anything to all the white men who are trying to push her out of power.” No, but she sure owed it to the tens of millions of women she claimed to fight for the rights of to secure her seat with another liberal justice.


Wouldn't have happened in Obama's first term. He appointed Kagan, after all


Look up the year 2014 and see who was in the White House and which party controlled the Senate, and get back to me. I can’t believe how many times I’ve had to explain this to you clueless “well McConnell would have just refused to fill her seat” apologists.


Dems refusing to retire is ruining our country.


Nah, it’s all those old fucks shaping our laws when they won’t be around much longer anyways.


You say that like those old fucks can’t also be Dems. Yeah, a lot of them are Republicans, but the remainder are still Democrats unless there’s some third party of geriatrics that’s gotten sudden political power in the last few months. I mean, hell, Joe Biden is currently the oldest person to ever be president, which makes him one of those old fucks shaping your laws.


That’s what I said, it’s all them fucks, not just dems


This is the real answer. It should have been fought and they should have locked Roger Stone up for election interference in 2000


And they made it sure that the judges Trump picked were good with citizens united as well


I often think about the alternative timeline where Al Gore was president, and we never got into the Iraq war and Afghanistan.


We were getting into Afghanistan no matter what, it was the home base for Al Queda. How long we stayed was another question entirely


There’s some debate about whether 9/11 would have happened with Gore in the White House, as certain intelligence warnings might not have been ignored.


Considering the Taliban offered to hand over Bin Laden and all of the Al Qaida leadership— we might not have invaded Afghanistan with someone more balanced like Gore at the helm. Instead we invaded Afghanistan to go on some revenge killing/crusade.


>Considering the Taliban offered to hand over Bin Laden and all of the Al Qaida leadership They did not do that. They offered to do it througha third party which was either a way to let them escape or stall for time. The US insisted on a direct handover.


Source for Taliban willing to hand over Bin Laden?


And blocked nominee


Barrett and Kavanaugh worked on the case, too.


Bernie would’ve beaten Trump and the DNC stole the nomination from him


So 5 of the current 9 justices are from Presidents that couldn't win the popular vote. Thanks, Electoral College, for continuing to allow a small minority of our country to control all of our laws.


People thinking it’s all because Trump are not paying attention. They’ve been playing the long game and setting the stage for decades. People need to wake up. Trump was the useful idiot. He’s still a threat, but it’s bigger than him.


While do need to recognize the cancer, Democrats need to hammer home that Trump and McConnell installed 3/6 justices that voted for this, and 3/6 justices that voted to give Trump absolute immunity. We need to tie this SCOTUS to Trump so that some of the more simple minded voters would be dissuaded from voting for Trump.




It’s called stupidity


I don't think fighting the supreme court to add more justices is a good idea. Instead we should work on policies that limit the supreme court's power. The supreme court was never supposed to have been intended to oversee the entire unions judicial system. They're supposed to provide judgments upon the laws Congress wrote. If you support inflating the supreme court to side with your ideology/bias, then you are no worse than Trump himself.


This. Trump is narcissistic enough to think he’s anything more than a shitty cult leader, when the Republicans have been setting this up for YEARS. It’s why they’re always accusing the liberals (eff the Dem party, they deserve everything they get) of stuff they’ve been doing for ever.


It is a 50 year, well funded project. All Trump did was jumping when he was told to.


The other party has watched for decades without a strategy for countering any of it. It's like they're in on it.


The other party is a hodgepodge of refugees from the Republicans moving farther and farther right. That's practically victim-blaming.


I still at least partly blame RBG for not stepping down under Obama. The culture of stick it out till death in positions of power instead of gracefully admitting you're unable to continue has caused lots of problems.


5-4 vs 6-3 the problem is bigger than that


5-4 is a split court when you have nine justices. Stop making it out to not be a big difference, because it very much is. Stop apologizing for RGB’s boomer “I refuse to retire” mentality. She was all for the good of the country, until she wasn’t.


Yeah but a lot of decisions were 5-4 which would’ve been 5-4 for the liberals.


Then state legislatures need to get to work. IMO apart from a few states ( and I feel for women living there ) overturning Roe v Wade is working better for women. More and more states are enshrining abortion rights in State constitutions, even in some red states. States were lazy in relying on SCOTUS. Could this be true of other subjects listed above?


It's been a nasty wake up call how much of modern life was based purely on various court judgements and not, ya know, actual laws or amendments. Why these rulings didn't trigger anyone to dot the i's and cross the t's by passing basic laws that just reaffirmed the courts decisions makes no sense.


Yes. This is how it should have been done to begin with. Using the courts to end run state legislatures was always going to cause a political nightmare. And yes…similar analysis holds for many of the other things in this list. Delegating court-proof rules to unelected bureaucratic machinery is fundamentally in discord with the American way.


The legal argument of roe was a ticking time bomb. RBG even said as much. The right to privacy, while generally applied to protection of medical procedures, was not convincing to people who don't regard abortion as such.


No Mitch McConnell had a major impact on who is currently SCOTUS. I may not like Trump but this is not just his doing. He appointed 2 members of SCOTUS iirc. These corrupt officials are numerous, not just one orange fella.


I hope people remember their craven shitshow now that the Trump party has started the "durr hurr hurr what is Project 2025, never heard of it, anyone who thinks we'd do that stuff just has TDS" bullshit. That is EXACTLY what they said about "overturning settled precedent," and they did it anyway. They're counting on people to be gullible AGAIN and give them undeserved benefit of doubt.


I remember when Trump was first elected I made a Facebook post about how they will start stacking the courts which will be terrible and people I thought were pretty intelligent said I was being hyperbolic and trying to scare people. Well. Look at this fucked mess now.


All because we had the audacity to elect a black President and the balls to re-elect him.


And he was the best president of my lifetime. Was he perfect? No. But he handled the position with class, integrity and was smart as hell. He did his best to make the country better for both sides. Even if some never wanted to give him a chance because of the color of his skin and his last name.


He was so eloquent. I miss a President that could give a speech like that 😫


Bill Clinton is the president I was most concerned about - he could BS about any topic so effortlessly that I would find myself nodding along even if I didn’t really understand it. With trump it’s like I better go find someone competent and ask what they think because this jackass doesn’t know s#|t


I heard from everyone who met Clinton even Republicans that he’s just really charming. Granted I mainly get feedback from men unsure what normal women say about him.


He also didn't commit treason which is always a big plus


He also *wasn’t* a convicted criminal and predator, which was nice.


It is crazy how low standards for the president have sunk when you think about it. We’re at a point where half the country doesn’t care about the integrity of the person who represents them on the world stage.


He wore that tan suit though and played basketball at the White House instead of doing his job!!! 😂


Who was the one who ate the fancy mustard? Was that also Obama?




We used to be up in arms about the dumbest shit... We still are, but we used to too.


Don't forget all that time he spent on the golf course! Sure in his 8 years he played about 333 compared to trumps 260+ in only 4....and most of those were on military courses so didn't cost the country millions unlike Trump charging the secret service....


I still long for those days.


Speaking from someone _not_ living in US, I thought Obama was funny, and in a good way. Definitely much more likeable than anyone who came after him.


And let’s not forget - that black president made fun of him on national television


Scorched Earth is a narcissist’s M.O. The moment I learned Biden was elected, I deleted my Twitter profile because I knew it would get ugly. Just didn’t realize how quickly ugly could organize.


I mean I got rid of it when Elon decided he could save democracy by buying it 🙄


I dunno, Hilldog was a pretty hated candidate.


I will always believe this is a major driving factor behind Trump’s election. 


The DNC screwing Bernie is what got Trump elected. Bernie was the only one, in all the models ran, that was projected to beat both hillary and Trump. The stonewalling of Bernie and all the other misdeeds of blocking citizens from voting etc is a shameful stain on our and the DNC history. All of that and the only punishment that came of it was, the head chair was allowed to step down from her position.


And I feel like if we can do that, twice, we can prevent him from ever getting elected again.


I'm convinced that if Trump loses again we may not see another Republican president for a LONG time. He has a cult worshipping his every move. If he can't win, nobody will. Time for that blue wave everyone is talking about to finally force that whole party down the drain.


One can hope


You know that’s right




One of my favorite quotes of all time came from Lindsay Graham talking about the voters rights act. He said that if they don't change or throw it out the ruling, Republican's would never win another presidency.


That’s what everyone said when Obama was elected.


And he was a prominent and frequent guest of Jeffrey Epstein. Yuck


Let’s be clear, it’s not becuase of one man. It’s because of massive deregulation in the 1990s. It’s because of thirty+ years of a multibillion dolly business model of culture war via mass media. It’s because of the Citizen United ruling over a decade ago. It’s because the age of information gave way to the age of social media and content where the culture war business model can be utilized by literally anyone. Where foreign bad actors can participate in crafting and distributing narratives. Where fringe opinions and extremists can find power and voice in community and create platforms for their agendas. Where all of the inherent negatives human traits can be stoked, fostered, monetized, used, and emboldened. We Are Done


Affirmative action was just racism by a different name, it absolutely should have been repealed and takes away from the rest of the arguments


I think the people who picked the most hated woman in America to go up against him deserve some credit too. If only there had been a historically popular alternative candidate with a mass movement. Unfortunately, Dems love to lose. We love it so much we might be about to do the same shit.


I don't want to be a dik, but just because something has precedence doesn't mean it's a good thing Slavery was legal for almost 100 years of America. Being a country, it had even longer precedent than anything listed here should it have remained legal because it had precedence ? OBVIOUSLY NO frankly, the best thing to happen post independence was slavery being abolished


Slavery was not a constitutional issue until the 13th amendment though. It was not a court precedence. A better example would be *Plessey v. Ferguson,* which ruled that racial segregation was not a violation of the 14th amendment so long as it was separate but equal. It was later overturned after 60 years of precedence. *Korematsu v. U.S.* has been precedence for nearly a century and never explicitly overturned, and it allowed the imprisonment of an entire ethnic group on national security grounds during wartime.




These fckers HAVE to have term limits 5 of them were out there by Republican presidents who lost the popular vote


40 years precedent, 50 years precedent. Imagine this argument being used to uphold slavery. “Just because Abe Lincoln was President, he upset 246 years of precedent.” The reason why we’re okay with that is because slavery was bad law. Your argument isn’t that the “sanctity of precedent was violated.” You are angry at the decision and disagree with the Court. Say that instead, you’ll be more honest.


That’s true, an important distinction to make


This sub is becoming a boring circle jerk now


Took me reading like 50+ comments to find one criticism of Hillary. That works out to her losing the election being 2% her fault according to this thread. 


Why in the fuck is affirmative actioned being overturned listed as a bad thing? Racist hiring practices and those hired under those practices won't be seen nor valued for their merit. Yeah... bring that back /s Also, anything you don't like that happens, from a different branch of government, while Trump isn't in office equates to him doing it? What nonsense is that logic.


Politics should be banned in r/facepalm because literally all of it belongs here lol


They forgot one key thing. 6 people decided 246 years of precedent... the very foundation of our country... that a president is now above the law. May their names be reviled in history for what they've done. I legitimately think that's why Amy expressed some hesitancy... to not look so bad when historians point to this moment. It's not going to work.


All because a bunch of whining little pi$$ ants decided to protest vote against Hillary! Let's not make the same mistake in 2024!


Technically all started when Ruth decided not to retire w Obama. But yes that’s another reason. And let’s not make that mistake. We all gotta vote.


Definitely changed a lot. She was arrogant to think she would live forever. It's frustrating that her legacy ended with empowering the very people she worked against.


Everyone asked her why she wouldn’t retire and I think her answer was “I never let anyone bully now I won’t let them do it now” great so she dies and a professional bully gets to replace her. Well played common sense. I guess she didn’t care to protect what she thought was her legacy.


Yea RBG fucked it up. What the fuck was she thinking


>Technically all started when Ruth decided not to retire w Obama. That would have made the Republican majority 5-4 instead of 6-3. RBG not retiring didn't help anything, but her retirement wouldn't have saved anything either.


Add that to Garland getting his seat, tho. See how this works?


Okay, but that's an entirely separate issue that STILL wouldn't have happened.


She really shouldnt have fucked over Bernie.


Man, you’re heading down a slippery slope when you can’t rightfully criticize the blue team’s candidate. I’m not in a cult like some other party. I can and will exercise my right to criticize them. I’ll still vote for the lesser of two evils but they are absolutely not beyond reproach. Anyway more people voted her than him, the system is just fucking rigged.


As an outsider, I always though that threatening people with Trump so they vote blue is just as bad as what the MAGAs are doing. The US political landscape is full on fear-mongering now and not only one side doing it.


12% of Sanders voters went to Trump, and 12% more did not vote.


And write in stupid things like "Harambe"


And now everyone has to vote for a senile 80+ year old white man instead of Hilary? No thank you, I’m out He’s honestly more unlikable now than she was in 2016. Why have all the choices for Democrats sucked since Obama?


The problem is, that you only had those two horrible people to choose from, even if Trump is way worse.


Funny because HIllary actually won the popular vote, thereby proving that people didn't protest vote against her. They voted for her. The electoral college didn't.... Kinda defeats your narrative tho. I'm 100% not a Trump supporter by the way. Your narrative is completely wrong tho. Hillary WAS voted for by the people.


80+ thousand write in votes in PA and Ohio alone for “Mickey Mouse “ definitely made a difference.


Yes and no.... IF all the protest voters had voted for Hillary, she would have won resoundingly! I see your point, but I think we both have one.


And if the democrats didn’t nominate such a shit candidate, there wouldn’t have been as many protest votes. Not to mention the republicans had a lot more protest votes lost to the libertarians. But libs don’t like to talk about that.


But this goes to show that the electoral college is a scam.


Yeah, but it's the system they should know they have to work with.


How is this a facepalm. It’s just true


I feel envy for the people that think homelessness is some quaint issue we can fix with tax dollars or empathy. My city has no down town store fronts anymore and I haven't felt safe in it in years. I've had feces thrown at me and walked over used needles for long enough. These people do not care about anyone but themselves and destroy society for everyone.


Loots of shit-talking about Trump here when the real reason we are In this situation goes well back in history. Both parties care more for lobbyists than voters.


Gotta think if the dnc didn’t chop down Bernie in favor of Hillary we’d be living in a completely different country rn.


It's wonderful that they disallowed institutional racism to be honest.


If only hrc and the democrats listened to Bernie in 2015, but it was #herturn


Blaming everything on Trump is what establishment Republicans want you to do. He's not one bad apple spoiling the bunch, this is decades of work coming to fruition. Multiple organisations and movements are dancing together to fuck the skull of the USA. Look at the Heritage Foundation for instance, everyone's worried about this nebulous Project 2025. But that's literally just an updated aims of a group who have an explicit (and public) aim of staffing every non-elected role in the Capitol. If everyone just focuses on Project 2025, they don't see just how big, or just how successful the organisation is who runs it. Americans cannot afford to miss the forest for the trees on this one. Trump isn't the big bad, he's a public face and shield for far more dangerous and clever fuckers.


Clearly the solution is to run guy who has dementia against Trump


Getting rid of affirmative action was beyond overdue though


And yet I still see people who call Project 2025 a conspiracy theory.


How many years of precedent did slavery have again...?? What a stupid argument. There ARE valid points you can make without "iT wAS LaW fOr aLoNg TiMe!" 😉


Not even mentioning the absolutely fucking bonkers immunity ruling


One *black* man. HALF- black. That's what broke racist white America. Right after that the Tea Party was born. They coined Make America Great Again. And Trump jumped in and contributed to the poison and decay. But as long as someone rich and famous agreed with and parrtoted their rhetoric, they felt justified and validated. And now we all get to suffer because we dared to finally push into a few years of hope and progress.


If we're going back taht far it might was well be reagan


Elections have consequences. 🤷‍♂️


This is because boomers refused to retire when the time arrived. They just can't help themselves.


Affirmative action was always meant to be temporary, and chevron gave way too much unchecked power to the bureaucracy and executive branch. Yeah the other two are shitty but lets use our brains here


Indeed. Judicial activism appears dead, so Congress will need to begin actually passing laws to protect these things.


Thank you Harry Reid.


Don’t forget: Gutted the Voting Rights Act (59 years)


"iT dOeS't MaTtEr WhO yOu VoTe FoR!"


Don't forget McConnell, that fuck had a major role in all this crap. History will vilify him.


Gotta love people throwing fits over things they don’t understand xD RvW didn’t guarantee you anything, it gave power over your body to the federal government. That power has been taken away and returned to local jurisdiction where it belongs. You wouldn’t want a puritanical government able to ban it nation wide now would you? Cause that’s what federal power enables. The nation has gotten progressively worse the more bloated and powerful ya’ll help the government get xD


These are the fruits of seeds planted decades ago by the conservative movement.




Mean tweets


Presidents used to pick people to KEEP the court balanced. It was seen as the right thing to do…. But fuck Trump.


Forgot food regulations


We should have a anti mitch McConnell agenda overturn all his agenda


The outcome of elections have severe consequences. Vote in every single one every single time.


Chevron was never meant to be used like they did. Look up the law and figure out what kind of jackass would ever think it applied.


Don't you love it when people blame one person for something that lots of people are involved in.


Thanks RBG!


Great stuff!


No. Because it’s the constitution


Incredibly short sighted way to view this. RBG wouldn't step down. Obama wouldn't push for a seat, nor did he modify roe v wade after it being one of his campaign promises. There's a ton of other factors. Broadly, it's been the Republican party actively packing courts and gerrymandering, and Democrats sitting by and refusing to play the same game because they 'play by the rules'. It isn't just one guy. It's never just one guy.


An old man and a POS. Walking into a room and say. “Come on!!” My response: ![gif](giphy|fMfuAVvNQatHi)


You think that's bad? Wait until you read up and find out Trump was just the lucky dummy who stumbled into the middle of the plot accidentally, and it was always the plan before (and without) him. He isn't the reason. He was just a very convenient anomaly. He's just the herpes sore that screamed it's way into prominence on prom night. The GOP has been waiting for someone to step into this role since the 70s.


Don't forget, bribes are no longer illegal!


This is the worst timeline


Mitch McConnell is by far the worst politician I’ve seen in my lifetime. He literally operates out of spite. Hope he dies soon. He’s ruining this country with his partisan behavior.


TDS is alive and well. 😅😂 Can't wait till election night then 😂😅😂


Uhhhhh just because they’ve been around for a long time doesn’t mean they’re good rulings, that’s ridiculous


Just imagine what he can get done In a second term! /s


If we ignore decades of the federalist societies work, the Reagan administration, the heritage foundation, the repúblican party overall for decades, the Bush administration judges, Mitch Mconnel stonewalling tye supreme court justice picks, Rbg refusing to retire, and citizens united then I guess yeah it's just one dude. But in reality we don't ignore all that


It's both hilarious and frightening to me (and should be a wake-up call to everyone) that all it took for the right to dissolve into the mush of spineless assholes and wannabe dictators that is right now, was the election of a (GASP) black man.